HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-03-08, Page 8i EXETER 'TIMES, MARCH 8th, 1806. SPRING 000DS CONTINUE ARRIVING DAILY AT sTEwAR's Just received a beautiful range of Silk and Wool Eoli ennes in Pearl, Grey, Castor, Green, Brown and Black, very stylish for evening wear. If you want to see Lovely Black Dress Goods in all the newest weaves, call here. It will please us to show them. Call and see our new Cream Waist Goods, we have some of the finest Wool with Silk Stripes and Spots in the trade. We received another lot of Wall Paper if you intend to do any decorating it will pay you to call and examine our large stock. If your Boys and Girls want Good School Shoes re- member "A-IHR,EN'S" are the kind that wear, every pair guaranteed, Another shipment of Velvet Squares, in all sizes. We are showing the l„rgest range of Lace Curtains we have ever shown to the trde. "Direct from tl.e manufac- turers". BRING FOUR PRODUCE TO STEWART'S. T. A,- 1.3TEWAI r INIIIMII=111111111111111111 Wit 1 DIflMOND tIflLL ARE YOU SATISI-IED WITH Your Watch Perhaps you have neglect- ed it, let it get dirty or rusty from lack of oil Perhaps it has been badly repaired at some time. Whatever the reason. dc,n't delay, as delay sometimes spoils the watch. Given the opportunity we will repair and return it to you with Our Pergonal Guarantee of its correctness. We make - no charge for examining your watch and reporting its needs. Our prices for watch repairing are moderate. MflR6tUIND THE JEWELLER & OPTICIAN, Eyes Tested Free. Spring SuitinQ!s Hay we got in ennui swell spring Suitings last week. They are right up to the moment. Coats aro two inches longer than last year and the Lapels are so much broader and deeper that you can't help but notice them. MISS CORA I'iUOR, \WIi() \VAS confined to 1 Le hnu.e through ill - The Vests are cut with five ,lees, for a couple eel:, is :ahi.' to ix+ buttons and the Pants are just out. a little peg toppy. MELISSA iTALM, A PURE A1. - They are beauts all right for Hund creno for et:lpped hinds, scientlin!Ilw nrcpalyd Fly W. S. Oslo manuf.lctu .• • ,.'• . +t. MR. 80111. sANJEIIS 1'....i h- and no matter where o• tattled the tell ringers of the oug • 'rri- y vitt Mevnore.a al church to n oyster you can't find anything that s... . on Frid.'y aught. TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must bo left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisemente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY, MARCII 8T1I, 1906 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ? LOCALS• •••••••• f••••••• MR. AND MRS. COLLINGWOOD entertained Thursday evening. DON'T FORGET W. C. IIUSTON'S sale of household goods on Saturday. MILS. MONROE ENIERTAINED A number of friends last Friday night. MESSRS. W. NEWCOJIBE AND W. Yager have Friday for F dulon.- ton. COLE'S CARMINATIVE SYRUP for teething bib:es, perfectly harm - lass. MR. OLIN HOOPER, OF CLINTON, visited relatives in town a few days last week. MISS MARY SANDERS IS VISIT- ing friends in London end ht. Thomas. MISS LEAH HEMMER ENTER- ! lined a number of fr:ends Friday night. LICENSE INSPECTOR TOR - canoe was in Low Friday on official business . TO.MORRO\V (111EDAY) \VILL bo the 40th anniversary of the Fcuion invasion. MRS. AQUILLA SIIEERE RE - turned to her hone" in St.Thornas Saturday lest. ONE TRiAL WILL CONVINCE you that Cole's Baking Powder is the hest. Ask for sample. ALL i111T 24 OUT OF THE 126 justices of the peace appointed in the county have qualified. 