HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-03-01, Page 7-"�' PARALYSIS YIELDS TO
- It is a common belief, well spportee
acts, that light is a powerful agent
cure of muany diseases and in the
u of the injurious bucteria that
tie °moat body. Experi-
IIti 11 That these little ur-
ly will not multiply when
light, but are even rap -
Experience has taught
us iscasc lurks in dark corners,
and that light rooms are as necessary
to health as good ventilation, but we are
only beginning to recognize that the sun
k not allogI teiter good tar us; its light
must be used in moderation, for in ex-
cess it may do harm.
Of course every one knows that pro-
longed exposure to the powerful rays el
the summer sun may bring on a sun-
stroke, but it is ei fact not so well known
that excessive Tight, even without direct
exposure, may in lime seriously impair
Light kills bacteria by destroying their
substance—the protoplasm which con-
stitutes the main portion of every living
cell, wheteher animal or vegetable. But
this effect is exerted upon the proto-
plasm of our own cells as well as upon
that of bacteria, the only difference be-
ing that the protoplasm of the single
cell, which Is all there is of bacterium,
is more exposed than that of the cells
of our bodies, and so is acted upon more
Animals and plants are protected
against the injurious effects of light Ly
their color, and it is a general rule that
those plants and animals, including
man, which live in the tropics and in
ether regions where the sun shines
brightest, are the darkest in color, while
those of the cloudy north are blonds for
the most part. People of the north who
ge to the south to live soon begin to
feel the effects of the increased light. At
first this acts as a stimulant. The new-
comer feels better, the vital functions teed perfectly helpless with no p
are quickened, there is nothing but tither limb and the feelingone
praise for the wonderful climate and I couldn't feel a pin run into
contempt for the indolent natives. But a' all. I couldn't turn over
in a year or two a change comes. The without help. To move me a pu!
immigrant lases tone. becomes irritable• rigged up on the ceiling and n
on then
"During two years of my ail
had six different doctors, but
them gave me relief. A special)
Philadelphia treated inc fc
months, but he was no benefit
These doctors gave me up and
was only a question of n few
Convincing Proof That Cure Was Permanent—in Five Years
the Patient Has Had no Relapse—Facts in a Remark-
able Case Substantiated by Sworn Statements
Dr. Williams' Punk Pills are not
a sil%e, where he made the following
patent medicine, but the prescription
ii physician, placed on sale with hill "Before I began laking; Dr. \\ illianls
directions for use under a trade mark Pink Pills 1 had been treated for a long
that is a guarantee of their genuineness circ l n>e by my (snubber t thing pae doctor r 1pronounc-
r os•
e, every purchaser. They contain nu alae s believed that to I) my s• 1
stimulant, opiate or narcotic, and white 1
they have cured thousands have «Ser and 1 do yet believe so. I had also spent
injured anybody. 'fo show that cures five weeks in the University Hospital 'n
effected by this remedy are really per. Philadelphia without the treatment bene-
rnunent and lasting we recently inves- fitting! began had
eturnedllhone Pink
tigated the case of Me. Trunk A. Means, d' g
el Reedsville, Millen County, I'a. Mr. fills in MG, but did not give a state -
Means has been an elder in the Reeds- Client of any case for publication until
title Presbyterian church for many i woe sut'e that I %vas cured. After re -
years as county commis: toner and as turning from the hospital I did not take
school director for nine years. Ile caw ether medicine for i nv trouble and
was afflicted with ereepiug paralysis, 1 owe it to Dr. \Vellums' I'ink I'ills and
losing the entire use of the lower half le It m alonee that Irani able trelated about
Ie his body, and for a year was a help- my statement on April 17, 1901, 1 have
less ower d, conned to his bed and Eeyer suffered any relapse nor had enc -
ph soden or feeling In either leg, and casion to employ a physician except for
less.sMrs had givens him up as hope- ie minor troubles such as coughs, colds,
ham pi pills was cured b) nnr. \ as etc. , 1 endorse Dr. Williams Pink Pills
linins' Pink Pills and his tesolows: was as fully, and heartily to -day as I did five
feinted five years ago as follows: Years age:'
"I had the grip for tour winters and ySigned, FRf\NIS A. SfEA"'
as a result my nerves broke down. I SusSign d and swornFIA before IncS
lost the entire use of the lower halt of this 22nd day of Jannr to tbef
my body. My stomach, liver, kidneys, JACOB KOII6.
