HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-03-01, Page 11906--1907 ANIEMONIO We have just corrected our label *beats. Darcys your label read 1906 W 19071 If it t,hould atut docs not toms iu and we will help right it. attend to the matter now. %der fi vs HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETT Nei The Auction Sale Season Still dere We print your bills promptly anti 41ve you a free ad in our fate retiae ter columns which is worth what you pay for your bills alcne. THIRTY-THIRD YEAR—NO 1684 EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 1st, 1906, JOHN WHITS & SONS .)ONES Qil. CLARK'S PILING WHITE WEAR iss tWe take a special pride in our Stock Whitewear for this season. We profit by our past experience, bending every energy to have better materials, choicer designs and lower prices with each succeeding year. Our stock Is complete in the following lines. LADIES' GOWNS—Fine Cambric, trimmed with Lace, Embroidery and Insertion, in several different styles, ranging in price from 75o to $1.75. LADIES' UNDERSKIRTS—In Lonsdale and Cambric with Lawn frill, trimmed with Torchon Lace and Insertion also Embroidery frills, a full range at prices from 85e to $2.75. LADIES' DRAWERS—Fine Cambric with hemstitched frills, a special line at 25c. Better lines, embroidery trimmed at 50e, 75c. •QORSET COVERS—Made of Lonsdale trimmed with Torchon Lace and Insertion also Embroidery at 25c and 50e. A very >; special line made of wide Embroidery at 75c. : r • test of how much butter there wud Death of RevDr Wil= Bobier Wins His Case• 111,o`a sotgivetual chu[ >tingy tndcthat t the s:t:t tyles brought in b • a collector AFTER HEARING TILE EVIDENCE! might hot be relitblc as there :ire Ole TILE WITNESSES FOR TILE 1 many Rays i i which •t collector;F', 4u mar pastor of James Street PROSECUTION. I'Qi,IC1', MAGIS- could fel-i[ thou, ane where he was -- t1 ny the 'ound (or collecting, he, elturch expires in the ;Methodist TRAT15 11IJMIJL'It, OF GODEIt- 1cQu1� !:two ;r [notiyo for doing s?'t t,turc ut nlcnhci+m ICII. DISMISSES THE CIIAnnE. Norman Cruickshank. tiro butter. "b THE SPECTATORS GO WILDmaker employed by MT. Dobler, was t de') odlled by. the prosecution. Ile' During the tinging of the second testified that it w1`} discovered at i aeras of the hymn immediately fuI- the factory, tlr:;t (here was 8 la 1.'g,',1 luwiub his d0liveran�4 of tigoroos shortage of butter as c) plrt'd with and imprerr�lro sermon of one hour'. what wnli fndlcated by the a. "ta attd dur.ttion, Rev. Dr. Willoughby, of The case of Dewitt vs. ltobier. commenced an investigation to find' Ilraji .,od, ;cud a former pastor of rho source of the trouble, lie dames street church, Exeter, drop- ehurned oath collector's cream hep• ped dead of heart failure in rho pul- pit until lie found that the pit of the Methodsit church at Bien- shortnge !vas o r ;T r. Deawitl's route. }beim Sunday night. The end elute salted in Police;fagistrate (lumber, Upuon calling Mr. Deavitt's ;tttention 1 to Dr. \Villoughhy entirety without of Godericdi, dismissing the charge, to the matter he testified that Mr. ww;n•ning. Ile remained .tanding af- after Mr. J. G. Stanbury acting for Deavitt had admitted to hint that rte ter the sermon nail ,<>ine.t heartily Mr. Bobier, had asked for a ills- had uttered the rotation of the test in rho singing of the fir .t verse of missal, c1 iming that the evidence tubes. Mr. Cruickshank also testi- t1''. hymn. The second verse had.just showed there was no foundation fur Pied t hot that the shortage on Mr. begun when he was seen to place ofthe charge. It was not necessary to Deavltt's roue would . often run his hand over his heart and sink, to call oitnesses for the defence what- from 15 to 50 pounds on .1 single, .his chair. alis brother -in -lave, (lova ever, the jus: ice t.