HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-03-01, Page 4wnings Drug Store( Romer Goods A. new and complete line of Ribber Goods, consisting of Combination and Fountain Spinges, Enemas, Hot Water Bottles, Ice Tangs, 'Tubings, Eta. All of first class quality and essentials in every Thome. Brownings Drug Store The Exeter Times ALENDAIt 1 SUNDAY $ld/1DAY DAT .... aDNESDAY... . TRVRSDAY....... FaIDAY BLTURDAY 'OR MIARCII, 1906 4 11 18 25 5 12 10 26 0 13 20 27 7 11 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 9 10 17 24 31 ' TItUBSDAY. MARCH 1st, 1906. VE 11i hale OUR CORItESPON- DENTS. One thing that is necessary in the tlblication of a weekly newspaper; the budget sent in by its comes - dents. In -this respect the Times highly f.evored, having one of tho st army of correspondents in On - ie. It Is a daily occurancc to ve subscribers comp into our office lad speak in gtawing terms about o amount of interesting news sent by our correspondents. It is very atifying to us to hear the compti. eats end it is our desire that the respondents know that their ark• Ie appreciated not only by us lit by the urge of readers of •the Ones. For sower time past we hare Itted n largo amount of advor- Ing so that our readers could get 1 the news. It 13 our earnest en- aror to give you every item fresh d tvo very seldom take clippings our exchanges, our correspon- Lints being equal to the task of 'iving us lots of news. We .again hank our correspondents for the ble manner In which they have re - resented their different localities y sending in an abundance of news. Why don't you try Carter's Little leer Pills? They are a positive euro r siok headache and all the ills pro- uced by disordered ilrer. Only one 11 a dose. HIMONT The `whiskey informer, Harrison, ho tried to blackmail the proprietor tee hotel Bedford, Goderich Dome before Lhe onngistratn Friday. e evidence of Mr. Davis and the ht man,taf the Bell Telephone y -watt taken. After the eve. of those two n•itnesscs was n Ilarriston's lawyer stated that pleaded guilty. The magistrate t the prisoner up for trial et the ors' session. Harrison will have remain in jail until that date. It said that this man has been em- yed by the temperance league of intob, for :some time past, and a(. r gotten: a number of convictic,n1 that town was handed over to lase of the temperance people of idtsrich, and it is said that opted - money and $5 for every convic- m had been paid him by n well - own tomporanee at•orker in Clin- t. When this case comes up (ie(ote judge it is expected that some (national evidence will be pro- ved. rangement of the liver with lIatipation, injures the complexion oco pimples, sallow skin. Ile- vo the cause by using Carter's lttlo Liver Pills. Ono a dose. t hem. FAItQUI(A 11 {. r. Simon Pollen has sold lila c+tate here to Mr. David Iirotcn, V has sold his tot to B. W. 1, It I A. 1r. init lira. S. Pollen left on ducally for Virden, Alan., where his serurid o position ti tli Mr. -•13ray. firs I). Fewer. of Caledonia, is ting Lt r cousin, i1. W. F. 1k.overs. r, It. HE %%ate teas in the neigh. hood this wt*k. tits .1. Hamilton attended the >rl of cher grandfather at 'iersscll 1•t,st week. Crediton 1 Sub -exile- Yoe telt• "Exeter Times." Special services were nom the hfetttodist church on evening of thsi week and continued for a few weeks. 11. Going, B. 1.. of Exeter, ing Rev. D1r, Andrews in thea wetk. The Lady Maccabees of o gave an oyster supper on evening in Mr. Hill's hell members of their orders a friends. Tito Literary .society beld t tiler meeting at the home Blast t on Friday evening 1 program was a good one a taper given by Mrs. Bluett cepti;,nally interesting, it of the best prepared }ape before the rocicty. There rio meeting this week owin special meetings being Gond troth churches. The many friends of Mis \Williams wall be pleased t that she is again able to be o Williams had an attack of p i 1. Dlr. Ed. %Vunw, of Zurich, its been visiting fora few days in our village returned home on Dlanday. Mr. R. B. McLean, representative