Exeter Times, 1906-01-25, Page 5T1311VC YOU wanin UMBER, SHINGLES, LATH. CEDAR POSTS, SASH, , FRAMES, TANKS, &c., YOU CAN HAVE at rock bottom prices at our yards and factory. STORM DOORS AND STORM SASH de to order on short notice. We manufacture poultry and apple boxes in large quantities, order early. PAY THE 811 PRICE IFOR TSaW LOGS DESCRIOF PERY TION are always prepared for CUSTOM SAWING.;; os- TdvIor6o LtOE. Exeter. IRON } !FENCE POSTS] We have a num. ber of different kinds of Iron Fence Posts which we will sell cheap or will take all kinds of scrap iron in ex. change. M.JACKSON & SON Main -St. Exeter. Tne Usborne and Ribbort Farmer's Mutual Fire Mur- ano Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. DIRECTORS. President:—T. RYAN, DUBLIN. P. O. Vice -Pres.: J. A. NORRIB CROMARTY P. O. F. MORLEY, WHALEN P. 0. W. 11. PASSMORE, FARQVHAR P.O. Wm. ROY, BORNHOLM P. O. 1. L. RUSSELL, R J88ELDALE P.O. AGENTS. J. CARMICHAEL, STAFFA. ONT, A. DUNCAN FARQUHAR, ONT. J. WitsoN, FIJLLARTON. ONT. J. S. GILFILLAN, LVCAN, ONT B. W. F. BEAVERS. Secv.-Treas. Farquhar. GLADMAN & STANI3LTRY, Solicitors What is Home without a Piano or Organ. Cerainly not all that it might be. Call and see us and let us show • One door south of the you some of the highest grade Metropolitan Hotel. 11.44+++++ +++++++++++++++++ Grist Mill CREDITON We are prepared to do Orititing and Chopping en shotpt notice. We are making a splendid grade of Flour which Is giv- R S MARTIN & SON mg excellent satisfaction • fry our Flour. PIANOS AND ORGANS !that Canada produces. They are certainly works of art. SEWING MACHINES C NES Then in Sewing Machines we carry the bc.st that the market affords. Do not listen to what others tell you about our prices and terms, but call and satisfy yourself. We will make them to suit you unless you are very hard to please, H. Switzer MEDIOAL SW. BROWNING, M. D., M. C. e P. S., Graduate Victoria Un i- ���Mg�t{ty office and residenence. Domiaioo. tLMocatory, Faster. DR. A. F. MALLOY, GRADUATE Toronto University. Former tra:rrgcon to Toronto Western Hospitel. to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Night call at Mise. S-17.05 r DKNTAL DR. A. R. KINSMAN. L. fiiiii D. 9, 1). 1). 8., Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. Toth extracted withontpa In or bud eller etTents, Once in Fen - ton's block. West aideof Main MeV Exeter. ANDERSON, (0• D. S• L•D $. DHNTI8T. or Graduate of the Toronto 'University yal College of Dental 8nrgeons of ,with honors Aliso 1'oet'graduate of School of 1'roethotic Deottetr, (with le mention. lug known to tee Dental Profession this oilier. Bridge work, crowns, el - s tom,, gold and vulcanite plates all done In teat manner poattbie. A perfectly anaesthetic used for palulese extrace oast door south of Carting Breeder, affaSer. niONEY TO LOAN. Wi leave a lame menet of private tend, to farm cad Wage properties at lowest*. GLADMAN & STANHURY Barristers Solicitors. ]thio 81. Exeter. DICKSON & CARLING, 8olicito., Notaries, Uonveraabeee hardeners, eolldtore for the Yolsona E at iowest rt►tos of Interest. S'TRRET, ILX11111:111. a. austere 1. A. L R. orceMOSI TI1OMA8 CAMERON. CONVEY - 'Lancer. wills drawn, stoney to loan esteal rotate. also Llcer,sed Auctioneer for eeoentIcelef Duren and Perth. Charges ssadetate. Orders kit at the TIM, "M at my leetdeice, Farquhar still tet t h a ',tempt antis MONEY TO LOAN elIn bare private Lunde for invest pss � asm r1• or village rrot�y at lowers NM ton DICKSON & ('ARLINO Exeter N OTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of tee estate o2 Mary Snell, [ate of the Township of Usborne. in the County of IIu- jon, \VJdow•, deoeaeed. Notice t �(•I ' ishr ) given pursuant ) 3 ctto 1 H. S. O ., 18.1 7, alta ptcr 129, that all oreditora and others hraviieg claims against the estate of the said Mary 'hell, who died on or :about tiro lth day o[ December, 1905, are re- quired, on or before the 8th day; of February, 1906, to send by post