HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-03-01, Page 5THE EX.E'1 r:R TIMES, MARCH 1st 1900 £NYTHINC YOU WANT IN LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATII. CEDAR POSTS, SASH, DOORS, FRAMES, TANKS, &c., YOU CAN HAVE at rock bottom prices at our yards and factory. STORM DOORS AND STORPI SASH made to order on short notice. We manufacture poultry and apple boxes in large quantities, order early. PAY THE HIGHESTE;AW LOGS OF EVERY PRICE FOR DESCRIPTION r . always prepared for CUSTOM SAWING. sTauior6o Ltd.. xctcr. E4 +.1++ +++++++++++++4 IRON FENGE POSTS 4 We have a num= ber of different I kinds of Iron Fence Posts which we will sell cheap or will take all kinds of e scrap iron in exa change. M.JACKSON & SONS Main -St. Exeter. One door south of the Metropolitan Hotel. tet►+++++++++++++'F+.H.,++++++ eleslewwwwwwwimmws MEDICAL JW. BROWNING, M. D., M. C. e P. S., Graduate Victoria Uni- =ty. office and residenence. Dominion, story, Exeter. DR. A. F. MALLOY, GRADUATE Toronto University. Former Burgeon to Toronto \4Hospital. r to Dr. J. A. I{ollins. Night call at 8-17.05 DRS. Y. AND Il. M. COWAN. 301 Piccadilly Street, London, Ont. eros 1 -Long distance connection. pph 5ttd t /eGla1 atter on given dieeaees of women and i =Rfiery. Orford or C. P. It. Street Cars to ae street cake you almost to ° S• MARTIN & No other city osicc. Special The Osborne and flibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- ance Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar, Ont., Peres.: -I. A. MORRIS, CROMARTY P.O. Vice -Pres.:- F. MORLKY. WHALEN P. 0. DIRECTORS W. H. PASSMORE, FARQUIIAR P.O. W>,t, ROY, BORNIIOLM P. 0. I. L. RUSSELL, RUSBALDALE P. O. T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. 0. AGENTS, J. CARMICHHAEL, STAFFA. ONT A. DUNCAN FARQUHAR, ONT. J. WILSON, FULLARTON, ONT. J. 8. OILFILLAN, LUCAN, ONTI, B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.-Treas. Farquhar.' GLADMAN & STANR(i RY, Bolioitors What is Home without! a Piano or Organ. Cerainly not all that it might be. Call and see us and let us show you some of the highest grad PIANOS AND ORGAN that Canada produces. They ar certainly works of art. SEWING MACHINES ommo A\'e(; table Preparation for As - siutilaiing ateFcadntL1Regu'la- tiliou� 5toilulchsaislBowels of Promole s Digestion,Cfeerful- ncssand Rest.Coutains neither U,piula,Morpiiine nor I�lirtertl. NOT 2�AIdCOTIC . Atdjv dG!d DrS41 araPI771FR J1 ,*&i8- Set 1- Jfour Seta - R.rA.ue Sslh - Wyavyrrus rianr: i ..6uJr Sttd • lirrrrnivr - G1 uweleraR.r.,ia. Ape:fe ct RenzAdy for Conslipa- lion, Sour Stonlarh.Diarrttoca, 1Vortns,Convulsions,Fevt rish- ncss andLoSS OF SLEEP. eacSimilc Signature et'(44. NEW YO1:It. b t root Ih i:;. 33 Ij OStE_S -3. iT.S EXACT COPY OF WAAro CR. CASTORI For Infanta and Childr The Kind You H Always Bough Bears the Signature of • Then in Sewing Machines we carry the best that the market affords. Do not listen to what others tell you about our prices and terms, but call and satisfy yourself. We will make thein to suit you unless you are very hard to please. and Hospital and i7 pier arra 'gem(nt; for patients from a • &stance. DENTAL I)R. A. It. KINSMAN, L. D. 8.1). D S., Honor Graduate :of Toronto University, Dentist. teeth extracted without pain or bad atter effenta. Office In Fan - son's block. West side of Main eillek"Exet rr J.A. ANDERSON, (0.0. S. 11.0.8. D HSN TIST. Boner Uradna e of the Toronto University Royal Colt. re of Dental Surgeons of gradnate of SSch000lth hof Prosthetic Deo..org Also ntistry (with 1e tnentlon. srythlni known to the Dental Profession I ttn tap omoe. Bridge work, crowns, al- m,gold and vulcanite plates all done in neatest manner possible. A perfectly es. anaesthetic used tor painless eztrac- le& Ogee one door south ot Carling Btu's store Masts,. Ont. HONEY TO LOAN. Ws have a large amount of private funds to ma on arm and village properties at lowrste. bassist.of . OI.ADMAN A STAN/WRY Barristers