HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-03-08, Page 30 pepoatitooro0ovo0ooal f nUFFt:1tING WOMEN.
YOUNG Find Health and Strength is the Use 1
�+ Dr. Militants' Pink Pills.
0 FOLKS Every b �
nearing n
000.10040 0000 000 7000(>00
Said Peter Paul Augustus: "N hen I atu
grown a Milli,
Ill help Illy deo al mother the very
best 1 can.
111 wail upuu tier kindly; shell lean up-
on my aria;
Eli lead her very gently, and keep her
safe from limn.
when I think upon it, tate time will
be so long,"
• d Peter Paul Atigu,Ius, "before I'm
tali and strong,
1 bink it would be wiser to be her pride
and joy
13y helping her my very best while I'm
a little boy."
Three little kittens were 1n the hay-
loft, away back in the corner, in a box,
but Sterling found them one rnonling,
'when his father was taking cure of the
"0, papal" he said, bus great earnest
Crown eyes opened wide, 'Mittens has
three kittens, and their eyes are right
And away he ran to tell Ruth. She
came In great haste, and despite her fif-
teen years, climbed the ladder into the
hay plow. There sure enough were the
soft, shining little things, with Mother
Mitten, purring over them. One beauti-
ful Maltese gray, with white mingling,
and here and there a spot of darker
&ray. One was striped with white paws,
and the other was black and white and
gray. eoftly mottled.
"0, what shall we name them, Ruth
dear?" asked Sterling eagerly.
"1 think," said Ruth, stroking the lit-
tle glossy backs. "we had better watch
them, and name them as we see them
do something."
"All right," said Sterling. So every
day they went nut to .wee if they were
doing anything that would entitle them
to a name.
But for many days they were quite
satisfied In sleep a great deal. and to
mento pitifully if they were hungry, and
Mother Mittens was away.
At last their pretty eyes were open,
when they were not asleep. and th.'y
tegan to want to know where thew were
and what kind of thing's were around
them, besides the pretty girl who took
Them up by turns in her arms and strok-
ed them until they purred with sweet
So one day the gray and white began
to investigate. and making a footstool
M the back of the spotted one, he
benched the top of the box and tunbled
But he did not care for the accident, asks him It he would hove any more
and climbed in and out as he pleased
atter that. wine he replied: 'My dear Randolph, 1
Ruth and Sterling soon became aware have sipped your excellent champagne;
his feats, and they said: "0, he is have drunk your good claret; I huve
the strongest; his name must be Sam-
Then the mottled one began to find
his wav nal, but nal merely to enjoy
his strength; he nosed around every-
where hungrily. He was hunting ter
something gond to eat. and Ruth sold.
''I tell you. he's a heater from awoy
1 ack, end we'll call him Nimrod, won't
we. Sterling?'
"Yes. that's jest it." assented the lit-
tle apple-cheeked brother.
Just one was nnnieleeis. Now came
watching. When the little kitten with
the while news walked around he litters
his feet daintily as If he were walking
en egg shells.
"0. 1 know," said Ruth, "our Sundry
school les.;nn said when Samuel sent
for Areng. 'he came to him delicately:
end that's fust the wav that kitten
walks. Let's cell him Ageg,"
So all the kitcns were named.
growing girl and everywoman
1 addle life sutlers from ail-
memis peculiar to her sex. At these
tiles, the health and hnppeiess of every
girl and wiimun delved upon the rich-
ness and regularity of her blood. Look
it the young girl whose blood Ls weak
and watery. Iler face is pule. her Zips
and gums blaodless. tier heud itches
and her back aches. She has no ener-
gy, no life, a poor appetite and no de-
sire for exercise. She complains that
euro to walk upstairs leaves her breath -
leas. Aid the woman In middle life—
she is nervous, irritable and depressed
—Liable to sudden attacks of pain and
distress that only a woman kn of.
She turns from food; horrible di
hot and cold flushes, make her life lois-
erabte. But Dr. Williams' fink Pills
banish all this misery, because they Ell
the veins with rich, strung, healthy
blood which gives tone and strength to
very delicate organ. The case of Mrs.
