HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-03-08, Page 5TRE EXE'1 r:R TIMES, MARCH rend i4,Ut; ROSS -TAYLOR CO'S. Plainina MITI, Door FaGtorll, Dumber Yard and Saw Mill are open Cedar Posts land all kinds of Building Materials lShingles,er, daily and a full stock of ways on anLath, BARN SASH in abundance. BEE HIVEiS f tui oed or in knock down. ER TANKS TO ORDER. Cash Paid for all Kinds of Saw Logs. Sawing Promptly Attended to. Estimates Cheerfully Given. ossTdWor Go. Lt0.. xctcr. 1644++++++++++++++++++++++: IRON ?OSTSI ftN6L We have a num. +{. .+,, ber of different kinds of Iron Fence.4 � Posts which we will!. ' sell cheap or will M take all kinds of I scrap iron in ex= change. M.JACKSON & SONI Main -Ste Exeter. One door south of the + Metropolitan hotel. {•t•++++++444-4-+++++++4+++++ MEDICAL T W. BROWNING, M. D., M. C. fhP a P. 8., Graduate Victoria Uni- versity. office and residonence. Dominion, Laboratory, Exeter. DR. A. F. MALLOY, GRADUATE Toronto University. Former Morse e coeseoor to I)ron . J. o A. Itoliironto ,s. Night calla at see. 847.05 DRS. Y. ANI) H. M. COWAN,394 Piccadilly Street, London, Ont. Telephone 1325. Long distance counectioa. avec al�(cien given diseases of women and .�wrg�eery. Oxford or C. P. It. Street Cars to C&boruis street tnko you almost to the door. No other city otllce. Special Hospital and mer arra ,gements for patients from a &stance. DENTAL EtipDit. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S.D. D. 8., Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extracted withoutppaa in orbad after effects. Office an - in F sec's block. WestR1 side of Maln tsest.° Exeter riONEY TO LOAN. We have a largo amount of private trends to s on arm and village properties at 10.111010.1110.43er. et !stereo. 01.A1MAN & STANILURY Barristers riolicItore. Main St, Exeter DICKSON & CARLING, The Usborne and Hibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- ance Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. Pres.: -J. A. NoRrtis, CRODIARTY P.O. Vice -Pres.: --F. eloireeee WHALEN P. 0. DIRECTORS. W.11. PAssmolte, FARQUHAR P.O. WI1I, RoY, BORNnorer P. 0. I. L. RUSSELL, RUSSELDALE P. 0. T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. 0. AGENTS, ministersSolicitors. Notaries, ConveyancersCommissioners, Solicitor., for the Mohan' Bank. Eta. Moat/ to Loan at lowest rates' of Interest. OFFICE t -MAIN STREET, EXETER. S. CARLING B. a. 1..0.01=11011 THOMAS CAMERON, CONVEY- on real estate. eal(nronadPerth. Auctioneer tieuntiel( Charges (tolerate. Orders lett at the 1 iMEM or at nip residence, Farqu)ur wit! r(celve prompt alien anter, wills drawn, money to loan MONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private Nerofat ices M1 uponfarm or s Linage T rope y aloof lotereet. DICKSON & ('ARLI NaO eter J, CARMICHAEL, A. DuNCAN J. \ViLsoN, J. 8. GILFILLAN, FARM FOR SALE. -One of the beet farms in the township of Vsborne, being Lot 11 in the South boundary, is hereby offered for elle. Mtge farm contains 78 acres of excel- lent land, 40 acres in grass. 13 acres In (til wheat, a young and valuable orchard. the whole clean and in first class condition. The farm is fenced and declined, 2 good and Stever failing .wells. On the land are erected modern and trp-to-date build- ings, a comfortable and cnnuIIodious dwelling • new bInk barn Coal: driv- STAFFA. ONTO FARQUHAR, ONT. I FULLARTON, ONT. LUCAN, ONTI B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors What is Home without a Piano or Organ. Ccrainly not all that it might be. Call and see us and lct us show you some of the highest grade PIANOS AND ORGANS that Canada produces. They are certainly works of art. SEWING MACHINES Then in Sewing Machines WC carry the best that the market affords. Do not listen to what others tell you about our prices and terms, but call and satisfy yourself. We will make them to suit you unless you are very hard to please. S. MARTIN & SON AUCTION SALE -of- iIOitSES AND CATTLE. There will be sold by public auction -on- LOT 34, CON. 1, USBOIINF: One and a half miles south of Hen- aall on TUESDAY, MARCII 13th. 190G At One o'clock &harp the follow- lotsing live stock, viz: CATTLE THORO('(:I1BRED. - 1 Cow due to calf in April; 1 Bull 4 yearn old; 1 Bull 8 months old. GRADES. - 2 Cows with calf at foot : 1 Cow due to calf at time of sale; 3 Cows due to calf in July ; 1 Keifer 3 years old ; 4 Heifers, 2 yrs. old: 3 Steers 2 years old; 6 Steers 1 year old; 2 heifers 1 year oil. 1 Brood Sow with litter nt foot. 1iORSES 1 agricultural Foal, filly. sired by Lord Sharp; 2 agricultural Geldings rising 2 yearn old, aired by Fritz Herold ; 1 agricultural Filly 3 years old; 1 driving mare rising 4 years old by Wilder Lee. Thane colts have all been successful prize winners. Every animal will paaitisely be