HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-03-08, Page 11
edding Stationery
Young Iodise a ho tale iuterestcd
jn what ii proper in the matter of
iatatiomery for Weddings. [:Mould see
ur wimples, latest type facer. We
Om have thrill ready in a few hours.
The Auction Sale Season
Still Here
\\•e print your t,i':e promptly and
Aire 3 ea a free i1 :c our sale re;is•
ter coluu,r.9 ttiL:ch :s worth whab
you pay for your Lille alone.
A forecast of spring is visible in
our Dress Goods Section. We consid-
er the lot ot twenty-five pieces just re-
ceived, well worthy of mention. Light
and dark plain greys in all wool tweed,
Fancy check Mohairs, shown in navy,
green and brown. Plaid Delaines work-
ed with silk spots, are quite proper and
we have the assortment of colors.
The very latest in Silks
Our generally complete stock has just been replenished
hthebest d most up to -dote
)es an n 1)e had. A tempting
f patterns in the new greys and other colors,
• . from [rest to cast, the barometer
all western sections, threatenipe
clouds Till gather and general storm.
of rain thunder and wind will tai
up their march easteardly acres
THE STEPHEN & IJSIJORNL AV- the country. From about Saturday.
the 10th to Wednesday the 14th
BICULTURAL SOCIETY IN- these storms wilt make their trtnsi
TENDS HAVING A MONSTER tram ncstern to eastern extremes
DEMONSTRATION iIERE. bringing torrential rainfall to malty
localities, especially in routhern t
centraf parts of the country. Severn
lightning. thunder and hail will vis-
it many places- with great probabil-
ity of violent, torwtdic storms. Mean-
time boreal conditions will appear,
advancing from the north-west. in
the form of rising .har.ometcr, bliz-
zards and tempestous gales. These
toreat storms will finally gain the
.,asoendoncy over the entire country.
bringing .;a decided cold ware for tha
season, which will stake itself felt
into the south. In all prohabit-
ity heavy snow blockades will re-
sult in any parts of the [test. worth
and north-east during ,this period. will be falling to very
Victoria Day to be Cel= jlow readings in
ebrated in Exeter.
It is aluvast an assured thing that
Exeter will have a.celebration on
iotraria Day. May 4
the Stephen & Ilsboroe Agricultural
Society intends haying it.
A meeting of as many of the direc-
tors and members as could be gotten
together w•us held on Fri-
day afternoon Last and if the mem-
bers keep up the enthusiasm that
woes shown at the meeting. the cele-
bration will bon "howling sucee3s•"
Mr. John Delbridge acted as chair -
mon of the meeting. rend Mr. A. G.
Dyer, Secretary. The first business
was a motion deoiding to hold a
celebration, providing $100 could be
secured in subscriptions. n and d, Mc J.
lt Sanders "sere s s
Carling Ed. ChristChristie,pointed aot e
mmie to securethe.
necesary donations.
Messrs. DelbridPe• Smith, Christie.
Nobler and Sandere were appointed
an executive committee to look after
the sub committees appointed and see
at everybody hustles from now un -
YRng,e in an0y r til the program for the day 13 clased.
A committee consisting of Messrs.
gives the purchaser a handsome assortment lturd,an, Carling, White. Walters.
choose. Crecch. Allison and Mussell will look
after the artorning sports. The horse
rating committee consists of Messrs.
Elliott. Christie and Sanders. The
two latter committees can add to
their numbers if necessary and any
body .who has the right kind -o( hust-
ling ability can no doubt get on one
of the committees. Messrs. J. Del -
bridge, J. Hauler and John Moir
will look after the printing and
Messrs. Christie arid Dyer are to look
atter the Opc''a 'louse and get an
option on it for the evening. and
Messrs. Janes ISaIL:antyne
John Delbridgec intend losing sonic
of their dignity for the day and will
tlessibly load the trades procession
in the morning astride of white
Spring Coag
The opportunity of the present is one not to be lost, or
it has gone entirely. This season one is just as well dressed
in the short tight filtngarment,
fawn csvert cloths the also ' back
coats. These are shown
Travellers Samplesof Carpet
When our buyer was
In the city last week he No is; :r
picked up a snap in this
Mine. Tapestry, wools
.and unions, ranging at
1Oc, 15c and 25c.
its �'�t•,'1
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing.
Again To The Front.
Having leased the Gidley Block for a term of years
and put in a
Select Line of Furniture
all' prepared to attend to your wants in this line.
Since coming to Exeter I have received a warns re-
ception from the people of Exeter and vicinity, and
I invite all any old customers and friends to call and
renew acquaintance and inspect my stock of furniture.
