HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-03-08, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES, MARCH sill, 1906.
Brownings Drug Store!
Rubber Ooods
A new and complete line of
Bubb( r Gcods, consisting of
Combination and Fountain
Syringes, Enemas, IEot Water
Bottles, Ice Bags, Tubings,
Etc. All of first class quality
and essc rt ials in every home.
Drug Store
The Exeter Times
SUNDAY 4 11 18 23
5 12 19 28
TUESDA r . , .. 6 13 20 27
TVSVNEaDAY.. , . 7 14 21 28
THURSDAY....... 1 S 15 22 20
FRIDAY 2 9 10 Ze 30
SATURDAY 3 10 17 2I 31
i The member•I of the congregation
cd the Iletheedt Methodist church
, 'met list Friday evening and present-
ed Mrs. Minkel, nee MiGs Cann, with
IA beautiful piece of furniture and an
leder-cos. Mrs, nankin ,has always
fkca a deep interest in the welt -
e of our ohurch, and the slight
eu Was given as an appreciation
(if 'her good weark.
Meer r 'M` -s. /punkin. - The years
,Lave passed quickly since the Beth•
reeds church be;.aute acquainted with
your f (tiler, who now, we regret to
sale suffers serious disability. and
swath your sainted mother of most
btosscd memory. These years tomo
Pot again. aL .
\\b knew cV 3o
when you
Jreelle but a little ohild. You have
r'rown up to t:•omla►thood in our
midst and toknot/• you have been a
.t, -sure and blessing. Recognizing
t good DOSS of your lite, es Well as
tle kindness sof your sainted mother,
tele, on 'behalf ot the BethescL' church
odd. congregation, Wham you, fol-
iowing the example of your mother,
'veered so eaithfully as organist, can-
not allow you to pass from tho sor-
viCo of sone en our church, without
g1yiug you home token of the esteem
in which you are held. We therefore
el •k yen to oceopt this niece of furoi-
I' in memory of Bethesda days.
Its value ds nee great. It gets its
rtlpnh from the affection it repre-
4e le. We all loin in wishing you
4$- d your husband unbounded liappi-
is. May your wedded life be long
at d may tele groat good God bless
g'pur home and guide you with his
4e460, 4111 in the sweet to -morrow you
t;leaoh the bteyod home tind of the
sail in Itetaroa.-Signed on Ming of
dhttreh and relag,egation•
Til= wwoirsd 1s 'full of them. Just
sick enough •to bo lazy and listless;
• tQ have no Appetite; to sleep poorly.
Quite often you're 'half sick your -
f. Chancel ere the trouble is in
t etorutbch Ind bowels. Best pre-
eetiort ;e Dr. Ilemilton's Pills;
t h y tone up the entire system,
efrrcngthen the stomach, elevate
ll;our spiri• 1 nna make you well in
Vic night. D:. Ilami`ton'e Pills
aw.rk wonders is ith people in your
candido' . Mild in action, effective
t nd t •y to take. Get Dr. Remit -
top's 1'iite to -day 2543 per box at alit
dealer•, in medic:tw.
:w i•;CSJIiTII
I beg toaunuuuce to the Public
that t have opened a
and have it stock a fell line of
I have had considerable experi-
ence in repairing and if your
Watch or Clock is out e•f order
it can be repaired right here at
On \Vedne.ltbty of Fast +v : k while
Dlr. C. E. Atdworth was assisting
Aii3or \Vildfong Aiwing wood, his colt
in ionic Way ilocame entangled with
the belt, throning hien towards the
rlilw, cu' i ins several of the fingers
eno, hit ;• 1 heel. and fracturing a
rib. Dr. 1r rn nr
mad(theO netc
'rosy repairs one Mr. Aldworth is
Belting Mona fine, although he has
to keep Lis hind well bandaged.
The revived Wet in tare being con•
tented this weak.
The Mises Young t,rd nestle, of
Crediton, visited friends in tills vi-
tinity List week.
Mr. Geo. O'Brien :1nd son, Charles,
of AIimcdl. fyisic ., who spent rho
105: t ww t1 motif hi visiting friends here
le(, Monday for their home. They
took a oar -laid of settlers effects,
oon.'ist inu of horses. etc., %%R h t hem.
