HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-02-15, Page 1906.-1907utter .We have jubt corrected our label Iioots. Does your label road 1906 aa n07t If it ,,hould and does cot /Me in and we will help right it. ICttend to the matter now. HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE' The Auction Sale Season Still Here \Ve print your bills hronl tly as give you a free ad in our Bale rests. ter columns which is worth whae you pay for your Mlle alone. THIRTY-THIRD YEAR -NO! 1684 EXETER, JNT., CANADA. THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 15th! 1906, JOHN WHITE & SONS -'� 3Big Special For the Next 2 Weeks. 1 3 Specials 3 Specials 4L-EARING SALE OF WRAPPERETTES-All lines worth 121c., now 11 yards for $1 00 Odd lines in Men's Underwear, worth in the regular way from 60c to $1. Your Choice for 500. SHILDRENS JACKETS -In Ulsters and Reefers, to clear at half price. Come in Nod see our new stock of Ladies' Collar and Belts, also our New Dress Trimmings in Sequin, Persian Effects and Strappings. A nice assortment of Ladies Silk Blouses in 'cream and black. These are new styles and fit perfe3tly. Our stock of Art Sateens for Comforters, Cushions. 'etc., comprises the very choic3st in patterns and colorings, JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing NO LODGE BENEFITS? Are equal to those of a Sick - DIVISION COURT Division Court was tieid in the town hall on Tuesday fast, Judge Holt presiding. The docket teas small, with only two contested cases. toss Policy from The curet case MOB an interpleader suit. The Western Jewelry Company of London. 'had seized some goods, the property of D. liartkib, ea► exe- cution. Jonas ITarticib, father of I). llartkib, claimed ho was entitled to the goods under a chattel mortgage, .Accident & Surety Company but at the trial abandoned the goods. Judgment was given; against his claim with costs. Gl:ed►nan & Stan - bury for the Western Jewelry Co., and 'Dickson & Chrling for Hartleib. The other case was Jacques vs. Pidd. in vhic)► the former was gluing for balance of wages duo. The Judge ruled that ns the amount sujd for was beyond the jurisdiction of the court )w could not tyr the case. '�j A Canadian Comern. The parte. eftereards got together W. JOHNS, and the a'ffai�r was settled. Gladman p*� & Stanbury for pLoiatitf and W. fluenti, Exeter. Macdiurmid for defendant. THE EMPIRE "Weekly Indemnity costs less and lasts longer. Coward & Bloomfield's Winchelsea, Ontario. ARE SHOWING 45 pairs of Misses' and Boys' Shoes, regular $1.15 up for j$c per pair Also their first consignment of new spring goods among which you find high•class English Prints of beautiful patterns in all the best colors, every piece guaranteed to hold its color iri the washing, ;price 12 ;; c per yd. Ncw highclassed English Gingharns and Chambrays in plain pinks and blues, also checks in navy and white and black and white, .price 15c per yd. New English Foiler, in four leading shades, Ox Blood, Navy, .Oxford Grey and Grass Green. Price 15c per yd. New Rock Fast Drills, colors cannot be washed out, these are the right thing for shirts and boys blouses, 3 patterns to choose from, our price 16c per yd. Ncw Cream and White Flannelette at old prices in spite Of the heavy advances in all lines of cotton goods. The prices paid here far produce is as good as were ever paid we pay cash when you don't need goods. COWARD a PLOOFIRLR PRODUCE TAKEN AS CASH. EXETER COUNCIL The council met for their regular meeting last Monday evening. All the members were present. After the minutes were read and approved the first item of :nosiness taken up w.as the auditors' ►cport