Geo. Denby, of Tilbury, Ont., is one of
the many that proves that no medicine
can compare with Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills in curing the ills of womenkh►d.
Mrs. Denby says: "1 think Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills are a blessing to suffering wo-
men. For a long time I was a great suf-
ferer from the aitents that affect so many
of my sex. 1 was extremely nervous at
all times. suffered a great deal with
headaches and indigestion. In fact, I
was in a thoroughly miserable condi-
tion when 1 began the use of Dr. Wil -
items' Pink Pills, but after taking teem
h short time I began to improve, and,
through their further use, i am now
feeling like a new w•ontnn. I am sure
if all sick women would take Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pilis they would be convinc-
ed of the great good they can do."
Dr. Williams' fink Pills can make
every ailing girl and suffering woman
to the land strong and healthy if they
are given a fair triol. But great care
must be taken to • c that you get the
genuine pills with the full name, "Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People,"
er; the wrapper around each box. Sold
by all medicine dealers everywhere cr
sent by mail at 50c. a box, or six boxes
for *2.50, by writing The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Lord Randolph as He Appeared to lilt
Here are some extracts from Winston
Churchill's recently published life of his
father. Lord Randolph Churchill:—"One
night Mr. Disrncll was among their
guests, and an anecdote of his visit.may
he preserved. 'l think,' said Lord Ran-
dolph, discussing .with his wife their
party after it had broken up, 'that Dizzy
enjoyed himself. But how flowery and
exag rerated is his language! When t
About a year ago a large grizzly St.
Bernard dog was kidnapped from a Ile-
vf:re Garnier, and subsequently sold to
a Brookline livery stable keeper to
Silly dollars.
The Revere farmer advertised, but to
nn purpose. Business one day took
him to Brookline. ile wad accomranied
by his six-year-old daughter. They .fere
driving slowly Through the main street.
Suddenly the child uttered a cry.
There on the green with tall extended
and eye dilated. his great body trembling
with excitement, caused by that voice
he loved. stood kidnapped "Carlo."
"Oh, conte, Carlo!" criert the child,
enrgerly. There was a merry bark. and
the dog wets by the sate of the wagon
lm a twinkling, wagging his bushy tail
end prancing in doggish glee. The far-
mer, of ceulse. look possession of the
dog. The flrooklineite laid the griev-
ance before the court it took two (lays
to hear the case The complainant put
in evidence to show that he purchased
the dog rel the mon who reared him.
Cr. the other hand, the defendant de-
ecribed every mark and scar on the
"1 think i'll postpone the triol in or-
der to have the dog in court as a wit.
ness," said the judge.
A deputy Fherift hr•nught the canine
1 • engirt the day following.
"Carla' ("allot the livery slnble keep-
er. The dog only sniffed and moved
elk une'nsily.
"Oh, Carlo! Carlo)" cried the far►ner's
The huge SI. Rernar'd's tall went
round. In another second he was
bounding down the corridor In his mis-
tiese. The rase WAS then submitted lo
the jury. and after five minutes' (lelih-
erotinn the jury returned with a verdict
for the farmer.
STILL 1101'..
"I rim afraid it Is all over between
Jennette and Jerk."
•'\\'11y. deer'"
"Sha has returned his phetngraph."
"Yeti don't mean i1'•"
"Also his letters."
"Grecians!" .
"And his ring."
"M% ! My! , Rut there Is still hope,
Ile gave her o kW as they parted en the
std lawn."
"And what raid she d,•?'
"Site --she returned that, too."
fit' king le ',e gger. You may want
o 3 rrow nu uey of Them some dab
tasted your delicious port --i will have
no mors!' 'Well,' said Lady Randolph.
laughing, 'he sat next me, and i par-
ticularly remarked that tie drank nothing
but a little weak brandy and water.'"
Another: One day. early In the winter
of 1868, when Lord Randolph was nearly
20 years old, he had the misfortune to
ride too close to the Old Berkshire
hounds, and to incur the displeasure ,f
their mnstcr, who rated him in a violent
fashion before the whole company.
