HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-01-18, Page 8• 'i' H E EXETER '1.• 1 M i_ S. JANUARY 18th, 1906 TEWART'S D1) YO(1 \VANT TO SAV'.._ MOME MONEY? Heie's your foitunat• oppntturtity. We are overloaded with all kinds of furs. It happened in this way. Our luzel weather prophet who has always been vett' reliable, e..t f...led this season. he came to us early predicting a very severe winter. '.f cl=ues.. we had all kir:ds of faith in the old fellow. We hustled got busy Anil laid in au iwme,, a stock of all kinds of furs. The severe winter bas not ;hawed up. the result is we are loads]. yes 1 overloaded with furs. Only one was seat of the trouble, that we know of. Down with the prices. Well here's our propos:thin 20 PER CENT. OFF Any Fur Garment in the gic STORE HIS '_'•) PERCENT DISCOUNT applies to all furs -Coate. Tlass. Ruffs, C,tperines, Gauntlets and fur lined cape. \\'e have in stock about, sixty fur coats for men and women. Men's Coon Co.its. Men's Corsican Lamb (]oats, Men's Beaverized Coats, Men's Swamp Wallaby Coats, Men's Brush Wallaby Coats, Men's Rock Wallaby Coats, Men's Natural Australian Calf Coats, Men's Prussian Calf Coats, Men's Fur Lined (:oats. all at. 20 per cent below our regular close price. Women's Persian Lanib Coats, \V' hen's Coon Coate, Women's Bukaran Cats, Women's Astrachan Coats, \Vanuen's Near Seal Coate. all 20 per cent. beloit our regular close price. Women's Fur Lined Cepes ani Men's Fur Collars at 20 pet cent. off. Yes, Fur Ruffs of all kinds, Fur ('aps of all kinds, Fur Mitts and Gaunt lets all at _'i) ter cent. off. Caps. Col - And last but not least the est lot of Children's and Girl's Grey Persian Lam b Collars. Caperines and Cap= that you'll see this season, all at the same big reduction of 20 per cent. off. Come quick and make your selections the saving will be all yours. the In.. ours, but then we won't kick, we have just closed the best year wo have ever had. Form nrk:duce is just •l:; zood as ,z.old ,and we want all the produce we .ean get. J'_ A . STEWART 4•:••1•d--F•Fe'• i•d••i••:••F•1••t• }'•;••;.•;•� WAT6f1 FFULT$ If you experience any difficulty with it leave it with us We will give an EXPERT EXAMINATION If is needs repairs we can supply them ata very moderate cost. If it does not we will frankly tell you so. A watch repair ed by us will Run Correctly fl. MflRGHIND, TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisementn accepted up to noon Vednesday of each week. TH1'IISDAY, JAN. 18th, 1906 1•. • •••••••• 1/••••••• Blanche Hooke is visitinz at her •F home in Eden. LOCALS J. Jeweler and Optician. !F++d•i•4•i••F•F-i••i••F•{••i•d'•i••F•i•++i-F•1 Ho+ TAKE YOUR TIME When you are ready to look, we are ready to show you. When you are ready to buy, we are ready to sell. If you are in a hurry, so will we be. , MADE TO ORDER CLOTHING Made with care, with style, to fit, to please. And at no time do you pay more than the lowest possible prices. W. w1. Taman Merchant Tailor. Wanted:•.One hundred more young men and wont• gp, who are ambitious and enterpris- ing to quality in the IILLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. AOR. VONOE & ALEXANDER STS. )dor the many positions open t• ail those who are thoroughly pre pared to accept them. A sit months' course in this college means for a young man of the eight kind, an educational equip- anent hatter than many trade, or professions in money earning power. Students admitted at any time. Circulars free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, Miss J. Brown visited friends in St. Marys on Tuesday. Mr. 1t. L. Manson, of Abernethy; Sask., lis visitinz friends and relati.:es here. Miss Neti^ Cardin, of Seaforth, spent a few days with Mrs. John Muir. Mrs. Alex Cirdno and children of Darlinzford, Man., are visiting Mra. John Muir. The eezular entertainment of the l'ickwick blub will be held on Fri- day evnninz Miss Bertha Mussell has :gone to