HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-02-15, Page 8---i"www1".11411rill% 'i'iiE EXEIER '1'iIAh,S, FEBRUARY 15tb,1906 STEWART'8 ftBRU#IRY WHITE W[#1R SflL,E Having received a full range of Ladies' Whitewear, bought direct from the manufacturers. Here are a few special lines. EnCFor Elegant Night Gown of Cambric, .;quare shaped neck, yokes form. Moo ed with strips t'f Nainsook and rows of insertion, ruffle of embroidery around neck and sleeves, length 51, 56 and 58 Weber,. For a Swell Night Gown of Fine Cambric, high neck, yoke formed $I.00 of tiny tucks and lace insertions. lace ruffle around neck down the front and on sleeves, full size, length 56 58 and 90 inches. a25Fo $1 t• Stylish gGowof Fmc, re , yoke e- • eti of lace inNisertiohtn, finen tuckingioe,Cacatnhricbriinsertion squaneckand lace rfetultte, lace ruffle on neck and sleeved, full size. length 56, 58 and 60 inches. A bar- gain for $1.23, 35cLadies'Drawers of Cambric, deep camhric ruble with two tucks edged with lace, sizes 23, 23 and 27. 65cLadtee' Drawers of Fine Cambric, deep Nainsook rutile, with five fine tucks edged with lace, double hand, sizes xi, 25 and 27. 35cA Special Corset Coyer of Nainsook, French style, open neck, V-shaped in front, trimmed with lace, all size 32 to 41. 45(,A Winner Corset Cover of Fine Nainsook, Dorothy low neck, Vandyke front of embroidery. with edging of embroidery to match, all sizes from 32 to 44. SOCA Natty Corset Cover of Special Nainsook, French style, two rows of lace insertion down front, low neck. trimmed with lace and washable ribbon and bows on neck and arm, all sizes from 32 to 44. $1.15 1 1 Ladies Underektrta of Caru'tric, deep embroidery ruffle, with three • al figure 8 tucks in body, all lengths. $139Fashionable Underskirt ahf Fine Cambric, deep Nainsook ruffle edged • with wide Cluny lace, five 8ne tucks above with dust ruffle, any length. $195For Styliah Underskirt of Fine Cambric, deep umbrella flounce of • Nainsook and four r••..vs of lace insertion and lace frill. at bottom to match and dust ruffle, any 1 ngth. We are giving the, speoial 20% off on all Fur Coats, Caps, Gauntlets, Ladi .s Jackets, Muffs and huffs, Fur Lined Capes and Caperine What is as Good as tool 1 ? Farmer's Produce. We want all we can get J"_ -&.- STEWARD' SU(TflBLE JEWELERY RT DIRMOND MILL We have at present a fine as- sortment of Chains for ladies and gentlemen which we guarantee to wear. Bracelets, Lockets, Necklets, Brooches, Rings, Pins, Links, Cuff Buttons, Collar Buttons and many other articles of jewelery in endless variety. OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Eyeglasses may not always be becoming, neither are headaches, bloodshot eyee, wrinkled eye- brows and half closed lido. For any or all of them this may be alternatine. We adapt the style of glasses beat suited to the face of each patron. Eyes tested free and aaeisfaction guaranteed, Wedding Rings a Specialty. MHR6I1flND THE JEWELLER & OPTICIAN, Eyes Tested Free. STOCK TAKING We are offering special values in Suitings, Over Coatings and Pantings this month in order to make room for Spring Goods. Suitings made to order for $to.00 and $I2.00 Over .Coatings made to order for $9.00 and upwards. Pantings made to order for $2.5o and 113.00. W. W. Taman Merchant Talllor. REV. (DR.) AND MRS. MEDD. OF fensall, rieited friends in town Tues- day. Rev. Medd, who is tilling out Pis fourth year as pastor of the Hen - gall Methodist church, has treeeired o roll from one of tile +Chatham ohurches. During his pastorate at flonsalt Rev. Medd has t%en instru• i02ental