HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-02-15, Page 3te- lbeeeK r,. ,•{. ,tier.'• :-C 4', fifi )0:4► HFALTII • i TIE CABE OF THE SKIN. To most persons the 'skin <'presents Simply the organ of touch, and beCause It is customary to keep nearly all of its &niece concealed, its relation to the wel- fare of the hoc:; is overlooked It has, wevor, most important functions, such ' the casting out of waste mailer and nainlenanec of tier even body tettt- ure, disregard of which may lead ious disturbances -t health. aside` from its Neely physiologi- cal purposes, the skin is an important Influence for or against personal appear- ance, and its proper is therefore worthy of consideration from this point of view alone. Cleanliness is the greatest essential to the care of the skin. For the cleansing bath, water as hot as ' an he borne is test, and a good soap should be freely applied with a moderately stiff bath - brush. If the water is at all hard it is well to soften it by the addition of a little ammonia or borax. A quick spong- Ing of the entire body with cold water should follow, in order to cause the pores relaxed by the heat to contract; and the drying should be accomplished by brisk rubbing with a coarse towel. Although the habitual use of hot wa- ter on tate face is sometimes condemned o►' the ground that it tends to favor the relaxation of the skin and produces wrinkles. there is no danger of this if the washing be concluded with cold water. The sponge is a thing to be avoided, as it is difficult to keep clean, and forams +One a beautiful lurking place for germs. 1 t t. g wa sh cloth should bekept for the face alone, and this should be boiled 're- qucntly. At night it is a good plan to rub a little pure cold cream Into the shin of the face and then wipe it off with a piece of soft linen. It is surprising how black the hitter will appear when the operation is finished. 'Cold cream and EVERYDAY RAYS. talcum powder and some of the cos- metics are safe and useful. but other cos- metics do more harm than good. The development of wrinkles can be retarded, and if present they may he lessened by gentle rnas''nge with the finger -lips nnointed with cold cream. A good general rule is to let the direction of the rubbing be upward and outward. Above all, it should be remembered that cleanliness, exercise, fresh air, simple fond and attention to the diges- A MO MLR'S DM. THREW BIBLES INTO SEATTHE CAUSE OF WOMAN'S TROUBLE 'ibe l4houtd Carefully Guard the Health of Iter Growing Daughter—Iter Futuro THE VOYAGE OF THE STEAM Y'AUIT Happiness Depends on the Change PANDORA. From Girlhood to Womanhood. Every mother should watch with the Explorer (:harped With Throwing Away greatest cure the health of her growing Gifts Sent to Tristan da daughter. She is 0 girl W-Jay—to-utor r . • u woman. The happy health off Cunha. W( I ltulllood depends ul,on this vital chango, from girlaeod. W hen nature Makes new demands upon her blood supply, you !nest build up her blood with Dr. Williams' fink Pills. Ilcr system is untepual to that strain if her back aches. if she is pale or chin, dull- tyed or languid. Dr. Williams' fink l'ills will give her new, rich, .red blood and tide her over the crisis. Dr. Wil- liams' fink Pills will make her develop- ment perfect and regular—they will snake her a strong, happy, graceful wo- man. Miss Eserine Vilandre, St. Ger- main, Que., says: "While attending school my health began to give way. I suf- fered from headaches and dizziness. my appetite Icft me and 1 grew pale an a corpse. As the doctors did not help me t.ny my father got ale n supply of Dr. \Vilfams' Pink I'ills. Before 1 had used Iwo boxes there was an improvement, end when I had lateen a half a dozen was again in perfect health. 