sold. TERMS. -8 months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint noted, or •a discount of 6 per cent. par annum will be allowed for cash. THOS BROWN, JOHN ROWCLIFF'E Auct. Prop. ('ROMAItTY James Park one of the old and very highly respetted settlete of the town- ship of Hibbert, passed away Thursday at the age of 71 years, Deceased was born in Lanark county and came with his parents to this place fifty-six years ago. and endured with the rest all the hardships of pioneer life. He a man of ninny stetting qualities. His liberality and great kindness of heart leg house 40x20. The kind offers! were manifesteal in his many charlt- essouli.lra inducements to any pr•rs••un able rete towards his neighhr,ra and ring a n►odcrn, stoney rookies., relatives. Ile was a 1'resh), tie i, n in • and it convenient 10 church'' religion anal a life•Ieng Lib(r,11, 1Iv an,hool .and in ;does. Possession 1st leaves a welnw and nine grown-up April, 1900. For paitieulara :apply (0 children. Five brothers and two DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors for sisterealeo survive. irtetment took Vender. Exeter, or to ('ON. WIIEI.i- t place at ('rten tr t)• \'illn a ('cmc tery y 11AN, Proprietor, \V)1lien P. 0. 1Oa Saturday. The ICIud Yon have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over :)O years, has borne the signatnro of and leas been Made under his per. iii�- somal supervision since its infancy. a<�� Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but Experituent, tiuit trifle with and endanger the health of Iutitnts and Children -Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA C'astoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare. boric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Wornla nu►l allays Fevc-riskiness. It cures DIarrhoea and Wind Colic. it relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. - The Children's Panacea -Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TNI CTNTA•.R COMPANY. TT MURRAY STRICT, NEW TORA C,TY. Seiner, 46: A. Gong. 41; F:. Das is, 41 ; T. Carling, 40; R. Farmer, 39 11. Gardiner, 36 ; 11. Fair, 26; L. Iktvih 22No .on toll 25; daily as -severe 21. L. C. 1. L1•.MING. Teacher. FORM 11. 1Part S:•-•:,tai=n. 78; F:du.t T.tylor, 71; F:dssord Willes, 70; Thomas S.a.nd:toe, 70; hc.t:ors ; Maurice 13obier 68; \fealty D•tymna, 65: Lulu elertin 62; Beattie 1lertin, 60: Maude Jolliet i58 ; Dot 1terel!e, 58: tae Hawkins, 57 ; Gladys lira ndt. 57; horn Geiger. 57; Eldon Goetz. 56: Lopes Coulti.', 56 ; Gertie Thernpsou, 55; Ftoss'o Fos, 55: Jo!tn \\'siker, 55: Erie Go- ing, 5.2: Ida Rowe, 50; Loath Remitter 47: [thatch(' Sht-ere, 46 ; Alma We-, 33. No. on Tolle 24; average at- tendance, 22. A. 13. 1 tOIt 111NGTON, 'I'cacher. 1 COMN11•:ItCiAL COURSE, FORM 1 J. Carrneron, 92 ; •M. Qu ince, 80 : Hugh Moleay, 8; ; Alice Howard, 81; IDAnsaa Wclt,th, 81 ; Willie Mussell, 81; Bert Luxton, 84 ; Oliver Fat. 78; M. McTaggart, 71; E. McKay, 67; E. McKey, 67: E. Fee, 62; ,f;. Jones, 5:3; A. MucCurdy, 57; 11. Snell, 57; 1t. ,. rr. Persians, JJ. Ida Uinsrt;nlc, • r '4 , Edna IIissett, 53: M. Willis, 53; .M. Petty 51; M. Ortsvcin, 50; 0. Oexworth. 46: J. Marlon. ltEGULA11 COURSE. FORM 1 L. 'Wiley, 73; K. Oa ne. 72; 11. 1L,ck, 72; L. AlulhalL•wid, 69, L. Ibodgert. (i9: 3. Oextreioher, 68; L. Amt.a, 65 ; 1. 11 i dford, 63; E. Jones 62; K. Su-seart, 61; A. Dow, 60; E. Doyen, 58: A. Ixtvis, 56: F. Sweet, 53: 13. Howey 51: C. Miners 50; W. Iluv_ f,on, 50 ; E. Former, 49 ; L. Sanders, 49; D. Stewart. 46: L. Godwin, 46: C. Dunsfard 41: N. Hodgert, 31; M. Amy, :32. I). Godwin, 17. .\. 1'. C1111)LEY. Teacher. 110051 IV . Sr. IV. -Lilian Snell. 8.2; Viola Wehrle 77; Alonzo Heywood, 76; Victor Sweet, 70; Cla.r'nnoo Pickard. 70. Ruth Hewer. 71. Total enroll- ment 43: average attendance 40. F. E. 1IcI.F.AN, Teache:. 110051 Sr. II1.-Percy Godwin, 79; Lilly Rowe, 74: Hubert Jones, 74; Paari Godwin, V. Jr. 111,-ltaytuond Dear- ing, 79 :'Wilfred Stewart, 72: Clair \\rcod, 71; Bella SIcKey. 71: May Jewell, 70; Lillian Doyle, 70. No. on roll, 49; revenge attendance, 425. I!. E. IV ALIION i), Teacher. ROOM VI Sr. 11. -Lottie Delve, 88; \\attic Ford, 85; Ja.mea Walker, 81; Irene Rarely, 79; Oliver ILod ,ert, 75; W. lleidonl,tn, 72; Olive Dearing, 71; Harry Snell, 70. Middle Ii. - Eddie Andentaan, 71. Jr. 1i. -Edith Davis, 74 ; Bruce Walker, 71. umber on roll, 57; average attendance, 51. A. E. MARTIN. Teacher. IIOOM VII AUCTION SALE THAMES (LOAD Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cann are visiting ,at the home of Mr. and Mrs. --of- John P.Jssmorc, Stratford. During their visit Mra. Passmore presented FARM PROPERTY 1 her husband with a fins baby girl. Mr. ThomasQlots been alt The committee of the Thaines (toad sttucl_ed to sell by by public nuction o•► Presbyterianctliurclr met Tuesday TUESDAY, ,ARCM 201,11, '06 At 2.30 sharp on LOT NO. 16, CON. 13, STEPIIEN Tho tollownigvaluable faro[litic ro- perty. being part of estate of the late James Moir. Ilho south half of Lot. No. 16, Con. 13, township of Stephen, con- t.ining 50 neres nil in grass w•itli n geed %sell and windmill for punlpine water. TERMS 10 per cent or equivalent of pur- chase price on day of sale, the bal- ance in 30 days wit=hout interest. For further particulars npply to the undersigned at llensall I'. 