Lord Randolph was deeply offended. ile
went home at once; but, as he said no-
thing et the; mordent, the incident was
forgotten. Toward the end of the season,
however, a hunt dinner was held in Ox-
ford, to which Mr. Duffield and many of
the Old Berkshire field were bidden, and
at which Lord Randolph was called upon
to propose the toast of 'Fox hunting.'
"Ile described himself as nn enthusiast
for all forms of sport. Fox hunting, ne
said, In his opinion, 'ranked first among
old field sports; but he was himself very
fond of hare hunting, too. 'So keen am
I. that If t cannot get fox hunting end
cannot get hare hunting, 1 like an after-
noon with a terrier hunting a rat in e
barn; and If 1 can't get that,' he pro-
ceeded, looking round with (ouch dell -
t rralion, 'rather that dwindle indoors,
I'd go out with Tom Duffield and the Old
Mitch of the worry which every
another of young children undergoes,
would be spared If the mother kept
Itaby's Own Tablets on gland and gave
an occasional dose when the child was
fretful, cross or feverish. Nearly all the
ailments of childhood can be traced to
the stomach. bowels or teething. For
these troubles no medicine can equal
Baby's Own Tablets, and the mother
has the gunrnntee of a government
analyst that this medicine Is absolutely
safe. Mrs. Kenneth Melnnis, Lek*field,
Ont., says:—"Baby's Own Tnhlets are n
perfect medicine in every way. There
will be no sickly children in the homes
where they are used." Sold by all medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
box by writing The Dr. Williams Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
The Oldest British Subject and 111e
"Grandfather" McNally. King Edward's
oldest subject, who lives at the ilonle for
the Aged, London, England, maintained
by the Little Sisters of the Poor, has en-
tered bits 110th year.
For fourteen you's the Sisters, whose
only funds are the elms they beg from
door le door, have roved for the old man.
It is twenty-eight years since he returned
froom the United Stales. end while he was
there he buried his wife, whom he mar.
rie l in Ireland w hen she was a girl and
he was a lad of eighteen.
"II is thirty years since she died, and
she was eigthy then.
"Yes. 1 hove lived a very long while,"
he said to a visitor. "Il is because 1
have always led a steady lite. 1 was
never the worse for drink In my life. 1
never me ton much. 1 never believed in
ruining me stomach with two much
drink or food. Aye. 1 am happy. 1 sleep
well and enjny my "vittlee."
"It wren a crier. of love al fleet sight,
was it not'' "Yes—et his first 1101 o1
hu Lnnk account."
Free Gifts of Toilet Soaps
The Coupons are the saute as rash because they can be exchanged for Toilet Soaps
for which you have to payout moo rtes every week.
for nothing.
Bradcver ular in every package, or write us for Preniium List.
A gift is of little treble if it consists of something you have no use for.
In exchange for Sunlight Soap Coupons you can get something you need and tree
ever, day.
Lower saoeeoere Ltmnitod. Toronto. Comrade ale
Lancet Urges That They Should Be
The London Lancet, the lending medi-
cal journal of the 'country, bus pleased
the Church and temperance advocates
by coming out with a leader strongly
condemning the vocation of barmaid.
Says the lancet :
"The vocation of hnrmnld Is attended
by perils from which young women
should as far as possible be sheltered.
Learning to bar has no tendency to ren-
der a woman a better wife or mother;
it affortls her no security of employment
after reaching the age of thirty; renders
her unacceptable to employers of nlmcst
every other kind; It often permanently
injures her health; and it exposes her to
exceptional risks. If that be the ease
is it consistent with a due regard to the
national welfare to allow the daughters
of the Empire to be offered up as surf -
Aces to the Moloch of the drink traffic,
or, as too often happens, to be employed
as decoys for the purpose of adding to
the intemperance by which the country
is at once weakened and disgraced.
Some Yeads Since Ile Used Them Now
and He Inas Had Good Health Ever
Since — Story of ell -Known New
Brunswick Man.