Our Undertaking Stock is Complete.
Coward & Bloomfield's
Winchelsea, Ontario.
45 pairs
75c per pair
:also their first consignment of new spring goods. among \which
you find high-class English Prints of beautiful patterns in all the
best colors, every piece guaranteed to hold its color in the washing,
price 1 'Ws c per yd.
New highclassed English Ginghatns
pinks and blues, also checks in navy and
price 15c per yd.
New Foiler, in leading
shades. Ox Blood,
Oxford Grey and Grass GrccPrice 15c per yd.
New Rock Fast Drills, colors cannot be washed out, these
the right thing for shirts and boys blouses, 3 patterns to choose from,
Our price 16c per yd
New Cream and White Flannelette at old prices in
of the heavy advances in all lines of cotton goods.
The prices paid here far produce is as good as were ever
the pay cash when you don't need goods.
'horses and Mr. I3.allantyne has prom
ised to use his persuasive powers on
Al McDougall, one of the best bag
pipe players iaa Canada to have him
here for the day.
A t. ug -of -war between t he tow n-
in card. Messrs. Ellison
ships of Stephen and L,sbornc
bo a dr sing his thanks tie his many cus-
and Allison will look after the con-
testa.nts and it is quite possible that tumors. See his "ad" in another
Paul Madge, who knows a puller colrumryn.
when ho sees tum will be asked to The following accounts wore pass -
assist in getting the Ushorne stat' Society o[ James sal set (Jimmie Exe- ed and ,ordoned paid :—J. Senior.
[[acts In from
for the match• ter, will celebrate tlx 25th nnnive.r- eLork, half yearly salary. $ento ;
A teem [rem Exeter %till probably sa st Cof t hurch of W. M.Canada n as lolls ho Harvey Bros., wood, $21.:.5 ; C.
havo o pull with the ull pa x. it y
would take almost a full page to
tell of the surprises in store :end iln•
mediately after the general meeting
on Saturdey the lith inst. every
member of ecaola committee as cx•
pected to spit on his hands and wade
in to make this celebration the best
ever. Naso (ball, football and other
games will ho nrnanged for ; races for
those who nen pilot a horse at a
2.10 clip and [[tuna who can't drive
a 'bargain will be part of the pros
grain. Some games will possibly be
d for, whereby the school
9 Ontario
General Selling Agent. for 'C. P. R. Lands.
We Anticipate a Big Advance in Price
Almost Immediately.
Now is the time to purchase and get the benefit of the big jamp in prices
hich we expect shortly. We havo some beautiful selected sections on our
st. $427.01 down secures you a good half section. 13'31) acres.)
25 Improved and unimproved farms in one of the best sections in the
orthwest at finis $10 per acre, upwards. All these conveniently situated
o Railway Stations.
We want a number of good inen to work on farms in
he west 'luring the coming season.
General Selling Agent for C. I'. It, L:ands.
Baytleld, spent Sunday in town.
at the Presbyterian church th:s • r-
Mr. Samuel Poptestone of Myth,
was in town the fore part of the week
assisting in packing up the remaining
stock of the store here, which Pop!e.-
stone & Gardiner closed last week.
Mr. C. Welsh has disposed of his
bonze on Main street. opposite the
Main Street church to his brother
Richard. The two brothers intend
leaving for the Northwest about the
first cf April.
The members of the congregation,
Sunday School and Epworth League
of the .fames St. church on Tuesday
evening last presented Mr. P. Frayne
with a beautiful chair in recognition
of his long and faithful service in con-
nection with the different depart-
ments of the church.
new furniture dealer and undertak-
er, with large warepooms .n the Op-
era house block, is well phased with
the pa t renege accorded him by the
people of Exeter ,and vicinity since
he commenced business a couple of
weeks ago, and is desirous of expres-
The town daddies met in the coun-
cil chamber. Wednesday night of
last week to pass a few accounts
and discuss the matter of the Kuntze
Manufacturing, Company locating
here. Owing to illness councillor
Creech was unable to attend. A
communication was read from the
secretary of the Gravanhurst Sani-
tarium re a grant from the council.
No action was taken. The clerk
was instructed to secure an index to
the Consolidated Munielpal Act and
Amendments, the price being $1.50.
ffice at Residence,
Exeter, Ont.
Reductions in Furniture
Having purchased the stock of W. C. Huston and in order to-
rduce the same before removing it to our warerooms we will offer
for the next two weeks, the entire stock of furniture, comprising
Kitchen, Diningroom, Bedroom, Drawingroom and Hall Furniture.
Also many odd pieces and rockers at a great reduction.
of Misses' and Boys' Shoes, regular $1.15 up for
and Chambrays in plain
white and black and white,
are ..e -
children of both townships can com- Dir.
