Exeter Times, 1906-01-25, Page 7•
accidents are more terrifying to
Hever than to be bitten by a due
Lt1 to be wad, and there are new
ens in which prompt and intelli-
lion on the part of the bystanders
Igh nearly all waren-blooded
are susceptible to rabies, it is
r n r
n only seen in dubs. There are
wr s, the "furious" and the"dumb,''
In t rious type, after a period .1
melane 1,134.2g depression, the animal
becomes re ess and irritable, with a
tendency to run away and snap at every-
thing in sight. finally becoming subdued
and sullen, and dying of paralysis and
exhaustion. In dumb rabies the stage '•f
irritation), is absent. The clog prowls
ltbout in a listless way with his head
down and lower jaw dropped. At tete
sane lime there Is a difliculty in swal-
It is often impossible to tell from n
dog's actions whether It is rabid or not.
but if instead of killing the animal rs
quickly ns possible. as is often unwisely
done, the owner capture it and keep t
for a few days under lock and key, the
question answers itself. A rabid dog al-
ways dies in from four to eight days, .;o
that if the animal recovers the bitten
persons may be sure Mal they are not
going to develop hydrophobia.
In any suspicious case 1110 wound
should immediately be squr ezed under
water. and nl hf deep,
so that cauterizatio l with either freely,ah
iron or with strong nitric acid (not with
tuner caustic) may be thoroughly done.
At the sante lime the dog should be kept
observation, or if already kllle 1,
the head and neck should be packed in
Ice and preserved for medical examina-
Even 11 11 seems certain that the ani -
teal was rabid the patient should not
despair, for It is estimated that only df•
teen per cent. of those bitten by rabid
animals actually develop the disease,
and If the Pasteur preventive inocula-
tions are promptly begun recovery Is al-
most certain.
The popular dread of rabies is nut of
all proportion to the relative frequency
of the disease, and the length to which
1t may go is shown by the instances in
which people have developed, and even
died, of false hydrophobia, a nervous
condition due to fright, and simulating
to some extent the real Malady. --
Youth's Companion.
The hair accompanies, but does not
cause grayness. It is, like grayness. the
Come From Rich, Red Blood made by
Dr. Williams' fink Pills.
Beauty is mare than skin deep—it is
blood deep. There is no real beauty,
no good health without rich, red blood.
Every graceful curve, every sparkle of
the eye, every rosy blush, comes from
rich, red blood. Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills are the greatest blood builder uud
beauty maker in the world. Every
dose actually makes new, pure, rid'
blood. By shaking mew blood Dr. Wil-
liams' fink 1'ilis sharpen the iippetile,
soothe the worried nerves, regulate the
health. alt
They banish
paleness, clear
the complexion, bring rosy cheeks and
sparkling eyes.. They give plenty 1ef
strong blood for all the delicate Nee -
lions of womanhood. Miss Mary Jack-
son, Normandate, Ont., says: "Fur up-
wards of three years 1 suffcrei fcpnf
anaemia. 1 grew so weak I could scarce.
13 walk about the house. I had no
color in my (ace, my lips and guns
Licxxlless. 1 sutfcrui (row lead -
aches and dizziness. and 'di eweey in
weight until 1 weighed only 94 puotl !s,
No treatment gave me the least t:e neat
until 1 began the use of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills Inside of a few weeks atter
beginning the pills I began to grow hit-
ter. and they soon restored any 'width.
and while using them 1 gained fourte-ta
poun'ls in weight. 1 can strongly re-
commend Dr. Williams' fink !'ills fo
all nate and feeble girls."
There are thousands of pale nnnerr•ic
girls and women throughout Canada
who should follow the example of ML.it
Jackson and give Dr. Willianhs' !'ink
Pills a fair trial. Bright eyes, rosy
cheeks re ks anifc cr rf
pian e
fnllnw, \Vhen von buy the tells on n
that the fell ',ante, "Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People." Is printed on the
wranner nrnnnd each box. Sold by
iM r
n Linedealer. a
50 cet
n box
or six boxes r n
ti f r
the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., writing
ville, Ont.