pre- paid or deliver to Messrs. Gledman & Stanbury, of the Village of Exeter. Solicitors for the Administritrix of the said deceased. their chnistian and eurn:tmes, addresses and desnriptions, the full particulars of their claims. the st'atentent of their accounts and the nature o a t t of tirosecurities, if any. held by them. And further take no- tice that atter such last mentioned dete the said Adnlinistratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased anion; the parties en- titled thereto, haying regard only to the chines eef which she shall then have notice, and tl.it the said Ad- ministriitrix will writ be liable for the seed 'assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose clines notice , h'a11 not have been re- ceived by her at the time of much dist ribut ion. GLADMAN & STANiII'RY Solicitors for sail Administrntrix. Dated -at Exeter the 13th day of January, 1906. SALE REGISTER. Wednesday. Jenu•hry 31, 1906—Sale of Live Stock on Lot 25, S. T. 11., t'sberne, cat 1.2.30 sharp. C. E. flack• ney, Prop., Thos. Cameron and Jos. White, Auctionoera. Thursday, Petty. 1, 1906. — Auction Site lir ,farm, (a.rm stock and im- plements on Lots els, 41.111 29 end 30 noncesson 2. t'slorne, nt one o'clock shirt,. W. F. 1 n -n, Executor of tho property of the Late John !Latchford Th•+. Catmrron, Auctioneer. lfyoe, your rricrnls or retativea sufferwith Fits, Epilclny, St. \'else Dance, cr Falling Sickness, write f •r a t: ill bottle and valuable ireati.e on sue h diseases to Tits Leona Co.. tee King Street, \W., Toronto, Canada. All druggists cell or can obtain f .r you THE LREZ +'R TIMES, JANUARY 25tb1800. ea rile. �..1441.40 eM,.4N.W111.411. WEED AN'egetable PrcparationforAs- similating the Food a[1dRegQulta- ting tate Stomachs and Bowels of 1NYLtNTS C111LD111: Promotes Digeslon,Cheerful- ness and Rest.Contalns neither Oylum,Morplline nor Itftaeral. i1OT NARCOTIC. Moir, a/A4t/%sinkf1 orssa f J- £.4.14. Sorts - Iola �j�,, .ked . Him furl - A perfec t Remedy for constipa- tion, Sour Stotnach,Dlarrhoea, Worms ,Convulsions.Fevcrish- tless and Loss OF SLEEP. WacSimile Signature of Gam: NEW YORK. Atte month-. ol,d' l�Dosis-35Cr'eere. EXACT COPY Or WRAPPER. CASTOR' For Infants and Childr The Kind You H Always Bough Bears the Signature of U For Ov Thirty Yea CASTORI MC CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW TON. CIT NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the 'neater of the estate of Thou►as Dick, !irate of the Vil bore of !scram!, -tat the► County of Hu- ron, ;gentlemen, deceased. Notice is 'hereby ,•_riven pursuant to R. 1SS. •O., 1897, cleapt.or 129, that ail creditors :end others lirtving cheers against the testate of the said Thomas Dick, who died on or about the Int day of Janunry, 1906, are roquired on or beton the 10th dry ofl Febru- ary. 1906, to send by post prepaid: or deliver to Messrs. Gladinan & Stan - bury, of the Village .,f Exeter, So - Roamer sharia for the Executors of the said deotased. their chies t?an aril sur- ntaneA, addresses .wet desoniptions, the 'full tt*articuL•rrs hof their cheers, the statement of their accounts and the mature oaf the securities, if ctny, held by t)souh. 'And 'further take notice tlrit otter such hist mentioned detc the said executors will protwed bo distribute Cho :a-•'ts of the de- ceased among the pretties entitled thereto !melee' tro,nrd otrly to the claims of which they shell then have notice, and that the. rtlid executors will not be liable for the Arid assets or any ,Iurt theroo( to any person orer p sons of whose claim inciiie,e Shall not iove been received by thorn at the time of such distribution. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for slid Executors. Dated at Exeter this 22nd day of January, 1906. NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the natter of the estate of John Illatchford late. of the town- ship pf Usborne in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. 8. 