HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-03-01, Page 2THE WORLD'S MARKETS REPORT FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at Boma and Abroad. Toronto, Feb. 27.- Wheel- -No. 2 On- tario while, 7730; No. 2 red Winter, 17jec; No. 2 mixed, 77e; No. 2 goose, 74c; No. 2 Spring, 74c. Manitoba grades, on track at lake ports: -No. 1 hard, 87c; No. 1 Northern, 85%c; No. 2 Northern, $3c; No. 3 Northern, 81%e. All rail, North Bay freights, 33!rc more. Outs -No. 2 white are quoted at 31c, and No. 2 mixed, at 33c, ouLsidc. Pees --77 to 77e c outside. Barley ---No. 2 quoted at 49 10 49eec; No. 3 extra at 46 to 46yc, and No. 3 at 44e. Rye -No. 2 quoted outside at 69 to 70e. Buckwheat -No. 2 quoted at 50 to 60%Sc outside. Corn -No. 2 Canadian, 41 to 42c, Cha- tham freights; No. 3 American yellow, 48c, Toronto freight;'No. 3 mixed, 47'3 c, Toronto freight. Flour -90 per cent. Ontario wheat patents for export quoted at $3.10 bid in buyers' bags outside; Ontario high pa- tents, bags included, 83.85, Toronto; and 10 per cent., 83.50, Toronto; Manitoba patents, $4.30 to 14.40, Toronto freights; gecond patents, 14, and strong bakers'. $3.90. Bran -Ontario bran in bulk. outside, $16.50 to 117; and shorts at $16.50 to $17.50, outside. THE DAiHY MARKETS. Butler -Pound rolls are quoted at 21 10 22c; large rolls, 18 to 20c; good to choice dairy tubs, 20 to 21c; and inferior at 17 to 18e. Creamery prints sell at 24) to 25c, and solids at 233 to 24e. Eggs- -Prices of new laid, 17c per dozen, and cold storage, 14c per dozen. Cheese -Large cheese, 13Xc, and twins at 13%c per lb. HOG PRODUCTS. Dressed hogs In car lots are steady' at $8.50 to $6.75. Bacon, long clear, Ilc per 16 in case lots; Mess pork, $18 to $11.50; short cut $21.50 to 122; hams, light to medium, 13 to 13 ,c; do., heavy, 12e; rolls, 11 to 11%c; shoulders, toy to A 11c; becks, 1bj! to IGc; breakfast rolls, 14 to 15c. Lard --Tierces, 10'% to 10'/.c; tubs, 10% to tic; pails, 11 to 113 c. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Feb. 27.-(Special.}-Grain- Ther•e was an improved demand for Manitoba Spring wheat to -day, and a better feeling prevails In the market. Quotations were steady at 39e store for No. 4 oats, 40c for No. 3, and 41c for No. 2. Flour -Millers have reduced their prices 1Oc per bbl. to $4.50 for Manitoba Spring wheat patent, and to $4.10 for strong bakers'; Manitoba Spring wheat patent, $4.50; strong bakers', $4.10; Winter wheat patents, $4.25 to $4.50; straight rollers, $3.90 to 34; do., In bags, 11.85 to $1.95; extras, $1.85 to 11.75. Rolled oats -11.90 to 31.95 in bags of 90 Ss nominal. Feed -Ontario bran, In hulk, 518.50 to 319; shorts, in bags, $20 to $20.50; Manitoba bran, in bags, 119; shorts, 320. Hays -No. 1, 18.50 to 19 per ton on track; No. 2, $7.50 to $8; clover, 35.50 to 16; clover mixed, $6 to 36.50. Beans -Choice primes, 11.65 to 31.70 per bushel; hand-picked, $1.80. Potatoes - Per bag of 80 lbs, 85 to 70c. Honey - While clover, In comb, 13 to 14c per pound section; extract, 8 to 9c; buck- wheat, 6% to 7c. Pro isions-heavy Canadian short out pork, $21; light short cut, $20; American short cut, $20; Amer- ican cut clear fat backs, 319 to 120; compound lard, 6% to 7yc; Canadian pure lard, 11X to Re; kettle rendered, 12'y to 13c; hams, 12 to 135 c; bacon, 143. c; fresh killed abattoir dressed hogs, $10 to $10.25; country dressed, 38.75 to $9.50; alive, 37.75 and $7.50, selects and mixed lots. Eggs --New laid, 17c; selects ;nominal), 15c; No. 1 candled, 12 l0 13c per dozen. Butter -Choicest creamery, 22%e; undergrades, 20% to 11%c; dairy, 19 to 20c. Cheese- Ontario, 13c; Quebec, 12';e. UNITED STATES MARKETS. ANDREW CARNEGIE HELPED. How the Pbilanthroplc MuIU-usiltionaire Worked New Rochelle. A despatch from New York says A story Wail told the other day in New Rochelle of bow Andrew Carnegie help- ed the members of the First Methodist Church to get u new pipe organ. The congregation wanted a $1,000 instru- ment, and one of the members wrote to Mr. Carnegie for help. The philanthro- pist replied that if the congregation would fleet raise $500 he would bee what could be done. This response was en- couraging, and the flock soon had the money pledged. They then told Mr. Carnegie, who in the meanwhile had in- vestigated the needs of the congrega- tion through the secretary. The deacons yesterday received a letter from Mr. Car- negie, who, instead of sending his cheque, said that he had found that the congregation was too small fore $1,000 organ, but thought that one for $500 would answer the purpose very well, and, inasmuch es they had collected this amount, there was no need of any help from him. ATTEMPTED MURDER. Farmer Shot Thrice While Returning Home From Owen Sound. A despatch from Owen Sound says . Wm. Morrison, a prosperous farmer living near Leith, six miles from here, was shot twice through the head and robbed of 1145 whilb returning from Owen Sound on Wednesday night. He was found In an unconscious condition some time after. So far no trace Inas been found of the highwayman. 