HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-02-01, Page 5THE EXE'1 ER TIMES, FEBR UA1tY1st ttlOti J NYTHIIITC YOU WANT • IN LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH. CEDAR POSTS, SASH, DOORS, FRAMES, TANKS, &c., YOU CAN HAVE ) at rock bottom prices at our yards and factory. STORM DOORS AND STORPI SASH ade to order on short notice. We manufacture poultry and early. apple boxes in large quantities, order OF EEVERY C E PAY THE HIGHEST 160041g DESCRIPTION CASH PRIE FOR WjUcR�itaWor6O are always prepared for CUSTOM SAWING.: Ltd., [xctCr. W*44,,,,,.4.44..++..+++«•4Tia Osborne and Hibbert IRON j Farmcr'S Mutual fire Insur- FE NE POSTS We have a num. ber of different 'kinds of Iron Fence Posts which we will ' sell cheap or will • take all kinds of • ' scrap iron in ex. change. M.JACKSON & SON Main -St. Exeter. One door south of the Metropolitan Hotel. fit4I441 t,l++++++.i..i.'p.i-Mi't't'•1'f•h++ MIDIOAL W. BROWNING, M. D.. M. 0. 4e P. 8., Graduate Victoria Uni- �tersity, office and reeldenence. Dominion. L story, Exeter. SarDR, A. F. MALLOY , GRADUATE Toronto University. Former =seer to Toronto Western Hoeplt!d. e�pexseer to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Night Hce�ll at else. anis Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. DIRECTORS. President: -T. RYAN, DUBLIN. P. 0. Vice -Pres.:- J. A. NOCROI�ARTY P. U. F. MORLEY, WHALEN P. 0. W.11. PABSMORE, BORNHOLM P. UBAR •0. WM. Roy, I. L. RUSSELL, RUBSELDALE P. 0. AGENTS, J. CARMICHAEL, STAFFA. ONT A. DUNCAN FARQUHAR, ONT. J. WILSON, FULLARTON, ONT. J. 8. GILFILLAN, LDCAN, ONT B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secs.-Treas. Farquhar. GLADMAN & STANBURY. Solicitors What is Home without a Piano or Organ. C erainly not all that it might be. Call and see us and let us show you some of the highest grade PIANOS AND ORGANS that Canada produces. They are certainly works of art. SEWING MACHINES Then in Sewing Machines we carry the best that the market affords. Do not listen to what others tell you about our prices and terms, but call and satisfy yourself. We will make them to l suit you unless you are very hard RS. Y. AND H. M. COWAN, 301 to please. DRS. Street, London, Ont. 1i!e bpr�ae nti given dietence connecttou. Is1 attention given dieaeta of roll= n� street take you almost to the door. other city aim Special Hospital and oxford or ( P R. S. MARTIN & SON r �t other for patteate Irani a READY FOR THE DENTAL _ DR. A. R. KINSMAN. L. D. 8.1). D. S., Honor Oradsate of Toronto University. Dentist` Te entreated without pais or badon attar West sidOffie ofn Fan. f Main 4lasee.- Exeter' DA. ANDE ION, (4. o. $.I.0•S. Di NTIBT. EUniversityGraduate of the Torn ECollette of Dental Sn nate of . honors Also Poet' Reboot of Prosthetic Dentistry (with le mention. /fig known to the Dents% Profeeaton tie this office. Bridge work, crowns, al- um, gold and vulcanite plates all done exIn neatest manner possible. perfectly leas anaesthetic used for palntese trao• • one door south of Carling Bra's stone beteg. Ont. riONEY TO LOAN. ' We tare a large amount of private finds to sea on farm and village properties at iowratee IIK interest OLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers Solicitors. ildain St. Exeter DICKSON & CARLING, 4 1 tore Solicitor. Notaries, ()else savers C nl�toeees, Solicitors for the Moleooa Bas MMSSSI /obese at lowest rates of isteIeo% OFFICE t -MAIN STREET.TER.mace= NEW YEAR CASTOR IaMR.iM�O ,. IA The Hind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signatnre or and has been made under his per. 41;4 - _ somal supervision since its infancy. �4!/Lt' Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health or Infants and Children -Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorin is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare. goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend. CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You gage Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TN[ CINTA'IR COMPANY. 