Retired Stewardess of Ocean Liner Pos-
sessed Fortune.
Death has revealed a remarkable se-
cret, preserved with strictes inviolabil-
ity (luring her lifetime by Mrs. Mary
Marlin, a former stewardess employed
in the service of the P. and 0. Steam-
ship Company, who died al sen while
on her way home from Bombay on
board the mail steamer Egypt, which
has Just reached London from India.
it appears that Mrs. Martin, who was
a willow, joined the Egypt as a passen-
ger. Nothing about her was known, ex-
cept that she had been for nanny years
a stewardess, and that her hlusbnnd,
when living, was employed in the Rom -
result of certain nervous disturbanc's • bay dockyard. When her body had
with and, unlike it, can be corrected .,y teen committed to the sea her effee.ts
artificial means. Oil, glycerin, and • were overhauled with a view of discov'-
oaleum ore the three lubricating sub -1 cring the nooses of her relatives.
ices Mad' are best for the purpose:. The search failed in this direction, but
good mixture is olive oil and lin equal In a cashbox concealed among clothes
quantity of liquid vnseline with one- In a cnhin trunk was found documentary
eighth part of reclined spirits contain -
Ing n few drops of tincture of myrrh and
glycerin added.
This oily mixture rubbed into the roots
or the hair is he
nefi r' isIto a certain n ex -
(c f to the nervousness which is the
t •..e of grayness. it Is not understood
generally that the col.: of the hair, and
to some extent the complexion. is depen-
dent upon t
n Ih condition
of the r
P h nervous
system. .
t Ther
n .rvous disturbances
tvhiett give rise to such pain as persis-
"tent neuralgia are the sante thut later
cause the hair to change in color. It
often is noticed that patches of white- Nothing is more common In childhood
n(ss appear In the hair in spols where than indigestion. Nothing is more
pain has been located. dangerous to proper growth, more weak -
The person with nervous, excitable, cr ening to the constitution, or more likely
artistic temperament usually Is inclined to pave the way to dangerous disease.
to early whitening of the hair, while Nothing Is more easy to keep under con•
grayness often appears to be entirely tot, for proper food and Baby's Own
retarded when relief from me ntal worry Tablets will cover the whole ground.
has set in. here Is strong proof. Mrs. G. 0. Iry-
On grown people the irregular growth irlg, Trout brook, Que., says: "My baby
of the eyebrows may be lessened by Sys- boy was troubled with chronic indigos•
temntic brushing. Vaseline or lanolin lion and was a constant sufferer. No -
should be rubbed in thoroughly, and the thing helped him until I tried Baby's
brows should be brushed rind carefully Own Tablets, but these promptly cured
trained down with a soft brush.
proof that the dead woman had to her
credit in a well-known London bank tine
SUrn of *50,000
About 5150 in gold was discovered
in a bagwhich
Mrs. Marlin was accus-
tomed to wear around her neck while
asleep, and the jewelry found stowed
away has been valued at several hun-
dred dollars.
general thin Ihr, most that can him and he Is now ns healthy a little
As a g g lid as you would cure to see. 1 always
be done to make n luxurious growth for keep the tablets in the house and they
the hair Is done for it In childhood. It quickly cure all the troubles of child -
never should be allowed to outgrow ite.tinod," Every mother should keep these
strength and to exhaust the energies -1 Tablets on hnnd. They cure all the
the fulltciles nt its roots without being minor ailments of children, and their
properly clipped and pruned. This also prompt nd►ninistration when trouble
Is true of the eyelids, which can be sn comes may SIIVC n precious little life.
Improved by constant and systematic They are guaranteed to contain no opt -
clipping m -len more than the their Itself. ale or harmful drug. You can get
The eyebre:ws also are susceptible to i►m Baby's Own 'Tablets from any druggist
provement by the same process. although or by mail nt 25 cents n box by writ -
their pruning Is advisable only if the ing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
gruwlh promises to be loo light, and then Brockville Ont.