Faearep 7711
Then your blood netts/ he i.l
a very had condition. You r
'rcainiy know NOVA t0 take, 1.
then take it -- Ayer'3 Sar-;.-
parilla. If you doubt, then
consult your doctor. We know
what he will say about this t
grand old fa;niiy to:Jici;ie.
•.•. 'e the An, gt,est.'3 lass .1.rl •r wn;Y.1 b
a•e'. .• Ar,, rao: ,Dior), „• 113., - ' 11 • 1 •
1', • rL, y action of the how.. .. • • •
•.• n.t 1 t., reen,rrv. iter'., • r .
t..1 h ,lr M..11• IPR.:tar 1•y a.) . ..1 :..
•,.,.•t Ayer's rine.
t,vlwa :.sato ..AR -e .
1taRa h= J.O. *Ter es., tow••/. 1 tail
A.30 mutt ai.C$'as'- •• < t
i MIR %f:.,1R.
yes Art! tcv, t
CaPRi' ITCtr"tt
Via have r... vent, • t7a r.:+• ash
the formulas of a'.: <- : r -.5 :
rr 't '72913._
1)Asll W000
11r. Wile Shrum w 1s iu London n
feu d tys during the bast 4leek buy-
( int: ..t stock of spring es ods. Mr.
Shrum lets cc-rteinly been doeig a
Liege and iucreat+rng business since
corning here, and the people hero-
t;t,auts appreciate his fair dealings
with deem. Mr. Shrum is se greti-
fied with the success he has had
t hat he has leased his present store:
for a nutnbt•r pf years catuutencing
eley 1st. .
Mr. Win. McKewen, of Cairo, hat
occepted :t peeition as clerk with Mr.
Sir urn.
Mr. John llaist 1.3st week pup-
ee'sc'd tib 109 acre (.inti of Lauren^e
chased the 100 acre tarn[ o[ L•tw-
renCe Det !Ike, the oonsideretion be-
;r'r E6,000. Mr, 113ist will take pos-
session fleet fall.
Mr. Lewis Mosser Itis purchased
the Ort f rem just north o[ -Zurich, on
the lirenson Line. We understand
the prieo paid was $9,000 and that
Mr. Mooser will take possession at
Miss Lizzie Ronnie of Zurich, was
in the village for a few days last
/week. .
Mr. Fred Young. of Crediton, was
n Iptnasant caller in Lite village on
Mr. Simpson Ireland went to Strat-
ford last Thursday and we learn he
secured a gcod position as foreman
of a pi:ening mill there. Ile left on
Tuesday to start on his duties, and
if he finds the work is settisfactory
will move his family there.
Mr. Ezra Otterbein spent a few
days Last week in Burlin visiting
Miss Sadie Mcisaac has . returned
from a two week's pleasant visit
/with friends in Detroit.
and has re-
e•sumed her position in the poet of •
(ice. IIer many friends aro pleased
to• see her smiling ./.ice again.
Mr. Wm. Ehlers of the 14th re-
cently sold his 100 acre farm to Wil-
fred Latone for $3,500. Mr. Lafone
tikes possession next October.
Mr. Jacob Kclleemann was in To-
ronto list wtek on business.
Rev. R. S. Kneohtel, P. E., con-
ducted the nerwices in the Evangelical
church on Sunday.
Basra the The Kind Yon Hate Always Blueld
of -
Subscribe for the "Exeter Time'."
The Liternry Society intend hold-
ing a grand concert on the evening
of Friday, March 30th.. Fax. the fun.
ny man, of Toronto, as been en-
gaged :for the occasion. The Liter-
ary Society is deserving of our united
support. It has been organized for
some lime and meetings have been
hold Weekly at the homes of the var•
ious members. These meetings have
been very beneficial and have Tee
suited in bringing put the different
talents of our boys and girls, and we
can pride ourselves on having local
talent above the ordinary.
v c di r
Air. Heist, of Berlin,- is visiting
friends in our village.
Alio; Myrtle Clark and Miss Far-
row spent Sunday at the latter's
home in Goderdch.
Inspector Tom paid our school a
visit on Thursday last.
Mr. Eli Sweet lett Monday for Is-
land Lake, Alberta, %where he in-
tends ,opening a store if the country
suits hint. Mr. Sweet has been clerk-
ing for Mr. W. W. Kerr fon a num-
ber of years. His many frvends Will
him heck. Mrs. Sweet will reru lin
here for the present.