Rottener, . Main Sts Exeter DiCKSON & CARLING, Vie, Solicitors Notaries t oave - Commissioners. tlolicttora for UAW= Soak, Eto. slew tolasa at lowest rates of tutores4 OFFICE :-MLIN STREET. EXETER. s. cause s. a. r. a. oramow 11l1HOMAS CAMERON, ('ONVEY- i Amer, will. drown, money to loan real estate. elsns ) Liceed Aat%ionecr for O- cellist les !of Huron and Ptrih. ('harge[ aeOrders etat eipat en lsnkleece,&atwill receive Mak MONEY TO LOAN Wo have unlimited private funds for invest farm or village ;moony at towel s rotatsrett. DICKSON at CARLINdeter TAKE NOTICE That the North 11ittka.nd Railway Qattpnny will apply to tht- iiegish- ttere of :Iv i'rovince of Ontario ret the next ensuing s.e'si(nt thareof for tie Act am:'nd;ng t he Act of rotor• gyration of the Company and for ex- tending tar time for the commence• Went of the railway and to oh:tnge time route and for other purposes. Dated at London Ontario thin first day of February. A. 1).. 1906. T. 11. LI'SCOM Il E, Solt.. for the Company. eV HSCIt11lE FOit TIIE TiMES. OUT3SCltllll: 1'OIt THE TIMi.S. SON AUCTION SALE -of - IIO tS .S AND CATTLE I T There wI11 be sold by nubile suction -orta- LOT 34, CON. 1. iTSi)ORNE Or,e ar:d :t half miles south of Ilen- aa l l on TUESDAY, M.AiWII 13th, 1906 At One o'clock Wirt the follow - lowing live stock, viz: CATTLE THIOROUGHBRED. - 1 Cote dun to calf in April; 1 ilull 4 yearn old; 1 hull 8 months old. (TIRADES. - 2 Cows with calf at foot ; 1 (pow due to calf at timo of sale; .: Cows due to calf in July; 1 Heifer 3 years old; 4 heifers, 2 yrs. old; 3 Seers 2 ycil(s old : 6 Sleers 1 yc.i.r old; .2 heifers 1 year old. 1 Brood Sw with litter ot foot. HOIRSES 1 agticultur.•1I Foal, filly, sired by Lord Sharp; 2 agricultural Geldings rising 2 years old, sired by Fritz Harold; 1 agricultural Filly ,3 yearn old : 1 driving mare rising 4 years old by 1Vilder Loc. Thane colts have all boon successful prize wirmcrs. Every animal will positively be sold. TEAMS. -8 months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes, or ;t discount of 6 per cent. .ar annum will lin allowed for a.vh. HOS BROWN, JOHN ROWCLIFFE Attct. I'trop. Toronto, Feb. 26.- new industry is promised for Cumuli as n result of mectinga held at the King Edward hotel on i'rid ay end Saturday last. when all the details were completed for the formation of a company to manufacture soda ash. There were present ret the meeting several capi- talists front Montreal, Detroit, Tor- onto, c t- 'ett• York,and also local onto, �f I resontativen of llritivli financiers. The promoters have been :Iuietly at work for yarn:' weeks and have se- cured ltotavven 50 and GO acres of salt Linda, f icing the Detroit river, and close to Sandwich, and alio about 10 acres of limestone lands in the same locality. Tho new company will re- curs •r Dominion clnrtcr, ind Ir. e Ipitalized at 41.000,000. SAi.&•; itE';1-T1:1t Tuesday, MItch 11th. Horse. & (tttle on lot 34, Concession 1, Us• b:vne. John Itnwcliffc, Prot'.: Thos. [frown. Acct. Tue.-day. Mit-to 13. first c1:•4 homer, thort,ughbrcd i.nd high grad' oattic, and implements, the proparty of John Duncan. Lot 18, Con. 12, 1'0s:o ne. Site at 12.30. Jo.. White, Attct. sten Lee , er. ROAD HORSES - horse Golders chestnut, 4 years old, sired by Ba- vota, filly, black, rising 3 years old sired by It •vola . horse dark brown Cot- rising o!- rising 3 years old, sired by Texas Jack • filly, sorrel, rising 2 scxr+old sired by Clcrkcnw•ell. All well brok- en and good actors. CATTLE -Two new calved cow+, 1 milking cow ; 1 thoroughbred cow : G cows to calve in Mar. and Apr. two yoar old steers; $ heifers rising 2 years old; 3 steers 2 years old; 1 steer 2 years old In November; 5 cokes rising 1 year old; 2 small calves. HOGS. -Sixteen young row.i due to (.arrow, 2 ret lime of vale, 10 about May 1st, 4 about June 1st ; 6 store hogs, 4 of them fat. 40 pullets. IMPLEMENTS - M txwell binder, nearly new, seed drill, mower. sca- lier, Maxwell 12ft rake pew, top buggy nearly new, open buggy, land roller, grinding stone, cultivator. small gang plow, two furrow, Verity twin plow, Cockshutt, untrly new, No. 21 Fleury Plow, No. 13 Vetity plow, waggon box, hay rack, gra- vel box, root putper, f toning mill, wbcelbarrow, manure fork, hay fork, hay fork rope pulleys n.nd all ; instrumental by Miss Golden: a complete and nurnerotts small aril• ;comic duct by df r. Golden and liras cies useful on a (arm. I Fletcher ; a flute Salo by Mr. Regie HOUSEHOLD F!