It should be done by a prufessionil.
!Medical experts are calling the atten-
tion of the public In the i►nporinnce of
performing the nose blowing operation
in n scienlille. and hygienic 'unmet'.
First one nostril and then the other
should be blown without undue violence.
Doctors slate that 'the Iwo nasal pas.
sages should never be closed at the sane
time. If they are obstructed, as in the
ease of a cold, the back of the throat is
filled with compressed air, and this, to-
' rr with the, discharge and the nil -
which it contains. may be driven
theme!, the eustachian tube into the
middle ear and lead to serious results.
A greet authority on the subject used
In forbid his patients to blow their noses
when suffering from n cola. 'nits course
i9 hardly one %%inch will commend itself'
10 those in the habit of catching colds.
'1'110 hest ndvice would seem to be that
when 11 is nccessnry to blow the nose
the blowing should be done gently.
Th, value of charcoal Is manifold. it
is one of the greatest purifiers of water
that, we have. Water or any subelnnce
nllovt'ed to percolate through it will he
freed of all animal organisms or foreign
particles. 11 is one of the best svv'eeten-
crz of the breath. Add a little ginger
Io it. and it 1)ccemcs a splendid thing
(,.r Ili•' stomach atter a he Arty meal.
1seanse the teeth with it, for it takes
:ewny fungus growth that many tooth
1, ,wd ors (nil to tou; h. It Is also a great
',niece of pain causes! by a burn. In a
re;ntutt.reial way charcoal hu n their
•and and one uses, but these are A few.
et the into?^ important household uses
M typ be Put to suc:ce:esfulir.
English Subjects Tortured and Mur-
dered by Wild Tribesmen.
A Government Blue Book has been is-
sued tier, giving pa'ticulare of n grue-
some outrage which is to be avenged by
n British column of 2110 Iturmnh Military
Police noel one gun now on its vent' 'o
the scene of the ocCUI'rence under Capt.
Kirk«• and Lieutenants \Vulcrtield mint
Mncdonntd. The culprits are the wild
tribesmen of the Chin little, which Ile
immediately beyond the ndrninislralive
border of the eastern portion of British
Last April three f.ungno villagers
were enticed M visit Wcllaung, a vilinge
in the unndrnlnisrerevl Irncls, to sell salt-
petre, and were seized and bound. '1'he.y
were "shot" nt for three (Inys with ar-
rows, which were not allowed to pene-
trate loo dere Into the flesh, and ulti-
mately were killed and their bodies
One of Thein, before being put to dentis,
had the ends of his fingers and toes cul
off, and was forced to drink his own
\'e used fo blame our earthly lot
Recuse the weather was too hot;
And now our plaints we will unfold,
Because the weather's beastly cn)d.
So lel us smite and be of cheer 1
There's cause to kick throughout the year.
"What do you tthink of a girl who can
�Ing nntl won't?" she ask a bachelor
Ile Favors Killing Off of Those Hopeless-
ly Diseased and Victims of
Dr. Chas. Eliot Norton, of Cambridge,
Mass., has joined forces with Miss Anne
S. Hall, of Cincinnati, and with Mrs.
MaudR r
titin t
g on Rooth 1n their cam-
paign for the killing off of the hopeless-
ly insane, hopelessly diseased and vic-
tims of accidents. His views are ex-
pressed in a letter written to Miss Hall
and made public here.
1)r. Norton was formerly Professor '(
Literature at ilavurtl. He was a friend
of Longfellow and Lowell, and with
them made the famous translation of the
"Divine Comedy." Ile tends his letter
"An appeal to reason as well as compas-
sion," addressed Miss Hall, and writes:—
"The principle that it is 0 duty to pro-
long every human life as long as pos-
sible at whatever cost, bus hitherto been
genarally accepted.
"Its main support has been the doctrine
of the sacredness of human life.
