HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1906-01-18, Page 4A Cup of Bovril
is a meal in itself
It is nourishment r -
and stimulant combined 4..., `
and concentrated. 7':';1:, / i
In winter it is ,ii„./
good, especially fur
there's nothing which �',
,' 1
4.1!; r 4
furnishes so much nutrl !
incnt in such a small "t! ��`,: j i,,
compass and in such
palatable form.
When you're tired or cold, or both,
nothing equals a cup of hot
Eight pounds of prime beef is concentrated in four ounces of BOVRIL.
Bovril is prepared only by
By special appointment 8
Purveyors to His Majesty King Edward VII.
soy. Cosmos over neck of Bottle and get Beautiful Premium Picture.
School Books
d all School
upplies also a
line lot of Sta-
tionery always
on hand
rug Store
The Exeter Times
BLINDAT 7 14 21 28
iiONDAY 1 8 lb 22 2!)
-TUESDAY 2 9 10 23 30
WEDRERDAY, , , 3 10 17 24 31
THURSDAY4 11 18 25
FRILAY 6 12 19 26
SATURDAY 6 13 20 27
THURSDAY. JAN. 18th. 1906
Dir. P. .Wlritloolt, and son, who
to nnm,enced making element building
build , z ),!o?ks, cement fence posts
stud 'c'hitune.;y flues, etc. last May,
thaw., Ibc.,,n unusually suooessfut in
inakiii4 sales. See their ell in an-
other column.
D1 r, \V.m, Harris, %%110 has been in
- the %stmt dor setae time, is visiting
eel:ltivev here it prevent.
Mr. Goo. Gillis, who has been em-
ployed with Mr. John Cum, intends
wirer for the West .in the rimiest.
A.11". Itrulwin, editor of the fit uld•
nrd, will sit :It the Council tablet as
member of Myth council. W. It.
Davis, edit or' of the Advocate was
eteclt:1 Meyer of Dlitnht•11. in Lis -
toe cl,1hi. editors of both I0011 Vi-
pers :.re members of the town coun-
.t Theo, ♦t . he brethren 'must hove been
m1 i - Olea "power of the press" felt
or else 1_lte
elcctory of these places
wanted cion of ability and practice!
common ,ons'' to serve them. then
event to the richt place to fired them,
and of course. sucoeteled in getting
them. \Vc are not sure %%tenter wo
outfit to 'fonit•aittil:te these
ren or ant. We
I tole untilc.
n [t
,1• i r,
tt ,n r t.on day. Tisk mereh, how.
\o 't ,
r t le ', -
e 4111 hey \ 'l
t % ' we t•'
e 1 heir
t' t l >
respa•ctiwe municipalities stood ser-
It quiets
the Couqh �so
This is one reason why Aycr's (I
Cherry Pectoral is so v'alua- t
ble in consumption. it stops
the wear and tear or use:ens
coughing. But it docs more
-It controls the inflaminnticn,
quiets the fever, soo!llcs, hc: !s•
Ask your doctor about this.
The best kind of a t•,:,timontal-
"sold for ever cixty pears." I.
Ct1c..aL1a.RG ,
Imola e tow.
sum Lt.
hers N It siao .
W, testi so osersts 1 weal
tae f rteslss or aft car
on Saturday next. It will be re-
membered that Mr. S. Sat itzer, %%ltu
was reeve east year, wits opposed by
Mr. If. \inert, and each tolled the
same number of votes, as a result
the Clerk. Mr. henry Felber, was
called upon to 'give the castia; vote,
elect, Its dict ;ivin,e it in t leer of
Arr. \\Alert,
Yeu calci) a little cold to -day. by
lo -morrow it his reached the throat
next day the luras are effected and
you wish eou had used "Catarrho-
zone which kills colds in five miin-
utes. In Ilse 'first place Cat:u•rho-
zone soothes the irritated ' mem-
branes and relieves congestion, -then
it cuts out the phlegm and destroys
the ,germs. It enables the blood to
retain a statural supply of oxygen,
lung -Good and vitality. In any
'oou;h, bronchitis or lung affection
it's guaranteed to positively cure.
Decline any substitute for "Catarrh-
While Messrs. I). Brown and D. A.
MoNicol were Yellin; a tree in Mr.
Thompson's bush on Saturday last a
la'r c 'limb fell land struck Mr. Brown
on the hip eausing o severe injury.
A number ifrom 'hero attended the
Farmers' Institute din Exeter on Fri-
day Last.
While Mr. C. Monteith was return -
in?, 'from Exeter last Friday his horse
became -frichtened, tipped the occu-
pants out of the buggy and made a
mad dash for home, no one was 'hurt
but the buggy was badly smashed.
