HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-02-01, Page 3• i „ALT,/ LOSIS•3 LOSIS iN CHILDHOOD. )n of the relationship be - tuberculosis unit the form in cattle has not yet been pile of the zeal with which nee all over the world are to settle the matter. It fp- e that Doctor Koch, the t disco r of tubercle-Lacillus the cause se( the disease, spoke t prem ttir(.ly when, a year .r go, he announced that there is no danger to the human rate to be appre- hended from infection through the medi- um of the meat or milk obtained front tuberculosis cattle. At least, this is the view of most AI)IerIran and Eneli,1i physicians, and n British appointed le study the facts I.::> r;"entiy published a report to the same effect. On the other hand, the observation has been made that tuberculosis Is also prevalent in countries In Which the rat- tle are healthy, or in which they are not kept to supply milk or meat for ford, as In Iceland, Alaska and Japan. Leaving (hese theoretical discussions out of the question, the feels remain that the two chief ways In which tuber- culosis is acquired are by inhaling or i.v swallowing the germs, and (haat it is young children tvho are particularly susceptible to infection. Indeed, a not- ed German observer goes so far as to assert that every adult who manifests signs of the diens( must have con- tracted it in infancy, the germs having remained dormant for years, until some accidental cause started theta Into ac- tivity. Heredity is not supposed to play so great a part in the transmission of tuber- c'ulosis ns was formerly believed. The theory now is that the children of con- sumptives are somewhat more likely than others to develop the disease,simp- l;• because they are so much exposed to infection from the germs continually thrown off by their sick parent. It Is therefore evident that the great- est possible precnution.c oust be tnken to safeguard infants and children 'rain any possible contact with tubercle-bacil- 11 either In their fond or in their s:•r roundings. The sale of milk or msai frorn diseased animals should he made Impossible, and it is of the almost Im- portance to avoid artificial feeding for babies whenever Poa a ble. Plenty of sunshine and fresh air, sraru- pulous cleanliness in all particulars, n firm stand against the kissing of chil- dren by any person except those of the Immediate fancily, and vigilant watch over the milk and meat supplies are es- sential preeaulinns in keeping the rom- Inr generation free from "the great white plague." - Youth's Companion. 11, HEALTiI iIINTS. Apples should be eaten to stimulate the brain. In cases of poison waren water with salt in large quantities forms a quick emetic. A headache can often be relieved by rubbing the temples with u slice of lem- on. In extreme prostration, a small quan- tity of extract of meat in a glass 3t sherry or claret Is a good restorative. A simple remedy for inso ala Is In din n serviette or handkerchief in cold water. wring It out, and lay it across the eyes. Ealing lettuce produces sleep. A cup of cold water, with a teaspoon- ful of salt, taken upon rising in the morning will net as am excellent tonic and Is far less trying on the system than any drug. Calcluln, so important for children in the formntinn of bone, may be obtained by the eating of eggs, rice rhubarb, whole whcat. and the drinking of intik. An irritating cough is often caused by Du uvula (the fleshy, conical body sus- pended from the palate over the back of the tongue) being enlnrged. When this is the case, consult the doctor, i.s medicines and gargles only Icmpornr- fly cheek the nnnoyance. Afler bad fond, the next greater cause of disease .ls lack of exercise. Specific cases require specific treatment alw'nys, it Is safe to say that a wnlk of Three es each day in nit weathers is the least amount upon which henilh cum be maintained, Sugnr makes heat, and alvn gives mus.