0. THOS. CAMERON, Auctioneer. J. D. STE\VART and JOHN TRA- QUAIR, Executors, Honsall, 1'. 0. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors AUCTION SALE -o[- VILLAGE PROPERTY Mr. T.twni.rs Cameron has been in- structed to sell by public nuction oa SATURDAY, MARCiI 21t11. '06 At 2.30 sharp on the promises, the following property. LOTS 18 AND 19, 'ANN STREET Ea ETElt TERMS 10 per oent or equivalent of pur- chase price on day of sale, the hal- mace in 30 days withaut interest• For further particulars apply to the undersigned at Ilensall P. 0. J. I). STI:\VART and JOHN TitA- QUAII1. Executors, 1[ensall, P. 0. With beet of wishes we are in behalf T,108. CAMERON, Auctioneer. of the congregation., - Rev. ('alta GLADITAN & STANHURY.Solicilors Fletcher, Al r. Itc•bt. (;trvliner, Mr. John Morg t.n, John N. 11.'.cltffe, C. lots. Monteith, Fred F:Ileriterlon. Mimes hand, Merril 0th, 1906. evening et the home of Mr. John Allieen end presented Mr. W. J. Al- J.r. iI.-Marguerite Gardiner. 90; Been. %rho in Icaviug for the North- Muriel Anderson, 89 ; Agnes McKay, west, witch a fur overcoat, cap and+ 82 ; Iris Sweet, PO; Nelly Jon•"s, 76: gauntlets as air apercefation of 'WI Joan Settlers, 73. Sr. Pt. II. - Joe services in church work. I Craig. 80 ; Gordon Ittcmhardaon, 74: To W. J. Allison Laura Cann, 72. No. on roll, 39; Deer F'riemd.-It is w i:II teirt.-,e.re I avarage atte.nd:utoe, 28. and gea:c.rn! regret Mit we have ELSIE A. McCALLUAM, Teacher. lenared of your fixed resolve to re -I 1(0051 VIII. move in a few days to the Western Jr. TI.-Flanenco Rowe, 89 ; Mabel part ;.i our Dominion, to take IIP Knott, Robbie Fleming ,and Alma your permanent residence there hinck, equal, 86; Willie Mansell, 82: Your going will be a tone iJ chi.; Beatrice Ifodgert, 79: Ethel Day and community but n real gain to the Eddie Wck)i, e=qual, 75: Thomas West Where ee musty of the sons of. Clarke, 70. Sr. Pt. IT, -Maggio Case, Ontario have already gonu', and are 192 : Annn Hell, 84 ; ,Fanny Ilowey, 74. taking so worthy 0 shore in the lite Jr. Pt. ft. -Edgar Harney, 86; Wil - o[ the newer provinces The Themes bur Mitchell, 70. No. on roll, 39; Road congregationt among whom overage attendance, 30. Teacher, r u ht ;1' :LL ss o ,. . T. .11.( s ( , '.e and i .•s r lw d g u to to you have hitherto 3 will miss you muerte You have ac- tively and willingly givt►t your help NO. 3. STEPIIEN. Tho following is a correct report of the standing of the pupils of S. 8, No. 3. Stephen, for the month of February the names appearing in order of merit and for a considerable time you have 4th-Thotnas I'enhale, Fred Beaver, been !elder of the congreg:,lian:al Hilda Pr'esrcator, Cecelia Ford, Harry choir. These i,os-tions you love fill - sons. Ralph Willis, Harry Par. ed wish credit :rend to the s:alisfactio,a�sons. Sr. 3rd -Glades Dearing. Earl of all, besides yon were ever ready Parson's, Edwin Triebner, Sherman to help it the industri.tl and rectal Willis, May Sanders. .Tr. 2nd-Flor- advancetnent of the community e, ence Heilman, Preston Dearing, Geo, general, and we icel confident that Hicks, Johnny Willie. Fred Pteszatnr. whereveryour lot may • be cast in Earl Shapton. Sr, 2nd -Ada Willie, y Gordon Sanders, Florence Triebner, the future, you ss ill pursue the saint Cheater Parsons, Aimee Willis. Jr. helpful and useful interest tan life. As 2nd -Wilfrid Skin sten, Olive Presz a token of our warm interest in your future comfort and welfare we nsk calor. Gordan Penhale. Sr. part 2nd of you to accept of those furs. over- Oarfeld Stanlake, Jr. pt. •2nd -Merle cost, cap and g,►tuttk•tss, and may Willie, Regio Pnraone, Charlie Trleh• the cove a s=afe protection algainst mer. Part. 1st- Gordon Neaman, Ver - they frosts and winds of the West. na I'reszcator. 'Total nutubet 0n rill, 3'2. Average attendance for the month 30. in promoting itis wclevre. For sev- eral years you have acted ns corres- ponding secretary and treasurer of the Christian Endeavor Society as also secretary of the Sabbath school, HURON J. 1'. iIa.rrison, who foolishly tried to blackmail the proprietor of the Bedford, Hotel, Godcrich, a couple weeks ago, asked for a speedy (Oil end elected to be tried by the judge. He seas given n month in the county jail• NO. 2 STFPIIEN The report for 8. 