in having eereral 4mprove- c ent. made to the church. List bear ot the solicitation of the con• ereg:ation Ire w•a1 urged to remain 'l'ath tbem until the expiration of a four year term, and to show their gppreeiation of hie nervier.. gave hin M drrndsomc increase in salary. TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisemente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY, FEB. 18th, 1903 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • •••••••• t••••••• LENT COMMENCES ON MARCH 1 MRS. RICIHARD MURPHY IS VIS- iting her mother at Clinton. MR. G. J. SUTHERLAND, OF Mansell, spent Sunday in town. DILSSES EFFIE AND ItLTRY TRE• ble visited friends in London civet Sunday. MISS HATTIE WIIITE, OF TIL- sonburg is visiting Dliss Beattie'," Robinson. MISS MILLIE ILYNDMAN LEA - vee this week for Toronto to attend' the millinery openings. MESSRS. DOW AND TENNANT on Friday shipped two c:arl.oeds of 'horses to the Northwest, MR. AND MRS. CHARTERS, OF Egmondvillc, are visiting Mrs. Geo. McLeod. MISS ALICE DAVE, OF LONDON, was the guest of Mrs. Fred Col- lins over Sunday. MR. FRANK DELBRIDGE, OF the Sovereign clank staff, London , was in town on Monday. MRS. THORNE LEFT LAST Thursday ,for California where eho will spend a year visiting. FRED I'ENIIALE, W11O SPENT A few w'ee'ks visiting friends in Forest returned home on Thursday last. MRS. A, F. MALLOY RETURNED home Saturday ;after a two weeks' pleasant visit with relatives in Tor- onto. MISS LILLIAN HUSTON RE - turned home on Saturday Jast after a pleasant visit with friends in St. Marys. MiiS8 :TILLIE \V11ITE AND 51118. F. J. \\riokw ins plcavantly entertain- ed a numtxv of Lithe. on Wednesday :a f to r:moon. FOR SALE. -THE UNDERSIGNED bats for tole three rows and two colts. Apply to if. 8teth'in,'London Road, South. LOCALS REV. BALL, OF KJI'l'EN, TOOT: charge of 11, • rM.rv'ars in .1 ,lass street church 1 Sunday. Rev. Going filled Rev. Gill's .pulpit dur- ing the day. THE RECENT COLD SNAI' iIAS been productive of a good crop of ice and the local users are busily en- gaged in harvesting their summer supplies. MR. AND MRS. R. DOWNIE A few days ago euietly celebrated the first anniversary of their wedding. A few friends were invited to spend the evening. MRS. ROSS, OF LIVINGSTONE, Montana, who visited her sister -obits. Collins and Miss Bonthron left Tues• day for St. Thomas, where she will visit prior to returning to:her home. AT A MEETING OF THE BOARD of the blain street thurch, Mr. W. C. Huston was tendered the thanks for the great service rendered the boor! for the years Le was a mem- ber. A REPRESENTATIVE OF ONE of the manufacturing concerns which effort+ aro being put forth to have located here, wee in town on Mon- day interviewing Reeve Babies and other.. The proprietor of the con- cern is expected here to -slay to make further invest igatations. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Brame Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the mon- o if It falls to erre. E. W. Grove's Blowier• is on each box. 25o. GET YOt'lt EYES TESTED 110W. cy's Drug Stere ,tris. MR. WILBU'R MARTIN SPENT A couple: days in London Ibis heck. Alit. \VM. (NEWCOMIIE LEFT Monday to visit his brother in Stratford. W. H. LEVETT IS iN LONDON this week attending a a•.'u►tion of the 14th and 18th Scottish ltit r Masonry. MR. AND MILS. 1'. GOWANB EN- R.rlaiz d a slept.:, tc<td of young tievire on Friday everting Last. OUIt SPECIALTY: -FAMILY RFL- ceipts diapcnced w•.ith cure staid at- curi,cy at Cole's I'reser:etion Drug Store. hilt. G. BAKER ' "D MR. A. Blown have Ieturned