"The doctrine and the practice have
both been pressed ton far. 'There is no
ground to hold every human life as in-
violably sacred, and to be preserved, no
matter with what results to the indivi-
dual, or to others. On the contrary
there are cases to which every reason-
able consideration urges that the end
should be
put. Setting
aside all doubt-
ful cases, no right thinking man would
hesitate to give a dose of laudanum,
sufilclent to end the suffering and life
together, to the victim of an accident
the torturing effects of which re-
covery was impossible, however, many
hours of misery might be added to cons-
cious life by stimulants or surgical oper-
"Nor should a reasonable man hesitate
to hasten death in the case of a mortal
disease such, for example, as cancer,
when It has reached the stege of Inces-
sant severe pain and when the patient
desires to die.
"The prolongation of life in such a
ease, by whatever means, is mere crimi-
nal cruelty.
"Or take another instance, that of on
old person whose mind has become a
chaos of wild imaginings, productive (1
constant distress not only to the sufferer,
but to all who live with and nttend him.
The plain duly In such n case is not to
prolong, but to shorten life.
"It is not to be hoped that a supersti-
tion so deeply rooted In tradition as that
of the duty of prolonging life at any cost
will readily yield to the arguments of
reason or the pleadings of compassion,
but the discussion of the subject in its
various aspects may lead gradually to a
more enlightened public opinion and to
the consequent relief of cnuch misery."
Strange Case of Man Who Traveled
6,000 Miles.
A curious case of lapse of memory
has just been revealed at Sydney, Aus-
tralia on the arrived from the northern
di.Iricts of New South Wales recently
of an American whoseen
r Iembranco
was of Los Angeles, Cal. The Ameri-
can's story Is vouched for by two Syd-
ney doctors who have investigated the
The mysterious traveler left Paralroe,
in California, a few days before Easter,
intending to join his wife and fancily at
Los Angeles. Ile remembers arriving
there, bill has no recollection of what
happened afterward.
Ile awoke to find hiself lying under a
Tree in the Australian bush, and ons
immensely astonished at seeing around
hurl ninny unknown forms of vegeta-
tion. ile noticed that his hands were
hard and rough, though he had never
consciously done a day's hard work.
A bullock driver passed him shortly
after Iris avvnkening, and he nt once in-
quired the way to Los Angeles. The
Mall shred in astonishment, and an-
swered that (fill End was the name of
the nearest township.
The man without a memory thereup-
on asked the dale, and was told that it
was late in October and that he was en
New South Wales. Ile worked his way
to Sydney, a distance of some hundreds
of miles, and Is now trying to obtain
employment there to get money to re-
turn to his family.
Ile is in total ignorance as to their
wherenbouls and as In his own doings
during the six onths between April and
Iiow It Often happens From Coffee.
"I had no iden," writes a iruluth roan,
"that it was the coffee 1 had been (knitt-
ing all my life that was responsible fur
the headaches which were growing up-
on me, fear the dyspepsia that no tnedi•
cines would relieve, and for tine acute
nervousness which unfilled 111e not only
for work hal also for the inosl ordin-
ary social functions.
"ilut at List the truth daw-ned upon
me I ferllnvilli bode the harmful bever-
age a prompt farewell, ordered in some
l'ostunl and began to use it. 'i'hee good
e(feels of Ihr new food drink were, toe
parent within a very few days. My
headaches grew less frequent, and de-
creased in violence, any stomach grew
strong and able to digest my food with-
out distress of any kim', my nervous•
nese has gone noel 1 am able to enjoy
life with nay neighbors and sleep sound-
ly o'nights. My physical strength and
nerve power have increase.' so much
that 1 can do double the wnrk 1 used In
do. and feel no undue fatigue after-
"'!'his improvement set In Just ns soon
as the old coffee poison had so worked
out of my system as to allow the food
elements in the Posture to got a 1101(1 to
build me up ngain. 1 cheerfully testify
that It was Postum and Postum alone
that dM all this. for when t began In
drink It 1 'threw phyAe to the dogs.'"
Name given by Post'un Co., Rattle
(.reek, Mich.
