HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-01-25, Page 1corrected our Label
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matter now.
uWY-THIRD YEAR -No' 1684
ware and Seed Store
is t i • 1 - . ' r Builders and those intending to 'wild
should go to get Cheap Hardware as we carry a full
line of
Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass &c.
In Cements we carry the two.leading Brands
of Canada
National and Star
We also make a specialty of Eavetroughing as
we have a machine to make all our own Troughs
and can give you firstclass material. Try us and
you will be conuinced.
During our Mr. Walter's buying tour he
d au opportunity of taking the entire stock
m a manufacturer. By doing this we se-
cured a discount which enables us to mark
these goods very much lower than if bought
10 the regular way. As to the quality it is
Only necessary to say that they are the
Sovereign -Brand Goods, which signifies first
Mei-i's SiiitS
omplete range of sizes in lines if bought in the
lar way would sell at from $16.00 to $18.00.
Bargain Prices from $10.00 to $12.00.
Up-to-date Styles and Good Values at $3.00, $10.00
$12.00. Bargain price $6.00.
Boy's Suits
A splendid line in Serviceable Tweeds for school
'tear, sizes 22 to 25. Bargain Price $1.50.
Genuine Scotch Tweeds, made with box pleat and
belt, sizes 23 to 28. Bargain price $2.75 to $3.50.
Do not forget that we are offering a discount
of 25 per cent. on all Furs.
Coward & Bloomfield's
Winchelsea, Ontario.
We offer this week the following extraor-
dinary cut in prices, for cash or trade only.
Overcoats 5 per cent off regular price
Suits 10 per cent off regular price
Heavy Rubbers & Sox 10 per cent off regular price
All colored dress goods 20 per cont off' regular price
Cashmeres and Luetres excepted.)
All Winter Underwear 10 per cent off regular price
(Men's and Women's)
All 121c Wrapperettes at 10c per yd.
Crockery and (glassware all lines at 10 per cert off
See the shoes on our east counter at 50c a pr. when
they aro sold we will show a 73c line.
will be TILE STORE for bargains during the remainder
of this Month.
The Auction Sale Seaso
Still Here
We print your bills prowl'tly and
Aire you a free ad in our sale retia•
ter columns which is worth what
you pay for your bills alone.
The County Warden,. EXETER COUNCIL
The Wardcns.hip of the County this
year conies to Exeter. Mr. Hue!)
Spackman at a session of that body
on Tuesday being elected. Ile is a
man well fitted for the position hav-
ing had 17 years of experience in
municipal affairs. In 1899 he was
elected t member of the Exeter
council board and in 1890 he was
r^ -elected 'ea the s:une office. In
1892 he was elected deputy reeve, be-
ing then alp a member of the Coun-
ty Council. In 1893 he w••is re-elect-
ed by acclamation. In 1899 he was
ele:ted reeve of Exeter end in 1901
was elected for a two year term as
member of the County Council. in
1903 he was eluted to the same of-
fice by acclamation and wain in
1905 he was unopposed.
Mr. Specimen is a man of sterine,
chateicter, a close student to the
duties of his office. in Municipal
111 (1i SI'ACKMAN
affairs he has been ever active and
many improvements ore credited to
his statesmanship. While in the
County Council the has proven him-
self a valued member and during his
oareor with that body his been on
sevcnal important committees and des
judgment and knee led re of matters
hive been of great value and _gener-
ally ncqu:esscd in by the other rnern-
I bene.
IThe :time Jewett us Warden carries
with it a number of arduous duties,
but Mr. Spackman can be relied on
to c.trry out the work imposed upon
Trim to the entire satisfaction of
every ono.
Mr. Spackman has lived in Exeter
nearly gall his life, cominz here when
about a year old, and when Exeter
was a mere hamlet. Ile was educat-
ed in our schools, and to -day is one
on Exeter's proeresslve business men,
being the owner of a lard hardware
store, enjoying a large and lucrative
trade. Mr. Speckman's friends here
congratulate hits on the appointment
which he so deservedly merits.
Sweitzer Wins Out.