�kh g hut a few trip and on these occasions he would J. W. Holmes, the pastor of ' the moments to render 1115 dreisio,,, reduce the tests as found from Mr. church, went to his side immediately. notwithstanding the County Crown Deavitt's samples in order to stake Ile found hint breathing h , eavily nil Attorney's very able plea, for a de- them correct .as near as possible to sent for a physician. The aged pa• cision in favor of the plaintiff. the actual churning reducing each tient was dead long before aid ;r- J1tr. Deavitt was the first aaitncs�one proportion-ltely. 110 is a grin- rived. There was no commotion in called. Ile stated that he wns a nate of the Dairy school. holding the church. In fact, to only those bulli[[ for the Village of Exeter and •,t fi rst class certificate and had ex- in the 'front seats was it at all ap- that last year he was a cream gat-perience in ot her factories ,where parent that anything unusual had herer in the ctnploy of A. Q. Dobler. the sante plan was followed. occurted. Notwithstanding his 70 He had been gathering cr.on, for Several of the patrons were call- years 1)r. 1Villoughby was in appar- ]1Mr. holier since the s<rason of 1901. cd, whose evidence was to the effect ently vigorous health, and during his that they thought t hey avert' entit1041 tabors at Ill_'necim in connection to a larger percentage than they had wait h the. revival being held, tvo corn - been getting, but they could not plaint of 111 health or indisposition say as to whore the fault lay. was band from hint. During rho After the decision of Migistrat,' day he appeared as usual, and his (lumber in dismissing the eharge last sermon gave nO evidence of a the hrge crowd assembled violated morn in anything but good health. t ho court rules by an enthusiastic The late Dr. 'Willoughby was one }rand skipping showing their approval of rho leading ministers in the Meth - of his decision• odist church, in Canada, being a also of unusual ability and a most dili- gent worker. Ile graduated from Victoria College and then located at Cobourg, receiving the degrees of M. A. and 1). D. Ile bas occupied many of the leading pulpits of Ontario and was twice president of the Toronto Conference. Stowe yaws also wwltilen in \V hitby }tis eyesight failed hunt anti he was forced to mare from active work, being superannu.zted tltrce years ago. Ills last charge was Forest. Ile is survived by three sons and one daughter, his wife having died about a year ago. His remains avers) taken to Toronto for interment. The late 1)r. Willoughby was born in the township of West Gwilliamsbury. Simcon county. loughby. WITH ENTHUSIASM AT Till: RESULT OF TIIE DECISION. which was commenced at ten o'clock a. m. on \Vedn-sday of list week and continued until eleven p. no re - LAWN BLOUSES—We are showing some very choice designs in White Lawn Blouses for early spring wear at reasonable prices. CLARK ON 'Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing YOUR WRGES WHIM SICK will be paid you by TIIE EMPIRE Accident & Surety Company •Qn© Dollar a o it will en- sure you $50.00 a month Indemnity, while disabled by Accident or Illness. This is only one of " THE EMPIRE'S" numerous GENERAL NEWS. Johann 'loch,convictcd uxorcitle, confessed bigamist, and who, if but a fraction of the stories of came that aro told of Lim aro true, WAS ono of the greatest c[irni=Is this given hint. country has ever known, was Lang -d bury, cross examination .ition by Mr. Stahl in Ahicngo Last Friday for poisoning had Jul trouble with Mr. nobler. his wife, Marie Welcker Hoch. Ifo Ile testified that Mr. Ilobier held a faded death with a prayer on his lips chattel mortgage on his horse and in for the officers of the taw who took default of payment of the debt which his life, rind :Savo for the words 11r. Bolder claimed Mr. Deavitt owed "Good-bye." his Last utterance was bite, holder oar.: io., b.:1:ff :o