Mr. John Brown and bride, of
Kil►nanagh, Mich., are here on. their
wedding trip visiting Mr. Brown's
mother, Mrs, John Brown, sr.
Itev . Mr. Clemens, of le:Ishu•oat.
was in the village on Thursday.
Miss Ella Link is the guest of
Mrs. Kuntz of Exeter, for a few
Mr. 'McLean, representing the St.
Williams Acetylene Co., and who is
here with the view of jnstalling ci
plant, is still w.orking on the scheme,
although nothing definite has yet
been done. The proposition of Mr.
McLean has the approval of our.
citizens. Mr. 'McLean has scoured an
order •for installing a plant in 51r.
Itoasenberry's hotel at Grand Bend.
Mrs. John Young is ill with the
Miss Lucy Young is visiting at
1 tin hone of Mr. Wm. Northcott,
Miss Beulah Beaver visited friends
in Centralia on Sunday .
Mrs. C. Beaver is on t.hc sick list.
Revival services Will be conduct-
ed in both of our churches this
,,eek. The services are growing in
interest and are well attended.
Mr. Osmund Walker and Mr. F.
Rosenberg, of Crediton East, are
visiting friends in Falkirk and All-
ot Craig.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. McCormick
left 'Monday for Pierson. Man., and
will make their future home there.
Mr. James Lawson. our new jew-
eler reports business as good. See
".td" in this assns.
A,.nivers.iry services will be held
iii Zion Evangelical church next
Sunday. Rev. C. Steiblor, of Clive•
land, Ohio, Editor .of the Evangel-
ical Magazine and the German 8.8.
literature, and a former pastor of
this church. will preach. The morn
ing end evening services will be in
German. 'Che 'English service tt•1II
be held on Sunday afternoon at 3
o'clock. On Monday evening pt 8
o'clock a song service will be held
and on address twill be given by ltev.
1 t
Mr. 8 ❑eb er n the c internationa
t o 1
Volunteer Convention at Na:Jiville,
Tenn. The speaker is coming direct
frail t Ids gro:►t Student Missionary
gathering and n11 who attend will
certainly be given a rich treat A
silver collection will be taken at
the door .ou Monday evening.
Mist Lydia F'inklrciner re:tarri, d
1018e on b.tturdly last, atter a three
weeks visit With her sister Mrs. 1).
Truenuler, of It.1y.
The nany friends of Mess Lena
\Vhilhclm will be plc,.tsed to see Ler
around again otter her recent iliac;:+
Mr. Chas. Z wicker shipped a Car-
load of seed on Monday last.
The tinny friends of Mrs. John Mc
lrrie Will be ple.iseri to 'tarn that
alit is recovering.
Mr. Garfield 11i11 left Monday for
11ae west, where he intends talking
up land. We wwish him every success
A number of our town bays enjoy
ed a very pleesent time at the
of Mr. Joe. \V:lsinige, Ilr•inslcy Ito
Frill ,y ^Vcning.
Mr. ('h ides %wicker spent stevere'
it ys in T.rront.o Inst week On bus:.
Mies Bitty %wicker, of Lo.ridon,
visited her bra:h^r Chis '!,wicker,
c . I
af+t dots aft Week.
Mr. Henry Either. M. 1'. i'., Frena
Sunday at 'toame.
'lits Anne' Yee ly, of Go4Jten Linc
event sleverril digs the guest of Mrs.
.la.'. Laws -n.
Serena! of our young Poppe seen;
tl very plrns.•tnt evening nt the home
of Mr. itob"rt l' sery Frid lV evening.
Cao Mt. 3 .
Sean the _AI`'(`,1leo Hot A 83'01
�.l'(S:IC'It1I'•d: ; lilt •/tit: TtytF:•.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. 1'. T.
W. Madge, of the 8th concession of
l'sb irno. was the /scene of n very
pretty wedding :it high neon, Wed•
neseey, ma rrll 7th. WLett. their
youngest daughter, Ethel May, was
Married to Autos O. Francis, of the
sante township. The bride, gowned
in •t beautiful blue shot silk, trine -
/tied WW1 sett colored lace rind se-
uuin. kinked eh:irruing leaning on
the arm of her esteemed father no
elle entered the room, to the each:it-
ing strains of the %melding march.
