Exeter Times, 1906-02-01, Page 8sTEwaRI"s NO YOU ARE NOT TOO LATE. If you want a Fur Deal, we are prepared to save you from 25 to 40Z on any fur garment in our shop. $I0 t)') fur men's genuine Black Yak fur coats, every coat guaranteed. This same cos: next masonry/ill-rel for x.00. Better buy now. $ 51 Lsdiea' natural dark Coon coat, new sleeve, large collar, finest sel- ected fur. Itegular value $55 to $60 Our clo,ing out price only $37.50. $37.10 for men's prime Canadian Coon coats, natutal dark hides. full soft furred, regular values $50 to $60. 'Jame and take your choice of our big stock for 137.50 *63600 Ladiee' Choice French Seal Coat. with Choice American Sable Collar and Reveres, hest linings, regular values $15.00 to $44.00, our Bargain Price only $36.00 REMEMBER every piece of fur in our shop is subject to a discount of from 20 to 400/o The profit will be yours the loss ours, buy your furs now and be ahead of, the game for next season. We have a')Jut fifty fur and fur -lined coats for men and women. Do 3 (iU want one. Yes, Grey is it, and will be it all spring, of course it's Grey Dress Goods we mean. We have been very fortunate in secur- ing a swell range of very Nobby. New Grey Dress Goode in NEW GREY "TWIST OVER C.I1;CK TWEEDS". Sweet for suits or odd skirts. Lovely Gley Bar Over. Check Tweeds. very new and strictly it for spring. New Grey Shot Check Mohairs, rich glossy finish, full of snap an I style. Do Drop in and ask to see our new Grey Goods sed tell us what you think of our selection,. Yee! oh. Yes! %. c have other colors and Black Goods too. Everybody won't wear grey. When you are In looking at the Grey Goods ]just take a look through the whole range. You will not he asked to buy. OUR NEW WALL. PAPERS are here and ready for inspection and i.l,proval. We are very strong in five and ten cent lines, but our twelve and a half to twenty cent lines are leaders and 1)'e would like to show you through the new line. J_ A . STEITs.T'A Rte' .tel' What Shall It be? That's the question that is asked over and over again when their is a present to be chosen for a bride. Most people agree that it should come from a jewelry store, because somehow jewelry and presents are always associated. If those interested only knew it, we could relieve them of their uncertainty in a few minutes. Our stock furnishes the hints. It reveals in a minute more _ appropriate presents than anyone could sit at home and recall in a whole day. So we invite buyers and we promise to make their choosing easy and their choice satisfactory. MflR6tIIIND THE JEWELLER & OPTICIAN, Eyes Tested Free. STOCK TAKING We are offering special values in Suitings, Over Coatings and Pantings this month in order to make room for Spring Goods. Suitings made to order for $lo•oo and $12.00 Over (' )atings made to order for 19.00 and upwards. Pantings made to order for 12.5o and 13.00. W. W. Taman Merchant Tailor. MARRIED IIODGINS - 1IEiRBERT - At the Main Street parsons 3o on Monday the 29th, John Walter Hod,riru, of the township oflIidliIp , Middle- sex .d le•sex Co., to Ella May Herbert, of the lame place, by Rev. Wm. God • win. . L .• TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY, FEB. 1st, 1906. ••••••••••••••4il••••••••••. •• •• •••••••• t••••••• MISS IIALLS, OF BRANTFORD, is the guest of Mrs. T. A. Amos. MISS EDITII SANDERS IS VISIT- ing Mr. and Mrs. Russell Manning', at Clinton . MRS. R. SAMUEL, OF HIGHGATE is visiting :her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bowden. MR. AND MRS. W. WELSH VIS- ited Mr. and Mrs. S. I'oplcstonc at Blyth last week. MR. AND MRS. J, A. STEWART leave to -day for New Yerk for a month's visit with aretatives. MRS. CHAS. ABBOTT AND CHIL- dren, of London, visited friends in town during the $past week. MR. SAMUEL I'OPLESTONE, who left for Blyth some weeks a.go, moved 'his family (hero last tvee'k. A TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE mqn is scheduled to take ;plate on the 9th, visible in North Americo. REV. MEDD, OF IIENSALL, TOOK charge of the meeting in James St. o hurch Ion Thursday evoning lost. MRS. AMOS ENTERTAINED A number of her friends very plcateant- ly on Thursday and Friday :after- noons at Last week. MR. W. T. ACHESON . LAST week roeeived tan Thomas Otto, of Kingsville, :an excellent wimple of tobacco, grown in Essex count;, The leaves ore about three feet long. MR. GEO. SCHOELLIG, OF 1308- cobel, Wis., in Irenewing his subecrip- tion to the Times says it is always welcome to this home, and could Trot be without it. IF ANY OF ,OUR RESIDENTS, who are (making a short visit out of town, will leave us their mines, we shall be pleased to send thorn a copy of the Times during their absence, f roc of the r go. MRS. RANSOM 18 THE 'PROUD j)ssessor of la :guilt containing 6120 pieces. which elm cut, mewed . and quilted in .about ct month. The quilt is beautifully mode end is a credit to Mrs. Its nsom. Mr. W. W. L. Ohipnia.n, Inspector of the Molson'a Bank, was in town during Uhf • -rk '•1 etaminrd the books bf tL i:a r branch. Mr. Chipman found the $affairs herr, in e very satisfactory condition. THE ENTERTAINMENT TO iBE ziven by the Thames Bold Presby- terian church on Monday, February 5th, promises to be a "rouser." T. H. Cameron, of Toronto, tho noted entertainer, has been secured for the entertainment. MIt. W. SOMERVILLE, WHO 11AB been engaged in milling nt Arden, Man., dor the past sixteen years, re- turned to Exeter past week end is renewing acquaintances. hero prior to going to Goderioh whore he will t.ikc charge of the mills for the Western Canada Flour Mills Company. AMONG THOSE WHO WERE i` Exeter attending the funeral of the late George V. Szimwell on Monday were: Mrs. T. .1. Lock.nardt, King- hton, Richard Beldon, Ingersoll ; Mr. T. Trick, Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liamson, Inzareoll, Frank V. l;unwell North Bay : Mr. Wm. ipenman, Lon- don ; Mr. and Mrs. B. W. (;rige, Montreal: Mrs. T. Trick, Robt. Trick, Levi Trick alta' Miss Trick, Clinton : Wm. Trick, Thedford; fir, (;(orre in:ereoll 'and the lfii'ee Annie and Marion Setdon, lnzcrsolt. TO CURE A COLD iN ONE DAY Take Laxative ilromo Quinine Tab- lets. All drngglsts refund the mon- ey it it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's 'Welters is on each box. Me. LOCALS ti t;XETER '1'1M68, FEBRUARY 1st, 11906 MRS. CRAWLEY, OF LUQAN, 18 viaitia; ter moo, Ilr. G. Crawley. GUARANTEED TO CURE YOUR cough Cole's Cough Curo or money rc f u od. d. MRS. COOPER FORREST. OF lieu:.:ll visited fr_nds in Exeter last week• MRS. A. Q. BOIUER LEFT SAT- urday tor a few week a' visit w'fti friends in Toronto. MISS MINNIE l:/tAIIAM. OF WIN- nipe;, fonn.erly of St. Marys. was the guest of Mrs. Jo -lin White, during the week. WAITED - GIRLS TO LEARN the millinery, duties to begin. about 2nd week in March. Apply at once. J. A. Stewart. REMEMBER THE RECITAL BY the pupils of Miss A. Johns in the Opena House, Friday, Feb'y 2nd. Ad- mission 15 cents. MR. M. Y. MCLEAN, OF TIIE Se_sforth 1Ext.ositor, was •in town Monday (attending the funeral of the Lite Gel. Sumwell. NEW PERFUME ODORS EGYPT - ion, Lotus and Droser.a Also La France, Hooke