0., 1897, obap. 129. that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said John !Ratchford, who died on or about the 24th day of December, 1903, are required an or before the 1st day of February, 1906, to rend by post prepaid or deliver to McAsrs. Gladman ed 8tnobury, of the Villa;o of Exeter, Solioitors tor the Ex- ecutor of the said deceased„ tneir chrietian and eurnames. addresses and descriptions, the full particul- ars of their chime. the . statement of their accounts and the nature of tho securities, if any, held hy them. And further take notice that after ouch last mentioned dato the said Executor will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notion and that the said -Executor will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notioe shall not have been received by them at the limo of such distribution._ GLADMAN & STANHURY, Solicitors for said Executor Dated at Exeter this 19th rely of .ianuury, 1908. FARM :FOR S.\1,1:.—Thlt excel- lent farm, Lot. A, conte- on 14, township of 1'sbonne, consist in:; of ;beet 1(10 norrv, well (excel with brick 'rouse of 10 rooms, good wood- shed, bank bergs with brick termite - di( lone. Goo:1 drive house, lee pen under built of atone; .good %spring creek, text good wells of h,erdw-.wtcr, s:,ft %water clatern in house'. ('lo:, to sele.ol, church and postoffire. Apply S. It. Ilorne, \\'i►rohclspe, P. 0., Ont. SAi,i•: OF HORSES AND CATTLE el r. C. F'. Hackney, cif tho Thames Reed will have another sale of !tor- ero and rattle shout .fart. atgt. For L EIBIQ'S FITCURE tiartlrutars see hills. ToCureaColdinOneDayP, kit Laxative Bromo Quinine Tats. d __ thesis soM fes Meal 13 ittaos. This iw., /, wL1.. bolt. fisc. In the neater of the estate of So- phia leleinfeldt, late of the Town- ••cshi rof County Hay, h n the Co ty o[, lfurbn, Widow, deceased. Notice it+ hereby ,given pursuant to It. S. 0., 1897, chapter" 129, that all creditors and others having claims a;:ainst the estate of the said Folder' Kicinfeidt, who died on or about the 7th dray of $ct tomber. 1905, :are re• quires! •on or before the 5th day of February, 1906, to bend by post pre- paid or deliver to Messrs. GLadinun & Stanbury, of thee Village of Exeter; Solicitors for the Executor of the said demised, their chrestion and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of -their claims, the atattonent of their recounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by thorn. And further take no- tice that after such -last mentioned :atho date said Executor will proceed to dieitribute the assets of the deoc;ased amon,t the parties en- titled thereto, h.►vinf regard only to the charms of which he shall then have notice, and that the said Executor will not be I1sblo for the said -assets or any part t t1ere 0 [ to any u)ermon or persons of whose claims notice elea11 not ht:iw•o been re- ceived by him at the time of such distribution. GLADMAN & STANHURY Solicitors for said Executor. Dated at Exeter, the 15th day of January, 1908. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the neater of the estate of Ti sa:x ott tote of thetown- ship to - shi of Herbert, in the County o[ Perth, 1'nliner, deceased. Notice is hereby ,liven pursuant to 11. S. O., 1897, chapter 129, that all creditors and others Navin; clnims 1.ainst the estate of the said Thomas Scott, who died ten or about thea 7th illy of January, 1906, are revered on or before the lath day of Febru- ary, 1906, to seend by post potiwtict or deliver to Messrs. Gludrn:in & Sun- bury, of the Villnzo of Exeter, So- licitors for the Executors of the mid decreased, their chrisli:►n :and sur- names, addresses and desoriptiens, the full particulars of their claims the statement of their accounts and the nature of tho securities, if any held by them. And further take ►totioo that after such last mentioned data tiro said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the de• ceased atone the parties entitled thereto having regard