Lower Windsor, Carleton Co., N. B.,
Feb 26--(Special).—"Yes, I have good
health ever since I used Dodd's Kidney
Pills" The speaker was Mr. 1'. H. Bel -
yea. postmaster here, and one of the
most highly respected men in this part
cl the country. Asked to give his ex-
perience wilts the great Canadian Kid-
ney Remedy Mr. Belyea continued:
"i had been troubled with my kidneys
for a number of years. I tried sevc;rag
lauds of plasters and other kinds of
medicines, but did not teen to get any
lasting benefit. Hearing Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills so highly recommended I de-
ctdled to try thein and they made a
complete curt, of me. That is two years
ago now and ns 1 said before 1 have had
good health ever since 1 used Dodd's
Kidney fills."
Dodd's Kidney Pills cure once and for
ell. There Is ne stage or form of Kid-
ney Disease that they do not cure com-
pletely and permanently.
Denseness of Vegetation Makes 11 Dock
• nt Noonday.
An explorer describes n Central Africa
forest:—"Pen utiles west of the lake be-
gins the only piece of r.•nl virgin forest
rnct with. It is throughout u dense vir-
gin forest, and almost impenetrable. :t
consists of very large trees of many
varieties. The upper parts are festooned
with a light greyish -green moss, hang -
Ing in long streamers, and giving to the
forest a very fantastic appearance. When
these long streamers ere ngitakd by a
storm they make tee whole forest, seen
from one of the hills near, look like 9
rough sen. Again, when the sun id verti-
cal the whole forest nppears dark, but
when the sun is low the general effect
on the sunny & 1e is curiously light.
"All the trees are bound together with
Innumerable lianas and creeping plants.
Between the steins is a dense tangled
mess of lesser vegetation. The forest
Mande to a great extent to the water
and mud of the swamp. A singular fea-
ture of t1 is the nbruidncss with which
it begins and ceases on the plain. The
grassy swamp or open country reaches
to the mighty wall of trees, which con-
tinue In the same density from one side
ti, the other. There Is no smaller wood
or scrub outside, forming a transition
from the open plain to the forest.
"inside, the silence and gloom are ac-
centuated by the apparent absence of
nnimnl or bird life. There are some
herds of buffeloee that mots' it et head-
quarters. elephants visit it occasionally,
monkeys and primes ore sometimes
seen, and n harnessed antelope now and
then appear', at the (Ave; but the general
iinpre"slon is one of lifelessness.'
"I've been told, Professor," said Mrs.
i.ocutte, "that the fashionable gown in
your opinion, is immodest."
"Not at all, madam," replied Profes-
sor Cutting.
"No; in my opinion, the woman who
wears It is."
Sealfgbt Soap is better than other soaps,
but is treat when said in the Sunlight way.
lay Saoliglts Soap and fellow directions
"Charlie Goncbroke appears to be n
good deal upset by the batik failure."
"Yes; 1 understand him to say that he
lost his balance."
It your children are troubled with
we,rms, give them )!other Craves' Worm
Exterminator; safe. euro and effectual.
Try it,J d mark the improvement fa
"Have you ever made any effort to
(ring your colleagues to your way of
thinking?" - "No," answered Senator
Sorghum. "1 don't care anything about
their way of thinking. What 1 want is
to bring thein to my way of voting."
Their complete home cure. Post
free to readers of this paper.
For limited period only.
A handsome Illustrated treatise, gtv-
tng suit staseritttun c' Rhcumalfew and
Paralysis, with instructions tor
w cuto-
eicts home cure. describing the most
f ucceseful trentinent In the world, re-
commended ey tau klintetry and endors-
ed by medical men. t his highly in-
tructive book was written by W. H.
Ccm,. a gentleman who has made a
etody of thew dtreasee. The preface to
by a graduate of the University of
wurtrburg. bend postai to -day and
you will receive the hook free by re-
turn. --Address, The Veno Drug Cu.. 24
Klug tit , gest, 'l'c•ontu
Mrs. Housekeep—"Bridget, l wish you'd
try to do something shout the house
without being told. You never do any-
thing unless 1 tell you. You couldn't
possibly do worse." iiriiget—"Oh! 1
dunno, ma'am, 1 might refuse to do what
you tell me."