to their home in Ethel, after spending u pleasant time with friends in Centralia and Crediton. MISS YELLOW OF LEEDS, Yorkshire. England, arrived at 'Exe- ter on Friday evening and will be the guest of her uncle, Mr. Thomas )(elbow, for several months at Mount 1'leartiut Cottage. ALEX STEWART, AFTER LAY- ing off fo: :t fo w days from the. ar- dun:pus duties of making "glad rags' for tite members of the wale sex, returned to his work on Monday mooting. TJIE MARKET REPORTS AS publitihcd in the 'realms .are received by us -every Wednesday atter►w.pon before going to ,press, v0 that far. metes can feel assured that when thee read our reports they ore correct. SEVERAL MEMBERS OF TIIE blain street church Epworth Leaguo drove to .11enoall on Mandl), night to ..assist the ilonsall league with an extensive prognam. Two sleighs were neetssrry to take those who went. LAST WEEK WE SENT Oi'T A number of bills :end received a num- ber of responeee, for w-t►ich we ex- press our thanks. There are a few whom we have not heard from a nd shall be pleased to dove their prompt response. ONCE 1!SED ALWAYS IN FAVOR Qole's Baking Powder. WORD WAS RECEIVED ON Saturday last of the serious illtiess of Mr. A. J. McTavish. of Galt, son-in-law of Jas. Howard. Miss Lille Howard left for Galt that evening in response to the telegram. Mr. McTavish is well knowvi in Exc- ter, 'having at otic time conducted a general store there. NEW FUNERAL AND, t'NDER- taking Establiahimont.-Dir. Charles Beverley. who four or five years ;Igo sold out 'his interests in the business firm known ns Beverley & Iluston to W. C. Iluston and moved to Ifen- sell, disposed of his Iiensel! property iha- returned to Exeter to re-engago In the funeral .and undertaking busi- ness. Ile eras 'rented, the Opera house building and is moving in a barge and complete stock of furni- ture and mill be open for business sharpy. Mr. Beverley thoroughly understands the undertaking and furniture business and we bespeak for 'him a libenal patronage. A DROWNING WAS AVERTED A few evenings ago by the presence of mind and bravery displayed by Wel- ter Dpwmie, the 12 year old son •ot J. C. Downie, chief turnkey of the provincial jail, Winnipeg, an 1 grandson of It. Downie, of Exeter. A party of boys were snowshocing on the river :ani one of them, noire .daring thin the rest, pnoeeeded to explore an air hole with the result that he fell into the icy water. The boys become pan- ic stricken and nan away, with the exception of young Downie. Who se• cured ;►pole rind pushed it out to the dno ening •Ltd. who grasped it and atter a severe struggle was drawn from the wlater onto the solid ice. Ile was Loaned a 'dry overcoat by Dowei.0 after which he hastened to his home 11E ALVA'S COLLEGE GIRLS and Sullivan's Oanoert COM panv which opened •a week's engagement at the opera house on Thursday est is a :much better slow than even the jolly goof natured, enlarged Billy Bounce, L. J. Robson, 1 he adv ince agent, claims for it. We have of - times been called upon to pay 35 cents to sec sl'ow's ,not half as good as the ono owned by the Irislt 'pro- fessor, end 'he oharges only 10 and 15 cents. The band is coral osed of sev- eral lade , w•ivs are unlike the members of good many Vaudeville Companie.. They con• dusct themselves as ladies should and certainly can turn out good .mu- sic. To -tined dogs, acrobats, comedy .ttihts by Billy Gibbs and others fill the hill. it is n,ndoubtedly the finest all round Vaudeville elbow that has visited Exeter. THE FIRST CARNIVAL OF TIIE season was held in Kiloton's skat- ing rink on Monday