Exeter Times, 1906-01-25, Page 8.Uh EXETER 'TIMES, JANUARY 25th, 1906. STEWAEZT'S Do YOU WANT TO SAVE SOME MONEY? Hete's your fortunate opportunity. eVe are overloaded with all kinds of lure. It happened in this way. Our lo.al weather prophet who has always been very reliable, got fouled this season, he carne to us early predicting a very severe winter, of course we had all kinds of faith in the oldfellow. We hustled got busy and laid in •►n immense stock of all kinds of furs. The severe winter bas not showed up. the result is we are loaded, yes! overloaded with lure. Only one way out of the trouble, that we know of. Down with the prices. Well here's our proposition 20 PER CENT. OFF Any Fur Garment in the BIG STORE THIS 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT appli.-i to all furs -Coats, Cape, Col- lars, Ruffs, Caperines, Gauntlets and fur lined caps. \Ve hays in stock about sixty fur coats for men anti women. .Men's Coon Coate, Men's Corsican Lamb Coats. Men's Beaverized Costs, Men's Swamp Wallaby Coats, Men's Brush Wallaby (:oats, Men's Rock Wallaby Coats, Men's Natural Australian Calf Coate, Men's Prussian Calf Coate, Men's Fur Lined Coats. all at 20 per cent below our regular close price. Women's Persian Lamb Coats, Women's Coon Coate. Women's Bokaran Costs, Women's Astrachan Coats, Women's Near Seal Coats, all 20 per cent. below our regular close price. Women's Fur Lined Capes ani Men's Fur Collars at 20 pet cent. off. Yes, Fur Ruffs of all kinds, Fur Caps of all kinds. Fur Mitts and Gaunt lets all at 20 per cent. off. And last hut not least the best lot of Children's and Girl's Grey Persian Lamb Collars. Caperines and Caps that you'll see thio season, all at the same big reduction of :'A per cent. off. Come quick and make your selections the saving will be all yours, the In -s ours, but then we won't kick, we have just closed the best year we have ever had. Farre pioduce is just .00d as .;,old ,and we want all the produce we .cul Izet. ‘T_ .t'�. - S'I' S WA R'r +.:-.:•++++++++++•:•+•:-7-:•++++++++ WATGH ffiuLTs THURSDAY, JAN. 25th, 1906 TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisemente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. '3. If you experience any difficulty with it leave it •1 with us. We will give an LOCALS Z FREE. -ASK FOIL SAMPLE OF .j. Cole's Baking Bowder at Cole's Druz -1� store. EXPERT EXAMINATION If it needs repairs we can supply them ata very moderate cost. If it does not we will frankly tell you so. A watch repair• ed by us will Run Correctly ft. MfIKGf1IND, Jeweler and Optician. 4++++++d•-:• '-4-4-4-4-1-++++++++444- STOCK --F+++ +++++i +++i•+•I• STOCK TAKING We are offering special values in Suitings, Over Coatings and Pantings this month in order to make room for Spring Goods. Suitings made to order for alo.00 and St 2.0o Over Coatings made to order for $9.00 and upwards. Panting, made to order for $2.5o and $3.00. W. W. Taman Merchant Tailor. Wanted•■■One hundred more • young men and wom- en, who are ambitious and enterpris- ing to qualify In the p"? ELLIOTT .e6di TORONTO, ONT, COR. YONOE & ALEXANDER STS. For the many positions open t all those who are thoroughly pre- pared to accept them. A six months' course in this college moons for a young man of the right kind. an educational equip- ment better than many trades or professions in money earning power. Students admitted at any Uwe. Circulars tree. W. J. ELLIOTT, Priocipal THE MISSES SWEET ENTEIt- tained several of their friends on Friday evcnin; Last. TIIE IILSSES McCALLUM ON Saturday evening gave a luncheon to