8. No. 2, Ste, Won 'for tho month of February is as f,ollon s : V Class.-llnp 11111, 77 per vont. SI . IV. -Laur=a Sims, 81: .Her- bert 1litohell, 80: .Clayton Sins, 73; Olive King. 72; Everett Sims, 71. Jr.severe pretty s he floor below. A pre tte IV. -Beryl 11111, 70: Mery Chambers, to to t e� up bels the eptet roe hi( 69. Jr. Iii• -Eli Sims. 76; Lillian elokttjtttt'+ Stehls 74 : Sydney Sin '1 t and Matilda Edwards, equal, 70. Jr. 11. - Viola Ornish, 90; Irving .Stehls, 73: Gert- rude King, 70: Andrew FILtu'tgan, 61: Elizabeth Sims 55. Pt. ii. Jr. -Myr- tle Sims, 75. 0. NI. TU'RNEIR, Teacher On Tuesday tor Inst week Thomas Watt, wtlre Is employed with Thomas MclKenzie, Clinton, mel with an ace cadent drat was decidedly painful, though fortunately not attendee wish serious results. Ile 1115 work- ing at n bend saw in the senon.l storey; Immediately behind him was a trip door. Another workman carne along and opened the trap door with- out calling Watt's attention lo it, and as he stepped backwards in his work, he dell through the open tro=p SCHOOL NOTICE SALE RE011 TEit ' - Public Not is li»relay given thnt a Tueediy, Meroh 13th. Horses eco tossed his 80111 milestone on 1\'ed. Qlttle cat lot 31, Concession I. l's• nesday of Last week. Mr. Plummerborne. John Itowelitfe. Prop.; Thos. ,hos been in this county since 1852. Brown, Auct. es - boors. March 13. First class thoroughbred ;,red high grade have ne (•t•,Iht1 as a 1110111111 and (tittle. and implements, the pro(:erty positive cure for Airk headache, 1.i1- John 12, liounes', constipation. pain in the t hunc.ln, bot 18. Con. s JatTdi'M'. gale at 12.30. Jos. White, side, and all liver lrouolc+. Carter'. &set Little Liver Pills. Try tbtm. Mr. Stewart Plummer, r.f Clinton, by-law to divide Pnhlic School Section No. 1 of tht•Tnwnship of Stephen into two sert'oas, will l e considered by the Council of the Township of Stephen, at the Toon Hall, Crediton, en Mon. clay the '2 :d of April, 11)06 at Ten a. m. Int %%tech ;di pcirens intersttd will be heard. HENRY E11.BEII, Minch Oth. 1010. '1'o. Clef). r To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. ze � , on ever . Swim Mon boons sold In past 12 months. This signature, ' School Reports. I'EiRCY S. BANES, To•toher. 8. 8. NO. 1, STEPHEN The following is a (•ort ect report of 8. 8. No. 1, Stephen, for the month of February. Class V.--Ilsirnld Duplan, Enos Windsor. Vernon \Vslson, Sam• uel McCoy, Milted Hudgins, Willie Sites. Sr. iV- Oledvs losers, Mar- gery Hepburn. Lily Robinson, Clifford Hogarth. Gordon Wilson, Joseph White, Frank Mitchel). Czar Wilenn, Archin R.'hrn•on, Murray Elliott, Nen* M(Cutdy. Jr. IV. - Hazel Hicks, Austin Duplin, Mervan Elston, Eddie Simi, John Dempsey. Sr. 111 - John Merlotti. dons Wallis, Mat van Cali rag, iva E•sery, Maxwell 13ayn- ham, John White, Normnn heartier. MISS BOTTEIIILL, Teacher Junion Dep.►rtrnent-Jr. 111 -Flos- sie Dovey, K irle ('allfns. Edna Davy. (Tarty Windsor, Hoy ('allfsie, Hubert \Vhite. Bessie Anderson, EIytner Wit - son, Ella Baker, Willie Alexander, EXETER 8('11001, IIEPOR t i 8r. II-ii,lt•v(1 England. Fred Esacry, It! quired [or pass, 40 per c^ret on, Altthony White. Fred Fairhall, Elva welt subject and 60 tier cent on tt.s Brooks. Jr. 11 - Murvan Cnllfas, total; for honors 70 per cent of (lee Everett (;•.ltfas, Stella Neil. Lower total. Parents are earnestly re- Jr. 11-Mslvan England, Victor Ho - quested to examine thoroughly thegarde Othella Melz, Madetcine Heist, pupils monthly reports when they! bra Motz, 1V,Ilie Baker, Ethel Cul - ere brought home, and where the hert, Wilson Colbert, !thea Mc('nrdy. pupil's wark appears unsatisfactory. Pt. 1I-Mabt•Ile Hestnan. Hubert Neil. to assist the leachers to make it hthel B•.wden, }talph Wallis, Mabel satisfactory by ser:ng that the pu- Elliott, Eddie Alexander. Pt. 1.-- pils trey proper attention to theirAlhert Ha kney, (c••orge hackney, studies. The t.,rents will kindly sec. 140111s Kirke. mise, that their children are regi- IiAt'Di: PORTER, Tmrh^a. 1 i in their attendance, ant punctual, ns the parents are, generally speak - Pig, more to blame for tardiness and S. S. NO, 5, I:SBOitNI: irregularity thin the pupils. Only thoeec pupils who t:;:tke 60 per cent. can be considered :o be do':ng (_;cod work. FORA[ Ill Jr. Le sting. -A. Brin(rwll, 09; 51. Sp=arks, G9; P. Dining, 63: M. Jones, 58 ; 1. Armstrong, 57 ; E. 1Tcl',horson 53: 51. Caw-'lyd, 53; N. ituesell, 51; N. Pfaff. 43: •M. Murray, 43; F. Clegg. 40: M. Knight ; 11. Workman, 34 ; W Triebner, 26. Jr. MatrItelation.