HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-02-08, Page 8sTEwARTys ftBRUflRY VVH1T[ WE#IR 5L,Lflati.in ' Having received a full range of Ladies' Whitewear, bought direct front the manufacturers. Here are a few special tines. 9c For Etegecnt Night Gown of Cambric, square shaped neck. yokes form- ed with strips ..f Neinsook and rows of insertion, ruffle of embroidery ound neck and sleeper,. length 51, 56 and 58 inches. OOIeor a Swell Night Gown n( Fine Cautbric, high neck, yoke formed of tiny tucks and lace insertion.., lace ruffle around neck down the nt and on sleeves, full size, length 58, 56 and 60 inches. I2 CFor a Stylish Night Gown of Fine Cambric. square neck, yoke form- s ed of lace insertion, fine tucking. cambric insertion and lace ruffle, lace ruffle on neck and sleeve', full size. length 56, 58 and 00 inches, A bar- gain for $1.23. 35cLadres' Drawers of Cambric, deep camht is ruffle with two tucks edged with lace, sizes 23, 25 and 27. 65cLylies' Drawers of Fine Cambric, deep Nainsook ruffle, with five fine tucks edged with lace, double hand, sizes Z3, 25 and 27. 350A Special Corset, Cover of Nainsook, F. ench style, open neck, V-shaped in front, trimmed with lace, III size 32 to 44. 45cA Winner Corset Cover of Fine teainsook, Dorothy low neck, Vandykeng of embroider front of embroidery, with edging from 32 to 41. y to match, all sizes 5 1 ,A Natty Corset Cover of Special Neinsook, French style, two rows of lace insertion down front, low neck, trimmed with lace and washable ribbon and bow9 on neck and arm, all sizes from 32 to 44. $I .151Ladies Underskirts of Can',rfc, deep embroidery ruffle, with three I figure 8 tucks in body, all lengths, $I 39Fa hionabJe Underskirt of Fine Cambric, deep Naineook rutile edged • with wide Clttny lace, Elva fine tucks above with duet ru e Length. >$ , any $I 95ForStyslish aUnderakj,t of Fine Cambric, deep umbrella flounce of to match and [dust ruffle, ani /length lace insertion and lace frills at bottom FD rich tel giving tat special 20° M tow/ days term. 'L'HE EXETER 'TIMES, FEBRUARY 8th, 1906. Mlt. IIOIIT. eleF ALLS IS ON 'I'i11� sick List list. MISS M. 1IUIlt VISITEL1 FRI- ends in London last week. :lit. FRED PFNIIALE VISITED in Forest during the Vitt week. SI ISS MARY 13ERTRAND. OF Crediton is visiting Mrs. Wm. Kuntz MR. DAN PRIOR, OF CLINTON. visited his brother Tho.n,:s I'rior, err Tuesd;ly. Mit. CI/AS. BRAY, OF IIAR- graves, Men., is visiting friends in toren. MESS i'EARL LEVITT, OF Grand /lend, visited friends in town last weak. TILEIRE WILL I3E A TOTAL. eclipse: of ,the moon to-urorrow (Fri- day) night. MISS LEWIS •ENTERTAINED A number of her friends Wednesday evening. J. C. BELL, OF LONDON, VISIT - ed friends in London and Winohclseu on Thursday last. MR. L. YOUNG, OF WI\GIIAM;, visited at t Ire home of James ll1ucray during the: past week. Ir' A MAN WANTS TO GET Mel- ee( talked .ab;,ut lea should either nteurry •;lr riie suddenly. WIIY EXPERIMENT, WHEN Cole's Cough Cure is guaranteed to cure your cough. SOME OF THE TOWN TIIER- mometers registered r,'0 below zero on T'u^sday tnorru.ng. MRS. A. Q. BOWER, WHO WAS visiting friends in Toronto, returned home Monday night. "M188 EDITH SANDERS 11F,TURN. cd home Saturday after a weeks' visit with drie.nds in Clinton. ; „TOR TODD, OF THE GODE- Star was in town, Tuesday at- ing the L. 0. L. meriting. It. II. 8. O'NEIL ARRIVED IN a Tuesday and rcauained a coupict , looking after business neat - We are Caps, Gauntlets, Lad i.'s Jackets, Mu ff and all , Fur