heart and head were never affected, but Justice of the Peace.the paralyzed condition of the lower
part of the body affected guy bladder Justice Kohler, of Recds%ille, before
and bowels. For a whole year t nay in . whom the aliidavit was made:,low ing:
and works less and less. The light Is
working on his protoptastn, which is not
protcted by so thick a layer of pigment
as that which the native has. His nerves
give out, and unless he adopts the light-
sthunning habits of those about him, he
n,ust flee or die.
A medical writer has recently advanc-
ed the theory that American nervous-
ness Is due to the excess of light here
al compared to the cloudiness of the done. After the physicians hal
me no. a friend sent nie a p
north of Europe. it this is so, the logi-
cal treatment of "nerves" woul be rest
In a darkened but well -ventilated room,
anent exercise in the open air, as is
gtiierully advised.
An article much used in the bathroom
just is salt Nearly all physicians
containing statements of Iwo m
had been afflicted something
and who had been cured by the
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I beg
Mg them at once and although
provement was slow It was
Now i can walk most. of the tin
nut a cane and everybody aroui he
els now
thinks it is a miracle that i can get
recommend Its use in some form, with about as I do. Your pills have certain -
either hot, tepid or cold water, and, in ly been a God -send to me. Within
many instances, without any water at the last three years I have answered
ill, except just enough to moisten the dozens of letters from invalids who had
salt. With some the conrsest salt pos- heard of my case and who asked me
Bible to get, sea salt, preferably, is it it was true that i had been cured by
thrown into the bath water and used as Ur, Willinms' Pink Pills. I have fold
e d
ue meant
this remedy r d
) sort of wank brine; the temperature 't them all thatl y
the water should be such as is ordinar- I am glad of this opportunity of telling
'tv used for the bath, and only the best, about my case so that others may find
t any. soap should be used. Another relief as 1 have done."
form of use is to complete the scrub- Signed, F. A. MEANS.
ming process, then, taking large hand- Subscribed and sworn to before me
'uls of moist salt. rub the whole body this 17th day of April, 1901.
and limbs with this, following; the scour ALBERT S. GIRRONEY.
with a rinsing off in cool. clear water. Notary i'tlhlle.
Phis is said to be very strengthening.
Another process is to take a small One day recently Mr. Means was vis-
furkish towel and dip it into a strong Heti at his handsome hone overlooking
►elution of salt and water. wring out
end hang in the sunshine until dry; then
N night, in your room, give your whole
:.nay and limbs a "dry -rub" with this
try, salty towel. The same towel may
tar used several times, then washed out,
;.salted and dried, and used again.
This is an eseellent tonic for the skin.
end certainily brings the blond to the
surface. These applicnllons of salt are
• lust well for n well person as for a sick
-l1! one, and is claimed to be the most re-
fteshing of all baths and rubs ever tried.
its effect upon the skin and eompleeinn
k magical. The application is so sim-
ple and easy. that any one can take
these baths at home by simply putting
is few pounds of coarse salt into n jar,
roar just ennegli anter on it to innisten
it wen. then. standing in a bath tub. or
even on n pure of oilcloth. take rip
handful and rub briskly, but not so tined
es to "scrape" the skin, over all parts
or the bogy and limbs; then, lake it
thorough douch)ng, or rinsing off with
ne cote %voter ns can be ronn6trtnbly
borne. tnlhnwing this with a brisk rub-
. Frank
c years
c makes
V visited
ed and
in daily
1 health
nester et
had re -
eyelets of
illy tid-
uth as
inin the
are ab -
he was
my c,f-
Tire OT.nS.