of the St. Williams acetylene Gas. Co. and Mr. 11, F. Eilbcr aro looking. into the matter of installing a plan. in our village. Miss Mollie Lamport returned to London on Saturday last after spend- ing a few %reeks here the guest of her parents . Mr. henry .Eilbcr, M. 1'. P., silent Saturday and Sunday in Lown. llc returned to Toronto again on Mon- day evening. Mr. Chas. '/,+ticker was in London ono day last work. wearied In Tuesday Induces Speculators to Introduce will be Weak and tVorthless new. A. Imitations. is assist- h:s work DIAMOND DYES, true home help- er ti(lagc els :end money -savors for mothers Monday and �tt•ives. aro dear to every wo- to the mans heart. nd other Iteoontly, epee eta tors have gone into the. asackago dye trado with a heir reg- view of gtininfi a afore of the in - of DIr. t, mense and lever inoreasing trade sf The 'held by the iminutacturers of the nd the DIAMOND DYES, ;but al/ such ef- was ez- torts wi11, as in the past, result in being one t:riturt+s. bs given The crude and worthless dyes avill be brought out in opposition to the g to the DIADLOND DYES, teen rover become acted in popullar, for the simple reason that they hare not oro goof quality to boast of. The :me relia.nts of Canada s Lena two were induced to buy these edul. o learn termed package dyes now -fit.: them ut. atlas dead and woe bless stock. neumon- The progressive and busy drug. gists and dealers of Oanada sell on- avlio has 1" r t 1R]3 EXETER mT,►rn•.. MARCH The Extended popularity Of Diemond Dyes The many friends of Mrs. John Mc - Isaac will be pleased to learn that she is slowly recovering from her recent tininess. Mr. and Mrs .William Fritz. of Grand Bend visited friends in our midst for a few days last week. Mr. r Fred Hamsav has accepted a situation with Mr. August llil! as hostler for a few months. Mr. Cdr is. 1'. Mcllonauglr, of llun•ts- vil'e spent a 'few days in our village the guest of ltcv. Mr. Andrews. Tho anniversary of the Evangelical church will bo held ,one week ;from Sunday when Rev. C. Stabler, of Cleveland. Ohio, editor of tba Evan- gelical magazine, will be present and Preach anniversary sermons. Mr. efett.bew Steller, of Frank - ford, Germany, who recently arriv- ed horn has taken a position with Mr. Fred heist. Mr. Steller oame to this country to learn farming. Wo understand that it is his inten- tion in the far west, when ho be- comes sufficiently acquainted with our method of farming. Mrs. Link left \Vednesday for Lon- don and Toronto to attend the spring millinery openings. Mr. It . E. Walker, drag finished putting in his summer supply of ice. Chas. Zwicker is busy recleaning a car -laid of seed which he intends shipping this week. Communion service was held in the Evangelical church last Sun- day. The attendance was large and extremely gratifying since the roods were almost impassable and the weather was unfavorable. The ser- vice was a blessed one, nearly 300 persons communing. It was a touch- ing scene to see about 100 new con- verts come to the Lord's table for tiro first time. Rev. S. It. Knechtel, 1'. E.. of Berlin had charge of the service. The revival meetings aro being conducted for another week. 108 persons have thus far taken n definite stand for Christ. The good work is going on gloriously. Re- ception service twill be held some Sunday in the near future. Mr. S. Brown hag been a ipointe4 solo agent in Crediton for Bibby's "Crean Equivalent" for calves and young pigs. It is used to substitute cow's milk where milk is scarce; and to enrich skim and separated milk when these products are available, or, if necessary, for raising calves without any milk whatever atter a few weeks old. A ranger can by eta meaIIS raise good calves and pigs. and sell his milk. or the butter and cheese tats. 1f you are short of milk or have only separated milk for your calves, make a trial of Cream Equi- valent. It hos the largest sale in the world. Send for a trial bag and make your own test. The Crediton fond Lays desire to think the memlx,re of the Exeter bind. who so kindly assisted at the recent concert. I11 lust week's issue there tr..is a t.ikr off on two of our popular young men. Their ina•ny friends apprcreite t e it w:ts intended only as n joke. there being ne such n meeting glare or club ori,*inized to our knowledge. 