Coats, Capes and Caperinc .,. Ruffs, Lined What is as Oood as Oo' : ? Farmer's Produce. We want all we can $et s- .A. SZ►E -AR.T What Shall It be? That's the question that is asked over and over again when their is a present to be chosen for a bride. Most people agree that it should come from a jewelry store, because somehow jewelry and presents are always associated. If those interested only knew it, we could relieve them 0f their uncertainty in a few minutes. Our stock furnishes the hints It reveals in a minute more appropriate presents than anyone could sit at home and recall in a whole day. So we invite buyers and we promise to make their choosing easy and their choice satisfactory. MflR61jfIND THE JEWELLER & OPTICIAN, Eyes Tested Free, STOCK TAKIN We are offering special values in Suitings,;�,T1 Over Coatings and ; T Pantings this month inn,abl paid order 1}n tltnab.+. .._____ ions. pis Se t ur TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tueeday noon. Casual advestisemente ac'.cepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY, FEB. 8th, 1906 •NNHNN NN.*NN•N••• LOCALS•• MRS. JOHN F Ham••• antsy . JOH ntdARMER PLEAS.. an ly afternoon several friends to rxtoon 'tea Monday afternoon. Postbig grassrtment of, Valentine Coma earl at Dowey s Drug store. Y and get a big choice. MRS. A. WENDLAND, EFT Monday for London to enterL the hempen! Mare, where e go 1n operation, she will under_ 11owe3's Cream of Roses is exec/• lent for taco and hands in this f.harp frosty weather. Drug store. Only CSB. lfolrey's MR. AND MRS. THOS. TRICK OF Clinton, fah ower' Balled to Exeter owing to the serious illness and sub seg uent death of Mr. Geo. &aanwell returned to their horse on Thursday. We ve something new and dain- ty in visiting' cards and writing pa - (ere. Goll in and see ours before purchasing. Ilowwey's Drug store. W. If. KERR, EDITOR OF THE Brussels Poet, was in town Fridny of last week in the interests of the A. 0. U. W Mr. Kerr is a district officer of tdxtt order. caDon't ones forget rs rHoak-eyes Cure-a_Cold money 'refunded. ure a cold or your Sent money mail on Only ¢5c• n box, Iroweye; Drugt3 receipt of price tore, Exeter. Six WEEKS MORE OF WIN - ter, aoeording to the ground 'hog prophets, Tho suer come out long enough oh the 2nd so that the hang could see his shadow•. THE BALMY WEATUIEit EN- j03ed by us during January badly _ia::^vee o. raary ). We Were favored with an old time snowstorm, wlbich, however, w•aa not fierce enough to impede traffic. MR. II. BISSETT, OF THE MOL - son's bank liftoff, who fuss ordered to report at ArnJrerstburg for dui on Monday, received word en Fri flay that owing to the non -return of iI. E. Relater, 1,, is :^ .remain on duty Jiro. 1 MR. AND elltS. f. A. STEWART lett Thursday for New York, where they will visit for a month. They were aresetnp►•tnied ;as Lar em Hamil- ton by Mre. and Mfiss Manning, of Iiowmanville, who were their guests i here fora few weeks. IE PAST FEW WEEKS HAVE; -on lively ones for the Times staff. The illustrated special made conced- e work, but We were amply re, 113' the compliments extended to Over 500 extra Treece were wont Last week ever 150 extnt co - of the Times were ordered <tnd dao restored to chain u ho Jon rit.r o the tile, Jn,orcklrtto for Spring Goods. Suiting-, made to order for i), $to.00 and $12,00 11.:,n Over Coatings made to order for $9•oo and upwards. Panting, made to order for $2.50 and *3.00. W W. Taman 1Marcheantt Teailor, MISS RICKiIEIL, OF ZI'RI I visited at tbo home. of