HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-03-22, Page 44 1 ter the long winter season at the approach of spring Nearly every one requires a Blood Purifier and Tonic. You cannot do Letter than buy ti bottle of Perry's Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla or Perry's 81ood Purifier for all diseases of the Skin and Blood. They tone and renovate the whole system and restore vigor and healthy action to every Organ. Buy the best at Brownin gs Drug Store The Exeter Times C.\LENDAR FOR MARCH, 1906 bioNDAY 4 11 18 25 it&oNDAY 5 12 10 26 TUESDAY (S 13 20 27 WEDNESDAY... . 7 14 21 28 her/ Y......, 1 S 15 22 20 FR !LAY 2 9 18 2:3 30 8LTUBDAY .8 10 17 24 31 THC1iSDAY. MARCH 22nd, 1906 NOTE AND COMMENT There is one satisfaction, our Board est Trade is still in existence. If the members of our Culling club sant win they never lose their nerve. The Toronto World got the scoop its reporter avent after. But how ]about the t,rice? The lamb trill !need an 'extra geo'wt h of wool when March lgooe /Dr f if Ibis kind of weather keeps ter, ' -Ve eer according to the old say- it}rr 1ing.s in the lap of spring. So stet 'tuft •,cwt• „tat least our supply of toll ie diea.pp etenf with an alarm. ing 'ra,pidify. The question of building a now •tetion nt Exeter may keep some of zto r -residents awake nights, but the ' T. R. officials don't mind such trifling an•ettcrs. • Let's tee! Somebody- said some- theng •about a conning .factory the (tallier day. Why not start (another rlogiteation? It doesn't cost much to totk it over, and 'then - possibly Moethintt might sono of it. •_ FOR OVER SIXTY tEARS AN OLD •ND WELL-TRTZD RIMEDr.L jet's Window's Soothing Syrup has been used for ether sixty years by mlLlons of mothers for their dreg while teething, with perfect success, IS eoothee the chtld, softens the gums, allays all n cures wind collo. and is the best remedy foe Diarrheas. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold tidrurarists In every part of the world. 25 dente a bottle. Ito value is incalculable. Be sure and' take Mie Wi low's Soo thlnrr Syrup and sok for no other kind. ' . EDUCATIONAL MATTERS All the members reported at their Lvt monthly meeting .beld in the W8vn Hall on Monday evening, WV • t 19th. The minutes of elle ous meeting ,were deo4tred pro- ly recorded. H. E. lluston re- rt'•d a cupboard • desirable for Ot7:41 room and the chair stated that bell 'fittings had required re - tarn which were attended to. Some ieeseibk' Changes in the Educational Ant likely to affect our High School loirtziwnt were noted and It. E. lluston was (appointed, per W. J. Casting pad S. Martin. as a delegate to the ame onohing Trustees Con- vention at Toronto to act in aym- teetihy watt the delegates of other tirol000ls s.:m(lin.rly affected in re- nard to pita matter. The design sub- mitted by the high School commit - lee of a leering certificate of dhan- oral.to mention to be given to all callus and :sigh school students leav- ing_ our *shoo' n it li :at honorable accord w.is, per If. E. Huston utel 8.. \1 rein, unanimously endorsed. The staff require a microscope and H. E. hasten, per It. N. Rowe tan(l F. Wood. 3ra.soppcN ted to look n(tcr the )stet for If. it and 1'. S. purposes Per it. IS. Remo an•l F. Woof, acct. storubbing, $6.35. Mr .W. .1. (Airline rounded up the meeting and closed it out of session in his usual offhand manner, nt least thet's w-Iwt the wecretary's minute book reported. Your )eart Beat d•a•xr cs. 1^0,O04 times cach day. t, Teaes it send out good blood i : blit:) Mood? You know, for li taind blood is good health ; bad i>la::d, bad health. And li know precisely what to . fur bad blood -- .•tyer's r°.tlparllla. hv.torshave •)i -sed it %,,; GO years. Y r • r•efiht , tate of h,d !. I t.., ,,,.lams eomtll,•tJoa. robom.v. .a .m thrn abo.,rt.•+.l tufo the bass,, •r ,.^, e:• pan with Atet'. 