Mond. Violet. Fougere and Jicky at Cole's Drug Store. THE MERCHANTS, OUT OF RE- spect te)r the late Geo. Saaawell, had their windrow blinds dnawn during the ,Mur of the funenal on Monday. MISS BENNETT. OF TORONTO, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. A. Stewart and will remain until Mr, Mrs. Stewart returns .from New York• MR. IIAROLD BISSETT, OF TIIE Molson's Bank staff, loaves Saturday for Amherstburg to assume his new duties In the brunch of the Molson'd bank there. OUR SUBSCRIPTION LISTS were corrected up to Last Saturday and this week wo are sanding out a number of accounts for which we shall feel obliged for remittances. MR. R. E. MANNING, OF CLIN- ton, formorly of Exeter, was a fellow student at the University of Toronto of Mr. Ikunnr Greenwood, Who was elected member of the British Par- liament. "CHIEF" BISSETT \VAS IN t,ODE- rich last Saturday attending the trial of the young masa n'rmed Luker who was charged with the theft of a ;horse from an Usborrlo farmer. Luker pleoded rguilty and was re- manded Lor sentence. ACCORDING TO TIIE WEATHER bureaus the mid vintor iemperature of 'last week is wit'bout parallel. In 1874 we had a mild winter, but it does not ocenparo with that which we hove been enjoying. THE ICE CROP IS NOT OVER - promising this season, and the local users are wondering if the heather man will :give us gentiles/Ea .winter weather, so that they can harve.t their :annu:al supply. THE LEGISLATURE WILL BE celled for Thursday, Feb. 15. No- tices to this effect hate been sent too the members. It is expected the ses- sion will Last about eight weeks, ad- journment taking place a day or two before Goad Friday. MR. J. A. GREGORY, OF BAT- tletord, Sask., w•ho spent the Y.ulc- tide holidays with 'his parents here. and tater on took a business trip es far 'oast as Montreal, returned to Exeter last week and where he will remain several days prior to re• turning to his tome in Iiattle(ord. ONE OF TIIE THINGS REEVE Bobier Intcrxls doing this year tri to bave Exeter incorporated ,into a Gown. While Exeter does not en- joy the •required population, that of 2000. sola, action will probably be taken to have it pieced in the 'select class. Reeve Bobier claims that Exe- ter will derive ninny advantages from its ineorporation. MASTER JOE ATCHESON WAS the victim of a shooting accident last Saturday while ekatin; on the pond in Howard's ,grove. Another young kid was shooting at a mark with a small 'rifle, when one of the bullets glanced off the ice, striking Joo in tbo bight leg. Tho bullet did not penetrate very fir into the flesh and was removed by Bettie Martin. Whfle the accident vas snot serious it should be a lesson to parents Irk be careful in snot allowing their children to handle firtnrms away from home. TOWN CLERK JOSEPH SENIOIt received %ward on T9lutaday of the death of his eldest brother, Thomart, nt Sault Ste Marie., on Jan'y 24th, the klireet came being liver trouble superinduced 'by prrcuinonia. Mr. Thomas Senior will bo remembered by many in Exeter, be hiving spent his boyhood days here. Tho decc_•rs- ed W;1s a baker end followed that occupation up to the time of hie ill- ness. The Iramains were taken to Toronto for interment on Saturday. Mr. .Iosetih Senior %sent there Fri- day to attend the (uncoil. iN TiIE LAST ISSUE OF TIIE LO - oral lepers Mr. T. II, Carling teas boasting tot a Large e; g record and VAT wanting to know Neild could beat it. On Ootober 4th, Mr. 1). RoweLiffa had a pullet which laid her first egg and 'by the 20th est November hod Laid fourteen, and by the. 20th De- cember two pullets .had laid 37 el. -re Those pullets aro of the Wyandotte variety sand omit be batt by the Rocks as winter *layers. Dave has 17 hens end in the nmnfh of Janu- vey, up till tire 27th, hoe turned out 252 ergs for an)arket. Who ase boat this? MR. 8. U. BARNES, OItGANILER for the C. 0. C. F., was in Irkroter last week assisting the members of the !Local lodge in flex urittt new members. A epnoial rneating e -as held on \Vodrwsday evening of East week at v hioh a number of new candidates were admittedinto the secrets of the ordor. After the lif- ter the officers for the present year were sworn in Organizer Barnes rave n sbrief talk on the work he had been main; in the Northwest. The members of the moelal committee pro• vided a dainty lunch for those pre- sent, after bile nieetFng. The following officers for the en- suing ee ar were elected : 1'. C. Mrs. Amos ; (;. C., P. W. itowe ; V. C., W. tlpalkwill ; itee. & Trcas, 1t. N. Rowe: }'relate, efts. Daween : Mar- shall, Mrs, Quanta ; Warden. C. W. Christie : Guard, Mrs. Moore ; Sentry, Thos. 'Harvey ; Auditors., 1P r. Amos. and Wm. Balk will. FURS MUST BE SOLDCARLINO Too many Fnrs, yes far too many. Our whole stock of Fur STOCK TAKING goods must be sold Furs that will give you wear. Every Gar. biTE ment guaranteed. BR- I only Coou Coat. lovely thick fur, dark color, a beauty worth $00.00 for $45.00. 2 only Black Calf Coats with Russian Lamb Collar. this coat will give splendid wear worth $35.00 for *22 50. 5 only Ladies' Astrachan Jackets. beautiful curl. with quilted satin lining, worth $35.00 for $23.50. 1 only Electric Seal Coat, with red fox collar. reveres and cuffs, satin lining size 34, worth 248.00 for $40.00. 1 only American Sable Scarf, 45 inches long, good quality, worth $15.00 for $10.75. 1 only Sable Scarf, with silk orna- ments and cords, 45 inches long, worth $13,00' for $10 00, 2 only Isabella Scarfs. pretty dark shade, newest shape. with tour tails, worth $10.00 for $8,75. 2 onlyLadies' Fur Ruffs. American Sabe, choice fur, worth $8.75 for $5.50 1 only Pretty Red Fox Boa, with large head and tail, very swell. worth 19.00 for $7.90. MEW I only Silver Fox Scarf, with large head and tail. with Muff to match worth $5.00 for $3.95 each, 1 only Caperine, targe collar and cape, long front, worth $15.00 for $10.75. $15 00 Caperine for $10.00 112.00 Caperine for $ 9.00 $ 5.00 Caperine for $ 9.95 Men's Felt Slippers with thick felt soles, worth OOc for 48c. Women's Felt Shoes. all kinds, selling off at cost WOOL RUGS 3only Pretty Plaid Wool Rugs, worth 11200 for $1.75. COMPORTABLBS Wool Blankets, all sizes ani qualities, at lowest cut prices. Bed Comforters. made of Fine Art Sateen. worth $2.00, on sale at $1.50, other lines at $2.50 and $3.00, beauties. Flannelette Blankets. large size, pink bordere, worth $1.25, on sale for 98c, ISN'EZIL & R,owE Market Report. -The following is tee report of Exeter markets, cor- rected up to Jan. 25th. \Vhoat, 78 to 80 cents pox bushel. Oats, 32 to 34 cents per bushel Shorts, $18 to $20 a ton. Peas, 60 to 65 cents a oushel. Bran, $17 per ton Flour, $2.25 per owl. Feed Flour, $1.15 per cwt. Clover need $5 to $6 a bus. 13arley, a5 to 40c. per bushel. Hay, $7 per .ton. Turkeys, 13c. per pound. Hogs, livewei. ht. -$7 a case Ilogs, dressed. $8.50 to $9 a cwt. Butter, 18c. per lb. E gs, 18c. a dozen Onions, 75c. per bushel. Dried Apples; 50. per lb. Chicken. young,.7 conte pee pound Ducks, 10 cents par lb. Gesso, 10 cents per Ib. Octal, $6.75 to $7. Potatoes, $1.00 a leo. MISS MURIEL ANDERSON .11A8 been quite ill duriing the past month which neoosaatated