evening last and in spite of the counter at • traction, the free show nt the Opera house, there was a good attendance. Some of t he costumes were very good showing that considerable time had been spent in making the r.tinents. In all about 100 skaters took part. For the best ladies character cos- tume, Miss Lillie. Huston, .as the "Fencing Girl" took first prize ; Victor Sanders hall the best gentle- men's clriractcr costume; 'F'rnnk Weekes wee the fancy dressed gen- tleman on the rink and Mr. F. Welters and Miss Walters gave the }pest impersonation of a 'country couple. Al. Daymen had the best keel take off. lie dressed es Ned Hell, of Stec -en British Mixtures fame and it took clove inspection to Fee that he wasn't the gentleman him- self. Gerald Ihtrdon won the prize es the best dressed boy or girl. There was no trouble in mat- ing this selcction,as his costume w:as one of the hest ever sten on the local rink. in the -mile open mace there were ten entries, Tont flirting, W. Bern. F. Weekes, Ii. remelt, W. Knight, Frank Rae -den, II. 8. \Val• ter'., C. Dyer, Hob Taylor end .1. Rumford being the contestants. All but Carreig, Walters, Knight end Wake. pulled out of the nice early in the gone, Knight tt.1 mast o1 the way, (;,.ding pissing him at the 10th Inp, but fell and the race mos between Knight end Walter.. Wal- ters managed t take 1 he lead on the Last lap and win by :a few feet. The band was in attendinee to en- liven the proceeding.. Stylish Cloth Skirts Pretty Light Tweed Skirt., made in latest style. with pleats and self cov- ered buttons. Price $4.23 and $5. Pretty Black Skirta wade of floe covert cloth, nicely trimmed and well made, in all sizes, Price $3 75 & $5. Ladies' Skirts. hard finish Black Panama, made with pleats, double silk stitched, cut very full, very new design, a decided bargain, $5.00. About 1 doz Ladies' B. ck Under- skirts, made of excellent quality black Mercerized Sateen, with wide corded Flonnce and Frills, regular price $1.50 for $1.19. 10 only ladies Black Cloth Jackets, 36 inches long. Ined throughout, very pretty styles, regular price $10,00 and $12, reduced to $6.85, A few special prices on Fur Ruff's. $15.00 Sable Ruff for $9,00 8.50 Sable Ruff for 6.23 0.75 Sable Ruff for 4.75 11.00 Sable Ruff for 4.00 5.50 Sable Ruff for 3.75 Snell It Rowe Market Report. -The following is the report of Exeter markets, cor- rected up to Fob. 15th. Wheat, 76 to 78 cents per bus: Oats, 32 to 34 cents per bushel Shorts, $19 to $20 a ton. Peas, 60 to 65 cents a oushel. Bran, $17 per ton Flour, $2.25 per cwt. Feed flour, $1.20 per nw•t. Clover seed $6 to $7.50 a bus. Barley 43c. per bus. Hay, $7 per .ton. Turkeys, lac. per pound. Hogs, liveweight, $6.35 a cwt, Hogs, dressed, $8.50 to $8.75 .a cwt. Butter, 20c per pound. Eggs, 18c. a dozen Onions, 75c. per bushel. Dried apples, 3e. per lb. Chicken, yowl?, 7 Gents per pound Ducks, 10 cents per Ib. Geese, 10 cents per Ib. Coll, $6.75 to $7. Potatoes, $1 a bag. LICENSE INSPECTOR TORRANCE was in town Tuesday on .offioi,3l bust. ness. REV. GOD\VIN THIS ,WEEK started revival services at Sex - smith. MR. BEN-OLIEL WON TIIE MED - al for Oratory in the college coo - test 'held in Toronto last year. Don't fail to !hear him .int the opera, house next Monday evening. OUR CURLING CLUB IS PRO- gressing rapidly in numbers and members. also in proficiency of this gnand old game. Over a dozen ,have now got "staves" of their own and next year we expect some grand 'names with outside clubs. "Soop her up" "Fetoh her in" Its richt upon the T. Thole ore the brief' in hard rink, \%Shen the ice .is gLore and free. The genie! Secretary -Treasurer Gco. Andersson will bo glad to receive fresh urines as tncmbors. ECLIPSE OF THE MOON.