Hr. H. Kari/y- ew s few days Barin tb0 past wadi., Alvan (seises° Girls and flute- (klncert comLany will open a week engagement et the mouse, ThursdThey ay. Feb.Fel)R. O., ry 25 people. Entertninnrcntwjll 'r bye the first night after that a %mall admiseisin .tee a1 ill be charged. These cntertainanents ore given to re/vertex. the Irish Professor's fam- oua remedies. All 1rer.ons inf!;rteri in any way teamed not (tit to tall on the Irish Professor during Ilia Alai- here. TO CURE A COLD iN ONR DAF Take Laxative Rromo Quinine Tab- lets. ( a , Alfrrdruggists refund lb. R• W. Qrmon- ey sttlmature is on Bash box. re. MRS. A. ROBINSON, WHO HAS been visiting ,relatives twist left for her home in Lloydntinister, Alta., ides week. FOR SALE. -THE (TNDEIRSIGNED has for :•ale three colas and two colts. Anniy to II, Stntlum,'London South. MIRS. FRED .\fcDONNELL, 01? Mensal!, attended the marriage of her sister, Miss Vers Ilaw•kshall•, on Tuesday last. hilt, JOSEPH COf1BLEDICK LEFT Monday for Toronto to attend the annual meeting of the National Cem- ent Co., of Durham. Mrs, Cobble - dick accompanied him. TIIE WEATHER WE AltE IIAV- ing is a little too cold to talk about n►acadarnizing a trertion of 'Main street, as (rhe Donned intend doing this year. THERE'. IS AN ADVANTAGE IN daring the .crams miners 'postpone their strike until April 1. We'll be too busy tn:akitt' garden and settin' bons th^.n to bother about roe's. A NUMHHElt OF EXETER PEO - plc braved the cold weather and at- tended the Anniversary tot meeting held in dile Themese Road Presby- terran church, Monday cvelning last. MESSRS. I'ERCY CAN,Y AND Wes. Simmons, of Billie, Man., who have been visiting friends in. this section for the past two months, deft Tuesday night on their return to the northwest. MR. AARON C[TDMORE, OF' CRY- stal City, Man., and formerly of Exeter, :arrived in tower Tuesday last. Mr. Cudtn re .left on Wednes- day for 5doforth to purchase a 'car- load of horses, lvbich he intends tak- ing hack with him. WORD WAS RECEIVED IN EXE - ter Thursday east of the death of the wife of Mr. Louis Long, former- ly of Exeter, at Winnipeg, Manitoba, on Wednesday, Jen. 31st. Mrs. Long recently gave birth to a child, blood poisoning resulting, which caused her death. A CORONER'S JURY AT LON- don on Thur%day list rendered a verdict that the G. T. It. 'cos to bLa,nle for the death of Jut son Moore street oar conductor, who w•ns kil- led on January 25, when his (cirri Victoria, was struck by a Grand Trunk engine, THE 'WEATHER ON SATURDAY was the 'real genuine article. A stiff souand th wind around made fencesecrf snow in nere and those who cutter ride for it/ensure rema.incd at horror. Tho merchants report a dull etiturday trade, owing to the storm. THE TIMES ACKNOWLEDGES/ receipt df 0 very kind invitation from the •Exoeutive of the Iluron Old Boys' Association, of Toronto, to attend their sixth annual :at home on Friday evening. in the Tempe, Building, Toronto, Feb. 16th. These functions ,are temonget the most tiler se.Ot1I wthe-Queen City .pop- in the (ity. . TiHE REPORT 0I' 'TIE COUNTY valuators iehowe that Exeter • was nssesAed at ee.16,590 and innreared to oa$G53rel ,2to 'l'sbornc, $2,014,200 in - 2.417,500; etetsben $1,- 944,486 inrrs.avr•d to $2,738.800: flay $1,774,226 ioore wd to $2,407.000; Tuckersmith $1,923,214 increased to $2,413,300. BAN WELL, THE DEFAULTING cashier of tl,e Crown 1hnk Toronto, who W1 .1 captured in ,lamest, is tiling brought bank by w•ay of England, owing 4o the steamer from Osmics on which it w•a.a intended to bring harm, stop- ping at New York, enroute. If Ran. w•eII landed in the 17. 