-RNITL°IIE- Cook , Turnbull : a violin and organ duet stove Grand Jewel, bedroom suite, 'l ' by Mr. and Miss Slctvart ; recitalians beds, 2 parlor tables. kitolten table, t by the Misses Monteith nil Madge. sideboard, milk cupboard, oak rocker, .and Miss Gilmour, of Colorado, who 1.2 kitohen chairs and numerous is visiting Mrs. James Moote`th: the other articles, Misses Monteith :,nd White, n duet ; 309 bus. seed cots, 150 bus. seed ind several petectlann by the Thames barley, 10 bags of I:oottoes, •:iU anti- Road quartette, composer) of Messrs. ty of hay and roots. W. Allison, C. Monteith, A. Winter - Positively no reserve rev the pr.'- bottom and W. lfoodi^, with n colt. prictor Is going West. pie of grind old Scotch songs by Mr. TERMS - All sums of $5 ;ind un \Vm. Kydd. Mr. .L..hn T. Allison oc- detr each; over that amount 9 cupied the choir in the often:ran. months' credit on furnishing ;'p- and Mr. R. Gardiner in the evening. proved joint notes or .a discount Miss McDonald w8-' the necompaa- of 5 per cent per annurn. int Gar the Thames Mood ivartette, JOS. 'sVIIITE, i(ICIHA1RD ALLEN, and alai rendered a solo very rac- Auct. Prot. acceptably. At Ilemvall the airectnrs held :t meeting .and decided to have a stark judging competition in con- nection with the .annual meeting to. be held in June. i 8 For Ov Thirty Yea CASTOR! Cr,.v W q OOM/aNY. N[W VOaa elf TN[ SOUTII IIUItON b'ARMF.RS' INSTITUTE The supplementary meetings un - dor t ho auspices of the South Huron Farmers' Institute were held last week oommencing at Farquhar, in Usborne, on Wednesday and closing at Strong's hall in Tuckersmith on Tuesday evening the 20th. The I waather was favorable, the roads good .and the attendance at all the meetings Large. Mr. H. Horton the president, owing to other engage- ments, was unable to be present at scleral of the meetings and conse- quently the s.eretary, Mr. Robert Gardiner, had to take sole charge, assisted by the local committees at the several i>oints. Mr. I). C. Ander- son, who was advertised to head the Government delegation of speakers was only able to appear at the Far- quhar meeting when he had to have The first meeting won held at Far- quhar and was all that could bo de- sired in point of .atttndanco, interest and enthusiasm. At the afternoon meeting Mr. Andorson discoursed on Rotation of Crops, Caro and applica- tion of manure. Mr. G. Bat -tour on Breeding and Feeding of Reef Cattle, while excellent pnicticsl suppli.men- tury addresses were given by Mr. W. I). S-tnders, of Stephen, and Mr. II. S. Phillips, of flay. The address- es wore punctured by questions from the audience which were Invited by the speakers and were promptly answered by them. The evening meeting was so largely attended that the hall was not nearly large enough to accommodate the audience. The programme was varied and well car- ries' out. Mr. Anderson delivered no address on "Our Country." The sub- ject of Mr. Ilarfour's address was "Farmers' Sons," in which he gave many useful hints to young men. In addition to these addresses there was nn excellent musicaltr.agrnm wJsich was rendered creditably to those who took part in it and to the very great pleasure of the audience. This part of the program consisted of an FAitM FOR SALE. -One ot the best firers in the township of Usborne, ix•ing Lo; 11 in 1 he South boundary, is hereby offered far sale. The farts contains ilk acres of e'xc'•i- Icnt land, 40 acres in grass. 