The much talked of recount of
ballots •cast in the list election for
reeve of Stephen took place in Gode-
rich last Saturday before one of the
Judges. The recount ,vive the
ciceti:rn to Mr. Samuel Swoitzer. It
will be tcmtcmbered when the ballots
were counted on election day the re-
sult was n tie, each rcceivin; 422
cotes. The Clerk cast the deciding
cote in favor of Mr. 11. Willert. Mr,
Swcitzer deckled to ask for a recount
end diled this application om 1be 13th.
The result will make the personnel
of tho Stephen Council board the
D1111c Uta :last year.
The Exeter Public School board
held their ;first re_ular meeting for
the year on Wednesday ()Jenire, Jan.
18th, with R. N. ]Lowe missing.
No change has been made in the
appointments which i.t:urd as (cheats
Chairmen. 1'. Frayuc ; Treasurer
Corporation of the Village et Exe-
ter : Swett try, J. Griza; 'Ile t•er-
n1 anent committees are as (ollows:
Wood, P. Frayne; Supplies, \V, .1.
(et rlin4 ; Terecher.' Supply, 11. Huston
and oh•tir ; Repairs, It. N. Rowe and
S. Martin; insurance. 1i. Huston and
\V. J. Carlin; ; Grounds and Sanitary,
F. Wood end S. Martin.
A speci a1 session was heat :tf;er the
in:tu;ur tl when the followin; urdcrs
were approved: E. .1. Spackman.
hrocrnls, etc., $3.70: 'T. Hawkins &
Son, pail end s.ut:dWes, :1.75; W. A.
{i alkttill, letter, $1.27.; '1'. II. Mc('.rl•
Ince, sheepskin, $1.011: Ross & Taylor,
lumber, 25; S. Pinson, scrubbier,
$6.75; Dr. Lutz, eheinieals, 83; 1'.
ii.ttvden, r(p.airs, $3.:0.
An additional conun:ttee w^,s ,Iso
ridded to the permanent list on nlo•
tion of 11. Huston :and $ .Mamie,
r.on -tin; of the ('hair, Secret:try end
Principal wh•rse duties Ire to deter.'
mine the order ,11.1 number of .admit -'i
miens to the 11. S. department and to i
subniit such suzees( ions 10 alae bo.r.ti
as they may deem extte tient for the
improved conduct of the school.
In tit Fehr oar), 1).•linnii r there es!,
much of l:ouseeifety interest. letbel:
Gordon Curtis' heIpfuI 1ons.'lred
s.cri..l called "Tac 1'ro_re••s Ort t
Ilourewlfe" toilettes mon the kitchen
and its utensils. i)elicious retiree
for onions and Tikes anal demerts are
supplemented by an interesting and!
instructive article on "Meat and -ilei
('ses," and tube pare.: of illtistr:.lett;
cookery are extremely 'suz,geslivo.'
Gardenin! end houstb furnishing erre,
other topics of particular interest in:
Perron who would assume the ardur-
• ous duties.
Moved by Cotutoiller Fuk'o seconded
Uaunoillor Iloamcun, that the clerk
prepare by -lows, re the appointment
of the town offiaoiols.
The 'reeve itis asked to conunwai-
oate with the G. T. It. officials to
Blare thein send a representative here
to talk over the mutter of buildine a
spur. Seven! of the counciflorm were
in i(avaar 'of ultivine the G. 'T. 4t.
oleinge its canna Lino and bring it
nc,arcr town and erect a station in
a Inure convenient location than at
The next meeting will be hei11 eine-
day, January 29th.
The town &glens old a meeting it
t.h te-euiioil rheather Wednesday
evening of last tt-cek to take action
on netters held over from the tire.
vioue meet in; and receive applica-
tions for the different offices.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and approved.
Ceutroillor Fuke mado :a aecont-
inendatiton that tho applications for
oaretaker of the cemetery be refer-
red to the Cemetery bottrd, for the
purpose of Lavin; that body recom-
mend a suitable person, the Council
to appnove of the appointment at a
later meeting'. The appliettiens acre
tae,ied until the other offices were
dealt with.
Three applications were received
for the office of Clerk from 11. E.
Huston, Ci. 11. Iliseett ;and Joseph
Senior. On motion of Coun-
cillor Fuke, eeoonded by Councillor
Henmen, the present Clerk, .1. Senior,
was 're -appointed, the salary to be
$125 e year.