several of bhei•r friends. THE MISSES HUSTON EN'1'Elt- teined wevorcil cif t heir friends at luncheon Saturday evening. TIIE MISSES JOIINS GAVE A very eleusine afternoon tea to a number of their friends Friday last. COLE'S THF. BEET BAKING POW. der. One trial will ezonvineo you. For lade only at Cole's Drug. Store. MISS CORA PI110R ENTI 1ITAIN- ed a number of friends on Thttrsdes evcnin. In /honor of her colter's, Mr. Wilbur Cudmore and Miss Anises Cudmore of Crystal City, Men. TIIE SOFT WEATHER ON SAT• urdty removed every vestige of the eleig.leiug wh:^h ee enjoyed for a couple of days, and Sunday had a springlike ,apeeLieu:re, many gis- oardin; tete overcoats ter the day. MRS. A. FORD ENTERTAINED A number of friends at Qier residence on Monday ,evcniflg in honor of Mrs. Rhea tSoott Vernon, who lett on Wednesday for a trip to Toronto and outer points. SEVERAL OF TI1OSE WH0 CAN - /wiled their subscriptions to the Times the first of the year, hire dis- covered the error of their way, and have called 'nskin; to have it re- newed. The Tithes 4is a household necessity and homes rete void with- out it. WE ARE PLEASED TO STATE that bar. Cam. Sainecd! who was ill with pneumonia, is rapidly 'recover - in 4, and will won be nble to take his 'daily walks. We were in error gist week %hien we stat^d 1)r. Gunn, of Clinton, was celled in consultation with Mr. SIntwell's physician. IT WAS Cf'RREN'ff,Y iREl'ORT- cd •Jn Setubaly that protests bad been filed a,gai,st the •!r•ct'on of A. Q. Dobler dor reeve .,m1 the titre,: newly elected school 1 rnste,.51, Sat- urday w. -is the last day, in which such protest could lie (ilea. The rumor was evidently m1(011nrhd as yet rio .lctie"' has I. -en taken. A STINGY ('1 SS - THERE iii A more going else rounds that an in- dividual, it doesn't rely wheelies. in Exeter or tire County of Huron, who is (rifted with snob a miserly rksire for thrift, that when he his company she turns out (ho lights in hit home, and takes off Lis trouaors in order to prevent %veering out the seat, Ile eren borrows big neighbor's paper alid 'forage t s to rot uen it, A YOUNG MAN NAMED LUKER, was nt'pn'Ih(••nded at Centralia, an \Vedeesday bf Inst week, by (thief flissrtt, on a charge of t skin; s horse Brion;in; to Frank Davis. of t'mborne, and taking it to Thedforrl. Luker w.rs before .1. 1'.. Kay, on Thursday for n prelinein fry ex un • 11)111on. Ile 'plcoled ',Maty and was rem -tweed In Godorinh for t Justice (of Melee, Key, is under the impression She younr man is not re- sponsible fot Ibis .actions. TO CURE A COLD iN ONS DAY Take Laxative Brow, Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the mon- ey if it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's eigtnature is on cath box. 25e. ('001: A ;TONS OF TIIE iIENS:\LL F1 iurinz nulls have for sale 100 ton= of f ill w heat shorts at $14,00 per ton and rn tone of fill wheat bran at $16 iter ton rash. Now is your time to put in your supply. iii;hest price id for wheat brine uq load and sone REMEMBER TIIE RECITAL BY pupils of M.i ,s A. Johns in the Opera House, Friday, Feby. 2nd. Adnession 15 cents. M1t. J. G. STAN111.1tY \VAS IN >(,uoa►t c:•! Thursday hist on a case and .ucc„etled in getting a judgment in 'favor of 'bis client. WHO CAN BEAT THIS? Mit. T. II. Casting Jos sixtw'.n ties red It.sik pullets which hue. laycd 308 egos since (the 29th .:.t ,November. TIIE MiSSES EDITH AND MAY Sanders c..