se.zt on assertion that he was innocent the horse. D0n4itt paid th^. money of the critno for which he void the to Bolder under pr'ote;o imiacaiate- extrente penalty of t he law. The i ly after that he laid information last smile in the atrcrr of Hoch Mr. Ilobier, charging him conte at 1.34 o'clook In the afternoon 4vibh falsifying tests when errant was 4vhite his attorneys were still mak- delivered at the factory. wilco, -,..,ked Plans. ing desperate efforts for a little by Mr. St•inbury his object in laying more time on earth for Lim. Ills the information. admitted it was for dctit1,, tlx: !.(users say, lois not ended the purp.o c of forcing Mr. Bolder the appeal that was made in his 1) to settle his slain for wages half, and, although the man him- which he. .alleged were due hits. self is dead. they promise to carry During 1903 Mr. Deavitt was pail a the case to the supreme court or the salary for hauling cream, but app.' r- United States. 1ently t here were no cornpl::inls • against the tests givers that year. But in 1905 lc was paid by the pound and it was during last season that many oiinpl.,lnts were made against the tests according to Mr. Deavitt's testitoony. Mr. Stanbury asked \11. Deavitt if it would not be possible for -a collector to change the rotation of the bottles in the trample case before reaching the fac- tory, thus m •king a correct test impossible. (Mr. Deavitt admitted for ' t hat 517011 could Ire dut.0 by a ctrl • lector, e ho wanted to be dishonest. Ile was alp., asked i( it would not Also their first consignment of new spring goods among which he possible for a collector to take 1 two tests from the cream of n pat• you find high-class English Prints of beautiful patterns in all the it wwt,(3rta leo krre4w :alwway9 F4.trt g.'s, l best colors, every piece guaranteed to hold its color in the washing, creno and use one of the tests for the Cleam supplied by another patron i ptlCe i2�st' per yd. whose cro,m was known to be ()t an New highclassed English Gingharns and Charnbrays in plain j inferior rl,t"ality. This 0(30111 nl'o be done. Anon her way n( taking n pinks and blues, also checks in navy and white and back and white ;,nproper test would Is' to take a price 15C per yd. simple off the top of the eroanr be- fore it it is stirred. New English Foilcr, in four leading shades, Ox Blood, Navy, Mr. Dr wilt under the cross 0:• Oxford Grey and Grass Green. Price 15c per yd. amination admitted that he haat gone into 1 Ioetl hotel and taken a New Rock Fast Drills, colors cannot be washed out, these aredrink. Jr.,cing his case of satnpie bot - the right thing for shirts and boys blouses, 3 patterns to choose from, be tarnyed with by children or any Our price 16C ;per yd. New Cream and White Flannelette at old prices in spite of the heavy advances in all lines of cotton goods. The prices pail[ here fpr produce is as good as were ever paid had to carry the bottles 4n the bot tom of hi+ wagon se it. the bottles WC pay cash when you don't need goods. using without Ialc•I4 to d:'t (4guish them. 1COWARD ° B ffi PIELD \ir. Willi! the 8lramro.kyeream• cry, CentO'Jia was arched 'Tem the —_.--- d� t) ,aecution. r. wales tcstifie 1 REEVE IIOIICER L"nder tlirect ca>:amirrati.>n of the TRE MISSES LiLLA AND AMY County Ciown Attorney he produc• Johns spent Tuesday in limas((. ed route looks showing the tests Miss Amy Johns took port in the Iticcn .41 111'+ creamery for the cream concert given in the English church he hal gathered and also of other during the evening. collectors. One exhibit was a case A SPECIAL MEETING OF TILE of small but tall and slender hot- Council was held last evening to dir- ties used for snaking tests, some of cuss the proposition of Mr. hurtze, which he lrutdlcd with a nervous who wishes to crteblish nn atocona- hand. The route books showed that bile, acetylene and gasolin' en7ine