011. AND MRS. ANDERSON, OF Mitchell, visited Dr. ;Ind Mrs. D. A. Anderann over Sunday. MISS ELLA LINK, OF CRED1- lon, spent a few days last week with her aunt, Mrs. W. Kuntz. MILS. A. Q. IBOl1IER ANi) SON Maurice left Saturday for a short visit with friends in Clinton. MARCIi CAME IN LIKE THE proverbial lion, so that %v1t can ex- pect a Iamb like finish for It. MISS TILLIE WIIITE RETURNED last Friday from a pleasant %week's visit with relatives in St. Moots $15, $18 and $20 will tit as nice as they do. MARCH 15 THF, "\VINO} month" hard on taco and hand.,. Use Howey's Croatia of Ito'.es, only _;k. .1 W �T. Taman bottle. llow'ey's Drug Store, GEO. HUNTER & SON, RiDGE. MereHeant Tailor, town, twill hold another cattle sale in Ccntrehi on Wednesday, March iIth. See bills tor particulars. MRS. W. 11. ELLIOTT, WHO Ile can't resist discis' germs,- .,tout three weeks ago underwent an that's why ho is such a mark for 4 op('r Rion :at one of the Toronto tan+nit 115 is progressing nicely. MR. \V, .T. DRAY, 01' ViRDEN, Sian., 1%t10 .'crit 1 portion of the winter visiting friends in this b- ruits left Saturday for his home. TILE THIN MAN'S DANGER. Consumption. In this land of plenty thinness is wickedneee, cspeci illy when i 'i no rosily overcome with Forroze Thie retro -it -kelpie tissue b'uildcr makes you fat .quickly ; jt does so by forming blood that's richt MRS. JAMES TAYLOR HAS RE - flourishing and hcalthpti%'ink. Ferro- turned fano St. Thomas, where she zone supplies the nutriment needed was celled to attend the funeral of by wornout nerve.., rapidly cmc - )sloe fatactr structs muscle .and fatty tissue. Tile t who(tad suddenly of formfills out, the cheeke redden hurt failure. proving that weight ii being nddcd. THE LADIES AID SOCIETY OF To be well end stay well, use Ferro - 'the. i'resbyteriin church will hold nn zone. Fifty chocolate coated tablets' At lfome" :and sil.• of useful arti- in n box for fifty cents tr six for lkb" this (Thursday) nfterncon from $2.50 at nal dealers. t to 8 in the basement of the church Refreshments will he served. Ad- -'�-- a miss:0n 15 cents. adill TOA=d. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Inn the , 114 I id Yot 11111 Aiwa S Met I Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. All droggints refund the mon- tan ey if it fails to care. E. W. Grove's of signature i• on eaob box, 25e. MIt. WM. IHIGGINS ENTEItTAI N- ed rc1er,ll tiietds .11endey evening. MESSRS. VES FORD AND ED. 1"+1.11110 jeft Monday :Horning for the West. FRED HAWDEN GAVE A SKAT- ing p.rrty at the rink Last Thursday evening. DR. WILLIAMS, G:' LONDON, visited with Dr. II .1:. 1I w 111I1n 441 311 Tuesday. THE MISSES HAMILTON AND J'•trk, of Staffa, visited friends in town on Tuesday. iIOUSE FOR SALE. -AN EXCEL - tent brick h:)use for s11e, ill good location. Apply to Tinacs Office. Mli. 3. A. STEWART WAS CON - fined to his house a few days during the 4x1141 week suffering from ton- silit;ti. MRS. CHAS. NORTIICOTT l.N- tert airivd a number of (riptide \W(:1- nesdly evening. MR. WM. TAI'1' ON MOND:\Y resumed his (lut:•:'s .;s hostler at the Central hotel stables. MR. AND MRS. TilOS, 11. SI'ENCE of Brantford aro she guests • of their 0el1'illti, Mr. void Mrs. Gowans, THE MANY FRIENDS OF' MR. Thr-., Fitton, w -ho 1)a:4 been quite ill will ba ploa ed to learn that he is progmssing favorably. T11E MANY FRIENDS OF OUR velenabt_' townsman, M r. NV in, Grigg w;ll b^ pleased to learn that he is recovering •from his recent ill- ness. MISS HOMY STEWART, OF \VIN- nipcg. who vis=ited Miss Bettie Sweet far the feast throe months left for hc•r home Monday morning. REMEMBER THAT YOUR WIFE likes chocolates ns 411x1 as