only to hte claims of which they shall then have notice, and (hit the add executors will not Io liable for the star assets or any hart thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been eeceived by thein at the time of such (Retribution. GLADMAN & STANI)I'itl" Solicitors for said Executors!. Dated at Exeter thip 23rd day of .l:anuery, 1906. Annual Meeting The tler tete anntet I meeting u( the Usilorne & Iliboert Mutual Fire insurance Co. will re held in the Public Hall, Farquhar, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5th .l the hour of one o'clock p. m. The .,usinc.s t 11 ren. st of elec- tion of two Direotore, Meiars. Thos. ltyan and Francis Morley irnin; the directors whose term of office ex- pires, out who are eligible for re- electio;h; ,receiving t1.0 Directors and Secretary',, annual report. Auditnrt' report ,.and any Whet* interest that Inizht .qo in the i(ttereAt i of the .('•glen peuy. THOS. 11 VAN it. W. F. tie:A1VE1{8 President. Secy. -Trees. • _4'tdriTO• AZd di 1M K WOO AIRS BORN (:IRAN!) IIENI) \4a erre ;phased lc 'Kerr (het Maur- ice Brenner is ;utprow•iu; from his severe ett•Iek of sickness. Mr. John Pollock, c•t \'orkton, Sisk., is around at present ronc•w•in t old a,cquui,lt,t cs he is lookial; hale :mad he•lrty. Mrs. Henry IJossenberry left last week to visit her son. Marley, to \Vinnipez, cheer she expects to ge- n)eitt for n few peeks. Mr. rand Mrs. Itobert Mollard lett for their hoose in Re,ata, Sisk.. on Tuesday after needle -7e n few weeks with the formers parents here. Mr. John Foutloott is bone azoin after .t few weeks visit with his daughters in Lesidev►. A bunch of Gov-.et•mei►t Eneineas ;and' Surveyors hove been busily e.n- r:4eed Sha term. few Boys taktiaz the fall and tsurveyine out the course fur deepe.nin; out it he river :end tvid.•niu; it, also etntiehten,ng it in plates to give- n better outlet for the waters .out of Lake Smith -and other st ren ms. ' ,There wee b:.rn to 14[r. and Mrs. \Vet. Lewie on Saturday last a son. -Mr. Rich Rumen an was in London att.endin -thee funeresl of the late Mrs. J.arnee Iiizhsteed. 11Ir. C, Yeai.ic is :around after a few awet•ke sickness. NOTICE rI.o CREDITORS In the matter of alto estate of Thomas Nelson Ilayter late of the Township of Stephen in the County of Huron. Esquire ele- Notice is .hereby elven pursuant to Ii. S, O. 1897, ch;tpter 129, that all persons having .claims against the es- tate of the Late Thomas Nelson ilay- ter, who shred on or about the third day of !December, er, A. D. 1905, are re- quired to send by post prepaid or to deliver to Kenneth Goodman of the town of Iee-kI, Il, in the County of hliddleecx, Bele-tor for the Adminis- tralt•ix on or before the 10th day of February, A. D. 1906, their names, addresses and desenipt•ions and a full statement of particulars of their claims nand the ;nature of the secur- ity (if any) held by them duly% eerti- tied, and after the rzuid day the ad- ruinisrt:ctrix swill ,proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased ninon; the emetics entitled thereto, Lavin; •regard .only to the eleiens of which she sill 11 then hive nnticp. Dated at Parkhill this 11th clay of ,January, A. D. 1906. MARTHA ANNiE IIAYTER Aerne t ra d is nix. t c by KENNETIH GOODMAN .her Solicitor. Auction Sale —o1— FAIIM. FARM STOCii AND IMPLE- MENTS There will be Fold be public auc- tion on the promises on Lots East Half 29 and 30, Concession 2, Us - borne, on •THURSDAY, FE!'Y. I, 1900. Sale at ono o'clock sharp. The (ollowl•in; valuable property viz: STOCK. -1 !;elder;, rising 4 yrs. old: 1 filly Heine 2 years 01(1;.1 cow newly ,ealved ; 1 cow supposed to he 1o In calf ; 1 steer rieing 3•mrs old; : 1 y heifer, ruing 3 years old ; 1 steer rising 2 years old; 1 heifer thine 2 years Old: 1 yearling steer ; 1 calf, 1 'month old; ;i. brood sows; 4 pis 3 months old ; 40 chickens. IMPLEMENTS -1 single top bu I - gy ; 1 two heated top buggy ; 1 wvo.;- on ; 1 road curt ;1 pair bob