and after it 'hod been thoroughly looked into a notion for its adoption was moved and carried. The auditors, on being asked if they had any remarks to make, mentioned the sidewalk debt as growing rapidly during the past few years. Com mlinioaiions were t'o'ld from Mr. II. Either, Crediton, in connec- tion with the petition sent him ask- ing him to use his iifluencc in hav- ing section 606 of the Ontario stat- utes 'pistoled. Communications from tile Muni- cipal Journal, Montreal, and from the Wood Gundy Co., Toronto. ask- ing if the Council would hove any debentures on sale this year, were road and filed. Mr. Goo. Ford addressed the coun- oil stating that there was :1.72 due !him on last year's account for gra- vel. His :account as sent In was half a cord short. This account was or- dered paid. A BIG ASSORTMENT OF SOAPS Accounts from the Quern City Oil at llowey's Drug Store ,ranging in Co. 'for $67.6.2, tied Harvey Bros., price from 5 to 35 cents a e -eke for wood, $2:3 were laid over. the genuine Castile by the Ib. or bar. The following nccounts were pass - coal for N. End Fire hall, $7.20; W. T. Acheson. mattresses, $.3; P. O. 13. box, $1; G. Cudrnore, $3; T. Creeoh, $1; J. Gillespie, 25c: Wm. Brimacombe $2.50: Jas. Howard, er- ror in account, $3.25;.J. Blatchford, wood, $5: Wm. Ford, salary for Jan., $27.00; C. Snell. account for light, $95.16: W. D. Weekes, auditor, $12; C. S1iell, sr., auditor. $12. Reeve nobler stated that a repre- sentative, whose none was to be with held, desired to meet the coun- cil on Thursday with a view of lo- cating here. for the manufacture of 4Utornolides. DON'T FORGET TIIF. ORIENTAL Councillor Puke stated that he had e.nterta.itiment on Monday eveniag• been asked by .Mr. \Valuer oT Exeter Recommended (highly by the Toronto north, it be might use a blind:street, Mail & Empire, Toronto Globe, Mon - the street now not beeng used and oral Doily Star ane other leading which divided his property. Council- Canadian newspapers. for Crecct said he was in the. same fix as Mr. \Valpc.r. After further discussion the matter was dropped. Mr. C .Snell addressed the council stating that she had been asked by n number ot !ratepayers to ask the council to put a light at Carling's corner, ,oars block west of the Man- sion 'house. Mr Snell was told that .a petition signed by a sufficient number of ratepayers would have to be presented before the council would do anything in 'the matter. Mr. Snell also stated that the meter he had ordered, to bo used ,•n connec- tion with the water +supply from the town, had !tot yet arrived, and un- til it did he would expect water to be etupplaerl to him as ot was at pre- sent. Counoiltor •Fuke noticed in the papers that the Canada Flax Co. were desirous of locating someehere and thought it would be n good trt,o%e if we rould ,get then, td looate here. The duties ns moped out for In- spector Wiesen for the year brought torch considerable discussion. Mr. llissett ntotified the council that he %would hold the council Diable if in the performance of his duties in fumigating 'tie tontr:acted a &sense. It was finally 1eoired that the In- spector do all the Kumigeting and in the case of any serious oontegious disease tJiat he consult the reeve :and medicalhealth officer. LOCALS WANTED! - APPRENTICES TO learn & Clark. MISS LEILA GOULD, IENTER- tained a number of her friends last (Wednesday) evening. MRS. WM. \VILSON LEFT FRI- day nearning for Petrolee, where she intends to reside, MR, THOMAS TAPP, Wl1O Vis- itcd Thomas Oke, at Kingsville. re- turned borne Monday night. A \ CNI3'rt PROM Mi !TER AT - tended the sxiurl function held