you lilac cigars. Take )ler .1 bee of Webh':: For sale ut Howey's Drugstore. SEVERAL OF TILE EXETER Ir:ys went to Godesich Tuesday night to witness the final hockey game be;t%'cc: Golfer -Loh and Peterboro. OUlt - SUBSCRIPTION LISTS hive been corrected un to :►ori in- cluding Monday last. Look at the date on the label of your paper and H4'O if it is tarreot. NOTICE. -I REQUEST TIIAT ALL eceoants due mo bo paid by April 1st, to save the necessity of placing them in other lsizlds for collection. - Dr. Anderson, Dentist. A HORSE BELONGING TO W. G. I,isset1 trek sick last Thursday at Crediton. A icartinl paralysis of its hind legs was the cause. The ani- mal is non• able to work again. THERE IS AN AVERAGE Ole 67 seniles in every pound of \Vebb cho- colates. If you avant to make some- one particularly Nappy send her a box. For sale at Howey's Drug Store. MR. ANI) MRS. S. 11ANMER. OF 1•:sten:wn, S1sk.,arc visiting Mr. \V. R. Elliott. Mr. Elliott Ibis shipped lar. Hamner three loads of horses during the past year, and is slaippi'ng him another one. SO1iTIIERN RESORTS.- AVOID the disagreeable winter weather by spending a few weeks in the land of suminer'll sunshine, Californin,Florida Mexico, Cuba. See G.T.R. agents for full particulars and tickets. TILE ONTARIO GAZETTE CON - tains the following announcement of a newly incnr•rrorated concern: St. Marys, Kirkton and Exeter Tele- phone Company, of Kirkton, capital $40,000. COAL! COAL! .COAL! -ANOTHER large shipment of the best Lehigh Valley Coal just in. Nut stove and furn:.cc $6.75. Get your supply now before the storms set in .and block - odes the roads. -11. Parsons. Mlt. W. F. COLE, TiIE NEW druggist intends lin sing the front of his store fixed up to correspond with the front of the stores in the some building. The work will com- mence as 4.c1011 as spring opens. Obit TOWN MERCHANTS ARE d lily receiving large shipments of goods preparatory to the spring trade. Serenal of the milliners are in the targe cities studying the latest sty'tcs in \l»m"n's head gear and pur- oh:asing stock dor tis" op 'ln:.ogs. MR. 1IENRY REYNOLDS LAST %trek delivered to Mr. A .Q. lfobicr a 'hog which tipped the scales at about 700 pounds. This is the la.rg- est hog delivered herr, for a num- ber of yeirs. Mr. Reynolds breeds hogs !quite extensively and his had considerable success from this efforts. MIs. RICHARD Q1TANCE HAD the misfortune to fnlcture two of the 4111.111 bones near the ankle in • ric of his legs on Sunday morning last. ile was taking feed out to 11'.4 chickens and when a 41104'4 (listanc(, born his house slipped on 1 pL(x.- (•f ice, the fill resulting in the frac- ture. MRS. JAMES S\VEF:T SUFFERED fractured wrist and a badly gash - (d torrh01141 ns the Irsult of n fall on the front steps of her residence last Riturday. Mrs. Sweet %%.a5 re- turning from the store :Ind WAS nbctut to enter her home when she slipped .Ind fell, 0a04ing the above injuries. 1)11. ANDERSON HAS DISPOSED of his residence to Mr. James Wal - terra ;bed his dental practise to Dr. Itaulston, of Milverton. Dr. 11.1ul- cton w ill not (eke pe eessiotl until May 1. Dr. Anderson' Kis had a de- sire to go West for some time and it is quite laoesible t tl t 1.' twill 110 so in May. Mlt. JOHN FARMER'S FACE 1S a little disfigured by a slightly .lis colored right optic, noosed by 1111ine on the ice at the rink list Monday. Mr. Farmer recently joined the curl- ing club and ran h^ found almost every .1flern(ton enjoying the "rolrin" game. Ile was industriously smceping in .1 short shot, when he fell over 1 "stano" that had previous- ly