Guelph 'to .attend the school of Do-. niestio Soietrec. Mr. Thos. Cud more w be has been ill with bronchitis for several days is C:►ntrtlescin3. Miss Annie Cudmore, of Crystal City, Man., lis visiting friends and relatives in town. W. J. Ifeatmin last work installed a New Iden coal of wood turnaoo for Eli Coultis, of Elinn'ille. Aylmer Caward intends becoming a tonsorial artist. Ile is learning l;is trade with Mr. Al. Hastings. Miss Nitro Carlin; ham resumed her vocal studies in 'i'nronto under the tutorship of Prof. Schnell. Misses B. O'Nail and M. Lapp':no, of 'Clinton, spent a few days last week with Miss Lillian Antos. Miss Bent !Iron accompanied by her mister, Mrs. Hogs, visited (Hen& in Ifenaall and Sea forth on Saturday. !tarry St atli,in. of Act on, who has been visiting his brother, W. .1. Statham, returned hone on Monday. Mr's. S. Fitton rave a very pleas - and afternoon for n number of her friends on Tuesday of last week. Luncheon was served. Mr. C. Dorwood, of Pullman, Ill., was 4n town a few days last week. arranging matters pertaining to the estate of the late Mrs. Dorwo•rt. Fire did d•anta;o 1,> the ..stent of $200,000 to the Witele) r hotel •it Montreal, F'tiday n;,r.ht. The 1;ntcl wilt bo ;closed for some time for re- pairs. Mise Beatrice Luker leek a:t Iter new duties on Moni'.• ' av ,.a glut in the I'.ost Office. bliss Brown, the former assistant. left yesterday for Detroit to tike up tospitai work. The Liberals of the Province of Ontario will tender Sir Wilfrid Laur- ier in banquet at Massey Hall, To- ronto on Fehy. 21st. Admission to the hill will bo by invitation only. Win. J. Sanders an old Exeter boy and brother of Mrs. G. 11. I1iese11. was successful in being the champion ~hooter kit Manitoba, he having broken 99 inlay birds out of 100. Mrs. 11. 11. Collins on Thursday of List week, gave an 'afternoon tea to a number of her lady friends in honor tit .hc.r .rtu'sts, Mrs. hoes, of Montana, ind .Miss (:cor;ia Bon, tbron, of Toronto. int. OVENS, Eye and Ear Surgeon, %vitt to at the Commercial hotel the first Friday of each month. Hours 2.30 p. m. to 8 p. m. Glasses proper- ly fitted and disolieq of eye, car and nose treated. Next visit Friday February 9th. Dr. Butler, London, will be at the Central hotel, Exeter, on Thursday December 2Rth. 1905, all day for Eye, Ear, Nose .ind Throat con- sultation, Eyes tested and glasses supplied. TO CURE A COLD IN ONB DAY Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the mos- ey if it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's agitator* is on each box, 25o. .1 Mr. W. 1I. Letett on Monday ship- ped u carload of dried apples to Liverpool. v. Thomas Murtan, M. 1'., of Moun Forest, is visiting his luother, He W. M. Martin. of (liven church. Mrs. Fowcll and Miss l'or.i re turned hone Monday after spendrn a few it (fiends '.•u Listowe 3 1. Feed Improved Enlist Stock Food to fatten Mock, best ;old cheapest on t he market, sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. Master Tt blt', whom we re ported in lust week's issue_ as being ill. is, we ate 41.ad to stato able to be .'ut a3'ain. Mr. John Barton, who h.,, slant the past two or years in the Northwest, arrived in town on Tues- day night. eat a short vis:t. \Vut. Yager. w,11.1..) has !Ken iu fcrtut puts of the Northwest, re !mind h:one on Alonday to spend :t vacation with h's mother. Mr. Th:.:uas Snell, who was in jurcd t,_ene time a %o while Ieiding Mr. Jadeite's horse, is able to be around lin with the awl of a crutch. Piano Ifor Sale. -A new piano by first class maker. Will take horse upon it ; must he sound and not too old. Easy terms for balance. Box 20, St. Marys. Mr'. Joseph Cobbledick left yes teriday 'for Stratford to attend meeting of tire directors of the Na Donal Portland Cement Company Pale date of the manual meeting wit t hen be decided on. Ladies should use Medielnal Jell as a delicate application to hand ind .face, soli} by C. Lutz. Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stanbury had a social evening at theirresidence for a number of their friends on 'Fn'skay last. i it l,enor' of Mrs. SLnnbury's mother, Mrs. (Dr.) Eastwood, About 25 were present. The Many friends of Mr. George Sautwel1 will ars trained to learn of him very serious illness, an attack of pneumonia betin.; the caul•.. Dr. Gonne, of ClLnton, was called in con- sultation on Monday with the at tendial physician. A very pnetty house party was -given by Mr. and MPs. J. A. Stewart at their' home on Wednesday even- ing of last week. Tho guests el hon- or were Mrs. and Miss Manning, of Ilowmanville, who are here on a moot h's visit. The house ,ivos pret- tily decorated for the ocoasion. DU' .A. Penprase was the ;hest of Mr. :•nd Mns. S. Buckingham on Thursday of hast week. Mr. Pen - prase was 'acquainted with the mem- bers of the Buckingham family at Cottinzton, Cornwall, England. Itis visit 'revived old times in Enrifa.nd and iconversation of subjects of in- terest in t'itat `locality were thor- ou'hly enjoyed. The many friends •:,1 the Rev. Dr. Itatnsay, of Knox church, Ottawa, and a ; ,.t of the late Junes ltanisay, and :1 . raduate of our public school, will be i :<itsed l :, le is n of his suc- cess. ifs t. n,cepit:un, ,tppreni:itin3 his services presented him with a mink lined at:rtt and rap, costin4 $300 and to bars it:hussy they z:tve a glass fruit set valued at $50. Mr. T. 11. Carlin; WAS one. of the speakers 'at the inee.tin.t of South Huron Fanners Institute_ held at Bruoefield on Sattnday'. Mr. C:irl- ing's address was .an the raisin„ of Poultry and ;produce as 'handled by the merchants. Mr. Carlin; Iris had considerable expelicnce in raisin., of Poultry and lr:uullin; the products of the 'farm. and his ideas were great- ly appreckited by those iw1•sen1. Mr'. George- Eacrctt, who Itos been itt the West for several years, was in town it few days the past week renewing acqutiintance$ of his young- er 'hays, ;coating from ilrantford, where he visited his ictrents. George is rzroatly ;impressed with the pros- perity the West is enjoying. He has not lost his cunning as n ball player and Last year was a valued member of the Nelson, H. C. team. E. S. ilanwell, the dcfaultinz tel- ler, of the Crown Bank. of Toronto, who tiled the country last month with about $40,000 of the brink's fund taking with hits his Iemcee, Aims Nora hector, of Erindale, was cap- tured tit Kin ;store Jamaica. on Thursday s.( last week. Detective Black, of the Toronto force, was the train why made the capture. It is said most of the stolen money was found on 'him. 'Tin mast :few weeks have been suc- cessful ones tor the. Times. Tli s is the season of the year when most uctople renew their subscriptions and we Lave been unusually busy than; - in; the dates on tiro labels. While w'n have 'rad :t kw stops, these were quite small roompared with the num- ber of new names added. We did not make a persmnal (icailvas whirl is an evidence that the Times is appreciat- ed on account of the choice and spi- cy reading it contains. The annual ,rncetin; of the Step- hen and l'sborne Azrieultural Sock ety was held in the Town }fall, on Wednesday afternoon, of lest week. A :report of the fi,►ances was read showing that the e.•'npany's finances are in .good condi!' =n. The follow• ind officers were elected: -;'res., John Dclbridge; Y' ••e -Pres., Edward Christie; 2nd Vice t'res., J. Itallan- tync : Directors, W:11. Sanders, John Elston, 1'. M&Tar,rart, .John Moi.(' W. Elliott. 11. Smith, Silas Hunter, A. Q. Bobier and W. Russell: Secy., A. G. Dyer : Treas.. N. 1). iltirdon. 1870 1R71 1872 We will allow 30 cents each in trade for any 25 rent Canadian coin in Irani) 'comfit inn, bearint above dates, legibly. Ilrin; Oscan to us by February 15th, 1606. tk.ins with holes 'in will tot be a.00epted.-\V. 8. llowey, Druz rist. Exeter Ontario. a • y 9 Don't Monkey with that Cough use HOWEY'S Syrup White Pine and Tar ...