'Morrison came to town on Wednesday with a load of hogs, whioh hr, disposed of for about $115. He left for home about dusk, and took the shore road. At a lonely spot, where trees shelter the road on both sides, ho was attacked, shot twice through the head, and robbed. When found he was taken to his hoose in Leith, and doctors were summoned from Owen Sound. Morrison's Injuries will not prove fatal unless blood -poisoning sets in. He will, however, lose the sight of one eye. The event has stirred up the whole: neighborhood, and is the first to have occurred In that section, Milwaukee, Fob. 27.-- Wheat -No. 1 Northern, 83 to 84c; No. 2 Northern, 78 to $3c; May, 82'; to 82eac asked. nye-- No. 1. 66c. Barley -No. 2, 5Sc; sample, 38 to 53e. Corn -May, 42%c bid. Duluth, Feb. 27.--Wheat-No. 1 North- ern, 80%c; No. 2 Northern, 78%e; Mayr, $fyc; July, 92%c. St. Louis, Feb. 27.- el e:at--Cash, Bic; May, 80Xe; c; July, 79';c. Minneapolis, Feb, 27.--Wheel-May, $lc; July, 82%c; No. 1 hard, 803,c; No. 1 Northern, 80 ;c; No. 2 Northern, 78, c. Flour- Unchanged. Bran -in bulk, Jt14.50 to 114.75. CATTi.F. MARKET, Teraina, Feb. 27. --There was a very active demand for cattle of all classes. tetraiglil loads of good butcher cattle were sold at $4.50, and more of the --♦ PHOTOS OF DISEASE GERMS. n Important New Discovery In Medi Science, A despatch from Boston says : A dis- covery of great importance in nedieal science has been made by Prof. 11. C. Ernest, the bacteriologist of the Harvard Medical School. The discovery relates to the photography of disease germs, without the aid of chemicals colorution. Prof. Ernest, who has been assisted in his three years' experimentation by Prof. J. L. Morse and W. C. Sabine, has evolved a process os photographing the germs by means of the so-called ultra- violet rays of the spectrum, germ stands out separa this process of discovering shape of germs was carried cal means. cal 'MORE ONTARIA INSANITY INSPECTOR'S REPORT OF IDIOT AND LUNATIC ASYLUMS. Housekeepers, Laborers, Farrne%s and Donseelic Secants Suffer Most. The thirty-eighth annual report on tui lunatic and idiot asylums of Online shows that there were 6,213 patient certified insane on September 30, 1:005 an increase of 632 for tine yeur, during which 1,130 patients were admitted. Or September 30, 1:005, the number of pa bents was 4,613. The total cost of main knunce for the year was $700,204, a weekly cost per patient of $2.32. Rev moue from paying putients amounted to $114,916. Dr. Forbes Winslow is quoted as say- ing that "alcohol must be given the tint place as a cause of insanity," with to- bacco, especially cigarette -smoking, as a Potent factor in lunacy. In the British asylums intemperance is aligned as the cause of one-quarter of the cases of in- shnily, while in Ontario only 6% per cent. of the cases aro attributed to drink. Uniformity in the manual of service ii recommended for the different insti- tutions which have shown a disposition t, live apart instead of working in sym- pathy. The itinerant system among .'t- hclais Is considered a helpful one. The appointment of a Provincial pathologist is recommended. A strong protest is once more regis- tered against the commitment of insane persons to jail. It is pointed out that the word "asylum" in connection with the insane is becoming obsolete. Hospi- tal Is the proper name for institutions devoted to their care. Next to York County, which furnished 250 lunatics last year, comes Middlesex with 63; Wentworth and Frontenac had 4e each; Carleton, 46; Leeds and Gren- tllle, 45; Sincoe, 41, and Northumber- land and Durham, 40. Of the total number of patients 1,097 hail from York county, 351 from Middlesex, 280 from Wentworth, 253 from Sincoe, and 245 from Carleton. As many as 613 patients have been in residence twenty years and upwards. "here were 315 discharged cured during the year. one of these after twenty years. 