1'111,. •R`e +N•701�7 0 TAO* o; S. 0. • vLowell, olilacsec, Ale* aaa,eouf►fi ofoturar• of ,)I too moo. .. ` erS AHE'C e. CHERRY PECtORu. W bare no worst.! We publish Ube feminine of all our ssodreaee•. adz nave ceded to give up business in Crediton I will sell my entire stock at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Glassware, Wall Papers, Groceries, and a number of suit ends -Big Bargains. Articles will be sold at cost and below as I want to dispose of my stock at once. Collie and Get First ('hoice. W.' W. KERR, Crediton. That Watch HOW IS IT ? Perhaps your tithe piece has not been giving complete satis- faction of late, if so bring it to rue. • I have had considerable expere enco in repairing and if your \Vatcla or Clock is out of order it can he repaired right here at home. JAMES LAWSON .trtvEt.t•:it As 1 leave sold my•practi,e in Cred= iton, I would be pleased to have those(' owing •mo acoounts call in and settle on or before April lst.-Dlt. E. A. 11AIST. Tho Athletic Association of our sillagc %%ill hold a public sheeting in the fire le -all on Monday next, March 26th, for the election of officers for the ensuing year, and to discuss the advisability of •bolding a celebration on Map 24t•h. It is hoped that every business plaoe will be represented at this meeting. !alias Emma Brown attended the 25th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. \\'m. Dlollin's wedding day :tear Grand Bend on Thursday of 'utast week. Mrs. Chris Eilber and son Land (laughter, Charles and etoxio, of Zurich, spent Sunday en our village. The evttngelistio services !which 'nave been in progress in the Meth- CREDITON, - ONTARIO• odist church during the fast week Ivaco resulted in much good. Mem- bers of the church have been •quick- cned while upwards of twenty more Creditonhave professed conversion. The pas - for was nssistod in the work during 110USE FOR SALE. - Brick res! donee for elle. A bargain. Apply to DR. E. A. IIAIST. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.- In Crediton, good brick cottage, new, 9 rooms, hard and soft water. A number of young fruit iree3 on lot. For further particulars apply to A. BEDFORD, Crediton, P. 0. FOR SALE. -As I desire to take a trip to the West I will offer for site my butcher business, shop, staughtcr house and ceuipments, all in first class shape. Doing a good business. Apply to R. E. WALKER, Crediton. Mr. Oscar Wolfe is able to be around again after his recent illness of two weeks. Mr. Goorge Eilber is on the stage wagon. You can hear his old time oall "hallo Board." Go to Finkbei7uor's for the latest Souvenir Post Cards. Scenes from coast to coast. The rnonv friends of Miss Lovina Kl >, umpp will be pleased to sec her around again after being confined to her home 'for two weeks. Mr. Jae. Ryan, of the Sovereign 'tank staff. spent Sunday at this home in Limerick. the past week by his brother, Rev. G. W. Androas, of Centralia. Sun- -(d.iy lest large congregations were in attendance tat al Hite servcies. The meetings are being continued this week. Mr. S. Brown this week received n big shipment of wall paper and n:n spring is coming tt-ibh fits house cleaning, trio doubt you are thinking of what kind of plater you will put on in the dining -room or parlor. You ogre invited to call and inspect his big ,psssortment of patterns in all the 'latest designs. Miss Soloma llertzcl is to the sick list.. - Dr. E ,A, Ilaist is offering his brick dwelling in the village for sale. Mr .and Mrs. W. If. McCormick left on Tuesday of last week for their future house in Pierson, Man. Mrs. (itev.) J. W. Andrews and daughter Stella visited Mrs. J. W. Boyce, of Itusseleale, for a few days this week. John Trevethick, of ilrinsley, was a pleasant visitor in our village on Sunday. Master Fraser and Miss Idella itrown lett t his week for a few weeks visit in i'lattsvillc and Berlin. Mr. W. W. (i;crr's big :NI le is still on. I( you went to secure a bargain in any of tho lines he is advertising i.ow is