Irrn thrown. NOTICE. -WE TAKE TITiS 01'• trArtunity for t1►a.nking our many customers for their pltronngc for the list four years. We have im- pmve(t our barns so as to n.ccomrnn- detc more town and on entering our lift)) y(tar tar err better able to iup- ply .111 our old customers and as many new otics as would like to give lit 'a trial. _ Yours Respectfully, L:,uie Diss Mdkrn.ln. Dregs 000s antl SiIks New goods arriving daily from now on each day for some time will surpass its predecessors in the great variety and beauty of spring importations, as shipment after shipment arrives. A few of the Most Popular Weaves 'Scotch Tweed Suitings Poplin do Chene Figured Voiles Venetians French Cords Fancy Panamas Fancy Mohairs Sicillians Albatross Cloth Satin Cloth. In all the Fashionable Colorings, Greys, Blues, Greens and Browns Prices 35c to $1.25 SILKS CHIFFON TAFFETA SILKS, small pin checks and stripes, beautiful wearing quality in greens and blues, price 85c a yard TAFFETA SILKS, blue and white small neat checks and stripes makes a pretty suit, warranted not to cut, price 75c. BLACK TAFFETA SILKS, quality we recommend to give good wear. Price 50r, 75c, and $1.00 yard. BLACK PEAU DE SOIE SILK, the best silk made for servicer very rich finish, every yard stamped, guaranteed to wear, make beautiful dress, has always sold at $t.25, price dress length $I S}'ECI.\L,-Soo yards of Colored Tamaline Silk in pale blue, rose pink and champagne, good value at 5oc, special price 38c yard, srrELI-, & ROWE MRS. AMOS i' VISITING IIElt Market Report. -The following is sister in Brantford. the report of Exeter markets, oor- MISS 11ETTIE SWEET IS VISIT- rccted up to March 8th. Wllellt, 73 to 77 cents per bus. Oats, 32 cents per bushel. Barley 40e. to 42c. per bus. Peas, 65 to 70 cents per bushel. Shorts, $19 to $20 a ton. Bran, $17 per ton Flour, $2.25 per cwt. Feed flour, $1.20 per cwt. Clover seed $6 to $8.50 per bus. Hay, 57 tier ton. Butter, 18 to 19 ants per pound. Eggs, 14c. a dozen. Onions, 60c. ler bushel. Dried Apples, 5c. per pound. Chicken, young, 7c to 8c per lb. Dunks, 10 cents per Ib. Geese, 10 cents per lb. Octal, $6.75 to $7. Potatoes, $1 a bag. llogs, liveweight, $6.60 to $6.75. Hogs, dressed, $8.75 to $9 a cwt. ing friends in London. MISS MARIA SELDOM OF INGEI1. sell is visiting Mrs. Geo. Samwell, MR. CLIFFORD SPACKMAN VIS- ited friends in St. Thomas over Sun- day. DON'T FORGET TIII: AT 1LOME at the Presbyterian church this af- ternoon. MRS. J. W. O'IBRIEN ENTER- tained a number of Tier friends Tues- day night. hflIS. W. S. MINERS AND T'.VJNS of Sarnia. aro visiting their cousin, Mrs. R. T. Johns. MISS LiLLY HUSTON IS AT - tending tihc millinery openings in Toronto. MRS. WENDLAND, WHO WAS operated upon in Victoria hospital London, a few weeks ago, returned borne on Siturday night. MIs. HARRY BTJCKINGHIAM HAS rented the south half of his house to Thomas Hawkins. It is Mr. Buck- ingtbam's intention to more to Lon- don ,about Anrit• DR. OVENS EYE AND EAR SU1t. goon, will ba at tho Commercial Hotel the first Friday of csiC'h month. ilours, 9.30 a. nt. to 4.30 p. in. Glass- es properly fitted :and diaaisos of eye, ear and none treated. Next visit Friday, March 9th. AS I IIAVE DECIDED TO GiVE up business 1 well dispose of my shock in She store. Exeter ,North, either in whole or in part, at greatly reduced prices. This stock is in good condition, and the party buying trill get a good bargain. Tee Hay !lost office is in connection %'ilIt the store. -L. McTaggart. AT THE 111011 SCHOOL LITEIt- ary �ciety ele'c'ting held friday af- ternoon, March 2nd, considerable in. t('rest eels centered in the debate "Resolved (hat country life is pre- ferable to city life." The effirini- 1ive side teas l.'oked n (ter by Harold Fair. LeRoy Coultiri Lloyd (hetet in while Curtis Stoneman, Daniel lien. 