4 , The % I o v ' I c1l Dot0, � boys +t,l dcscne R 1 . ( things may ju bay's r wards Fuppart. chi i r t»cr very on the address the nee tmusi;..a l these t1 Will Mc brought The real and Miss n plena' ,dies w duett by Beaver t solos by Clara Ila Lulu Foie mental d rand of t .and Dr. I Il: Intl Concert in the 'fawn n 1Vednesday night drew :, Ilcd house. giving our hied w cneourageritcnt, which • The bind is ore of the which our progrmtsive burg qtly tfecl proud of and the e loud il► their thatikv le our citizens for their liberal Mr. Wm. Len is Iris the oesil ion eoorp tably f The fie i rst number program alter the chairman's nos- bind scicctian and moons displ'yed exc<•pl fan., I talent in this number ;eel int renewed. rite singing of Cloud stns well received ,nd for( h considerable nppl.aira.• tt•tiens by Miss Myrtle Cl lila Ella Link were giren in ng manner and beet, young ere hc.,rtily endeared. 'fee Dr. hoist and \liar Ilanl,h tee good. ns also was the Mi•s i 1l I limeer anti Mia.. lit. Mrs. eei-kcr end Mir♦s ry te1re a •ptee sirig nue ro- ue(t. The quartette coin - h' !Motes Doarrr and hoist Coen %tans ireeei cd eieh consider Holtz- men f tv..r.. The concert netted the tont bays between 1:10 and f59. er's Cherry Pectoral i.; r,ci t mple cough syrup. it is a Ing medicine, a doctor'.. Heine. It cures hard case::, !re and desperate case, )nic cases of asthma, pteu-? , bronchitis, consumption. your doctor al'out this. ' is best kind of a toil eaerie:1 - told tor o?er stmt.- years." �,..,, arae• err a, e. Me ro.. L.�, sn.:.., �l.o m.teuG,ctu,•+ra .,f vers Po" - 1102 . 'Phase n0 wor.ts ' the pnblbn • formula. *ran r,,r tr.sd;.err,.• ryorrsktec r :s hasten recovery by t 1 of Ayer's Pitts at bor�tit, ais -1 ' , i:lltE Flt THE TiMES. an established zumonreputation d Dyes, hof over ich hare j twenty-five years. Tile modern; merchant n t has not the time or in- l olination to encourage the sale of 1 n•arthless and deceptive goods. If our Canadian women desire full. fc DAS1I WOO}) 51r. Jelin llu(fne,11 is boats from Toronto. The luediciuc' cowl iny t+ ho hard been holding forth during the past week in Zimmer:nann's hull, lett Dlonday .morning for leo khill. Ali•. Dave Mese/en intends giving up farming and going back to hits old trade, utasonirrg, in the spring. A heavy .thunder storm passed ov: the village late Saturday ngibt. Mr. Fred \\•tllert Las let the con- tract for his note residence to Mr. J. C. Kalbfleisc+b, of Zurich. con- ducted Quarterly meetings u ld.�y mill be . J. S. Knechtel. Y by the Hct. It. The at'erage attend:1nee at out public school for anu•try was 90. what do you think of that for, two teachers? ich- lerlireturned home r,fur stes .ind eediss ng n etvek with friends iar Zurich. «'aid came to t he village S.,tuc- day morning that It. El Manlike!), of Grand Bend. was very sick +rich ap- i:endicilis. Nr. Ireland and Mr. Rhode these down Saturday to see him. We hope that Mr. Hamilton may ,socia be himself again. Nr .Joe Eidt Is getting in a car of Manitoba wheat. Angeline Weide wife of Jncoh \Veld°. was torn in the township of Burford. July llibh, 1869 and died at is Leone near Dashwood. Feb. 20th, 900. The deceased was a great suf- rer with the trying rind dreadful 'seas* Consumption. She lid been ling for about six year,t and tis mo kept moving on her strength gan to fail nod for the last fire entire was confined to her bed, feebleness and weakness increased er trust in the Saviour became ronger. She was warmly devoted her family and friends and in an rnest and quiet way she faithfully d her part for the Master. Near o close of her lite she spoke with beautiful calmness that was no en- uraging to her friends of her trust God and of the approaching relief her sufferings as only a Christian n. She loaves to mourn the loss a faithful and devoted wife and t'hnr. her husband in lonliness th two little boys, ages about ser. and nine, besides one sister and ee brothers who are looking for_ rd to a reunion in that home ere death can never conte. 