••• Lively Selling for the NEXT TWO WEEKS Big Piles of Goods in Every Department placed out for quick selling. 146 Flannelette or 106 Extra Heavy Flannelette, in plain colors, cream, pink and pale blue, 30 inches wide, worth 14c, selling at 10c per yard. 1216 Wrapperette for 106 About 50 pieces of Gond Wrapperette, choice patterns, all colors. regular price 12ic, selling at loo yd. Ends of Dress Goods Of Tweeds, Plain Clothe, Berges and Cashmeres, from 1 yd to 0 yds long, very finest quality, prices 50c to $1.00, clearing at the small price of 370 a yard 75e Underwear for 58c Men's Fine Ribbed Fleece Shirts and Drawers, new wake, heavy weight, good fitting, only about 10 dozen toilet!, regular price 75c to clear at 58c each. 200 Wool Hoslerp for 10c Children's Wool Stockings, sizes 4, 4ij. 5 and 6, regular price l5c to 20c pr. to clear at 10c pr. Women's Gloth Goats --$2.00 25 Ladies' Cloth Jackets in all sizes, every coat lined throughout with good mercerized lining. some sold as high as $12. Your choice for $2, 86o Corduroy Puts for 69e Boy's Pants, made of good English Corduroy, great wearers, the can't tear kind, size 20 to 32. lined throughout, regular price SSc, to cleat at hoc a pair. $16 Overcoats for $10 Men's Heavy Overcoat, made of the beat imported tweeds. nobby pat- terns, with fancy lining. Our Great Big Bargain Price $10.00. $12.00 Tweed Overcoat for $0.75 $10.00 Tweed Overcoat for $7.75 Nsn's Tweed Pads for $1.00 A clearing line of Men's Tweed Pants, strongly made of good wearing cloth, better than you will expect for the small sum of $1.00. *2.35 Boys Short Overcoats 11.65 15 only. Boy's Reefers, made of Blue Beaver and Navy Nap Cloth, tweed lined, brass buttons, regular price $2.25, selling at $1.65. $12 Suits for 28.76 Big assortment of Men's Tweed Suits, made of fine tweed, fancy overcheck patterns, well tailored, good fitting. up-to-date in every way, our special price for two weeks only $8.75. Canvass Leggings . FOR Moleskins Leggings MEN & Leather Leggings 3 BOYS. Price $1.00 to $1.75. Every pair of Wool Blankets to be sold in the next two weeks. Come in and get our prices. Prices that will surprise you. Remember we have the agency for "Kant Krack" Rubbers. No doubt the best heavy rubber made. Men's and Boy's Heavy Rubbers, large rolled edge, lace or buckled, wool lined, big stock to be sold at very close prices, for the next two weeks SNE_LL & ROW E Market Report. -The following is pARTicu LA R the report of Exeter markets. cor- rected up to Jan. 18th. \Vhaet, 80e. per bushel Peas, 60 to 65 cents a oushel. Oats, 32 to 33 cents. Shorts, 519 a ton. Bran, $17 per ton Feed Flour, $1.20 per cwt. Flour, $2.25 per cwt. Butter, 21c. a pound Ergs, 21c. a doz. Onions, 60e. per bushel. Clover seed $5 to $6 a bus. Chicken, younz, 8c. per Ib. Ducks, 8 to 9e. per lb. Harley, 35 to 40c. per bushel. Turkeys, 1:1e. (ler pound. Geese, 9c. per pountt. Dried Apples, Cc. per pound. Hors, liveweight, $6.50 a cwt. Hops, dressed, t?7.r0 to $ 8 a cwt Coal, $6.75 a ton. }lay, $7 per Ston. Potatoes, 75 cents per ba;. Great reduction in furn",ture for the next two weeks, see adv. -Rowe & Atkinson. Geo. fiandens 'returned 1110111e Mon- day from London. where he has been working 'for some time. Albert T. Patrick, the New York lawyer, who is under sentence await - her execution next week for the murder of William Marsh Rice in New York in Sept. 1900, his been reprieved until March 19. Miss 0. Smith, of C:irnduff, .lion., visit cd her toothier, :qr. 11. Smith, Hay, last week, leavin; on Monday for Chicago where.:;ho will visit her brother, Mr. W. Smith, before leav- ing. }tor her tomo in the \Vest. READY FOR THE NEW YEAR We wish to inform you that we have a fine stock of groceries for New Year use. The Mincemeat The Pudding The Cake 41b. of raising for 25c. 20 lb: of sugar for $1.00 Currants, drained peel, shelled al- monds, shelled