8. lie mould he a free man, and it would n ceseitate arresting him egren and tradition a r+ecuring ex- tradition patient. 1)EATif ON FRIDAY LA5'1' itE- tiered Gerard, the young son of Mr, and Mrs. F. W. Gkrdnran from ,his sufferiters. The mhih) front it birth won in,fceble he.elth, nod the attenrM ing i'tty.aic 11) never led At Tong hopes for an extended life for him. Never- theless Mr. and Mirq. (Ho riman with parental affection IA'atotle.l upon Ilie ehiidl ,ell the omit fort and care pos. Bible to prolong its life, but to no avail. The remains were interred in the Exeter "cemetery 'Katurdvy. The he eyed perents have the Ayrnp,tby of their many friend,. FURS MUST BE SOLD/CARLING E3208 Too many IN urs, :yes far too goods must be sold Furs that ment guaranteed. 1 only Coon Coat, lovely thick fur, dark color, a beauty worth $80.00 for $45,00, 2 only Black Calf Coats with Russian Lamb Collar, this coat will give splendid wear worth $35.00 for $22 50. 5 only Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, beautiful curl, with quilted satin lining, worth $35.00 for $73.50, 1 only Electric Sea/ Coat, with red fox collar. reveres and cuffs,satin lining size 31, worth $48,00for $40.00. 1 only American Sable Scarf, 45 Inches long, good quality, worth $15,00 for $10.75, 1 only Sable Scarf, with silk orna- ments and cords, 45 inches long. worth $13,00 for $10 00, 2 only Isabella Scarfs, pretty dark shade, newest shape, with tour tails, worth $10.00 for $8.75, many, Our whole stock of Fur STOCKmill lue you weaEcry Gar. TAJJNj O � 2 only Ladies' Fur Ruffs, American Sable, choice fur, worth 80.75 for $5.50 1 only Pretty Red Fox Baa, with large head and tail, very swell, worth $0.00 for $7.00. 1 only Silver Fox Scarf, with large head and tail, with Muff to match worth $5.00 for $3.95,each. 1 only Caperine, large collar and cape, long front, worth $15.00 for $10.75. $15 00 Caperine for $10.00 112.00 Caperine for $ 9.00 $ 5.00 Caperine for $ 3.95 Men's Felt Slippers with thick felt Boles, worth 00c for 48c. Women's Felt Shoes, all kinds, selling off at coat WOOL RUGS 3only Pretty Plaid Wool Rugs, worth $2Z for $1.75, COMF*ORTABLBS Wool Blankets, all sizes ani qualities, at lowest cut prices, Bed Comforters, made of Fine Art Sateen, worth $2.0 on sale at $1.50, other linea at $2.50 and $3.00, beauties. Flannelette Blankets, large size, pipit bordere, worth $1.25, on sale for 98c. SNELL 8z RCYWE Market Report, -The following Is the report of Exeter markets. cor- rected up to Feb. 8th. Wheat, 78 to 80 cents per bushel. Oats, 32 to 34 cents per bushel Shorts, $18 to $20 a ton. Peas, 60 to 65 cents a ouehol, I3ran, $17 per ton Flour, $2.25 per cwt. Feed Flour, $1.15 per cwt. Clover seed $5 to $6 a bus. Barley, :33c. per bushel. IIay, $7 per torr. Turkeys, 13c. per pound. Hogs, liveweight, $6.35 n clot. Hogs, dressed, $8.50 to $9 a cwt. Butter, 20c per pound. Eggs, 18c. a dozen Onions, 750. per bushel, Dried Apples, 5c. per Ib. Chicken, young., 7 Bente per Ducks, 10 cents per lb. Geese, 10 cents per lb. Gaal, $6.75 to $7. Potatoes, $1.10 n bag , MISS CHARLOTTE SWEET LEFT this week to visit friends m London and St. Catharine, TILE MAGAZINES OF TILE ter Library .for 1905 will bo v for s;tle. Apply to Librarian. pound THE PIANO AND VOICE R el given by Miss Johns and pu the Opera house last Friday was a very pleasing entertain and the young Ladies who took are to be ooatgrntulated on: th oellent manner in v, -rich they as< ted thromaolves. The tot/owing part in the program: Misses Johns, Vern and Ida Rowe ; ,T Taylor, Gladys Bissett, Merle ( Polly Fisher, Eileen Farmer, Li Elliott, Katie Collins, Edon Fol and a number of young Misses, gave a chorus; selection, ?dr. J Stanbury acted as chairman. EXE- ffered ECIT. pi•ls in night talent part e ex- Ault - took 1, A. enoio ;ould than lick who REASONS WHY COLE'S BRKING POWDER IS TME BEST, BECAUSE,.