your (teencr, ns his stock is going f1st. Messrs. Young Bros. nre this week making some changes in the rear of their Irrrdw•are store. They have re- tivgl the stairs leading to the tin shop. end in the spring will pull doers the storehouses at the re.,r of their story end build a tinshop iu its piece. When the changes now under flay aro completed, Meters. Young Bross. %aill have an up-to-date store, ,Ind one second to none in tite county. \1 r. A. Eidt, of near Ti a!41 .k, was w••s in the w-ill:igo for a few days fast week visiting, the guest of ltcv. T. 1). Deem. The Literary Society- intend hold- ing ;1 grant concert on the evening of Friday, M.troh 30th. Fax, the fun ny man, of Toronto, has leen en- gaged for the occasion. The Liter- ary Scr_iety is deserving of our unite:1 support. Iksidcs Fax the Crediton Hind his been engaged. as well ss la- 11 latent. There will be songs. instrument.tl music, recitation:+, etc. The atxri'1 n's*et1ngs which have been conducted in the %iota Evangeli- ne! ohurcll for NOM,' time plat were brought to a close on Smelly even, int: Lief. There ha•t been a gre•11 tt'otk done among the members of Ile' eongre•irntion as well bas others and ,s n result hints 1.35 hire taken e stand on the side of Christ. Next Sunday March 2.1111. trill be recep- tion Sunday when a greet many will h' ''e•r•aived ipso the et,iirele Mr. Chris. F'nhner delivered a fold of pest for C. Zeicker to Londe(! 1,.st noel( . In this issue Mr. It. E. Walker Crediton, is offering his butcher busi- ness for elle. This is a rare oppor- tunity for anyone looking for a good business. Mee Florence Turner svho has been visiting her sister Miss Olive, south of the village, left Monday evening to visit friends in Goderich. Chas. %wicker spent Monday in London on drusincss. A number of our boys and girls enjoyed a pleasant evening at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. John Cham- bers, w -est of here, on Friday) last. Mr. •and Mrs. Chambers intend leav- ing for the Northwest shortly. We wish thews success'. The Litcrnry society will meet at the home of Mrs. C. Bluett on Fri- day evening, March 23rd. Two in- t e. i• rnst n6 wooers will be given. Let there be a good turn -out at this moe t in g. 711RiCII DIr. Levi Stelk and family left for Dauphin, Man., on Monday last. Mr. Stelk will work his brother's 4true Miss Gibson, of Blyth, arrived Sat- urday to take charge of the millin- ery department in Mr. J. Preeter's story. Quito a number from town at- tended the Temperance convention at liens -all on Monday. Mr. J. A. %VSllicluts left Tuesday (afternoon for Toronto, to :attend the (;rand Lodge of the A. 0. (1. W. Mr. and Mrs, T. Kelly entertained a number o[ their friends Monday evening. Mr. Ed. Snell returned to North Dakota on Tuesday after spon(lin•s the winter nt his house here. ?dr. A. McLeod, principal of the public Kempf vont Saturday and Sunday et his house in Reynold. Mr. J. J. 'Werner, who had been laid up with an attack of the Grippe is able to ottond to business again. Rev. W. J. Yoegor spent Newsday with friends at Ilonstaall. Dlisises Best and Naholsen Sun- (1:1SCd with .friends at le %forth. The many "frionds of Miss Mande Ikvohort, daughter of Mr. John Dee -thorn sr., will be platsed to hear that she has so far reoovercd that on 'iuewlay Iasi elle walked abou: the .house without the :aid of :anyone. This is t.hc+ first time she hes done so in eight yoars. That she may ultimate- ly .recover is the fervent wish of her many f riends. Mr. \Vestcott, of Solfortti, agent for various polishes spent last week in the village. Messrs. Sol. Zimmermann, Jacob Ortand n 1 Il any Drown left on Dion- dny t ist for the West, whore they will p: i,4 ole summer. The Kidneys When they are weak, tor - phi, or stagnant, the whole system suffers. Don't neg- lect them at. this time, but deed the warning of the ming back, the bloated face, the sallow complexion, the urinary disorder, and begin treatment at once with Hood's Sarsaparilla which contains the best and safest. curative substances. )Hiss Nellie Russell spent Sundry at Mr. Its tclif fes.. Mitis Brown. 