"Matcho Fantasquc" played by her
sister,. Mrs. Geo. Willi ems. The cere-
mony teas perforated by Rev. Going.
1(. A., of Exeter, amidst an artistio-
ally enranged bower of English ivy
etnd ferns r tci
n -c, uir
h ww its
;hyacinths. ltev. Fletcher, pastor of
the Thames Road I'resbyteriau
church and ltev. Fair, of Eliun•ille,
were ,also in nttcnd.lnc:. After the
ceremony and the usual congratula-
tions Were bestowed upon t he young
ample, the bridal party iitt down to
a dainty dine, of which about sixty
pet F1)718 1xtrtook. Guests Were pre-
sent from London. T:tviste k. Mit.-
choll, Husseldale, Farquhar, Thames
Road, Exeter, liirkton and other
places. After spending a few %%coke
with "friends Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Will take up their residence on Mr.
F.ancis' Cane The young couple are
held in t ho highest esteem by ell
t•htir ccquaintances as the numerous
and costly gifts, of which they were
recipients will show. Mr, Francis is
to be congratulated on securing as
a helpmeet such a charming woman
as by Cupid darts he won, and his
wife is likewise to feel congratulated
for her wise selection of Mr. Francis
who is worthy of all the 'good things
that can be said of him. The Time
joins the many friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Francis in Wishing them the
success rend happiness that is sure
to be theirs+ for all time to come.
Is Trow suddenly it comes. No time
to hurry to the drug store, croup
developes, the lungs are affected
with pneamoni.t or tuberculosis and
it's too Late. Keep Catarnhozone on
hand, it kills colds instantly. Some-
thing magical about the way it cures
catarrh and bronchitis. Catarrho-
zone is the best remedy beoanse it
curs n n tune way; ' 1 i 's w a , ; itt beala.
soothes and restores permanently.
Carry a Catarrhozono inhaler in
your 'pocket. use it occasionally and
vou'Il never catch cold -that's worth
remembering. -.
ELiM\' 11,1,E
Mr. A. Andrews is having the in-
terior of his house painted end pa-
pered, the Exeter painters .Dixlney
tind- C.ollingwood, doing be job.
Messrs. E. Coultas, G. and S. An-
drew hive purchased one of the new
International Manure spreaders
from J. Ifunter, Exeter. This ma-
chine is taking the lead as one of
the best and latest improved on the
rn•a rke t .
Mr. S. Andrew delivered a span
of colts to Mr. T. llondford, for
which he received :t nice figure.
The annual Epworth League Con-
vention in connection with this cir-
cuit, was held at Bethany on Thurs-
thy, March 1st. It proved to be ono
of the best yet held. The papers in
ilio afternoon session were n11 that
oould bo %veered tor, tunny helpful
and useful thoughts being brought
out in coed' topic. The officers ef-
fected were President, Victor Snell ;
Seeret ire', 'Wesley Johns. While n
largo number attended the afternoon
session of the convention, a much
l.trger ono was in attendance at the
evening s eseion. The song service
Wise led by the 7..ien choir. Tho de-
viotional sevvico was very nbly taken
by the Rev. C. Fletcher after which
the new president took charge of the
meeting. The Revs. V obe, of Kirk -
ton, and A. 11. Going, of Exeter, gave
two very instructive addresses which
were heartily appreciated by the
large number present.
Muster Wellington Skinner left for
Berlin, Ont., on Monday, where he
intends taking up n course In the
echaol for stammerers. Wo hope
tl►•1t ',Nellie will receive much bene-
fit from this course.
The Epworth Longue swill which
%tis to have been bald last Tuesday
NAIL be held the next Tuesday. A
good prognitnme it expected. Hiss
Robinson, elocutionist. of 1 brkton,
Will recite, and the Harmonica and
Oredtestni of Whalen 1wi11
furnish music.
ltev. Messrs. Fair and IlazlewrAd
Ore conducting revival services at
Miss Nellie Hynds left o'4 Friday
far Exeter /there she will engage in
(ha dresesntoking business.
The L"ldiev' Aid met at the home of
etre. John Jetties, Faimville anent, on
'V ed ne.•trltl y.
Rev. 1'.1ir and wife attended the
marriage of Miss Ethel Madge to elr.