ales;hs ; 1 'cutter, 1 roller; 1 cultivator; 1 set harrows; 1 mower; 1 binder, 1 hay rake; 1 }ray fork; 1 sinzlo plow; 1 two furrow plow; .1 tannin; mill; platform scale, seeder hay rack, gra- vel box, grind stone, set sin;le bar. nese, set double J :i rness, cutter robe, set slip; ;roles, ,;rain begs, forks, shovels, wwhi(fletrees, neck yokes and other articlos too numerous to men• tion. Aho one bedroom suite nearly new and other household furniture. T n. he if ret consist 0Lots, f East half of 29 and 30, Ganoession2, Us - borne, the property of the late John Illatcl►rnrd, on which there is a •good frame 1 vellin; .house, frame barn, frame ,tables, -good orohtrd, never (ailing sheen; of good %seater, 7 acres of wheat and all plou;hin j done. This in a choice farm, convc'hicnt to church and school and four miles from the towns of Exeter and Ilen- llensell. For terns and particulars of Its%al Emelt() ;triply to W. F. Down, Executor, Iluronelo 1'. 0., or to Thos. Cameron, AUCtionecr, Fcarauher P. O. Terms of Chit tela,—All suets. of 83 and under, cesh; over that amount 10 months' onedit will be given on furnishing appnoved joint notes. A diioount of four per cent oft for cent, on credit remounts. No •reserve as the estate mttst be c !need. W. F• \• . 1)O\ \, F,x• c%for of the eelatc of the elle John 1l1.►tchford. Tt1OS, CAMERON, Auctioneer for the counties of iluron and Perth. GLADMAN & STANBI'RY, g-tlicitors Auction Sale. • O1' FARM STOCK .I... White, .sect., will sell for W. O. IttNour, on lot :i, con. 4, 0!in- shard, e)tro-Iutlf mile ('ast of Kirk tea. 011 TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 190.6 0arnlencin; 12 o'clock the follott - in; stick: HORSES — Orr teem heavy 1,1 1• chid melees 0.end 7 year old, 2 three yher-old (illir5, 1,cnwy: 11 thrro_ye;►r olal ,eeldinz, 2 two-ye.lr- old fillies matched; 1 dee-in; mare years old. CATTLE — Eight high ;rade cow.• duo to calf in March and April. one 1boron :rhhred t11e year-old lee fer wild% (1(11,;nee, 1 Farr' w 00W, oc e two fear -old 'heifer Mout 20 ohoire iteera rising three years old, 1 eleera.'risin( two years old, 4 hett- ere wa yc%ars old, 7 yonr- linen. t 11OGS — 19 store ho;s, 2 brood sows and a few suckers. One Kemp tR-inure spretdcr, near. ly tit. w. 'l'KIIM8 — 8 month,' credit on furnishinx approved joint voter or a discount of 5 trrr ccs[. per annum for nett). JOS. \Wi(I F, tl THAMES ROAD The Ih•esb3teri ut church, Th trues !tone will hold thoer ant:.ivereery ser• vices on February 4th and 5th. 1906 On Sabbath, 4t11; services will be held at 11 a. ►n. anti 7 I. 111. Jowl/ - ducted by Iter. A. Mo\\'illiants. 11. 1). St. Marys. Special oollectiou at close of took service. On Monday evening ► tot meeting attd entertein- nlont will take piece. Tea *treed in bttcltent from 5 to 8 p. m., after which a ,nand entertainment will l.cs given in frho auditorium. hl r. J. 11. Cameron, Toronto's famous en• tertainer, has been secured for the ewenine. Spoenhos by Rev. Mr. :Mc- \Villiams and tanieht,orin; miuistors. Select music by Themes !toad choir and quartette. Admission 35 cls; children 20 cts. Special efforts are [eerie trade t) make this a an'. it suc- 1)R. OVENS, Eye and Ear Surgeon, twill bo at the Couttnercia1 11ote•t t first Friday of each month. flours 2.30 p. m. to 8 p. m, GLasscs proper- ly fitted and diseases of eye, car and nose treated. Next visit Friday February 9th. \VRILE PLAYING IN THE YARD on Monti-iy, et yours, son of Denson\Villiants, of the 6th concession 1's - borne, was kicked in the Lica by a young colt. The lad tens rendered unconscious, and when picked up by twilliu, !mends, it was found that the richt mide of his Lace, from the nose to the cur !rad been cut open. Dr. Browning, tars trilled to attend the the. little fellow. Six stitches were necessary .to close the wound. A man's wife should always be the same especially to her husband, but if she is weak and nervous, and uses Carter's Iron fills, she cannot