Here is evidence that must convince
the most skeptlenl. But because many
of the cures accomplished by Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills are so marvellous as
to challenge belief, the following offer
Is made:
Clothes washed by Sunlight Soap
are cleaner and whiter than if washed
in any other way. may remove the
Chernicals in soap
dirt but always injure the fabric.
Sunlight Soap will not injure
the most dainty lace or the
hands that use it, because it is
absolutely pure and contains no
injurious chemicals.
Sunlight Soap should always
be used as directed. No boiling
or hard rubbingis necessary.
Sunlight Soap is
other soap, but is best when
used in the Sunligght way.
th hard or
Equally good
soft water
$5,000 REWARD win be rata
to any itenon veto
"Were there laughter and cheers dur-
ing your speech?" "Well," answered
the youthful statesman, "there weren't
any cheers, but now and then people in
the audience looked at one another and
1t Cures all Creeds—Itere are a few
names of clergymen of different creeds
who are firm believers in Dr. Agnew's
e Marital Powder to "live up to the
preaching" in all it claims. Bishop
Swealnfln, Hev. Dr. Langtry (Episco-
palian); Rev. lei.. Withrow and Bev. Dr.
Chambery (Methodist); and Dr. Newman,
all of Toronto, Canada. Copies of their
personal letters for the asking. 50 cents.
Schoohnaster—"Now, Rogers, what
are you doing? Learning something?"
liogcrs—"No, sir; I'm listening to you,
" The D t L " flesltret Plasters are marvel-
lous in their quick action when applied to !erne
backs or stiff rheumatic muscles or)otat.• They
sire immediate relief.
The average woman is witting to
patch up a - quarrel with her neighbor
because of the pleasure it affords her
to rip the patch off again.
$11I11se REWARD — The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Company will pay the sum of
f of
No is part in nd Dollars
he publi
cation I tion of
the foregoing testimonial.
No sufferer from paralysis, locomotor
ataxia, St. Vitus' dance or any of the
lesser nervous disorders can afford to
longer neglect to try Dr. William. '
Fink Pills. the great blond builder and
nerve tonic. Sold by n11 druggists e r
sent by mall on receipt of price, 50
cents per box: six boxes for $2.50, t'y
the Ur. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock -
the valley of Honey Creek, near Reeds- sine, Ont.
Mrs. Jones—My husband has a good
ear for music.
Mrs. Smith—Mine hasn't. Ile thinks
every piece he hears at church is a lel-
1111)5. -
Eat slowly. masticate thoroughly, are
The baby • that cries half the night
does not cry for nothing. It cries be-
cnuse it is not well, -and the chunces
are the trouble is due to seine derange•
meal of the stomach of txntwel.e, which
would be speedily removed ft a dose'
proves that Sunlight Song contains
anY Injurious chemicals or soy form
of adulteration.
Lever Brettitta Lkwltar, Toeont
That's what any woman is after a hot cup of fragristt$
It chases
"My goodness!" exclaimed an anxious
mother, "what in the world sande your
face so dirty, Willie?" ;Johnny Jones
and me had a fight," explained Willie,
"an' he throwed more dirt in my
than 1 could swallow."
Tearing Dews Signals doee not delay storms.
Oplyou begin to couugghcltake Aa en's o not core. When
Luns Balsams,
los hro full of bealing power.
area from opium,
Father--"What—marry my daughter?
They are Car etully Prepared.—Pills
which dissipate themselves in the stom-
ach cannot be expected to have mu' b
effect upon the Intestines, and to over-
come costiveness the medicine adminis-
tered must influence the action of these
canals. Parmelce's Vegetable Piles are
so made, uncle- the supervision of ex-
perts, that the substance In them in-
tended to operate on the intestines is
retarded is action until they pass
through the stoma.:° to the bowels.
Tile girl who screams when her
Why, she's only a child." Spooner --
"Yes, sir. 1 thought I'd come early to
avoid the rush."