13 acres in fill w'h^at, 0 young anal valuable orolnrd, the whole clean and in first clans condition. The farm is well fenced and drained, 2 good and never f siting wells. On the nand are erected modern and up-to-date build - ;nen, s comfortably ,red commodious duelling: new bink horn O',x36; driv- ing haus- 411x211. 'flee land offers peeuli.1rs inducement to any person desiring a modern, money makine &trio and is convenient to church, sr.ltrvtl -red !wickets. Possession 1st April, 1000. For particulars apply to DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors for Vender, Exeter, or to ('ON. \VItELI- 11.\ \, Trop' i' nr, While?, P. O. To Cure a Cold in One Day Tab Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. d � � every *vs. Rims thaw hi pest 12 mouths, This signature,• /�' 1' Ceres Grip r Two Days. WINCH ELSEA Mr. George Turnbull :Ind daughter Mabel left for the Northwest en Monday of this aseek. Miss Ella C.amm and Miss Edna GocllxtiI. returned home Monday even- ing after spending n couple of weeks in London vial%ting frir'nds. Revival meetings are at present being held in ti, - church at Sun - Our merchants are busily engaged in repairing and improving the store. An archway has been cut between the front And rear part. the back apartment to bo used for groceries and the front entit,•ly for dry goods. These alteration' ill make the store lighter and moor commotions. A number of the Winchelsea peo- ple attended the social held ret the home of Mr. Tom \V.ishbrtrn's nn Fro iv evening loc. A very pleasant time w8-' spent by all present. The firm and chattels of S. 11. Horne were roil) by public autution on Monday last. Auctioneer Gill. of Exeter, soft) the firm to .Tthn Johns for the styli of 95,110. The chattels were auctioned of( by H. Brown. MaplL Ril, .‘,,./.:.--7„1 "Maple Leaf" Long Rubio r Both ;. strengthened at points where the w. r • • -- and are made throughout of ct;al r . wearing material. Insist on " Maple Lcaf" brand rill:? purposes -they fit every shape and sty', women's and children's shoes. Are warm, perfect fitting and last ins;. " Alap1e Leaf " brand rubbers please the dealer because they satisfy his customers and increase trade. Sold by all dealet s. tl; TRADE' MAR:; REG. WOODIIAMI Tire box social under the auspices of the Epworth League and choir of the Woodham Methodist church held on Tuesday evening was well attend- ed. ed. Tbo music and literary program ` wins enthusiastically received. EDEN Archie Luxton, who visited his motthar here for some time, left Thursday evening for his horn° in hfanitoba. Mr. Tames A. Dempsey, of Car- tier ry. a.rtierry, Man., and formerly tenoltcr ret our school is cet't:tinly lam good luck. Recently he w,ts invited to an oyster supper witJh some friends out there and in the bivalves on h9 plate+ were found thirteen pearls which are val- ued at front $500 to $1000. 'Phis is doing better than writing insurance politics. CAISTOR=A. Boothe The Kind Yoll Nate Aiwa NO Stu• of _ Mr. John Mitchell, publisher of the Hanover Post died Friday after- noon of pneumonia after an illness of about ten days. Deceased was bonn in tho village of Arthur 53 yearn ago and about .35 years agd be- come a resident of Hanover. In 1889 ho purchased the Post which under his able management became ono of tho most widely .a- ul and influential weeklies in Western Ontario. Ifo was a Postmaster Mason and one of tine most active members of the or- der. Ifo Is survived by his widow, ono son and two daughtors. W. .1. blitchell, of the Clinton News Itecord is a brother of uk-ei ised. onoI 1 j'o!id&Ibb?r Corrio,gc irref 7714 plait vunloo on every >;' C4 rriape 2eIW/ne_ .. !ire •. Make O. carriage mors comfortable to ride in. Worth their cost in the wear and tear they save. Lasts as long as Iron rims on all ordin- ary roads. Dunlop Tire Co. tv:a,. TORONTO ST JOHN $ONra[At V ANtVt-a7e w'astlrro A good baking oven is what every housewife re- quires in a range. Other advantages adcl to the usefulness