Exeter Times, 1906-02-15, Page 5t
THE LXEZ ER TIM ES, l''F.l1l{ l: ARY lath
tc eel
rock bottom prices at our yards and factory.
Air on short notice. We manufacture poultry and
le boxes in Large quantities, order early.
are always prepared for CUSTOM SAWING.
116 Ross-TdLIIor Go LtU.. Exctcr.
r+++++++++++++++++++++++++ Vie Usborne and Hibbert
IRON 1 Farmer's Mutual Fire incur-
once GomrquFENCE ?OSTS + Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
+ DIRECTORS. President:—T. RYAN, DUBLIN. P. O.
Vice -Pres.:— J. A. NORRIS
F. M O R L b: Y, W I I A LE N P. O.
sell cheap Or will:_
• take all kinds of *f Secy.-Treas. Farquhar.
.p GL1\DMAN & STANIH HY, Solicitors
scrap iron in ex=
We have a num
ber of different:
kinds of Iron Fence
Posts which we will
Main -St. Exeter. i
One door south of the
Metropolitan Hotel. t'IAlrU3 AIrU U UAhfJ
*+++++++++++++++++++++++++ K NOTICE 1.0 CREDITORS. I . 1;811011Nl;
What is Home without
a Piano or Organ.
C crainly not all that it might be,
Call and sec us and let us show
you some of the highest grade
-h'• y\ \ \, A
The Bind You have Always Bought, and which has been
sfor o o •c
t r .JO
ear., has borne the sigillttnro of
and has been made under his per.
smut' supervision since its infancy.
• Ailow 110 ono to deceive you in tldg.
All Cout,terfeits, Imitations nod "Just -as -good" are but
Experiments that trifle \vitt, and endanger the health oP
In tants and Children—Experlenco against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare.
Soni(•, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other NarcotIC
*substance. Its ago I:; its guarantee. It destroys ' Vornill<
and allays Feverishness. It cures DIarrhoen, and WInd
Colie. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and I3o\vels, givinti healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
TUC CANT*,.a COMPANY. 77 MU.,nAY 9Tf(: r, NEV., TCr.A C:TY.
s P. S., Graduate Victoria Uni-
versity office and resideneuce. Dominion,
laboratory. Exeter.
Toronto University. Former
that Canada produces. They are
certainly, worl:s of art.
Then in Sewing Machines we
carry the best that the market
affords. Do not listen to what
others tell you about our prices
Sense Surgeon to Toronto Western ffospitni. and terms, but call and satisfy
Illuccessor to Dr. J. A. Rollin.. Night call at
wee, 8.11.05 yourself. We will make them to
----,e- suit you unless you are very hard
D118. Y. Asn H. M. COWAN, 391 to please.
Piccadilly Street, London, Ont.
=shone 13.28. Long distance connection.
!al attention given dir•ases of women and
surgery. Ox (oraor C. P. It. Street Cara to S.MARTIN & SON
Q�1 me street take yon aimo7t to rho door.
no other city odlce. Special Hospital and
dither arraigcments for patients from a
I)It. A. It. KINSMAN. L.
I). S. D. 1).13.. Honor llradaat.e
of Toronto University. Dentist.
Teeth extracted without pain or
bad after effects. Office in Fan.
None block. West side of Malo
t+I st.' Exeter.
Maaor(iraduat. of the Toronto University
Bora( Coll.,.) of Dental Barqeonv of
,with honors Also Postgraduate of
School of Prosthetic Dentistry twills
le mention.
Ing known to the Dental Profession
this office. Bridge work, crowns, al•
tun, gold and vulcanite plates' all done in
M .' atemanner possible. A perfectly
}eee anaesthetic used for painless extrac•
one door ,'oath of Carling Bro'a store
(Hueter. Ont.
We have a large amount of private hinds to
en farm and village properties at lowrate.