-C. Stoneman, 5.4 V. sendorx, 53: W. Knight, 47: E. zg t. rimmatme CA.LUF. WILLIAM Rra.tT MAIN TTKVP.T THE NEW RAILWAY STATION 1 street is very Low and would rives- sitate a vast amount of grading for e 'tt aswitching 1 ou t k d '[ retic an the t I were done there considerable more 331011ld have to be done. If on rho other hand the switching would bo done north of Sanders street, two or I three houses would have to be pur- ohased. tinder these circumstances the !facet ion where the corn 1 ni1*y, want to build would be the most desirable. Victori•t street could be opened up as i far as the railroad yards, making rtw'o outlets, Victorut and Station streets, thus relieving Station street jot the largo amount of traffic it r=ow. gets. It would reduce the haul for ! Hervey Bros., and the !toss & Tay - for Company two blocks, while the distance %you'd not be increased to those coming from Ikisles-,00d and points north, and besides tha town still not bo asked to expend any a1100 - ('y if the company builds the station on the proposed site, where the i wo north warehouses stand. This sta- ' tion proposition has been (ranging fire for several years, but has been postponed well year for some reason or other. Let the G. T. It. people go ; ahead with their proposed arrange- : anent and see if we will get a nets, station, anything being preferable to .1 the old shack, which we are comt- pelted 'to ':ill a station, and %%:hath .' no doubt (craves n wrong impression .1 with visitors when arriving on tho trains. The Council, :rccomt►arried by repre- sentatives of the local press, braved the cold on Thursday last and looked over the ground, where it los been suggested to have the Grand Trunk Railway move its tracks, .before they erect the new station, svJtich it is in- tended to build thio year. The only %nay possible to make the proposed change %you'd be to have the railway branch from the present line near the old Saw mill site, crossing Huron street, and run in a northeasterly direction across the Carlini property to a point a short distance frciin the intersection of Carling and Sanders street, then north a short distance and go northwesterly meeting the present line south of the tank. 111 the ;annexed diagram the heavy line ;represents the road if changed from its present route and the star shows where the station would be erected. The star in the upper right hand corner designates where the raih:oad people want to erect the station. There is a street just east of the present tracks running south from the station hotel. This street is not showrl on the diagram. There is hardly p (sensibility that the G. 'T R. would undertake changing the route as shown, even should the cor poration give the right of way. The Land from Huron street to Sanders 1 C 352.H. - Sr. III. -Elva Ford, Bla.nal,o Ford. lin. 965; Wm. 1T gu1.r Jr. III. -Irene !fivers, Wm. Kernick, Alex Hodgins, 1579; Hoary Hodgins, Vern Iiodgson, Vena Moodie. Elmer 1529; Melvin Lightfoot, 769: Lizzie efebltlls. II class. -Hugh Sillery. Ed- Cook, 617; \Vm. Tilbury, 584; Win- ward Sillery. Emma Fisher, Rufus nio O'Leary, 467 ; Alton Sholdacc, 423. Kostle, Austin Ford, Gortic Johns, Pt. II. -Gordon Lewis, 1796; Mary. Norm=an Jahns. Sr. Pt. II- Harper Hodgins, 1613; Merton Morley, 1506: Rivers, Freddie Perkins, Irene Ford, Florence Kilmer, 1028: Cecil Jones, Joseph Kerniok. Jr. 1't. Ii.- Cecil 881; Vona Ilamilton, 807: Cornelius Ita•rriss, Arthur Ford. Pt. I.- Mer• Coughlin, 681 ; Ilntt•old O'Leary. 361. Sr. I't. 1.-Narman Short, 821 ; Mary Daunoey, 817: Sylvia Jones. 657: Clarissa Soott, 617: Matilda Daunccy, 578; Elsie Lewis, 517; Wm. 'lodging, 260; Jr. Pt. I.-Itoy Hodgins, 783; Cecil Ligthttcot, 134. No. on roll, 40: average attendance, 34. ALVINA WILSON. Mather. - The following is a report (,f the pupils of S. 8. No. 5, Ushorn(t during the month of February. The nutn- IN'r enrolled during the month was 34. Tho nvcr:ago daily attendance boy 30. The names are in order of merit, theresults being based chiefly upon the ss(,ekly ,examinations. Sr. iV.-Ifertx'rt Bissett, Wm. Sillory, Norman Perkins, Lloyd itivers, Gor- don Ii'ysvood. 3r. iV, - Itlyrtl' Moodie Hazel Ilii set t, Joe Sillery, John Riley. Herman Wyman, Mary Kydd, Emily .Ford, Victor Heywood. vin Dayman. P. GOWANS, Tct;udbber. S. S. N'O � IIAY Tho 'following is a correct report of the standing of the pupils of S. 8. No. 8. Hay. for the month of February. s V, class. - Dorothy Truemnor, 326; total 400. Sr. IV - Aaron Oestreioher 267; total 500. Jr. IV, -Edith Wolper, 290; Alberta Truomonr, 286: Milton Ocstroloher, 263; Harbert Truomner, 249; Lina Sohroedor, 196: Stella Geiger, 176; total, 500. Sr. IiI,-Mary Schroeder, 290; Violetl•a Eckstein, 212: total 400. Jr. Ili,-Tusr1elda Truomner, 217: Roland Klcinfeldt, 169: Lizzie Mess- ner, 132; Jacob Messner, 130: total 400. Sr. Ii. -Pearl Broderick, 168 Chien Truennor, 156 ; ,Lydia Mess.tcr, 152: Leonard Schroeder, 143; Ana:a Wolper, 139; total 300. Jr. 11. - Emily Schroeder 163: Bella Overholt, 157 ; Lillie Messmer, 135; Luella Kuntz, 142: i3ormiiid Hartman, 116; Edwin Hartman, 105: total 30(1. Sr. Pt. II, -Gerrie 'Weigand. Flora Klcin- (cldt. Rciubold Miller. ida Messner. Jr. Pt. TI. -Tillie Kuntz, Theedoro Miller. i't, L-iiil(Lt Sehrc.eder, C. Hartman, Ottis Truernner. Jr. Class Emma :Wegener. No. o,t roll 40; ea-crago ettondo nice 30. TI1EO_J. HAIITLEI11, Teacher. S. 8. NO. 11, STEPHEN The following is a correct report of the standing of the pupils of 8. 