There's a reason. Red the famous
little book 'The Road Wellvllle" in
Made by Cures Like Thal of Simon V.
Landry --11e Tells About it Himself.
River Bourgols, Richmond Co., C. R.
Jan. 15—(speetal).•—Anlotg the many
men In this part of Canada whom Dodd's
Kidney Pills have relieved of aches and,
pains and weakness and mado strong 1
and able to do a good day's work is Mr.
Sinton V. Landry. Mr. Landry has
numerous friends here who can vouch
for the story he tells of his cure.
•"I was bothered for over a year," tie
says, "with lame back, weak legs, pal-
pitation of the heart, general weakness
and shortness of breath; hr fact 1 could
not work and was a total wreck.
"1 could not get anything to help me
till I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills. But
they did me good and no mistake. 1
used three boxes and I'm back at work
It is the cures that make Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills so popular. Their popularity
has grown steadily for thirteen years.
1t must bo well founded.
The Squire: "Well, my boy, you seem
In a great hurry to get to your school
to -day." Boy: "Yes, sir. 11111 Jones is
going to git a licking this morning for
playing truant, and 1 don't want to miss
The Pall of Rheumatic Pains.— When
a sufferer finds permanent relief In such
o meritorious medicine as South Antill-
ean Rheumatic Cure, how glad tilt is to
tell it. C. W. Mayhew, of Thameivdlo,
Ont.. couldn't walk of feed himself f..l
months—four years ago three bottles of
this great remedy cured flim—n)l o pain
since—isn't that encouragement f:;r rheu-
matic sufferers? -82
"What's that man yelling al?" asked
the farmer of his boy. "Why," chuck-
led the boy, "ire's yelling at the top of
his voice."
The Flagging Energies Tlevlved.—Con-
atant applllcatTrnn to business Is a tax
upon the energies, and If there be no
relaxation, lassitude and depression are
sure to Intervene. There come from
stomach troubles. The want of exer-
cise brings on nervous Irregularities,
and the stomach ceases to anshnilate
food properly. In thle condition Par -
melee's Vegetable Pills will he found a
recuperative of rare power, restoring
the organs to healthful action, dispell-
ing depression. and reviving the flagging
The denth took place at Aberfehly of
Dr. Munro, at his residence, Breadalbnnc
Villas. The doctor, vv'ho was in his 81s1
year was a native of Moncss.
Their complete home cure. Post
free to readers of this paper.
For limited period only.
A handsome illustrated treatise, glar-
ing full dascraetion Cl:ltheutnalisin and
Paralysis. with instructions for a cum
Wetc home curo, describing the most
successful treatment in the world, re-
1 Dv the
1N male
f vn
a r
t endors-
ed td by medical men. ',heti highly In-
structive book was written by W. H.
%cn.,• a gentleman who has made a
study of these diseases. 'rho preface Is
by a graduate
r.du Send
the University of
g. postal to -day and
you will r.'c.ive the book free by re-
turn.—Address, The Veno Drug Co., 24
King fit • 'vest, 'i'c'ontu
The examiner wished to get the school
children to express moral reprobation
of lazy people, and he led up to it by
asking who were the persons who got
all they could and did nothing 1n re-
turn. For some time there was silence;
but at last a little girl who had obvi-
ously reasoned out the answer induc-
tively from her own home experiences
exclnirned, with a good deal of confl-
dence, "Please, sir, It's the babyl"
Y.w weed net shed arts Uwe Ifou will ppewe�e
f' The D A L " Menthol Plaster on that lame back.
Try lead b. convinced.
Gee,rge—"Are you ready to live on fay
income, dear?' Maud- -"Certainly, dear-
est. If—If---" George—"If what?" Maud
—"If you can get another one for your-
self." George—"Another?" Maud—"Yes;
another Income."
Time triee all things, and as Pickle's
Anti -Consumptive Syrup hair stood the
teat of years it now ranks, as a lead-
ing specific In the treatment of all a11-
willtsoften athe
d Rutdno the mosts 'tubt-
born born coil h by relieving the Irritation,
and restore the affected organs to
health'' conditions. Use will show
Its value. Try it and be convinced of
Its cmcacy.