A Small Pill, but Powerful.—They
that. Judge of the powers of a p111 by
its sire, would consider Parmelee's
N.egetnble )'ills to bo lacking. 1t is a
little si'r anon;• gills. what It I R EU M ATI S M
lacks 111 sire it makes up in pole, 'the elevator boy manages to reach
The remedies which it carries are put the toll, but he isn't allowed to stay
up In these small doses. because they
their work thoroughly.
aro so powerful that drily small dose, there. In an farm and mala perspiring feet pueltlretf
are required. Thu lull strength of the or byour sewly patented
extracts is secured in this form and do
Overwe►ked Perseus, .tuber mentally 11 i cu witltla l0 days,
physically, abon try or iron• roe fly fllfumber•
anal Senn and blood tonic and 'bey will wauWd AI♦UNYT 0
away that old tired feeling and fills her wit' sew life.
So Delicious too.
Only one best tea. BLUE RIBBON'S IT,
" Oshawa " Steel Shingles
.• •r' +':i %tea :' `i r gask(�
oo�.vil�i✓• '...far.,.,. ii '►`• a• �•' h" �J;.,iiFour
a.0✓.c J,.V uua,✓O v. �•.7.,
JJarA••N, ou., ,v..� a. r• va.A., u^i._i'.iV.l1
♦. ��— v,, uv,v a. _mle � ,_II
V..,{v ua•_, , a�, �I
etyar .....�. _ -. ------ -= - -- rl� 1{hhlls
Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prire_s varying from {tt.S5 to $5.tt)
per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most deairabte coy
.ring on the market, and is awn ideal covering! for ileuses, Rams, Stores, Ele-
vators. Churches. ete:. Any handy man cared y the "OSHAWA" nbinglea. A
hammer and snips are ttie only tools req
\\'e are the largest and oldest company of the kind Under the OriUsi►
flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada,
making there
\\'e also maunfacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets,
EA%'}; TROT'{;Il Etc.
NEFAL sID1NG. in imitation n! brick or atone.
METAL G•:WLING.'•i, in 2,000 designs.
Write for Catalogue No. 1411 and free samples of "OSHAWA" Shingles. Wye
to -day.
Moa-ratrsl, Sas, OTTAWA, NIT. t(►teaTa. Otte. taatea, etlr. wantwa6, traaestwna, sus,
711 Grata Se- 423 areae% at. 11 (tetrerem It M Maras al, Te LS5S 3,dSL ala Pewees R
Oskewa, Oat., Canada
mr>^t>0 p>:3as.r.R
tread Office and Works,
wares vine Nweassr ory°ct.
In WestePi Canada"'
Saakatryew►e, oat? s+ teem two ratlwyd', O,f.s • U.T.!
Strong roll, 10 per cent. ploweh Iaad, aprfaa ere.:, se aloaaM
About 40 stiles W.S. of Indica Bead. Prise /ten per Sera
Write for sap and fail particulars.
R. PARSONS, 9s wetl.Sky Streets Teremsa%. Cswwaw,
id "Yerrorim the woe yag„elle llieear� r d ri tom•
Old Fossil—"1 supposC you get any quickly recover strength and health booklet, ♦encs
amount of silly questions asked during
Ida led .tnywberm or I YdaU•
MLTLS!! CURE CO., Sherbrooke, climbed', Canada
the day?" Porter—"Yes, sir. any Beggs—"DIY wile rays that it t were
amount; yours is the twenty-third I've to die she would remain a widow."
had asked me to day.' Meggs—"Evidently she thinks there is
not another man in the world like
Nurse's Gard Words.—"I am a proles- you," "On the contrary, she's afraid
fionnl nurse," writes Mrs. Eisner, Hall- there may he, and that she'd get him.”
fax, N.S. "1 lavas q great sufferer from
rheumatism—almost constant nssocla- A Time for Everything.—The time for
lion with best physicians i had every Dr. Thomas' n ptnmEca Cmc i01) 15 when
Weaat�(amseaalW mid W Slee.. rJeea.a T1/tt
.soupy Wins beset the aro be meet by i. %+N w �• .aI
chance of a cure it it were in their paw'- rC11, when nc�wnatic r coughs,
ms is
umber o, asthma.SEEING er—but they failed. South American old; when 1 grache attacki WITI$N AMERICAN
Rhewnatie Cure was recommended—to- gtoii►ei�g ortoldh wheor n burns. scalds, ahrre- gap)1TiLY
daymy six year's of pain scent as a i contusions of sprain, come t
Two bottles these ailments it will she relief and
work a cure.