'fifer encs have proceeded her to the ter land. The funeral services re hold in the Evangelical church shwood. where an enthusiastic Ber- n was preacthed by Rev. M. A. mens from Isaiah 38.1. ------ PAIN ABOUT THE HIPS. is a common complaint with omen. The right treitment is viline, tt�lt!cit penetrates to the of the pain immediately. Ner- ne wt3 brilliant and (fast colors, they shoo at all tines ask for the DIAMOND DYES, the only guaranteed package dyes in :rho world. 1Vhon buying pa.ckagc dyes n that the words DIAMOND PACKAGE DYES are on each packet handed out by your. dealer. Wells & Hitcherdson Co., Limited, Montreal, P. Q., will send free to any address their New Dye Book, Card of Dyed Sunplea, and new book lin .verso entitled "The Lon ' ne glob Tr' This little bookpistitteresting thous- ands. 111•:NSA 1.I. lastsss week attending thewein tanillinery openings. The net proceeds of the farmers' Institute meeting held here fast Saturday evening were donated to the Sick Children's hospital at Tor- ronto, a meet deserving object. Mrs. Doherty. and little daughter ;have been in London for the past week.. Miss %Vhitesides left here last week to resume her duties ns teacher at Oarnduff, Sask. Mr. Alex McMorran, of Paisley, is visiting his sister Mrs. James White. The oyster supper and concert in Miller's ball on Tuesday evening, giv- en by .the Ladies of St. Pauls church, was a euccegs in every particular, Mr. Fred Bengeugh has purchased several lots from Mrs. Gilchrist. Mrs. J. B. McArbhur is visiting rel- atives and friends in northern points. FOR OVjtSIX YT 1ZARB AN OLD AND WsLL-TN,en RsrsZDY.—Mrs Winslow'for over sixty ey�rhby mIljons of mothere fforbeen rttheir children while teething with perfect succe a. it pooches the child, softens the gums, allays all pain cures wind colic. and is the best remedy for Diarrhtsa. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by drrungpg�tis�ts In every part of the world. 25 mates bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sere and take Mrs Winslow's soothing Syrup and see tor no other kind. CENTIRA (.iA • Mr. Charlie McDonough. of Hunts - Ville. is the guest of her cousin, Miss Brownie nAdrows. Miss Addison, of Norwich, is the guest of her sister , -Mrs. Nelson Hicks. Mr. \Wilbor ]licks left on Thurs- day for Moose Jaw after a pleasant visit avith his parents here. Mr. Farrel, ++ileo has rented Mr. Thomas Essery's (arm moved in last week. Mr. Wm. Elliott tchipped n ear - load of horses for Alberta on Mon- day. Miss Sarah Neil is visiting friends in London. IT ifEALS THE LUNGS. 1Vlecn the antioptic vapor of '•Ca. tarrhozone" is inbalced it spreads through the breathing organs, carrying healing and health to the sore shots. An irritable throat "Ot- tar.rhozone" turret in fico .minutes, bronchitis it toothem instantly, weak lungs are 'fed and quickly nourish- ed back to health. To be free from colds and coughs, to avoid catarrh and bronchitis—use Catarrhozono; it is prescribed by more than twen• talone hand nuseddibyrtheis in America people oil nine AlfIGIA. SEXSMiTiI Revive! 111(01 tnq etre being' 1' in- tinued in the church this week. }rev. Going, of Exeter, took albirge of the mer ' stn s l) 1 K n . !o a nd . 11c cl e y n s a d Frill ,y evenings list week and yRev. sledd, of )iensill on Tuesd.iy even- ing of last week. Mr. Joseph Northcott, who cut his foot about three weeks ngo, while chopping wood is getting along nicely. atarrh Is a constitutional disease tin $ in impure blood treatment actingttbro and purifying thblood i�or Its and permanent awe. Be sure to take Hood's Sarsaparilla Nasal and other local forms of catarrh are quickly relieved by Cstaryiets, which shay inflammation and deodorise e. 