Many Said to have Been Cured by Ilim
of Ills.
Making the blind to see. the deaf to
hear. and many other rniu•velons cures
effected by the laying on of hands nre
attributed to n Henn named Saltzman!),
whew has Required nu extraordinary rep -
Malkin throe:•'tout Brittany as a worker
of miracles.
How much of his reputation is due to
Breton credulity and how much to his
own powers is dtfllrult to say; but hun-
dreds of persons are flocking to hien to
be cured.
Ile has been staying for the Iast fort-
night at lluelgorit, where lie is credit-
ed with over 2(10 cures. The only cendi-
liotn to fineness Is faith In iris powers.
Ile even claims that lie can cure tram o
dislnnce and that n letter written to
him with faith will bring resloretion •1?
A case Is recorded of n min•'r whose
sight was Ilvslroyrd by an explosion.
Two days niter ho pineed himself un-
der Snitzlnann's cure he is nlleged to
have recovered his sight sunlelently lo
find his luny about without assistance
and to distinguish colors.
A dlaSlded writ, the result of n bi-
cycle fall, toadied by blhn, bccnmo
Wong Anil the pain and stiffness vanish.
you owe
r nny money Y'
avoid meeting
n to owe
t Jjralni
440Y -4
$5,000 REWARD will
be paid to tiny
npiernroeona who proves that
urilht Soap contains any
injurious chemicals w aoy
form of adulteration.
is better than other soaps,
but is best when used in
the Sunlight way.
Sunlight Soap contains
no injurious chemicals.
Sunlight Soap is pure
soap, scientifically made.
Every step in its manu-
facture is watched by an
expert chemist.
Sunlight Soap saves
Tabor, and the wear of
rubbing which common
soaps require in washing
Your money refunded by
the dealer from whom you buy
Sunlight Soap if you find any cause
for complaint.
Lever Brothers Limited. Toronto
'lIIE WIIULE 1111.1.
"Did the Brownstones give boxes of
wedding -cake to the guests';”
"They did more than that; they gave
souvenir headaches with the punch."
The Southern California New Train.—
Itesl iIollte.
The Los Angeles Limited, electric
lighted, new from the Pullman shops,
with all latest innovations for travel
comfort, leaves Chicago 10.05 P. M.
daily, arrives Los Angeles 4.15 P. M.
third day via Chicago, Union Pacific h
North-Western Line and The Salt Lake
Route. Pullman drawing -room and
tourist sleeping cars, composite obser-
vation car, dining cars, a la carte ser-
vice. For rales skcping car reserva-
tions and full particulars. apply to your
nearest agent. or address, R.. Bennett,
2 East King St., Toronto, Ont.
The World says it is expected That Sir
Rotted Finley, the Altor'ney-General.
will be appointed it i.ord of Appeal in
the place of Lord Lindlley, whose resig-
nation is expected shortly.
Like little welcomes M dlsewe, Pi. eruptions
1 eeaema pour eat discharges. Rad blood carmen
the trouble. '15. local remedy la Weaver's Grate,
astd• Syrup will drive the poison from the
Mr. Wm. ffllloak, Bellevue House,
Ronarbrldge, died in his 87111 year.
Deceased was n native: of Kirkcaldy, and
a noted horticulturist
"Man is Filled With Misery "— Thin
In not true of all men. 'rho well
sound of lung clear of eye, alert andd
buoyant with health, are not miserable,
whatever mny be (heti social condition.
To be well Is to be happy, and we can
all be bodicenell a healthful state. and kieping our
r. Thom-
as' Electric Oil will help n11 to do this.
T.\KINc HER AT llr:lt \VOftf._
"1.1liel, you naughty child," -scolded
ht r nfnrnrnn, "what have you been doing
to make Charley cry so?"
"I've, only been sharing my rod -liver
oil with hien, mamma." replied Ethel;
"you said It was so nice."