Aneee Francis on Wed,icsdey. .
Mr. James Ilorbert and fiiughter,
Lottie, visited friends here on S1tur.
Mr. Coxun ot Getntoneend SII
Fred, have been in this part for the
past wa:k painting and pat•crliiii.-
elr. .1. Wright viitcd friends ata
Centralia on Sunday.
elr. Robert Skinner spent Mond iy
in Ilerl.n an husin:•+s.
lichina, Blind, lb'eedin. , elm Imo
u,1 -
in; biles. Dru,rr.sts are authorized
to refund nipney if faze Ointment
fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. r0i
Is one of the constitutional
diseases. It manifests itself
in local aches and pains,-
Inflamedjoin is and stiff
nacles it
-bat cannot be
cured by local applications.
It requires constitutional
treatment acting through
the blood, and tbe best is a
course of the great medicine
Hood's Sarsaparilla
which has permanently
cared thousands of cases.
woe teatlasoltlals of remarkable cares
MM for look oa it beamadem, No. T.
G L Hood Co., Lowest Mass.
Mrs. Clark visited her parents, Mr.
and Mre. It. D. Roy, of Exeter, last
Wallace Brown Is at present con-
fined to the house suffering from a
sevoro cold.
A number (torn here attended the
funeral of the late James Park, of
Cromarty on Saturday.
Mrs. 'Wee. Boyce is a; present visit-
ing friends at Clinton.
Mr. Fred Henson and lits bride
have returned home from their wed-
ding tour, visiting friends in S1rni:,
and Detroit. We Aveleome Mrs. ilan-
son into our midst.
Miss Bella Brown has returned
home after visiting .friends its Clin-
ton. Mrs. Russell is at present con-
fined to her bed from a severe cold
followed by pneumonia.
AN OLD AND Wean-Tnrtin ltx.snr.-Mrs
WInslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for
over sixty years by mil.tons of mothers for their
children while teething,with perfectxucce+a.
It soothes the child, softns the gums, allays all
pain cures wind collo. and is the best remedy
for Dlarnccea. It is pleasant to the taste. Nord
by druggists in overy part of the world. 25
:entaabottle. its value la incalculable. Be
sure and take Mrs Wlnslow'a 800thlntc
Syrup and ask for no other kind.
11'INCH 1':LSI:A
Iuspecto, J .E. Toni paid .Lis semi-
annual vir•.it to Lhe school on F'ridey
Mist Gilmour, of Montano. U. 8.
/who iris been isiting friends on the
Thames Rood during the past winter
took tea with Mr. and Mr'. 1). Cow-
ard on Sunday evening last.
Messrs. Oetiord and Bloomfield
were in London on Tuescity attend-
ing to business matters.
It's remedy clpable of affording
t hundred and
relief o
c 't c of to the
'mmdtc r t
one ailments that constantly arise.
It ineyebo a cold, perh•ips toothache,
t:(•ora aia, t•ai a in the• back, -use roe.
sorest Nervili le, it is pcnctr sting,
pian subduiag and powerful. Ncr-
Viline is lit least five u0les stronger
than ordinary ,remedies and its worth
in clay household can't bo over-esti-
mated. For man or beast Nervitine
is a panacea for all pain rind costs
only 25c per bottle. Buy Nervilin�
to -d ty from 3 our druggist.
i 1I t'LE M11•:NTS
Messrs. 'floe. Cameron :and 11.
itrotwn have been inet uetcd to sell
LOT ee, CON. 4, (•SlLOLISK
FRIDAY, elARCII 23rd, 190e
At one o'clock siva! p the (1)110+inR
live; mock sad implements.
HOUSES -1 aged horse: ..' nieces,
agricultural, sired by Joe; 1 m,:u'e,
general purpose, sired by Joe ; 1
mare 4 years old, sired by Glavin:ck
1 goading, 4 years old, siren by (;las-
nick ; 1 more 3 years old, sired by
Gl;t•snick, with full to Lord lfowat•
NON 1 entire colt, l car old, tire
by Geo -nick ; 1 mare foal sired by
Lord ilou,atson.
CATTLE. -13 cows supposed to be
in cat; 1 ,heifer 2 years old supposed
to be in calf ; 7 steers 2 years old; 7
steers 1 year old; .1 [heifer 1 ye,•tr
old; 10 steer calves; 1 heifer calf ;
1 bull 2 years old.