Barristers Solicitor% Main 8t. Exeter
amersaws,Bollcltong Notaries (o veveere
ml.aner•, solicitors fa-
or the Moleon.
{ Beak. Ito.
WNW le Loan at lowest rotes of Laterest.
L Oaal.nre a. A. L. re. DioaaON
ancer, wills drawn, money to loan
ea real estate, also Licensed Auctioneer for
sae counties. of Buren and Perth. l'harges
moderate. (ieters kit at the Hells •)ral my
Mdente, Farquhar will rccelrr prompt atten
fAehave unlimited private feuds tor Invest
s term or vtlle e t roperty of loves
di�IKlrMre('1('HSON R (*ARLIND
TAM'. N0'fl('F.
Thll the North ?d uIL nd 11iilway
Company will opply to 1 h: !Fetish -1
tine of the Province of Out.irio at
the next ensuing ke411i(41 thcr(of for
on Act :unending the Act 4.1 it.col'•
searotion of the Crmt►uw and for ex -
ng t he time for t 15' commoner --
Mont of t he 1Iilw•ay awl to change
the route rend for other purpnees.
Mated :It London Ontario this firet
ylny of F''h( iiirv. A. 1).. 1906.
T. 11. 1.1'SCOMHE.
Sol r. for the Compn%.
18I1T1yl:It.1ItE F011 THE TIMES.
en119S('lt1RE FOR '111 i; '1'1Mi:5.
In the waiter of the estate of James
Moir, late of the Township of
Usborne, in the County of Hu-
ron, Ferner, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
1l. 8. 0., 1897, chap. 129, that all
creditors and others having claims
against the estate of the said James
Moir, who died on or about the
30th dry of January, 1906, are
requlr'ed on or before the third
d ly of March, 1906, to send by
post prepaid or deliver to Me,grs.
Madman Ai Stanbury, of the Vj11a;c
of Exeter. Solicitors far the Ex-
ecutors of the said, deceased. their
christia,i and surnames, addresses
and descriptions, the full particul-
ars of their claims, the statement
of their accounts and tho nature of
the secu►itiee, it any, held by then,.
Anil further take notice that after
such last mentioned date the said
Executors will proceed to dis-
tributo the assets of the deceased
among 1 he parties entitled thereto.
h:►vine regard only to tho claims of
which they shell then have notice
and that the said Executors
will not be liable for the said assets
or any part thereof to any person
or persons of whose claims notice
stall not have been received by thorn
at the time of such distribution.
Soliel ri for maid e 9
10 n I F C U r
x t0
f)Ited at Exeter the 6th
day of February, 1906.
Farm For Sale
If not sold privetcly on or before
1311, of Fcbnriry, 1906, there will be
mold by Public Auction wit t1 the chat-
tels on
( be
(be tprrmiasea, tl►at excellent farm
prx)perty, consist i11t of lot 8, conces-
sion 9, township ot t'shornc, contain-
inz 100 acre., 13 acres sf fall wheat,
47 lin ienuss and nil the ploushinz
done. On Itdto promises there is n
good Invite .house rind t wo barns.
This property must be sold as the
pnopril'1or intends toinz '.%0't. For
terms and prorticulers apply to .1 AS.
f:SS1:IBY, on th> prcmirles, Exeter
1'. 0., or to T110MAN CAMERON,
1' orgah:'r, Auctioneer for Perth and
ti DM) .
1•.11:I: 11il.l.
On Thurwlay :'ftorrrcon James
Clarke, aged 28, who wars employed
by Hein! & Flans, Parkhill foundry,
While cangaged at a buzz ea 1%V WAS
struck by a hem! :end eo .njured in-
tern illy that 110 (feed Friday morning
(rein he effect.. The young min
WAS single and lia-ed art: h his 1,t her
.1 intea ('twrke.