walnuts, raw sugar and a fine stock of Candy for Xmas. We have also a full supply of flour on hand and have three kinds for you to choose from. Give us a call and you will find it the cheapest place in town. S. HARDY & SON The old way to cure a cold The New Way take Howey's "Cure a Cold" Capsules Only 25 cents a box. PEOPLE USB "Princess' FLOUR for Pastry AND "STAR" FLOUR for Bread. HARVEY BROS. Merchant Millers EXETER, ONTARIO. GRAND TRUNK Railway System FOR THE WINTER GO TO t'(:ALtFORNIA, MEXICO OR FLORrDA "The Lard of Summer's Sunshine," • TOUR OF ALL MEXICO Leaving Toronto on Januaty 28th, covering all pointe of interest.. Spec- ial reduced rates. MOUNT CLEMENS "MINERAL BATIIS" And St. Catharines Mineral Springs delightful resorts for those who need a rest. Beet!of hotel secommodatior. For tickets and information call on J. J. KNIGHT. Depot ticket agent, Exeter. J. D. McDONALD District passenger agent, Toronto. Now in Stock Bran and Shorts and Wheat Chop At Exeter and Centralia Elevators Prices satisfactory. Bring in your grain and load home with feed. �. GOBB1,f01G1( Exeter. Centralia. L0 Q 1 Inc • _ Sal. doing nothing to keep it!' Moat • 'iwomen like thick, hen- '.air; lona n: nen hair. Don't you!' Then e use Hall's Veg.rtable Sicilian !lair �" O Ranewor. You save w}rat hair y n'1 t baroanu)'-Lma•"r.:t?,;ratna!s n= r L' t'.•1 t•! ♦•i•• k•ri •1r) .•r• •.t..cie• WA • no:• Y 1 t reel YnYANI ft i'%l.. Il t. 'or, • rni, t•n•wn insmsrfmr.,Att... A. ..- , . J M1.,.:t.81t1 % item'/.' CARLING STOCK TAKING We are now busy Stock Taking and prepared to give you some extra bargains Winter Goods. Don't forget these prices. 3 only 1 only 1 only 3 only 2 only 4 only 2 only 2 only $25 Men's Dog Coats $22 Men's Dog Coats $38 Ladies' Curl Coats $7 Persian Lamb Caps $5 Persian Latnb $5 Seal $7 Neck Ruffs $8 Neck Ruff Caps for for for $17.75 $14 .0 for $ 3.25 for $ 3.25 for $ 4.50 for $ 5.00 All other Winter goods at Stock Taking Prices Overcoats at your own price. CARLING. BROS. YORK GOUNTY LOflN and Savings Company. Shdr6ho1cr' and DcDoItors Certificates and Passbooks will be received at all branches of the SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA All necessary payments and transfers of money made free of charge CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER JOSEPH SNELL. Manager. GLADMAN & STANBURY, solicitors. MlNMMNMosimmmmi OUR GR7EAT CLEARING SALE Is Still On. Although our sale has been going on for \ some time, we can still show you a large range of bargains in every department. Snaps from Gent's Furnishing Departmeet I -LINEN COLLARS -Band, Turned Point, Double Rolled, sizes 141--17 inclusive, reg. price 15c now 12o. II -TIES -Four-in-hand, Bows, Etc., regular prices 25o now 20c. A special line of 500 ties for 25c. III -WAYS MUFFLERS -Regular price 75c now 60c. NECKSCARFS-Regular price 50c, 75c, $1.00 now 40e, 60c and 80c. IV -SUSPENDERS -All fancy suspenders, including the "President" regular price 50c now 42c. Snaps for the LddIcs I -PRINTS- Heavy double threaded print, regular price l0c and 121c now 8c and 11c. Fine English Prints, regular 121c now ale. II -WHITE MADRAS WAIST GOODS Bird's eye Poplin, regular price 25c now 19c Fancy Mail Pattern regular price 35c now 25c " Serpentine " regular price 35c now 25c " Clover Leaf " regular price 35c now 290 Plain Poplins, regular price 25c now 19c Black & White Madras reg. " 350 now 29c `i " " 35c now 20c III -WHITE MUSLINS Fancy Stripe, regular price 20c now 15c Fancy Open Check, regular price 121c now Hie Dimity Ntripe & Dot, regular i)rien 1 ' r' new 10e Fancy Cahill Str;i4,, regular price 15c now 10c IV-Carzyuition Blue, Gilt Lined, semi -porcelain, DINNER SET, regular pri i $11.00 now $6.00 Tho lust set,. REMEMBER WE GiVE 10;. DISCOUNT ON GROOM lams. TERMS: --Produce or Cash. NO GOODS GIVEN ON APPROBATION. NJ GOODS TAKEN BACK PEP PURCU I. Poplestone & Gardiner. Ono door north of Post Office. 1