1 believe all weak girls will find new health if They take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Thousands of growing girls. and thou- sands of women owe health and hnp- pdness to Dr. \Vflliams' Pink Pills. They keep the blood rich and pure and rctulnr. They banish headaches cadaches nnJ sideaches and backaches. and they bring the rosy glow of perfect health to pate and sallow cheeks. But you must get the gem'ine with the full name "Dr. Vlinms ink Pills for Pale Peo- ple." on the vrnnncr around each box. . Sold by all medicine dealers or sent ey mail at 50 cents a hnx or Glx nrlYes for $2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. The rays of heat and light are quite independent of each other in their abil- ity to penetrate different substances. For illustration. glass allows the sun's heat to pass through as readily as it does the rays of Tight. and that without heating the glass to any extent. If the glass tie coaled with lampblack. the rays of light are arrested; but the heat passes through as before, not a single degree's differ- ence in the latter phenomenon being fon are the most Impor'nnt considers- noticeable. Then, again. both hent and Mons in the care of the skin.—Youth's light pass through water. provided it is Companion. clear. One of the oddities in this con- nection is this—althougtr the heat and light pass through water hi its normal stale, the addition of a little powdered alum. which readily dissolves without leaving the least murkiness, will nrrst the rays of hint to such an exetent is to almost Inmiodintely raise the temper - alum of the water to perceptible de- gree. yet the light continues to puss through as before. ice. like glass, also transmits both heat and light. ♦� DELICATE FROM BIRTH. HEALTH HINTS. In line treatment of contusion, where there is extensive discoloration of the e(Vin, if olive oil be freely applied, wilh- 6uT rubbing, the discoloration will quick- ly disappear. Absorbent cotton may be soaked in the oil and applied. Everybody knows the tonic value of apples upon the system. Of all the or- dinary fruits, apples, if eaten regularly. are the most generally beneficial, and many n man or woman noted for his or her good health ascribes it to the plen- tiful eating of apples. For external use, in sore throat, take, a piece of lint doubled (8 inches by 2 inches.) Wring it out of hot water; sprinkle over it n teaspoonful of eau - dc -Cologne, and wrap It round the throat; cover it with oiled silk of the tome size, and lie it all on with a light silk handkerchief. That anyone nfllictid with a bad cough can cease coughing at will seems on the ince of it tut absurd Idea. Yet if the suf- ferer. when templed to rough, will draw a long breath. holding it until it warns, and so soothe every air cell, he will find that the emigh will soon be consider - 0111y Il relieved. d. To Straighten the Shoulders. — The following is an excellent exercise. Stand quite upright and raise your mins t111 they are in straight line Witt your shoulders. 51111 keeping your elbows In the sante position. touch your shoul- ders with the finger-tips. Lower the arms to the sides. Repeat, but don't ;o or. long after the mu. -cies begin to get tired. Take n rest and try again later. Super•fluctis llatr.—That most distress- ing of all blemishes to a women, can be entirely removed by a piece of toilet rumic-stone. 1t must tie passed tir'mly but lightly over the skin. care being token nal In chafe It. It is better to Ito This at ted•linie, nfter wards applying to the parts (without nabbing) a little cream which should be left on all night. When elenniug your teeth always brush Iheln with nn up and down move- ment. and not sideways only. and the Dick of the teeth should be lnlshNI even more cnrcfullly than the front, for it is there that 'attar is most likely to nccu• mutate. If soap doesn't ngrec with your skin, try giyeerine. Wring n piece of flan- nel out of lukewarm water. pour a very Mlle glycerine on it, and with this wash your ince. after first bathing it In worm er cekt wider. Well rinse and dry 1.f - terve anis. and your fare will be benuti• hilly vitt and smooth. If only people could no Induced never 11: sit ver sleep Iii a mom in which all Ih, w•Indnw•s are elnsed there would t'e - fewer colds caught. The filen is net s much that volt will grow used In the 1.i , (4111 that through constantly brenth- in t fresh air your lunge will grow ,tmnger and healthier. and your body 11 iherefnre be in a more (11 condition I withstand disease of any kind --colds e.