-FAiit Luna, ,rs the lovelorn ere apt to call Ow orb. in the summer months when Grand !lend is a trysting place looked sick early Friday morning. She hid lost her color and from) Fair Luna she turned to n fairly good rcprescntkatiwt of Darkest Africa. Astranomioally speaking tho moon went into a total eclipse. It dis- appeared behind a dark shadow that name from n combination of the sun and earth, which conspired together to give Cha.nlio Snell n chance with his up-to-date electrical ntaohi;nery. The eclipse started on schedule time and ended as.per :tethedute and could be soon witdrout smoked glasses. Very few remained up to see the big night Limp put temporarily out of business. According to people who stargaze at times when they are in Love, end other times too, the eolipse sas a SUCCese. THE SEASON FOR COULIHS AND COLDS Is at hand and everybody is li- able to catch them. No cough remedy has ever been discovered that will cure every cough, but we are sure, we have one that comes a little nearer to doing it than most of them. It has stood the test of years and has given entire satisfaction. Why experi- ment when you can get instant relief with GOLF'S GOUGN CURL which is scientifIcallf"prepared, absolutely harmless to even the smallest child and every bottle of which is guaraeteed. Your mon- ey back if not satisfactory. Large bottle 23c. COLE'S DRUG STORE BXBTEIR. OUR BRANDS OF FLOUR .. . PURE MANITOBA Name not so catchy as some other brands, hut quality superior Price $2.45 per cwt. MANITOBA BLEND "STAR" 5 per cent. Manitoba. Price $3.25 per cwt. PRINCESS Choice Pastry. Orders left at Howey's Drug Store or at the mill, receive our prompt attention. HARVEY BROS. Merchant Millers EXETER, ONTARIO. "FOR ALL EYES It requires experience in the opt io iI line to know how to fit them. That's an easy proposition though with us. "Fitting eyes" is our business. "EYES PERFECTLY FATED!" will be the exclamation of you and your friends after visiting us. Wo never "guess' what to do, like some- times happens. Have us take care of your eyes and they will be properly looked after at a minimum price. W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B. Chemist and Optician. J Phone 30. EXETER, ONTARIO. , i The old way to cure a cold The New Way take Howey's "Cure a Cold" Capsules Only 23 centa a box. COURT NOTES TWO cases were pilled at the court held in the town loll, yesterday, Magistrate (lumber, ot Goderiol► pre- p aiding. County Crown Attorney See- ger hooked after the interests of the Crown. i 1 , Tlh,c first cares suns Chit of Rumohr vs. Iteettin. This mus a caro in which lleattie traded a buggy Dud set of harness to itutnohr for a horse. Beattie, it was alleged took the buggy Isom Rumohr's stable. Beattie claims that the horse wan not as guaranteed. The ease was first tried in Crediton some weeks alio and dismissed. The case wan not settled as we go to press. The caws of Novitt vs. liobier, started late in the afternoon. Par- ticulars will be given siert week. Make Your .teggrled w-i"t \•o_r short, stubby, acngKly Iu-irf O: would on tike it • IOIIgol, tichrr, th::-::nr P T�cn feed It with iial1'e Vows" ':,10 Sic :Zan Hair ilair Rerewor. Teore'n r -id comfort in ! rO�j"I hrt tc'- p ,- i.