'M. l)., from Louden, ♦:ngland, is visiting nt the Manse. Mrs. Clam. Cann returned home on Monday eftor a vigil ss it II ale(' dciughtor. ;Mee. P.t.vstnore, btr-etfor',!. M r. Wesley Johns • tee st s of gt t - ting Cho first hitch in this n• i•rh- borlrood. having 13 fie^ chicks. Bert Jeckron, 1). I). S. ieturneel to hie home In Clinton last neck, af- ter spending a couple of flecks at the ,tomo of Mr. J'aul Madge 1)r. Jackson intends resuming .his proe- tie in Lethbridge, Alt.,., in tete uc,r future. Mr. Will Hamilton, of Croin-rrty, is engagesummer.d with Mr. Allison for t1::• Mies Stella Ptassinore iv ri,iting her •brother ort Stratford. Mr. Jos, Russell los rented the ltuss:ell Larne fur a term of years. Ile at -ill •receive •1 tt-1P10 welcome ill Lies neighborhood. Jlr. Spetsccr, who de is bon Petting tho farm for- th() east five roars, rnot•ed to his •I arm which lie I,itcly purslane• irons Mr. ter and. Wo expect to noon o root' hear of other changes, but whet i.i '.lir. Spencer's gain nil Ibc E e z; tot's d v - o �. Mrs. 'elorgan and ohildren aro tie. week sting. Mrs. 1'oplestono in Blyth this Rev. C. Ek•:noir attended I'reeby- tory in Clinton lest week. . Women with with pale co lorless faces who feel wreak and discouraged, will receive both mental and bodily vigor by ich are mato Carter's for the blood, nerves land complexion. leiltl:TON Dlr. Wm, .\loor•z, tinsmith, lets re Gently added to .Itis business n full lino of hardware rand in now in 1 po- sition to fill all bills for house work ete. Mr. War. 11•snnn loaf t fine marc on Friday last after a return trip from London. Mitts Irene Marshall, of Tavistock. spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents in the villege. Mr. and Mrs. 11 J. Ito•ullouse, o[ St. Marys, visited in the village on Sunday and Monday at the homes of Mr, Thee. Roadhouse (and Wm. Brown. Mr. Robe. Gordiner, .ir., left for the west on the 15th lost to d•ake up land and make a home for hitn- sclf. It toms too 'beet to lore the deice young anon be,tve tite country - end hove the vacancies filled by the importations of an inferior cease from 'other *omit rice. An "Al Ifome" was held on Mon- day evening last in the Methodist church en the interests of the Ep- worth Lmgu.e. It was largely at- tended and tris a succe t,. A GUARANTEED CUltE FOR I'ILES Reline, Blind, Illeedine, I'rotrud- ira, files. Drueeists are authorized to refund money if I'azo Ointment fails to .cure in 6 to 14 days. 50c. - DASHWOOD Mr. John Graybeil, of Zurich, vis- ited friends here the forepart of this week. Mr. alas. Fritz and family, of Zur- ich, wore the guests of Mr. end Mrs. Jacob Kellermann last Sunday. Tho boys here ere spending the evenings proctising the urt of boxing. They aro making rapid progress un- der bhe instructions of Louis Kllen- stiver, Jr. Ezra Bender has engaged with Mr. Paulin to lctarn the hardware busi- ness and commenced work last Mon- day. Mr. Noonan Rugby ,tvtho has been employed for some time as tinsmith at Mr. E. 1'. Paulin's, leaves in a few days for Linwood, where he li.1a secured a similar position. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Paulin were in iten:xtlt last Monday attending t Temperance convention. Mr. It. It mole, of llensall, spent last Friday in and around our vil- lage. Miss Selina Nadigcr left for Acton where she his resumed her position as milliner. Mr. Mark Ilrokenshire purchased e standard bred colt from Mr. C. Guenther. Mr. George Edighoffer his also purchased one from Mr. T. Ityan. \Ve are now looking forward to the track records being broken this summer. Mr. Joseph Itarstman, of Mt. Cle- mens. in visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity. Mr. C. L. Moser, who formerly run the hotel