'file number of deaths for the year were 343, a percentage of 5.97. Tuberculosis was the cause of 43. Sen- ile decay and epilepsy were the next chief causes. Of the necupations of Insane persons the great bulk of them come from four classes. Housekeepers head the list for the period under survey with 5,434 cas- es; laborers follow with 4,680; farmers, with 4,368, and domestic servants, with '.725. The enormous difference is ap- earent when it is noted that the next two classes are wives, with 650 cases, and carpenters, with 471. Patients are given employment in the asylum to the number of 4,431, with nn so filet curb , average number of 298 days for each pa• - e ° s THE MANITOBA BI Revenue of Province for Estimated e1 $1,87 A despatch from \\'innipi budget speech was dell Manitoba Leglsluture on afternoon by Hon. J. 11. entire revenue for the pre cooling year Is estimated The total expenditure will most $2.000,000, including Agricultural College era( population of the province at 289,059 by the assessors Is considerably in excess bur now. There are 45,260 the assessment In real properly is estimated at 31 increase of 12(1,000,000 over year. DIED ATTER N OPE Case of a Massachusetts of the Strangest on 1 A despnlch from Sprin says: Mrs. Itattie Cronin. ander E. Cronin, of No. 90 died on Wednesday mor•uir Ing submitted to 107 opera) clans say her case is one of on record. Mrs. Cronin was and had been a sufferer in the liver for three years. D year operations were nece. every week. CONI'tNION OF LIV1 Inn Who Accompanied A JaQn ue ma ploy of same kind would have found a rend - Fell market.7 clef Export-- The export (rade 13 also good and active. 'there were a few' loads of - erring, and more %ver•e walled. The best quotations ran from 15 to $5.2,5. Short -keep feeders in good demand and strong at $4.35 lo $4.50. !leave feeders -Good heavy fe,der• :• 6rrn at $3.85 to $t. Blockers -Good stoekers are wanted. Seet'p and lambs Market ,lends' t0 firm for gritin•ft',l lambs. Hogs ---eery light run. and Ihr rnnr- kt I is steno!). at the rise of the latter art of lest week. Qnotaliune there en- sheng••d at $6.50 to $,1.75. Explorer Hone Dead in drspnlch from lion les Arthur 1.sing died or en's Hospital. Laing w n. 62 years old, and h ed here several years n record.. He is said to ow of the Royal (h-og y. and lo leave conveye';l of Explorer Livingstone fr• to London, tine is also said a member of Henry Stanley pedltinn. -+— RI '- Sl4 R %Isles 8293, ♦- SIX YEARS FOR CHARTRAND Mnl•brd P..o1 Ito% u1 �I. 11x11 -ii (bumf, Nuntrent. A et eIreal steeped. Is any- . for I Chart•to 'I, age d 32, was sent In the penitentiary on 'fleireday for six years on conviction of .s'-rilege, he having stolen money from the poor -box of et. Helen's (Roman Catholic) Church en St. Mauriac elreel. The aerated has alrendy served a term of three n;nnths in jail for masquerading as a prieet, es well as '1 i.ploinuinu of Ru••i:rn Tnrkeesen by American '',ndicale. A dispatch from Paris says : t i• bfatin's correepuudent at St. 1'.'.•i -1 r stales the Go%enunent bas do I, , , 1`• National Assembly shall meet \t;.y 1. ilussia'e want of tie'ney Is .o gr. r! "•"' Thal she lc prepare•.l, the eorre.,p'.n.b • S LAW. Passes the patch says : less serious , the United ay passed n 'e vote of 63 after a day to debate .'f he measure. anor to mon- ied or nis- sedicine9, or 'Ambito the r possessions prohibits the um one State country. It such goods. )0 or by lin• or both, is corporations. responsible. E FOR. Woman at "No children is a burden," • Me young emasun, just on Wednes• nt 175 Van d found the lamed home I furring the lying insan- e of the cur- ing drank n Ilefore Drs. .l the house ,mks and his ,ester. Eng.. ens 21 years isle she took e Chief Cor - 11e necessity PORTS. dare I\ se k hulk. ., I1' 1,1w•a .Ieepatch ant's : According 1. •, •• ',Weird rct'nrns issued by the Cus- I •• Ferini.•n4 on Thursday, Ilse total ( Canadian produce for the six • sating Dereemis'r 11 ons 8133,- • 133;, ,' ti is amount (;rent Ilrilaln '. - •:r; and the United dates Fr..n, t;r. nt Britain during persist the imports 'Mailed 5.• while from Ilse United el irnpotic.• 11: were va1Ue(I el 1:1 - — Sayre to give comnu•r•isl t..1%altttgee • the united elides fns the rxpl.,itniiun 1 Ites•tan Turkestan for forty yore-- .;n payment ''t 1201 titin.cx)0. R11111..11 1 0111:1: OVEIM 111:1.11(.1 D. Force of 4.ulative Rale llvr►run 1'oufinn of 'nknte. A dey.'Atth from La;,•••.. Rushee \\..i :lfriea. says : A force of religious famr+e�. tic+ le reported to have Invaded et,'7 overrun a patten of Soketo, Northern Nigcrin. front the north. In have destr..y. ed a French poet near line frontier, kill- ing five Freneh official and ellPtIlholi two.And n have oveheunci a . ritia KING TO VISiT KAISER. 1'ri. n.11, %teet e) of the 71181 Non;1101. Likrh in \rtr Future. 