• 1lhursitiy of last weok phr:santly rntertai.leed a number of their 'friends t•� s x o'clock tea. TOWN CLERK, JOSEPH SENIUM on Twt.rlay rewired word that the We,:term Ontario Pacific Railway will apply to taus Parliament of Can - .ad I at its I:rext seSs:an for Jut hority hJ 'build a brine!) line from a l:oint on 'elle ('or►npanees line, et or near L,ndon, in a northerly direction t1: , u%h the counties of Middlesex, Pet th, Ilumn one Bruce. to n point •'n bike. demon, which they will use S a port. A MEETING OF CURLING EN- thu.ii.sts met in the Mown Mall on Thursday evening of Last week and organized !for the mason. John Muir was .elected 'p resident, N, D, Ilurdion, Viae -president. sand Gcox ge Anderson, soc'y, Owing to the open winter ;eel lack of ice, it ie dafR ult. be len the club gunning amoothiy, but as aeon as tete crisp cold, weath- er arrives, it is expected ttv hoalth- ful yrastime will be enjoyed by many. Mtt. W M. HARi)ING LAST WEEK received word that leis nephew Hub - bird E11 i an, of St. Thomas, whose tutie.4 arc to make necessary repairs to railway Mations, 'rad hes arta cut off at Hamilton. Mr. Ellison was on ,e 'freight oar when a train shunted into it throwrig hue on the trucks. A fellow workman pulled him from his perilous p:os,tiou, but rot in tiiii:.! to prevent Jrt<' car tv, heel from crush- in4 his arm. THE DIRECTORS OF THE STI':- phen and Ushar•ne Agricultural so- ciety desire to express their thanks to the Councils of the County of Huron, township of Stephen, town- ship of Usborne and the council and citizens ..cif Exetdr, for the liberal manner in which they donated Last fall to the society. Tho S. & A, Ag- ricultural 'society were under a droavy expenditure in niak4.ng •addi- tions to their buildings, erecting new fence -9, etc., and the donations re- ceived ,assisted very materially. ON FRIDAY EVENING OF LAST week High Constoblc McC irthy, of Stratford, and Detective Young, of Dakota, arrived in Exeter in searoh of Peter Melkl:'rnmid, whom they al- leged tt. s teccused of forgery. 9f.i- Diarrnid lived in South Dakota, and last summer scoured $50 in :t fradu- lent manner cored decamped. From letters received at his home his whereabouts were ascertained. Ife t'is 'found working for nn l'sborne township farmer. McDiarmid sub- mitted quietly to the arrest and ac- companied the officers lank to Da- kota. DEATiI OF AIRS. ANN IIEAMAN. -Mrs. Ann lIenma,n, relict of the late Willison 110(1m=.eu, passed peeve - fully allay at the home of Ixe' son George, on Albert Street, Sunday, Janu.vey 21st, 1906, at the advanced 41 g of 87 years. Mrs. Ikontau was b.:n in Bernstraple, England, and oa cyinine to Americo, she and her hus- band first resided in Michigan. Af- ter a sojourn of a few yeters itt the Wolverine state, they decided to move to Ontario end settled on a firm in Stephen, being ttiOiteert in this section. Thirty-nine ycnrs ago her husband died, but Mrs. Ilaatnan continued to Live on the faun winch was rented for seine time. Twenty- four years ago, r}ft give up life on the farm and crone to Exeter, where she resided up to the time of her death. For a time she lived with her gnandrkau;liter anti afterwards alone, and 15 months ago, recline' that she was gradually weakenin; from the infirmities of old age, took up her residence with her eon, George, •it vihoso home she died. A few weeks ago her yield side became paralyzed, and although tenderly nursed by len. son 0n41 his wife, death Intervened rafter n tx'von weeks' con- finoancnt to her bed. The de.ecn'u d was a wonderful wornon, enjoying ;ood health until her rent illness. She wrrs exceedingly fond of horti- culture and ons quite n corrrroisacur in the r:e.isi,n; of flowers. Any day, we -ether I.crmit tint, elle could be found In tete garden, lookin; after tele flowers, and so well acquainted wens she tcit.h tl<'m that she knew when to plant and how to a.rrango them, so that 1he.ir twenty and fro • ;rine were unequalled. She is survived by three sons, George, Exe- ter, Thomas, itrantford, and Robert of Montana, and rere:r:1 arandohll- dren. The I(VnainS were interred in the Exeter cemetery Tuesday efter• 1100 n. 1 \Vl.ill TO ANNOUNCE TO Till: 'tenera1 public. that i 11.1 re weld rrey Dru, Business to Mr. W. S. Core, of London. For sevenil years M.r. CO:. 