here, is mowing on his f•erin this week, which ho recently (lur- chtsed from Mr. T. Ort. The (arra is situated five miles north of the tillage. Miss Gra•ln:n, teacher in our school visited her parents in Goderich on Sunday Inst. Mr. Philip (Hartman, tt-lao has been recently engaged Sn (•arming, is tnov- ing into Sareptl end will occupy the house now vacated by Mr. T. J. At- kinson. Mr. E. 1'. Paulin has just received a oar -load of fence wire for. lie, lin spring truale. he has elm built :a fif smoke -stock for the tannery in Zur- diet ich. ing Mr. Wm. Shrum is offering some wi semi a1 values this week in t pito- ae1 tory department. See nd. for prices. bo: /LL WIER Ifit DVAIINION• Infearmation from ious Prov- inces et Coe -tete points to the fact Hatt many women have been deoeiv- ed end induced to use the weak• and adulterated package dyes put up by uuskillcd and uascrupulou.a menu - tact urea to imitate the l,opular DIA- MOND DYES. Our Canadian wumea. thoroughly aroused, after loss of tirue, money; and valuable materials through the use of !nudity, blo,tohy and %soak dyeehave directly laid the blame for: their lasses on the retail merchants oho sold them the deceptive dyes. This action of indignant women has caused many of our retail and wholesale dealers to pack up ;end return to the manufactures respon- sible, their worthless and dingorous dyes. • MORAL :-\V11ou ladies elocide to de home dyeing work, it pays to use tho cetobnattd and popular DIA- MOND DYES, which have tx•can the home friends of the Ladies for over 25 years. When buying , see (bit, each peck:age handed to you bears' the words DIAMOND PACKAGE DYES. users of DIAMOND DYES' coon late osale exports in tete fascia -1 ating work of lame coloring, and; • In that :t ten cent package cilli renew the life of any faded and dingy suit, dress, skirt, blouse, jacket, cape; or 'husband's or son's coat, vest or! trousers. Allow no dealer to •offer; you the sonietlting he walls "JIJST1 AS GOOD." No ether dyes equal to' the DIAMOND DYES. Send your nano and address to Wells & Richardson Co., Limited,! Montreal, P. Q., and you will re- ceive free of cost new Dye hook. Card and Dyed Cloth Sample( and Booklet In verse, entitled "The Long - john's Trip to tato Klondike." (:EN'1'1RALIA The dolloeing item refers to for- mer estcomed residents of this sec- tion. Silver Wedding.-- On Wednes- day evening, Feb. 21st, 1,30 guests o,ssembted at the bcauitful home of J. K. end Mrs. Raker to join with thom in celebrating the 25th an - n e thct r marriage. Prompt- ly at 7 p. m. tale guests arrived, and 'after tare usuel congratulations sat down to a sumptuous repast. Af • ter the beautifully decorated tables had been relieved of their generous burdens, toasts to the leolth and happiness of the kind host and host- ess wore proposed by Rev. E. F. Arm- strong, L. Masotn, L. Lucas, S. Wil - ion, ex -reeve of Bruise's, and \Vtn. Snell, of Islintvillc, end were :ably re- sponded to by the host. Mr. and Mrs. Baker sterC the recipients of many beautiful presents ahoss-ing the thigh esteem in which they ore held in the community. A well prepared program wes rendered by Mr. and Mrs. Iloair, sof Clinton : Mr. sand Mrs. Wilxon ,of Silver Corners: Mr. Loag- mire, of ffonfryn : Misses Amelia sad Tilliuo Whitfield: Chas. and Miss Alice Davies, of Ethel: Mrs. Luke Sp+eiran, J. K. Brown, Mins Manton, of Monkton:.11. e. Speirarr, L. Evans c Wesley Sperin 0031 Angus Brown. The evening's festivities come to n happy closo by singing "lfc's a jol- ly good fellow." After wishi.ng the se Last end 'hostess ma.ny .happy returns f their o l h wedding i d ng :tamjvcrsary and that they might live to celebrate their G Id -- dd' 1 iversir • of Toa L0000iTGr�'ij NBW SPRING 000DIS Our immense assort- ment of new lines are ar- riving in good time for Spring Trade. We always endeavor to have our lines complete and up-to-date. ‘Vc carry no goods that we cannot recommend