Friday light Jan. 12th was a jov-
ial night for Court Star 365, I. O. F.
as had .reviously been arranged. Aft
oyster supper was ofd for the mem-
bers and their wives or sweethearts
only. About half 'past six oecltrckein
the evening the odor of oysters fil-
led the air of the Public Hall and
many expoctants %were filled to the
her do-
s w't ►oystersand of
utmost wet
l!. .cies 'provided: for you know the
ladies of Fargalsar taro widely known
for their abiLity in the pastry limo.
About 150 'people partook of tho
supper. The supper being over, tho
Qhief lta.ng:'r, I3ro. John Westlake
'called the meeting to order and ilad
the program toponed by an instru-
mental from Master Grant Dungen.
Songs were 'nicely sondered by the
Misses Nina Monteith and Ithod:t
Passmore and Messrs. D. Golding,.
W. 'Moodie and C. Godlx>tlt. The
nigger band gave sevens! instrumen-
tal selections -which were heartily
endbored. A clay entitled "The Now
Woman" was :put on by a number
of young .people from Wirttdlrclse:t.
A dialogue entitled "A Trip to Cali-
fornia" was well given. ?Liss Chris-
tina M'oClocklin Heave 41 'recitation.
The program 'otoyed with "God save
the Kin;.' Thofollowinz aro the of-
ficers for 1906: C. R., bro. John West-
lake: V. C. it.. ammonite' Cameron;
F. B
n • R. S. bro.
bro. T, Cameron
F3. W. F. Beavers: Treas. bro. I 1
Borland; S. W., companion 1Iunkin;
J. W„ canrpanion Westlake; S. I3.,
gornpenion Pollen; J. lig bro. A.
llcxfzert : Orator, bro. J. Mardis;
Organist. companion Harris; Court
Deputy, lire .'r. 11u►kin : ;luditors for
1906, bro. Beavers and ifodgort :
trustees, linos. i'assmore and Mc-
CLo:.k lin.
Fulton-McNicol - A very pretty
wedding %toe celebrated yeatertTee,
(\Vedltesctty) :it the. tame of Mr.
Detect M>oNicol ,wihcn his daughter,
Laura was married to Lawrence
Fulton. The cetemotty wrls perforin -
ed by Rev. Fletcher. The bride look-
ed ellen-fling in tier gown of white
silk. The router couple were reci-
pients of many beautiful and useful
presents, amid amidst the congratu-
lations of their many fnionds for :t
bri;ht, happy end prosperous future,
Left for se 'honeymoon trip, after
which they will reside in Cromarty.
The .eoinZtawcly ,:towri of Mrs. Full.)n
w•as a navy blue ladies' cloth.
Miss Lilly Anderson, of Centralia,
spent Saturd-ly and Sunday the guest
of Mr, and Mrs. Sanbrooke.
Quite a. nutnber (from here 'at-
tended tit reoyster supper in 'sCen-
tralia on Monday last.
Messrs. Fred Harris _ and Alvin
Amos and NLisses Lena \Vltelhin and
Clare Fainter event Suntlty in 1i.tsh-
Afr, Oscar Wolfe visited "at Mr.
Harry Kubn's on Sunday eveatin;.
Mr. Bert 'Clark, o;cnt for the Em-
pire Wall Paper Co., Ltd.. Toronto,
has eeceiwed'leis new samples of wall
paper and mouldings, w"hiroll aro of
the latest desi;ns.
Miss I'ea,rl Andrews, who has been
visiting her sister, Airs. J. W. Boyce,
of Itussclldale, lets returned tome.
Mr. J. 3. Lewis is now busily; sel-
ling tickets on his top buggy which
he intends raffling this week or in
the near future.
Air. Wm. Brown. who has spent
the past seven months in Detroit, re-
turned home on Friday last.
Mr. r. 8.Feltner, r m
[fered ase-
zero stroke of a101exw on Friday
last, and at time of writing is quite
Rev. S. 1'', Brown, of Rasthcrto
Sask., is home visiting his another.
Mrs. M. Brown, who has boon ill
for some weeks, but who is now
slowly reeaimin; her •fornner health.
While hero Mr. Brown ham been as-
sistine the Itov. Mr• .Damm in his
special services during the week, and
on Sunday morning preached an ex-
cellent sermon to a large conareea-
Mr. .1ohn Brown, of Irate -eon,
Duch., brother of our .gonial posits
master is spending a 'few days in our
The Foresters of our village intend
holding; a concert in the near future.