.l. C. Donnie, deputy jailor of the
The fun, if the out.
willule "s start ni
The B provincial Isissbjectlof his essay
posed isbreak,
.about day bre+:ak, and will end when "The Scot Atn•oad and his Uescenci-
yeu are rowdy to go home, and you'll ants." Mr. Downey es a Canadian
say its the best time you ever had Scot, and as there were quite a num-
since your goat died. The proceeds ber of competitors, including several
will go towards paying off the in• native horn Scots, he is naturally
debtedncss of the new build:ngs proud of his victory.
There will be ,a special sermon by the
pastor. Rev. A. II. Going, 11. A., en
morning. March 11th, and on
-1 y hl' Srom
Snell, electric lip)htiug, $57.00; 11.
Davis, lab• r. $3.00: W. .1. Bissett.
salary for Feb'y. $32.00; Mr. Ford.
caretaker cemetery, $27.00.
\ onda evening a public .e:l The clerk wets instructed to g
c wh ofc ^e.
6 to 8 p. m, after t rprices on two hundred six inch will be coven. Admission. adults 15c ,Hent tile.
children lOc. The report of a recent meeting
The following appeared In the Win- of rho cemetery board Wal read.
nipeg Free Press of Feb 22nd, and re- 'Phe report recommended the re-
fers to a son of Mr. R. Downie of Exc.-appointment of John Ford, as care -
ter North: The prize offered by Me. taker of the cemetery. subject to
Oucbar to the members of Clan dismissal .on one rnontla notion his
Call and see the many bargains we are offering
.,[swat t for the best essay on any salary to be $32..00 a year, with
Scottish subject, has been awarded to free louse rent $25.00 to be added to
the Lir ground, end CFtI,,
should he interested, whether .a
member of the society or not. 'Let
everybody get busy ;and 4iusr it
.lir. \Vin. J'ym, who los for the
oast five weeks been confined to his
roots, is at the time of "etiting in e
low condition.
.1r. Luther Psi'', of London, vis-
ited his parents on Sunday.
Mr. Win. Lewis cf London is vis-
Mr.hi\\cslcybter. Luker► rowholess been
engaged ot iJI' mill at St. John is
visiting 'his mother here previous to
leaving 'for Norw:ch, where he has
been engaged in :a still.
Miss Atvill:t Wilson, of Maguire
apont Saturday ,Ind Sunday
at 1110111C bore.
T1,e Ladies Aid sect e1 held at Mr.
George Essery's on Wednesday even -
proved Mrs. Swan left the same evening
proved a great success.
Mr. William Stmlo, of Oiill1, and for their home. The brides goi::�
Mr. John Sindo, of nowanville, al- n1'y gown being brown obi1(on Imo d-
tonded the funeral of their brother clout'. A host of friends join in Ir' -I
Richard S..ndo, on Sunday. Il wishes.
Miss Il^utalt heaver. of Crediton,.
visited friends here on Sunekly.
On Thur'dLay last the inhabitants
of our village, as well as the eurr-
1 curnling noighborhoo.l,
greatly surprised when the
sad :and sudden accident which betel
Mr. Moho rd Senelo, bcarme known.
Mr. Saanlo was about to deliver a
lord of hay to Mr. P. Curtin, and
w„s driving to the weigh scales at
t tae station, when by some moans
the load upset, throwing him oaf
ile fell striking lite hack of hie hea
on the iron rail of t he t rack. 11
w we picked up in an nn0'aneeiou9 oon
dltion end aomooed to his home an.
died a few hours Liter, without re
training consciousness,. Mr. Sold•
lived here for a number of yoors.an
was well known. Ile wzal in hi
sixty-1tsnel1 year. lie !floret one so
William, f1( Ohirdgo. Th' tuner
took I,k ce set Sunday attertroon a
tw-o oelock, .a.n•l n ,s well attended
Illt'I(t+' I'0l(E( %H'1'N
,\ reaui..r .toren period i+ central
tt� 13th covering the lath to tho
NUPTIALS. — A \'E(t\' I'ItE'i"rV'
evening nodding was :carluutzed ,l
the home of Nit.. and Mot. John Muir
ou Wednesday, when their daupthter
Margaret, was united in marriage to
Mr. John Swan, a prosperous young
firmer of I'rhornc. The ceremony
teas performed by lice. W. M. Mar-
tin, only the iuuuedi tie friends be-
ing preTcnt. The bride was beauti-
fully gowned in cream silk crepe de
chew with chiffon trimmings
carried a shower bouquet of white
carnations. Miss Janet 1. Mure of
London, uf•ice of the bride &eased in
white ail kwith valenciennes trirn-
tningr was the very pretty little ring
bearer. After congratulations a very
dainty supper was served and a iskas
ant evening spent. The presents re-
ceived were in evidence of the high
esteem in wiireli the bride is held.