's Sarsaparilla, ail druggists, $1. Cataracts, mail order only, for isstirwlaiais of remarkable awes lead for our Rook on Catarrh. No. 4. G k Hood Co.. Lowell. Mass, d ne ti he Ing st to ea di th a (0 in of ca of mo ++• i cn thr tea t+• h par bet we Da IMO CIO It t Ner seat veli rms and soothes the affect- ed parts, draws out the irritation ndpain, al(he patient caseorno :rubbing. No linimenteconomilce and sere. Nearly fifty PO years In use and tho demand im- mensely greater every day 1 Nervl- line. SUBSCRIBE FOZZ THE TIMES. AlOOItl:sV ILLI•; There died at the fatuity residence 111 ilooresviJle, ltiddulph, the ba - loved wisp of Mr. \\'illium Kelley, aged 58 years. She was universally respected and esteemed in the com- munity in which she lived for her kind disposition. There also died nt his hoano in Biddulph on Friday, Feb. 23rd, Robert Blackwell, aged 50 years. The following ++us copied from the Cass City. Dliahigan, paper: "M r. Levi Whipple. of Ellington townsleip Miolrig:in, has just received n strange relic from Clandeboye, Canada, being no from than his daughters marriage License; that had rested stately in the J'ara>n's house until that struc- ture wee destroyed by the tornado List June that wrought such des• trustion to renin property here. This interesting document was earraed over one hundred miles by the storm and .eftc:rwards picked up on the farm of Mr. David Collins of Clan- deboye. Middlesex county. Ontario, who kindly ,forwairded the interesting document to its owner, Mr. W:hlpple, Cass City, Ditch., It will be remem- bered beat this storm occurred at the time the farm buildings of Mr. Bobs. Atkinson and sever 11 of his neighbors outbuildings ,were destroyed by a wind storm in Biddulph township, Middlesex, Ontario. Iz1.IMV11,1,1: Mr. Orville Snell, of Lond,n, ited his parents over' Sunday. Dir. and Mrs. Win. Snell attended the silver w•cd,fing of J. K. 'Felker at lienfryn last week. r - cats in\ tho Go'Jt-richfor t�ttel her p rceuple �iof weeks, returned home list 1'ri,liy. Mr. Jahn Wright ,oak charge n( the services in the chureh here lust Su eels vmo Wrightrnn� Mr. i r R r v. recently ;appointed a local niInister. itis sermon w.Is gro-itly apprrci•ited by the congregittiou. A few of the Kirk toil boys %v le in this vicinity one ev:n•ng recenily /fuming sl►arnew•s. We understand the bays in Kirkton iv, ve rteJectea aides t•a wens a the most sparrows, tee L'.ing Fido to pay far an oyster '-upper. Why c.on't our boys do the one and get rid of no little treats li•hich aernuelly destr: r considerate vert:,Laf 11'e are sorry to toy that Mr9. 1. Illrtis is in pcor hetrlth ,t preen,:. Miss Mabel .:elms entcrtabiel reeeeso of her friends on \Vednpsd ty - owcning. +o,. Johns c<'('1.'•,•,1 his 82nd N NN♦..♦N♦♦♦♦♦♦N♦♦♦♦♦• ♦♦N♦♦NN♦♦♦♦ Thc Loo CroGkGrij 6o'& NEW GOODS FOR SPRANG. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a positive cure for all those painful aliments of women. It will entirely cure the worst forms of Female Coni - FTaints, Inflammation and Ulceration, alling and Displacements and con sequent u- Hartyadaptedd toethe e�(ha Change of , and is L e. It 'will surely cure Backache. ft has cured more eases of Female Weakness than any other remedy the world has ever known. It is almost infallible in such cases. It dissolves and expels Tumors in an early stage of deve- lopment. That Bearing.down Feeling, causing pain, weight and headache, is 'as tantly relieved and permanently cured +t by its use. Under all circumstances! it acta in hannony with the female system. j It corrects. Irregularity, Stt pptrasec{ or Painful Periods, Weakness of the Stomach, Indiggestion, Bloating Nervous Prostration, headache, General Debility. Also Dizziness, Faintness, Extreme Lassitude, " don't -care " and „ LP ant- - to t1a•1 eft- I a cue ' feeling, excit- ability, irritability, nervousness, glee t v oagnes, flatulency, melancholy or p " blues," and backache. Thesaro sure Indications of Female Weakness, some derangement of the organs. For l(idney Complaints and Backache of tither sex the Vegetable Compound is unequalled. You can write Mrs. I'inkhatn about yourself in strictest confidence. LYDIA R Manna MEL Co., Lyss, iUs•,. 