• ,nit the rest. t irkieh baths should ploy n leading 1 '' in the cure of eorrulency. If it is t ' t ssiblc for you to get (hese, make err of laking a Iikctvnrm bath •,ening, nfterwnrds getting seine. ' nub. knew.l, and pound all the ' Is of your body with the lintels. .'nu you ran also Indulge in L' dumb-bell exercises with • ver, c". 1' t's' CHANCE. De you know what 1 ? ; . 11? 1 tl:mtli If 1 v. ere not ice would kiss y0,t. • i,vil bay! Leave the iTogance of s:.,le • ori mane. In throe words --"delicate from birth" —is expressed a world of anxieties suf- fered by mothers whose babies have had a bad start In life. For babies who are ailing, peevish. cross and unable to digest their food Baby's Own Tabletsaie invaluable. They act almost like magic and change cross, peevish children into smiling, happy babies. Mrs. J. W. Munroe, Sintaluta, N.W.T., says:— "i have used Baby's Own Tablets for two years andThwould not like to be without ,ern. They have changed our weak, sickly batty into a fat, healthy little girl. 1 can warmly recommend the Tab- lets to other mothers." And mothers have a guarantee that the l ets con- Min no poisonous "soothing" stuff. er tinrrnful drug. They are absolutely safe and aivayti,do good. Sold by all medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box by writing the Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, OnL PENC113 AND CONTAGION. Doctors Condemn Habit of Children Ex- dranging Lead Pencils. Doctors in England are taking a great deal of interest in the reports received nom America to the effect that hall a hundred cases of diphtheria in one ,t the public schools have been traced to the practice of children exchanging lead - pencils and putting the lead -pencils in their mouths while at study In the schools. This system of collecting the pencils al the close of the scho ol•day, and d stributing them the next morning has been In vogue in England, and several of the most prominent physi- cians in London have, smiled a cam- paign against the prnrtice. "Il does not follow that the pencils were the only medium of contagion," said one of the doctors, "lint it is gene possible. There Is no dnuht but that the practice of distributing pencils is re- sponsible for ninny unpleasant albite/es. "Nine children out of ten suck the ends of their pencils. arid, in my opin- Inn. there could be no more potent way Mf spreading the germs of tuberculosis rind other disofSOs. The simplest way to overcome the dltll.'nlly would be to have a small drawer filled to each school desk, so that ra••h child could keep its ew'n pencil. It is perfectly bonetess to fry to teach them not to suck the end." NEVEM Tlll.11 .\ LII: '1 inmy," said a father to his s•'n, "have you been nt (hos.' six apples 1 pit in tine cupl.niint!" "Father," said Tommy. lnnt.hng into this eves, "I have not touched one." "Then how is 1t your e Mier found eve apple cores In your bcoleoui. and there is only one left on the plate?" "That." said 'I'onlmy. its he (Instil .1 wildly for the door. "is the rine 1 iiia'! to (►:d ('artily (giving his son n cheque,: "Now, le• careful, my boy. Renieniher..t fool and`his nlonev are coon pared.' Sinndall ('nct,l%: "lea, sir; and Ihnnlc you for h«t imp; t,bliged me to pronrpUy,' Do the islanders of Tristan da Cunha shave? This interesting problem was pro,.oundcd at the Old Bailey police court, London, by Mr. Justice Grantham, but no one was able to enlighten his Lordship. The question had reference to the charge against a fair-haired, nautical - looking man, who was in the dock, r.o Tess a personage than Mr. Thomas Cur- adoc Berry, the redoubtable explorer of the South Seas, anti captain of the fam- ous steam yacht Pandora. The details of a certain .historic voy- age of the Pandora to Tristan da Cun- ho are already well known. It has been told in the police court how the explor- er Kerry obtained the concession to trade in guano at the Island, and how in re- line' for the concession he