Physical Pain asd rental welsh afiflet the
victims of ,kin diseases. (lot rid of r •4h by rub-
bing Werver'a Citrate on the heated, Stelling, die -
/ glued taco. The retie( giriu Ls among the
wooden of medicine
"You here, James!" exclaimed the
slum -worker, visiting the jail. "Yes'rn,"
replied the new prisoner, who was to
for burglary. "Weil, well, 1 certainly
am surprised." "So was I, ma'am, cr
1 wouldn't be here."
Are Von Haunted Day and Night?—
Mind and body racked and tortured by
evil forebodings, gloomy and dull,
robbed of That "Divine restorer," sleep,
appetite gone, nerves shattered, general-
ly debilitated? This is none too dark a
picture for great South American Ner-
vine to obliterate and set rip In its stead
the glowing tints of the sun of perfect
"How are you corning on with your
new system of weather prediction?"
"Well," nnewered the prophet, cheerily,
'11 can always get the kind of weather
ah right, but 1 haven't quite succeeded
le hitting the dales exactly."
Goods to the Amount of SIM,000 Vere
Stolen by Daring Robbers.
The Paris police have succeeded In
arresting a gang of 35 thieves, whnee
exploits were of a most audacious char-
acter. They were captained by an ex -
member of the Paris police, a man
named Arnaud.
One of the methods adopted by the
thieves was to steal goods by means (if
en Imitation railway goods van. The
van, In charge of two or three of the
then, would call at large wnrehrmees
from which goods were likely to be sent
by rail. They collected the parcels. en-
tered them up In a durniny receipt hook,
and drove off. in this way over COO,
000 worth of goods have been stolen
since the beginning of the year.
The headquarters of the gang was on
a piece of waste land at 1,evalinis, a
suburb of Parts, where they carried nn
a hustness as nwners of a motor
garnge. The leaders were In the habit
of uscing a motor car to drive to and
brim their headquarters.
Several times the police wntehed their
ear. but were never able to trace 1t In
Lev/Mole. They, therefore. determined
in chose the thieves in n motor car, and
nn Monday iwo deleetive Inspector
faired n rnr end began f(.11nwing the
thieves from place 10 piece. At last,
seeing that they were. followed, the
thieves put nn full speed nn1 succeeded
In outdistancing (heir pursuers.
lin Th irsdny the pollee deterninesl
In be equal with therm. and, Securing; A
couple of raeing machines, gave aha te.
The police. however, were stopped for
driving at a spied of twenty-five miLw
an hour. and It was nnlv n hen the .a'-
nnd tar came up with n pollee mtgls-
frete Inefde that Bitty were Mb—eyed to
p rrrlMd.
Eventually ties whole gang of
tbteyee were captured. and it was reend
that at the garage they hada complete
workshop fitted up for Re' alferaUon (,1
Nolen motor cars and btcyele at.
Estelle --"Clarence, just think of ill
Five weeks from to -day, and we will
be married." Clarence—"Well, let's be
happy while we may."
It Keeps tho Muscles Pliant.—Iden
given to muscular spuria and exercises
and those who suffer muscular pains
Irons bicycle riding will find Ur. Thom-
as' Ecicctric toil something worth try-
ing. Au a lubricant it will keep the
muscles p11ab1 and free from pains
which often ilnw constant use of
them, without softening them or im-
,-pairing their strength. For bruises,
sprints and conturluus it Ss without a
Margie—"i wonder it Mr. Smartly
meant to give me a lett-handed cornpli-
ment7" Rita—"Why?' Margie — "He
said these artificial flowers 1 am wear-
ing just snatch my hair."
Nature Revolts Against High living
and it has set its seal to it by adding to
man's ailments the scourge of diabetes.
Eminent medical men until recently pro-
clai.med 1t a "no cure" disease, but South
American Kidney Cure has knocked
down their pet fnliney and hes proved
itself tnaster of kidney disease in all Its
forms. Relief in 6 hours. -110.
Ho—"Your new hat Is chnrnting, but
1 fancy it doesn't go well with that
dress." She (cnchnnhvl--"Oh. you dear
old hubby. so you really mean to buy
me a dress as well?"