77 MYRRAY *TRACT. NEW YON* CITY. Diamond Wedding A very unusu 11 , u►d lou, -to -ii., re- membered , .•!'•l,r:Ition wort held at the loons of \1l..in1 airs .Win. Gun- nel„ south bound try, I1l.In ll.lyd., w1 Friday ea:oiling. January 26i h. t he ocoasou 'losing tits 60111 .tau►a•rs,( 3 of their m:erne.;.. About 60 of their children, 'gr,Ind children. bud •,rt' It grand 'children, :old a number o[ their other relatives told friends, making a total of over 011e. 'hundred persons 'assembled to do honor to then/ gild partake of the:r a.•c: 51 110spitality. In •the Atter noon a 1.1..11t0;4.lptier took a picture of Mr. obi Mrs. Gunning seated in their p Mor. 'flit. .guests he, 441 to aegis• :about half oast four .Ind by six o' -:.lock all had exchanged oleo4(u4t greeting A - and were cordially welcomed 10 1 he 1•t1'{e kindly, unit r;wuu1Udious loon:. The free 'soci.I1 ft."--rI. pi-eeading a �ntbering of this kind when such a large circle of rcl;Itivca meet, is sel- dom. if ,ever found to such a de- gree in other .r:lherings. The scene in the dining room avas pretty and interesting indeed. Mr. and Mrs. Gurulin4, ‘were, seotett at the h:• Id of the first retic surrounded by their family w,i.th their wives or bus - bands. T1i it ;grind children, the two eldest from each faintly, avaited ut.on them. Mr .and Mrs. Gunning used t he gold -lined tea service pre- sented to them by their family:a the celebration of their ,golden Wedding ten yews ago. It is doubtful if a More tastefully arranged or tempt - viands would 141011' 1141,11 satisfy the host fastidious. After r111 111(1 (10110 justice to the excellent supper t1va of \1r. Gun - Dings ,grand children and two of his great grand children were baptized, Rev. fair, of Eliniville, and Rev. Mc- Tavish, o[ Granton, o[[ic`.ating. 'flee .grand children were. Elsie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gunning, and Minnie, daughter of 141r. and Mrs. Geo. Milisou. The .groat ,grrtud chil- dren thele A to hie Ross, son Df Mr. and :Mrs. A. Chit tick and Archie Clayton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1 NOTIC'I' TO CREDITORS In tbo matter of the estate of ( In the 111itter of tha estate of So - Thomas Dick, bite of the Villa 3e ',Ilia 1' lein[cidt, late ..i[ the Town - of llensall,'in the County of Ihu- • ship of Hay, in the County of ron, gentleman, denaaased. Huron. Widow, deceased. Notice is hereby ,given pursuant to Notice is thereby given pursuant to R. 13. 0., 1897, chapter 129, that all It. S. O., 1897. chapter 129, tint all creditors and others Iwtvirl2 cl•irtms creditors and others hiving; clairu44 against thetestate of the said Thomas a,:inst t'b:Istat:' or 1 h said Soph., Dick who died on or about tout 1st 1{Iciu[cldt, tvho died on or about the We wish to inform you that we have a fine stock of groceries for New Year use. The Mincemeat The Pudding The Cake 4 lb. of raisins for Zic. 'J) lb: of sugar for $1.00 Currants, drained peel, shelled al- monds, shelled walnuts, raw sugar and a fine btock of Candy for Xmas. We have also a full supply of flour on hand and have three kinds for you to choose from. Give us a call and you will find it the cheapest place in town. TNOMAS CAMERON. CONVEY- ancer, wills drawn, money to loan es real estate.. alto i.loeneed Auctioneer for therges /a odeiane. Orders Hlet at alPerth. is wet my residence, 1F srquhar wt11 rereiie prompt atten Ston. MONEY TO LOAN We laveunlimited private funds for invest oat npon fates or village [rot, at lows. M-' of to s.DICKSON & CARLINO Easter FARM :"O1t SALE. -Tb 11 excel- lent farm, i.ot. A, concession P, township of l shornconsisting of &bout 100 cores, 110I1 fenced sit brick 'Loos. sot 10 towns. 