•ular energy. in lieges of great ex- ertion. the rapidity with which it is as- similated gives sugar a great advantage over sla r'Iuy fonds. Suitor should be used sparingly by one who tins a torpid liver. and not at all by one offeeledl with diabetes. REGULAR EXERCISE. flirt and exercise will reduce your %eight if you persist. i)0 you exerl.o until you perspire profusely? And do you abstain from all sweets, cereals, slnr•h vegetables. mutter, cheese, milk, and chocolate, also pork. veal, salmon and hearty soups? In general, ovoid fatly. starchy. and sweet foods. Don't be discouraged. You will succeed un- less there Is some serious reason for your stoutness. w,.e DANGERS OF MEAT. Once n day La quite enough for the average woman who has renched the age of forty to eat meat. (!dost women eat far loo much as they get on in years and ns a result lose their complexions and their figure. HAM nESTORATI\'E. To Iwo parts of the best alive nil add one of spirits of wine or of good rule; put them Into n bottle and shake well to g,Teaher. With this anoint the head well morning and evening. For the first fortnight it should be carefully rubbed with a piece of flannel into the parts of the heed most Gifts:led; rifler that lime care must be taken not to injure the young hair by a too violent application of the r=loratft e. IEFIIESIIING REST. Five mioules' rest, lying down In a darkened risme with closed eyes and thinking of nothing. will brighten up a n who tine lie en hard at i1 (lur- e mnrning bents %%thou n Freak. uncles of the face relax, and the Bet lOok which adds an many in a woman's . aDaaaraneet win GOOD iIEALTH. Requires That the Blood be Kept lltic{i and Pure. The secret of Health -the secret of Ilfe, itself -is good blood. Therefore a medi- cate that makes new blood and supplies the necessary material for rapidly re- building wasted nerve tissues, reaches the root of most of the serious diseases. For this purpose there is no medicine can take the place of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They actually slake new, rich, red blood, and through this new blood cure such diseases as anaemia, neural- gia, rheumatism, the special ailments of women, Indigestion, heart troubles, St. Vitus dance, locomotor ataxia and Faille' paralysis. Yuu can fine] evidence of the value of these pills In every part nf the country, among others Mr. U. W. Maley, Crystal City, Man., says. "1 have used Dr. Williams' fink fills with vvondcrful success. My blood was very poor, 1 was weak and nervous, suffer -I much from heart trouble, and was scarcely fit for work. 1 used nine 'sexes of the pills, and the result is i am again enjoying the hest of healrh. 1 do not think there Is any medicine coil equal Dr. Williams' 1'ink Pills when the system is run down." But you mist get the genuine pills with 111e full name, "1)r. \\'inial ns' Prole Pills for Pale People," prim on the wrapper around each box. Ask vein' druggist for these pills or get there ty mail from the Dr. Williams' Medic pe Co.. at 54) cents a box, or six boxes ter $2.50. ' SOUP FOit T111: FIRING LINE. Special Cart Is iteing Introduced by Lord Kitchener. The "Kitchener soup cart" is likely to become an important feature of the Indian Array. Its object Is the provision of hot beef tea for soldiers on the march and in the firing line, and if is now being tested by order of Lord Kitchener in the command of Gen. R. A. P. Cle- ments at Sirhind. The cart has been adapted from a Russian pattern which was used in Manehuria. For men who lie exposed in trenches it will prove n great blessing. providing a welcome change to the cold tinned rations which frequently form their staple fond. On Ihe march the soup boiler will simmer away, ready for the first long hall, and on resting for the day, a pint ofbeef b .et t . ea will 111 be ready at one,e thus allowing t n II tvin g he t ohs ample time to pre- pare n full evcning meal. Lord Kitchener Is experhnenting with many forms of equipment and gear used by the belligerents in the Far Eastern campaign, in, lading the Japanese am- munition carrier, the Austrian field tele- phone, and the German system of wire- less telegraphy. -•-♦ DEEP BREATHING. No woman can have bright eyes, a beautiful skin, or an elastic step, if she does not supply her lungs with oxygen. She can do this by deep breathing. The indolent wumnn regains her lost energy wihen she learns hoiv to breathe cor- rectly. The sallnty girl, with the dark circles around the eyes, discovers thnt with correct breathing the congeste1 veins will yield to the stimulated circ,r- Inlion, the dark rings disappear, and the lustre. reappear In the eyes. BABY'S III: tl•1 II. "\Wihen a child is well, give it no med- icine," Is a wholesome adage But at the first sign of trouble the careful mo- ther will give Baby's ()wit Tablets, which promptly cure indigestion, colic, con- stipation, diarrhoea, simple fevers and teething troubles. They contain not one particle of opiate or poisonous "sooth- ing" stuff, yet they give refreshing sleep because they remove the cause of sleeplessness and the child awakens bright and well. \tis. F. McIntosh, \Wnbigoon, Ont., says: "Baby's Own Tablets wrought u wonderful change in my little one. \\ lien he was Iwo months old he began to frail and cried almost nigh) and day. Ilul after giving hint the tablets he grew well and Is now n bright, laughing baby, who scarcely ever gives any trouble The Tnblets are surely a blessing lo both mother and child." All druggists sell these TabteLs or you can gel them by mail at 25 cents o !pox by writing the 1)r. Williams' Med- icine Cn., Brockville, Ont. \WilA"i' CAN YOU IUE\IE\IiICR? \With but few exceptions, there have In recent years been no extraordinary -thaw dlypu)1.rowe.r aui.tetg main )o sasuo sated mernuris's. 1'rolstldy the most un- usual case on record was that of Leo- nard Euler, n Itu..sian teacher and writ- er. More than half of the forty-six quarto voluu:ti of roathcuuatics publish - cd by the St. Petersburg Academy be- tween 1727 nod 1783 were from his pen It. the biller years of his life he wag to- tally blind. 'Then -and probably earn- er, loo -tie carried in his memory n table of the first six powers of the "series of natural nurtrlN'rs up to one hundred." Another instance is that of the Italian. Antonio Magliabecc:ht, who was the literary prodigy of his time. Itis memory w,)s so prodigious that he vns able to retain verbatim most of the es -silents of his "nmlliludIn(ms Looks." and a comparatively Trent writer has dcclnred that ifnglinbeechl "could name all the authors who had written upon nny subject. giving the nam,' of the' book, the words. and often the page.' Ben Johnson, Scaliger. Niebuhr, and Macaulay all were sten of tnnrveloes memories. Pascal says he never fnrg..t anything that he rend. nen Johnson, tells us thnt he could repent all he hnd ' ever written "and whsle hooks" that' he hnd read. The same feat, inn, Is credited to Niebuhr, the historian. "You've rna.le n mistnke In your pa•I per," said an indignant man, entering the editorial snneturn )1 a daily jnilrnal.l "1 was one of the eompetltors of tint, cllde(ic !match yesterday, and furl have' salts(' m.' The well-known light -weight champion.'" "Well, aren't you?' In -1 quires' the editor. "No, I'm nothing of the kind- and.lCasmatalaradeilly ava•kaned 1 FRESH BREAD FOR JACK TARS. British Battleships Will Ile Furnished Willi Bakeries. The various changes in connection with the cooking arrangements of the Royal Navy, announced some months since, are about to materialize. Not only is the gigantic battleship. lite Dreadnought, to be lifted with a bakery in addition to tier regular galley. but there is to be an all-round general introduction of "soft tack" into the sea service. The weevily biscuits of Trafalgar days have long disappeared. Now the khaki - colored, !lint -like squares which go '•y the name of ship's bread are to go also. and Jack is to have hot rolls for break- fast, dinner and supper, whether in har- bor or at sea. Great Britain has lagged considerably behind other sea power's in thus [ceding her bluejackets on fresh bread. As to the quality of the food in the British fleet, the statement In the Bluff