Row to Cleanse the System.—Parme-
lee's Vegetable Pflle aro the result 01
Fciontific maid? of the "act to of ex-
tracts of cer aln roots and herbs upon
the digestive nrgane. Their use has
dernoristrated in :navy instances that
they regulate the action of the liver
and the kidneys, purity the blood. and
carry off all nutlet( accumulations
from the system. They are easy to
take and their action is mild and bene-
Picturesque Character on English Streets
Is Being Crowded Out.
Little by little the old-time landrnarks
and customs of l.ondon appear to be
passing nwny. Probably nothing was
better known or more appreciated by the
children a half or even n quarter of s
century ago than the picturesque char-
acters of the crossing sweepers. 're -
day the crossing sweeper Is passing—in
feel, he may be said almost to hove
passed already. it has been suggested
that the doing away with the "sweeps"
must have been ordered. but in view of
the number of unemployed, and the fact
that John Burns of the Local Govern-
ment Board and the authorities are dis-
posed to deal gently with the uncmploy
ed, this Is denied. ilowever, the elimi-
nation of the "sweeps" within the next
few years Is regnnled as a certainty,
()wing to the adoption of modern mach-
inery in the sprinkling and sweeping of
the pavements.
But even this apparently does not ex-
plain the lack of interest taken by the
public in the "sweeps" themselves. The
crossing sweepers sny that where they
once used to earn a fair amount of
money they now receive 11111e or nothing
for their labors --in fact that they could
make more money by netively begging.
They cannot expintn the change in pub-
lic sentiment unless it is bemuse the
people are being eduented up 10 the
point of believing that the streets ought
to be properly swept for them by the
A Colkge Man's Experience.
"All through my high school course
and first year in college." writes an am-
bitious young man, "t struggled with mg
studies on n diet of greasy, pasty foods,
being etspcetnlly fond of cakes and fried
things. My system got Into n state of
general disorder and 11 was difficult for
Inc to apply myself to school work with
any degree of satisfaction. 1 tried differ-
ent medicines and food preparations
but did not seem able to correct the dim -
t teen my attention was called In
Grape -Nuts food and 1 sampled it. 1 hod
to do something. so I just buckled down
to a rigid observnne- of the directions nn
the package. and In less Than no lime
began to fool better. in n few weeks
my strength was restor d, my weight
had increased, f had a clearer heed and
fell better In every particular. My work
was simply sport to what It was for-
"hly sister's henllh was badly run
down and she had become so nervous
that she could not attend In her music.
She went on Grape-Nuls and had the
same rernarknhle experience that 1 tied.
Then my brother, i'rank, who is In the
postofflce department at Wasliingli.n
city and had been trying to do brain
work on g rensy foods. Oakes and all
that, joined the Grape -Nuts anny.
showed tern whet It was and could do
and from a brnken-down condition he
has developed Into a hearty and efficient
"Resides thee(' could give Recount ret
numbers of my felirnw•stu4enls who hoe.'
made vi-Ibh' improvement mentally and
pliy.,ie ally by the use of this food."
Name given by Postum Co., Bailie
t reek. Mich.
There's a reason. Reed Ire Tittle book,
"1 he Road to Weilville," In pkgs.
frEA because it is tightly sealed in tead packets, not Ivit g bout loan
Ole ordinary bulk teas [SLUE RIBBON is carefully nit.ched troll
PLANTATION TO HOME and pie•ises all
"Oshawa" Steel Shingles
Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, et prices varying from $2.115 to 115.10
per hundred square feet covering measure. This la the moat desirable cov-
ering on the market, and is en ideal covering for Houses. Barra, Stores. Ek-
vators, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the 'OSHAWA" shingles. A
harn►ner and snips are the only tools required.
\Ve are the largest and oldest company of the kind under as British
flag, and have covered thousands of the best build's. througbot,t Canada,
making them
We also maunfaeture Corrugated Iron In long abeeta, Canduttter Pips and
METAL SIDING. in imitation of bt$ek er stone.
METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs.
Write for Catalogue No. 1411 and free samples of "OSHAWA" Shingles. Write
to -day.
WZIOR7 20711.7/.. AMOK. 7EP1•]OplalEll,
secp7*I*L. Po. •rTataa, SMT. MINIM ONr. Laeatttl. MT. mmusieaa va•011ttvllt. ase.