'good wool - abed, hank tarns with br;ck f outdo - stations. Good drive bowie. pert under built of stone. good 'Voting .creek, two rood wells of lnrdw iter, soft w Iter isle:n :n lIotl'e. Owe to sotr�nl, church unit post office. Apply *4. It, poring Witte:e•ls-et. P. O.. Dot. Are ',OO a subscriber tor the "Exe- ter Tames", if r It why rot sub - Perils, at once. S. HARDY & SON day,ofJ.anunry, 1906, are required on or ,be -fore the 10th doy o6 Febru- ary, 1906, to send by post prepaid. or deliver to Messrs. Gktdsnan & Stan - bury, of the viitoze of Exeter, So- licitors for tie Executors of the s•1%d deceased. tlueir chnis(ian anti sur- names, addresses and descriptions, the full war ticuklrs of their claims, the statement .of their accounts and tore nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And further Like held by 11104x. And further take no - notice Chit tiftor such Last mentioned lice that after such hast mentioned dote the said executors will proceed date tho said Executor will tin, distribute the a_';"ts of the de- proceed to distribute the assets of ceased among 1lite 1)1,1 (('4 entitled the deceased am:$n3 the parties en - 7th day of tiepteanlxr. 1905, are re- quired .:.1 or before the 5th day of Febr'u Ary, 1906, to send by Dost pre- paid or deliver to Messrs. Gladma11 & St Inhury, of 111_ Village of Exeter, Solicitor's for the. Exccutar of the said deceased, their christian and surnames, :Addresses 1441 descriptions, the full particulars of their claims. the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, thereto linving Ire,rard only to tho claims of which they shall thon have notice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the wsI asseeti or any !part Thereof to any person or persons of whose okoim a,dtice shall not have l►Mn received by thutn at the GLADMAN u& STANoll 11I8aRY Solicitors for sant Executors. Dated at Exeter this 22nd day of JatlUary, 1906. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of oho estate of Thomas Nelson llayter Ialc of the Township of Stephen in the County of Huron, Esquire Notice is hereby _ivrn pursua111 to R. H. O. 181)7, chapter 129, that all persons )rlviu2 .claims arallist the es- tate of the tote Thomas Nelson Il:ty- ter, who stied on or about the third dty of lDecruIIbor, A. 1). 1905. aro re- quired to send by post prepaid or to deliver to Kenneth Goo,lman of the town of Parkhill, in the County of Middlesex. solicitor dor the Adminis- tratrix on or before the 1001 day of February, A. '.1). 1906, their names, addresses and descriptions and a full statement of porticulars of their claims 1,n11 the mature of the secur- ity (it any) held by them duly certi• fied, and niter the said day the rid - a inisrtatrix ,will pnncred to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased atr*Mi the parties cut itled thereto, Navin; 'regard only to the elaitn1 of which she shall then hive 'satire. Dated nt Parkhill this 11th day of January. A. 1). 1905. MARTHA ANNiEHA Adminmfr ttrix. by KENNETH GOODMAN DSolicitor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the matter of the estate o1' Mary Snell. tato of the Township of Usborle, in the County of Ru- yan, Widow, deceased. Notioc is d►ercby _given pursuant to it. S. 0.. 1897, chapter' 129. that all creditors and others having claims a&sn of tate estate of the said Mary Snell, who died on or about tine 4th day of Ueentnbcr, 1905. are re- quired, on or before the 8th day of February, 1900, to send by lost pre- paid or deliver to htesnrs. Gladman I & Stanbury, of the Village of Exeter. Solicitors for the Adnrinintratrix of the said Itt'C(1I'0d, their christian and {Urn:MRCS, addlesvi'1 and deseriptiorx+, the full particulars of their claims. the statement of their accounts and the whirrs of the securities. if t►ny. held by 1110111. And fOr1110r take no- tice that after such last n►cnt104*4d date the said Adininistratric will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased 3 01011 the portico en- titled thereto, having regain] only to the claims of which she shall then have notice. and that the said Ad- ruinist r.,t rx 55 111 tact be liable for the s:111 assets or any part thereof to 1 n Berson or persons of whose ch rims notice shall not have been re- ceived by her at the time of ouch distribution. GI,ADMAN R STANfI'I(Y Solicitors for stud Adm inistnit rix. Dalen -it Exeter the 13th /day of .11nuivy. 