For trettsurer, Mr. S. Fenders, the
Present custcdi-in of the town funds,
was the only applicant. On motion
of Councillor Creed!), seconded by
C+-u11cill0e Treble, Mr. Anders eels
appointed et a sala • of $70 a year
For the position Road Commis
sioner, W. J. Bisset and Wm. Par
sone were the only a plicents. \V. J
Bissett, the present Commissioner
was appointed, hiss ary to be $37.
it year. 1 Si.
W, ,'j. Biesctt tr;rs rain amupai•1tc
truant °ffteer on otion el Court
calor Treble, :ucunafkd by Couucille
ilea an; salary $10: W. J. Bissett
and}lirtry Parsons •et•erc the ap-
plicants 'for lite posit. n.
A. G. Dyer vas 'r'e-app'intcd :r t-
sesser, on motion of Cowl:eller
Oreeoh, seconded by Councillor Pee,
plan, salary $65. n. Treble w;tti
ill !ferar of appointing a second as-
sessor to assist Mr. Dyer, claiming
that assessments should be adjusted
whereby the smaller• houses would
not be made to pay the taxe7 of the
larger recsidents. 1 Treble cited
several oases where tall houses are
tasscssed nt their fu valuation, and
longer louses very Bauch less than
the price asked by the owners. The
reeve and Mr. Dyer thou;ht the plan
would Ibe a :rood one. Councillor
Luke seated that the new municipal
a.ct, was somcwihet' confusing and
that the nssessoe Would do much bet•
ter this year than hast. Ile claimed
that a man w -he re><vned a small
louse could ,get n firer its cost
while a lar;o Chou. had oftitnes to
be sacrificed.
After pones contieletty The appli-
cations for caretak4Sof the cemetery-
were opened, and..wathout comment.
referred to the cemetery board for
reoorn men d.t t ion.
For t he ,'inzinZ of the town ]x11
tenders wore rect•ived from lluelt
McKay at $40.00 per year ; Ed. (lar•
ness, $37.50 per year, and Jas. 11.
Dennis $1 at week. 'The lowest ten-
der was accepted, that ef E. Harness
at $37.50 ,per your.'!
Wm. Parente w•da she only appli-
cant 'Lor the weigh scales, for which
'he aere(ts to lily . 7.50 per year.
The Advoeite's t der for printing
wog ruc(lepted it 1rei0iz the. lowest.
The council rotatrmed the reeve's
appointment of W. I). \\';hikes am
auditor. •
For 'rel.rescntati es on the Li -
briery bcarrd, J. A Stewart was ap-
painetd to dill ou the unexpired
terns of E. .1. 5151 man, este of the
present board. wit is about to leave
town and 'take u Ins nesi(Inlsee ilt
Toronto. The mo on was mode by
\V. J. 11 venal), seconded by A. E.
H. E. Huston, ty+hose term of of-
fice has expired, was apieented to
succeed 'himself, tile term or °frig:
bring three years,5 by 'I'rebl:' and
The appointment of cotton' ttees
was the next matter taken up. (aun-
cillor Treble wanted the council as
A trhoh 10 act on each committee.
Councillor IIce.m n tahouelit the ap-
pointment of (ommil tees %% cull! m-
plify matters, ieutti committee to
brim; in et report to the council et
(+soh regular meeting. On motion of
1Ieaman, r(t,•..meted by Ftakt•, the fol-
Low•im.t comrnitteea were earned, the
selection (rein t
left to the. reeve :and
Water end Lizht, Treble :Intl
Roads rind nai•l3, Enke, {lea man
Anti Creech.
('emetefy. Ilpaul.an and Fuk,e
The `reeve ata ti Ix :en ex-officet
member of art(,h committee.
Dan iDtvis made :t complaint that
outside parties wore sellin- tl.t-at to
private laousr•s in town, o tut tcante d
111^ oauneil to pars a by •law foi c.•
in; out siders to ley n I of nee foe.
The mitt ter teas Heid in abeyance, but
it is Likely tiro oeuncil will pcnalitze
outside p. rties by (tt.oppin3 off their
heads or burning thein et the stake.
They ran gave their cheece. clap or
J. N. Howard ens •refunded $3.21
1 li' 0010unt he was ovor asses:fed.