'Ile awl !(ugh McKay stere the de- baters for the negative side, Three senior boys, Harvey Gardiner, Elmore Senior and Alvin Ilritnell very cap- ably acted as judges. Tho negative side wren by elle small margin of two points. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• GON9li IllTION some say can 1 e cured, while others say the advetse. Don't get it and then you won't have to experiment. Get IIOWEY'R CHERRY Coneiet. instead. It works like- niggle. Take it in time and you won't have to discuss the consumption question. Don't cost but a few cents and worth a mint of money. W. 5, HOW,Y, Phm. B 1 Chemist and Optician, Phone :i4). F:\ ETER. ONT. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND COLla's BAKING POWDER Because she gets results that cannot be obtained from any other powder. It is a pure CREAM OF TARTAR baking powder, uniform in rttrength and never fails to give satis- faction. Sale increasing fast. Get the habit and use Cole's Baking Powder and you will never regret it. Ask for sam- ple. PREPARED ANI) SOLD ONLY AT Cole's Drug Store EAE,TE.R. MR. \VM. CANN AND FAMILY heave Monday 'for Crystal City, Jinn, MR. .1011N CANN LEAVES MON- day for Ltegina, where Ise has accept ed .a position 115 traveller foracig- a'r MRS. G. F. Mi:NKII'. ANI) daughter, of Lexington, I:y., wi•ited her sister, Mrs. (', Limdcnfi'Id, last Friday. Mrs.. Swan and Lit:. Misses Swam of ilcn. ill, Mr. and \Irs, .1(JuI Muir and 141mits of London, 41r. on11 -lir'i, Ilobt, Muir of Gowund 1, N. Y., hir, and Mrs. Gorge Boyd, 01 Stratford: Mr. and \irs. .lass Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Noble of Seifottli: 111. Will Muir of Ridge toe n ; \Ti. Bei t Muir, ,of Iondon, wcr(' here in attendance at the Se 1n -Muir num: 11. on \Vetoes• (Lay evening. TIIE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION was !passed at the recent :annual meetingof the Vc tarans of I860 As- 9ociltion: The flag of our country being the emblem of Britain's might and glory, it ought, whenever :and twhorcever displayed, to evoke feel- ings of patriotic. 1,rj4 11 ('4.044. Brit- ish subject, but this association views with regret the prevalent and in- creasing custotn of making it the medium of tolling attention to aur. - lion silos and ot.herwis(' using it for advertising purpanes ,Mrn,',.i lints the flag ,In'I taking foam it the respect with which it (,upht to Ire %lowed. Revel red, therefore, t 11 1t 4lie Preei - de.nt epteen1 .1 Mrnmittee 40 net with kindred as ,defines or ut.18'rIcise in mess%Oring to .'!Cur" :1 di.n(nt intl. Ince of the prncth:le of wing the liriti•th or Cin.idirin flags for such purposes. Cause of Y You must look well :iter thc condition of your liver and boweis. Unless there is daily action of the bowels, poisonous products are absorbed, eausi:ag he:6- rch:s, biliousness, musts, dy'ster.;a. H Aycr's Pills ore genuine liver ;ere. es- . tee .,.' 6 'J IG•1Ma�'Ittt.Ii►►nrc'n;.. 1.t�A-tf'e Spring Good arc arriving every day, We are ready in all (departments kr the spring rush. Conte and examine our goads. It IIS pleasure to show them.- ( , Silk Waists White or black with the popular embroidered work on them, 7 different styles, all good values, $2 ;%3 $4, Vesting All our vesting have that soft silky finish w1 popular this soason. They are Plain, Polka Dot t1 ed at 15c, 2Oc and 25c. Shirt Waist Suiting Ill the Cotton and Linen effects we have an especially nice display. Ginghams, perfect washers very Igur- 1 12%c Mercerised Ginghams, perfect washers .... 