1906. SIiIISCIIII1E 1'011 THE TIN1E'1. sl'IIs('llllll•: Foil iii/: TIMES. titled thereto. having regard only to the el tiros of lcInch lie shall then have notice, and 1loot the said Executor w ill not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice i$rlil not have been re- ceived by hill at the time at such distribution. GLADMAN & STANBI'ItY Solicitors for said Executor. Dated at Exeter, the 15th day .of January, 1906. Annual Meeting 'fern, all of Itlansbard. Dr. Lan,, of (;T urlto!I. w l t then bppoi:ttcd chairman for the evening and an excellent musical and literary •pro,{1au1 11144 rendered under his able snauagement . Addresses were given by 1(evs. 1' lir and Mc'1'awisl. :Ileo Messrs. Johnston, Parkinson, 1'. F. 'Books, Ilaz'ewood and others. Miss Olive 11rrn o[ Exeter, ,;rand- diII hoer, .gave some choice readings n 1 very pleasing manner. The duet by Dr. ban; end Mr. \hurray leas much enjoyed :441;1 deserves spec- ial'ttI'0ll(.n14r1. It was rot lacking in t he fru:' 'dranor le clement. Thespeak, era ,gave ut (04 ince to 111: scot imecit 9 of the cut ire 1alherin•; when they expressed their ple<Isure at the op- portunity of brio, present 011 such all IocCa141011 to add their tribute of respect to the aged couple, ns very few have the privilege in ;1 life -time of attending 1 diamond laedd1n1 Several of t be speakers referred to (11:• honor of dieing present al such l time. A11 stroke in t he highest terms of the old lady and gentleman show- ing the very high esteem its which they ore held by their large and in, - creasing Circle <>f friends. The chair- man in the course of this address re- marked that if all lir. Gunning'; friends were present. Massey 11111, it moved from Tononto, would not bo sufficient to ,Accommodate theta. Rev. Fair Advised all the young men rand women to enter, the ,matrimonial state early in lite. It is to be hoped that it they follow his advice they will endeavor, to learn some of the secrets of a happy, useful and suc- cessful n -ir'ried life [torn Mr. . Land btrs. Gunning /who also have learned the Izre'test art un life, viz. th,t of 3r'.winz old broutlhtlly. itut the most plt•:(44ing feature of the program was the presentation of a beautifully (1aoiled address to Mr. and hors. Gunning by their Ci1iltiren, grand (children and „great; t3rand dren. The address was 'read by Mr. Arthur 'Gunning. Mr. Gunninj made n touching reply. ile ,'poke of the goodness of Providence in spar- ing himself and his wife and in; ,u2<- in3 'ili'In such ,1 goodly measure of prosperity. ite thanked his ,poster- ity for• their earnest And kind wishes, and O4MUrr/'ll 111 that it was :1 ;reit pleasure to himself and his wife to be able to hive his children, his chit- dren's ehi1dren with the r children all around hint to-gether. Ile asked the company to t ike possession of the Mouse and requested tight all would enjoy themselves. After the pno;rnm was over t company were entertained with games of various kinds, music and conversation. The s•nthusiasm and excitement N1ispLayed by the men in their 1,7:me of cal pet halls would put to shame similar expressions on the part of the (most jubliant crowd .of school Mops. The Dr. ;following the lesser of the two inevitable evils "hollered" 'hc didn't "bust'. Others evidently 1,1W the wisdom of follow- ing his example. The scene rivalled L.onzfellow's description of the Golden Wedding in his "flanging of the Crane." At 3.30 the dining -room was oz lin filled after' which roll joined in 3 Mr. and Mrs. Gunning ti.