757 Craig it 423 Soma* at. It **amens Si et tirades at. 76 t•mbard ae. ass mater it.
Wkars Toes TSauaaar Orrsar1.
Mead Office wad Works. Oshawa, Ont., C moods
in Western Canada
ed lands
aaakatobswau, only a railer from two raliwaye, C.P.M. • O.T.T.
at.: soil. al per e.ntplough lau1, 'prim creek, we stealth*
Ab.,at le mile* N.t of Julius Dead. Po.. 5x0.10 per sera
Writs for sop eel fall pa- Ocular*.
R PAR ONS. at Wellesley Street, Taranto. Corrode.
"So he no longer calls sus pretty lit- f
tic home 'The Nutshell'? \Vhy did be
change it?" "ilo got tired of having
pissing humorists ring his bell to ask
if the kernel was In.'
Altee's 1.w•`` S.leam, free from nareatloa, 1s
more maul than whoa it ride the child:ss
of cold and saves the in +theme s anxiety. It
makes a Mead of seeryoue wb, uses it
\Vedderly—"To-dny is the tenth anni-
versary of my marriage." Singleton --
"Well. what do you expect?" \Vedderly
--"Which do I expect?" Singleton —
"Yes; congratulations or sympathy?"
Many patent medicines have come end
gone, but !tickle's Anti -Consumptive
Syrup continues to occunv a foremost
place among remedies for roughs end
cold„and as a preventive of decay of
the limes. 1t ie a standard medicine
that widens its sphere til usefulness
year by year If you are in need of
something to rid yourself of a cough
or cold. you cannot do better than try
Illcklo's Syrup.
Mary—So you think she Is two-faced'
James—Certainly; I huve seen her when
tier own showed through.
Eczema Relieved in a Day. --Dr. Ag-
new's Ointment will cure this disgust-
ing skin disease withnnt init. 1l will
also cure Barber's itch, Tetter. Sall
Rheum. and all skin eruptions. In from
three to six nights it will cure Blind.
Bleeding. and Itching files. One Appli-
cation brings comfort to the most irri-
tating cases. 35 cents.—III.
Frank—Laundrymen are the most
forgiving people on earth. Fred—Why?
Frank—Because the more cuffs you give
them the more they will do for you.
ltynw are mit .d sorts Ret a bottle of iterrorgm'
the heal Ionic. a71 U wiU be surprised 5.w
quickly that tired fatting will weer off. 51.00
bottle& 40 deakra in
Mr. Novice (to Mr. Sponger)—"My wife
has been obliged to give up playing the
p•Inno." Mr. S.—indeed! Whatever is
that for?” Mr. N.—"Every time she be-
gan to play 1 insisted upon singing:'
Indigestion Can't Slay where Dr. Von
Stan's Pineapple Tablets are arrayed
against it. Thomas Smith. of Dover,
Ont., says : "1 nm delighted with therm
—from almost the first using 1 have been
entirely relieved of the pains of indiges-
tton-1 huve the greatest confldenee In
the Tablets and heartily recommend
therm to any and every sufferer from
stomach troubles." 35 cents.J112.
Minister (meeting n small boy on Sun-
day afternoon carrying a string of fish)
- "Johnny. Johnny, do these belong In
you?" "Y -e -s, sir. You see. that's what
they got for chasing worms on Sun-
Piot a Nea•eatingg t'lII.—The exclplent
of a pill re the suhetnnre whirls enfolds
too Ingredient', and makes up the pill
mane. 'that of I'armelre's Vet•ctahle
Palls is •o conIprnIm!esl as to prr.crve
their tnoleture, moil they ran be carrirsn
Into any latitude without Impeirler
their strength Tinny 1111•, to order to
keep them I' n aAherinK, ore rolled in
`,owders, whtrh prove nau•semtinc to the
late. Pur•ne'l.'•''s Vreer.isic Pelle are
that they are agreeable to
the most delicate.
His Howie to iteceive itefugees
from Poland.