of the range, but an easily regulated, perfect baking and roast- ing oven is an indispens- able feature. it is the perfection in operation of the oven of the Imperial Oxford Range that itis made it such a striking success. It is in the oven construction that the great- tst difference is found between the Imperial Oxford and any other range on the market. The diffusive oven flue draws the cold air from thcfloor, super -heats it, and distributesit through- out the oven, keeping it at an even temperature in all part;. This floc also makes it easy to regulate the heat of the oven and secures a marked saving in fuel. If your dealer doesn't handle the Impsrial Oxford, write to usdirect and we will send you our catalogue and tell you where you can see the range. The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited 13 Toronto Montreal 'Winnipeg Vancouver Sold by T. HAWKINS & SON, Exeter, G. T. R. Time Table The time of the arrivals of trains going north anti south aro as fol- low? GOiNG SOUTII No. 32 ...... 8.35 A. M. No. 34 ... ... 5.05 P.M. GOING NORTIH No. 31 ..... 9.30 A. M. No. 33 ... ...5.54 P. M. .1. J. KNIGIIT, Agent. Arc. you a subscriber for the "Eze- t('r Times-( If rr..t wally not sub- scribe at °not+. SHARON SCHOOL, REP'OItT T4 C'Iltowing is a report of the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 4, Stephen for the month of Febru• nry. Names are in order of merit. V. -Elgin Amy, Nora Brown. Sr. V -Glu Kende, Wilbur [ d) s K sal Morlock, Sybella Morlock, Willie l're'zcator, Idella Schwarz. Minnie Nestle. Nellie Amy, Willie Roesler, Ethel Nestle, 1e 1IV.- Lorne Merrier torr hi ber. Jr. Lo n Motlock, Edwin Wein, Herbert Wein, 11a•rry Schwarz. Wesley Wein. Sr. 111. -Leonard Schroeder, Area Bro- kcnshinc, Oscar Cornish, Alvin Cor- nish, Beulah Smith, Cla-once Eilber. ir. 111. -Metol Coxworth, Clinton ilrown, Willie Schwarz. Mildred Klumpp, Emerson Schroeder, Mervin Hroken'hirc. Sr, 11. - Anron Wein, Otto Brown, Gordon Cornish. Jr. I1 Lula Kestle, Clara Wein, Emerson Roeszler. Sr, I't. II. - Emerson Wein, Edna Amy, Clinton Morlock. Jr. Pt. II. -Ila Either, Lavin t Smith, Joseph Schwarz. Sr. I't. I. -Mervin Coxworth, Eddie Corniih, Joseph Brokenihire, Annie Aubin. No. on roll 45; average attendance 12. GEORGE W. LAWSON, 'leacher. THE WONDERS OF THE BODY. Its mechanism, like delicate mach. finery, by even a slight cause ist so disat ranged as to be practically use- le'3. A headache is no trifling mat. ter because the stomach, kidneys and liver aro euro to be .affected. TO cure the pause of headaches :Ind pre.. vent new attacks, use Ferrazon:'; it aids the stomach by supplying nour- ishing blood, vitalizes the nerves and br.tin it:stantly. Ferrozone braces --Rives tone -elevates your spirits. No such health bringer known. Fit• ti cents perbor. of [I[tychaeIa t 0 coated tablets ,it all dealers. Don't Monkey with that Cough use HOWEY'S Syrup White Pine and Tar •++NNN+N+NN+N.++N •++NN++NN+NMN++NN = THE 1'1OI4SONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855) CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • • • • $ RESERVE FUND •• •••• •• • $3.000.00000 SS Branehor in Ontario, Qu.•bee, Alberto British ('olumbta and M initoba EXETER BRANCH Open every Lawful Day from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. except Falurdey 10 A. Y. to 1 P. w. Frsrrneres' Male Notes cashed or collect -d. Forme supplied On Application. ORA I Ts .•n All point, in the Domini( rt. (treat Itrltaln and Un• Iced State*, bought And -.old at Mire=t rat/A of exehange, BAVIN(i14 DEPARTMENT Depomiss of •&.00 Nnl upwsrds received. interest cora• pounded half )carlcy, And Addrr1 to principal June Seth Arid Lao. ember 31it. De- posits Receipt. Also totued And highe.t current rate. of Intrre.t snood. Advance's mode 10 ffarr11er, stock dealers and hu-rpern men at lowest este• and on mo's favorable term*. ARentA at Exeter for itom. Onvernment, Dickson & Carling, ttr.ticitnrs, N. D. HURfION,'lnnnger,