8. No. 11, Steihcn, for the month of February. Names are arranged in order of merit. V. class. - Lillie Ehlers, Noonan Brown. Sr. iV. - Wealcy F.ngl•and, Therisalilor, Ar- t hur \Vinkonwador, Fred Preetcr, Morenz, James McPhee. Sr. 11I. - Goorgo Link, Louis 'liter, Herbert Krueger. Milton Ehlers. Jr. Int - Arnold Stephon, Fronk Moroni, Ame- Iia Englarnl, i'(svrl 1.catreatl, Olifa Zitnr, George %iter. Sr. 1i.-Clinrlie Stephen. \V(Ilie McPhee, Frieda Krueger, Mabel Wild. Jr, h1.-Min•t F,hlera, Clare Jeemobs, littoral \Villcrt, Albert Vinecsnl. i't. ti, - Irene Wil- bert, Douglas McPhee, Ithynard Ste. LTt1On, blare Siephrn. I cL-t.e Olive \Villcrt, Lia I.eatreau. L. L. IIARTLEiD, Teacher. 8. 8. NO. 5 McGiLLIVRAY The 'following in a coercct report of S. S. No. 5, \iaGillivray. Name., are in soder of merit. V clam. - J.sm•s O'Leary, 856; Tirro.,hy O'Leary 703; itaytn•aaid Couphlin, 575. IV.- Fr,nd Lewis, 1837; Arnold Coughlin, 1731; Arron Scott, 1422; \:inlet Short 1239 ; Them -es Kilmer, 1013; Eliza ILodgina, 385. 111. -Alice Lightfoot 1735: Lorne Sholdice, 1162; Elft ilod• gins, 1400: Phitemcnc Coughlin, 1203 • Dalton Lewis, 1067: Johnn'.e Cough. WINCHELSEA SCHOOL REPORT The !following is the report of 8. S., No. 6, Usborne, for the month of February, 1906. Names are in ore dor of merit. V. o a d Willis Els Heywood, 1 11mn, ford, Edwin Gardiner. Sr. IV -Net- tie Campbell], Lsure Godbolt, Lilla Ilcywlood. Jr. IV-Alrna Johns, An- nie Elford, Hattie. Hunter. Sr. I11. - Ella Wnnhburn, Clarence Creery, Earl Johns. Jr. room. -Jr. Iii. - Pe.Lrl Goitre Minnie Talbot, Lillie Godbolt. Sr. Ii. - Jennie Campbell. Arnold Clarke, John Brock. Jr. II Emma Heywood. Pt. Ii. - Mildred Bloomfield, Alice Creery. Pt. I. - Roy Goulding. Iltez Crccry, Pt. 1, Jr May Clarke, Burgess I3lconlfield. D. McDOUGALL, W INONA HOWARD, Teachers. CItEOI'I'ON S('11001. REPORT The ' - The following ii the report for the mont•h of February. 75 per' cent of the marks are required for honor and 60 per cont for pass standing. Names aro in order of merit. Division 111.-V. - Honore Ednt Tack. I'ass, Gertie Short, Garnet Swejtzer. iV.-honors, I'oarl Geiser 1',Iss. Edith Hill, iIowird Meadd, Clarissa Hill. Hr, lit. -honors, Elsie Gaiscr Lillian Finkbeinor, Matilda Oestrcicher. Nap. Willie Oestrei- chcr, Pearl Ileist, harry Trick, Al- fred \Vuerth, AI►neet Flnkbeiner, Clara( lloltzlnann. CLAUDE IlLUE1T, Tcaohcr, Division II.-Inter mot i rte III - I'ass, Ettie Fahner, George Beaver, Beatrice htedden, Ivan Hartzell, Pearl Treitz, !toy Redden. ,1 r. Iii.- flays Everett Mist, (:so tto:I Appleton. Hugo Shenk. .1 r. 1 I. -I lomr•s, Lulu Redden. Poo, Evelyn Bluett. A. V. Pass Viola Glits'sr. A. IV, Vase Lonie Redden, ittyrnnnd F:nglish, A. Satn- brcok. MISS FARROW, Te otter. Divisrien 1. -Sr. IL -Honors Qucen- 1:l IJodgins, Florist 11111. Pass 'Ly- dia Otatrsoioher, Willie Motz, Wel- lington ilaist, Francis Hill, Edith AndcrFon and Melvin Brown, canal Jr. 11.-i lonors, Gordon Benedict, Frank King. Pas', Irene Erb, Her- bert Shenk. A. Iii. - I'.tsa, Verna 11111, Irene Wolfe, Vera Ileddcn. A. I1. -Piss, itothe King, Emmery t;ai- ser, Clem Oestrcicher, Allen C►rter. A. I. -Loretta Heist, Mildred Guen- t her, Mesie Geiser. MIS8 ICIENZLE, Teacher. :•••N•••••N41.<1NN+e.N. •+N<I.NN.N.N•414►N•••N THE rIOLSONS BANK (incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855) CAPITAL PAID UP • • - • • • • • RESERVE FUND ••• •••• •••• $3'000.00000 48 Branches In Ontario, Quebec, Alberta Ilrit I.h Columbia and 51 ►nitoba EX T R BRANCH Open every !.awful Day from 10 A. At. to 3 e. M. except Saturday 10 A. M. (0 1 P. M. Forrtser& tgnic Notes; cashed or colictt-d. Forms supplied • On api.ti al ion, I)1tAFT'rn all points In the Dominion. (treat itritain and Un Si 1:r.1 Marr.,, Le.11ifii1 a u•1 rola :t Ioweat rates of eichanee SAVING/4 D?i+TRr4 NT i)opowitts of *1.00 ani upwards retei -c4. T►ttereet cern- ponndrd half 4earley, and added to irinrlpal Junr Tt`lb Rt.(' l'c ' nhcr 11+'. Ire• voila 1:creipt4 al -o 1.”