2 sows supposed to be wit11 pig.
1 pair geese: n nurnber of hens.
IMPLEMENTS. -1 Maxwell binder
6 ft. cut ; 1 Maxwell mower 5 ft.
cut ; 1 Maxwell steel 'Loy rake ; 1
12 shoo Champion txedcv and drill,
nearly new; 1 spring tooth Cham-
pion eultiviator, nearly new ; 1 Mas-
sey disk barrow 1 hay loader; 1
hay. rack; 1 wagon box with trig
rack. 1 gravel box nearly new; 1
cutter ; 1 pair bob sleighs; 2 iron
oxte wagon; 1 truck wagon; 1 demo-
crat; 1 set diamond harrows, 4 sec-
tions; 2 Verity plows, No. 13.; 1
large 2 furrow plow, Fleury make;
1 2 furrow plow, -Murray nuke; 1
Chatham' fanning mill with bagger
attachment ; 1 ret wagon scale, 2000
lbs. cap; 1 con„tor saale, 240 lbs.
cap.; 1 Natiorsil cream separator; 1
Daisy churn: 2 crosscut saws; 1
root pulper; wheel barrow, sugar
kettle, long ladder, ohaff basket, 2
set teem harness. set single harness;
odd collars, Forks, shoes, shovels
chains clod other articles too num-
erous to mention.
Tho wet half of lot No. 25, Con.
6, Usbarne, the property of the lite
James Moir, containing 50, acres,
fitualed 4 1-2 miles from Exeter. 40
sones .are seeded to grass, the bal-
, tICe good hardwood r bush.
For further particulars apply to
the undersigned at Ifensctil P. O.
For Real Esinte.-10 per cent or
equivalent of purchase price on day
of gale. the balat;ce in 30 days with-
out interest.
1'ar Chattels. - All sums of
of $5.00 and under oa.'th ; over that
amount 9 months' credit will be giv-
en on furnishing poproved joint
testes. A discount of 4 per cent off
for ,wash on credit amounts.
Auc t ianeers.
QUAIR, Executors, 'knoll', Ont.
GLADMAN & STANItf`HY,Selicitore
• --so-
That the North Midland ltailway
Company will apply to the Legisla.
ture of the Province of Ontario tat
the next ensuing session thereof for
an Aot amending the Act of incur•
porotion of the Company and for ex-
tending the time for the commence-
ment of the railway and to change
the route nrid for other purposes.
Dated at London Ontario this first
day of February, A. D., 1906.
Soto for the Company.
The board of directors of the Us-
1►arne ar:d ilibbort ',luta ll Fire In-
surance C'o., met There on Monday.
Mr. W. A. 'Turnbull i{ nt lire"etit
on the seek list.
Mr. Geo, Itilcy loft on Mondry for
!trend en.
Mfr. Wua. Itedgert moved to Exeter
last week.
51r. \1' in. It. Stew' r t • who Ira
rental 1tr. Wm, li tckncy's farm
moved tette last Ttlurv,lly.
Mr. W. Kay brought Lome a fine
Mon of horses on Mond iy.
Mrs. Chas. Smith, of Jimes, Ohio,
writes ; "i have used every remedy
for nick headache i could hear of for
the past fifteen years, but Carter's
Little Liver Pills did me more good
then all the rest.
11i(8. Lt XTON, OF FiLL11011F:
Sisk., who was visiting h"r sister -
in -111w, Mrs. feat Luxton, left fo'
1::•r Homo Thur.vlay.
11 s rot I ronfounled With corn.
180.1 eat h,rtie or p.urgativepills.
Carter's Little Liver ('ills are entire
•••••••••••e•••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••..•••••••
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• �l
• ♦
The Lonon Gro6kcru 6o'.
Our immense assort-
ment of new lines are ar-
riving in good time for
Spring Trade. We always
endeavor to have our lines
complete and up-to-date.