In the matter of Saunuol It Horne The Lite Janes ,.IcCullagh.—An
of the Township of Usborne, in
the county of Huron, Farmer,
Notice is hereby given Out the
said Samuel R. Horne, carrying on
business as a farmer at tho said,
Township of Usborne, has made an
assignment under R. S. 0., 1897;
chapter 147, of all his estate, cred-
its and effects, to John Gill, of the
Village or Exeter. Auctioneer, Tor
the general benefit of his creditors.
A meeting of creditors will be
hold at the office of Messrs. Glad -
titan & StAartbury, in the slid Village
of Exeter, on Friday the 10th day of
1'lebruery, A. ID. 1906, at the hour
of two o'clock in the afternoon, to
receive n statement of affairs, ap-
point inspectors and for the order•
Ing of the affairs of the estate gen-
enally. Creditors nre requested to
file their claims with the Assignee
at the office of his solicitors, with
proofs and ,particulars as required
by staid Act, on or before the clay
of euoh mooting.
And notice is `further given that
after the Lifth day of March, 1906,
the Assignee will proceed to dis-
tribute the .assets of the estate
among the giurties entitled thereto.
having regard only to tho claims of
which notice shall then h.ivo been
given, and that ho will not bo liable
for the assets or any part thereof eo
distributed, to (any person or per -
sans of whose cllims Ito shad not
then hive notice.
JOHN GILL, Assignee.
Solicitors for the Assignee.
D.tivl at Exeter this 6th
day of February, 1906.
Mr. Thomas Brown has r.-cerival in-
structions frog' Mr. G .11. Rosa to
sell by public auct sun on Lot. 12,
Con. 1, Rity. on
THURSDAY, FEIN. 22nd, 1900.
At one o'clock eller') the (olloweig
valuable proper;y, viz :
HORSES. -3 wtiork hon:••: s : 4 light
m.areq in font .1 erl ht u:n(s
tont; 1 draught horse, 1 yetlrs old;
1 yearling dreught (x)11 ; 1 driving
horse, rs years told; M•VY64t11 .)cher
draught and work Lor ..•s.
CATTLE. -1.2 tnilch caw•:., du' ,o
calif in April or efcoy ; 4 heavy sto-k
storm: About 30 young reit tLe, year-
ling and tam -year-olds; .1 thorough,
bred Durllrwn Hull, :3 years old.
TERMS. -19 mom lis' or,dit will
will )w given on .fur'r►shing approved
joint rot es. A disoount of rive per
Dent off for Bash on credit amounts.
0. 11. itOSS, Proprietor.
'1'110MAS 13R01VN, Aucti,ni.er.
Wit bout sleep there can be ro b„(1-
ity or mental vigor, ,consequently
sleeplessness is n d ulgetixts condi-
tion. Nothing so surely restores
steep art F'errr.)zone : it's trirmless—
just 41 touria'thing, st rengt hen'ng ton-
ic. Fcrr»zona vit.11izc,. every p:i rt cf
the body, alakee the nerves hir.ly,
completely rebuilds the system. The
oau.ee of Nlecpleesness is temorel—
le'sith is rem torcd—you can work,
elf, .'indene—feel like now niter us-
ing Fcrnozone. Don't put off —e'er -
;ozone mets fifty cents tier box nt
all +teeters ; get it tool 1y.
Are you :t aubeeril'er for 1 he "Exe-
ter Tin'es••f If tot why cot suh-
gotibe it Otters,
To Cure a Cold in One Day„. I
Tote Laxative Bromo Quinine Tom. 9z ott every
arena Mika fares sold Is Mat 13 isoatass. This signature. /fir box. ase.
other of t'sborne's most esteemed
and highly .respected pioneers tressed
to the gr.eat beyond on Saturday
morning, February 101h, :it the age
of 80 years and t:8 clays. Mr. etc-
Cullagh was a robust hardy
nian n
until about seven years ago, when he
sustained, ttasou6l a rale an tn)wy.