nt Thornton I3aker's Last Friday night. TIIE MISSES HUSTON ENTEIt- tained a number of young temple to a valentine. party on }Wednesday. evening. MR. JAMES IIA\VDEN. OF CIIAT- ham, was called to This honk here on .account of bhe death of hes another. Mrs. Wm. Bawden . COAL! JUST RECEIVED ANOTii- er shipment of the best Lehigh Val - coal, nut, stove and furnace. Same old ,,rices. -H. Parsons. MR. AND MRS. THOMAS DAY - man entertained 'a number of friends Thursday night of last (week Among the guests were several from lirppen. IF YOU WANT TO IIEAR THF. most instructive and educative en- tertainment of the sttason conte to the opera house next Monday even- ing. GUARD YOURSELF AGAINST this changeable weather by keeping a box of llowey's Curren -Cold oapl- sutes 'handy. Only 25e. a box. Ilow- ey's Drug Store . MR. J. A. GREGORY, WHO 1iAS been visiting this parents here dur- ing the past two months, left for London on Monday night to visit friends, prior to leaving for this home at Battleford, Sask. DR. OVENS EYE AND EAR SUlt. goon, will bo at the Commercial Ilotel the first Friday of each month. Hours. 9.30 it. nt. to 4.30 .p. -rn, Glass- es properly fitted and diseises of eye, ear and mese treated. Next Visit Friday, March 9th. DEATII OI' MRS WM. 13A1VDF.N- Death on Tuesday morning, Feb. 13, 1900, •neheved Mrs. Wnt. 13awtkn from the sufferings she so patiently endured for the past 15 years. Fif- teen years ogre Mrs. Ilawdear was stricken with partial parilysis and since that tion! Lad been afflicted with four similar attacks. The last one, ui'ch carne last Saturday night affected the brain rendering her unconscious, in which condition she remained until (teeth overtook her. Although practically an invalid dor n number of years the deceased -was of sI (11((1fu1 diseosit!on and looked totem 'her :a,il neat phi to sphiIca1ly. The sorrowing husband olid every- thing possible in securing mediae! as- sistainee to alleviate 'her sufferings, but when strkken on Saturday no (topes were entertained for Jter life. .Mrs. Ba\t'dC1114 nebide.n none iv -as Ent - Council adjourned to meet Mon - fly Shaw, and was barn in therounty day, Wroth 5th . of Grey 50 years .Ngo. About 28 years ago she was married to Adam CURLING Cook, of Clinton, with whom •she lived 'happily foe about three years wlitn death :ntervencd .and ola'rmed Mr. Cook. One son taus the result of this ration, Mr .A. Cook, olt Hen - sail, else survives. About ''22 yesrs ago she at is nt erre^d to Mr. \Van. Bookie or 1:\•;e.r. Teo telethon survive trout this union, •y. G. 'ef Densall end .lathes, of Chat hath. The (umbel trill take place tram her late residence to -tidy, Thursday, at two e. an., interment being in the Exeter cemetery. The many friends deeply sympathize tI 111e 111e family in t his t,hcit red le.; e taermine It may scent strange to you co 3 (111 may fool as though (you had been reading "dippy" stooks, when you learn Exeter 'has a curling club. Such is the case, and if fete 13awilen c in only induce the wellies!. man to make the ice hang out a month longer the Exeter toum will show teams thereabouts that they are some shucks at playing tvith the "stances." They Ivautcd a game with some out- side leant and didn't propos` to tackle any smelt fly, ea a challenge was issued to 1Ito Irens`1ll players, t19e.a almost cleaned up everything iu Western Ontario nt St. Thomas a couple weeks ago. Tete g erne at .1s scheduled for last Monday ,not eleven of our sten went up. In the after - Mon two games acro 'played a.n.1 un tie' evcneng n sinel.ir number was finished. following no, 1114 -^ores, only the mantes of the skips being given