.1.1e1 at.d t'g) est CIlrrrnt rale., r in;rre-t Rll,svtd. Ad%nnccM iustle to harmers stock dealers and business non at lnwea' rates Ind on mo -t fascrable terms. Agents at Exeter ear Dorn. (Invemmcnt, (►N. Dickson & Carling, Snlirit(nr, N. D. HURDON, Manager, NNpNH.N4tN....NNNpHNp.4)N• t i WILLIAM Rra.tT MAIN TTKVP.T THE NEW RAILWAY STATION 1 street is very Low and would rives- sitate a vast amount of grading for e 'tt aswitching 1 ou t k d '[ retic an the t I were done there considerable more 331011ld have to be done. If on rho other hand the switching would bo done north of Sanders street, two or I three houses would have to be pur- ohased. tinder these circumstances the !facet ion where the corn 1 ni1*y, want to build would be the most desirable. Victori•t street could be opened up as i far as the railroad yards, making rtw'o outlets, Victorut and Station streets, thus relieving Station street jot the largo amount of traffic it r=ow. gets. It would reduce the haul for ! Hervey Bros., and the !toss & Tay - for Company two blocks, while the distance %you'd not be increased to those coming from Ikisles-,00d and points north, and besides tha town still not bo asked to expend any a1100 - ('y if the company builds the station on the proposed site, where the i wo north warehouses stand. This sta- ' tion proposition has been (ranging fire for several years, but has been postponed well year for some reason or other. Let the G. T. It. people go ; ahead with their proposed arrange- : anent and see if we will get a nets, station, anything being preferable to .1 the old shack, which we are comt- pelted 'to ':ill a station, and %%:hath .' no doubt (craves n wrong impression .1 with visitors when arriving on tho trains. The Council, :rccomt►arried by repre- sentatives of the local press, braved the cold on Thursday last and looked over the ground, where it los been suggested to have the Grand Trunk Railway move its tracks, .before they erect the new station, svJtich it is in- tended to build thio year. The only %nay possible to make the proposed change %you'd be to have the railway branch from the present line near the old Saw mill site, crossing Huron street, and run in a northeasterly direction across the Carlini property to a point a short distance frciin the intersection of Carling and Sanders street, then north a short distance and go northwesterly meeting the present line south of the tank. 111 the ;annexed diagram the heavy line ;represents the road if changed from its present route and the star shows where the station would be erected. The star in the upper right hand corner designates where the raih:oad people want to erect the station. There is a street just east of the present tracks running south from the station hotel. This street is not showrl on the diagram. There is hardly p (sensibility that the G. 'T R. would undertake changing the route as shown, even should the cor poration give the right of way. The Land from Huron street to Sanders 1 C 352.H. - Sr. III. -Elva Ford, Bla.nal,o Ford. lin. 965; Wm. 1T gu1.r Jr. III. -Irene !fivers, Wm. Kernick, Alex Hodgins, 1579; Hoary Hodgins, Vern Iiodgson, Vena Moodie. Elmer 1529; Melvin Lightfoot, 769: Lizzie efebltlls. II class. -Hugh Sillery. Ed- Cook, 617; \Vm. Tilbury, 584; Win- ward Sillery. Emma Fisher, Rufus nio O'Leary, 467 ; Alton Sholdacc, 423. Kostle, Austin Ford, Gortic Johns, Pt. II. -Gordon Lewis, 1796; Mary. Norm=an Jahns. Sr. Pt. II- Harper Hodgins, 1613; Merton Morley, 1506: Rivers, Freddie Perkins, Irene Ford, Florence Kilmer, 1028: Cecil Jones, Joseph Kerniok. Jr. 1't. Ii.- Cecil 881; Vona Ilamilton, 807: Cornelius Ita•rriss, Arthur Ford. Pt. I.- Mer• Coughlin, 681 ; Ilntt•old O'Leary. 361. Sr. I't. 1.-Narman Short, 821 ; Mary Daunoey, 817: Sylvia Jones. 657: Clarissa Soott, 617: Matilda Daunccy, 578; Elsie Lewis, 517; Wm. 'lodging, 260; Jr. Pt. I.-Itoy Hodgins, 783; Cecil Ligthttcot, 134. No. on roll, 40: average attendance, 34. ALVINA WILSON. Mather. - The following is a report (,f the pupils of S. 8. No. 5, Ushorn(t during the month of February. The nutn- IN'r enrolled during the month was 34. Tho nvcr:ago daily attendance boy 30. The names are in order of merit, theresults being based chiefly upon the ss(,ekly ,examinations. Sr. iV.-Ifertx'rt Bissett, Wm. Sillory, Norman Perkins, Lloyd itivers, Gor- don Ii'ysvood. 3r. iV, - Itlyrtl' Moodie Hazel Ilii set t, Joe Sillery, John Riley. Herman Wyman, Mary Kydd, Emily .Ford, Victor Heywood. vin Dayman. P. GOWANS, Tct;udbber. S. S. N'O � IIAY Tho 'following is a correct report of the standing of the pupils of S. 8. No. 8. Hay. for the month of February. s V, class. - Dorothy Truemnor, 326; total 400. Sr. IV - Aaron Oestreioher 267; total 500. Jr. IV, -Edith Wolper, 290; Alberta Truomonr, 286: Milton Ocstroloher, 263; Harbert Truomner, 249; Lina Sohroedor, 196: Stella Geiger, 176; total, 500. Sr. IiI,-Mary Schroeder, 290; Violetl•a Eckstein, 212: total 400. Jr. Ili,-Tusr1elda Truomner, 217: Roland Klcinfeldt, 169: Lizzie Mess- ner, 132; Jacob Messner, 130: total 400. Sr. Ii. -Pearl Broderick, 168 Chien Truennor, 156 ; ,Lydia Mess.tcr, 152: Leonard Schroeder, 143; Ana:a Wolper, 139; total 300. Jr. 11. - Emily Schroeder 163: Bella Overholt, 157 ; Lillie Messmer, 135; Luella Kuntz, 142: i3ormiiid Hartman, 116; Edwin Hartman, 105: total 30(1. Sr. Pt. II, -Gerrie 'Weigand. Flora Klcin- (cldt. Rciubold Miller. ida Messner. Jr. Pt. TI. -Tillie Kuntz, Theedoro Miller. i't, L-iiil(Lt Sehrc.eder, C. Hartman, Ottis Truernner. Jr. Class Emma :Wegener. No. o,t roll 40; ea-crago ettondo nice 30. TI1EO_J. HAIITLEI11, Teacher. S. 8. NO. 11, STEPHEN The following is a correct report of the standing of the pupils of 8. 