agreed to lake out gifts from charitably -minded English people to the poor isolated is - hinders. BIBLES OVERBOARD. .... Among these gifts were many books from the Duchess of Bedford, being dis- tinguished and edifying books from Woburn Abbey, many Bibles from other benevolent folk, and various further ar- ticles that the kin -hearted thought the islanders would find useful. But Kerry. the explorer, it is alleged, look a different v ie.ttalto, Carl in the q Y r • .Gravesend. on(list voyage. e At (, es d. the 3 1•• day out. he tipped casefuls of Bibles in- t) the river, with the remark, "I do not wan' that stuff," and other islanders' comforts including 10)0 books and Bibles. he sent down, it Is alleged, to Davy Jones near the Equator. This romance, Mr. Gill, IC.C., repent- ed to Mr. uslice Grantham, charging the explorer with "theft as a bailee." FIFTEEN VOLUMES APIECE The judge casting aside all temptation to revel in the romance of it all, im- mediately examined matters from a utilitarian point of view. There are 1110 islanders on Tristan da Cunha, tie pointed out. and the Pandora had includ- ed in her cargo 1300 books and Bibles. This would be at ttie rate of fifteen books and Bibles to each Islander. The judge also inquired about the kind of islander w'ti was to be the recipient of this wealth of literature. Ile wns informed that the inhabitants are the descendants of shipwrecked sailors and n party of seamen which was sent to annex the island in 1885. Si•thorough was his Lordship's an- alysis of the nature of the library that, when it wns stated that some of the volumes contained undesirable insects, he said: "Were the Insects to be deliv- ered as well?" (Loud laughter.) THANKS OF ISLANDERS. Even the Island's babies interested his i.ordship. Counsel on side said that there were no babies, and counsel nn the other side that the place was over- run with them. it was when a consignment of cheap ,rnzors was mentioned that the Judge asked w•heleher the islnnder's shaved. During the day Mr. Gill read a setter which Explorer Kerry wrote to the Colonial Insititute on Iain return from the eventful voyage. In tits the explor- er said: "I found the Islnr.der•s well and berme. and they were delighted with your presents, which 1 personally dis- Irlhule.l." To the Dateless of Redford he wrote: "The islanders pnrticulnrly requested me to convey to your Grace their most sincere rothanks for yourr GraC s kind present." Yet, according to Mr. Gill, it had all gone to Davy Jones! "dere." said the clerk at the Skinnem Hotel. "we have eight hundred servants.' "Well," said the departing guest. "1 must have overlooked four or five. I'm :111. sure 1 haven't tipped so many as that.' OVER SEA II.tiBIT. Difference on This Side of the Water. 'Ike persistent effect upon the [wand crlfeine in coffee, cannot nut result in the gravest conditions, in time. F.nch attack of the drug (and that means each cup of coffee) weakens the e'rgrm a little more, and the end is al- most n matter of mathematical demon- stration. A lady writes from a Western state: "1 ala of German descent and it was natural that 1 should learn at a very early age to drink coffee. Until I was 2.i years old 1 drank scarcely anything el'e at any meals. "A few years ago 1 began to be affect - td by n steadily increasing nervousness, which eventually developed Into a dis- tressing heart trouble that made me eery weak vend miserable. Then, min three years ago, Was added nslhmn in its worst toren. My sufferings from (hese things can he better imagined than de- seribcd. "During all this lime my hushand r l alie041 more 11111y than 1 did that cot - fee was injurious to me, and mad.' every effort to make me stop. "Finally it teas decided rt f.•w' months IWO, to quit the itee of coffee absolute. and to ndop•,t Posturn Food Coffee ns our hot table drink. I had hut little (den that it would help ale, but °dement- ed to try it to plense my hu.