1111 bi;ed the T)rsjensinz, Ph re- in rceutie.tl and Toilet (It'p'Irt►rlerlt+ of W. T. St non a's Dille Stole, Lindon, which his given him :1 t)i+,roueh and 11 id krecw-1ed_4 of the different det,1rtnients .•r1 the business. i de- sire to Ihink tnv numerous eusto- tnera for the consideration :Incl sup- port Iziven me (tuning ,a Inns berm of yrirs .end frust they will extend heir 'pat nen ,z• (0 my succesvar. 51r. (kyle is a youne itt tern.rn of good reput.aCon and character is an set 1vc, progressive, 1boron /lily null- ified busi.ncsm man and will be as ex- cellent citizen. I ixive urine ar- r•ln.oments to rent.ein with Mr. Cole Burin; btie winter ►nonths, unit shell be plea. ed to meet old friends and custonners in the stolo as uswal. C. 1.1 IT7. Don't Monkey with that Cough use HOWEY'S S, a White and Tar Lively Selling for the 7CAR LANG B:2 NEXT TWO WEEKS Big Piles of Goods in Every Department placed out for quick selling. 146 Flannelette or Extra Heavy Flannelette. in plain colors, cream,, pink and pale blue, 3(1 Inches wide, worth 14c, selling at Ric per yard, 12ic WraAoerctt6 tor 106 About 50 pieces of Good Wrapperette, choice patterns, all colors, regular price 12ic, selling at 10c yd. Ends of Dress Goods Of Tweeds, Plain Clothe, Serges and Cashmeree, from 1 yd to 0 yds long, very finest quality, prices 50c to $1.00, clearing at the small price of 370 a yard 75e Underwear tor 58c Men's Fine Ribbed Fleece Shirts and Drawers, new make, heavy weight, good fitting, only about 10 dozen to sell, regular price 75c to clear at 58c each. 200 Wool flosieru for 100 Children's Wool Stockings, sizes 1, 41i• 5 and 6, regular price 15c to 20c pr. to clear at 10c pr. Women's Gloth Goats --$2'00 25 Ladies' Cloth Jackets in all sizes, every coat, lined throughout with good mercerized lining, some sold as high as $12. Your choice for $2. 85c Corduroy Pats for 69c Boy's Pants, made of good English Corduroy, great wearers, the cau't tear kind, size 20 to 32. lined throughout, regular price Bic, to cleat at Wo a pair. $15 Overcoats for $IO Men's Heavy Overcoat, made of the best imported tweeds, nobby pat- terns, with fancy lining. Our Great Big Bargain Price $10.00. $12.00 Tweed Overcoat for $0.75 $10.00 Tweed Overcoat for $7.75 .1=1011111L AIM lion's Tweed Pants for $I.00 A clearing line of Men's Tweed Pants. strongly made of good wearing cloth, better than you will expect for the small sum of $1.00. 53.23 Boys Short Overcoats 5i .63 15 only, Boy's; Reefers, made of Blue Beaver and Navy Nap Cloth, tweed lined, brass buttons, regular price $2,25, selling at $1.65. $12 Suits for s8.15 Big assortment of Men's Tweed Suits, n ade of fine tweed, fancy overcheck patterns, well tailored. good fitting, up -to date in every way, our special price for two weeks only $8.75. Canvass Leggings FOR Moleskins Leggings MEN & Leather Leggings BOYS. Price 51.00 to $1.73. Every pair of Wool Blankets to be sold in the next two weeks. Come in and get our prices. Prices that will surprise you. Remember we have the agency for "Kant Krack" Rubbers. No