'.IicIh impaired hire from following
the arduous duties of riife„ WIe;ch du-
ties he lied previously taken a great
pleasure in. Ile waw L'.nl in the
county of Armagh, felled, in 1820,
and canto to Canada in Ix47, being
then twenty-one years of age, first
sett Brig in Georgetown, where he
remained for about ter( years, atter
which he came to 1'sborate and set-
tled on the 10th concession. Ile was
married in 1863 to Jane Armstrong
who has been itis living helpmate
during .;all these years and who still
survives hint. Their union was bless•
ed with three sons, one dying in in-
fane:y, Irwin, %Alta died nt the ago of
13 years, and John, who lives on his
f:ir m on the 11th roncesmion. Mr.
McCullagh continued to reeide on the
10th concession until about three
years ago. llo had erected for him-
self ;Ind Mrs. McCullagh a beautiful
and comfortable home on the farm
ot his son John, in order to bo nearer
to his non and daughter-in-law, alio
have been mast kind and attentive
to their every wish. Ile bid there-
fore boon a resident of this township
for bol[ a century, helping to con-
vert the vast forest into one of the
finest townships in the county. Ile
was n man of sIi'et integrity, being
conscientious in all his dealings witli
his fellow men, arid particularly ab-
horred anything savoring of deceit in
any Miele. or forst ; was of amicable.
disposition, and although well versed
'0 tlin topics of the day, 'sever nt-
tenieted to force his opinion or view•e
on tiny person, and was one of the
truest and kindest of neighbors, al-
ways pleased when an opportunity
to do n glee, turn crime. Although
not prominent In puttee life, he al-
ways Look a kcou interest in the
well ire 1'f t he count ry, Laing it con-
servaltive in tror.itics. In religion Mr.
McCu1ligli was a Presbyterian and
wait, during his residence in the
township, a veined Inrnllx•r of the
Thames hold congregation, being
e e 1 thethehi)use
a t r- 1_us•os at
rc ulrer in t
wiorehip, itis pear .seldom being emp•
tv uiIi !' his heat h'permitted him to
he there .and his usual liher_1Lity
could be, retied upon. Ile generously
er.n(r:bated to :ill des)er•ving causes
linaught to his notice, to the very
last. 'Th, h;b!e a 1s on open look in
his •hand, fmnI which he took groat
comfort. 'humbly trusting in the
work of 1,is helmet! ii iV'001. **Mess,
ed arc the dead u• WC it die in the
Lard, pet Keith the Spirit, that they
'nay Test from their tabors and their
works (lo follow teem.
Mr. •mad Mrs. IlawnIng of Vird-n,
Si anitob', are visiting fri.ends here.
it is 17 ye'r:s (wince they left. here far
the northwest, and Po enthusiastic
or' they over the ndvantages offer-
ed in that country thit they have no
hesitation in recommending people to
go out there. Mr. and Mrs. Down-
ing expect to return home in the
near future.
Mr. Gilbert of McGillivr ly is visit-
ing Mrs. J.ah'z Millnon,
Mr. Evelyn Ogden is convinced
that the west is the place for the
ambitious young mon and will take
novice Grcely's odvito and go there
Ohre spring. Ile fns tax) uncles out
in the Northwest eel will live with
ane of there.
For the Mardi Gres F'est1V:1ies at
New Orev1ns, 1.1. Tho very low rate
of One wily first et.igi fere, plus e2.25
for the round trip, will be in effect.
Good teo;f1P Frhruary 2141 to 20th,
valid 'returning on or before March
Std. Call on agents of Grand Trt:nk
ire:lasv tear Ord1 r.nwfrnul�.ra_
Mr. 8. Ii a Jy :and etiste r, airs. '..
Peters of 1: 4• er, were .:11c gu-
of Mr. and M Ruby on 71(11re ty.
Mr. Geo. \\'snub°:d and Mr. Merv:,
Nivins of Blyth, were in the vitiate!