Aftrtcoon Exeter llrn.all J. Muir, 11 1'. Nni:tll.toenibe, 15 1i. lltt'ton 6 ('. McDonnell 15 E*r11ing J. Grieves 6 lt. ILitithron 11 G. Anderson, 1.1 T. ;Bustle 11 The Exeter players ore highly plea (4I over tate 1rent►nent accorded then,, and very touch desivr a re' turn ma toll herr, sr, that the friendly feeling existing bs'tttren the tee clubs well be more firmly welded. S('itOOl, 11EI'OitT Th efollowing is the sehnol report of 8. S. No. 6, i'sborne for the month of January. Names are in or der of merit. Elford, Al• mcn.e Ile yywood. Ede in Gardiner. Sr. IV-Othella Heywood, Clerencc Flet - eher, Lille Heywood. .1r. IV. -A1111.1 Johns, Vird.t Rerryhill, Nell! Ilea - wood and Ella Ilcywortrt, elute Sr. 111.-F.II t \Va,hburn, Ray ('(etcher, Annie \Vilenn. Jr. IIT, -Minnie '1'o• hot. Lillis Godb-,it, l'ca.r! Gate. Sr. 11. -Arnold Clarke. Jennie Campbell, John frock. ,1r. ir.-- Pimm 1 prey• wand. Pt. 11. -Mildred ill's ' afield. Pt. 1. tar. -Inez Creery, (toy Gould- ing. Pt. I Jr. -May Clarke, Burges. Bloomfield. Ir. McDOiJGAT.1,, WINONA HOWARD, Tcaeltrrs, 1. LET'S ALT. IiET.l' Let everybody put their should.•rs to this .and push it along. it in years since Exeter !leo lard a 21th of (tiny 'celebrities,, no mite seemingly Tieing IICAirous of Meng burdened with he rcs(xtnsihilitit' NC 11 :I IA' nle'.s,ry in girt tinr MI) n g'od eel- rbrati:rn for that day. 'this year, if nrettere can be arranged, it is the Intention of the Steell et and 1'shorne Ate:endued 1t,cicty to 1 eke hold 01 the matter and get up a monster celebration, the proceeds to go to- wards paying off the inikbtedness of the society incurred in building 'id- dilirtns to the exhibition 11111 end erecting new fences, rte. The socie- ty has beet' giving cxhibitiotts here for almost fed( a century and have ala.►ys been I'veral iu giving prize money. The ti -t of building opera- tions of last ye.. were gte:ttly in ex- eess of the gate t •ecipts :Ind :t cete- bratioon was proposed, with a view of wiping out rI portion, if not nal the debt. The society is d''serving of earnest support and as tate to)1 n'hips of Stephen rind 1"sborne, ns well as Exeter will bre interested, there is '.o doubt but t h et a celebration quid be given on the 24th oil May. e heth would greatly excel any pre- %ious one held here. A meeting is to Ir. relied shortly to formulate defi- n rte piens t•t It Welt everybody will b' invited. TIC. le a 1 !Li We felons 1111 •1.111111 teceivn batty support. oar . Its Ilod Yoe Ass MaNM • 1 • Nesse *ate HOCKEY. A teatn of Hockey players rout to llonsall last Thursday night to try conclusions with the tailondets in the O. 11. A .and wore defeated by a score of -well we ere unable to say. After the liensall boys had scored a dozen or two goals, and tato score card was filled the game was called. On :account of the Exeter players not being in the pink of condition, it Iras deoided to record the score 3 to 2 in favor of Ilcnsall, The lineup: EXi;T1',I3 .11ENSALL Bissett goal Ilatvdeti Point 13atrden Gillespie Cover point Cameron Southcott rover Hogarth Ileywood left ftueliennan Welters right G. Blackall Knight -Ford cy atm Glenn Blackall MR. .1OI1N CI'DMORE, OF CitY- stal ('ity, Min., who visited relatives )tyre for the i, t hyo mon( he re- turned honor on Friday. ()entity \%.liden !lug It Spack111an returned Prickly loom Toronto where be end I)r. Iforilrnes, orf Godere'h, act- ing tor the House of Refuge Com- mittee weital upon the Legieleture with a view of having it ctt.tet :1 measure' plating boxers of fleeter' up- on the same basis os asylums. Mr. Stockman ways thei rpro(osition was beaked upon with favor, end he had (ropes that at this session it will loss the demi roil bill. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. lb Kind You Nara Ahosps Bought Bears the Signature of ROBERT E. PICKARD, Eu EiT,ER. General Selling Agent. for C. P. R. Lands. Our Prices have not been Advanced since Last Spring Now is the time to purchase and get the benefit of the big jump in prices wh• ich we ekpect shortly. We have some beautiful selected sections on our iiet, 027.00 down secures you a good half section. (321) acres.) 26 Improved and unimproved farms in one of the best sections in the Northwest at from 510 per acre, upwards. All these conveniently situated to Railway Stations. We want a number of good leen to work on farms in the west during the coming season. R. E. PICKARD, General Selling Agent for C. P. R. Lands. Office at RPsidence, Exeter, Ont. BIG Reductions in Furniture Having purchased the stock of W. C. Huston and in order to reduce the same before removing it to our warerooms we will offer for the next two weeks, the entire stock of furniture, comprising Kitchen, Diningroom, Bedroom, Drawingroom and Hall Furniture. Also many odd pieces and rockers at a great reduction. Call and see the many bargains we are offering ROWE & ATKINSON Furniture Dealers and Funeral directors, Exeter, Ontario. THE FACE AND HIANDS require more care during the winter. Hard winds and frosty air stake the use of some healer absolutely neces- ary. All the well-known preparations for the skin are to be found in our stock ot toilet articles. Howey's Creast of Roses specially recommended for chapped hands. face, lips, etc., excellent for gentlemen after shaving. Only 25c. a bottle. W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B. Chemist and Optician, Phone 50. EXETER, ONTARIO. E. ELLIOTT & CO. North-west Land Agents' Selected Wild and improved Lands FOR BALE In some of the hest parte of the NORTH WRST it will be worth your while seeing us before purchasing. We give purchasers until first of June to select their lands. Office opposite Central Hotel EXETER, ONTARIO. Western Real Estate Exchange, Limited. 78 Dundas St., London Have you a farm that you want to oellf Write for our terms of sel- ling ere/torte.. We have the most complete method of advertiaine end selling property in Canada. ho you want to buy a farm or businsiew property in any part of Ontario, Send for our lett. We have some ba r ea ins, 1 GRAND TRUNK Railway System WINTER RESORTS IN FEBRIUARY Oalifornia, Mexico, Fit tide, Cuba, offer attractions dif- ficult to find ivt any other part of the frond. Deli.;ht ful, restful, 'health testes•:n3 climate, luxurious hotel. ILOUNI) TRIP TOURIST TICKSTS AItE ON SALE DAILY TO ALI. SOUTHERN RESORTS The Mount Clemens Mi.•,- etnl ltatlis, ;and St. Cathar • ,ries Mineral sprints, F:1u.atc'l on our direct Line, aro ecce• [Mated for their cure ire waters. Try it. For tickets and full in- formation call on J. J. KNIGiIT, Depot Aeret J. d). M.cDONALD, If:rttirt i' a seen tc r A gent , Toron t o- N••••••NN••••NNN•••O Don't Miss This 6han66 Special Heater Prices for Feb- ruary Cold Snap. 'The Profit is yours We need the room and money. 2 Garland Double Heaters with oven reg. $32.00 for $20.90 1 Jewel Double Heater with oven reg. $32.00 for $•ai.AO 1 Souvenir Double Heater with oven reg. $34.00 for $29.00 1 Double Heater with oven second hand for $20.00 A 60()0 BARGAIN 1 Heater Second Mand a 13ig Snap at $9.00 1 Volcano plot Blast, any kind of fuel, reg. $14.50 for $12.00 1 only Oak, for any kind of fuel, reg, $14,00 for $13.00 2 only Oaks, for any kind of fuel, reg. $11.50 for $10.00 IIbitMANS ARDWARE a - e sig..