HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-01-18, Page 5THE EXE1 NR TIMES, JAN UAItY1Sth 19otL Ij HINC YOU WANT ,ji!DER, SHINGLES, LATH. CEDAR POSTS, SASH, LAMES, TANKS, &c., ='YOU CAN HAVE ist rock bottom prices at our yards and factory. STORM DOORS AND STORM SASH e to order on short notice. We manufacture poultry and apple boxes in large quantities, order early. OF eY THE H PRICE IFOB81SA� L0G� DESCRIPTION rERY are always prepared for CUSTOM SAWING.;; OSS-TaUlorGo Ltd., Exeter. .44++++++4-14+++++++++.1++++ IRON ftN6L PT:{ We have a num= ber of different kinds of Iron Fence Posts which we will sell cheap or will: take all kinds of scrap iron in ex= change. M.JAOKSON & SON Main -St. Exeter. One door south of the I►t++++++++++++++++++++++++ Metropolitan Hotel. Grist Mill CREDITON We are prepared to do Gristing and Chopping cn shorart notice. We are making a splendid rade of Flour which is giv- ing (x('tllent :atisfa(tion fry our Flour. H. Switzer W. BROWNING, M. D., M. O. ' e P. 8„ graduate Victoria Uni•' =T. office and residenence. Dominion story. Exeter. DR.A. F. MALLOY, GRADUATE Toronto University. Former 11= Surgeon to Toronto Western Hospital. or to Dr. J. A. hotline,. Nigral It at DENTAL ", KINL'MAN, L. D.S. AND Bit. A. It. KINSMAN. L. D. 3.1). D.S., Honor (Irsdaate of Toronto Unlverelty, Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or bad atter errante, Orrice fn Fan - eon's block. Went aide of Main IC setts.' • ANDERSON, (D. 0. S• l•D•$. DBINTIBT. r Graduate of the Toronto University yal College of Dental Sumeone of • with bottom f School rosteDentistry (with We mention. erytbing known to the Dental Profeul.ton In this office. Ilrl a work. crowns, al• • am, d and vulcanite platen all done In perfectly teat manner possible. A pe anaesthetic used for palnleee ex, rac- one door month of Darling Aro'eatore Ont. EY TO LOAN. rave a large amount of private funds to! es farm and village properties at lowrate. ULADMAN R STANBURY i,arristers Sollcftora. Main St. Exeter. bICKSON & CARLING, t�a�n�,'i., Solicitors Notaries (oovelIa�nrere �Cseurass!.•nen, Solicitors for the Mohan' Doak, Eta NOW to Loam at lowest rate+ of interest. crines: -VAIN STREET, xxsTss. to CARLING R L 1. IL DICOeR " SALE :-That excellent farm er• e ne town -hip. the pro- perty of the Late John ftlatchford, Esq., ucin; the Kart halt of Lots l9 and 30, C.oncess.on 2. cor,t'1in'nl 100 aorea; :cell .•nili on, well fenced end drained.-t;ladnaan & Mton.nvy, xeter, Selioilors for Executor. FARM FOR BALE. -That cxeeltent farm Lot II, Concession 11, Me- QilUtrra • 10n crceed irireldi, g of t)hau(ou;1 0ly tn•d, in tt hi;h algia (Al cult 1. Vramo house of five :room. ti itches. •=Orel cell Ir. a hrs• a n good condition, ,axed water, 1 of maple. beech and elm bleb. Close to school, church and t office. Apply to W. G. (lardy, ritr.lcy P. 0. Tne Usborne and Hibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- anme Gomenu Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. DIRECTORS. President: -T. RYAN, DUBLIN. P. 0. Vice -Pres.:- J. A. NoRRIs CROMARTY P. 0. F. MORLEY, WHALEN P. 0. W. H. PASSMORE, FARQUHAR P.O. Wm. ROY, BORNHOLM P. 0. 1. L. RvsSFLL, RUSSELDALE P.O. AGENTS. 1. CARMICHAEL, STAPFA. (NTt A. DUNCAN FARQUHAR, ONT. I, WILSON, FULLARTON, ONT. 1. 