1 A Herm) deepnl. l- h e. K.ng ['Averse has .ellen n ►po' • • I ;ii !eller In the I'nlper•.r nn the • . e "t his Ma. i Italy'+ 1•irlhd,iy . and 1 • •lett ing the erugpe- t of a friei:. ' i ' • ,.n: or the leo monarchs In the sees:- ' the cur - 11..r sit year. Thi( news %vitt ve %%elronted at Berlin with gree) saliefaction, w here A USEFUL INSTITUTION �actiendd naIv rya farin«ould h eanTONTARIO LEGISLATURE CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS HAPPENINGS FROM All OVER TUB GLOBE. ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE AND EXPEi1IMENTAL FARM. Great Work the College is Doing to Fit (toys and Girls for Lite on the Farnt. The College was established in 1874. its objects were twofold: First to (rain Young men in the science and art 01 improved husbandry, and, second, to conduct experiments and publish the re- sults. In 1875, the President said in his lest report: "It is evident to the most cursory observer that Canada depends, and will be obliged for many 'years to depend largely, if not exclusively, on her ruw produce for her notional wealth. And amongst the various forms of raw material none are so valuable as those included under the head of Agriculture 1-roduce. To the observant statesman it is plain that the readiest manner of Increasing the national wealth Is by in- creasing the quantity and quality of that produce. But though plainly seen, It is not so easily uccomplished. Precedent, T-rejudice and general conservatism stand in the way. Throughout the Pro- vince there is a powerful minority cf intelligent, enterprising and successful farmers pursuing the improved system of cultivation; yet the great majority are depending solely in increased acreage for increased returns." That was thirty years ago, and the College, facing these conditions, with the opposition of the very class which it was intended to help, has grown steadily in favor with the people, until now farmers themselves visit the Col- lege in June and December to the num- ber of nearly 40,000; and we had last year in attendance at the t...rous College classes . 1,004 STUDENTS. More than 1,20 teachers visited the Col- lege and examined the workings of the different departments during the past two years. In the beginning students were paid In attend the Institution, and there was practically no revenue from the C.otloge or farm. in 1905, we turned into the 1'rovincial Treasury as revenue from the College and farm $61,568.20. The work of the different departments is as follows: (1) Field Agriculture. - Teaching of limes that amount, where they have students and experimenting with field been properly fed, killed and dressed. crops is the work of this department. We have on trouble of disposing of our In Mr. Zavitz's report of last year the poultry here at from 12 to 15 cents a following paaghaph appears under the pound dressed, and our students are head of "Barley": "The results show taught how to breed and feed so as to that the Mondscheuri gave decidedely obtain these results. We have four die Parent styles of poultry houses to test the effects of hent and cold on the egg. 'eying proclivities; hence we fiend that the coldest, and therefore the cheapest Louse, is the best, and that fresh air, is essential to good egg production. (11) Macdonald institute. -- Three things are taught: Domestic science, c,anual training and nature study. in domestic science there were 360 girls in attendance last year, each one being obliged to learn cooking, sewing and laundry work. In a Province where ever 90 per cent of the women do their cwn housework, what a blessing it would be it they were all properly train- ed for their daily duties. Manual train- annually would pay the running expen• 1nt3 makes of simpler tools, girls pint ry studndy In y. les of about thirty nlericullural colleges which is really elementary agriculture, like the nue located at Guelph. T'he Mandseheurl barley orae Impor'Ie.1 from helps leachers to the extent that they Russia by the Ontario Agriculture) Col- may return and give to their pupils an lege in the spring of 1889. Not only has education that will more nearly fit them it made a very excellent record at the for the earning of their daily bread. College, but it has given high results In The College Is then doing three things: the co-operative experiments through- First filling boys and girls for their 1'fe out Ontario and has been grown in gen- work on the farm; second, by experi- eral cultivation very suecessfullly during Incnlir►g along different lines it is sav- the past few yenrs. hl looking up the year ecs ng from the hby retailers millions Unof dollars e'inct dela records of the Bureau of Industries, we In reference to the value of