on different dates the tests ran all factory here. the way from 150 per cent. down to 11' iS UNDERSTOOD 'i iiAT THE 50 per cent. but tit? tests Mr. D,;nitt Stephen and l:sb�nr, Aytricultural for some etson rimmed most anxious I to show were those that came with- Society Dirvetors will hold a m41 -et - in hailing distance of the 50 per ing in the town hall next Saturday cent. mark. Ile. testified that he had to take prelimin try steps towards a route that tock hits up into nay holding a Victor: t Day celebration Township monof List patrons on the blind line, while one oftoriere. t \ill. J. P. ROSS, OF TIIF: COV• other collectors, who had a route federation Life Insurance Co., was "SOW r4u"' west hid a route book u4 laevo Saturday. ;M r. Ito,. has showing tests better Llan those teen nppointed general rcpre9enta• live for the company in the Province of Alberta, with head quarters at Catgarv• Ile las diabetes( of the resi- dence he recently purchased in Tor• onto, and will move his f:inlil•v out to the Northwest in April. LOCALS DR, W, J. LOUIE. OF PARIS. WAS in town on business Tuesdty night. MR. AND MRS. J. A. STE\VART returned home Tuesday evening af- ter a pleasant month's visit in New York. MISS LIZZIE TAYLOR, WHO underwent an operation at the Vic- toria hospital, London, last week, i9 getting along nicely. While Sir. W. C .Iluston was low- ering a 44 endow last Monday it fell on his right (rand, badly ten ring the flesh on two of Lis fingers. A Canadian Concern. 'W. JOHNS, fluent, Exeter. Coward Winchelsea, Ontario. & Bloomfield's 45 pairs ysc per pair ARE SHOWING of Misses' and Boys' Shoes, regular $t.i5 up body el,e. Mr. Del vitt n•,; onIy admitted ;nh' 1don't think there is a rom- 1r lying the bottles outside in his oily to compare with Dr. ifamilton's ww agon, but 011 rain occasion L0 for- ['ill•. I for merly tool 111 0414 at - got this simple case altogether, anal ticks about one' a month—used Dr. Ifimilton's 1 ills :,n•1 carbine!! grand res,ilts. My. stornaoh i:as beet, put in geed order and my heath greatly improved." No med- icine better for men. %%omrn or 01rl- dren, Try Dr. th.milton'i fills --25c per box or five boxes for 61•9t) •,t ROBERT E. PICKARD, EuETnR, General Selling Agent. for C. P. R. Lands. We Anticipate a Big Advance ip Price Almost Immediately. Now fit the time to purchase and get the benefit of the big jump in prices - which we expect shortly. We have some beautiful selected sections on our list. $127.00 down secures you a good half section. (320) acres.) 25 Improved and unimproved farms in one of the best sections in the Northwest at front $10 per acre, upwards. AR these conveniently situated to Railway Stations. We want a number of good men to work on farms in the west (luring the coaling season. R. E. PiCKARD General Selling Agent for C. P. R. Lands. Office at Residence, — — Exeter, Ont. BIG Reductions in Furniture Having purchased the stock of W. C. Ruston and in order to reduce the same before removing it to our warerooms we will offer for the next two weeks, the entire stock of furniture, comprising Kitchen, Diningroom, Bedroom, Drawingroom and Hall Furniture. Also many odd pieces and rockers at a great reduction. Call and see the many bargains we are offering MiSS 1HATT1E VOLLICK ENTF.ft- t 'teed the choir of the ;Lain Street Methodist church Tnesd ay everting, in honor of two of the members, Miss Edna McCallum, who leaves shortly for Toronto, and Mr. A. An- drews, wits• 4 -,Iso 1e1ving town to engage in farming. Miss McC.rtlum w•a14 the recipient of . hymn book •tad Mr. Andrews a hook of poems. THE \VEATiiEIR THE LATTER part of list week was ,411 one 00110 4411411 for. 1t loll the appearance of 1 he halm.v sprint', and a resident of Centralia eve,t drove to Exeter in ,his •'.hirt sleeves. Things however. are changed this %crk. The weather (14(111 4010 once