.this week visiting at ( ho honer of t lt'
formers parents, Mr. ;and Mrs. Worn -
As 'a Wall lt of she ,o cat (revival
in the Evangelical Assosi,t:iu.t ohur:.h
:1 1uumbe.r r.i�cuwed buptisrn :anti were
received into the ohurcl. Altogether
there were 21 received.
Mr. Mark. lirokenshire was accid-
ently t hrown out of 1►::s cutter .ono
day last w.ek. 'rho Dolt 1►e w'tS driv-
ing gave 0 jump causing the accident
was done.
• o wa
a (Lama
Iurruu el no
t y g
The an'.mal ran as far as Khlva be-
fore being caught.
Jr',hn I 101 1 of Landon was la the
village this week.
Mr. ll. Guenther end family called
on Ati. 8, Miartin on Lite )labyla.rr
Line ta► Tuesdiay.
Our sleigglling is aluaaet gone. The
warm twcatiher on Monday took the
snow :1
'the 4uptel, restrauant and butcher -
:strap arc busy this week getting in
UL•eir supply of ice for liver summer
Mr. \Van. Shrum wins in Landolt'
co* Saturday on business.
A quot wedding was solomonized
at the Monte- of Mr. Lew•i:+ \V_i1p r,sr.
on W,edr.esday last when his daugh-
ter, Maggie, was united in marriage
to Mr. Fed. \\'illert of tato 14th.
The ceremony was irerfortned by the
Itev. Mr. Eiff(•rt in rho presence of
their immediate friends and 'relatives
They will take up 'their ees:eience on
Mr. \Villcr(s farm on 'Urso 1401. Mr.
Willett 'hart brick, etc. on the ground
for the erection of a brick residence
this summer. Thar many fr,iclids
join in wishing them a happy and
prosperous life. _
While M,•. C. Godbolt, Se., was ,in
the sect of splitting -kindling to start
tare 'fire, ono morning dost week, n
v1 roe (tear in tlti4 eye making at gash.
Medical attendenco was summoned
and 111: is .able to be jsotuwl again.
Miss Et! i Comm and 'Miss Edn•►
Godbolt went to London on 7lhursday
of hest week to visit a week wet!'
friends and relatives.
Mrs Walter S;ephalrs acd dris two
little girls, were 'fie. 'guests cit 'his
brotlrer-in-la.w•, Mr .John Routley,
on Sundry,
Mr. Rob&n.on and Miss Mutton, of
Heaton, iI o Miss Smifih, of Detroit,
Ma.11., wore the guests of Mrs. G.
Gadbolt un 'Tuesday evening of last
't 24?k.
Mr. Goukli,g, Sr., who lots beton
spending a couple of nnont4is with
'his son, Mr. D. Goulding, has left
for Art. ltur, where ho w-iII spend a
whi! with his sons, (prior to re-
turning 'honk.
Mr. Frank Washburn, of Arthur,
is the guest of iris brother, Mr. Thos,
Waeliburn, who has boon on the: sick
list, \Ve are glad to learn he is nn
the mend.
Mr. itober•t Creery, Sr., who has
been very 'feeble during ala past
month, we ere glad to say is able
to he .around ngein.
Mr. I'ercy Baker, from Granton,
spent Saturday and Sunday with his
uncle, Mr. Newton Baker.
A nurnber from -here attended the
oyster supper at Eden on Monday
Miss Itrow,lie Andrews is the guest
of Miss Minn,:c Wood, of London.
Miss Etlic Clark, front Crediton.
151 visiting /her cousin, blies teed .t
Miss M irgarct Handford Icft on
Saturday for Toronto to attend the
millinery openings.
Mr. \Viibur hicks visited his bno-
ther, ,Me 1'raank hicks, of Newton-
br.cok last week.
Ali4s (•1riia Simpson, of Clandtboye
was the guest of her aster, Miss
Evelyn Simpson, on Friday.