different Fal Act, 14K,3, by adding a sub section Ihr nughfind ent theaverage oProviin r, ford the periorif d farm crops, farm animals, and so forth; itm um eon rt all tlnsumelentsrIne rlrnvldeano� of ten years from 1895 to 1901, inclusive, and third, by the writing and publico• suprrannun(Inn or retiring allownncrr is bushels per acre; while, that for t`°n of bulletins and repmis, the farmer Per members of Inc police force of nal the period of ten years from 11015 to i supplied to his own home with Pell• less than Y5 years' a tutinunus service in 1894, inclusive, was 24.85 bushels per able information in reference to his bust• cities and towns. The allowance Is to he one-half the salary received 12 months previous to retirement. NOTICF.S OF MOTIONS. Mr. May -- Question - Inns the Gov• ornment made any changes in the leaching staff of the Normal schools? If so. when did they occur, and what were the names of teachers and the cir- cumstances of the eases? Mr. May - Question - Whet action does the Got"enunent intend to take in regard to the inspection nf loan com- panies that have been granted charters from the Government of this province? Mr. Cnrsrallen ifnmflton) - hill to omend an Art respecting stntionar• en- gineers. WINNIPEG BANK ROBBERY millions each year to this Proince. (6) Chemistry. -- It was said n few years ago thut sugar beets could not to grown profitably in this Province. Our Department of Chemistry conduct- ed experiments In the different parts of Ontario, and analyzed the beets at dif- f.renl stages of growth. It is now known that we can grow as good beets as in any part of the world, and men are put- ting their money into the building et sugar beet factories, Over 22,000,000 pounds of sugar were made in Western Ontario last year. Chemistry did It. Our Chemistry Department last year r,nalyzed flour made from four different grades of wheat grown in the North- west. There was a difference of many cents per bushel in the market value -,f these wheats, and yet, after analyzing the flour and having bread made from each of the different lots, it was found that the fourth grade made bread just as good, just as palatable, just as much bread per bushel of flour, ands just as nutritious as the higher grade, but it was not so bright in color. The result or this analysis will enable poor people or people In moderate circumstances, h get the best bread for their families at very much less than they have Leen paying. (7) Physics. - In this department aro taught the principles of soil cultivation and soil drainage. All farm crops take their food from the soil in a watery so- lution. \Vhen the land dries up no more food can be taken; hence the necessity for a knowledge of how to conserve soil -moisture. This is one of the most important questions that n farmer has to deal with, and experiments are being conducted In the Department of Physics all the time along these lines. (8) Botany. - In this department the subject of weeds and how to destroy them, the question of fungous growth, and when and hots to sproy to exter- minate them, the Importance of growing grasses and clovers, and such things are taken up and discussed. (9) Entomology. - Again, millions of dollars are lost every year by Insect de - WHAT THE LEGIel.en ILE AT TO- RONTO IS DOING. INTERIM VOTE OF 3600,000 A message frons his Mellor the Lieut- tcnlnt-Governor was received transmit- ting estimates to the amount of Sti00,- 60U for the continuance of civil service until the estimates for 1906 are finally passed. lion. Mr. Matheson moved the House into committees of supply and ways and means, when the vote w•us passed, and he explained that it was needed for the civil service and for the payment of members. PROVINCE'S CREDIT IS GOOD. Mr. Harcourt was informed by Hon. Mr. Matheson that during the year 1905 the Government had received several definite proposals for the purchase of secudities to be issued by tete province. Several of the parties making Ilse often had asked that they be considered as confidential unless the sale was com- r Ieled. As a sale of a permanent issue cf stock or bonds had not yet been cum- pleted, it was deemed not in the inter- ests of the province that the details should be made public at the prestenl time. During the present year a pro- posal had been received from respon- sible parties which would secure to the province a higher net rate that any pre - %sous offers. There was no question about the province being able to sell. The matter was entirely one of the rate of interest. This had to be considered carefulily, because every one per cent. meant *70,000. Ile asked the