15 to 25c Linen Suiting, white or create 20c to 45c ASTORA SHOES We are the only people you can get them from here. Everyone knows they are the best shoe on the market. Once worn will convince you. Only price of cheap shoe. CARLING SOS. i Interest Paid Quarterly means more than interest paid only half yearly or yearly. You as a business man will see the advantage be your account large or shall Deposits of $1.00 upwards received. Interest Paid q. Times a Year SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA I CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER. JOSEPH SNELL, Manager. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors, UIRMLRS 1�pANDS TAKE � v^Al' OF FLOUR NOTICE Having just arranged with The Veterinary Specialty Co., Ltd., to sell the following remedies. Stock Tonic and Blood Purifier, Indigestion and Colic Drenches, Spav- in Cure, Worm Powders, Cough Remedy, Poultry Tonic, Louse Death, Antiseptic Healing Oil, Sprain Emul- sion, Black Oil for Thrush, Heave Relief, Lump Jaw Cure, Aphordisiac and Anti -Sterile Powders, Diarrhoea Cure for Colts and Calves, Leaking Naval and Joint, I11. VANZANT & WARING, Veterinary Surgeons, 25 years practical experience. A coupon in every package entitling the holder to free Veterinary Advice. FOR SALE BY-- • • • PURE MANITOBA Name not so catchy 119 some other brands, but quality superior Price $2.45 per cwt. MANITOBA BLEND "STAR" 50 per cent. Manitoba. Price $2.25 per cwt. PRINCESS Choice Pastry. Orders left at Howey's Drug Store or at the 411111, receive our prompt attention. W. S. i ioWEY, 1 HARVEY BROS, Merchant Millers ONTARIO. The Live Dra.Bppint EXETER, EXETER, ONTARIO• Western Real Estate Exchange, Limited. 78 Dundas St., London Have you a false that you want to wilhf Write for our terms of sel- ling proporty. We have the most complete method of advortisine and sell.in; property in Canada. Do you want to buy a farm or businrws property in any part of Ontariorl Send for our list. We have some bar ;aims. E. ELLIOTT & CO. North-west Land Agents* NO "RAINY DAY" Selected Wild and Improved Lands For thc Man who has a Popu- POR BALE lar Monthly Payment Policy in in some of the best parts of the NORTII WEST :HT It will be worth your while seeing us before purchasing. We give purchasers until first of June to select their lands. Office opposite Central Hotel EXETER, ONTARIO. The old way to cure a cold The New Way take Howey's "Cure a Cold" Capsules Only 25 cents a box. EXETER NORTH Mrs. Jollarl Shcrritt, of McGregor, ,T'rn., %i) , visited her sister, Mrs. .10.1471 .In rrot 4• returned Lome on Saturday fast. When Mrs. Shcrritt w s Isere she s1 'nra etret � i . at , friends house and h.od the pleasure of drinking out of n eon ,,ver 100 years old. Mr. end eTrs. 111101.1 Smith. of London, rot urnod home aft • r 5t.cn11- ing a week with sir. nod Mr S. Ed. i wa n .fore n 1 Mrs. John .larrn;t and friends of Ilenaill. \Tr. ItirJ,ord Blatchford visited Mr. John Jerrott last week. We are snrry to learn (hit etre. i)ive! Rossell ha. been o••riously ill for the past three weeks. Iter ro my friends 'hope elle will noon he around again. THE EMPIRE Accident & Surety Comp 4.11111111... One Dollar a month will en- sure you $50.00 monthly Indemnity, during disabili- ty from Accident or Illness. A Canadian Concern. W. OHMS, fluent, Exeter. Don't Monkey with that Cough use HOWEY'S Syrup White Pine and Tar