A team of Exeter hockey players
Dune ftp to Lhasa(( on 'Thursday
night of last week to try conclusions
with our boys. \Vhen the smoke had
cleared rie ay t he score sheet showed
1:3 to 2 in favor. of Ilcnsa11.
Mr. John Cameron who was here,
accompanied by Iris wire, visiting him
mother, til) w1:4 so seriously ill, but
ie now .improving nic('ly, Iris re •
turned to Newstecldt.
Mites Bathe rty, who w•14 here visit-
ing )ler bee her, Itev. W. 3. Doherty
r; turned t') London.
Mies Ethel Crewel is nt Tyrone,
v;aiting her gr.uidparents•
el:es Torr-i.ne', of Clinton, wos 111
lh• y.Ilig(' 1,141 week, visiting Mrs.
henry C(.ok.
Mims Jessie Elder lite returned
from Exeter, Where she has been on
a visit.
Mies Maggie ItonIJrror► lets accept-
ed n situation in Berrie.
Miss Emily Welsh, of London, is
visiting her paironts, Mr, and Mrs.
R. \Vcleh.
Our Council, at 1 heir 'last meeting,
teleeed the h*'1 option 113 -law, lo im
voted on the first of Januiry, 1907,
its rrespor►Q(' to :1 Largely signed peti-
t ion.
The young people's Society, of
Carmel church, held theta- meeting
on Monday everting, Feb. 12th, for
which a very interesting program
was ',rept
Miss hawks', itw, who ens visiting
th^ Misses Petty, tins (returner! to
The egg merchants of Chicago, w Lo
list month lust -lima losses Of $1,000,-
000, and who haw: on hand lit ge
stacks of cold storage products, are
[.icing a 10 -rent market. Eggs the
dealers put in storage last sumtree
at 17e to 20c t dozen, sold on 8atur-
01y of 11 centre The New York
Fruit sand Produce News estimates
tint (hero are at least 750,000 caner
of storage eggs in the coolers or the
U. H, The dectne mikes on estimate
of $2 lose on a Viso, w h:eh 104 lee
141,500,000, and if receipts conlf+►ue to
001110 in 1rccly the loss will be nearer
$3 a case.
Bain the —A 1M K i:rd Yell Nm Atm Brays(
tlipat »
The Extent
y Of ' F O R M E S
Diamond IJyes:
Induces Speculators to !nit °duce
%Vettk and iVot(tilers
DIAMOND DYES,.true hcnne help-
ers and money -savers for mothers
and wives, aro derr to every wo-
naa,n's 'heart.
I{ 1
ecx+nt s L1
y, i)ecu tors have
into the 'truckage dye trade with a
view of gaining ca sleire of he im-
mense <tud (error inoreasing trade
;held by the manufacturers of the
DIAMOND DYES, 'but all :such ef-
forts will, its in the past, desalt in
The crude and wort(►Loss dyes
brought out in opposition to the
DIAMOND DYES, a:Ili never become
popular, for the simple reasout that
they h.tve 110t Olre g071 quality to
burst of. The merchants of (kllstda
who were induced to buy these ;tdul-
ternitd package dyes now fiasre then)
(load and worthless stock.
The progressive and busy drug.
gists .and dealers of Canada sell on-
ly elle 9):,unond Dyes, (which have
an establiethed reputation of over
twenty-five years. The modern
merchant has mot tho time or in-
clination. to encourage the sale of
wort bless and tleceptivo goods.
If our Canadian women desire full.
brilliant and tfaest colors, they should
at all times ask for the DIAMOND
DYES, the only guaranteed leickage
dyes in 'Ulm world. When buying
package dyes are that the words
easel packet handed out by your
dealer. Wells & Ititear(isotl Co.,
Limited, Montreal, 1'. Q., will send
free to any address their New 4)ye
Hook. Oar:d •of Dyed Samples, and
new book in sense entitled "The
I.ongjohna' Trip to the KLond.ike.”
phis little book is interesting thous-
Mr. Glair took advantage of the
good sleighing last week and laid
in to gcod supply of (zona.( for use on
this dredge during the earning sum.
