HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-02-08, Page 4DON'T 60v6n7 Perry's Componnd Syrup OF White Pine with Tar is an excellent remedy while Perry's Emulsion of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver 011 will cure your cough and build up your run down system. SOLID ONLY AT Brownings Drug Store The Exeter Times JykLENDA1t FOR FEBRUARY, SUNDAY 4 11 18 MONDAY 5 12 19 TUESDAY 0 13 20 WsDNSSDAY7 14 21 THURSDAY...... • 1 8 15 22 FRIDAY 2 9 16 23 SATURDAY 3 10 17 24 T)lURSi)AY, FEB. 8tt, 19 06 THE EXETER TIMES, FEBRUARY 8th 1906 Crediton ( SPECIAL RATES TO NEW Mr. Barney Brown, our veto -nos ter ou Tuesday received the newlet ter box for this Office. It is Wraith larger than the one he had :and will greatly tl)' fat litato mallets in the !handling of mall. Miss Lena ' 1ielhclnt is ill with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. August Hill spent Sunday at Zurich. Mr. Wes. Finkbcincr made a busi- ness trip .to Exeter on. Tuesday. bfr, \V. Johns, f Exeter. meeting lest night (\1'cdnesdit3')heldin the Foresters' Halt for the purpose of organizing n local Lodge. The location for our new public shoot los b'ieaa staked out and brick is 'already on the ground to com- mence building. The revival meetings circ being oontinued in the Evangelical church The 'meetings are being largely at- tended. Mr. Albert Cunningham, of Lon- don, has accepted a position. as clerk 'tor August 'Hill. Mr. Cunningham, has rented the house lately occupied by Mr. Tames. Lawson and intentLs 1900 moving his family here shortly. 25 26 27 28 !LOUSE OF REFUGE MATTERS The matter or maintaining inmates eat the )Louse of Refuge, %:ho possess sutersir:It money or property to keep ittem;el►,cs, 'has been n perplexing Arttpn'relative or t he torn in i t$ toHouse of'tefugo elates that the following arc eligible to enter; All ',oar .and indigent se—ell-eons who ere incapable of sup - ll rting t•hcinselvcs; .all persons tii-ithout moans of maintaining them- s;,Flv-es and able of body to w•.ork, and o .a. , �[uso to do rap, or neglect g act ,t o so; nil persons loading a vagrant life, and exoroia:ng no ordinary call - Ivor lawful business sufficient to gain or procure on .hottest living; loll such persons as spend their time rind property in public houses to the neglect of .any lawful calling and idiots. There are at present at the house .Flat Refuge et Clinton several in - /Vacs, es, wibo have money and proper- ly, rand the committee. headed by vi a:rden II. Spackmen, ;has boon suc- oysfut in getting three of these pa, trcnts to tura over $1,600 to tho velunty, , which %elll be held intrust Nair U&:•.m while Vivo and turned over to their heirs, if any. after death. J!; Clore be no eta.in1ents for it the tt►apL'.ey trill become t ho property of lb•. county. 110e -ever, if the patient tefuss to transfer 'his property. the reals are powerless to set, and 5.n e +vaso of idiots. nothing can be e, t is the intention. of Warden Epacklean and Dr. ILolmes, of Gode- Inc& to go to Toronto this week and Interview t he legista.t'Ire with n v or having the House of Refuge 1 w ''hanged to confirm in some 'rc- tAg cols with the taw governing asy- ltFms wahioh gives tho Inspector au- thority to confiscate property be- nging to iare..ites, to be 'hold in past by the government, a (pertain iesount being taken out for their 'eateniroe, The change, hoe B't+, ro ever, r desired ' sarcrl by ks.1(,o)1se.