7.(11tiCII Mr. Dennis Dersteiric and family of Michigan arc visiting friends and ret olives in this rici.trity at present. Miss T. Miller, of D tshwood, spent Sunday with her sister. Mrs. Witmer, of the itabylon Linc. Mr. Wm. Bender who spent the trust three months at South )river. returned !ionic lost Thursday. The revival meetings which are being canllnued in the Evangelical church here are being well attended' caoh evening. Mr. V. Campion spent Sunday at -his home in Golterie_h. Mr. Calvin .1. %%Teams awl Hiss Mabel llaistc, of Buffalo, N. Y., ar- rived Monday evening to spend n few weeks with the for•rner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Williams. 'dr• W. S. Wilson, of l'et role t, rt former resident of (1)10 Seeable Line visited icl:•itives in this vicinity for a few days last week. Misses Nicholson and Best attend- ed :in assembly in Seitortli Thurs- d ie evening. Mr. John Wagner. of Guelph. Is visiting; rclotives and friends in and around town at present. The 1111ny 'friends in thi.ai venally of Mr'.. J Icob Weide %%ell be grieved to hear of her death, which Q. -td event took place at her home near Dash -t wood on Tuesday forenoon of last week. She had been :ailing for some time from consumption. ani although everything possible was done, far her it was of no (Vail. We extend our senanatliy' to the bereaved family. Miss M.I.ry Thiel returned to •her orne last Thursday after a pleasant onths' visit with relatives and lends in• Mitchell, Stratford, Scb- ngvllle and F'ullarton. MissErnestine Trernnc•r, of Detroit visiting her mother and brother the village at present. Mr. David end Alias Laura (tender ft Mond iy for {fopvilie, 111., Ithere ey intend remaining. Mist' Nettie Well is attending the Vinery openings in Toronto this ek, From there she will go to agar•I Falls where she will have lege of the rntllinary department one of the 1'rge store, in that 111. •}i m fr r is in lc t ani tt r Ni ch in t o% kfith1'O\ F. 1. a J hn. Son moved from ll sill ige onto the farm tie recent! purchased from Arr. Geo .iI1ZICi+'oo 01) Monday, Air. liaztc+vuod inovin to Ad the St. Jrohn. turchened on th latae m Mr line 111, iisha rd. Mics held,, Iio••kin is this wee visiting friends in Exeter. Miss Lily Tooter is visaing friend in liatvkcville, 1Vcodst rk, Stratton and London last week -Ind this.. (report Ills it tbit sir. .1. T,y}o, Iris handed over the hien:: and ho lel busines, to Itis roil 1'red, %% ht.) will in future conduct it. One of the time exciting' sparrow ',tarchre lave been going on in this Bill ige during tltc gist two weeks Ili at 0 person could f Our new lines of various goods are now coming in and we are able to supply your wants in any partic- ular part of the crockery trade. Our range of Staple Goods even to plain white is large and our prices are very close in all lines. DINNER SETS Buying a Dinner Set is very im rtant on Shape, Pattern and Design. see to it, thatpo y g Getyou get the latest the Best Glazing and above allget the eet Gold, get the in get t Best Ware.you with he ahoy e I not carry any set that rwee cannot recommr Set is of end toe tOlyO'tt in do esto not is our interest, l you. Your inter- : STOCK PATTERNS OF DINNER ' ER S EZ S, gold by or set, always matchable if you break anyand canthe piece o I any sized set you wish. We carry fourten Ilnes obehe printin ed and white lines up to Haviland China. 97 Piece Sets, in underglaze colors, splendid body, ..... , , 97 Piece Sets, in gold lines colors splendid body$0 00 II 07 Piece Sete, in extra trace gold, splendid bod' ... • .. • . ' 83 00 • 97 Piece Sets, in enameled colors, gold lines. splendid bod 210 00 98 Piece Sets, in enameled colors, gold lines, three platter: $12 W 98 Piece Sets, in enameled colors, gold lines 03 Pie .three ce Se is 1 i a net tie t a p rs mete 1 • and up. Come and See the New' Lines,nea, three platters $1500� : LONDON GROGKLRY GO. 84=9 Qf$tat as , 2 WE PREPAY express or freight charges on all LoHases o $10.00 or over. _ g g purchases of •♦♦♦♦♦N•♦♦N♦NNNj•j