• Fla I r.0 at • �. '.n re r^.tI nr . r . . • Y. tt. ,CARLIN() B:2 DRESS GOODS Just arrived "Our New Spring Dress Goods". They surpass anything we have previously shown. We have something that will please everyone and will be only too pleased to show you our full range. Crepe De Chene, all shades, good quality, 5oc yd. Ealemires, all shades, Silk and Wool 5oc and 75c yd. Light Grey Tweeds, very new 5oc and 95c yd. Venetian Cloth, all colors, very latest, 5oc and 75c yd. Broad Cloth, all colors, very swell 75c and $1.00 yd. Mohairs in plain and mixed goods 5oc and 75c y Sheppard's Check, new and natty, 50C y Summer Suitings SHIRT WAISTS A BIC BUNCH OF ALL KINDS PLAIN GINGHAMS PLAiN LINENS PLAIN VESTINGS PLAIN CHECKS FANCY GINGHAMS FANCY LINENS FANCY VESTINGS FANCY CHECKS PLAIN SATEENS FANCY SATEENS DUCKS, DRILLS AND PRINTS ALL IN. ASTOMIA SHOES CARLINC-1- BROB. YOUR MONEY IN TME SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA Never stops working day or night and no money comes more easily than interest money you can start an account here with one dollar. Interest Paid 4 Times a Year whether you look after it or not. CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER JOSEPH SNELL, Manager. GLADMAN & STANBURY, 8olicitora, GOBIIEN LINE, STEPHEN. Mr. Frank GLi,'iville, who has been laid up arith the 'la grippe is able to be out again. Mies 1ilortha Snell, of Exeter, is visiting with her gnutd parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dinney. Mr. Rueben Davey and bride have returned aiter a few days on their honey :moon trip and will be at their home to meet their ,friends. Mr. henry Smith spent Saturday 'in Exeter. Mrs. George .Mawhinney ,who baa been laid up for esome time with n gathering in her hand, le much bet- ter. Miss Myrtle llcrtzel who has been visiting the past week with Mics Annie Yearly has (returned to her home at Crediton East. Mrs. Joseph Lawson and Mrs. Chambers visited with Mrs. Wm. Mawhinney one day last !week. Fox hunting is all the rago now. adapt; our good .hunt ars aro eiopt quito busy. Mrs. Wm. Mnrtyn visited with bee sister, Mrs. Schrader, of Shipka, on Friday last. Miss Jennie and Lyman Glanville entertained a few of their 'friends on Monday everting. The evening wag spent in card playing and other amusements. All went shows quit* bappv with the enjoyable evening spent. Quite •a number fno n here fatten& ed tho oyster supper 'at Crediton on Wednesday evening. Mss. Thos. Yearley spent a few days Last week with her sister, Mrs. George Lawson, of the Babylon Lino. Mr. Willie Sahrader, of Shipki, is engaged with Mr. Wm, Yearley for a few months. Mr. and Mrs .Win. Mawhinnef spent Sunday with 'friends of Sharon. Doors Close February 28•• Nairns Scotch Linoleum, 4 yds wide, $1.75 per yard Lace Curtains 20 per cent. discount A great Slaughter in Prices of Wall Papers One only Dinner Set, 97 pieces, $11 for $6 Groceries Uncolored Japan Tea regular 25c per lb. 5 lbs for $1.00 Ceylon Tea, black or green reg 25c a lb, 5 lbs for $1.00 Famous Breakfast Tea, black, 40e a lb, 31 lb for 1,00 Famous Breakfast Tea black or green 50ea lb, 21 lbs $1 Coffee, blended by Chase & Sanburn 40c lb for 35c lb. lbs Oatmeal for 25e. 21 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.00 23 1b3 Yellow Sugar $1.00. Royal Yeast Cakes 4c Forest City Baking Powder, 14 Sealer 25c for 17c Extracts -4 Flavors, 7c per bottle. Black Pedper, regular 40c per Ib, to clear at 25c per lb. Spices, regular price 30 per or., to clear at 2c per oz. Peas, 7c per can, to clear 4 for 25c Mixed Pickle, reg. price 13c per bottle, now loo per bottle All Groceries at Reduced Prices TERMS:' -Produce or Cash. f NO GOODS GiVEN ON APPROBATION. NO 60003 TAKEN BACK ASTER P014 Poplestone & Gardiner. One door north of Post Office. 1