The write: 111^ter matter wars azain
brought up, and otter .omo more
figuring a rite of 51.25 ;or 10(10 cu-
bic feet tris ;'n-tlry p.greed on. The
finals are to L. notititd of the action
of tl.e council ..t once.:and cited t0
days to install meters, and if not in-
stalled then, the teeter is to L.c cut
off. Any of the firms desiring tater
are to t,otify the Commissioner be-
fore nirhlfall, et that aro ceo give
them ttui r.eoesaaary wa, withnut
end.►r.!viring limed( by hterivitr;
work the gasoline engine et the river
by ertifio:nl Iieht.
Mr. T. II. Carlin; declicrd to net
on tIr' posited of teeth Anti Mr. S.
&letter+ w,is re-epecentcd. ;
i)r. Iln.+wning was re-.Ippointed
lifed'otl Ii +alts Officer, • clary $5
per ye.l r.
faro t,erson s e.nx;ous for the
pn'ition .:s IK d•kec ter nt the
rrautb end of t town, and Conneil-
Electric Light Increase
Since Mr. Snell made 'Lhe an..
nounocment : 11 .t 1' ' •.vou'tl charge 40
(lents for lo:lce !tell ger month for
erival.' consumers, who burned Jess
than five lamps, there has been a
genet -el "dousing of the -elite'
around town. Iltany who had a flat
nate for the month the year round
and burned oityw•hc1e from three to
six br more lights, have found it
nacre convonicnt to 'pt atoll.; with
less illumination, and ^ have in many
oases reduced their electric lamps to
two or 1hnee,than pay the advanced
prier. Those who burn five or more
temps cln secure a meter by buyin;
it outri;ht or paying a rental of 25
cents per month. A number of the
stores have installed meters and we
presume the ;flat sato system -was
more preferable to some of them, as
the tastily decorated display win -
1k)1%"!4 do not shed their effulgent rays
until the hour for cloeine of the elec-
tric light plant, as was formerly the
ease One business place has dis-
carded the eiectrie li=lts altogether,
referine to use the kerosene lamps
to '..yin; the inontetscd .pie
The ten years' franchise e!ten Mr.
Snell by Last year's council is' very
binding as dor as the town is con-
cerned, but there is nothinz in it to
prevent the owner from oltar;in;
whet he wishes to the pr.iv.lte oon-
Th ob•r.iec.for the meter system is
we unddersea:id, ten cents a liif•oivatt•
Itow Many 'feet, yards, miles or
xgis rs1'i(oet of juice a Kilowatt
means tiro -.Ire u1 able tn. say, but it
will probably explain itself when the
bills If-ar electric liehtine are pre-
Anyway, Mr. Smell says he d,osen't
have to use as much power es :for-
merly and that zees :a ton, way to-
wards keeping down expenses.
While a meter system may 44 a
r•aott thine where a continuous sor-
rier is maintained, we do not think
that in Exeter where a limited ser,
vice i» zivon, the people inial take,
kindly to it.
Mr, Arthur Wood, of Loudon, spent
Sunday and Monday in town,
James MoDonald, of Forest, is
visiting !his sister, Mrs, That, Creech,
Miss Gkidys Montirembert, of
St. Marys lift the 4ts'st of tho Misses
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ross. of Ftratil
rloy, enc visiting Mrs. ltoss' mother
Mrs. Gen. F.acrett.
Miss (tent ,1)rxlds Iris returnitd
from a months' visit with negatives
and friznds tin Ilarriston and (?lora.
Miss 011ie Quante, who spent a
f'tt• weeks visiting friends in/Wee
(:tail, [returned lorue en Saturday.
Mr. A. eLiroh:tnd ieft Saturday for
Buffalo to ep.nd a couple days with
his wife, wdK) l.s ylstt itt4 (11:.eilds
Mr. and Mrs. A. lloll:uld, a Ito vis-
ited .friends in Iwndnn for a few
d:lys last neck, returned home on
Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Lindenfi^'d
:arrived in Exeter •ntr Saturday, after
et •ptc:l41nt trip to Detroit iitlother
Mists ilyndman, niter visit in
fl rends in \Wyatrnilll and London, for
sevcrnl weeks ireturned •hotne List
Mr. and Mrs. ./ is. 'ltissett and
it:tug/Otter, of London, :Ire oil a two
weeks' visit with friends sed rele-
tives in town.