to you. We have no old stock to try and sell you, everything new and clean and the price always the lowest. JAPANESE HAND PAINTED CIIINA' i snits b l e use, wedding gifts or gifts for any other purpose, comesfo in ne bitch variety of useful articles. The richness of decoration, thinness of china and beauty of shapes wake this a very desirable class of china to buy. Gomes in Berry Sots, Salad Bowls, Chocolate l'ots, Biscuit Jars, Plates, Cups and Saucers, Nut Bowls, Bon Bone • Spoon Trays, fickle Dishes, Fern 'Pots, Rose Jars, 5 o'clock Tea Sets, and many other pieces. DINNER SETS, DINNER SETS, Atway)i a fine as- e so from, qualityAl, as- sortment of new sets , prices from $0.50 and up. I LAMPS, LAMPS In Fancy, Pa rlor, hanging, Hall and d decor- • ations, every lamp new nld coass nstructed on the id variety, ttscieentific hunp : principles. �: GLASSWARE, �We carry a splendid line of these goods in • • Vases. Lemonade Sets, Tumblers, Water • Bottle, Goblets', Berry Bowls, Jugs, Creams, Table Sets, Rose • Bowls, Etc. Come and See Our Splendid Stock. • I LONDON GROGKbRY G0. St , gun o„. jWE PREPAY express or freight charges on all purchases of • $10.00 or over. •••••••••••••••N•••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• EXETER'S UP -TO -DOTE FLOUR, FEED & GROCERY O011uie's Ronal Household We :ire the people that handle the flour that has the Royal Warrant, that has the catchy nme, and catches the ,appetite of a hungry man when he eats It. This flour Is sold at n very rea- sonable prim at laic feed store and is more superior' than any other ffour trade. MANITOBA. BLEND We have two kinds of flour called the Manitobo Blend and is 50 per eat Manitoba wheat, vie: o en a ing t le guests de parted dor their var:.)us tu,me Friends wore liresettt from Exeter COntrnli a, Clinton, Elinvillc, Deus eels :411(1 Ethel. The Times John; i fhc conyritutitTotts. A. n 1 0 A MILLION DOLLARS SQUANDER ED It iv estimated this sum w 1s avast ed la<t year by people trying to fine n ewe for c:itarrlt. Foolish for suf fevers to experiment when it's A well known that "Co11rrhozone" i the only remedy that cures pxermin ontly. O:Q,or treatments onl yreliev ently. Other tmat ments only re lire, but Catarrhozone cures and prevents tale disease from ever re_ turning. "i had catarrh in its horse form" writes G. F. Fudde.n, of Royan Quo. "I was so bad that ordinary medicine didn't .even relieve: hut but Caterrlltozone cured perfectly.' No chance of disappointment with Getorrhozone-it's certain an death to cure your Cntarri-just try it. (IMANI) IIEND The .lake at present Is frozen for for rt considerable distance from the land and :huge ice mountain; fully fifteen feet high liave accumulated. Jtr. Melon! Il:otnillon, who it's been quite i11, is able to he nround. A .number love metered on hand for building opert.tti(te1s when spring opens. TO C(iRE FEVER, CHILLS, AGITF;. We know- of no remedy so reliable ee w' . s )\ r it rho Twenty drops taken in hot water three times daily not only stops the chills but destroys the di- seeso completely. Nerviline lvts n direct action on ague and chills and removes Litt it exciting causes. In stomach rind bowel disorders Nervi- :+ Iles held first place for it • arly ty y(IIrai. It is posterful, swift to , thorough and-ptcrfectly safe. i3e- e .11Fnnt (0 1:aste it's popular (tt everybody. Your druggist Is i olson's Norviliec' in large 25c. ties; satisf•aclir•.n guaranteed. fi Few I3OrQdIDS tor this %NCGk HARVEY'S STAR OF THE EXETER MILLS. . A. WILLIAMS & CO. OF THE ZURICH MILL This flour is told at $2.25 per cwt, Choice Graham and Pushy flour a 1 nays on 'hand. We hive ono of the best stock foods 'produced and mold at half the price, $.0 per cwt. To !peke your lions lay try ;;ono of, our !emit y meat•:, Bono Grit, Oyster Shell and some of our chicken feed. Leave your order at bile Feed Store where you will find flet the prices aro right and the goods of the