+ It is a pure cream tartar baking powder, It contains no alum, phosphate, or other adulterant. It Ie uniform and thus reliable, once used, always in favor. It has reached the height of perfection and never fails to please. It is cheaper than all others, being twice as strong. Try It and be Convinced. Price 25c per pound, -AT COLE'S DRUG STORE aXBTE,R, Qunury FIRST PLJIGF, G. We know that we have to hold fast to quality to hold fast to trade. This causes us to exer- cise the greatest care in the selec- tion of wheat used in the manu- facture of our family flour HAPPILY MARRIED - A VERY pleasant and 'happy event was Aol- attt thedon rr 9idencesdot of and last Mrs. John lla.wksbaw, when their young- eest rndiagelrtor'Mr, Ohnewas l,. Liiviinged n . stone, a prosperous young nta'n of Milverton. The ceremony' warn tier- ed by 'the Rev. It. .i. M. Per- king, rector of Trivrtt 'Memorial ohurch, only the immediate Iuembere of the J:umily being Dement. The bride was attired in a travelling gown iffon breed. cloth, Lith 1 nablue hta(Jetta eilk. karst and blue velvet hat to match. After the ceremony a dainty wed- ding breakfast was exartakrrr of, tho ltoupl ornin trailny for theirelnew eft )roma inn thenMt Iver - torr athero ,t he bride will be, borne to friends after M.:,reb 1st. The bride is a native of Exeter and %am many friends ;}rare who join in ,wish - trig 'her many yeers of Joy and •hap- pialees 1,, 'her futures TIIF; GROUND 110G, WITH 11 alarm clock ret for Feby. 2, was o in :his glary Friday last, . quiet welching his mil lwlucttes on 11 newly fallen snow. Ile said his 11 b:'rnia1 nap, was frequently inter ruptr.l during December and Janu ary and .brat he hadn't enough site to satisfy the father of twins durin that time and 1119 quite gl.ful ore seeing his shadow, to know that 01 returning to his winter quarters, b would have kat least six weeks o quiet slumber. During item wakefu hours be was inspector over t) excavators union, cenposc•d of moles ted a.rrgtcw•orms and stated that Lhey acre 1nlrking overtime making f unreels in alta old drain timbers, ,end if F;xeter didn't get over being trou- bled with a fatty degeneratio, of the packet book, and build a newdrain there ttoald be trouble. ile fore returning to his den he nvsnred UN some Old tim a winter weather for awhile lend said ie "•Wild like to rennin, 'but the sun t ruublcd Isis eyes. if we 'can arrangef ►r an ellipse of the sun next Feb. 2, he promises to st ay with us. he Doctor "STAR" The quality is supported by reasonable prices only $2.25 Der cwt. at the mill. We have a large quantity of feed on hand, which we will sell at close prices. HARVEY BROS. Merchant Millers EXETER, ONTARIO.I The old way to cure a cold The New Way take Ilowey's "Cure a Cold" Capsules, Only 25 cents a box, TUE FIRST MAPLE SYRUP 'p 01 the %sewn w is made on the'arm of D. Miolnt)'re, 14th cone-eel:on of ficeenquet, on Jan. 29. The quality was first clays. On 1 he Anne after- noon a party of young people from Forest pionicked of Kettle Pant. _ "Are your ho els regular?