I�.OR SALE—Best, cheapest and nicest
located stock farm in the United
States; has a beautiful water front, and
contains 800 acres. SAMUEL P. WOOD-
COCK, Salisbury, Md.
young loan tries to kiss her usually
ciies If he doesn't.
Dropsy and Heart Disease. --"For ten
years 1 suffered greatly from Heart Dis-
ease. Fluttering of the Heart and Since
thering Spells made my life a torment.
Dropsy set in. My physician told me
le prepare for the worst. 1 tried Dr.
Agnew's Cure for the eart. One dose
gave relief, one bottle cured me corn-
plelely."—\Ira, James Adams, Syracuse,
Great Popular Upheaval May Sweep It
Are the days of Peter 1. of Servin as
King of that country numbered? 1t is
believed so In Austria, and the fact ex-
plains the attitude of the imperial Gov-
ernment to the proposed inti?f union
between Servia and Bulgaria.
The Austrian authorities have learned
that the eines of I'eter 1. as King of Sec -
via are not to be long. The Karageorg;ie-
vieh dynnstys day in Servia is gone, and
before another year is over the King and
his family will be driven out.
of Baby's Own Tablettt were given the I
It is well known in Servia that it is
little one. These tulilets make children owing to the dynasty nione that Servia
sleep soundly noel natlrally, hecausc has lost position and Influence all over
they remove the cause of crossness and Europe. in the courts of Europe the:
wakefsln''ss. They are n blessing to.the opinion prevails that Peter 1. knew t•t
little one. and bring relief to the tired l the plan for the murder of King Alex-
%%ot•ri• .1 mother. Mies. A, C. Ahbotl, 1 under, it he was not himself actually its
Ilutlernt's Heights. Que.. says: - "1 haws t
instigator. A11 the courts of Europe
found Baby's Own fahlels n splendid have refused to receive a visit from
t• i e for stomach and bowel Irou- King Peter or to have any direct deal-
from bled. Thanks to the relief the Tablets ;pt./ie.
blotted out from among the
tiles n` tl
t I f m which m' little 0111' was 'rote ings with him. Sesta is thus, so 0
two cardinal rules for the dyspeptic., hnv.' given my baby now sleeps ;uiittty
r sufferer will find relief intt and naturally, and is in the best u•f
Generally the 1 health." And the 'rabbis are Resolute•
Inking solids and liquids at scparalc 1
t2nw . for fluid dilutes the already
weakened gastric secretion. and so ell -
'e. iv ower.. An ex. n►h►i5hes the digestive t e p
cellent simple trentnu'nt Is as follows:
take a tumbler of hot water on rising
If the morning. n second about eleven
r,'clock. and another half an hour before
bedtime. If n little biearbnnate of sale,
ennlugh to lie on a ten cent piece. is
added to the hot %vette. n further bene•
fillet effect vein bre obtained.
the mouthy earnings of a lady circus -
very from $375 to $;,(an, while those
.•1 the highest class often earn $750. •1
, h.wiee earninee oternge fr..m $175 and
$200 to 11375 and $54). No 1"'i former •:n
the tightrope "works" for lees 1hnr1 from
*Vol 1„ $375 a month. Engagements of
this sort. it se,•nls. are nl%%•ay+ made
and %%noes paid by the month. Carpet
m robots earn from 14500 10 $550; even
.,,•0ne1•rate performers nn the horizon -
lel bar receive $625 to $750. while inns•
tete of tea' cart ear nsthe n nrlt as s 8( 250;
and je gg''
Mg t er en
fee..e leen a•tt'notch as 1t.5(utte hest paid f month.
ly safe—they always do good --they can•
not possibly do harm. They will cure
the ailments of a new•lewn ball or a
w'ell-grn%%•n child. sold by druggists,
ne sent by mail nt 25 cent. n box i y
writing The Dr. \\ Maims' Medicine Co.,
Brockville. 0111,
"Woman's crowning glory is her heir..
s ,e,
' retooled lt.
lir edl
he quolMl.