•t'nnd. 1 yrepared It very carefullly, exactly tic - reeding to rection:, and was delighl- ett with its delicious flevnr and refresh- ing qualities. "bid as anon nv 111P pnlaon bum the coffee had time to get met of my syst4m Ih.' nutritive properties of the I'ostum taunt' to build me up. and 1 am now fully recovered from all my nervousnnas, tient trouble and asthma. 1 gladly ac• knnwl' dire hint now. for the first time In years,1 enjoy period health, and that rear, it all to Pastim," Name given 1'r•stunt Co., Bailie Creek, Mich. There's n reasnn. head the little book, elle, It a'I to \Wcltville" in pkg.. f'nslrmi F.si•l (:free eel -ileitis no drug,' of any - krxrili jon whatsoever. 1S DISEASED KIDNEYS AND THE CURT: IS DODDS KIDNEY PIU S. Wonderful Cure of Mrs. James Kinsella, Who Slept in a Chair for Two Sum- sners—%hat She Says o1 IL St. Malachie, Que., Feby, 5—(Special). —A cure of great interest to women has attracted the attention of those interest- ed in medical matters in this neighbor- hood. Mrs. Jas. Kinsella, wife of a well-known citizen, had suffered from a complication of troubles for about two years. She had a pain in the right hip, in the back and was obliged to puss water every fifteen minutes in a burn- ing itching sort of way. She could not sleep at night and had lc sit up in a chair for two summers. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured her. Mrs. Kinsella, speaking of tier cure, says, "After the first box of Dodd's Kid- ney Pills 1 felt much better. Then 1 got more and they did me a world of good. I have never slept in the chair since I used Dodd's Kidney Pills. Woman's hetth depends on her kid- neys. Nine -tenths of the so-called fe- male complaints are caused by uric acid In the blond. Cure your kidneys with fiodd's Kidney Pills and you can have no uric acid in the blood. I' IER'S R, FA I GRACE. 'teacher: "Now, boys, why do w•.e sny grace before and after meals?" No reply. Teacher: "Come, come; surely one of youhne answer m -1 Tell can me what graceis?" Still no answer. Teacher: "This is really terrible! Now, Jenkins, tell me what your father' dors after a meal?" Johnny: "Please, miss, he rubs his waistcoat." Tenrher: "That is not what 1 meant. 1 want to know what he says?" Johnny: "Plc -ase, miss, he says, Ha! hal Richard is !l sself again.'" "Good -night," he whispercrt, passion- ately, at the front door; "good -night, good -night, good -night„ goo—" "Ex- cuse me." said an elderly boss voice over the baluster, "but It's been good - morning for the last two hours. I thought you'd like to know." "Salada" Ceylon Tea can now be had everywhere and within the tench of every person as it can be purchnsed in Gold label at 60c. per lb., lied label of 50c., Blue label at 40c., Green label at 30c., and Brown label at 25c per Ib., all equally pure lea, but. of course. the cheaper grades are not as fine flavored, not being grown at as high an elevation as the expensive teas. The latter are produced at an elevation of 6,000 feet above the sea level. "He soy's his wife is largely respon- sible for his business success," "Well, she has certainly mnde it absolutely necessary for him to Care more money.'' Whet should be ForgottenP Everything that etas. What,h,u.d not oe f lrg.dtear •• 1he it a t." M.nthul ►'latera : a p.ative cure for mu.ew lar rbsusatiam sad ueera.gta. "But what reason have you for think- ing women have no nim in life?" "Well, I've seen several of them try to throw stones." "Hy ,Medicine Life May be Prolong- ed.'•—So wrote Mhakespeare nearly three hundred years ago. It le so to -day. Medicine will prolong Ifie, but be sure of the qualities of the medicine. Life is prolonged try keeping the body free from disease. Lr. '1 honors' F:clectncc til used internally will cure rouges and colds, 'ruin:ate asthma, overcome croup and glvc strength to the respiratory organs. Lave it a trial. e- 's '1►e new IrIMee. Close - keep V.c. "1 w1r�. 8 keep has got must be a jewel." Mrs. Young: "Why, she complains about tier more than she did about any of her others." "Of course. She wants us all to think that the girl isn't worth entic- ing away." How Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets Give Instant Itetel.