8. GJLFILLAN, LUCAN, ONT B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. GLADMAN & STAN13URY, Solicitors THOMAS CAMERON, CONVEY- ancer. will3 drawn, money to loan on real estate, also l.icenwed Auctioneer for the colntles lof Iluron and Perth. Chargee moderate. Orders telt at the Teases ar at ety residence, Farquhar will receive preempt atten tion. .HONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private funds for Invent ant upon farm or village iroperty at !owe' ate' of interest. DICKSON & CARLING Exeter fi PIflNO FOR A NEW YUR GIFT Will interest and please every mem- ber of the family, so instead of divid- ing the presents, buy n piano which will be a lasting proof of your gener- osity and goodwill to your family. Our Pianos ate of the highest excel- lence and prices and terms are sure to please you. We also have a beautiful line f Xmas stationery i ner o y at very easy prices. Call and eee us and let us wish you a Merry Xmars and present you with a beautiful calendar. S. MARTIN & SON FARM FOR SALE. 1f not sold privately on or before 5th of February, 1900, there will be soled by Public Auctton with the chat- tels on TEHURSDAY, FEBUitARY 22nd, 1100 -on- the premises, that excellent farm property, consisting of lots 17 andd 18 • concession 1.c Township of Usborne, containing 120 acres, 10 of which is maple bush, the balance is all cleared anti in n high state of cultivation with 1a ncrrs of fall %%heat in and fall plow- ing all done. On the premises there is a good frame house, two bank Karns with all the latest inlprove- rnents. Thin property will he sold in one lot or separately to atilt purchaser for trans and parte elate apply to (;EO, RUTHERFORD, on the prem. ises, Kirkton, or to THOMAS CAM- ERON, Farquhar, Auctioneer for Perth and Huron. �- GET MORE VIM 1 if you ore tired, nervous, sleepless. b1VI' •hca(LIchr$ end I.tir,otrr, tvou need .Dr. dlamiltun's I'illit they taste the stonotcll. assist tli:zest:on, brace you up at once. Taken at night. atou're vvell by morning. Sick- ness .and tired retain; disappear in- stantly, Vitn, spirits, happy health all 1 he joys of lite comes to every- one t h it use's I)r. Hamilton's Pills. No medicine so satisfactory. Get 1)r. 1! ,rniltr.n'v Pills to -day, 25c. pen box 111 :III denier 4. The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been ill use for over 30 years, has borne the signature or and has been made under his per• sonal supervision since its infancy. • Allow no one to deceive you in this. Ali Counterfeits, Imitations and «Just -as -good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children -Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare. {;uric, Drop:t and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substttttt'c. Its age. is its guarantee. It destroys Worms null allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Rowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea -Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR IA Bears the Signature of ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Tut C[NTAo11 cO..LI.Y, TT •Vam.T NEW YOCa CITY. NOTICE TO CREDITORS i NOTICE TO C1ZEI)ITORS In the matter of the estate of John! Blatchford Irate of the town- ship pf Usborne in the County of Iluron, Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. 8. 0., 1897, chap. 129, that all creditors and others having claims azainst the estate of tl.e said John Illatchford, who died on or about the 24th tiny of December, 1905, are required on or before the 1st day of February, 1908, to send by poet prepaid or deliver to Messrs. (Hartman & 8tanbt -y, of the Village of Exeter, Solicito.a for tho Ex- ecutor of the ea' ; deceased„ their christian and surnames, addresses and description+, the full particul- ars of their claims. the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice tbat after such last mentioned date the said Executor will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and that the grid Executor will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persona of whose claims notice shall not have been received by thorn at the time of such distribution. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors for said Executor 1)tted at Exeter this 10t11 sty of Jona:ley, 1908. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 111 the 111 t 1 ':' or the eat'tte of So- phie I kin[.ldt, late of the Town- ship of Ilay, in Ilia Cou;tty of Iluron, Widow, deceased. Notice it; 'hereby :at en i ry a n( to It. 8. 0., 1897, chapter 129, that all creditors and others Navin•; claims it.cainst the (state of the airs Foph'n Klcinfcldt, who died oe or about the 7th day of September, 1905, are re- quired on or before the 6th slay of Febr'ttar 1906, to stand bycost pre- paid [ l paid or t!elieer 10 Messrs. Glndrnan Nc St Inbury, of the Vial:;c of Exelcr. S:•tic+tors for the Executor of the said deceased, their chn'etian sand 911rna:1.s, addresses aid dcsoripti'ons, t11^ 'full p;trliculara of tlntir cl;risen. the statement r.r their accounts and the nature '.,f the securities, if any, held by thein. And further take no- tice that :titer such last neentioned date 1110 said EXeelltvr will proceed to distribute the assets of thi' deceased :tn ottg the lat tics en- titled thereto. haver; regard only to t h, claims of which he shall thou hav' notice, irnl lb tt rise said Executor will not be liable for the slid -assets or uty part thereof ,fn any (cissa or pers'sns of whoso chino entice Oren rut have been re- ceived by hint at the time art euch distribution. GLADMAN & STANIIrIIY Solicitors for said Executor. Dated at Exeter. the 15th day rA .lannnry, 1906. )REDUCED A IIAitD SWELLING. Mr. Gus. E. Ger vex, w ritina from Pembroke, tells how be way injured ib .1 Iuuthe1 ,• Imp. "A heavy i:.. ndled .1_,titist my let and 1 i% am I ,:.1 up wit It at:items :nil a laird 4.1r`vsellin;. \V hen 1 applied Poison's "vt $crviline 1 got relief. A few rub- bintr with this good lin>unent cured Me... In 1 Ite hush, Nervitine is in - ,l sl e,. i title : it cures neur.tlzi.1, oolda, ehcn:nalism and intern ,I ilislordera 1 n. No prrSOO can afford to be v•itlr>ut \e: %alie, !;Pattil for all in• ((guru led extertl.•tl pain. lett Re hot tlei at all dealers. Ifyne, ,our friends er Wolves suffer with Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, t.r Falling Sickness, write fir a tial bottle sad valuable treatise on such creases ter Tile Loreto Co., 179 h ne Street, V.'., Toronto, Canada. All druggists sell Or can obtain f..r you LEIBIG'SFITCURE To Care a Cold in One Day TM.;q,,, e from Quinine Tablets. 4,2 oxdorsetio, an every In elle matter of the osbite on nktry Snell, fate of the Township of I Usborne, i►1 the County of llu- yon, Widow, deceased. Notice is *hereby :given pursuant to R. S. 0., 1897, ohapter 129, that all creditors and obhers having claims against the estate of the: see! Mary Emelt. s'ho died 011 or vbout tleo 4th day .of Dca+mber; 1905, etre re- quired, on or before the 8th day, of February, 100.1, to send by post pre- paid or deliver to Messrs. Madman & St:anbury, of the Valueee of Exeter. S.tlicitors for 11,0 Adtninistratrix of the said rieoetcteed, their chn!stian and surnames, add.eetes ar.d deeoriptiovt, Iha full 'particulars of their clainns. the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And further take no- tice that :after such last mentioned date the said Adminietrattrnx will proceed to diaatributo the asssets of the deceased -among the parties en- titled thereto, having re3rird early to the claiuns of which she shrill then hive notice, and that the said Ad- rt"nistretrx wilt trrot be liable, for the said •assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice )hall r of have been re - (solved by her at the time of such dist ribution. GLADMAN & STANBURY Sa!icitors for sail Adipituatrntrix. Dated at Exeter the 13th day of January, 1906. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the platter of tlin estate of Thomas Nelson Ilayter late of the Township of Steplxtn in t Ito County of Iluron, Esquire Xle- Notice is hereby .given pursuant to R. K• O. 180 7 chapter llA that all persons h:vin; .el;rin►s a greinst the es- tate of the Into Thomas Nelson tiny - ter, who Aird on or about the third day of inocnntber, A. D. 1905, aro re- quired to send by host prepaid or to deliver to Kennet h ax►hnen of the ,., '3 the (hunt of town of [ ..,ribs I in 11 Y Middlesex, solicitor for 11,0 Adminis- irnt rix <tn or before the 101.11 day of 1'ehruary, A. 1). 1906, tieir names, addresses and dcscn;pt'n'Is and a full statement of t.orti..ulars of their etaints and 1 he enter'. ref the secur- ity (if any) held by them' duly eel ti• tied, and after the wsid day the ad- neinisrt;ttrix ,will tarxx:tea to ilia- 1ributn the ason. ty of the deceased ambit; -the imt.rticet entitled thereto, hav►nz 'reg.ird only to the <llnim of which she seer!! then Imre entice. Dated at l':Irk1t-!I this 11111 illy of January, A..1). 191)6. MARTHA ANNIE iiAYTER Administ rat rix. by KENNE'I11 GOODMAN her Setaetor. Annual Meeting The thirtieth annual tweeting of the l°se:orne & Hihoert Mutual Fire lnsurunce Co. will re hold in the Petrillo ifnll, Farquhar, on MONDAY, FElIIIIfAItY 5th 1 the hour of one o'clock p. m. The .)usine;r w ill eons st of elec- t ion of two Di rcoi ors, Messrs. Thee. lty;tn and Francis Morley leenz he directors whose term of office ex- pires, nut who arc nli.tfbte for re- elextion:,receivin; the Direc'ore and Sccretrry's annual report, Auditor;' report and any other irvtcrest that mi;ht or in the interest; of the Company. TII08. RYAN it. W. F. IEAVE101 Pirsiaent. •.cy.-frea•. No one know. better than those who have used Carter's Little Liver T ills what relief th'.y have given when taken for dyspepai t, dirtiness, pain in the aide, constipation, and di':ordered stomach. OAIL l•TOA=A. Nan*, _TM 1IN Yes hm twin beet %UIt1CH Ott Tuesday ever et.; a happy event t<x►k place at the Lutheran parson- age, when It+ay. E. Sohuelke united in matrint:.rty, htite; Clans, daughter of hfrs. Elaxbard, and Mr. Henry Ilowa!d, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Jacab Ilowald, both of this place. The w-eddiare was a quest a [tat r .Ind the an►tvtutrnnti'nt oaf it vias a surprise Vs their many friends. Mr. and ,1Irs. Ilo.vald left am Wednesday for Mer- lin where they will heron l,auseke:c•p- ing. The JunOr Y. P. A. of the Ev:itt- -:relic:! .hurolt itwt Saturday after- noon. Jan. 0, for the purpw►sa of electing off.ice'rs for ensuing terlu. '1'Ie following officxi•s were elected: President, Laura (lender ; vice-pres- ident, Iva Weber ; ren. secretary, leve Williams; cor. rccretary, Dora Goi- ger : treasurer, Get'tie, llartledb; or- ganist. Ett:t llartleib; Asa'st:tr.t or- ganist, Lily Faust ; librarians, Flos- sie Ib . tl.ib, and Gev'tie Wage': p.rze boys, Clarence Yager, Nearshtll Zel- ler ; super•iete'tderlt, Miss Lydia Faust ; aeeistant sup. Miss Ethel Wil- liams: pastor, Rey. W. J. Ya: ger. Mr. Alvin \Vork.rn:ut, of near Hills - green, met