Rook on the health of the navy that 13,000 men were medically treated for indigestion during 1904 awakens certain misgivings. Naval doctors, however. say this is due to the fart that the blue- jackets are overfed nowadays. "There was a serious love -affair on be- tween Jinx and the Minx girl when I was her last." "Yes; but it ended Un- happily." "You astonish met 1 was sure they would get married." "They did." t HE MEANT EVERY WORD HE SAiD EX • REEVE'S RHEUMATISM CURED RV 1)ODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Vas so Crippled That Ile Could Hardly Get Around and Coutd Get no Relief from Doctors or Medicines. Dresden, Ont., Jan. 22-(Special.)- "Dodd's Kidney Pills cured are of ltheu- malis►n slick and clean." Mr. W. G. Cragg, the well-known merchant and ex -reeve of this place was the speaker and he evidently meant every word be said. fiamato• 5 • kind of Rheu- matism t was the In 1 had, and It crippled me up so that 1 could hardly get around to do my work in my store. 1 had the best doctors and everything in the line of medicines I could hear of, but nothing even gave me relief. "'then 1 tried Dodd's Kidney Pills and six boxes cured me completely." Dodd's Kidney fills cure Rheumatism b3 curing the Kidneys. Rheumatism is caused by Uric Acid in the blood. if the Kidneys are right they will Wein all the Uric Acid out of the blood and the Rheumatism will go with it. SENTI'.NCE SERMONS. Fear Is n poor kind of foresight. Every word of profanity is n prayer. Love lasts long after city is worn out. Little duties ore a school for larger ones. A little modesty often hides a lot of vanity. Ile rejects all rewards who refuses moral responsibility. The logic of love convinces more than the love of logic. A golden heart is not gained by sel- ling the heart on gold. Many a man is breaking his back un- der a bag of shadows. Getting on to the ropes of trickery ends in getting into theta. No man pays more for a thing than he who seeks it for nothing. There Is a remedy for ignorance but none for knowing ton ►nuch, The Judge may not ask what you have done by why you did R. Morals to many mean only A chance to meddle in other people's affairs. The man who carries a family bible under his arm may carry none in his heart. People who try to get, billed to riches on the short line find themselves rotted though to ruin. Ilnppy is the elan who has n friend wh', loves him enough to be willing to seem to be his enemy. It Is a good thing to remember that your celestial Mending does not depend on your terrestrial tailor. Money has n mighty persunsivr tongue but n sadly deficient hand when it conies to delivering the goods. Even the nine who denounces capital n- a curse never objects If the curse congas honk to roost. TIIE IJTTLE WIDOW. A Mighty Good Sort of Ncitghhor to Have. "A little widow, a neighbor of mine, persuaded ale to try Grape -Nuts when lily stomach Wils 80 weak 111111 it vvou1111 11111 retain food of any other kind," writes n grateful woman, from San Bernard- ino Co., (:at. "I heal Leen ill and confined to my Fel with fever and nervous prostration for three long months niter the birth of nay second boy. We were in despair until the little widow's advice bruught tell( f. "1 liked Grape -Nuts fond from the beginning. anti in an incredibly short time 11 grave Inc such strength that 1 was able to leave my bed and enjoy my three good meals a day. In two months nny weight increased from 95 to 113 pounds. my nerves hnd stendied down end f felt reedy for anything. My r.cigl►bors were amazed to sec ale gain so rapidly and still more s0 when they heard that Grnpe-Nuts alone had brought the change. "My four-year-old boy had eczema, very bad, lost spring and lost his appe. tate entirely, which made hint cross ant peevish. 