+ of Refuge Committee is c(mpower the County Jullge to en- cs transfers of property to the •Qnty or nppc &it an Inspector for teases of Itefuge and invest ,him lNh that authority, thereby forc- g those inmates, w'ho aro ,able to ay for their neeintena,noce and re- use the cos to the county for their cep. ilENBALL ir. Duncan Mcl:tt?n is home from e. Northwest. r. Samuel Itann:c, of Zurich, has based the Carlisle block. Mr. nnie his considerable real estate eta and hii recent purchase is an dente of his confidence in ilensall. rs. Reese is in ilowarnnvillc visit - 'bar fatbor, who is seriously ill. r. James Bonthron his purchlreal . Chas. Wilson's house, and will re into it shortly-. Ir. and Mrs. Dobson. of the N. T. Are visiting friends bore. number of rooters a000mp,nied &tiforth hockey team over hero hursdny night. While our boys defeated by a score of 6 to 5, allowed a won(htrfgul intprove- tover their work in previous h+. The game w•is Last tbnough- awdon and Guy BlackaII the bast form of the Heneill rs. hy Refer Doctors ause we make medicines them. We tell them all tAyer's Cherry Pectoral, they prescribe it for hs, colds, bronchitis, con - don. They trust it. Then can afford to trust it. your own doctor. best kind of a testi(nnntet - 14 for over sixty .rears." I arra— Nods yATerr . c .o raauf•Jtu rar.e eorr 1 siR<IpARiun !1,1.yensP r.. t I.S.l t. 114IR i king. ks►. se.•or•(• 1 R'• p•a.11•h liegeaatcs./all err m•rttclr.,.. IINNINININNINNIMRtiNA greatly aid the Cher, breaking up n cote; Mr. Wm, England spent Saturday and Sunday unday ,n Landon. Miss Lydia Finkbciner, cater a sleert visit with her sister, Mrs. Daniel Truemnor, of IIay, returned home on Saturday. The brick yards are getting in, their wood, making ready for spring trade. Our Quartette club are to le tongdistrict, eMt.lolnitheesant19tt engaged ureh, Fut- h. Our bend 'purposes giving a con- cert in the near future. The 'many friends of Itcv. Chris- tian oCleveland. Ohio. a former pastor of the angelical church, w•ill be pleased to hear 'that his services has been secured 'for the anniversary, to be held some time in March. The Oyster supper in the Meth- odist Church under the auspices of the Ladiles' Aid. promises to be a great sUOcess. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itahin3, ltlind, Bleeding. Protrud- Lrt3 files. Drugziats are authorized to refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to .cure in 6 to 14 daps, 50c. Bliss Lena \Vittioms is laid up with a severe attac kot pneumonia but at time of writing is on tho -mend. q it v► to in T Ito st by bu im th th s► din En Po Cie of bei well bop q cou Tor hon trill !9 I he t goo Ar ter seri Bo A De your groat press in ex you your •► n i u !route lives w'edni t Minor It i whet) useful in or rewnr 'bi ppi \\'e, y end g gratef lore 'a node h•oapit and th ceivcd eels, 't epact ore-rsin Plea. ttieh, v Geiser—England Nuptials—A very Wet but 'pretty wedding took pato t Guelph on Wednesday, Feb. 7th, hen Mr. John H. Gaiser, of Credi• n, 'formerly of Cobalt, was united marriage to bliss Katie England. he -ceremony took place at the Clinton reeet Guelph, aof the nd brother, rformed the Iter. Mr. Bunn of Now llam- rg. in the presence of only the mediate relatives and friends of o 'family. At :precisely 3 o'clook c bride 'entered the parlor to the so strains of Ldhengrin's Wed - g Mandh :played by Mr. Frank gland. The groom was ably stip- rtcd by Mr. A. W. Finkbeinor, of diton, while Miss Clara England London, a' tet) as br.