members to remember that while negotiations were going on it was advisable to do no- Ihipg to injure the credit of the province. GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES. Dr. Lewis (Dufferin) presented a peti- predation, Only by studying the lite tion from Dufferin County asking that the question of establishing a history and habits of an insect can it be early at - properly service receive the early properly combatted. These are taught to the farmers' boys and ention of the Government of Ontario and the Legislative Assembly. The BULLETINS ARE PUBi.iSIIED petition recites that the telephone service and sent broadcast to the farmers from is a monopoly, that it is doubtful whe- our Entomological Department. ther the Government of Canada will take (lO) Poultry. - Chickens used to sell any action towards the taking over and anywhere on the market from 20 to 30 operation of the telephone service or the long distance and trunk lines; that the Government of Manitoba has announc- e,: its intention of establishing a Govern- ment service, that the conditions in On- tario are exceptionally favorable for the operation of a provincial telephone ser- vice, and that the lack of such a service Is felt by farmers and others alike. cents a piece. To -day they bring three the greatest yield per acre of the four varieties for the whole period of fifteen years, and also for the last five years. The Mandscheuri gave an average cf 9.3 bushels per acre per annum over the common six -rowed barley in the aver- age results for fifteen years. The aver- age area devoted to barley in Ontario from 1882 to 1904 is given as 633/90 acres per annum: An increase of nine bushels of barley per acre throughout the province, would, therefore, amount 1 , an increase of over five million bush- els of barley In Ontario annually. This increase at fifty cents per bushel would amount to about two and a half inillion dollars. Two and a half million dollars RILLS GIVEN FIRST READNGS, The following bills were introduced and read a flirt time: - Mr. Hoyle -To amend the Assessment Act. Mr. Gamey -To amend the Public. Schools Act. Hon. Mr. Hendee,- to amend the Municipal Act. REDUCING BUSINESS TAX. Mr. Hoyle's bill to amend the Assess- ment Act proposes to eliminate the word "trade" from the phrase "trade or commercial business" in sub -section e of section 10. The word "trade" ton: Leen diversely interpreted as meaning "barter and sale,"-- or "culling." The words "commercial business" are con- sidered sufficient for the proper meaning o: barter and sale. Clause Iwo of the bill proposes to reduce the nllnimurn business tax on small offices held by one person, from $250 to $100. St'PERANUATION FOR POLICE. Hon. J. S. Ilendrie's bill is to emend rection 492 of the Consolidated Mhmici- acre. Thus shows an average annual in- crease of about AsBL'SIIF.LS PER ACRE. G. T. PACIFIC CONTRACTS. for the latter, as compared with the for. Nearly a Thousand Miles Now let for mer period of len years. From these Construction. results does it noot appear ns though the Introduction of the Mandseheurl A Montreal despatch says : Frank W. barley by the Ontario Agrlt'ultm'ol col. Morse, General einnager of the Grand lege has been worth to the Province of Trunk 'Wilk liailwny, announced on Ontnrio within the pest tell years nn an. Thursdny That contracts for the con - meal money value equal In more than Menefee' of the section between Touch - fifteen limes the entire cost of the Call- wood Hills and Edmonton, 457 miles, urge?" Similar work is being done wilt for which tenders were received tip to wheal and oats and peas and rye and Tuesday. hod been awarded. in rw•n grasses and clover and roots. pods, the first part, 140 miles, from (2) :Animal Husbandry. -- Isere she. fouchtvood Hills to Saskatoon, going 10 aenls ere (aught the comparative t•nlue the Canadian White C,im iuiny. Moot* real, and the second part, 317 miler. trout Saskatoon to lichnonton, going to Foley Bros., Larson & Co., St. Paul. This work, together NMI the work now in hand between Fort William and Lake Superior Junction, and Portage 4a Prairie and 'I'ouchwood Hills, snakes a total of 912 miles under eoulroel. The conditions imposed upon the contractors Ls that the work shall be rushed Willi the greniest seed. cf the different breeds of domestic ani- mal. end ns it Is said that 90 per cent. of all the crops grown nn the farms of Ontario is fed to live stock. II will be seen at n glance how important it is to be able to tell a good feeder when one sees it. +3, Dairying. - - The making of heifer Culler and better cheese and the breed- ing and feeding et better animals. The nt•ernge eow in Onlnelo gives less then 3.0041 pounds of inilk per year. The College, by careful selection and proper feeding, has built up n grade herd which In 001, eonlninrel sixteen cows whe•h -- gnve more than 6,(44) pounds Poch. Total I'rodurti.,n in Territories \S.u. 4) Horticulture. -- Herr we are smite. Million and Halt found.. what handirnpped by severe climnlic conditions. Taring 41(10 Pert above Lake An Ottawa dl•.pnl.11 .:,y, Nears ago Ire Do Orden°, we cannot grow the more deli -creameries 4;,,'.