and out bile semis us down a whiff of his frigid breatltl from Bit t Ieford or t hereabouts, is keeping 119 busy diegiong up 111 the( chitties we can find to keep warm. THE EPWOitTiI LEAGUE Ol•' dimes street church br ld its literary meeting on Tuesdty evening last. There w.rs a large i nnih •r present. The topic (or the evening 0. ,s "Gan adian poets.' an't 1wo very interest ing and instructive twitters were read by aliss Hartnot and Mr. S. Martin. A pet•111 from one of our distintruish ed writers ww.is rout by Miss \Viotti- Fred Darling and a recitation was given by Mics Hazel Dignan. To patriotic songs were sung by a ehor- mi of girls. Miss Halls, leader of the literary 00(811 i tee, occupied 1 he chair. ROWE & ATKINSON Furniture Dealers and Funeral directors, Exeter, Ontario. Western Real Estate Exchange, Limited. 78 Dundas St., London Ilave you a farm that you want to sell[ Write for our terns of sot - ling property. We have the most complete method of advertising and selling property in Canada. I)o you want to buy a farm or business property in any part of Ontario!? Send for our list. We have some bargains. THAMES 11OAD Mr. rind Mrs. Henry 1enry (. ulti9 and their >on, Nekon, td F:Iimcitl,', were ' tf,:, {tocols •,f Mr.cand Mrs. Chas. paten Thursday last. The .annu4l Epwo: th Lcagu' con- vention will be held at 'lethally, DO YOU GET iIILIOUS T Thuesday, Match 1st, 1906. No remedy could be more prompt and agreeable than Ur. Hamilton's Pills. No matter where you go you will hear of the grand cures they make. Writing from Ottawa, Mrs. M. E. Legere 9.1ys : "For people in- clined to hilonsness and sick head - Miss 1109e Passmor .• hag ju t ,e. tanned [nom visiting Mr. and .lire. John i'nsvntoe, of Stratford. Mr. Charles Cann. of this sie.nity, hie purr 'tied a new MCOormirk n ower. ' • CASTORIA For Infanta and Childs The Kind You Nary Always Bought Bears the Signature o I1 there ever was a specific for any one complaint then Carter's Little Liver Pills are a specific for sick headache and every woman should know this. Only ono pill a dose. Try them. E. ELLIOTT & CO. North-west Land Agents' Selected Wild and improved Lands POR BALE In some of the best parts of the NORTII WEST it will be worth your while seeing ns before purchasing. We give purchasers until first of June to select their land,. Office opposite Central hotel EXETER, ONTARIO. Special One Way Rates To Billings, Mont., Denier. Colorado Springs, t:Lalt Loge City, Nelson, itossland, Van- couver, Portland, Ore., Kin. Franeisoo. Tickets on solo tlai'y Special Settlers Trains to Northwest Every Tuesday •iunin;4; March nod April spcci'il trail) c s ' Win wwtih colour. t . I,etxr wa leave Toronto 9.00 1'. M., every Tuesday during 'thatch and April for ;Manitoba and Nord hwe!t. Passengers travelling oith- out live stock should take express k tving Toront•'> 1.15 p. m. Short Line to Cuba Leave home Thuredny arriving in ILaven% Cuba, early Monday morning. 1)i- roct connection. Tourist rates in effect. For tickets and full in- formation call on. J. J. KNIGHT, Depot. A?cnt J. 1). McDONALD, 1J:strict • Passenger Aaent, Toronto. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•N♦ PAINTING SEASON Yes 1 Painting time will soln be here and this is tho store that is ready to supply your wants in all kin's of Paint, Wall Finishe, Brushes, Etc. The Old Reliables HOLLYWOOD 1 ELEPIIANA READY MIXED PAINT READY MIXED PAINT In all size ';'ins. in all size Tins. Special Prices on Jewel Ready Mixed Paint. TO CLISAIR OUT. 22 only Half (Mellon Cans. Regular (Mk for 70e. 00 only One Quart Cans, Regular l5c for :15e 12 only One Pint ('ane. Regular 25c for ISe. 21 only Half Pint Canr, Regular 15c for Inc. EVERY CAN OL'ARANTEi:D. 1 Wall Finishes MURALO ALABASTiNE 5 Pound Package 45c 25c and 45e Packages. Color Cards for the Asking'. IIEAMANS HARDWARE And Stove Store.