�rdesmaid. The de IVIS 'handsomely dressed in a ite crepe de chene trimmed with Blue and ribbon and carried a uet of carnations. The .happy pie left on the 6 p. m. train for onto and other points for a short ey mtoon trip, atter which they return to Crediton. To Who hap - couple the h many 'friends cz ten d most hearty t congratulations 7 and d w'iehes. e you a subscriber for the -Exp. Times"/ If rot w by not sub - be at once. WHALEN Ir. and Mrs Wm. Gunning: ar Father and Mother. -- Wo children, grandchildren End gr,end children wish to es - the great pleasure tee receive tending our congnatultations to on this the 60th anniversary of marriage. Wo feel grateful to dulgent Providence who has so eously long( herbed out your •as to renoh this your 'Diamond ng ta.nniversary, an event at - 1 by ►-cry few indeed. s exceedingly gratifying to us w -o ro:rutompLate your long and lives, that those days spent duoue toil hive boon so ;amply sed and 'that plenty, peace and noss .ire your abiding guests. ' ur crhildren, grand children rent grand cthildren, will ever ully remember your parental nd :affection, your impartiality or kind sympathy, whilst your ality .arrd genial disposition, great benefits we hive rre- by t ix+ wisdom of your rooun- rave t► -on the 'admiral ice) and of your largo and et -Cr lin- g (erode of friends. sc cacc,cpt the hent aril kindest of .111 here eseembled. Now may serenity possess your mind Your day grow milder es your sun declines, And as the twilight sht:keys fade etety Your night be filled with stars in- visible by dry." Signed on bell elf of your family, relitivov and friends. .101IN P.IRKiNSoN Witt, Lon, Jenu:try 27th, 1906. To get relief from indigestion, bit. iousness, constipation or torpid liver teithe,ut disturbing the stomach or pureine the bowels. take a few doses of Carter's Little Liver fills they will I,.e.rhc, you. 0,1911tVAOT) e theta,l:v;angelical meetings ,hurcli conducted ere during the Wrist five weeks, Rev. W. J. Yager, of Zurich, assisting part of the time•• The 'Ince tingi were well nttended prem beginning to end,' ransideriter the went her and the condition of 1110 rods. Moro than I forty come forward and bowed nq penitents for .the prayers of God's penile. Not my here sinners sated by these >!er'v but many ehrist- i ins were greet revived and en- (. )ur•'ged. ORLEANS For the Mardi Gras Festivities 'at New Orleans. La. The vers low rate of One ► or1 he 'round trip, will will ss fare t,c► i i effect Good 13oin3 February 21st to 26th, valid Ireturnine un or tx•fore March 3rd. Call on agents of Grand Trunk Rii1w.'iy ,for full yr(w'licul•>;rs. ELIM VILL.Is A number annual :from attended 1 the nivc'rs; rynerviccsdoft the Tbromes hoed Presbyterian church on Sunday and blond1y jest. The boys of our burg :ire least gaining :a .reputation of being "crack imeeksuter", the daughter of, clay pigeons being ,terrible to behold et times. Mr. W. (ultis has rented his farm of 75 acres to Mr. George Jacques. of Wine/else] for $250 n year, 'fora term of ten years. W11ile this is •proh.tbly the highest rent yet paid per ncre in title section, we might justly say that it is 'also ono of the best, most un -to -date and modern convenienced tfrrrm in the township. \1'e lento ,that Mr. Coul- tis is giving up farming o►►•jpng to ill health. but has not yet decided on 'his Ituture home. A few of our young p a very enjoyable evolving Lome of Mr. and Mrs. S. Winchelsea, one revolting la and after n "social Who " ZU1JClll Dlr. 11. K. Either, of Crediton, visited Zieniab friends o, Tuesday bast. Mr. :and Mrs. J. Mcllick splint Saturday with their daughter MI's. 1. 1ludeun at Ifillsgreen. Mrs. 6ohuenter. who reccutly un. der were. an •at)oratton for cataract of the ' yo, is reported to be pro- gressing nicely, :and topes to regain cher sight again. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hess. Sr., vis- ited '«atom' tfriencts last Saturday. Mr. lly. \Ving. of Shipka, vves ;t visitor in the village last Sunday. ctotlgu auction rule of dry Goods, every aftornoonJl edMtaino Wa re, everting c tat Steinbach's old star.::. Mr. Nelson l)c•reomy •hi !toyed in- to the louse on the !eon of Mr. F. Kalbfleisdh recently purchased front Air. Hy. Volt:and, t he lattor taking possession of s he f:a nm whioh Mr. J)enomy 'bad rented from him for h term of Scales, n M'r. and Mrs. F .S. Rickbeil me visiting the dormer's parents, Mr. t and Dins. J. Itickbeii cit present. 1 death at Sault • SteMarie, of 1Villiated here of t bm I %Nuri'', son of Mrs. Hy. Wurm. of poo Word vs: • 3 i rcoeipts for'the year to bl wade upbe $165,121.• ohicafly ;is follows: Coun- ty Tate. $50.060.18; licenses, $1,084; administrntior► of justice, $2,036.06; Behools, $5,144.16; ;roads ,and brid es $15,058.35. The dotal ex[rentlitures $173,621.52, trade up CIN follows: Ad- ministration of justice, $7,678.97; jail, $2.315.98; sdbool ,management. $2.783.50; schools, $13.831.60; muni- oipal government, $:;.781.91 ; roads and bridges, $27,130.44; „ industrial $10,866.75 These is a deficit of ;$'8,500, lrsun:(nce. elle surauccollowing o11 thorax differentof in- countybuildings: Court 'house, $14,000: jail o►td 'residence, $1'2,000: .house of refuge, $15,000; tarn and contents. nt 'house of refuge, $900. Collegiato Institutes Tlie following is the statement of Who Collegiate Institutes: Clintou.— Aggregate attendance of pupils, 65,. 079; aggregate attend:ano• of coun- ty pupils, 29,082: Fost of ntainten-i noe $7,800.57; Government grant, $2,807.03. Sea forth.— Aggregate at- endaurco of pupils. 92,655 ; iaggre_ I gate attendance of county, pupils, 8,366; cost of maintenance, $7,608 - spxant t his place. The deceased was taken at the 1 down with apneunoni:a and alt bough Brock', the best medical skill was engaged st weck. his death look place on Friday b1ns. liy. \V••last. Thome in the wee sma' hours o'rned the morn'. k u Jacvisit Frost bninging with more a'little more snow, gently reminding us tial it is not yet spring. . John a►siok eons somo time been a on theable to b' around again. Dfiss McIsay, of Watford, is vis- iting cit Mrs, W. Ilern's 'here. Mr. T. is Mr. Wolter Ile nn p has sick the services of Mr. Johnson, from .near Goderioh,to act as clerk in hitt store. Mr. W. Vale had the ntksfortuno to he struck on his forehead by a chip, by 'cutting wood the other clay. Ater re Tiyou a mes' 7 subscriber why a 1toi.e sub • scribe at once. CItODIAItTY School section No. 6, Ilihbert, pore 'advertising 'for tenders for tho erec- tion of n new sdhool house. Tho building will be of brick, with a basement and have accommodation 'for 50 pupils. few Rev. rys anllr a tw•cekrin $Exeter, vis- iting Mrs. Cranstores parents. Andrew, the 17 -year-old son got Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Milior died ool Tuesday of .last nock. Deceased had beon suffering from tuberculosis for two years and death was not unez., petted. Miss Butson, of London, spent a few drys Ilene last week with friends The 'Family A LAST CHANCE herald and Weekly Star of Montreal is this week warn- ing the public (bit the supply of their beoutiful picture "Queen Alex - n fist I ' being exhaust der t�andd'cannot be guaranteed after February. It is certainly a beautiful picture. easily wtoreh two dollars, and any home dot- ter e year's subscription ld the better Oto thano t grent weekly, tee Family II( -r• -Id and 'Weekly Star of Montreal, will se- cure ,a ropy of the picture absolutely free. No, picture ever shown in this country- ntr3 • 1S ' los 'received vied such em men praise, too, from capable of judging. FARQUHAR Notwithstanding he keen atmos- phere thet annuaeretln meeting ofttthe aendanc borne & Ilibbert Mutual Fire In• sunanoe Oo., held here on Friday East. All the directors