We carry no goods that
we cannot recommend to
you Vs'e have no old
stock to try and sell you,
everything new and clean
and the price always the
for anyite tab11le
use, wedding gifts or gifts for any other purpose, comes in such a
variety sty o f useful articles. The richness of decoration, thinness of
china and beauty of shapes snake this a very desirable class of
china tobuy. Coutes in Berry Sets, Salad howls, Chocolate Pots,
Biscuit Jars, Plates, Cups and Saucers, Nut Bowls, Bon Bone,
Spoon'Trays, Pickle Dishes, Fern Pots, Rose Jars, 5 o'clock Tea
Sets, and many other pieces.
SETSAlways a fine as-
' sortrnent of new sets
to choose from, quality Al, prices from $0.50 and'up.
♦ We carry a splendid line of these goods in
• ♦ Vases. Lemonade Sets, Tumblers, Water
• • Bottles, Goblets, Berry Bowls, Jugs, Creams, Table Sets, Rose
• • Bowls, Etc. Conte and See Our Splendid Stock.
LONDON GROGKLRY G0. 1gt91,onct este
• e WE PREPAY expiecs or freight charges on all purchases of •
• ♦ $10.00) or over.
••♦•••♦♦♦•••♦••♦••••••♦ ♦•••♦••♦♦•♦••••♦••♦••••••• •
In Fancy, Parlor, hanging, Hall and
Glass Lamps, splendid variety, good decor-
ations, every lamp new and constructed on the most scientific lamp
antedOne hundred more
young men and wom-
en, who are ambitinus and enterpris-
ing to qualify in the
For the many positions open to
all those who are thorougbly pre-
pared to accept theta. A six
months' course in thin college
means for a young tn:tn of the
right kind, an educational equip-
ment better than many trades or
professions in money earning
power. Students admitted at any
time. Circulars free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.0
Now in Stuck'
Bran and Shorts
and Wheat Chop
At Exeter and Centralia Elevators
Prices satisfactory. Bring in
your grain and load home
with feed.
Exeter. Centralia. '1
You are Suit buyers. We make the
Suits- you wear then/ out. eVe make
them as well as we can, so that they
G R OGERY will not wear out sooner than the
ought. Because, if they do, you'11
" likely go somewshere else for your
next Suit. And do one could blame
you. So much money ought to bn
so much Suit worth. And Suit wort
is fashionableness of fabric -style 1ID
cut -fit -finish -looks- dressyness -
and length of service.
As good a place as there is within
miles to get all this and not pay too
touch is W. Johns.
Elegant Black and Blue
Suitings for $is.00
and $18.00.
Merchant Tailor
Clearing Auction Sale Ogilvie's Roual Household
01' FARM STOCK & 11511'LEell.NTS
Cle.uring auction sale with 30 dairy
cotes and heifers, consisting of .ler
seys, 4lcrrey geodes, and Ilolstein
gr:tdes and short horn grades. A
full ctpuipmcnt of L:rrin implements
received instruction from Mr.
Jolopih Meighen to sell by public MANITOBA BLEND
auction' one mile west of St ef•trys
'We ale the people that handle the
(lour that his the Royal Warrant,
that has the catchy name, and
catches the appetite of a hungry tnan
when he cots It.
This flora is 50131 et a very roe -
suitable pi ice at the Led store and
Is more superior' Chau eny other flour
' westWe IiVo 10 kinds of (tour called
on t'1•anitobe Blend and i'+ 50 per
the following stock and implements--e
nt Manitoba 1•, heat, ill.::
HORSES -5 working horses, from
7 to 12 years of age; one gelding, OF THE EXETER MILLS.
rising 3 years old, cared by Nutting J A WILLIAMS & CO.
King. on^ roadster filly, rising 't
CATTLE. -4 'fresh calved Cows, 8
e •tele , r' \ t • d April,
u o cru n .Marol an A 1
d t c during R
1 ,
8 ranging (nemun May to Sept., t ,! h •
lion doe to calve in Lhe autumn. (3
:heifer calves, ono registered short -I foods produced and /sold at hal[ the
horn shall of Which pc•digr"e still b; , price, tits per cot,
produced on day •of wale, and 6 twin '1'o 'Joke your Lens lay try porno of.
yet1 old steers .aI ottr poultry meats, Ilono Grit, Oyster
About 50 .hens I Shell and some of our chicken feed.
FAi(M,-There Will also Ir otferrd; ',,care your order et the Feed Store
for tl^ If not sn!d 11:'1 ." •uhow,� twliere you will tind Ilt,l the pricey
date a (tem consisting of 62 acres+, arc right and the gcorly of the hest
:tdjajuui11 town, good bink hien,:nd qul1133.