with a painful :incident on Friday, Jan. 5t1t. Ile was driving along the road with a broeue, which took fright itt some moving object and inn away. a Mr, Workman had the misfortune to have his arm ths- l.catud at the shoulder in the run- away. Dr. Oauupbell was summoned. but with the assistance of three stl'ort; men, the arm could not be put in plat. On Saturday Mr. Workanann was brought 10 s Dr. Campbell's arose and with flee assis- tance Of Dr. Buchanan was put un- der chloroform. Three mon were called in and it required their united efforts to ret the arm back into its place again. Mr. Workman is now getting as nicely. Miss Pearl Niclro!son and Miss Min- nie heart, assistant teachers in the pub!:o school, spent Saturday in Lon- don. Mins Lizzie Itannie is assist.in.; Mr. E. 1'. Paulin, itt Iktshtvwd, to take stock of his hardware buncss. Quite a number of the young men drove over to llensall Tuesday even- ing t:s witness the hockey match be- t ween liens:ll and London. Mr. If. ID. Cooke, of IIomall, spent friday n the village on business. Miss AS ;ie Kacreher has returned home after -71 platsant visit with friends at Grand Ileaul. Mr. John Geiger, of Brandon. Manitoba, non of the late Peter (;ei,er is visiting fid.:'nds here at present. Miss Nettie Well, of Nia.gara Falls, arrived Thursday evening to apen'a n few wsrkts under t Ito parental roof. Mr. Chas. Greb was in Godcrictt on Saturday and was duly sworn in as Police Ma;,istratc for Fouth Hu- ron. Ile eked has power to swear to the. other ma;tetra to.4 %%110 leave trot already taken the <.1th of offine. M r. Fr..t..d '1)amut It, of Detroit, is visitint Itis father, Mr. Fred Demuth sr., of this vill.a... e. Mise 'Mildred EtIbor, of Crediton, is spendilte n couple of weeks with relatives and friends in the village. Dr. N. D. Iluchanan left Thursday for Berlin. where be will open an office. Dr. iBuchanan hair spent the past 'five years in the hospitals of England, Germany and Franoo and has made n special study of the eye, ear and throat and is well equipped to treat patients in these arses, as well as all other ailments of the body. Mr. William Surerus n.nd ail[ of North Dakota, are visiting in this vicinity at present. Miss Louise Warm is visiting .rot- ntives in h1:chir o.n for a few weeks. Mr. lI)an Koerrbor, est Superioq, Wis., lis v'ieitinz lfis b'r'other, Mr. Aaron Kae.noher, Bronson Line, Hay. at Present. Mr. Jilin EMI, of Dashwood, was a visit:tr in town on Wednesday of las tweak. Miss Addie \Vitwer, o? London% spent Saturday and Sunday at her •h:cnc h`.'re. Mr. lk'nke r wan the guest of Mr. end her+. Rennie for few days last week. Miss lleu(th, of Miidimay, is vistt- in; :tt Mr. A. 'Fleeter at present. Diamond Dyes Have Saved Money and Proved Blessings to Millions of Homes. DIAMOND DYES Ore Hummers (Ind (always ON TOP Our Centedian wlynen will kindly beau in tnirxd thet weak. adulterated and limitet'rm :tacks;e dyes tire still meld by )(line (letter., w lo Dare lit 1 le for the rn:nfolt, profit .'nd success Of our vyives, nrot),prt and tltuzhters. If yru woula hive hone dyeing '1 'ne suecptsfuliy and profitably, in- st eve T,evir+z the DIAMOND DYES. Never be fnducca to accept worthless dyes at any price. The prier dyes wit! surely ruin your kande ee sell as your forst!e. U1A.1OND DYES r twenty-five ye ire; the tfnv,riter are *old by oil ()rove. a and busy asp sand tuns ou u r wom e't, ELIMV1LL1: Mr. Thozuas bhtndford was All this vioirety last meek Ind purchased some fit'+ horses. Mr. Ceur,ge Andreass has mad° .another fine c:ddit on to his herd of