—They're bandy to carry—take one after eating ---or when- ever you feel atoinacli distress coming on—sufferers have proved it the only remedy known that will give instant re- lief and permanent cure—no long tedl- ous treatments with questionable re- sulls---best for all sorts of stomach trod - Ides. 35 cents. -116 "Oh, Mrs, Rinks." said n lodger to his landlady one day, "i wish you could give me a change for breakfast, as 1 get re ther tired of n boiled egg every day ." "Certainly, sir, 1 will do as you ask with pleasure." Next morning he wns serve) with two toiled eggs! The man with a dimple In his chin can see no beauty its whiskers. Only n very lazy n n is ah•nkl to emit money because It may be tainted. 11 you are n euflerer from collie get • bottle of lllekle'a Antl-Consumpttve tsyrup and test ire qualities. it will 1"s found that no I.rals1 bestowed nn e It la too high. It 411)014 all that claimed for it. and dues It thoroughly Do not take any eubetitute for }tickle'," Syrup. because 15 le the tree!, having stood the test of yearn. A 1I the best deakre sell it. They hnd not been married ver'g long, and that complete blissful trust which young husbands and wives have In each other had not yet been broken. ilut one morning wifle meekly remarked: --'l mended the hole In ynur trousers pock -et last night aft..• eau hall gorse to pkv!, John, icor. eyrie, ern 1 not thouglhtfel little wife?'' Husband (dubiously): \\ ell --er--ye.es. you are thoughtful enough. my dear. ilut how the miw'hief did you discover there was a hole in my pocket?" An old farmer went in a cattle shim to exhibit a favorite cow, for which he had high hopes of winning first prize. On learning the result, and that his cote ha.l been placed fifth. iris anger knew no (sounds, 011(1 rushing into the ring he attacked (11.' judges. "\\ by Is 111y cot net first? \\'hat are her (nulls I'd 1,k.: to know?" At this point one of the jlxlges np•proached hien Anel answered . 7,1:17,1.,,,) my gtxld man. ver.' eoniewhat alta. She lacks good breed- ings" C5 � REWARD Min �7 r be p.ud to any per.on who proves that Sunlight Soap cent.una one lnjuri."es chrmir=.ls or any form et adulteration. Sunlight Soap is a perfect cleaner and will not injure anything. Best for all household pur- poses, Sunlight Soap's super- iority is most conspicuous in the washing of clothes. Common soaps destroy the painted or varnished surfaces of woodwork and take the color out of clothes. Even the daintiest linen or lace, or the most delicate colors may be safely washed with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow direc- tions). Equally good with hard or soft water. Your money refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you find any cause for complaint. Lever brothers Limned. Tercet* e Sl 1 "Ile's very rich, but very unhappy.'' "Wealth doesn't always bring happi- ness." "Still, if one is going to be tun - happy, It is better to be unhappy with money than without it." Like. bed habit a Attu ammo: grows. Rerofa- (ome humor eczema .u4 au eluytions may 4* bwithsylolWrod internally y Weeer's N. At 1)ug "Sure. 1 hear you're a linppy father, Pat." '"Thin yez haven't heard but half av it. I'm two ay thirn. Ute twins!" tr—When, through h deblll- nDelay n Not 6 ads ::or a Its toted digestive organa, poi way into the blood, the prime consider - alloy' Ie to get the poison out we rapid- ly and ne thoroughly an poeslble. 1►.. lay may mean disaster. Perinele.'s Vegetable fills will be found a roost valuable and effective medicine to as- sail the intruder with. They never fell. They go at once to the sent of the trouble and work a permanent euro. She (delightedly): "Papa says it we want to get married hell pay lutlf tite expenses of furnishing a house for us." Ile (despondently): "Bal who would pay the other half?" Too Many People Dolly With Catarrh. --11 strikes one like a Thunder -clap, de- velops with a rapidity that no other die - Case Joos. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow- der is the radical, quick, safe and piens- ant cure that the disease demands. Use the means, prevent its deep seating and years of distress. Don't dally with (:atnr'ti. Agnew's gives relief in len minutes. 