test quality. Goods delivered nt same prices. S. HARDY & SON IP. WHITLOCK & SON, MANUFACTURERS OF Hollow Cement Building Blocks of different designs and sizes. CEMENT FENCE POSTS CEMENT CHIMNEYS* Single and Double Flue; abso- lutely fire proof. i Stock always on hand ; Prices reason- able. We have just received a carload of Blue Lake Brand Cement. Parties I intending to build tins toeing should see us before buying elsewhere, P. WHITLOCK & SON, Thames Road P. 0., Ontario. Ci: N'I' I: A 1,1,\ St. leitrick'ti d. ay was ushered in at it 11 a cold crisp morning and the most snow of any daring the tnonth. However, seveztII could be scerl on the troets aa-cwtring the Irish green \\'e h tv.' plot laid in a hoop clock of Dry Goods, (boccie, s, Meats and , some .with tho real shamrock direct Slane., etc, which we are selling at close pelves. debts are ..nly n few of the from biro "Ould rod" mid w_•tno with biro airs we are offering for this week, the .•.urine-, but none the lees val- RREB 14 Art Bak a choice ( f e 01019110/11 plere would ! Are in effect daily to p>i:1..A i:, bion: nt. 1'trule*Oteor:tdo, 0x1 it scala, )• , Oregon. W.as.hingion and Itr;tidi Ickard s Old Stand, but a New Stock. DASIIWOOI) Colttl„l eau on agents G T it 10 pc:ind, of Sniphur...... .. .,.2x 10 p )1004"f 1.41,0/11A Ills for lir With every 50c CAN in H r •,'v , 1t +.Ica• f r ,,• v a t t Any levee (ireet.•tr •r :3ran, Co n fit .. .. 'lir r,.nntee i''lKf 1' .rl hoe.(' :k •s fiver Soap f:)r ... it 1 sell fee 7.1c. r' 1 t t 1 .'r • aro 1,20 for testimonials of remarkable curt! seed for Book on Kidneys, No. B. C. I. Mood Co.. L.owe&, Mast. ' 41.0 HRU1VI1YR u••el Reser. KV V. POD.- yr- delivered a very o•Lr 111"n. .(1N11011 on Hundry I.i:tt on fic- tind's world wide respected plant Ht. Penick. The sermon alas gre.,tly ai'i' reel,iIcd. HI'E IAL O\h WAY ' T ( A t ATRyt for ,full intortunition. Now in SfeckT Bran and Shorts and Wheat Chop At Exeter and Centralia Elevator*. Prices satisfactory. Bring in your grain and load home with feed. J. COBBLEDICK Exeter. Centralia. WE'RE SUIlIr SELLERS IYou are Suit buyers. We make tits Suits- you wear them out. We mak* them as well as we can, so that theywill not wear out sooner than ought. Because, if they do, you'll likely go somewhere else foroler next Suit. And no one could blame you, So much money ought to bb11�r�� so much Suit worth. And Suit wot•fi Le fashionableness of fabric -style ill cut -fit -finish -looks - dreseyness - and length of service. As good a place as there is within miles to get all this and not pay ts► much is NV. Johns. Elegant Black and Blue Suitings for $15.00 and $18.00. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor Spring Term Opens flpril $ STRATFORD.. ONT. Why should you content your. self in the ordinary walks of life when you can better your condi- tion by taking a course in this school t We give a thorough, practical education and assist our graduates to get positions. Commence your course now. Write for particulars W. J. ELLIOTT, iPrincipals D. A. McLACHT.AN, •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ELIMVILLE Mr. Williarn Snell delis -red ell Monday to Mr. Gus. Coghlin, n car. toad of cattle for export. Thi; wee or,•+ of the best herds of ew t t to take• to Exeter for shipment for sofa* "'haler.. Mr. Ronson 11'ill::ams purchased s new driver from Mr-. Jae. 11Aitties It is :► fine animal for a two-ycar- old and Mr. Wili:arns iv ple,Iscd with his to -1st. The Foil ,I given testier the riumploeli of 111.^ Epworth Itsagtn 7 ; nF see t sueoeste. A goad p.rogntm was fur, ni;h'd, consisting of music and reci- tations, . te., .liter which an enjoy,• able time St.is mlic,nt in tho bat.emeetl w.hero rcfr(ahinente were mervol. Mr. L. \VuecL; has left theme t.•.arte to work out (latrine the (prime .end summer. Mrs. fly. E. Fair and family, aril tinting :at the p•nrsomge. Mr. Leltoy Courtin spent Sutra ay all «'itchelsvi. ,