"They say that fringes are not much
worn now, but I'm hanged If 1 believe
11!" muttered Penniless. as he glanced r t
the bottoms of his trousers.
That's why any woman Is after a hot cup of Fragrant
TEA. It chases away that old tired fee ling and fills her with new life.
Only one best tea. Blue RIEbon's it.
" Oshawa " Steel Shingles
Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from $2.115 to $5.10
per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most desirable cov-
ering on the market, and Is an ideal covering for Ifouses, Barns, Stores. Ele-
vators, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the "OSHAWA" ehing'es. A
hammer and snips are the only toots required.
We are the largest and oldestcompany of the kind under the British
flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada,
making them
We also maunfacture Corrugated iron in long streets, Conductor Pipe and
F 'h
METAL SHINGLES, in imitation of brick or stone.
Mf CEiLINGS, in 2,000 designs.
V e for Catalogue No. 1411 and free samples of "OSHAWA" Shingles. Write
tt 'ay.
TSM NoN3301.,..ALZEL 1E0801w,
767 Craig it. asa see et.11Cerra',.. a1 Ieesttartt it. eta reader et.
Wane You& Nltaarar Orrice.
Head Office and Works,
• Oshawa. Oat., Canada
The Scottish Volunteer force wants
360 officers to complete its establishment.
l)r. Gibson, Citmpbellown, has coin-
s pleted 50 years' service as nautical officer
under the Parochial Board and Parish
There le
—There1s nesech Otani asw harmless cough.
The tronlele goes trona bed to worse unless chock-
ed. Allens 1 use Ba atincams th•• worstadds.
It allays intlaarsatioa and clears the obi paeaagea
Patient: "Do you extract teeth with-
out pain?" Dentist: "Not always; 1 was
pulling a tooth the other day and nearly
sprained my wrist, and 11 feels sore
What Makes you Despondent?— Iles
the stomach gone wrong? Iiave the
nerve centres grown tired and listless?
Are you threatened with nervous pros-
trntion? South American Nervine is Na-
tur'e's corrector, makes the stomach rich,
gives a world of nerve force, keeps the
circulation perfect. Are
regular consltI
bulkier for rundown people. Ono
lady says: "1 owe rtfy life to it." -84
On the occasion of her retirement
from the Johnston school, Kirkcu -bet ht after 22 years' s service Miss
derson has been presented with a suit-
able testimonial from tete teachers and
If your children moan and are rest-
less during sleep, coupled. when awake,
with a lana of appetite, pale counten-
ance. picking of the nose, Ole., you
depend upon It that the primary cause
of the trouble Is worms. Mother
Graves' Worm Exterminator effectual'
removes these pests, at once relieving
tete little sufferers.
At a meeting in Edinburgh a new
society, to organize agriculture in Scot-
land, was formed under the name of the
"Scottish Agricultural Organization
Society." A committee with Sir John
(lilmour, Burt., of Montrave, as presl-
dtnL, was also appointed.
saaliglt soap its latter Ilan otter Nam
bit is beet wren need in the Sunlight way.
Bay twilight t.ap and follow directioaa.
"Some men say," remarked the beau-
tiful heiress, "that I have no heart."
"Ohl that doesn't matter," replied the
poor but willing youth; "i'll give you
Nothing looks more ugly than to see
a person whose hands are roeied over
with warts why have these diingure-
rnents on your person when a euro re-
mover of all warts, corns, etc., ..an t»
found in Holloway's Corn Cure.
Mr. James Waugh, the veteran
trainer, died nt his residence, Meyntll
House, Newmarket, after a somewhat
prolonged illness. Deceased was born It
Jetlburgh, in Scotland, and was 74 years
of age.