"Not naw; r u I t
simistic h'icnd. "\\'ht du yo0 mean?,
he demanded. "In many cases
sRnw wo-
Man's vomiting glory
Mr. T.•ttrr'v "Could you marry x
very ,;ld mon with a grand deal of mon-
/. • if he told you frankly haw old he
Sillies of Europe.
The King, moreover. and in a greater
measure. the Crown Prince. his son, have
made themselves remarkably unpopular
all over the country.
Servia. according In infornlntion re-
by Ihe Austrian
Gover•nrnent, is
for these reasons advancing in the direc-
tion of a new revolution. There is al-
ready formed a strung party, whose .ic-
sire it is 10 seen German prince nn the
throne of Servin. This party has its
eyes on Prince Frnnci•' Joseph of fiat-
Canadian Kidney Remedy.
Lenb erg. who was married in May, 1St17.
lo n Mnnlenegrin princess, but has no •fabuc,nlae. Cumherlend Cee, N. B.,
, — CR
J I.cc
° ial.
1-- Ne
1 )
cbildr''n. Fely, 1. - I '
fhe difliculttev of the Sete inn Govern- rstlnaster here, is now in his seventy-
anal in nbleiuin} money have luecnnle sivlh year. but so bright and healthy
so arch' 1(181 u crisis mut. bei expected does he look and so energetic isi hr' fn
nm• nno►n"llt. his nowemcntS that he would easily Ansa
11u' regicide.. knowing the extreme for len years younger.
danger, are running Things with a high "How do l keep yoltng I'1'tking',' lit'
ham'. and Icing Peter to little more than ,u.Inta-ler Set_. Ir it
0 prisoner in his own palace.
' N,
't 1[A
- .l
:1 C1
Mamie kissed me --such a smack
But 1 did not kits her back;
On my part are no such slips—
So instead I kissed her lips.
"It's raining hard.” said the hay,
sac looked through the dripping win-
dew•pene. From Wend his paper his
father growled: "I dent sire! l.et it
rain!" The little lad. in grate surprise,
Pawed sweetly up at hint. "Why, 1--
1 wax s-getn' tot" acknowledged 11111e
s ons,
dream. 1 tale cured me 106 any member of the family. In any ofd
A man never
in tat nth is
crowing old byhe
Hu makes the discovery by looking at
his wife.
iTallewa�'s Corn Cure 1e a epectic for
the removal of corns and warts. We
never the worst its
(ling to re-
A lady going from horse for the day
locked everything up carefully, and for
the grocer's benefit left a curd on the
bne'( door.
"All out. Don't leave anything," it
On her return she found her house
ransacked and all her choicest posses-
sion.; pone. To the card on the door
was added, "thanks. \\'o haven't left
Farmers Wanted as
Land Agents.
The average income of the remedial) A genius is n man who can do al
Pacific Railway per week is $1,250,000. most anything except make a living.
Out of this suns they have to pay sal-
aries to 30,1»), which mounts up in a "They Sell Well" says Druggist O'Dell
year (o $25.000,000. The president of the of Truro. N.S. \\'ant any better evi-
company has a salary of 850,000 a year, dance of the real merit of Dr. Von
The coal bill for a year is $5,000.000, for Stan's Pineapple Tablets as a cure for
two and a hall million tons of coal. The all forms of stomach trouble than that
number of ears possessed by the railway they're in such great demand? Not a
is 45.000; locomotives, 1.200; railway sta nauseous dose that makes one's very
tons, 1,400. Since 1n00 the Canadian insides rebel --but pleasant, quick and
to carry In your
Pacific have doubled their earnings; the
harmless—a tiny tablet
total for the last six months is $31.381,- pocket. 35 cents. -101,
977, an increase of $19,1t11,573 over the "You don't even -k—new how to make
same period lust year,
a lemon tart," rrmnrke'1 the cooking; kn
AUSTIIAI.IAN \\'HEAP CROP. school girl, with fine scorn. "it isn't
necessary to make n lemon► tnrt," re-
1'he wheat crop et Victoria for this plied the other. "All the lemons I've
beilig Is ncreialted at 23,000,000 bushels, ever seen were pretty tart ot•cn'h.'