Miss Vict.c+ri.a 11n,gsh•tw 11as re•
turned to her home from fat -lute,
where she hid it position ae milliner
during the islet )evoiten.
Mr. W. J. Ileaaruan war in London
Thursday of loft week attcndine the
funeral of Rus cousin, G. i). Ihaman,
who died on Tuesday.
Mrs. ite., end Miss licetelito'• re-
turned Monday After k plea -+tet
week's visit with friends ial Ile't.ta11.
Brucefield and terrifoitli.
din . (Dr.) East were!. of Whitby,
after spending revere! weeks visit-
ing her deo ;leer, Mrs. J. G. Stan•
bury left for her •home ,Mondip
Mrs. Marioek rkaulhter, of
Gasevllte, Mich., Fr : nk Br'+kenshire,
of T.Jbotvi'lr, 1 -sex, Mr. end \1's.
L. l,iic:as, ctnd f.wtnily of Erni town -
Ship, attend•'.) the fat:eral ,)f the. late
Samuel Brokenshirr.
Mr. iI. L. 71he•ml'son end rife, of
Ilritien Columbia, and Janus Wm.
and 'Miss Mnud Thompson. of St 1 -
forth, were the :nests of their broth-
er, John Thompson, en Saturday.
They alma visited at Mr. John Mu'•r's.
For Infante end Children.
1w KIM Y to Always NICU(
Golden West
The Land of Golden
General Selling Agent. for C. P. R. Lands.
We have a number of Beautiful Sections of C. P. R. Land, which we are
offering at C. P. It. prices, These lands are situated on the new branches of
the Canadian Pacific Railway and are bound to advance in price. Now is the
time to make your selection. $437.00 down securesa ou good S Od Aso acres.
We are also offering is Improved and Unimproved Farms, all convent-
ently situated to Railway Stations, prices range from $10 to $25 per acre, if
you contemplate removing to the West, see us, we have the farm to suit you
A man and his wife to take charge of a large farm its
the West, good wages to the right people.
Also good farmer to work a large farm on shares,
would require to have about $3000.00 capital. This is
a grand opportunity for a good man.
is esmated that one hundred and fiftthousand
grateeto the Canadian North West during the coming season.tns The iAmeri.
cans know a good thing when they see it.
Are You Going to Have a Share
of the beet wheat land in creation ? If so, move quick. Prices will be much
higher in the spring.
Information regarding the various lands we are offering will be cheerfnlly
given. Write, or see us personally.
General Selling Agent for C. P. R. Lands.
Office at Residence,
Exeter, Ont.
eductions n Fur : ur
-ging purchased the stock of W. C. Huston and in order to
reducesthe same before removing it to our warerooms we will offer
for the next two weeks, the entire stpck of furniture, comprising
Kitchen, Diningroom, Bedroom, Draaitigroom and Ilall Furniture.
Also many odd pieces acrd rockers at a great reduction.
Call and see the many bargains we are offering
Furniture Dealers and Funeral directors, Exeter, Ontario.
can't be trifled with. If you don't atop
them at once, your life may pay the
penalty of your neglect.
should be applied. Tell us your symp-
toms and we will prescribe the proper
remedy. It's* good ides to have them
on hand. Take our advice and lay in
a supply of plasters and liniments.
W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B.
Chemist and Optician.
Western Real Esta to
Exchange, Limited.
78 Dundas St., London
Have you a herrn that you want
to sell? Write for our terms of wi-
ling property., We have the most
eotnpletc method of advertising and
selling property in Canada. Do you
want to buy a farm or business
property in any part of Ontario,
Send for our list. We have some
lar gains,
North-west Land Agents*
Selected Wild and Improved Lands
In some of the beetparte of the
it will be worth your while teeing ars
'before purchasing.
We give pkti'chasers t1rtil first of Jun
to select their lands.
Offlee -opposite Central Hotel
We need the room and money.
Regular Prices $32.00 now $2A.00.
1 Second Hand Heater $ 9.00.
1 .1 14 ct t)VF.N w'TA $2000
2 11 Wood Cooks $4-$6.
All kinds of Furnace, Tin and Galvanized
iron Work Promptly Attended to.
in all its Branches at Reasonable Prices.
And Stove scene.