•tve 45 11UA0� grandchildren told 15 •creat :grand- children. Ile .is .in his 86th year and Mrs. Gunning is in tier 81st ye:tr. Roth are enjoying ex'ocllcnt• lx.tlth at the present time obit ane re Inaik•, ably .smart load -active t+Ilnsilkerin; their arses. \L. Gunning tin cable to read the smallest print without spec- tacles. At present they dove bright prospects of celebrating the 75th anniversary of their marriage. That they may do iso is the sincero wish of their many 101041ls. Owing to limited apace we .Ire un- able bo publish the address in tilts issue -but will 110 so next week. CLYDESDALE STOCK FOOD FOR SALE PETER FRAY NF., A. R. ROBIER, J. W. POWELL, ALF. SCRUTON, A. CnAnr.ESWORTII J PREETER. JONES& ('LARK, IHY & SON. Ex is-ritit 'x@ I?tt' I: T EXETER. HENBAI.I.. % 1J1t 14' I!. �) %tlRIc11. S7 1NrIIID 8EA. o•N-.,.r T_ GUARD AGAINST COLDS. The Wwtglium Lawn (Wavier St in- dulged in a ;:hole on the ,green last Friday. After the ;rung •the bowlers bad a ,flout) photograph taken. A "WHEEZY" CHEST Means your trouble is deep salted. To drily 1s dal-,. ro1s. All (Joe in- flammationmill be drawnout :n ono day .by applying Nerviline. It pene- trates through the pores of hitt skin, relieves ,i11(Lunmat.i,.an acid thus ore - vents serious consequences. For ore ((moil, 55e.tk chest and te.mlency to colds no pre,cripti.'I i1 better than Poisons Nervilirw•. For nearly fifty years it has been Gats1da's /great tt'.ausehol'1 1051110.13. T5.0u1y-five cents buys a Longe bottle. --- Mr. T. 11. Itncc, former editor of the Mitchell Itecorder, bets received official notice that he has Lt :n slat- ed 1s :1 C/4111 IlliSS:011e.r to the New Ze llraid exhibition to be held in the coming Call. Colds lead on to tonsilitis, tonsilitis to impairment of the lungs, and im- pairment of the lungs to that most dreadful disease DEADLY CONSIIJIPTION. It's easy to cure a cold, harder to cure tonsilitis and it takes a miracle to cure consumption. (let, our cough mixture and keep it on hand. From babies up it will save expense, 254. a bottle. W. S. HOWEY. Phm. B. Chemist and Optician, Phone 50. EXE"fEII, ONTARIO. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the mattor of tiro estate of Thomas Scott, late of the town- ship of Hibbert, in the County of t'ert ti. 1'a enter, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to It. S. 0., 1897, civ,ptcr 129. that all creditors and others havin1 claims 1;iainst the estate of the slid Thomas Scott, 55110 died on or about the 7th day of .1.Inu:lry, 1406, are rcauired on or beton' the 15th day of Febru- ary, 1906, to scoot by po.;, prej>•uid or deliver to tilessrs. l;ludln In & Stan - bury, of the Village of Exeter. So- licitors for the Executors of the said deceased, their christian 11 101 sur - to tines, addresses :aid desnript104114. tike full pa rt lectors of their claims the statement of their accounts anis the mature of tole socuritios, if Any held by theca. And further take uotioe that after such last mentioned dote the said executors 11i11 proceed (0 distribute the assets of the de- ceased among the p►rti044 entitled thereto having retard only to tote claims of which they shall then have notice, and 11iat the 4411,1 es %cutors will not b: liable for the s ii't' assets or tiny (vitt tluriof to any person or person of whose claire notice shall not have been received b) th,m at the time of such distribution. GLADMAN & STANiil'ItY Solicitors for said Executor.. )hated at Exoter the. 23rd day of .1anu•iry, 1906. The Annual Meeting of South Hu- ron County Loy.il Orange Lodge will he !hold in the Orlinge Hall, Exeter, on 'Thursday, February 4414, •161011, oammencing at 10.30 n. m. It is 51+11)- nestly desired th'it to full repreneita- tion be present from (5.1411) lodse, os the It. W. ,the Prlovincin l Grand Or- ange Lodge of Ontario West meets in Godcrioh on Wednesday', March 14th and obiter mot tors of vital interest to the Order will len introduced, discus- sed and acted upon. Georg, l 1. Han- ley, \V. C. at., Clinton, P. 0.1 Peter Clntelon, County Secretary, Clinton. S,\LE REGISTER Friday, Feb. J)th. Firm, farm stork and implement,, the properly of Mrs. Jas. )towcliffe. Lot 6, con. 9, l'shorne. Hale nt one eieloek. JOA. \\'bite, Auctioneer. To Cure a Cold in One Day =I, T. Laxative BromQ*$Ifl1eTabkt.ex aA.. ca every -•0•111•11.111.