be, for they make ber "feel like a different person," so they all say and their }husbands sly so too. KIRK'l'ON 1'hc annual meeting of the Bien - Mord Agricultural Society was held in the hall, Kirktan, on Wednesday tfternitoth. The president, Dr. Carr, being unable to attend, the Vice - 1 resident, Seenuel Ihoupe, occupied the chair. The Sec. -Trots. relsart, was recd, which showed the soCiety had one of tho most successful years on record, There ,is a balance on hand of $116.00 after paying all ac- counts and prize money. The follow- ing are the officers appointed for this •c:ar. 1 ►c•sidcr 1Y 3 it, 11. Garr11 V. S.; 1st Vice- Atntuol Dupe 12nd Vire, Wm. Ilaz! ttexel : J)irectors, G. Bentley, John llazlew%•ood, Alex. Creighton, Jos. Beatty, 11obt. Berry, John A. Itobirvun, Arthur Gunning, Jos. Itoutley, Itielrtrd Poynter; Audi- tors; A. II. Doupe, W n). Moore : Sec.- Tnnus., Amos Doupe. The dates of the fall lair are 4th arid 51It'of Oct. FOR SALE — A HEAUFIF,UL brick house and lot for sale, with all modern improvements', in Exeter. This house is ono of ,tho newest in town, beautifully and conveniently situated. For furtlier..part:culars apply at Times Office. BORN DOWN.—In Usherrc on .Jan. 11th, 1906, to Mr. and Mrs. Fra►:k Down n Ron. Dimond Dyes Have Saved Money and Proved Blessings to Millions of Homes. DIAMOND DYES Ore huminers and always ON TOP Our Ctn.:t i:ut tcenen will kindly tiea:r in mind that tweak, adulterated and omit:aBrin .1•tckaite dyes are still Role! by Folio c!t' lers, who care little for the comfort, profit end success of our wives, mothers .and situghlers. If you would have home dyein; done succrssiully and profitably, in- sist ti, -nit 4►aw•in.f the DIAMOND 1)YES. Nevor be ceiritce,i to accept wort hlcss dyes nt •any price. The (.orrr dyes twill surely ruin your 1►rua,is ,as well as your foods. DIAMOND DYES dirr twenty-five yens the ifiv)rites of ouur u-ome•a, re role by all progressive and busy' a dru,,tists end izenenal store -keepers in Caned.). LOCALS Mr. Alex. Mor!ock, of i)ctraeit. I. visei►r; 1111 other. Mr. W. C. Huston left yesterday on a business' trip to Toronto, Miss Tillie roger. of Nirt.i;tra-on- the-Lake, is dre►Iidrtynee at Is. haute. Mr. \Vilbur Cudntvre left 'Tuesday utornitte for .11,eriow, %%hero het will visit friends for a few days. Miss Addie Morlook and ucice M try .attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Wright ;1t London, on Saturday. M.r. Harold Ilissctt, of the'Motsan's 11tnk s; ttf, has Leen ordered to re- t.art at the Atniter.•tbur; branch for duty February 5th . . BIG IJAItGAINS,—AS 1 INTEND given; up business. I well Feil my stack of reedy -made clothe!; and dry :;cods at cost. Gene in and rocaro %acrosin.—L. Mol':, r;art, Exeter North. Mr. Jock Mallott, the genial clerk at Ulu' Central, who. is widely known for his .:quanitnity, had• that char- acteristic of his make up knocked "sky high" the other evonine whit:, returning (nous Crediton, it is cus- t•:.nrty for Jack to take his Neely every Sunday out to spend the illy with his wife's folks in Stephen, met it Will be remembered that the woitlsor man last Sun- day brake the record by given us sprit; weather, w'Int s,:.w we had diseppear.ad and the entail streams becl.tme rushing t,.rrepts.. Jeek didn't appreoieto tthis fact. and when he &rent td to return horse. took a Fuser% cut. His horse Jeered and plunged through about ct mile of eater and stud, until a bridge was reached it slur: distance front Exe- ter. IIene the water it-ttl • w.atlbad away the embankment making the brid_c useless. Jack and his load had to return through the mire and slush and take a circuiicus route through Crediton in order to retch his own fireside. Jack rays he only went ten miles out of his wily, butit went ten mile; out of his- w.:y, but it schemed a hundred. DEATH OF MRS. JAS. WRIGHT. --'The mad news of the tie:ttlt oft Mrs. James Wright, London, eco Miss Horne, formed) of Exeter, was re- ceived in