8. No. 11, Steihcn, for the month of February. Names are arranged in order of merit. V. class. - Lillie Ehlers, Noonan Brown. Sr. iV. - Wealcy F.ngl•and, Therisalilor, Ar- t hur \Vinkonwador, Fred Preetcr, Morenz, James McPhee. Sr. 11I. - Goorgo Link, Louis 'liter, Herbert Krueger. Milton Ehlers. Jr. Int - Arnold Stephon, Fronk Moroni, Ame- Iia Englarnl, i'(svrl 1.catreatl, Olifa Zitnr, George %iter. Sr. 1i.-Clinrlie Stephen. \V(Ilie McPhee, Frieda Krueger, Mabel Wild. Jr, h1.-Min•t F,hlera, Clare Jeemobs, littoral \Villcrt, Albert Vinecsnl. i't. ti, - Irene Wil- bert, Douglas McPhee, Ithynard Ste. LTt1On, blare Siephrn. I cL-t.e Olive \Villcrt, Lia I.eatreau. L. L. IIARTLEiD, Teacher. 8. 8. NO. 5 McGiLLIVRAY The 'following in a coercct report of S. S. No. 5, \iaGillivray. Name., are in soder of merit. V clam. - J.sm•s O'Leary, 856; Tirro.,hy O'Leary 703; itaytn•aaid Couphlin, 575. IV.- Fr,nd Lewis, 1837; Arnold Coughlin, 1731; Arron Scott, 1422; \:inlet Short 1239 ; Them -es Kilmer, 1013; Eliza ILodgina, 385. 111. -Alice Lightfoot 1735: Lorne Sholdice, 1162; Elft ilod• gins, 1400: Phitemcnc Coughlin, 1203 • Dalton Lewis, 1067: Johnn'.e Cough. WINCHELSEA SCHOOL REPORT The !following is the report of 8. S., No. 6, Usborne, for the month of February, 1906. Names are in ore dor of merit. V. o a d Willis Els Heywood, 1 11mn, ford, Edwin Gardiner. Sr. IV -Net- tie Campbell], Lsure Godbolt, Lilla Ilcywlood. Jr. IV-Alrna Johns, An- nie Elford, Hattie. Hunter. Sr. I11. - Ella Wnnhburn, Clarence Creery, Earl Johns. Jr. room. -Jr. Iii. - Pe.Lrl Goitre Minnie Talbot, Lillie Godbolt. Sr. Ii. - Jennie Campbell. Arnold Clarke, John Brock. Jr. II Emma Heywood. Pt. Ii. - Mildred Bloomfield, Alice Creery. Pt. I. - Roy Goulding. Iltez Crccry, Pt. 1, Jr May Clarke, Burgess I3lconlfield. D. McDOUGALL, W INONA HOWARD, Teachers. CItEOI'I'ON S('11001. REPORT The ' - The following ii the report for the mont•h of February. 75 per' cent of the marks are required for honor and 60 per cont for pass standing. Names aro in order of merit. Division 111.-V. - Honore Ednt Tack. I'ass, Gertie Short, Garnet Swejtzer. iV.-honors, I'oarl Geiser 1',Iss. Edith Hill, iIowird Meadd, Clarissa Hill. Hr, lit. -honors, Elsie Gaiscr Lillian Finkbeinor, Matilda Oestrcicher. Nap. Willie Oestrei- chcr, Pearl Ileist, harry Trick, Al- fred \Vuerth, AI►neet Flnkbeiner, Clara( lloltzlnann. CLAUDE IlLUE1T, Tcaohcr, Division II.-Inter mot i rte III - I'ass, Ettie Fahner, George Beaver, Beatrice htedden, Ivan Hartzell, Pearl Treitz, !toy Redden. ,1 r. Iii.- flays Everett Mist, (:so tto:I Appleton. Hugo Shenk. .1 r. 1 I. -I lomr•s, Lulu Redden. Poo, Evelyn Bluett. A. V. Pass Viola Glits'sr. A. IV, Vase Lonie Redden, ittyrnnnd F:nglish, A. Satn- brcok. MISS FARROW, Te otter. Divisrien 1. -Sr. IL -Honors Qucen- 1:l IJodgins, Florist 11111. Pass 'Ly- dia Otatrsoioher, Willie Motz, Wel- lington ilaist, Francis Hill, Edith AndcrFon and Melvin Brown, canal Jr. 11.-i lonors, Gordon Benedict, Frank King. Pas', Irene Erb, Her- bert Shenk. A. Iii. - I'.tsa, Verna 11111, Irene Wolfe, Vera Ileddcn. A. I1. -Piss, itothe King, Emmery t;ai- ser, Clem Oestrcicher, Allen C►rter. A. I. -Loretta Heist, Mildred Guen- t her, Mesie Geiser. MIS8 ICIENZLE, Teacher. :•••N•••••N41.<1NN+e.N. •+N<I.NN.N.N•414►N•••N THE rIOLSONS BANK (incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855) CAPITAL PAID UP • • - • • • • • RESERVE FUND ••• •••• •••• $3'000.00000 48 Branches In Ontario, Quebec, Alberta Ilrit I.h Columbia and 51 ►nitoba EX T R BRANCH Open every !.awful Day from 10 A. At. to 3 e. M. except Saturday 10 A. M. (0 1 P. M. Forrtser& tgnic Notes; cashed or colictt-d. Forms supplied • On api.ti al ion, I)1tAFT'rn all points In the Dominion. (treat itritain and Un Si 1:r.1 Marr.,, Le.11ifii1 a u•1 rola :t Ioweat rates of eichanee SAVING/4 D?i+TRr4 NT i)opowitts of *1.00 ani upwards retei -c4. T►ttereet cern- ponndrd half 4earley, and added to irinrlpal Junr Tt`lb Rt.(' l'c ' nhcr 11+'. Ire• voila 1:creipt4 al -o 1.”.1.1e1 at.d t'g) est CIlrrrnt rale., r in;rre-t Rll,svtd. Ad%nnccM iustle to harmers stock dealers and business non at lnwea' rates Ind on mo -t fascrable terms. Agents at Exeter ear Dorn. (Invemmcnt, (►N. Dickson & Carling, Snlirit(nr, N. D. HURDON, Manager, NNpNH.N4tN....NNNpHNp.4)N•