her absence from school for seven! drays. A VERY SOCIABLE TIME WAS spent by n number of tho (Exeter friends nt the .horse of Miss Bettie Essery, of Eden, one eveniail; of last week. TIIE GRAND TRUNK RAILROAD Company 5s intending to make an. other attempt at erecting 'a new station at Exeter. A representative of the company was here on Friday looking over the a;nonnd and ,de- cided that the best available site would be on Cho nest side of the truck, where two of the ware houses now stand. Agett J. J. Knight pointed out that the corporation would !possibly want a spur sun from 'the lino down town to Levitt's corner, and would Jike to have the station built somewherlo along the street. This the 'representative claimed would bo out of question. ns would necessitate tbo backing up of the trains eaaeh time they arrived here, the same ns is being done 'in Clinton. Ile Intimated that the switching of passenger trains to the spur at Clinton, w•onld be done away with 4n the mar future. It is tbo intention of the company wo aro in- formed to erect the new station Bur- in; the coming summer. +r •••••••••••••••••••••••N GRAND TRUNK Railway System \VINTF.lt RESORTS IN FEBRUARY 0aliforaia, Mexico, Florida, Cubs, offer attractions dif- ficult to find i.n any other part of tine world. Dclighl- ful, restful, health restoring climate, luxunioue hotel, ROUND TItil' TOi?1tiS'l' TICKETS AItE ON SALE DAILY TO ALL SOUTHERN RESORTS The Mount Cielncrls Mwn- er:II 1iitlis, and Ht. Cathar- ines Minor'tsl springs, situated on tour direct line, ore c"Ie• hailed for t heir curative waters. Try et. For tickets and ,full formation call on J. .1. KNIGHT, Depot A.tent J. Q). MoDONALD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. ••••••••NN•••••••••••••• THE OLD BUSINESS UNDER A NEW NAME. As Dr. Lutz's successor, I take this opportunity to welcome all bis old regular customers as well as solicit a fair share of partronage from all others. Reliable quality is the first importance and fair prices come next. We make you safe in both respects and solicit the trade of those, who wieh to feel certain tbat they have bought worthy drugs at right prices. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Aiways in stock a full line of Fresh Drugs. Drug Sundries, Pharmaceuti- cals, Toilet Articles and Choicest Perfumes. AT COLE'S DRUG STORE QUIILITY FIRST PLflGE We know that we have to hold fast to quality to hold fast to trade. This causes us to exer- cise the greatest care in the selec- tion of wheat used in the manu- facture of our family flour "STAR" The quality is supported by reasonable prices only $2.25 per cwt. at the mill. We have a large quantity of feed on hand, which we will sell at close prices. HARVEY BROS. Merchant Millers EXETER, ONTARIO. MISS IBETTIE ESBERY 18 THF. guest of Mrs. J. A. Monroe, Andrew Street. FEBRUARY Pisces ; or the Fishes. A mean born at this time w•dll be shrewd and have an eye to number one. Ile will gain by diplomacy what others would ;et by (force. He will bear insult in or- der to ;tin d1i8 end, but when this is gained will repay with intorc,;t. Of a haughty disposition. In •love Tlo will not be passionate. Severe with the ifaults of 1100 children, and no exacting husband. A woman born of this perild will be of obli. n,t manrvans, open and sin- cere, clever, (mink ; n sinters' f riond. Opposed Ito deceit, 'faithful in love, a(fcotionate to her f nnily ane an ex- cellent wife. The Best Hall's Vegetabl. Cicilian Hair Bc sewer. It tonoa up, fn -i gorat',:, strengthens the hair -bulbs. The hair " • grows taster, thiekor; r.to;;c falling O ! out; does not split nt the ends. tried /;r hall a century. Teatc'd and c 1'..r 11 • e.IJ,l.,rr, .r 1 •,.,•,.l e:af , r F:•e• ),;'s'K:V4:11414'3 hl 1.e. •,. a rich ,,,oa o, . v., , r t 1:.I ...t 7.r..4 • .. 