bring; nn increase ower last years return -
of 1,4511,5,50 bUS11CIS, tete amount TC- (mire.
Is .Seto to prevent than It ti to
1' G 500 tore
inn "f th.• lungs is tho
111 IIE%l.TII \1.11\1.1 111•: TO THE
17;f: OI' 11011'N
Farmers wanted all over Canada es
agents for Western Canada lands; all
selected lands; tieernl commission. Ad-
dress "Parra Lands,' P. 0 Box 5�
Winnipeg, Man.
quired fol• glome consumption 19 ,- companion of ueglrrtrd colds• and once
01x), and for seed 1,900,000, Itavingl ahold It Sada a Indgrun•nt in tho system it is
11.000,000 bushels available for expot'l, dttmcult tet deal with. Treatment with
\\ith pi•eSent market prices al about Diode'. Anti-Consunietlt•o Syrup will
.enthrals rho rola and prevent tnCnm-
--Sper quarter- equal l0 4s. per bushel enation trop° Setting i.n. it costa lrt.
-3s, eel per buslttl would be realized tie, and in as antisfnetory as it is aur•
after defraying freight, commission, and prising in Its results.
exchange, making the value of the wheal The Trencher "i was surpriwed to sen
available for export X2,275,000. your husband walk nut of the church
while 1 %vas pralk oiit, The \Vlfe—
IIiS \VAY Otff. "O)1. dnn'1 mind tint! Ynu knmv he's
el —Tell us, Mr. Wylkns, which troubled with smmnamtnllisrn!"
of us do you thick is the pretlier-1 or t {ea' fs betaT flan etEer aceta•,
my sister Alyss? $ftaliglh
\Ir, \\•ylkyrls—Rcnlly, \lis+ Elbel, 1 bat {a tea 1Lb35 •dllol a dirae1111aa7.
don't know what to say, When i look ting $s tI$
at either of you, 1 think Jt isn't possible
that there could be anyone in the world K{;1 c(►N'ti {�{:Y TO �((C r:8,
Postmaster t.ee Larks Ten Years Yount -
per Ilan Itis Seventy -Six Years and
lie Gives the Credit to the Great
1 a "\\ ell 1 ntlrihu
Int g4.4 to niy greed health rind my
Leapt is mainly due to the use of
Ill .
ad's Kidney
"1 first le'arn�etifn^the `,rnrvalue anf n,lhe' hens
ney Itemedy g
then suffering front Kidney Disease. My
feet and legs swelled and I had to rise
eight or len tines In the night because
of urinary troubles. Six beeves of
{hada'- Kirhlry rills restored my health "Tito •'r .nt'•'r Y,,11 .feast 1',..`,"•, }' r of the same platy. o
In that time and 1 have weft them al I more food you gel: the stronger you standard of reference. By means of a
In "To i,s sin''c• drink coffee the mere poison you gel," kind ofpharneas, indicating the location
1 r.nyrmr• Weird with ills are Trow !Jima given by Poitum Co,. Battle et
armpitsa ofher necessary concealed
1 he 1 ..ay y the Kidney villa all , g ieh, ' 01 the figure,
try. thrum nn•l you will unsure 11.14." There s a reason.
lc find a benefit."