•rnrr,..,t+•b1iched cafe fruits Students are given insieoc• erenmerirs in the North•ee \\ell Trrrilnr- tun in the %yawing of all lends of fruitles which were the mean, of tki,hnping Vegetables. And fl..w,•t., and experiments pre cnndurled will, Ire small fruits and with cover crops for the or:her•.1. CREAMERIES IN THE WEST (5) ilncteriology. - Nitrogen le nor the principal needs of a plant. 11 is s nrlh commereinlly elinin 20 rents A Maid. The nir is 81) per rent, nitrogen. end yet plants canned use it in the form in which it appears in the ntmosphern•. Certain bacteria. i1 introduced Into the toil. se ill work nu the rants of clover and other leguminous 'dente, lake the nifrngen from the atnnsphere, and con- vert it into plant food. thorn bneterin- tepee prnpngnfee in his Inhne/dery and 'uppliee In emelt bellies millinns of these nitrngen forming hnelerin, which may be spread 'Henn the seed before It :r e v. n. And- tens inlr.'ilire into Ilse soil Three nitrate -funning Lneterin. A crop of clover will leave its Ilse soil in the rrinte Alone (deaf fifty TNmnls of nitro. pen per ncre. Thus the plaint food ewe plied to the soil la it r4MD of Clot•er Is the dairy industry there In respectable proportions. Ilse total production of the twelve %Iler•ia crenmerres Inst year was abort 925,141) pounds• and the average price reach,', was 21.35 cents a pound for the whole year's output. There weer 1,201 farmers suhscril5'rs to the Domin- ion errameries. nmorng w•hnrn Ihr results of the industry were divided. Beeides the 12 J;overnrnent erenrrlrrira °pending in the new prntin.e, there nir fifteen imam,-ri.:s operated under pri- vet' management. which put nip and CI- )•orled la.t year some 0.30,(ux1 penults -1 huller. l-l.utging the Intal crenrnery pro- duoli..n r,l the Iwo% ince up to to million and n halt potndr nf huller, nide!' brought the farmer -et of Alberta en''- thirl of n million 4..l!are. The Persian \tni-ter el Eontineree has been nrfell and sent to Yezd. in per - petrel 1ufnishn.ent. Ile was nreused of loading rev I I per - ? u ionnry movement. Money Found in the Caretaker's Tool 1.hrst. A Winnipeg despatch says: The mys- tery surrounding the clever robbery in the Men/oink' Bank here last Decem- ber. when a pncknge of $6.010. all in 85 hille. wee abstrnefed from the teller's rare under the very eves of Ilse oflhetals. rur.itg business hours. woe partially suhcd on Tuesday night. when Jerry Jnnleh. night wnlrh,nin in the tank. discovered $e.:k0 hidden under a false lid In the lop of the heel •-hest Felon 'irng In H. 'fhoniesnn, onnther caretaker. James al once rnnnnunieett-d his discov- ery to lite police. with leu result Ihnl Thempeen war iimmeliat'•ly placed nn• der nrresI. The primmer refused Iu Wend. rind was rrrnanded moil Friday. Efforts r f the police have hitherto been fruilleee in Inenting the slightest clue. INVASION OF CAPITAL. Se'.ernl Nee F.n.rl;end 1;orp• to a isll 1111 ion 71,1• Au 11111,wa deepal.•h 'aya:.t't•sera' Nee 1'netnnd regiments art' planning n joint visit L, Ottawa on Aug. 18 and 19. Ii rc eslir'tnled Ih..l bll.e tiurnler of troops Ihut will juin in the excursion will be over I.Y(ae and may be it. fenny as 1.7&41. The corpe that up lo the present have en/riffled their inlenllun nf paving ie a vied d in Ihr capital tire the 5th Regi• spent. elnesarhusetts Vnlurnteer !11iti'1a, hnefon. 600: Brinell Naval and Nlllilnry Veterans' Amale liun. 300: Governor's Fool Guerin. of flarlford. ISO: Amnskleg %Lr. a •eA. er—•-. Telegraphic Briefs From Our Own and Other Countries of Recent Occurrence. CANADA. The total estimated ex Toronto's parks this year The Hamilton City Cou tote for a reduction of • Brandon, Man., School Board will spend *80,000 in making exlensinns. The New Brunswick Legislature has unanimously passed a bill permitting woolen to practice law. Edmonton's City Engineer is preparing plans for the proposed three mile line of street railway. Ottawa will apply to the Legislature for authority to spend $100,000 for ex. tending the waterworks system. Out of 250 girls at the London Col. legiatc Instituto all but