Exeter Friday urornine. Mrs. Wright has Veen i11 for over, a year, and n few weeks a eo was taken to Victoria llosp:ta1 for treatment. Mediasl attendance was of no avail, and she )russed peacefully away. The deco.. -sell was in her 57th year :and was born in East %orra. Twenty three yours apo she come to Exeter and started a millinery establish- ment, which site conducted until :3 years ago, w•lion she married. Dur- in; hoe long stay in Exeter, Mies 11orn0, eta she wets known, meds many friends,_ who will deeply sympathize with her husband and her imuledieto family in their loss. . An a;recable 'n ovemnet of tfie bowels without any unpleasant ef- fect .is +produced by . Ohaiiihl rinin'.y Stomach 'ean ,dt5ivcr Tablet h: • • Fern' sale in Exeter by W. S. Howey. . DEATHOF SAMUEL J ML rL BRUT R - v shire.—A done life of activity and valor closed on Thursday, January 18th, 1905, when E_tiinucl Hnekcnshiro, one of Stephen's pioneers, pommel tot his lust reward. Mr llrokenshrro bad teached the ;advanced nc cd ner of 81 year'srs lid 2 t ttt s The dt .t v i w. s born in Cornwall. England, near Hodmon. In 1848, accompanied by his wife, he come to Oanade, first tnkin; up his residence in Cohoure. There he Temteincd about four years. The western Start of Ontario offering induoementi to outtlers, Mr. Broken• shine with his wife and rester and husband, Mr. end Mrs. Brewer, in 185.2 detected to seek the forests of 81 ephen township. They hewed out for themselves a steal! shinty, where he two .femities remained until ot+ ter structures could to ereoted. At hat time there was nothing but wvoods. IIcotrs and wolves prowled around nt all times, and many a Milled leorl wee oecesioncd by the ioww•li of the wile! ,animals. Mr. tiro- kcnshire rnusainetl on tlec as me farm tiring Ora •mneoincter of his life. ilo •as a min of sterLrn; character, a mane cidhe.nent of the ,Methodist hurch, and was a constant attend- ant at the Iittleticai.il near I►ia 1101110 nail the place of worship wars torn 'awn. Mr, llr•okeirshire nftereit t'ds ttet:ded tiro Main street Methodist hurch, Exeter, until his £n(iraritiea nude it impossible. The direct mane )f his death was kidney trouble. His ralit 11 up to the% last few years had cen excellent, but internal troubles radually . plied Otis once robust sys- em. The dacoisu'd was the father f a !arae'family, 13 cthildren loving ren born to bleee the horn". Twelve f thrso ore Iivire, i x boys and six iris, John Frank, files, William Ed- :Ird, Mork and Mrs. R. Adams. Ire. L. Lu -.,1s, Mrs. John Morloele. ire. Jorseh Sims, Mrs. Cyrus Luker nd Miss Emily. Mrs. Brower -Ker. ick is his surviving sister. The uneral took plao(► Saturday, in. ernient being nt the Exeter come. ery. The pallbe rer_t were his see A woman who in weak nervous and eepless, and who has cold hands nd feet, cannot feel and act like a 'ell person. Carter's Iron Pill, qutlize the circulation, remove ner- ousnros, and give strength end st, t d 1% c u 1 a c 1 b 0 b 0 11 '1 n f Iwt sl a w e v re •••••••••••••••.N+•O•ep+r •�+��e��N�HN��►+N���� T • E 1101.SONS BANK (Incorporated hy Act of Parliament 1855) CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • • • $ RESERVE FUND • •• • ••. • $ 43 tranches to Ontario, Qaebee. Ai)ertn !!rite -h Columbia and M snitoha EXETER HRANCH Open every Lawful Day from 10 A. M. to 3 t•. M. except t(ntnrday 10 A. Y. to 1 r, w. E?esrrrerw' Mesio Notate enshed m- colleet►d. Forms supplied Ona plication. DRAFTS en all point• in lha iMminirn, Ore,t Britain and Un• Ited Stale, bought and toll at lowest rates of exchange, MAVINfi1F1 DEPARTMENT Depotoltw of •I.00 ani upwards received. interest tom- ponndecl hail Yearley, and added to principal June lith and December Met. De- posits iteeelpte also t..ued and htgheat cnnent rave of interest allasted. Advances made to farmers Tarek dealers and business men M lowest rates sad os most favorable to tar for Dem. Goversmest. ._�v_.-- .il •�"--..�— b _f._,. _----_ •_