1 put him on a diet of Grape- Nuts, which he relished at once. Ile improved from the beginning. the ec- ?emn disappeared and now he is fat and rosy, with n delightfully sett, clear skin. The Grape -Nuts diet ddd it, 1 will w'fl Tingly answer all Inquiries." Name Meven by Postum Co„ Battle Creek, ich. There's a mama. Reid the little tweak THE SUNLIGHT WAY tf RUB ON SUNLIGHT SOAP LEAVE 30 To 60 MI Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps. but is best when used in the Sunlight way (follow directions). Hard rubbing and boiling are things of the past in homes where Sunlight Soap is used as directed. Sunlight Soap will not injure even the daintiest fabric or the hands, and the clothes will be perfectly white, woolens soft and fluffy. The reason for this is because Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure, contains no injurious chemcals —indeed, nothing but the active, cleansing, dirt -removing proper- ties of soap that is nothing but soap. Equally good with hard or soft water. YOUR MONEY REFUNDED by the dealer from wlloru you buy Sunlight Soap i". you and any cause forcomplaint. 155 LEVER BROTHERS LiMITED. TORONTO 1 he Southern California New Train. - Best Route. The Los Angeles Limited, electric lighted, new from the Pullman shops, with all latest innovations for travel comfort, leaves Chicago 10.05 P. M. daily, arrives Los Angeles 4.45 P. M. third day via Chicago, Union Pacific St North-Western Line and The Salt Lake Route. Pullman drawing -room and tourist sleeping cars, composite obser- vation car, dining cors, a la carte ser- vice. For rates sleeping car reserva- tions and full particulars, apply to your nearest agent, or address, 13. , Bennett, 2 East King St., Toronto, Ont. She -"Mr. Riche says very bitter things about (hose lazy sons of his, but his wife lsalways making excuses for them." lie-"1'es sirinl(as excuses, but he has to snake allowances for then; that's what angers him.' For inflammation of the Eyes. - Among the many good qualities which l'armclee's Vegetable Pills possess, be- sides regulating the digestive organs, is their efhciency in reducing inflammation of the eyes. It has callers forth mai. letters ut recommendation from those who were afflicted with this complaint and found a cure In the pills. affect the n.•rvc centres and the blood In a a;urprisingly active way. and the re - suit, Is almost immediately seen, Fond Father -So you want to marry my daughter? Ardent Admirer - Yes, sir. Fond Father- \Vhat are your pros- pects? Ardent Admirer -She is willing if you are. What la the nest Thing to strengthen week barks? "The U A 1:' Menthol Plaster. It will cure lumbago and rheum diem 51 rolls maser seven 25c pla,turs. Davis A Lawrea.ue W, Montreal. "i'm taking my riding lessons in striel privacy." "Why not in public?" "So as to avoid the fierce light that beats about the thrown!" There is no menicine on the market that ran compare with flick Wm Antl- Cousunrptive Syrup In expelling from the system the Irritating germs that colds engender In the ale passages. It Is suicide to neglect your cold. Try the cheap experiment of ridding your- self of It by using nicklo'e Syrup, which Ie a'Simple remedy, easily taken, and once used It will always bo prized as a sovereign medicine. "You say your wife doesn't say much In you when you stay out late nt night?" "She doesn't say much, but the trouble is she keeps on repeating ill" Have you n Skin Disense?-Either Salt Rheum, Seaid ilend, Ringworm, Eezema, Itch. flarber's Itch, Ulcers, Blotches, (.hrnnle Erysipelas, Liver Spots. Pruri- go, Peol'iasis, or other eruptions nf the slain --what Dr. Agnew :v Ointment tine done for others It enn do for you -cure you. One application gives relief. -35 cents -87 Greyee-"I wouldn't marry hien 1f 1 were you." Gladys -"%1113, not?" (;rnyce -"Ile has such ugly ways." Gladys - "True. But he also has such handsome means!" 0salipbt neap is better Chas eater soaps, bat is best wben cad in the BonligLt way. Tay Sunlight Wap and follow directions. I Il:.