No less than len thousand Russians •of
all ages and all ranks have Inken refuge
in Switzerland during the past year. In
almost all fnstenees the wealthier classes
are willing nod glad to help their corn -
pinions in adversity. The home of Pad-
erewskt. Ute lemons pianist. al Norges le
conllnuaily crowded a ilh Polish re-
fugees. They are welcnrne to .1ny es
long as they need In, ell the Spare rooms
being given up for their eornfort Anil con-
venience. As soon as the Polish refugees
who are being entertained by the Pee-
ere-,vskts are enabled to go to other
counhics or nther peri►% et the creuntry
anti look after themselves; the home of the
pianist et Norges is given over to new
ref agree.
W any form and cold perspiring NM punitively
Cured within 50 dors, by our newly p.ite.,ted
Magnetic U1sea or monsy prompt., refunded.
slated anywhere Mai. Write ter deawiptire
issolt et. AXeate wanted. IlAU'iKTII; titteM-
MATL$ M CL;Itt{ CO., bkerbro ke, Queue*, caaade
sprotalsy the
s..a senksrvs y pot ►a4 ", are ware us W left
*IM MO SOS Na, $aotreNL _ _ _ _ ._ _
Rheumatism Cured.
Wby Sarni suffer—Start's Magic Rheum al ins
Cure will re:iere the wer't rave+ rf acute,
chronic, or hteamuuttory rbeone aloe hs 24
5 sure. Svery bottle has a p'sitive guarantee
4• care. Hundreds at marvelous cases have
been mode iu all parts of (:an:41a, f1 your
druggist dorsi ghe you Ktarr'e, take norther,
world direct t . u;. 5e.03 per bottle.
Osborne Noma, Co 175 t ongs at ,Terra=e, Oat
Read tar our list of ml*ed farms, lu-sen fruit
bitss,, town lett, in the Mouth Ok masl,l{eo and
Hir"hkwmeen Valleys, stating pa ti. a i.Iy what
• u want, and we will and somethi:y; W cult lou.
.r 411 prices. Get in in ads too. "1 the new
railways. Climate not to be esce..ed, lw.ottione
for homes on beautiful lakes and Avant
Peutieton, Ukanagao Las, ttriti.1, tk,lemble
Before buying write us, or see our
agent near you, for prices. We ha*
the largest stock of fruit trove to be
found in Canada. We pay the freight.
Brown Brothers Company,
Nurserymen, l.I,, lferl,
Brown's Nurseries, Onl.
Western Canada Land Co
P S. SOO M Brandon, Man.
Improved farms and unimproved
wheat and ranch lands, wholesale and
rebid. in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Id -
Leila and fruit funds in Southern Oka-
nagon Valley, iI. C.,
\\ heal lands on Saskatchewan Plains
at $7.10 p'r acre, easy terms till June
''S1 to make selections, the flneet wheat
Iiinds ite the world.
Homesteads located. Selections made.
Write or call for any Information de-
An heirete seldom has cause, to doubt
her husband's love—for her Money.
Stung boots and tools
corns. Holloway's Coro Curie
studs to use. eget a bottle at
and curs your corns.
is the
itonr errs are apt to have liver corn•
plaint when i1 is served to theta feeen
bines a week.
Wil 1t stay whets too pat it? Oh, ye.
"The ri t 1,' Menthol Piaster will, and 11 will
qmistily oar* rheumtIN pans, lumbsgo,.clatic*.
face oche ne retitle., eta
The bell -ranger In the city el cork once
made the following various nnnnuncr•
nient:—"O yis! 0 yls! (-ort. somewhere
tetween twelve o'clock and M'Klnncy'd
shore in Strobel Street, a Inrge brass
key. I'll not is' nigher telling ye what it Is,
1 it it's the key of the bank. Shure."
Dear Mother
Your hula Otte, are • coottent are is
Fall and Witty weather. Illey war
catch cold. Dore know sI ,K Slulciti's
Conormption Cin., the Lung Terlic, and
whet A has dose jaw es many ► It is said
se be die s y reliable remr,ty for 4
dresses of the air preset in chiller*.
kis ah.oletely harmless an! ptasant
take. h is gwr.nseed b env, on your money
is returned. The price is 25t. per boar,
mad all dealers is sesdtcise sail sib
This remedy should hew every hoosehs+a.
1.0411: NO. S—f4