• -- - --- -- Dispersion Sale OF REGISTERED SHORTHOIRN9 AND GRADE CATTLE AT Hillside Stock Farm, London Hold, 1 mile south ot Clinton on WEDNESDAY, FEB. 14th, 1905 '29 Shorthorns, 12 Grades. Tho Shorthorns ore good cattle Sold well bred. imported bulls 41AIvo been 1.irgely Used. So lc will commence at one n'cl'•r•k p. m. sitar p• TERMS. -4 nnont hs approved joint notes or 6 per CS id per annum off for 0+1414. II. PLCMSTEEL, Prop -fetor. THOS. GI'ND11Y, Auctioneer. AIrTOAZ,AIL . 141 Kind Ys rl Son Farm For Sale An 1 zrceable tiv.iv •uonet of t re bawel44 without ::1:5 uni,'c•:1-:1111 et- fo0t is ,pr:xtured by Chamberlain's Stomach an 4I,ivcr 'Tablet-:. For sale in Exeter i>y \V. S. Ilawey. A ;young son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dodds, of Mitchell, Inst his life on \tonday of Inst week by drowning. Gh^ o•,oung 131 was cinteavoring to Orlass the ice .from a hoit Hems. to 111: 48:4414, svlton ho broke through. Sevenll attempts were ,made to res - 015e him, but :,ll \rune ineffectual. The body w'os 1003(04 Wednesday afternoon in about two feet of was ter. If not sold ,privately on or before 13th of February. 1906, there will be sold by Public Auction with the chat- tels on THURSDAY, MARCH 1st, 1908 -on- the U,r•emilses, that excellent farm property, consisting o[ lot 8, aonc.es- sion 3. township of Usborale, contain- ing 100 acres, 13 acres of fall wheat, 47 lin ,moles rind 1411 the ploughing. bona On 11114 premises there is n good ifn;ume ,house and two barns. This property must bo sold as the pnoprietor 'intends going west. ,For terms and 1guticutars npply to JAS. EMERY, Ion the premises, Exeter P. 0., or to THOMAS CAMERON. Farquhar, Auctioneer for Perth and Huron . circle in 1%14:ch were seated the hon- ored couple and joined in singular God toe with you till we -meet again" and "Auld Lang Syne." Mr. and Mrs. 'Gunning again rconi%'rd the hearty congratulation' and rood wishes of the ivied 4 and nII depii led tor t heir homes. The 'celebration was '1 success in every detail. Every one hail a mot enjoyable evening. The event will always .be a bright and pieas1nt memory to all who form present. Mr. and Mrs. Gunning were mar- ried in England +in 1816 .and left the old land for Noss fork the slime year. ile worked aelh the Niagara Stock Co. the next year and lived at Chippewa. He is one of the earliest prancer' of Tllanshlyd having settled there" in 1817 and tiring there ever since. There were ten children in the family of whom are Living at the or c, all within ,s comply ot ho from the/ ofd home. al •. a AN AMERICAN DISEASE Some doctors go so for as la say that Prodi;estion is the notion.11 dis- ease of America. T.hero is but ono national 'nomcdy for ind;cstion and that nomedy is 1)r. Hamilton's Pills which accelerate the action of the gastric .;lands and give tone to tho digestive ors.ons. They strengthen the kidney's rind liver, cleanse and purify the blood and thus add zen- enal tone to every organ of the body. Flesh and strength bre fast restored and the patient 'can eat and digest any Mood he pleases. Test Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills yourself, -25c. pori box or five boxes for $1.00 at alt dealers. \ Ott Thursday last, while 0. W. Pot- ter, of Porter's Hill, was working iu th' shop n piece of hot steel flew. into •his eye, and thein; unable (0 .re• trove 111, .11e found it necessary to drive to Clinton where it was taken out ,1,ud the eye dressed by Dr Shaw. w The operation was rather (1 tindul. but the sight was not injured and the rye will Noon be ,all right ag-tii•n- CL•itEl) IIIS MUTEItII OF 1OOiE1'- MA'1'ISM "My another has been :1 s111(01'cr tor 111111y years froth rheumatism," says i'.. 