tharouzhbred rata: by purclr.tsin.t .t splendid Durham bull Irout Mr. Smith. of Ibay. Mr. Eli Coultis 1 puncltased a new driver. We are i;lad 1:t 1 .:1 that rho si k folks in our bur. .: a imp,ovin; nia<,- ly. Mr. Samuel lieu -ter threshed his ;rain on Tuesday. Mr. Ilunt..r 'can sty he was the first one to thresh in 1906. Whisker); a lid .Dad say they nee prepared to cut wood or straw on the shortest a:ot?.:A:. The lxof tying was formed stere on Tuesday- ni;ht, and the farmers in- tend rutin; .sou (lit but fresh meat next suutrnar. Mr. Jahn Ilorut left last week for Toronto, whero he intends to re - aide ;in the future . Mrs. W.-Coultice and son spent afew' t. days with friends at Croditua. Iles. llcytt•oad, of the village, lead the misfortune to fall on the ice, and dislc,aate her shoulder. Mr. John Miners is on the sick list. Satre of the your; people around hero attended a party at Eden the other evening.. f LISTEN 1'OR THE BRONCIIIAL "WIIEE"LE." It means that disease will soon at- tack the lungs. Wheezing is dis- tressing to the sufferer and .annoy - in; to his friends. Nothin; half so certain in bronohitis and throat trou- ble as "Catarrhozone"; it ,;ivies in- stant 'relief 'and cures even the worst caios. Bronchitis fairly floes under 'the magic 'influence sof Oa- tar.rhozonc which cures so thorough- ly. the disease never returns. Other remedies may relieve, but "Oal.arrli- ozone" 'cures bronchitis, catarrh, and throat trouble for all time to •game. Sold 'everywhere. LUMLEY Mesure. John Glom. Jr.. and .John Stewai'f. Jr., o[ Usborne, who have been vinitier; friends and relatives for the list two weeks in the vicin- ity a 1.'rtuirn and Selene have re- turned 'home. (loth -gentlemen re- port that they had :t very pleasant visit, and declare tar it they arc high- ly .1►leased with that section of the country. They spent ;t s'tort time :it the. home n wm f the well c knows Short - !tarn stock -raisers. Messrs. Watt Bros., of Silent. Messrs. Walt work 260 acres of land, :uul have a herd of about 70 first-class registered short- horn .cattle. Messrs. Glom' and Stewart declare that they have nev- er boon at a finer place. or seers a lot of fine rehortha,rrte. TIM; is very high 'praise and speaks well for the energy and :elelily of Messes. Watt. For Messrs. Stewart and Gleten are both excellent judges of shorthorn sloek, and Iluron iv acknowledged tit be the premier county of Ontario for (ermine and sttx k ixtisiat;. AN ENORMOUS RECORD The subscription •reco'pts of the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Mont real e during t n e 3 1)oc tabe r • •� wts thousands of t!ollarm over all pre- vious re:ords. In :fact, the rush of subscriptions nes rto ;;reot :IS to crip- ple for time the lair,;est staff of alecks Utley ever employed. The lovely 'pictu're, "Queen Afemandra, !ler Grnndeleldren and Dogs,' ;ivon as a premium, ani the hi; value of the Fondly Jlerald itself are respon- sible for the Lire incr(ase, -and it is Raid their' farmers' book, "Tho Formers' Manual ;ttsl Veterituery Guide," lits eilso won them over twenty •titousend new subscribers. They •ire printin; another edition of the book, and farmers who have not secured a copy silhould do so at onco os it lis of 'immense value to them. tramples of book and picture can bo seen at taus offioe.. No such value has ever been offered in htis cuan- t i -•y. . USiIORNE COUNCIL The council elect for the township r me Of 9 b l o met cat Township hall, on Jen. 8th pursuant to statute. After subseribin; to the declaration of office land qualification they took their seats as the council for 1906. Joseph Haw king, reeve; Geo. An- drew. Fred Ellerin . t .nIr . Canon st n ere! n1 J s a Il:tllnntync, councillors. The rtalenies:for 1906 were fixed or follows: clerk $lereoo: treasurer )380 assessor t465; reelleclor $60; !etre• taker $7. Nothing to be allowed for postage or stationery. The Ifollow•in; offs -ere were rip pointed: Clerk, F. Morley; treasu- rer, Paul Cortes: assessor, Iti^hard Hunter ; collector, \Vitt. Ilro:k : e.1ni' • ttkcr. T. Vaal ; ttuditors, Joshua Johns .end -\V. A. 