\1) (Ii' '1111; OLD SCHOOL. (:apt. Myon. the new British naval at- tache. said nl a dinner In Washington: "'I tic strength of the heeds of some of our old school farmers Is quite in- credible. "Ata harvest supper, a feast similar in its way to your 'Thanksgiving dinner, there was an old farmer who drank n good dent of champagne. The niranrvit his glass was Oiled he would toss it off, and then, of course, it would be filled again. "Rut lite old fellow grew quieter and quieter the more rhnmpngme he drank. A frown settled on his forehead. His eyes flashed angrily under his heavy grey brows. "Finnlly, when the waiter fitted his glass with wine for the twelfth or thir- teenth time, he shook his head and said: "'Jtimes, when ars, you going to put the whiskey on the table? These mine - rats are getting tedious.'" TitOURLF<OME FEET. 1f the feet are inclined to perspire un- duly. blithe them occasionally with al- cohol. This restful. besides. Choose easy, but nut slouchy shoes for the Louse. The heels should be low, and you should force yourself to tread these firmly. The best help is not to bear the trou- bles of others for them, Mut to inspire then 'sem set v_ te AND 11' IS YE:1'. A clever old lady who went into soci- ety in Ihr, days when conversation was more important than cooking, asked a niece on her return from a recent func- tion if it had been enjoyable. "Very," re- plied the niece. "The menu was great,' "My dear," said the old lady, severely. It isn't the menu that makes a good dinner; it is the menu sit next to." Comfort by day and sound sleep b7 night fol- low the u.e "r WeiTer's Comte, fur skin trouble's, no matter how tormenting they be. Thin obit - stout soothes and eleaa;ra. Jasper -"l say, old chap, can you lend me a liver?" Jumpuppe-"Whall Are you broke again?" Jasper -"Oh, no; this is the same old fractures" Death Comes to All.- 1 Iutltsec. I not come prematurely if proper precautions aro taken. '•At, ounce of prevention Is worth a pound of cure," and to have prevention at hand and allow a disease to work its will Is wickedness. 1)r Thomas' E:clectric Oil not only 'allays pains when applied externally, but will prevent lung troubles resulting from colds and coughs. Try it and be con- vinced. Use not to -day what tomorrow may want; neither leave that to hazard which foresight may provide for or care pre- vent. A Sour Stomach and a Sour Temper travel hand-in-hand and nee the preens - ors of mental and physical wreck. Nine hindered and ninety-nine times in a thousand food ierment (Indigesllon) Is the cause. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets keep the stomach sweet -aid 1- g;estion-keep the nerve centres well bal- anced --they're nature's panacea -pleas- ant and harmless. 35 cents. -88 Wert -"A friend of mine tells me you called me a donkey the other day." Fred -"Yes. 1 believe 1 did." "Well, i think you ought to apologize." "So do L" "Then why don't you?" "Oh, don't wor- ry yourself. I'll apologize the first time 1 meet a donkey." They Drive Pimples Away.- face cov- ered with pimples lo unnlphtly. It tells of Internal Irregularities which should long since have been corrected. The liter and the kidneys are not perform- ing their nmctlane In the healthy way they should. and these pimiles are to let you know that the blood protests. Parmcl.•c's Vegetable Pella will drive than all away, and will leave the akin clear and clean. Try them, and there will be another witness to their excel - lento. Judge --You are charged with profan- ity. Prisoner -t am not. Judge --You are. sir. \Vhal do you mean? l'risoner -1 was, but 1 got rid of 1l. Tile Wretched Condition of thou.ands L doe to the fact that they neglect the simplest care of their health. When in this condition " Fermin." will build you up and give you strength. The pnolr_st people on enrlh nre those who make the most of whit they have and the least of what they are. Eighty Veers Old -Catarrh Fifty Years. Dr. Agncw's Catarrhal Powder curs him. Want any stronger evidence of the power of this wonderful remedy over this universal disease? Want the truth of the case confirmed? Write George Lewis. Shamokin, Pa. Ile says: -"i look upon my cure as n miracle." It relieves In ten minutes.