one are taking the domestic science course. Ilion. Sydney Fisher has accepted the resignation of Mr. F. W. Hodson, Do- minion Live Stook Commissioner. The amendments to the liquor license act to be brought down this session wil include the increasing fees. Brantford is experiencing something of a land boom, in anticipation of the es- tablishment of some new industries. Mr. H. H. Macrae has been appointel General Manager of the Electrical De- velopment and Toronto &.:Niagara Pow- er Companies. The St. Lawrence k Chicago Naviga- tion Company has placed a contract for a steel steamer of the largest class for upper lake traffic. It was decided at a meeting of the governors of McGill University to offer the degree of i.L.D. to Hon. W. S. Field- ing, Minister of Finance. Rich indications of gold, silver, cop- per, iron pyrites and lignite are report. ed from Spurt Lake, Abbitibi, by G. T. 1' engineers. A colony of Breton and Savoy pea- santry in northern Alberta is of great intrest because of the picturesque dress worn by the settlers. William Carleton, an Englishman, was arrested at the Union Station, Toronto, charged with stealing $800 from a far- mer at Westminster, near London. The Provincial Board of Health tree approved of a plan for the disposal of Toronto's sewage, to cost 12,385,000, and an annual cost of $76,000. It is reported that the Department of (.ands and Mines will be changed to the Department of Lands, Forests and Mines, with Mr. T. M. Gibson and Mr. Aubrey While as Deputy Ministers. Mr. \V. F. Tye. chief eng' eer,of the Canadian Pacific Railway, Res-eresign. ed, and, it is understood, wftl become superintendent of construction for a 'ergo company now being organized. Mr. S. A. Redford has resigned from the superintendency of the Brandon Ex- perimental Farm, a position he has fill- ers acceptably for eighteen years. Ile %(111 engage In the seed end nursery business at. Brandon. A scrutiny by City Clerk Baker of the work done by deputy returning officers at the last municipal election in Lon- don, Ont., shows that of the forty-three deputies only twenty-one carried out the law in all particulars. A report from Mr. D. U. Ross of Mel- bourne to the Department of 'trade and Commerce states thnt a large portion of the Australian mails for (:onada and the United States, numbering over fifty tags, had been destroyed by fire in It nnsit from San Francisco to eastern I•oints- The Ilarrison Lake hatchery. s1 New Westminster, B. C., is liberating 30,009,000 salmon this season. Shoul they all return to the Fraser River and fifty per cent. of them should be caught and canned, this alone would mean a 'tack of over half a million cases. GREAT BRITAIN. The Unionist party hove• pnceed a re. solution of confidence in the leadership of Mr. Balfour. The Labor members of the Rril'f " Commons will ofRcinlly carry to Canada the good wishes of the British trade unionists. Accm•ding to the stnttments of Mr. Keir Hardie. the laborites in the British (:ommnns will be separate and distIne.t Frain every other port f. Balfour and Chnmheriain have reached common ground on the essentials of tariff reform. Chamberlain has prom- ised his lender hearty support. UNITED STATIN. Fire destroyed the centre of the Nosi- ness section at Rutland. \'t.. on Satur- day. 'fhe loss is $700.010. Three men were killed and twelve girls injured by an explosion in a dh na- mile factory at Hannibal. elo., nn Snt- urday. 1'. II. Peavy & C.o.'s receiving elevator al Duluth was destroyed by lire on Sat- urday. The loss Is 9151111 $1.000,000, covered he insurance. President Roosevelt hr,< direeled c rotary Root to take up the stile - a treaty with Cunndn calculated to pro- b'ct Niagara Falls against destrectton. A liquor dealer in I'hilndelphin mov- e,- by the pleadings of his mother and Me character of the concoctions now '4.14 as liquor, will glee up his husi- nesc. Revised estirurite.a nl t!,.• rcluir.'rrients r•f it poetnl service for (hued ued year routine June 301h, snbrnlllr.l fo f.nn)ress, aggregate $1:'3.54e0e10, GENI:0.t1.. ('.enernl Kurepnikin and General Rat - inner/. commandeer' reapeetit•ely of the fir:et And third elancherlan orad.•, haeo been recalled. 1lie itun Gnvnl hly r.t9kr a •cslalair purehnxernerenl ofwilall sprivaortte sande fpr sale, and will allot these loads t. pen •nnh+. Durno•n tins instructed provincial au. thorities in Russia to pro - td In a forc- ible levy of lime. Arrenrs now exceed $1;, iW iMn. A tu.n hos been born to Prince Chen, brnlher of it ie Emperor nf Jnpnn, 11 !a nlnel I!kely to he designated n9 surret: oro to the throne. The reading of the Royal r•esiript tr,