5... •,11. 4.11 Hair Tonic Now for a Big "SLASH" et REMNANTS. During our Stook Taking we have taken all our e from 1 to 5 yards and placed them on our Remnant Countti* and will have a big of Dresr Goode, Prints, Cottonades. Flannels, Flannelettes, Shirtiugir Tweeds, Etc. Every remnant below coat to clear out. Fur Remnants We have been very fortunate in disposing of Our Big Fur Stock cooMi- ering the mild winter. Only 3 Fur Coats left at } of the price Only 5 Neck Ruffs left at } of the price Only 6 Fur Caps left at } of the price and then we are cleared up. Over Coat Remnants Not many lett we have been doing something. Only 4-$8.00 New Style for $5 00 Only 3-$18.00 New Style for $7.00 Only 2-$12.00 New Style for $8.00 We hays about one dozen of other season's coats, A few boys' and a few Men's for $1,00 and $2.00. Don't Miss This Big Rernnattt Sale [T'S A MONBY SAVER. CARLIN'C1- BRCS. YOUR MONEY IN THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADl Never stops working day or night and no money comes more easily than interest money you can start an account here with one dollar. Interest Paid 4 Times a Year whether you look after it or not. CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER JOSEPH SNELL, Manager. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors. Sale of Necessaries far Spring We thank our many customers for their patronage in thepast and for ONE MONTH MORE, we invite then and as many more to call and inspect our bargains. LINOLEUMS Printed Linoleum, bearing the stamp "Nairns Scotch Linoleum" a handsome floral design on a rich cream ground. a well sea- soned cloth. Regular price 12.25 per yard, now $1,75 Printed Linoleum, bearing the stamp "Nairns Scotch Linoleum" a combination of floral and tile patterns, a splendid wearing cloth with beautiful colors. Regular price $2.25 now 11.75. CARPETS One piece of Brussels carpet, 45 yards, a very close loop woven on an extra heavy back. A beautiful design. Regular price $1 per yard, aow Soc. • top. _ On piece of Tapestry in bright colors, an extra good piece for the money. Regular price soc per yard, now 42c. Reversible Union Carpets in different styles of patterns and colo r- ings. Regular price 95c, 50c and 3oc now hoc, 42c and 25c Hemp Carpet 35 inches wide in a fancy floral design, Regular price 20e now 16c Hemp Stair Carpet, 22 inches wide, fancy mottled pattern with a neat border. Regular price 20c per yard, now 17c. LACE CURTAINS We have a large range of Curtains. Look at these prices 25c Nottingham Curtains for 21c 35c Nottingham Outline for 20c 50c Nottingham Curtains for 42e 75c Nottingham Curtains for 60c 93c Nottingham Curtains for 75c 1.50 Nottingham Curtains for 1.20 1.70 Nottingham Curtains for 1.36 1,05 Nottingham Curtains for 1.50 $2.00 Nottingham) Curtains for $1.00 225 Nottingham Curtains for 1-80 2.50 Nottingham Curtains for 2.00 2,73 Nottingham Curtains for 2.21) 3.00 Nottingham Curtains for 2.40 3.50 Nottingham Curtains for 2. 4.00 Pompadown Curtains for 7.00 Swiss Curtains for - - A MONEY SAVER Our assortment of WALL PAPERS comprises com- plete combinations of colors and varieties of choice designs. Our prices aro the lowest, 'All outstandingaccounts must be settl(d on or before February 15th, 1900. TERMS: -Produce or Cash. PO G0003 6111101 APPROBR1101. 10 000D3 i0118RCK �F11R PIM Poplestone & Gardiner. 41111.6