A 'tunnbor loom hone attended the
anniversary services at Eden on Sun-
day and mvonday.
Mr. Taylor, of London, spent a
short time oenwissing Icor •tiro Im-
perial Lite eessunance Company,
around here the :past week. A num-
ber have nlnoaady sent in their ap•
A number of elea (young !people
sport a meiul evening at the home
of Dir. and Mrs, N. Baker's, con 2,
Steiyl►en on Thursday evening.
A slight error w•as made in this
column fait week. Mr. Johnston
W11.3 his 'accepted the position as
clerk with our genial iinorohi,,t
conies from Watf:trd instead of Gcdc-
rich as doted last week.
Mr. It. II ,Davies, of the Mitchell
Recorder, has disposed of his in-
terests in that toper to Mr. W. El-
liot, formerly of the London Col-
legiate lnstjtute.
The Qisnrtcrly board of 'the Mi't-
Chell Methodist church hart extended
.1 unani1nous .invitation to Rev. F.
E. Mellott, iI. A., I1. D., of Chethctrn.
key. Ma,llott is n son 4n -law of Rev.
(Dr.) Vinton, former pastor of the
James street church, Exeter.
The G .T .11. 'hes introduced a new
feature tiled will be 'appreciated by
traavellern to the various cities. Per -
some going to 'either Toronto, Mon-
treal, Ottawa or Hamilton, cart hero
their baggage checked right 10 their
destination in any of 1 hese cit ire, and
tlhe itailw-ay will see to its delivery.
This will obviate the necessity of er-
',enging with Transfer companies for
baggage, and will .relieve travellers
of :.II :u'. t•(y,
Miele Addie e‘fionlock, of Exeter,
wtlro 'els visiting friends Jiercl, WCI,
called tlronte to Exeter on account
of tete illness of alar deice, Mary
Arva's College girls tier+. quietly ad-
miring 1I(e be:15101ul seeee, surround-
ed by a number of 1oa11 ndvertine-
mcnts, on the drop curt°:4i at the
opera house, the other night, when,
the advano(• agent, he of extended
Quest and more extended stomach,
joined 1 hem. "isn't it lovely ex-
otaune4 the blonde, "i'm enure all the
1st A
whose a n1 re
mea on that
curte'.n, eat ronizes our show and
it's only f lir we ,vhould show our
apprecFntic)n by pat ronixing i hem."
Fatty concurred and wit ti tli"
1)1/..-.nit:, and brunet lr started out on
a :r(a)pping tour.
"1'nt an arNent admirer of art," ex-
claimed the o11c' with tip hair of sun-
shine, "PO let's visit the marble strop
and view the gargoyles end other
pieces of statuary. Then we'll look
for sarnething sweet ond take in T.
Denr:•ng's groocry. After (hit we'll
ace 11 Goo. Kemp ern give us Tut
rete ticket?' nt 1 ietter rale than
the Grond Trunk Agent.
A trip tiffs arranged to lake in the
entire list and when they had fin-
ished found that out of nineteen ad-
vertisers only eleven ire in business.
"isn't it strange" said rho blonde'
"the we appear to Ise the only live
ones in towns" -
Having just at•rauged with Tb•
Veterinary Specialty Go.. Ltd , 10 dell
the following remedies.
Stock Tonic and Blood PurUAer,
and Colic Dien'
Les 3 a•
in Cure. Worm Powders, (rough
Remedy, Poultry Tonic, 1.s,use Death,
Antiseptic Healing Oil, Sprain Emul-
sion, Black Oil for Thi uah, (leave
Relief, Lump Jaw Cure, ALhor.lisiac
and Anti -Sterile Powder., Dian hoes
Cure for Colts and Calves, teekiugg
Naval and Joint III. VAN%ANT &
\VAItING, Veterinary Surge• ts, 25
years practical experience. A coupon
to every package entitlirg the holder
to free Veterinary Advice.