Brother ---"I have made up my mind
to propose to He11ie, but have not found
a suitable opportunity yet. You see,
she's such n reserved girl." Sisner —
"Oh! yes; she's reserved for Captain
Dasher. He became engaged to her
Yale, sickly children should urn~
Mother Craves' Worm Exterminator.
suffering one cnildren rand should caul
expelled from the system. ba
pr rt t,►uartrr nl art Huns Alicatl nl
1 rlsnn %%n, alTiii s 1Wforeh':u'd sit t
p5015 appnlnlnlent, \\hen hr w•as kav-
The More 1)fIl'e the re Fan. the ing London on his luta rxpedilion
More toffee lire %lure Poison. i against the enemy a gttantily of cabin
it was ordered to be sent on
'fhe lets+. T. U. ii • a
young; giant stale in the Northwest
farewell dinner at les hou�c
say's: called with an a
%•C r!
r was a I a n
th nl i c i
r•calize •n 1
' tat l t rn
to coffee till I left off drinking it. For + and to repo the !1 I shown
three oafour years1 was obliged to lute g •od Ills Lordship k to him
h <I►nutg room, f
board the ship. N.1s'mn had given a little
An upholstererrl l ' the
ot•dshl tin' lien
into the i and a w e
in a corner apart from the g'! (acrd: ne
"Evetyll ing is perked. my
Said, "and well go in firs wagon
the• nag ala ti stock,"
a nerve Ionic every day. Nov i aro
free, thanks to i'oslum Food Coffee.
"After finding out what coffee will do
1) its victims, 1 collet hardly Mend to
have my lu.seand drink it; hut be was
net willing to quit. I studied for months
t•' find a way to induce him to lease it
oft. Finally i told him 1 would make
nr. mere eoffce.
"1 got Poston food (toffee. and mad.'
11 strong---loriled it the required time,
and had hits read the little book The
Road to \Yellville; 111111 comes in every
a .-
r a
no stronger r i
re: has
, (11111 h
vocate than rnw husband! Ile fells our
friend, how to make it, and that he got
through the winter without a spell of
the grip and has not had a headache
for months. --he used to be snbje.•1 to
frequent nervous headnehee.
"So you are going to marry. Have
you anything laid by?' "Yes; leve got
r rich uncle laid by with an Illness off
some sort, and leo the only aurvi%ing
".Uel yml u111 go to the
inn and se'
Rese•ettt S' rpl•en fl the bailee
Th. fro uble
era betrro.e+ mhslakI, cal Meese, d the .tin
pay be eased •
Promptly camp witb Weaver's trate.
Mrs. Snnarte—"Th' doctor insists That
1 must spend the nett few weeks
abroad. He says 1 need n change. Mr.
Smarm—"Set you do: that's a fact." "Alit
you agree!" "Yes; you need a change
--of doctors:'
For 33 Years
them off?"
"I shall. my Lord; 1 shall be there
punctually at six o'clock."
A quarterquarter ert;before; toii Nelson,
to t quar-
ter of en hour 1 owe every 'ting in lite...
Perhaps the latest npplle anion of
photography is in tailoring. This ap-
pears to be a Parisian intention, The
person to be measured 1s photographed
111 several positions while standing be-
hind n network, which isphotographed
S(uilolt's Co.sumptios Cure, the La
Tonic. has bees before the publive
'iia. together with the fast r s sales
have steadily in fi
ncreased year by year, is the
of she
at • ate for Coughs, Colds. aid all
diseases of the lungs and ss passages.
Tho.. who twee tired Shiloh would wet
1. without it. •tirom who have aeras
wed N should snow that nary latae is
sold with a poetise gllar*Mee that, i it
doesn't cure you, tie tinder will retired
what you paid foe it. Shiloh
Has Cured
thousands of the most olrt>�� cases 1
Cough,, Colds sad Lruq
ate you,
"Lae wirer 1. tees
readmit fee . sent*
dorsin ( win pee into Cissamo„rn. I tai
ft se. dei we say
I sled Siti•t• cesa,me."a Cure. .001
cePoi MC This wiaw 1 hada for ass
seed' aA N a wee ..se
�o d
bio IIs+
. mad
se wei'to* 'tete aim it. ,
reerg. Creestheglta." 666 ad:
�ItJV I M a1 i �