The green's present to the bride be-
ing a beautiful gold wateli, and to
the ring beircr an opal rang. Mr.
15t.t'. As rvrly as the 10th a marked
change to 'e-a.rmcr will be epreedinQ
his salary if iris services prove satis-
factory. A recornmeudatien
made to ohango the system of book-
keeping at the cemetery„ s that
the accounts can be more easily aud-
The clerk notified the council
t1► it the Town Hall debenture debt
of $6500 comes duo July 1, 1900 and
tho,$4600 .of the amount ie row ir,
the tretaury.
The matter re (he Kuntze thug-
facturing Co. was taken up. The
proposition as advanced by Reeve
Mohler wan along the same line as
published in the ''Times" two weeks
ago. Mr. nobler said there is a par-
ty in town who is willing to put up
same. money to go into the business
with Mr. Kuntze. .0euncillor Treble
wanted to kr.ow• what security would
be given. The other eouncillora felt
the s-emo war. It gena suace'sled that
a•s th1 interest on $5000 for ten years
at ie per cent. would amount to
$2500,it would be better to give. the
company $250 a year for ten years
and if the coneony failed to live up
to the requirements the town would
not he out the $5000. The Reeve
said he would write Mr. Kuntze and
ask Line if he would accept the pro-
position in that way. The matter
was then laid on the table until tho
next meeting.
it was reported that the i'etrolea
\Vegan Factory was looking for a
new site and asked utrly for a hong,
to cover the moving of the plant.
A telephone message from t)te Pe-
tro!'' firm stated that they hid no
intension of moving.
'l'be emotion of getting the G.T.R.
to change the. route of its line. bring -
it closer to town, wtes also discussed.
Tile councillors the ground Iloverdetested
morning ro (bit when the G. 1'. It.
otficiils come. here for a meeting
the matter can i.0 properly discuss-
ed. A trip wag made Thursday
morning. the council taking a
view of the property through which
the proposed road %could run. Noth-
ing further will be dory' in the met -
ter until the offic'•els arrive.
The council adjourned to meet at
the colt of the (terve.
Furniture Dealers and Funeral directors, Exeter, Ontario.
Tho little lenses of glasses joined by � t
their frame cf gold o. agile are won
derfully potent for good or evil.
Properly fitted they build up the eyes 4
and preserve the sight—imnroperly
Tilted they tear down and destroy. ; 1
;Special One Way
• To Billings, IIont., Denver.
• Colorado Springs, Salt Loge
• City, Nelson. Roseland, Ven-
t couver, Portland, Ore., San.
i♦ Fransisoo.
_ Tickets o:► ratio daily
! Special Settlers
1 !Trains to Northwe
Every Tui r:doy during
March and April special train'
trtih colonist eleerea' will
leave Toronto '9.00 1'. M.,
T' D h
• n during in
evens Tuesday lu r g
and April for Manitoba and
Nort hwest.
Passengers travelling with-
out live stook should take
expreee leaving Toronto 1.45
Reading a few lints of print with p. en.
a pair of glasses is no test. The t --
sight must he tried by modern and
scientific methods.
We have every facility for making;
tests and can supply any kind ot
glasses required at moderate cost.
ort Line to Cuba
Leave home 'i .. -' d.' 1'. M.
nrriving io lf..vann, Cuba,
early Monday meriting. Di-
rect connection. Tourist
rater[ In cffeot.
For tickets and Mall in-'
formation call on.
W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B. I J. J. KNIGHT, Dept A_ent
For Infants and Children.
Th Kind You Nays Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Chemist. and Optician, a• U. 1toDONAL1), district
Phone W. EXETER, ONTARIO. ,1••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Paasenecr Az'cr.', Toronto.
Yes 1 Painting time will so'm be here and this is the
store that is really to supply your wants in all kin:'.s of
Paint, Wall Finishe.;, Brushes, Eta.
Tlie Old Reliables
in all sire '''ins. In all "ire Tins.
Special Prices on Jewel
Ready Mixed Paint.
22 only Half Gallon (fans, Regular One for 70e.
[fief only One Quart Cane, Regular 45c Inc 35c.
12 only One Pint (fans, Regular :tic for lec.
21 only Half I'int Cans, Regular 15e for lee.
Wall Finishes
5 Pound Package 45c 25c and 45c Packages.
Color Cards for the Askin[•'.
And Stove Store.