50 cents. -97 Cassidy—""My! 0! my, but 'tis nature( he looks." Casey --"Aye, shun: he looks fur nil the world lolkc a lotve nein layin' there dead." Prevent disorder —At the (fret syntp• tees of Internal disorder. Parmelee's Vegetable fills should he resorted to Immeetately Two or three of thesis ealutnry 1.cllete, taken before going to bed. followed by doses of one or two pills for two or three In succew Bion, will serve •s n preventive of at- tache of rtv,pepela and nil the diseron- forte wl ', follow In the train of that fell disorder. The means are elu.yle when tiio way is known. Mr. Tvnlid: "1 asked your father for his consent over the telephone." \lisp Chnnee: "\Vhnt did he say?" Mr. Ty. mid: "Ile said: '1 don't know who you are, but it's all right!'" • 1 1)()1)1) Our Honest Belief if Mat we have brought 4 313..ni. As near PERFECTION as modern methods and materials will permit. BLUE ItIHRo% Tea has a DISTINCT INDIVIDUALITY that lifts 1t above t:t0 baa CC)MPAIUSON milli other brands. TRY TIIE RED LABEL. LANDSat In Western Canada►e, a ldr2 Saskatchewan, only s tails trove two railways, C.P.S. A O.T.P. Strung soil, 90 per cent. plough land, apriax c so slunk& Ab tut to &lei N.K. of la lian Bead. 14i.s tkM per LIMM Writ* fur se tp and fell partiestara R PAR •ONS, ei Wellesley Street, Tweed*, Canada. "Oshawa" Steel Shingles Wind, Water, Storm, and Fire ProOi• Looked on Four Mee Made from Painted or Galvanized steel, at Prires varying from VAS to is .l0 per hundred square_ feet covering measure. This is the moat desirable cov- ering on the market, and is an ideal covering for ih,uses. Barns, Stores. Ele- vators, Churches. etc. Any handy roan can lay the "OSHAWA" shing;ea. A !dimmer and snips tit •e the only tools required.uired. We are the largest and oldest company of the kind under the British flag, and have covered thousands .,t the best buildings throughout Canada, making them FIRE, WATER AND LIGHTNING -PROOF We also maunfaclure Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conductor Plpo and SAVE TiROUGHI Etc. METAL SHINGLES, In Imitation of brick or stone. METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 14F1 and free samples of "OSi!AWA" Shingles. Write to -defy. T$>F] pX7DTa IP' NICS X.13. .tutee L, Q.S, S'TAWA, INT. TORONTO eft.. LSMetN. rilT, WWNIP[a. YANMOUY[R, P.C. 707 "NM lit 423 EY•••[ .t. 11 Oet.ern. St 5 Pasta, St. 70 L•+nbari It. 010 P..dO, SL elute Touts N5ARIST Orrice. Oshawa, Ont., Canada Head Office and Worsts. Philanthropist—My poor man, you are in trouble, 1 see. \Vhy do you wring your hands? Hobo --1 just wushed 'eni. itching Piles.—Dr. Agnew's Ointment 1s proof against the torments of itching Piles. Thousands of testimonials "f cures affected by its use. No case too aggravating or ton long standing for it to soothe, comfort and cure. It cures iu from 3 to 6 nights. 35 cents. -95 Young 'Un: "I've had five thousand left me by at uncle who's never seen roe." Old 'Un: 'Thal explains ill" There fn nothing equal to Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator for de- stroyingof straying worms. No article iis kind has given such satisfaction. "What makes you imagine your hus- band would make a successful writer of fiction?" "The stories he tells me." "A Greve yard Cush" is the cry of gartered Wag. for t.e.cy. Clive teem An'n'e Lung rlai+are- whicb 1 ued with good effect eve* 1a coarwmp- Buser misty •14(54 1lo--1 am told he has more money than he knows what 10 do with. She -- Das he really? Such ignor'an't must be bliss. toil1Edt (map le better thea eller seeps, but le best when teed in tie Sealigkt way. lay gaslight ley ant follow Iiloeti es. "A man can be almost anything he's a mind to be," remarked \\'iseninn. "Ys; In his mind!" murmured Synnick. lnnlluw•y'n Corn (lure ie the medicine to remove •Ii kinds of corns and warts, nod only costs the small such of twen- ty -ave cents. "11d1o. Jack!" called tail little 1101 ry, "is Trenrny in the house?" "Course ae is. Don't you see his shirt on the lice:"' Mer'eep �Ire. Needed in tbm blood of pale, run rut It tbe... At "Vern/vies," general tu eA besttonic. ilii ggieta` Teacher: "Johnny, you may give ine a definition of 'hypuc•risy.' ' It s when u boy says he loves his teacher!" Warrior Woe.. --Through dnnip, cold and exposure ninny a native soldier Mao left his native hearth as "fit" as (nun e0111(1 he to fight for country's hon• er, has been "invalided home" because of the vulture of the battle ground •— liheinnatisrn. South American Mete mate Cure will absolutely cure every case of Rheumatism in exislcnee. Relief in six hours. --98 MONS MEAT AND MILK FOR POULTRY. Lark of animal food is the weak point with the average poultry ration. The feeder is apt to use scraps of fresh meat as if it were a kind of relish and not as an important part of the fused, as his own ration of beef steak. Results e,1 recent t:sts at experiment s►atione favor the use for the first few weeks of A ration in which sixty per cent. of the flesh ferning food or protein c111110 from animal food. Growth wns more iapid. awl equal gr'ow'th nla'te from lees rod vel n Lower cost than other rations Buy- ing twenty, thirty or folly per cent. of animal pnitein. After the fled few* weeks, it was found toflttilde to in- crease the proportion of grnin. These concelslon' are in agreement with corn - teem sense, AS the young of all birds In the wild sit& feed largely upon Insecta. '1111.; PEOPLE s'l ABED. Mem. Sp cntle eih (tile possessor of new Wont) costume) -"Did you notice how people stated tit us lost evening!" Ilusband (meekly)--"Y-es; 1 made m tnistnke and had mended my nM dr•e, cont with white thread!" "De yoil belleve the 41 mer 's nn lance like hung ?" .. . "(StI etpnit sr•ying, "net %%heti" by On SALE—Best, cheapest and nicest located stock farm In the United Stales: tins a beautiful water fent. and contains 800 acres. SAMUEL P. WOOD- COCK, Salisbury, Md. CLEANING411 t LADIES e • e SUITS Uta be den• p•rfsetlr by ow Pru.ak Proem Try r SRITNIN AMERICAN STEINS MO, •OMlaUAls TONOMTU. OTTAWA a QVZBCO RHEUMATISM in any form and cold Po rv lrla[ t e et Pu+ 1 1v I cured wibu 8Uda r, byour uaw,T Pateuto� MytuetIc ul.os or moley plvny4y lefu.,ded. Ma,.ed gap* hero Ip1.t .W,itt r de,c.iptive book,•t. Agent• warted. MAONKT1C RaaU. MA7'1r1M I:UKK CO., a terbrouk•, Qu•o.c, eau tda OMENA(+11+0♦i0F0:401 Cl FARMERS! Tbt• 1. the season of the year when you /wed to use every precaution with year stock. fly the use of our TOCK TONIC and other remedies you flare the beat e Valuable Advice Free 6 UM It and Cocos' your own veterinary a guarantee of health to your et•rrk. sarg•on. BINARY eKaIALTT 00. land./ 1'1N TET[ . 855 DUNDAS ST., TORONTO, ONI'. +o+o+01ol0+a+os f:ENDE♦ Farmers Wanted as Land Agents. Farmers wanted all over Canada as agents for \Vi'stern Canada lands; all ;elected land; liberal commission. Ad- dress "Tartu Lands," P. 0 Box 522, Winnipeg, Man. WONDERFUL F.NDURANCE. "There's one thing I will say," remark. ivl Mr. Curnrox, "and that Is that my daughter Arabella i►as a line disposi- tion r "Indeed?" "Yes, sir. The way she con sit for hours listening to herself ploy on the piano shows remarkable self-cvntrolr Faith Ye. eu.ot be especsed to Gave laid% i• Lmig Too .gas as Gumucio. , isasrl.1 &sum o1 the air p. e�Clove Not tried it. We Lamlaitlt in R and we imra.ete it. H i1 slaew't are you it code Zea awLi.s. if it does it ems you 254 71w • fay. Try it to -Jay. Shiloh hoe r=od ninny *wounds el the Eked obstinate cases, and we do met hesitate Se wry that it will cure any Colo, Cash, Throat or Lung trouble. H we a,d d believe this we would sot guarantee it. Eli/oh has haul as unbroken record el mom Ise thirty rears. It Ems steel tray potable tat witho.l Wore. Further Proof is lama in the minty tssi.eni•b of those wis, hove tried 341&6 led been cored, Mo Ardis Taylor. Amish. Pa.. wries t— "I took, •1444, .1 't ('...ver+a Coe ad "mil M wry Ie1 lweetwo (Wow. ••I they 144 • Murillo 1 sa+e urea no term e•o eras 1 ■t w Ir wlll.a�mns • 91.401.91.401.t. We gm* w w w.o in Mao+ a Ie M rili :.ley keep it In the SHILOH k. wit+ to Ildr;r<e1 lMO, t1r-