doubt the best heavy rubber made. Men's and Boy's Heavy Rubbers, large rolled edge, lace or buckled, wool lined, big stock to be sold at very close prices, for the next two weeks sN'ELZI & ROWS Market Report. -The following is the report of Exeter markets. cor- rected up to Jan. 25th. Wheat, 78 to 80 cents per bushel. Oats, 32 to 34 cents per bushel Shorts, $18 to $20 a ton. Peas, 80 4o 65 cents a 'oushel. Bran, $17 per ton Feed Flour, $1.20 per owt. Flour, $2.25 per cwt. Mutter, 21c. a pound Onions, 60c. per bushel. Clover seed $5 4o $6 a bus. Barley, 35 to 40c. per bushel. Turkeys, 13c. per pound. Dried Apples, fc. por pound. Ilogs, livewct, lit, $6.50 a cwt. Hoes, dressed, $7.50 to $8 a cwt. Hay, $7 per .ton. Fees, 20 cants a dozen Chicken, your„ 7 cents ler pound Ducks, 10 cents per lb. Geese, 10 amts per Ib. Coal, $6.75 to $7. Potatoes, $1.00 a bag. Dr. harry Drowning left Monday m'ornitsz for Copper Cliff, Ont. where he will tike charge of the ►nedioal dcpertinent of the Creighton lrospitat. A very quiet tvcddine took place at the Muin street parsoroses on Thursday, Jon. 18, Itcv. Godwin of- ficiatin , %%ten elm. Hod zeta, of Centralia, was married to Wm. Kirk, of Exeter North. The couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Harmer, of Edon. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk will re- sid cin Centnatia, A CANADIAN HONORED The Meier of nn Officer of the McdijeI 'ham been vonfer,rcd by the Khedive of E?ypt upon Mr. Charles T. Currelley, n zraduate of Victoria University, formerly of Exeter. This honor has been ronfern$t in recognition elf tax' services of Mr. Currelley in rccurin2 for the Egypt- ian Govenronent certain monuments from the dc'yrrt of Mount Simi. "This laanor," said Chancellor Bur - wash, "is, as far as 1 know, Clic only one of the kind which has ever Inco nonferred upon a Oanedian. it is t he order of the fourth rank in Egypt, end is indini.ted by a star and ribbon. It is equivalent to t he French Lezion of Honor, or tly. Enzlish title of (\enepanion of trite !lath." FANSON-ROOK The 'home of Mr. Goo. Itcak, Eden teas the 5(410 of n very pretty wed - in; .it high rseon, S tur ley, Janu- rtery, ,20t,1), 06, when his d 'tighter Alli,, oris ,married do Mr. Ray Fan - son, of Abernethy, Sask., and for- merly of Exeter. 'fele ceremony was performed 'by Rev. Andrews, of Cen- t relie, :rtnidst many friends of the r'mt.r•ictind 1.1 rtirs. They were un- IIttended, but little Miss Fnincis, ('.nsin of the hrid,', noted as flower girl. The bride was tx+rutifullyj :owned in oroani crepe tic alien. alar going nway Town was navy blue silk, tailor made. After the cere- mony. the bridal p.irty sat down to a dainty dinner and after the young couple reeieved the con- ratuketions of diose present, •rm1 the usual eons'enntvnt of rice and old khoes for ;mod luck, they took the evening train for Detroit ,to visit Mr. and Mrs. ill .1. W. lfar- rison, of 429 East Grand Boulevard, Mem. Harrit,on brine a sister of the ;neem. Mr. and 'Mrs. Fannon, af- ter their Detroit, visit, will return to Exeter and roJn.lin a new dos•+ with fr•irmis here before (evert inz to tht..ir home at Abennethy, whsle Mr. Fan- non enjoys a large hardware trade. A TOWN \VAG SENDS IN THHE' following conundrum: "What is the difference ibetween -t roan, who works ten hours a day and is arita- ting for eight, and our town `hall clock after n snow .storm? One strikes and wouldn't work if he oould, while the other quits strik- ing and couldn't work if it would. PARTICULAR STOCK TAKING PEOPLE USE "Princess" FLOUR for Pastry ii AND '' STAR