wore -present. President Thos. Ryan addressed the meeting, giving an account of the work of Ate directors during the past year. Sa)rctary 'leavers read the minutes of the bated for 1905. Tbc by-laws of t he company, which w'ero oonsolid)ted 'during the past year wept eccopted. Considerable time was (devoted to discussing mat - fere pertaining to t company. Aud- itor Turnbull read the report of the auditors for 1905, and on motion it was passed. An annual snorting would not ,be complete without the unirasciblc D. McNieol. Ile was there and with his gtiboess cr-(\ttcd censidor:able merriment- As the terms of office of President Ryan Francis Morley bid expire(1, nomina• tions were in order for their succes• sons. !loth gentlemen had been dil- igent in their work in the interests of the company and were re-elected without opposition. Messrs Ruther- ford rind Turnbull, the nutaitors for last year were renominated, but :a. Mr. Rutherford expressed a desire to w;tl matt', Mr. IIay was nominat- ed in his stead. Ale.ssi's. Turnbull end Kay were elected by acclamation Mr. Wm. Ilodgert tax secured the services of Mr. Jos. 1\ilri::• as ,1u 1innrer for his stale un Tilted ay, Feb. lit h. M.r. 1), yid Me Nicol ie cable to be around <gain after bis intros. Mr. Ohms. Hackney had a good sale of horst•, .and cattle last week. The Kidneys When they are weals, tor- pid, or stagnant, the whole system suffers. Dont neg- lect time, but heed the warning of the scbin back, the bloated face, theth sallow completion, the urinary disorder, and begin treatment at once with Hood's Sarsaparilla which contains the blest, and safest curative substances. send for testimonials of �k C.LHood Lowell, Mos. and Mr. Ed. \VurrnsattendedA Annie \\rur e fu the Mto pleasPhoebess antvt tc with frit lads att Exeter has returned 'home. Mr. Fred Demuth, er a few weeks visit here returned at to Detroit last week. The regular meeting of the. W. C. T. U. was held Monday ;afternoon et the home of Mrs. F. Witmer. Quite a number of the members were pre- sent and a good program wee given. Mr. Ed. Snell returned last week from a visit with relatives in Michi- gan. Miss Melissa. Smith, who has been visiting friends and :relativism in Michigean the (past few weeks has re- turned home, Mr. Elmore \f it, rived S: turdat:eevening to spend it couple of weeks with her parents here. USBORNE Another of t'sbornc's esteemed 1"'erects in the person of Mr. James Moir passed awey on Tuesday, Jan. 30th at the age of 80 years and nine Months. Mr. Moir ,las been in failing .health for asome time and his death was not unexpected The h deceased was a native of Perthshire, Scotland 'corning to Can- ada with this parents sixty ono years ago. He envy lifoef inPParis, Ont., after ew years which he came 'to Usborno and settled on the fourth icancession, whore he hewed out :for himself :and family a comfortable arried n 1852to Mile Isabella Murray,rwho predeceased phial isome twenty-five years ago, leaving a family of nine c1hildren, of which two, Joanos end Margaret are now d000ased. Ile leaves to mourn their toss three aorta and four .daughters, George, of Traverse City, Migh. ; John, of Kil- larney. M nitoba: Peter of Usborne; Mrs. Jaynes Armstrong. of Crystal City, Manitoba ; ,Isabella, at :home; Mrs. John Traqua.ir, of Tucker - smith, Mrs. John 1). Stew:art, of Bonsai!. 'n religion 'the deceased Iva.. 7 , a e9 )r . by or' 1 t hie and in It ICi P01' ' a reformer. mor, Tho nta:ny ,friends .and acquaintances deeply sympa t hize with the 'bereaved family in .their loss - TEST OF THe PROVEIttt A ,reference to the records shows how f:)r the suncrstition that a clear bright Candlemas Day means :t ton• tinua.nce of winter is true. In 1890, 1amid 1805. r, flay was and the c 1800 oweaherlasted for t)io following two nu—milts, according to the proverb. Candlemas hay was cloudy rand warm % at her followed in a short title, in 1897, 1802, 1903. Tfae rule tailed in 1898 when it wart sunshiny on the fatal day, yet thio winter speedly broke up. In 11101 and 1904 the opposite was the ease and again the proverb did not ,hold good for tilts day br.nl(e cloudy, yet the land :remained frost bound for the .following few months. /'OROVERSIXTY 111:ARB AN WinnoweSoothingD •NDamyrtle he. beenrusedHfor over etxty years by mItIone of mother!) for their children whichild, teat ere the perfect euooevr, ll pain cures wind collo, and iv the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It Is pleasant to the taste. So:d blydrnangietsinevery part of the world. 8 Yenta a bottle. Its value le incehneeble. Be sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing 8yrupaod eek for no other kind. County Council The .7 , nun ry cession, of the coun • t.{' council' (1011(4 in t c•aur1 house at Godcriele on 'I'uevd.'y of last 1t(s k The clerk presided :and asked t he council to elect a w.ardcp fur the year. Moved by Mr. McNaughton scc- onderl by Mr. C:,Oteto,' that Mr. 11. tee ckman, rouncillor for division N:e 4, dt e oder' for the yerir 1906. No other nnininations were receiv- ed anal taft:'r the expiritian of half IteHprck►rut (leek -11 rk destine! 1and in- vited him to the chair. After subscribing to the oath (.f office before Judge holt, a Mr. tipMek- 1,) n (btnked the members of 1h'• rauncil for the bora.. they had cote furred on him, and rtddresetel the rouneil on (tile work of the pass Yea r. All the members were pre.:ent. Droved by Mr. Currie seeonrkd by Mr. Lamont th it Jto,s, i. MrQuill et • ilrytn, Miller, Ferris still !shelter. be !striking committee to tome I he stariding commit toes for t he Yee T. Moved In amendment he tlr. Cato felan 1tw) Mr. Morrison tfrtt \fesars. 1\iclienzie, lityaa., lea.mont. McQuil- lan utsl ale Nateele on bo a tom inittee to striki •t be standing romtnitternl for the Noir. The 'not :on et mics. Tre.tsurer's Statement 46; Government gn:rnt, 52,898.07 Goderiefe —aggregate attendance of pupils, :32,875; aggregate attend- ance of county pupils. 1.2,130; .cost of anninterirutce, $7,2.29.75; Govern- ment grout, 61,069.09. Registrar's Statement Total number of instruments reg- istered during titre year, 4,110; total :fens therefrom, $4,638,39; amount of gross income to be gxaid to the county. , $1,175,90; nggreg;ate amount of mortgages registered, $1,- 485,231.20. Moved by Messrs, Lamont, .and Doig, that the usual grant of $20 ,be made to oacti Agriculturnl and Ilor- ticulturul Societies in Me county, holding exhibitions in 1906. Sent to executive committee. DASHWOOD Mr. Fzri Tieneute our butcher, has had his refriger fitted by •a firm in Toronto. \\'e are (pleased tea leann tl Richnrd Ikaker end children Misses Amefin and Levine daughters of John Ehlers, 14th, who have all been dot► the soar•let 'fever, are now or way for recovery. Mr. Jobs Goetz, our enter saw miller, intends erecting resid)ence next summer and w reasons to 'belk've when co will be :a credit to our vill Mrs. Chas. S.chr:uler has bent with LaGrippe, but we .aro pre learn that she is improi•,ing. Mr. Sim Ireland and darnily .( few clays visiting friends Marys. Mr. Witmer end (Laughter wenn mists of Mr. Geo- Rub Sunday. ive smileii since Fr tayrrfa twMert 'wearsi)1 made the 'happy fat father of a &thy bay. Congratulations. home to Itas. Eidt, of h s brother-etfo Tuesday evening last at o'clock n very $pretty wedding eolemttitted 4n the Lutheran c in the pr•erience of a largo cir friends, it being the occasion o marriage of Miss 'Mary, daughter mf Mr. and Mrs. 811do. to Mr. John Eidt, both o parte. While Miss Emma Eidt cel the wedding march: t he 1 party took their place before alter.r The bride vva.9 a da'tn I' tired in white silk with, hr>;e4a,t and flowers, The 'bridesmaids, Emmafields and Miss Louisa wore' white orgrandie. The gr was supported by his brother ratan a.nd Mr. Wm. Stade. The r of honor, Miss Pertly. Eidt, i RidtIly :Mired in .itel Luoindi taKraft Ikn very pretty slower girls. The r atony was ,1terformer! by the I Mr. Eiffert. After the ceron the wedding tarty proceeded to home of the bride's parents WhetWARsumptuous repast WAR In w•aiti Mr, and Mrs. Eidt will bco mme dents of our village and we join w their 'many 'friesds in wishing th a long, happy and prosperous wed life. popular atop re - tat bars. also the E li Inrs, of the 'n with ) fa fair 'prising a new have !rattle ted age. t down ased to spent in St. versa, yfast ea sant le was fine rd. is :five wasburets ole of f the 'Idcst Chris. f this play- nidalthe at- veil Miss Mist cornIter- nail was s T91- lade ore• Lev. rete y t he rein ng. rcvi- 'it h cm ded Supplemeololy Meeiiogs Bouin NUM formers I�srIIYIe. 1\'ill lx• held av tellot%v: :FAIRQI'IIAJt HALL, F'Fht. II. ARTRRNOCN \f5Er1sn.--Addres,e.. by Mr. D. ('. Anderson, itugny, Ratter'', "notation of (Win. flare and application of manure "; Mr. (I. Harbour, "Breeding and 1'eedln fleet Cattle" ; addresses 4140 by Mo.r•rs W. D. Elan. der+, ICrete► and it 8, Philip.. Mensal) F'vr.vrr;n MRErisa.- Addresses st 7.30 o'clock by 11. C. Ander,0n, "Our Country" • 0. irarbour "Farmer's :Eons". 1)AS111V001), 1'E11 1:, Zimmerman's Hell Afternnon_i)• C. Anderson, "Rotation of arbour. F cfleet a"Breedingcoo. eong nd of fleet fttle" ; adds t)1044m.a• Wm, $,owls,(redeen d IashMatte, Thames Harr'. Evening -D. C. .1nderion, „Our Country" ; O. Barbour, "F'armer's Son's", ZiTitiell TOWN ii,ILi PER. 16. Afternoon --D. r. Andersen, "Horse., Draught 1R rtruit,aral and Ormond I'nrpoie" : O. itarbovr •Ilree.lingand Feedng of iteel Cattle" ; nddres.• Pial•,n by M. Y. :Neiman. Seem th and .1. ()hap. ton, Exeter. Rvenrh^--i) C. Ander.rn "Our Country" : (1. 11u -hour. "$armee'• 8onv", IIENSALT, MILLER'S HALL, PEiI.17 Afternoon -D.('. Ardor nn )hnnre, it, etre and anplicltlnn., And 'moo-• (1 Ilirber, "Weeding and Feeding Beef Cattle.' addree4 a:an by. Rothman, I)a.hwen1. Evening -D. C. Ander.nn. "Varmint n. t).'aumit tan" : 0, llarhnnr. "Farrner'e Son,". A. Directors' meeting will to held a1 n4•lock a. m. \':IRNA TUV'N Ii:ILL, Inin- rim. fterO. ('. Ander,nn• ••110 Sheep ; (I. iltrb�ar. "CtuIV,vat inn 0( the ad•1re,c plan by Mr. .7. F:Ide r. Rvg_DI(nngll. enin (', Ander% n. 'Our Co, I:arbotr. "Varmer'esees" Ti'CKERSM1T11, FED $t ronW'a He l l 1ft(rnoon l► (• tt m..nn, r h- and ('in%er : U N,•rher• r' ",ling of Beef ('dere"; "ll -' --r• T. 1'ra-or And'1 f'a' f rann F.,entng 1). 1'. Arden•n0 •'F' up:rrlon ', O. ila rhnur, ••{• The arternene mee.(nanroom eel the errning:ma ling, a• ; Additions' program, ',moo 1 'trnmental ma<r.• a' 0a,• r • et ther,• 1•e •'+et. meeting* a e soot Omar, IL TfOitTO, , it. ( dent. srpe owe' the dear,. n.lgno•1P The treasurer reported the totalf Pre 11" rr,. atfntn of ling an.t Oa alt., e y mint as nn sons-. eat 4 o•r•lo,•k Ref roe•al and ling meeting. ince .,l'•,h of aro toot sue - kers. ARDINER 0 al •''•"•NNNNNN•N•N•N•••••• NN•••Nil The LondonGrockery Co. Immense February Animal Sale Commencing Thursday, Feb. -8 Here is an opportunity for you to save money. We have just finished stock taking and we are put- ting on sale some very desir- able lines, some we have too much of, some cane late for the Christmas trade, and some bought in order to sell at a low price. Alt new clean stock, 50 per cent off HALF PRICE 50 per Bric-a-Brae, a fine collection of Art Vases in French and Ent ls� goods. This is a splendid chance to secure for your cabinet a English able piece. 1/3 off ONE THIRD PRICE A tine collection of Beautiful China in French, Ofd Ilaud, Bavrian. Etc. EveryAustrian,/Ravi_ and u piece a genuine bargain. In new shapes up-to-date decorations. Berry Sets, Berry and Salad Bowls, Spoon Trays, CeleryTrays, Il Trays, Biscuit Jars, Sugars and Creams, Chocolate Rc Pots, Tea Pots, Trays, Etc. We will also sell a fine line of Jardtners and other lines of Fancy China at Discounts and special prices rauging fro►n 33 1-3 per cent, 20 per ceut and on down off regular prices, Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, Lamps at the Lowest Posrlble Price Every price in plain figures and everyreduction We never mark our goods at other tbahat we think the one' excellent, value. y are if LONDON GROGKbRY G0. fit . 'aO nd�,. WE PREPAY express ortLondon. freight t 10R charges .00 or over. on all purchases of 2 N••N•NN••Ntt•NN. ••••••• ••••••••••• ROYAL BAKINO POWDERUPULAR SILK (0-UZ) POPULAR REGULAR LARGE SIZE (12 -OZ) 40c - A pure cream of tartar powder endorsed by the bighesb authorities as the most healthful article in the kitchen (which is the most important consideration) and also satis- fying fying in results and most economical, ROYAL BAKING POWDER because we have recommende mthe goods for many years and we are proud to do so. Bold and recommended by Carling Bros.: Snell & Rowe : F.• J. Knight and other first class Grocers. Wanted...One hundred more •young g men and wont - en, who are ambitious and enterpris- ing to qualify in the ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. For the many positions open to all those who are thoroughly pre• pared to accept them. A six months' course in this college means for a young reran of the right kind, an educational equip- ment better than many trades or professions in mone7 earning 1 Hie power. Students admitted at any time. Circulars free. Now in Sfeck At Bran and Shorts and Wheat Chop Exeter and Centralia Elevators Prices satisfactory, Bring in your grain , and lard home with feed. J. GOBBUDI6K ter. Centralia. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.' COR. YONcII 4* ALEXANDER STS P. WHITLOCK & SON, MANUFACTURERS OF Hollow Cement Build- ing Blocks of differ- ent designs and sizes. Cement Fence Posts Cement Chimneys Single and double flue; abso- lutely fire proof, Stock always on hand; Prices reason- able. P. WHITLOCK & SON Thantes.Poad 1', O. - Ontario. 1111"JEC'i;g SUIT SELLERS You are Suit buyers, We make Ube Suits— you wear them out. We mallet them as well as we can, so that t hey wi11 not wear out sooner than ought. Becautte, if they do, likely go somewhere else for yy�o�o�� next Suit. And no one could blasitls so much Suit ou. So worth. e1 odght to bpm is fashionableness of fabric—style Lsj and rdo length of service, mAegood a place as there is wl1blo to get all this and not pay loo much is W, Johns, Elegant Black and Blue Suitings for $o and $18 r o. MATS erchant Tailor We dJCENTRAL ONT. in the ComntercialR w 000rldd? :The surest and shortest road is via this R')1001. We give a course of training that is not surpsweerl by any Can- ada. Welgive individuurliness al instre in uc- t' on therefore you may enter at any Wimp, Writs for free cata- logue and get full particulars. W. J. ELLIOTT, •D, A. Mcii.A('llf.AN. } Principals • • •••tt.Nt 4 •••••••••••••• twirsettinF: fort 1