_ -1_1.x... knows that daisy action of the 1 bowels is absolutely r:eentiai tc e ���� health. Then resp y(.c• li•,rrc;,r lu,ays and }•ort, taa, ib : ;• ,•t - f ^ e:.ar ly' fait,:,� . amalllaxarl•c �;ryr,r K. 1.11,4 se steel aV is e !As; c .1 i'.;1 1 Now for a Big "SLASH" at oil RE3MNANTS. During our Stock Taking we have taken all our ends from 1 to 5 yards and placed them on our Remnant ter and will have a big Remnant Sal of Drew Goods, Prints, Cottonadeg, Flannels, Flannelettes. Shirti Tweeds, Etc. Every remnant below coat to clear out. Rs.sr Remnants We have been very fortunate in disposing of Our Big Fur Stock could. ening the mild winter. Only 3 Fur Coats left at >2 of the price Only 5 Neck Ruffs left at of the price Only O Fur Cape left at >2 of the price and then we are cleared up. Over Coat Remnants Not many lett we have been doing something. Only 4-$8,00 New Style for $5 00 Only 3-$K1.00 New Style for $7.00 OnlWe have about one dozen of other season's coats, A fe b00 oys' ant $8,00 Men's for $1.00 and $2.00. y d a toll Don't Miss This Big Remnant Sale IT'S A MONEY SAVER. CARLII�-G. '3RC��_ YOUR MONEY IN TIIEov S EREIGN BANK OF CANADA Never stops working day or night and no money comes more easily than interest money you can start an account here with one dollar. Interest Paid 4 Times a Year whether you look after it or not. CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER JOSEPH SNELL, Manager. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors. Saleof Necessarjes for Spring We thank our many customers for their patronage is thepast and for ONE MONTH MORE, we invite them and as many more to call and inspect our bargains. LINOLEUMS Printed Linoleum, bearing the stamp "Nairne Scotch Linoleum" a handsome floral design on a rich cream ground, a well sea- soned cloth. Regular price $2.25 per yard, now . , . , r. $1.75 Printed Linoleum, bearing the stamp "Nairns Scotch Linoleum" a combination of floral and tile patterns, a splendid wearing cloth with beautiful colors. Regular price $2.25 now , • alga. CARPETS One piece of Brussels carpet, 45 yards, a very close loop woven on per yard, aow 80c. an extra heavy back. A beautiful design. Regular price Si On piece of Tapestry in bright colors, an extra good piece for the money. Regular price 5oc per yard, now 42c. Reversible Union Carpets in different styles of patterns and color- ings. Regular price 75c, 50c and 30c now hoc Hemp Carpet 35 inches wide in a fancy42c and Regula price 20c now 16c floral design, Regular Hemp Stair Carpet, 22 inches wide, fancy mottled pattern with a neat border. Regular price 20c per yard, now 17c, LACE CURTAINS We have a large range of Cu t 1c 35c Nottingham Curtains for ham Curtains for 29c 50c Nottingham Curtains for 42e 75c Nottingham Curtains for OOc p 1.50 Nottingfor Nottingham Curtainsfor 120 1.70 Nottingham Curtains for L30 1,93 Nottingham Curtains for 1.50 r at 1$2.00 Nottingham Curtains Inc $1.00 225 Nottingham Curtains for 1-10 2.50 Nottingham Curtains for 2.00 2.75 Nottingham Curtains for 2.95 4110 3.00 Nottingham Curtains for 2.40 :3.50 Nottingham Curtains for .80 1.00 Pompadown Curtain' for 33) 7.00 Swiss Curtains for - -. 5.50 ns, Look at these prices A MONEY SAVER Onr assortment of WALi, PAPE plete combinations of colors and varieties of choicomceSde gym_ Our prices are the lowest. designs. 'All outstaln(IingaccountS must be settl(d on or before February 1: th, 1906. TERMS: -Produce or Cash. ILO GOODS GIVEN ON NPPROB1i141. NO GOODS MEN 8NCK FEN MUM Poplestone & Gardiner.