The Live Druggist
Abstract of Receipts
—FOR Tlii:—
For the Year 19os
To bal. 1001 per Auditors rep. $3111 49
To arrears of taxes from 1904 153 18
To inst, on arrears of taxes 2 47
To Tuxes col. municipal par, 11.696 04
To License fund 3543 00
To streets. bridges & pub. prop 25 00
To Poll Tax 16 00
To rent of Village property 55 00
To Legislative grant to schools 101 00
To public school timid 1752 18
To borrowed on bilis pavable 3100 00
'I'o inst. on inyosl•, and deposits 25 80
1'o sinking fund 1:3;3 97
To street watering 201) 50
To cemetery 731 28
To miscellaneous 213 41
Total receipts $205.35 62
Total payments 18,`30 12
Balance on hand Dec. 31st '05 1999 50
County rate $ 610 20
Streets. bridges, drains, etc `2501) 38
Town Hall account 177 17
Salaries and commissions 652 00
Board of Health 82 ro
Water supply and Are protect. 399 70
Printing and stationery 248 14
Chat hies 10213
Registration 11 10
Bills payable and redeemed :3100 00
Interest other than deb. Inst 59 42
Street lighting 842 91
Public library 183 1)1
Sinking fund 677 81
Street Watering 21815
Refund of taxes 41 55
Insurance 4010
Election expenses 70 24
Town Hall debenture debt 323 00
Sailway debenture deist 789 50
Orenolithic Pavement deh.debt, 592 90
Fire engine debenture debt 556 58
Cemetery 761 39
Miscellaneous 410 43
Public school board, teach. sal. 3811 70
Public School fuel- etc. 375 75
P. 8. Sec. ani Janitors sal. 275 (1)
Public School miscellaneous 610 94
18,334 12
Cash in treas. (exclusive of sink-
ing fund) 1999 50
Taxes in arrears 10600
Sinking fund, (1) invested on
mortngos debentures, loans
etc. (2) invested, cash on dep. 1167 95,
Land, including parks 1601 1)11
Buildings, furniture, exclusive
of school property 05011 ((0
School property,land buildings
and equipmens 10000 00
Waterworks 2800 01)
Fire hall and appliances 400(10(1
Cemetery 2000 00
Mat ket bailding & weigh seal 4011 (K)
Band instruments 250 00
:1413 13
Local Belton' rate dun & unpaid 251(1 10
Debentures, principal only, aid •
to railways 6 2
a ..I ..1
Loans for current expen. local
irnprovtmerits, other liabilit-
ies. Fire engine 1650 (M)
Gentili} hit pavement 512857
Town hall 6500 00
Don't Monkey
with that Cough
Syrup White
Pine and Tar
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••+•+••••••••••••••w
(incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855)
CAPITAL PAID UP ••••83.000,000.00
RESERVE FUND • • •••• ..•
is Branches in Ontario, Q.it(ec, Alhcrta Flritb.h Columbia and M►nitoba
Open every (Awful 1)'.y from 1') A. M. (o 3 r. at. exrrpt Saturday 10 A. twL to 1 T. N.
Fnreherw' @Info Notes.; cached or collected. Forms supplied
On application. DItAF'T5 en S11 yointe In th0 U+.minion Oreat Britain and Cn•
lard settee bought 41)11 .41,1 at Lowe.; ralM 01 Cxe ha bgr,
Uepoe.11es 01 *1.00 and upwards received. interest conn•
i•onndcd half )earley. and Adclr.l to 1 rind -pal Jane 'nth and December 31.1. De•
taslu Re.eipta also toned ar,d hlt,he t current rate, of Intete., allowed,
Adve.ncees made to farmers stock dealers and husineee men at
loweet rates and on moat favorable terms. Agents at Htcter for Dom. Government,
Dickson At Carling. Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager.