HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-02-08, Page 3c0coo0000noocxo00000004111 YOUNG ° FOLKS O^.10040000o00On000e) D THE LITTLE GIRL \‘110 PLAi'ED. ALL TWIN'S L a Extraordinary Marriage Will he Cele- brated elabrated in Paris. Anextraordinary marriage will take place in Parks ehwily. when Itte twat blethers Char titeuu, both of whine uY painters of repute, will marry the twin sailers Renaud, two beb'ltful girls who The visitor and sue Frontes sal on lit: are only Iii years of age. l'he best hien pleasant seedy piazza, recite exruhaes, u' the double wedding will be another twee, Loco they look lung, etruegly lair of (wins. who are cousins vi the W Lsuy t.Jlur'e s eieee%w; tory , twin bridegrooms. 1hy were milking Ludy Clurte *Alphonso and Gabriel Charnteau tire • lee eibiturs erebel Levy so absurdly alike tigtl they have been eta and Lill, guru -halt• the vtctinis of huiricous mistakes all 1, teasel and gutsy whets (heir lite., Thur niother is a widow, and en this account one of the twins Ily quite Meet out play.; was excused military service. Ing, I \Visiting nM to be separated from his '\Thor that striped little girl 'cross brother. he went to live In the town (here, wheeling a baby caul -..be wilhuul where ''is twin was quartered. He was any !tut uu1' inquired the Visitor, bud- 11r•ii•4tvt ''ur times during the first denly, ( week. and accused of appearing In pub - Sue Frances took another bite and lir wi'hnul uniform. Ile had the greet - answered: "Oh, heat's the little girl who est d Weiitty in conviririne the nuthorl- never plays. She'b alwayb wiieelLig e r ties that he was net the eenseriel. sweeping or doing something; she peter 'httr brothor•c ere sn fend of enrh other plays." flim they had resolved never to rnnrrv. "Never plays? Sue Frances Trewor-j Rnt they both fell in love nhnnst sire - thy!" I t:lfanenusly. Their sweethearts were "Well, !tones!, she never does. 1 guess rich rimed r'ndi-tineni-il1t•I'. and Wis. you'd pity her if you lived on the upptt- t1'ke+s neenreed sn lrermeeSly mei ene'1 site side of her. It makes me ache!" eve, te-enn In r+rees for the first time in The Visitor got up rather suddenly. u different costume. "l guess 1't1 take Lady Clare to walk," ` she said; "she needs a constitution." But It was not of Lady Claire's health she was thinking; she wanted to gu a little nearere to the Girl who Never Played rind see how she looked. Across the street the baby carriage came to a stop as the Visitor nproach- ed. The Girl wtio Nev i'layetl was smiling! She looked justlike other little An aching, breaking back, sharp stabs girls. of pain -That is kidney trouble. rhe "How'd you do?" she melded. kidneys ere really a s;longy filter-* ha- "No thank you -i mean I'm pretty man tiller to take poison from Lae well, thank you." murmured the Visi- flood. But sick. weak kidneys cannot tor in some confusion. "You don't look filler the blood properly . The deecttte a bit different!' she added. honestly. human filters get clogged with impure "Melt diffrent?" in wonder. ties, and the poison is left in the sy stem "I mean because you don't ever play. b• cause backaches. headaches. rhe: - 1 s'posed you'd look-" n,ali..tu, dropsy and fatal intlarnatien. "Don't ever play -me. \Vhy, 1 play Dr. Williams' l'ink fills are the one sure alt the tinier cure for sick kidneys. They make new, "Oh," stammered the Visitor. "Oh, rich blood. which (lushes them clean and 1 hope you'll beg my pardon. 1 thought gives tttern strength for their work. Dr. See Frances said you swept and work- \\ ithauls' Pink Pills set the kidneys ed-" right, and make lame, acting Leeks "Why, I do: but 1 piny all the time strong arid well. Mr. George lohneon, 1'nt doing it. 1 always take the babe nut or the village of Ohio, N. S., says: - like this: what do you suppose 1 piny "tly son. now eighteen years old. stir - then? 1 was pinyina It when you crime feted from kidney trouble and severe across the street. You can never guess 1.ninS in the back. which caused hien so 1'11 tell you. 1 was playing body- I;lany a sleepless !light. We tried sev- gun rd,";l medicines. but they did not help The Visitor's eyes opened wide. Thi, and he grew so weak that he coulee "Yes." laughed the other, "I'm the riot do the work that fulls to the lei e.f, , t'odygunrd. you know. The baby's the n young boy on a rami. We were ail -1 czar. and he can't go nut alone for fear vised to fry Dr. ee interns' Pink fills, or being bombed and -things. 1 have and this was the first medicine that In stny right with hien every minute to reached Rte cause of the trouble. ilei bndvt"fnnd him." took the pills for a couple of months, "Then. when 1 feed him 1 have to taste when every symptom of the trouble was everything fleet In he sure it won't poi- gone, and he was as healthy as any SICti 141DN'EYS. L SUNLIGHT SOAPRItWAD tsa J• Ire Iwo to any yerr�w .h. pre.• M Avw1.sM asap =nee say iajar'oee eMe,ira'e es say Soros el edeltereuea, is equally food with hard or soft water. V you use Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow directions) you need not boil nor rub your clothes, and yet you will get better results than with boiling and hard rubbing in the old-fashioned way. As Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals and is perfectly pure, the most delicase fabrics and dainty silks and laces may be Waned wtotit the sli ji'ltest injury. Lev*. swathes' Limited. ^. wrwwae Year money refunded by the dealer freest wham you bye Sunlight Soap if you find any Cause for caesp{aire. FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE 1 NEWS BY MAIL 811011k:S. %lean Aching Backs and Sharp Stabbing Pains That Make Life Alines! !;nett- Ilappeninns durable. HIS AIM. Die when 1 may. I want it said of me by those who know me best that I al- ways plucked a thistle and planted a FROM irtiLAXo'S flower where 1 lhctulthl a flower would grow. -Abraham Lincoln. Pets vies an Veer Peet and ke.wyno there tiara what "Verru.tr" does fur art th os re roveriatt fr.m wa,tint dlsest .. It is the bel Enwrnld Isle of In- 1 ,sic In eti .ta•we. It M1-sista+, au.rishee a■J builds up the system. In the terent to Irish. Canadians. The Meade -Denis estate in Nell!) Kerry has just been sold to the tenants. The Earl of Wicklow has been ae- pointed a Bept-c nlutive Peer for Ire• bund 11 is of in:crest to note that Lord Eptly is the only Irish peer who is a Na'ionalisl, lir. Maurine Rrnnk years one of Dublin's merchant princes, tins stied. ager! 8:. The Deanery of P•aphoe has been given by Itis Rishnn of Derry la tit Rev. Canon Kennedy. rector of Rny- niochy. The death is annnunced in Belfast n: Edwiart Whittle, said to he the oldest rnilway engine driver in the United • Kingdon!. i The death of Laity Ellen Browne, site I ler of the tale Earl of Kennlnre. occurce 1 al etalvern recently In the 80th year of her nge. Lord Ahordet'n was on the 41h ins! sworn in Its I.ord Lieutenant of Ireland for the second lisle. The first lime wile twenty years ago. etr. Waller Robinson, farmer. of Mowillian. !Middleton ;'runty. Armagh, celebrated his 103rd birthday n few days Oro. fie lives on the farm with his son and is still able to perform some !ig'It work. The funeral took place at Itoslen. County Fermanagh. of \Ir. Owen Smith. who died at his residence, Derrytea, at the age of toe. having lived in three centuries. Deceased was a tailor tar trade. An Irish In'.vn has been sold. The in- habitants of Castlentarlyr, in the County Cork. have bought the fee simple inter- est in the dwellings and premises from the Earl of Shannon on favorable terms. Notice has leen served on the reliev- ing officer of Itosten district of the im- t' pending eviction of some oma lhirlcwn tnmi• lies on the Trinity (c11e e estate. situate e In n mountainous district between Dos - lea and ltrnkcbe,ro.' The Belfast steamer Riverside. while on a voyage from \Maryport to Strang- ford Lough with coals, sprang n leak .n Solway Firth during a gale and foun- dered. The crew of six were rescued iv tete Isle of Witltorn lifeboat. son hire: IMO the way they do with boy of his age. 1 ani satisfied 1)r. the r' 'nr czar. you know. 1 lake lit-, earns' Pink !'ills will erre kidney trou- tic alfjii•n, and. when It doesn't poisnn b1e in its most severe forms," ma d•'nd. 1 give it to the ha -the cznr, 1 - Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually mann. It's lois of fun to play that!" make new rich Mood. In that way they "But but you have to sweep a Int,', strike al the root of areaeniia. indiees- don't you?" questioned the Visitor, slow -1 lion, kidney trouble, liver co'riplu!nt• ty• I erysipelas. skin disease. neuralgln. Si. "Course: and then I play I'm driving \flus dance. and the snecinl ailments -,l out the hordes." j growing girls and women whose health The --the what?" !depends upon the richness and regular - "H ,rde=s-of sin, you know. My. don't' ay of their bleed. The genuine Hills • L sweep 'em out like everything. 1 have the hill Home. "Dr. Williams' Pin!c', slake (hose little hordes fly, 1 tell you! fills for Pale People." on the wrapper' Bill They will creep hack. so next duly around enrh box, and eine be had from! 1 lake the broom and drive 'stn out all deniers or by mail al 50 rents n box again. That Iny's fun, too." a r F P r , o six boxes far R...rO by wetting the The Visitor's eyes were gelling eery 1)r. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville., wide open Indeed. She had never play- Ont, e.1 sweep or bodyguard the tubby. Suet- denl' she remembered a kind of work ExEr.t riNG pourlr.At. RIVALS. in the reign of Charles 11., the names of "Whig" and "Tory" were used for the Iwo parties which we now call "Litt - era!" and "Conservative." So strong was c r ih hn. iib1 y between the parties that when the King summoned his third Parliament (1481) he was afraid for it to meet in London. which was very Wig- gish. and he convened it at Oxford, where Toryism was strong. The \\'big members, olnrtned at this, rode Into flxfonl arrned with pietnls. in the rr'- nctinn which followed. this dlsnlny r,f the seeon(1•cahins, end the pans and force. pr'nminent Whigs were prosecul- tots the steernges. The saucers are the ed on the evidence of perjered inform - boys end the cups the girls. and the hut- ers, and man' of Them suffered death. ter plates the little babies. It's the The Earl of Shnfteshtiry, the Whig lead greatest piny thnt tsr ere was weer -eft of high !meson, hit The Vi'itnr went hack to Sue Frances was ncquitled: in fact. no Tnry Juries with n thoughtful fare. She had quite would ennvtrl a Tory. end where the fergetlen lady Claire, who dangled Ig- Whigs nredomineteu1 nn Jury wnnld inn• nnminonsly by nne leg, Oct n \\'hie. At last thin due Frances was playing ten party: c's rhiee. rtsurh n rl max ihrll the lending \\ lii;ts. In r1r• chi had ten all ready. "\Nell," she Bald.! snail.. formed n pion to compel the inking tin from the little geld -end -white Kine to siimmon n free Partinment: but teapot. "don't you pity her dreadfully? --i they were nceneed of hillh frwnsnri, and that poor little vitt 'ernes there that POme of their lenders were execute 1 you've leen ,•talking to? Think of never pbey-" "She plays all the time." the %'Istlnr eatd. meetly. "t know. 'cense she said Inn. She has the sp)rndidest times sweep. Ing and Inking rare 0' the baby and - you cnnnlil't piny. "There's washing the dishes; she said, trlunti,hrintly. And as sure as you live the other girl noded with glee. "i play trent three limes a day. Ship- wreck 1 cull It." "Shipwreck!" the Visitor gasped. "Yes the deities tumble into the boil - Ing sen: wove.• always are soapstutsy on the tips, you know. 1 play a great ship has been wrecker!, and I'm the life-sav- ing slntioner saving the folks. The nice while dishes are the first eaten passen- gers, end the cracked and nicked ones A 1.EfTF,R AND A PROMISE "Yon are quite right." said a very well-known criminal t nrrister recently. you guess what else. Sue Frances Tre- "We (In get some very queer letters worthy! Rut von rent, if you keep frnrn clients ---or w•nnld-t•c rlirnts--some- righl nn guessing tall the tin end e f times. What fin you think of this?" forever. She make's n splendid play out And he produced from n pocket -honk of washing the dishes!' n rather weather -wpm sheet of nntepa• 1 The rflmhric tea In the tiny pnld•nnd. per. which had evidently been preser-'• white tearult grew cold while they t,n!h vd(t with great care. sat enzina arrncs the c'reet with w•nedee. "Dere Sir, ---1 am In pricnn. rind the struck Twee at the 1.I01e reel \Vin reeve man shoes 1 am likely to ane In the pen - co rill '0, u' Time. white she est birnlly. el serflludc. 1 did not steel the roar and 1 nm perfectly Innereent. i'teese do get me out. 1 think 1 inn pay y'n i seen Any. 1 did not steel the cowe. Tell tti Judge thnl. Anil If you get me nf( free Corpnrn. I nm wtllini' to do all i ern for you. 11 rots- you do 1 will Give you the rows, -fours truly. "11111 Smith." "i d dn't net for that rnnn." he conduit- : eta vets n Illlle too Ingenuous," Clwerlullywp,?oled the bn-- the rime, i nleen-up and d;,N( to the sunshine. At it meeting of the Beiras, lion on the 11th ell. a proposal .. ter the freedom of the cily meet Mr. , (lit w Carnegie found n•' seconder, despite the fact that that gentleman tins estate Relied no fewer than three 11 relies in that city. The Itoyel Irish Fusiliere were grnintt l Itis privilege of lcaring on their ballon, fu) Bogle and the nunll.er "8." In tom• melioration of the replier. of the colors (by the Ise Battalion, the aid S;lh) of the French 8th Itegirnent at the Battle of Pa mea. Hernillan i.tvingston's. nn ex•11110 lector of of Newry, w'ns at Belfna sen• fenced to five years' pe nal sen 111PAP for nasapprnpriating altoo,t •E1.nno to trust nineey and enittezzlmg a C0fSiderh1.1r nue mit received for riles. After corn - miffing the ei/shies he at•sce ndcd to "11111 scans eke n card dr•rnrn," hr reef tine'sly remnriv'11 ns Ile Mile ereel w lttl with her at lite (he'll -step. "It down 1 meet) like a tiree►n lo me," she replied. "for a dream soon vanishes, you know.' IIA Little to mothers ji (i.. ture 110 Is white, te.ward rich trout) t�hncss, magic in minor Iil They as for the cafe awl I' Kerr, Tablets 8 1•'.e•1• used lees and hardly f'.• the house. Drs, or by w riling Ih Brockville, 4 - HE iS EMPHATIC IN WHAT HE SAYS DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURD 1108T. 1ttOM1 OF BRIGHT'S DISEASE. Ills Doctor Who Said There Was No Hope for Him. Now Pronounces Him Neil -- Ile Tells Itis Own Story. Mt. Brydges, Ont., Jan. t4, -Special.) -Among Inc many people in this r.elghbon104)d who tell of the great wore road s Kidney fills are doing, none is more emphatic than that old and re- spected citizen, Mr. Robert bond. "1 believe I owe my life to Dodd's Kid- ney Piles,' Mr. Bund says. "My alknd• tug physician said 1 Wits in the last stages of Bright's Disease and that there was no hope for me. Then 1 eotnnienc- et: to take Dodi! s Kidney Pills and used i'1 all twenty boxes. Nnw 1 cat well, sleep well, and my doctor says 1 and well. Dodd's Kidney Pills and nothing else cure.! me. Del you wonder 1 atm always reedy to say a good word for Dodd's Kidney Pills:'" \Vhat will cure Bright's Disease will easily cure any other form of Kidney Disease. Dardd's Kidney !'Ills will el - ways cure Bright's Disease. They ere Ihr only remedy that will cure Bright's Disease. Be sure end get Dodd's. Under the will of the rev. Maxwell • ' ass. Kings County. perpetual Ionnslcy, upwa,ds of of £10. - the reprise nlative body '.f in Ireland, to be held In trust (lit of poe,r parishes in the M nth. een res Gog d wit tints se es the c camp at telegram announces the encs, (:asllrlownshend II, Bart. II • was born father or ne of the defended t the cost tors in the attack on sanduta in the Zulu line of and Rossla in course of ree years, Is 1 it is confldrn r !rattle in July time the new 11 twecn Roslaro a nes running. railway >c'tween Hartxor,• whir') onstrncllCn for Ow SO fer id- ly expected !o next; and et e of tut gine 1'isbgl 'rJ Mrs. Nornehoddy: "home is the dear - ret spot on earth, after all." Mr. H.: "Yes, when you count in the rent and the servants' wage's." 13e There n Will 'Wisdom Points the Huy. -'l he nick Mao tinea for relief, but toe dislikes rending tor the doctor. Which means bottles of drug" never consumed. 11e has not the resolution to load his •t"rn.,eh with eompountis which toed vrllu,uouwy and taste worse. nut le hu •e the will to deal himself with hls ,.unset, wism do, Will direct l,ia attention to Parmelee so Vicectnble fills, which. "x a i.,cllic for indigestion, and d's•i-.1,ra of the digeatite organs, have no ...sunt. "Dene cry!" he Inireated. Then lie eer- ceit ed that her handkerchief was edged with the most exquisite lace. "Don't !veep!" he said. correcting himself. Kidney Search Lights, -Have you tnckactte? Do you feel drowsy? Da your limbs feel heuvy? Have you pains in the Ir,ins? nine you dizziness? ilnte you a tired dragging finding in the regions of the kidneys? Any and al, of these indicate kidney trembles, South American Kideey Cure is a ligind kidney s!urinc end works wonderful cures in most complicated cases. -94. Don't believe the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. !I was dere first. Address, \Vcstern Canada St'lilrrs' These two drests le qualifications, !lfuhlnl Lnnd (.:n., 23 Canada LItO BuilJ- plcntunt to the twat. nn.l et the ernes ing• r'. lune ehrrtnnl. aro. to he found in Me- g• p 6 tiler Graves' Worm Exterminator. Chli- 4 One Thousand Farmers Wanted. 1\'e want l,t)uft fnrnierr; for \Vesterit (',nada Ihr lite spring of 1t406. The renter, the young 181.11101. with vey leveed small capital. and the farmer with a number of mels for whom to wishes to secure farms, are the people who should write us as quickly as they read this notice. We can settle you in tee great wheat -bell of Manitoba or the other Provinces of Western Canada, uud give you such a chance as we confident• ly believe hes never before been otter - e 1 to settlers in any new country. Our !ands are the choicest, and sau- teed in the t'cst tried and the lest set- Ileel terming and wheal -raising die- lricts, and our plans are such as will surprise you by reason of their fairness and helpfulness. A man with a few hundred dollars and with heetlth and eeergy, by adopting one of them, can Iia a very ehart time be well-to-do. The ordinary settler coming here hoe to break his land and backset it the first your. and therefore does not secure any return freel the land until the harvest n! the following; year i:. reaped. ('nil •r our plans, the settler will begin to time an income from the slam, and of the same time will be feting on getting real' his lend Inc cropping. if you 'ti- ttle! coming to Western Canada to farm, we can thus put you in the wily of helping yourself from the flr.t day that you arrive here, and thus of being Independent. \Vt' want one thoueend se:11, r.s fen' the spring of 1906. Orr lands tirn•e been all very ,,nr•ful- Iv selected. and we guarantee the re - vies of our examiners on the stone.".In person need apply whose halals are not genie rinei who is net able to p►•odur.' Leel -class r•eferenees tee to his character and inele•stry. don i,be it. RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS. Their complete home cure. Post free to readers of this paper. For limited period only. ,uldr.,.uu ,Ilanii a:c I ( , A h t 1 �al,re, glv- ,I •:ser ,•tun In full ,' 1 beau,, , s„ I l , and K 1 s.s � with e � t, u � u 1'eraiy , n c ens fur a cuu,- piel. ramie euro, el.•.�ef lhlut,• the Ina.t •urre••II,1 1,.•fitn,N,l m the WOrldre. condi.cuoe,l by ln,• Minim,v uuu ,wdurs- rd by u,odical tueu. .Inv highly in- t.iructive hook was wilt ten by W. 11. ta.l,.' ti gent -Coo -1.1i who Inas notate • ew.ly of these di' -cases '1 he to e•locu 1a Ly r r.-a,funte or the 13nictrc,ty of bur treiurp Send post1e1 ,u-iiny end you is 11 re,'o,vr the hook lies: by re- turn.- Addrwwn. .1'he Veno Urug l:o., Au.g t,t , 'test, 'Ib•untu Teacher -"Johnny. von may v0 Y � me it d.efinit on of 'hypocrisy.' ' Johnny -- "It's when a boy says he loves his teach - err Ilemlfrtt hap is letter them esker sea" bet is bat wl em used is tie aosligL: way. toy Saalt4itt Soap sal tallow lireetaeaa "That boss voice Is a powerful one. isn't it?" "Yes; 1 notice it has a deal el hoarse power'." aNefflgeM Trea'ttewt with Allen's rang Att. saws brings up the pbleyn, •1'ps the t' .1145 aril pals iu t chest, everoo ei thv • terribie colds which, neglected, toed t.,cossemytt"o. "You've got a good celleelion of works of fiction, Snell -tees?" "Pretty fair. My wife Laught them to look for a poetic name for the baby." "Ah! end tvhett did you call her?" "Susan!" Sudden Deaths on the Increase. -Deo- ale appnrenlly well and happy to -day, hemorrow are stricken down, arnd i11 ninely•nine eau's 0111 of every hundred the heart Is the cause. The king '•f Imre remedies. I)r. Agnew :s (:urs for the Henri, is within reach of all, it relieves In 30 minutes, and curet mast chronic disseises, -91 She: "Did peen say nnythina to you (lain? your being Into young?" Ile: "Yes: but he said when 1 once began In pay your bilis 1 would ngc rnpidly enough.' Dickle's Ant i•(`onionnptleo Syrup 1. •.he result of expert chemical experi- ments. undertaken to discover a pre- ventive or Inflammation of the lungs Sind consumption. by r'estroying the term" that r'evelop t)iene A'ssist's, and all the world with pita foto nlhjeets hopelesshr stricken. The use of thin Syrup w t prevent the !lire consequence of neglect.1 Cold. A trial, which costs only 25 cents, will convince you that thin in correct. TUE FIRST ELECTittC TItA1N. The earliest public Trial of a passen- ger pont driven by on etas (i,e motor was tint conducted to. Professor Jiro - hi, of SI. Petersburg, In the year 1838, though for four years previously he had successfully experimented with ekrtrie traction in the prey/ley of his own grounds. The trine of Incnbl's vessel look place nn the Neve. and was wit- nessed by n vast i rowel of propte, i'he tent wens re fret Tong. 10 feet wide. and cnrrie'I fourteen persons. It was not until four years later that we find nny record of a pnssenger carriage driven by el, etrirtty on land, and In this rase the Inventor was Alexander 1)nvidsnn, of Edinburgh. The cnrratre wits tI; feel long by 7 feet '.gide. and wag lee f,elled for it mile stmt n half et the rate of four rntle:s nn h(ilr on the lelinburgh and Glasgow Railway. "1 nolirc•d nftr, you Iefl the home. (hie melding you went liee'k again. Dont yon know mars unlurny?" would hove been nood deal more un• lucky for tete if 1 hadn't gins buck. Mr wife called rile." A Merry heart (loco all the Day. - flut One enn..nt 1111':e a ,n. rry heart 11 s pain h baror he h" u inthe 1„ k a coon with a ruce:u,g cough. 'I'u he merry must be well rind five frons riches inn pallia. fur. 1 huMa,.' Y.( tectr,e Oil w,11 relieve all !"(ins, musrulur or otherwise. and rut the rpc•c(iy treatment of rotas and coughs 1t 1h it sII.nnhd medicine. J• finny: "1 wish my upon one thing end N. time in a worry." Ter they b('1'i) 110111e reeve'. won't lel sic stand on is all the time fisting shoes out so fast." folks would agree 01 keep hie all the 11111) : "Whitt 1i•9vr Jotlr,ny: "Mother my head. lout dad because I were' nay Rheumatism -- Whal'se the Cause? - %%here's the Corr? --•I he hrliwe irrltai ng cane,' of this most painful of disenses is poisonous uric neid in the blood. South American Fihcurnatid Cure neutralizes the nee! poison. itelieves in 6 hours and cures in 1 to 3 days. --90. "Dow still they are," reninrked Mrs. Froth, apropos of the young couple in Me next room. "Yeas," replied eft.. Frubhe, "it remh;ds use of my nriny ((ays, 11 was alws.ys wonderfully quiet just preview.; to an engagement." - lvoryem• 71t k• his men ernes Is the besvferse When confined to the house with a pais in the 11.le tar Distance but it would he qutekly forge •T e n .1 a 1) a �' Meath .i Mader war applied. They only ousts trifle. whir sot try Winn! Young Sklpjeek: "Ah --1 shrnlld like to cross that flied: do you Think --ah - thnl enw would hurl me?" Fanner: you ever hear of a cow hurun' 9 stir?" A Clear fresllhw !:kin.-I•:reptlnna of •kin nn.l ton Mote -hen whlrh blemish Mauer ere the rre, tt of Impure blond rau�nil 1.., unhealthy action of the liver and kti!ney•. in corrertint! thin un- healthy action and restoring the nr• Ian" ttheir normal condition, Parme- t•.'s o VerretahIn fills will at the name Urns rlennse the blood, and the blotch- es and eruptions will dinnppear Without leaving any trace "You used In tell me 1 was birdlike.' comoleinr'.l the fend wife, The Mistime) continued to bury his nose In the raper. "You OMNI to tell rile i was bird -like." repented the fond '. ifr: "but now you never net es If you thought so." "You're still bird -like." growled the hushnn 1. "One wnnldn'1 think you thought so. 'n Judge by-" "Isn't a parrot a bird?" THE BEST OF PEOPLE make mistakes unintentionally. But no one ITU MAA[ A N.AUAU IN BIMI I gait, Z31al ONLY ONE BEST TI A BLUE RIBBON "Oshawa" Steel Shingles Wind, Water. stem and Firs Pave 110 NNW It .••••• v%-•. ,, a.••a,v.a•v ....,• a•v.. •• , t-, , .,. . v r +�W5110 111171IMMENI Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel. at prices varying from $?,05 to $5.10 per hundred square feel covering measure. '!'his is the most clearable cov- ering on the market, and is an ideal covering for !louses. Barns, Stares. Ele- vators. (,torches. etc, Any handy mart can lay the "OSHAWA" ahing es. A hammer and snips are the only tools required. \\'e are the largest and oldest company of the kind under the British flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada. making them FiRE, W ATS+! AND LIOHTadINO-PROOF \Ve also mnunfacture Corrugated iron In long sheets, Conductor Pipe and SAVE TROI?I;H Etc. METAI. t)1HA'GIXS, in imitation of brick or stone. METAL (E• JN(.f(, in 2,0f () designs. Write for Catalogue No. 1411 and free samples of "OSHA\VA" Shingles. Writs to -day. s=a rmata ' . arloorLa. N(PTwtlAl, see. • TAMA, NIT. Ta*S01111 eay. LOOM • f hr. trusitetta MAi d""M. • Il. 757 Craig at- d1.1 Seam all 11 esiMcse at N • M tae M. 7a Lombard N. els Powder M. Warts Veva NsaaaaT ureic: Had OM. sad Works, Oshawa, Oat., Cicada PATENTED MARCH true 1104. Three M tohless-Trlpte Wall, Twe Wall. and Cement arise Maohlnaa. The fasted anal cheeped iv the market, slaking brick face with one inch colored, and strunl;er wuccete. Write f:,r b,tiklet- 1'. u4t1(I.AMri, Stratford, Oat. Farm Wanted. We wish to seer re Immo liately two good farm, in eh ,le. agricultu,al section. 5.,11 must be Ent elite, g wheat land prefers 1. We want tine farm over 4erU Arra i ar.1 one Inc num sire. Give dercrlp ti as and 'lowest snub price. t'iu/esslon must toe bol 17 A nil. Address NOILIH AMKRICAN LAND CO., LOCI D:Awar OW, fdlbn.sy,lls, 1dla. WANTED. We wish at once to secure honest, reliable sten l oUr this tin repro +amt v, an 1 act • v e sty In 1 n,t be willing t, eh .w tarn proper- ties 6 D Y l , b w �. w :n 1u Iles an.l make sale. t u en, h • said te this territ,ry. Good .&Lary awl commission. Addre.t, NORTII AMK1i1CAN LAND CO, De.,t, A, twat Drawer 900, Wnueapolte, Mllta, ! In any tomo and enld pen•plring feet positively cured within sit days, by oUr I,ew.y pateatta+l Msiuetic ul.c.t or rou.ie p..,mptgr ,eiva.led. Mat eJ anywbe.-e 5L.u.W.ite IIti der iptore et. Age.,ts wanted. MAUNaTLC R.s..U• llASLIM Ct,Rri e:0„ a5rbn.e,ke, Qwuee, Cooed* • 1'011 MALL -10,0M natio In the Tortton dds• trlct .d Markatchewan, 1n Lets of lea agree er more. 5,11 is rich black loam clay subsoil, merino* level and 'ern: rvlli•R. Nlew tele it. use /uiidleet thr,et,ib our lands this year. Prices will advance M0 dS.iaa 164. All leads hi from tau ao •1M miles from rail? mid. Districts well settl.l. Ochi ola, churches and Rood Wads. Prices are law and tenni nary to setaal rattlers, For price U d, terra' issd mrpp., w rite Tun corpse - swamps Lase Co., Uidua YAak 14)4, Wbsutrs(, Casada, "\Vtio was It," shouted the suffrage !sudor- "who was it that did the most to elevate woman?" Far down the aisle a little chap blinked his eyes and drawled: -"Why, the man that invented those high Swiss heels." And then the meeting n)ourned, "i'd rather he dead than suffer ngnln the terlui'es of inultnnia• palpitation and nervous twitching of my muscles in- duced by simple neglect of a little indi- gestion." These are the forceful and warning worts of a Indy who proclninls that her cure. by South Anierihnn Ner- vine when everything else hail failed was a modern miracle. A few doses gives reliel.-t!2 SiIE KNEW illll, "Mr. Grouch went to ntnsquernde the other evening disguised as a bear." "Did any one recognize hien?" "Only his wife." iM wet give w M dedpwlr,ou who miler. irons obstinate disfigurements of the skin. Ann dnt the ..ors Bp its with w' ' grate so4 purify the blood with Heaver'. Hyrup. All druggists keep them. GIIE %'r' 111111GA 1'1ON PROJECT. A great irrigation ',roasts!. Involving an expenditure of nhoul 82e.000,00), has Ie('n authorized by the Secretary of Stele for (rutin. The men conintnndcrl by the canals Is about reeeit .arum••' Helve, although only n small hell of it w•t1I he to ached for a number of yenrs to wine. Iii this area it Is eslintnted. about 3,041 square miles will be irrigated. 1tie writer will ix' taken from the Jhelum River, In which there Is now unappro- priated at the site of the headwork flow of 5,600 to 7.900 ruble feet per see. and. it Is believed that the invrslm,'nt of public funds in these works. great e8 the sum !nny be. Is well warranted by the econn'nic ndven►ages of the un- dertaking and the reasunrlble assuralice of Ample Interest pnyrr.t nla. DRESSED UP. OrtstoQ' is merely talk with a frock coat oip. BIG MONS Y TO MEN VY,', H Q, One beginner made 16.00 first morn- ing. Whole or spare time. The beast 50c seller. giving 25c profit. Users buy every month. Township rigid worth more than any general More bowies*. Act promptly if you want 1.. ritslry. Golden Crest Company, 9 Buihur•sl St., London, Orit. IOR SALE -Iles!, cheapest and nicest located stock farm in the United Stales: has a beautiful \voter front. and contains 8(11I acres, SAMUEL P. WOOD- CelCK, Salisbury, Md. BRITISII COLUMBIA RANCI IES AND farms, also irrigated f•urlluods. ad- joining City of Kamloops. Easy terms. Catalogue on application. `;fruit A Nash. Kamloops. B.(:„ Dyeing 1 Clean: ng 1 Per nae .err Mat seal per war.. ta. I "UITI$N AMIRICAi BTIsac N.. Leen ler ogees r rear sews, se seed Ilan , MMareal.Toroet*. Ottawa. Qt.bes ♦ ♦ ♦ 0+0+ %♦tN0♦l' ♦ D �� O ICN ♦ FARR ME S 1 O Thin M Oa *woo of the year whet, you Deal to ase every ♦p( preeeutivn with yourlip the Lie .'1 tier STOCK TONIC iTand .tier wee Des you rare the Ira+t n trainee of beslth to your s1 *, Valuable Advice Free liw it awl bows, year own r.Mrinory surgeon. . I Ml tit fir TLTtet I•YT apeaUllRdin add DUNDAM NT.. TORONTO. l)N►'. +0+ 0i♦0♦0+0+334 0t♦IO f Ct+D+ NOR1 H -WESTERN FARMS ON TIIE Grand Trunk Pacific) 1 have two sections of land for sale entire or in pert. on line of t,rnnd Trunk I'nciflc. now under coo-IrfC- lion pen west of Portes I n 1'rnirie. Ploughing in the Northwest will be - Fein as early es February. 1'on can sow oats, potatoes and alfalfa nn breaking and gel big prices bean railroad controctnrs on the spot. Then hire out your teams for rail- road grading al 15 per day. You won't get such a chnnee for a slnrl antaher year. Don't waste nny 111110. as there Is praelicelly noon'," lend for sale of equal guiltily In Such n elluatlnn on such terms end a1 so low a prir•P. Price 11110,50 per acre: six year terms. 1. L. !I. PARSONS, W Winchester Street, Toronto. Ont. DISILLUSIONED. She -"► hear you have just get mar- ried. is it loo Isle to congratulate you"'' Ile --"Oh, much too late! I was mar- ried three weeks agol" When •11 other corn preparations fWWI. try Ilolluway s Corn Cure. No pal■ whatever. anti no loco,'veu,cn'e n, s..-. , It. "Von married n rich wife, didn't you?" risked Jones, of his friend. "Yes." la sighed; "but she's not declared any divl- deed yet." r Mother Year Nide eras area meant taro�th Fall rd Water weather. fltey wtr each cad. Do you knew about SIwi loh's Consumptiee Com the Lang Tonic. aid whet i het dismiss so many ? it is said to be the only reliable teeedy for al deems of the air passer's in rhr'kdree. b is absolutely harmless aad p!eaant take. k is guannleed to euro a yens rnr'eey it rearmed The price is 25c, per bottle, ,fed al shale. U shedicise tell 3,4 SHILOH The remedy iteral bei every household. r& -M. -