11. Howard of Husband. 1'ennsylvan (. Al 11714014 1be 14114 110 1110 to move at :411, while :1 a times walkii, r vela painful . 1 pre- sented her 11 ill' :1 batt le of Ch1:m- berlain's 1':lin halm and atter a few applications she decided it was the most tvonderfus pain reliever silo had ever tried, in f: c,t, she (s never with out it 14014 and is at all timesable out it Hots :44441 is at all Ernes able to walk. An occasional application of 1'ain 1:1144► keeps atw:.y the pain that she w•as (formerly. t roubi with." For sale in Exeter by W. S. ilow0) . iamond Dyes HAS SAVED MONEY AND PROVED BLESSINGS TO MILLIONS OF HOMES. DIAMOND DYES are Hummers and nlwoys ON TOP A 'fatal 1,ccidont oocurred in the township of Cotboroe, 'near Goderioh, Friday, when Henry Mutt, a pioneer resident of the township, in some unta000untabk' way, pitched bend foremost out of his w(1 zon, gall zhtloV on his head and breaking his nock. Ile was over 70 y(51rs of :130, an& with `his Gamily took a loading part in church .and musical serviNIs in his neighborhood. Harsh, purgative remedies aro fast giving way to the gentle action and mild effects of Carter's Little Liver Pills. If you try them they, will certainly please you . Our (-ir,•nli.irt women will kindly bear in tni041 drat weak, adulterated and inritit,`•n t•irknze dyes are still sold by 5(51114' I'a'tiers. w lio care little for the comfort. profit :Ind success of our wives, blot her: s -ret daughters. If you wnuld lyse 1101114' dyeing deme !IICCes(lUlly +,1111 profitably, in- sist mean hlwili2 the DIAMOND DYES. Never be (induced to price. Accept worthless dyes It •:tn)' I e tow dyes will 444(1el Bruin your bands •144 well as your 111A11OND DYES Igor twenty-five CEMENT SHAREHOLDERS It would ie well for as /many of 1,110 shareholders to to attend the n1.etin x nt Toronto to hear the, pros and cons of (bit meeting. After hearing ,the directors at the mcett we Iliad in Exeter., it seemed to that everything was all rigida, that they had mono everything to promoto the welfam of the mill. On go- ing to Dur1ytm, '4 herr of the 11r4e amount of marl in different places, also 9 10 10 years in Wilders' Lake. We were fold nt our /meeting there w•.1little difference between Mr. Woods and Mr. Farr, about 1 1-2 years. I count this n largo differ. cnce. After %heaving a statement et the different meetings from Mr. Me- Kechniae there is also a great differ- ence. Wo were told at our moetiesA by one of our directors t hit Mr. McKechnio voted for the re.moviI 01 (II- mill. This is not so. He is the only one who did not vote that way. Why whould one of our directors stand up :and mislead us in that wag, when it was Wit sot What did loft o it for, w.544 it to 4ain favor, It monis to me, it was a very bold statement. ye Ira the 4favonte44 of ouur women.` when the books showy different. are gold by all progressive and bus! Shareholders get to Toronto Oft druggists 'and 41enenal store -keepers Feb. 7thA SHAREHOLDERin C•urlda. S •..••••NNN•• 4•••••••• ti..++N++••Nta�** • • •$ THE 1'1OI SONS BANK (incorporated by Act of Parliament l&1) CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • • • . S3,000.000.O0 RESERVE FUND • • $3'000'000 OO el Branches to Ontario, Quebec, Alberts Britt•h Columbia a.d Manitoba EXETER BRANCH Open every Lawful Day from to A. At. (03 I . u. cxc'•p!.:Saturday 10 A. Y. t0 1 P. M. Portineria' Bole Notate cashed or tnllectsel. Forms supplied On spplleatl00. 1►nAE Ts 00 all totnts In the l ominlon. (trest Br itahn Brit Un. heti State*, bought and poll a' lowtwl rale+ of 011 halIgo. MMAVINOM DEPAItTMI'NT Deposdte of 61.00 ani uowsrds recP(vcd. interest com- ponndeA half yesrley, pad 4Adr'I to prlr,r(pnl .lane x:h ,.n.1 l,rrrn,►rr Sit. 1)e• poet(1 iteeetpte also 1.1414 and highe*t cnrrtnit ;Rog of interest *Ills O. Advancer made to fanners stock dealers And loveliness melt at Irpnet rates shad M most favorable terms. Agents et rimer for Poon. Qo• s a