FLOUR for Bread. HARVEY BROS. Merchant Millers EXETER, ONTARIO. Now for a Big "SL4AS REMNANTS. SuPPt, I During our Stock Taking we have tal L 7l 4( @ Mt from 1 to 5 yards and placed thein on our }\ Aa,,� otrltol, and will have a big �, c Remnant SI vietett ve st of DreseGoode, Prints, Cottonadee, Flannels, Flannelettes, rifting,. Tweeds, Etc. Every remnant below cost to clear out. Fur Remnants We have been very fortunate in disposing of Our Big Fur ering the mild winter. Only 3 Fur Coate left at I of the price Only 5 Neck Ruffs left at I of the price Only 0 Fur Caps left at I of the price and then we are cleared up. Over Coat Remnants Not many lett we have been doing something. Only 4 -$8.00 New Style for $500 Only3-$10.00 New Style for $7.00 Only 2-$12.00 New Style for $8.03 We have about one dozen of other season's coats, A few boys' and a few Men's for 51.00 and $2.00. Don't Miss Thies 131g Remnant Sale iT'S A MONEY SAVER. Stock conski- C.ARDI3sr i- 3E3R0B. What's good for Government should be good enough for YOU THE BONDS OF THE EMPIRE Accident & Surety Company Are accepted by the Dominion and Provincial Governments. Why not by you ? A Canadian Con^ern. W. JOHNS, fluent, Exeter. The New Way tate The old way to cure s cold Howey's "Cure a Cold" Capsules Only 2", ceate a box. Ayer s S Keep saying it, cvcr and over again. l S Ayer's Pisa. Aycr's Pills. Ayer's Pills. The beat liver pile: ever made. They cure consti f:tion, indigestion, p • �S biliousness, stick -headache. All tine - tattle, stnf a coeted mildly la'.ative. " Y.t bta (' t • 1 Wt /'aMlob 0. C L e. (•n., ►`:eIt(wett.,1, r -,r( sheet. z.,,• .ifs►.. • - -. -AAs. -.ars► 7as�•r�.a•s YORK GOUNTY LOflN ShdrchoiUcr' and Dcuosltors' Certificates and Passbooks will be received at all branches of the SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA All necessary payments and transfers of money made free of charge. CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER JOSEPH SNELL, Manager. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors. 1♦1.11Mift OUR GREAT CLEARING SALE Is Still On. Although our sale has been going on for some time, we can still show you a large range of bargains in every department. Snaps from Gent's Furnishing DMpartmnnn I -LINEN COLLARS -Band, Turned Point, Doubly; Rolled, sizes 141--17 inclusive, reg. price 16c now 12o. II -TIES -Four-in-hand, Bows, Etc., regular prices 26c now 20c. A sp(Clkl line or 59c tie§ for 26c. III -WAYS MUFFLERS -Regular price 76c uc w 80c. NECKSCARFS-Regular price boa, 75c, $1.00 now 40c, 60c and 80c. IV -SUSPENDERS -All fancy suspender*, ineludi .$ the "President" regular price 50c now 42c. Soaos for tb Lou I -PRINTS- Heavy double threaded print, regular prioe 10c and 12ic now este and 11e. Fine English Print', regular 121e now 11c. II -WHITE MADRAS WAIST GOODS Bird's eye Poplin, regular price 25c now 19c Fancy Mail Pattern regular price 350 now 25c " Serpentine " regular price 35c now 25c Clover Leaf " regular price 35c now 290 Plain Poplins, regular price 25c now 19c Black & White Madras reg. " 35c now 29c 35c now 20c III -WRITE MUSLINS Fancy Stripe, regular price 20c now 15c Fancy Open Check, regular price 123-c now Ste Dimity Ntripe & Dot, regular price 15c now 10c Fancy Chain Stripe, regular price 16o now 10c IV -Coronation Blue, Gilt Lined, semi -porcelain, DINNER SET, regular pri'_!(' 511.00 now 56.00 Tho last set. REMEMBER WE GIVE 101, DISCOUNT ON (GROCERIES. it (r ,. TERMS: -Produce or Cash. 10 00008 GIYEN ON APPROBATION. N0 000D3 TAKEN BACK F1ER iURCNWD Poplestone & Gardiner One door nib of Nat oma.