Hear( Disease Relieved In 30 blirinlemi,
Dr. Ag new's Cure for the heart gives
perfect relief in all eases of Organic or
Sympathetic heart Disease in 30 minutes
and speedily oflecls n etre. It is n peer-
less remedy for I'nlptlatiore Shortness
of Breath. Smothering Spills, fain in
the Left Siete, and all symptoms of n
Diseased Heart. Ono dose convinces. -33
Mier two yeers' dangerous work a
bearer an line been built on the
summit if \font Illane. It Is attached
to the Janssen Observatory, and is
meant for Alpinists who have hien over-
Inken by a stnrrn on the surnrnft or lost
their way in the snows. A large camp -
bed occupies all the floor of the morn,
end can hold twenty-two persons. The
bedroom, which is the highest in th(
world, is also the roost expensive, as
every slick and stone had to be carried
un by porters from Chamonix. During
Ste erection it was demolished twice and
fllltd with snow nine times.
"11 has came In my ears," remarked
Miss ire Plnyne, "that you said my face
would make a man climb a fence."
"Yes, that's what t said," replied the
diplomatic one; "but, of course, 1 meant
1f he happened to be on the other side of
the fence."
Eva. ' ills Is an education. Th
widen Ideas of Lira. El sari boa sloe
11101 CDBl1IN °viL ; ;; so
writs a ea about yours
USIT1an AaIWSAM anise ea. Sea 1611. Montreal
Veteran land
Wanted—state price and amount avail•
01 Wellesley St., Toronto.
This Is the saaaon of the year when you
need pe are everyrecaution with your
stock. Ry the ase ofour
and other rerne,ife.e you hair., the best 4
guarantee of health t.,7 oar stock.
Valuable Advices Fres
Use 1t and Iwo.* pew ew■ veterinary
Th. MERMAID IPSWIiTT CO., 1!mite d
556 DND
U ti 9;r
Crabbe: "To -day for the first time, 1
WItS really delighted 10 hear my neigh-
bor's piano going." Friend :
thing worth listening to, 1 supposes"
Crnbbe: "1 should say so. 1 heard the
hire purchase inen taking It away."
"Bought my Lite for :15 Cents."-74tis
was one mans way of putting It whew,
he had been pronounced incurable from
chronic dyspepsia. "It was n living '
death to inc until 1 tried Dr. Von Stan's
Pineapple Tablets. Thanks to Ihrm
to -day I am well, and 1 tell nay friends
1 bought my life for 35 cents." 60 in a
box. -80
A.—"l visited my native pined last
week. 'Thought 1 would show any old
schoolfellows how prosperous 1 had
been since 1 left home." B, --"Did they
seem to appreciate your rise In the
world?" A.—"Well 1 should say so. Al-
most every man 1 met wanted to bor.
row a dollar."
A flatter .t Iap�eertence to ell those who are
ren dews and debilitated le the feet that
" Yerrovlm " is the belt feat( mer 0 .mpouud.L
It gives strength and builds up the .ystere.
"I understand your life insurance
company regarded you as an excep-
tionally goal risk."
"No," nnswererl the dlsplea.setl policy
holder, "1 wasn't any risk. i was a sure
i'tieeplesaness.—When the nerves are
unstrung and the whole body given itpp
to wretchedness, when the mind is Ell I -
ed with gloom and dismal forebodings,
the result of derangement of the dige.-
tive organs, sleeplessness routes to add
to the distress 11 only the pithier
could sleep, there would b0 nbluvion for
rt while and temporary relief. 1'arume-
lee's Vegetable !'ills will not only in -
dura sleep, but will act 'o beneficially
that the snhlect will wake refreshed
and restored to happiness.
ilfolher -- What'. Fighting ngnin? Such
n block eye! If you'd only follow the
lead of the minister's little boy--
Tonimy—Aw. I did try ter toiler his
lend, Lilt he led agntn wid his kit,
dat's where he billed me.
h or Cure
11 Shdok'a Consumption Core 131s to tyre
your Cold e. Co4,ou rt beck all you
paid for it. Yon aro are of a Care tie
the Cads.
If A wool a etre cane, dais Diet would
tial be made.
t as aaydtiag be hien
have •
old. Caulk or err? dimes
alas Tlwoat, Lr Wer Air Posse" iy
lie. kik /►S ilio . 'a.