'furnbull: board of health, 1'. McT1z"r;, J •s. If intlfool W. 11. lerssmore, wit 11 the reeve and clerk ; •)l. K. ifyndn'in, M. 1i. 0.; Thos. Smote, erniter3 inspe;tor : fence viewers, John ll teat, .1ohn Mc- Queen, C. Harney, It. Delhridzc, It. loupe and .Len. Vont; 1'"" 1 It 'egos 1'. letzten, It. 1'nn,r', , . 1: day, Thom. White, Wee. y 'or, Wm. At- kineen, 1'. Gime ,on and F. 1). P. 8w -it zer. The Clerk was incl ret^.led to rwti- fy t he Ee;irt^cr to hasten t he cnn►- isletian of ehi.t report on tlan Wash- burn drain, 111 h coneessta►n. Accounts amounting to e54.80 were ( ()lased and orders issued in ptyment. Council then adjourned to meet Feb. 3r1 vet one o'c••o-k. -�- .ter•. PROMINENT CANADIAN OWES LIFE TO PE -RU -NA. Suffered Ten Years - Lost 100 Pounds in Flesh. Mr. J. N. Latreille, tho well known grocer and liquor dealer,ol Montreal Can., has been ono of tho leading business men of that city for thirty years. Ho writes as follows: "'1 had catarrh of the head, throat and stomach for about ten years, sad for the past two years had been grow. leg worse. "I felt exhausted and weak, and coughed continually. When in health any weight was 260 pounds, but I loaf: 100 pounds In a year. Catarrh had made mo almost blind and deaf. I felt dia- conraged. ',Melly /tried Parona took bottles, and now I must say that nkr health Is much Improved, and haril gotten Nd almost entirely of the effect* 01 that dreaded disease." _-. __- _ . • Daolop &dP&bber C�rr/o' - �r�� ?hli� pant Dun/ap on everyf f'r�a Make e. carriage more cotnfo stableo t ride in. Worth their cost in the wear and tear they .aye. Lasts as long ss iron rime on all ordin- ary road.. Dunlop Tire Co. Lttnt►n TORONTO ST JOHN MON AAAA a•ANOOCVaa wn.i trvo MEI' feet; 01, IIs;l8)N COI•NTY COU N5Ii. l h• '•_•mical of the County of Ilu- ron will meet in the eouncit ch either in the town of Goderiett on Tue,,it7 the 23rd day of .1anuary ;t :I o'clock p. rte. All nctounta azainat the county must be q,L•tced with the Clerk be• fare this dale. Dated .itis. 101h, 19011. W. LANE, Clerk. +� ••tl'•r •••••••N••N•••N++••••.* = THE 1101 SONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 18&1) CAPITAL PAID UP •••• -• •••• S3.000.000.00 RESERVE FUND • • • • • • • $ 18 Branches In Ontario, Quebec, Alberta Brltlsh ('i lun,hta and itt initoha EXETER BRANCH Open every Levant Day from 10 A. M. to"0. Al. execpt eaturday 10 A. eh tat 1 P. v. Fesrnier.e' Salo Notes, crueler! or rollect'd. Forms supplied On application. DHAF•TN nn all points in the hnminlnn, (creat Britain and Vis- ited States, Sought end sold at lowest rates of etc pump,, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits of 01.00 an.l upwards received. interest cant - pounded half ',parley, and added to princ pal June "nth and December 31.t. 11r- poidot Receipts also boned and highest current rats. of Interest allowed. Advances made to farmers stock dealers and huminers men at tweet messed es awe e favorable terms. Agents et leteter for Dor. Oovernetest. _ DICkj& Carlini, Solicitor.. N. D. HURDON. Manatee.