- 89 z "We think baby will make a great politician." "Why?" "Well. he crawls out of everything an easily." Have you tried Hallnway'a Corn Pure? it has no equal for removing these troublesome excrrsenres as many have testIaed who have tried it. \\'OVDERFUI. MAC.IIiNE:ItY. The smnllest holes piererd by mndern mnrhinery nr' one -thousandth of an inch In (Brunette. They are fnnred through snnphires. rrut ies. rind diamonds by a machine which makes 22,000 rev)• lutions a minute. PARTICULAR PEOPLE LIKE TEA becaus! it is Tightly Seated In Lead Packets,' i not lying about loose in all kinds of places like ordinary bulk teas. BLUE RIBBON is carefully watched FRRUllf PLANTATION TO UPO$L® and pleases all. iONLY ONE BEST TEA --BLUE RIBBON TEA "Oshawa" Steel Shingles Wind, Water, Storm, and Firs Proof. ': v e��rlta` rtrrM". .ro•zuv� .►ye!•iuv'..-...v,•,vv vv �%�rqv va'.SD ri v., v K.,�v,rLai- Noll 7: Locked on All Four Sides Made from Painted or Galvanized Stool, at prices varying from $2.S5 to $5.10 per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most desirable cos• eying on the market, and is an ideal covering for Houses, Barns, Stores, Ele- vators, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the "OSItAWA" shingles. A hammer and snips are the only tools required. \Ve are the largest and oldest company of the kind under the British flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada, making them FIRE, WATER AND LIGHTNING -PROOF We also rnaunfacture Corrugated Iron In long sheets, Conductor Pips and EAVF: THOUGH Etc. METAL SHINGLES, in Imitation of brick or stone. METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 14R and free samples of "OSHA\VA" Shingles. Write to -day. T$I1 p133:21E..J%.7EZ 3E°I70I•I.II, NONTSBAL. QUI. OTTAWA. 011T, TORONTO ONT. LONDON, CNT, WINNIPEG. YANCOUVE., a.0. 767 Craig at- 423 Susses at. 11 Colborne SI MI Sundae et. 7O Lombard at. eta gender OL WHIII Vous NE..S 4T 0E1,1( E. Head Office and Works. - - - Oshawa. Ont., Canada CE+30E+Cf N0t+30f+31+31+0+3:(4.0430E+ iFARMERSI Thiele the season of the year whoa you seed to use every precaution with your stock. By the use of our STOCK TONIC Iliad other remedies you have the best guarantee of health to your stuck. S Valuable Advice Free *the it and become your own veterinary surgeon. The VETESINAOT $PICIALTY 00., Limited 654 DUNDAS ST., TORONTO, ONT. 4-0+ 30 0112430E+30 +12+ 0E+Af30EN0f+30f NORTH-WESTERN FARMS ON TIIE Grand Trunk Pacific I have two sections of land for sale entire or in part. on line of Grand Trunk i'acifle, note under construc- tion just west of Portage Ln 1'rairie. Ploughing in the Northwest will be- gin as early as February. You can sow oats, potatoes and alfalfa on breaking and get big prices from railroad contractors on the spot. Then hire out your teams for rail- road grading at $5 per day. You won't get such a chance for a start another year. Don't waste any time, as there is practically no other land for sale of equal quality in such a situation on such terms and at so low a price. Price $10.50 per acre; six year terms. J. L. R. PARSONS, 02 Winchester Street. Toronto, Ont. llfost men say they intend to do a lot of things they never intend to do. Dropsy Is one Positive Sign of Kidney Disease. -{lave you any of these unmis- takable signs? Puffiness under the eyes? Swollen limbs? Smothering feel- ing? Change of character in the urine? Exhaustion after least exertion? If you have there's dropsical tendency and you shouldn't decay an hour in putting your- self under the great American Kidney (:u re. -86 "What hove you In the shape of cu- cumbers?" asked lite would-be customer as he enteral the shop. "Nothing hut bananas, sir," answered tate new as- sistant. A Nagging Cows). drives steepand eomf away. Allen's Lona Balsam seders, hard brettb. Inc pain In the chest and irritation of the thrwt (live It freely W the children. ELEPHANT -HUNTING IN CEYLON. Every two or three years there is an elephant "krnul" in Ceylon, when 50 or 100 of the huge bias's are made prison- ers. In 1902 no less than 101 elephants were captured in a katal near Kurrne- galn, the greatest number of