(tame holo Goods delivered al semi' pikes. binds : .6 ft. cut.)
1 nbowor, 5 1-2 0. cut ; J mower 5 i
1t. 541t ; one 1►ty lo tiler ; one -sulky `
Tltie flour is Fold at $2.25 per cwt.
Choice (tham
and Pastry flour
c11Ways on
\\'e hive one at the best stock
r.tke, one eide make, one 12 hen seed
drill, one 3 node cultivltor, one
corn .cultiwwltor, one 600 (Nip. eerier-)
oto•• one immure apread•'r one Per -
vin sulky plow, one Foie bobsleighs,
one .f:,rm truck, one teddcr. All the
above implements are nearly news
and love been purcl:a:sed recently
and erre in first clime condition. One
truck wagon 4 in. tire; one light
eels-t10r'ae wagon; one single buggy.
one reel airs, one pale Irab sleighs,
one 'ere roller, lily fora:,, :apco
ears, pulleys rate., roue now: harrow+
rc.uffler, a wwlking plows, 'horst
4 ttalr an'I cutch:pt box, platform
• • !• rr 20;10 Ile ; Daisy them; tee
p •r milk cooler ; gtul. iron toll nil
tink, t rR^lined water trough,
L -orlon fence innthire, extension lad•
d -r, apple ladder, f:>rke. i'.hovele,
Peso, crowbars end many o.11er small
',Ili:!^r not -illy fond on a farm,
•I••.> 2 tats double : sar:woe, 1 set sil-
gle thanes', agricultural tarmacs,
• buggy pok and whiffleir • , :utter
pole :eel e hitneti• .••
Elbe to co:timer:re at 12 recto -k.
' No resew :• :s 61, • proprieter has
odd his form.
TERMS -14%00 .1Mi unrl r, cash ; or -
^.r that amount 10 int hs. credit wtd%
t1^ given on furnishing approved
Ijoint notes, or n dT•reeun! of .', leo
lent. for arutum (:r ease in 'el of
ply a 'like them In ',•very respect. ,,rites.
One trill Wil 1 prove, their super- JOA. WHIITT.,
JOS. 111I.1t.11f?N,
A tit t . Prop.
Hello\\' Cement Building
Blocks of different
designs and sizes.
Slr•1• c and Double lilac; abso-
lutely fire proof.
Stock nls<Ays on h Pi ices reason -
'We have east rreeiwed a e'atload if
Hem Lecke Mend Clement. i'arties
inteedirg to h,11r1 title spring •lwold
err IIA 1 dare btlw t,•g elsewhere,
Thames Road P. 0., Ontario.
This school tine become the
leading Commercial School to
the \\ est. No similar institu-
tion is cluing more to thorough-
ly equip young people for re-
sponsible positions. Our courses
are thorough nid practical vshilo
the teaching is done by experi-
enced instructor/•. All graduates
get good posit inns. You may
enter at any t inn•, Write at any
W..1. ELLIOTT, )
Mr. \Vat. Atkinson Inas just added
r �• a '! 1 r We 0
a v t t.r4 1, to hi res d Ice, i b
mikes quite 1314 itnpnovment.
The Life Guards are two regimental
of cavalry forming part of the Ilrit.
ash household troops. They gal.
l int s.Idier" tind every 10311 arc Ifritisb
ttoart is proud of them. Not only'
the Ring's Household, but your'',
our', everybody's should have its
life guirds. The need of them is er-
peciA11y great when the greatest foes
of life, diseases, find allies in eh*
very .clement ns colds, influenza, aa,
ttrrh. the grip, and pneumonia do in
the stormy month of M itch. The
best Rely that we know of to guard
ng inst these die :sem is to strengtb•
en the system with Hood's fiereapa-
1!111-11,4: erevlteat of all life guards.
It removes the condition•+ in which
these, diseases mike their most s,re-
dasful stuck, piece vlpr,r and torte
to .111 the vital org ins anti functions
.and imparts a grrni11 genial w;,rm-
th to ((n bleep. Remember the
we,kr•r 11.0 system 11)0 greater the
is to disaish• Ifrwld's filrtvri, /
[mills niekO-s the system stra,log.