captives r(eonled et nny one time since 1840. Another method of rapture is by plaeing in the paths taken by the animals run- ning nooses composed of ropes ( f antelope slide, having one end fastened to a tree. By raising a sudden alarm. the nnlivrs try to scaller a herd of ele- phant:: and in their flight some of tate animals lire sure to get caught by the nooses. The captives are imprisoned behind strong pnlisndes, and held for sale. The hunters are not infrequently killed or terribly hurt, and they enjoy special distinction, under the name of "pannikans." A skllfull pannikan Is (.s much admired in Ceylon as a successful matador is in Spain. UNDER CONSIDERATION. A noted humorist had often petitioned the council of the town where Ire resides to fill up a muud-hole near his house, but without result. One night he heard a spluttering noise and sundry loud ejaculations, and. go- ing to his door, he found a respected member nt the town council floundering Mood in the mud -bole. "Good -evening, air; 1 am glad to see you stirring in this matter at lest," and so staying he closed the door and left the 1llurses' Training School\ The Lady Stanley Igatitute, Ottawa rouNDEo moo. "'Connected with the County tof (ba tut eneral Protestant liospita� Ae the Miter. nity Hospital, and the leulutlou Hospital, Ottawa, users to women a throe 'ears' sours* of nursing. The work Is practical and thorn;h, and comprises a curse in • dietetic.. and in massage. The echo ,l building Is separate frum the hospital ; it Is c,mfertable and equip- ped for teaching. This school le regis- tered hy the Regents of the University of the State of New York. Oorreepond once Invited. For prospectus apply to THe LADY $UPERINTEN7ENT, Th. Lady atanray Institute. Ottawa, Ont RHEUMATISM --� 30 DAYS CURED IN Are you a rheumatic? Have you Sciatica? 51.0r will cure or your mn,ey 0i k. We bare cured hundreds, we can c ire you. tin medteine to take. Y01.10.“ what you like. Von get relief in 48 h and alnolutuly cured within lin dav,. Our rheumatic cure 0 an applieati ti of the curatipe principles of electricity and tnIgnethin In the earth. Your ay -tem furni lite. the acids and salts necessary In enpjnnrti,in with our ni-c to maks a r..u.plete You !aka no chance,, we guarantee the purchase in,ney refunded on rotu,n of the Di is it it does n .1 cure. AOttNTS WANTED). guanine alloleiriC INIUMATi6M SUuICO. Sherbneiw, Quo , Oanada• CLEANING o� Ne LADIES ... SUIT. Oas w Mee psefwtly b oar head Prow. Try M M1111N AMMAN IYOINO 00. NOWOSI_A8b TO&OWTO. OTTAWA a QUASI° "Before you married me," lie com- plained, "you used to say there wnsn t another man like me in the world.""Yet.; and now," replied the wife, bitterly, '1 should not like to think that them wits!" Use the safe, pleasant and effectual worm killer, Mother Ilravee'`Worm Kt - terminator: nothing equals R. Procure • bottle and take 1t home. AMAZING. "Just think, children," said the . un - day school leacher, "all this happened more than 3,0(0 years agol" "Gee," exclaimed a small boy In an audible whisper, "but she's got n good memory 1" For 33 Years Shhiloh's Consumption Cure, the Lwi Tonic, has bees before the public. and this, together with the tact that its sake have steadily increased year by year, is tin best proof of the mad d Shiloh as cwe for Cottdts, Colds, awl all diseases of the Iuegi and as passeges. Those who have teed Shiloh would not be widtout it. Those who have never used it should know that every bottle is sold with a positive guarantee tut, if it doesn't cure you, the dealer will ratan' what you paid for it. Shiloh !las Cured awirinelA we.,,, _.• •,--1111116.- thousands of the most obstinate woes of Coughs, Colds sad Lung troubles. Let it etre you. "Lit wiatn 1 reotlwd for ife.. suwrhs dieueiei 1 w�u-Ipiaq, 1W Indio i did me ee �a m51 Ord Sirloh' Cewaseioe Cue. FF ear bsaka cured ate_ y This wiser 1 ksd a wry ed slat '' a lu twee 'St ie7as tr wJ scala. I sneak a esu.!pe� eta �desa Mw boa cased. -D.' w¢ i Nyaatlas. Qs,d • 0.: S'HILOtI, els. tirii ids a1 e/ As ab.