They are now preparing a ,good pro-
Mr. 'Ed. Wurne of Zurich. lie
Wieling a few clays in the village.
The Sovereign (lank of our town
on Wednesday last stripped their old
Wife to Chatham to be installed in. a
branch of the honk which has recent-
ly been opened there.
Mr. .1. E. Ryan, of Mt. Cis -Inds leas
taken a position in the Sovereign
!tank hero as clerk and will coe_n-
rncltc.o 1,1s slut ics t his week.
Quite a number of -our young Le -
dies and rzeentleinen as well as the
boys and ,girIs, have been h,tvinr
;r•e.It sport feint the. pest two
weeks skating on the river. The coi
was smooth 3n41 in excellent condi-
tion, while tho moon gave the nec•
esmary light. Every afternoon and
'cyanic.; saw a happy crowd of skat-
ers all bent on having a good time.
'('1ec mildweather and •nein of Sun-
day and Monday his spoiled the ice
for the present arid the skates ar:
nor% hunt up for a rest.
The Literary soaety meet at the
home of Dr. and firs. Heist oil Fri-
day •last. There was a smell at-
tendano" Dein; to the special ser-
vices which u e
conducted I
however a
r 1 beta >
'el' a chi of , t
:a• in_ rc.
line A
pleasant cvestine was spent and a
good pro,;r: on rendered. Peeve duet'
the Misses Clark and Beaver: ratd-
ine, Mrs. C. !neon ; .paper on Lord
Mount Stephen, Miss E. heaver
pian;. solo, Mrs. C. 'hwieker ; vdrel
solo, Miss II. !leaver. Tho nteetin.t
on I•'rid.Iy everin•t text will lo hold
at the how of Mr. and Mrs. , C.
The revived ser0cos wlr:ch have
be^n cc:r sluetcet in the Evan;et:extl
church 'for the past %week -are bc.in;
conducted fu.9 %% eel. Mush interest
is teeter t 'keit i'1 rho mleetin;s.
The lodes' Aid filet at the Motto-,
diet pare nt:t ee ml Monday rake -noon
to re-otg.lniac their so.--cty. 'There
t% as :I zees! at1rndntoe. and arrange-
ment s 'for t h:' ye or were discumsed
and pe.Ine made for the oarryin; on
of their work.
Mr. Gottlieb Brown is on the sick
The members of the hand trotted
them* Iver, their wives end melet-
hearts to an oyster supper on \Vtd-
sicset.,y eve. ;pr. All teia;1 a ;veil
et r• Fr silk Itosenl►erzcr. of Min•
•t 1, ie the ;timet of Mr. and, Mrs.
Abe \Volker.
err. S. (frown was itt Vtrni,t en
Monday en business.
It is reverted th it there till be n
re :.Mint of t knots in c.,• het ion
"it h
Very largely depends on the mother's
disposition; if she is animated and
bright. every one is happy; but if she
is nervous. irritable and cross -every-
thing goes wrong. Bright cheery wo-
men nsunlly use kerrozone, the great -
eat health -maker known. By acting
through the blood Farrozone is able to
reach all the organs that need assist
ance;it establishes regular and healthy
action of all functions, builds up the
general health, fortifies the systeg
with a reserve of energy that defies
disease. Don't, put off-Farrozone
costs only 503. at any drug store get
it to -lay
1'Ait 1:I l I Ll.
A wife( wrcfding was solenutized ill
rite It. C. church en 'rueaday or this
week. when el ism Elizahelh 1):►vle,
formerly of Ml. Carmel, warm united
it► marriage to Dlr. .1o11n 1)'gnun, be
Rev. ter a r
v. g a l )inn 1 lee •butt of
the R Father i Ir
' 1 to
10 cock este the mor in t
pircecnt•e• t f the iututCdiale rI.I..1 Itve3
and 'friends of the family. Miss Alt i
Diemen, cousin of the bride, was
bridesmaid and Mr. .1. .1. i)oyle.
brother of the bride was groomsman.
After •%sewer:Itul:items had been ex-
tended I is the your couple, all 10-
p -tired I .► the benne of Mrs. Gc, r -c
O'Ld •' 1'. yi'itc•r of the bride, where
a wedding dinner ens served. The
young couple left on Ho evening
t r -iii, 'f'•t t I t,t , ,. t.
constitutional disease
in impure blood
_ g constitutional
and tpacting thro
Qriiyigg the blood fir
its radical and permanent
cure. Be ore to take
Hood's Sarsa axilla
Nasal and other local fortis of catarrh
are gticky rem by CatarrlN$,
wYl k allay ii6amssadsa and dwiorls•
csuri;ea, 151.
South Huron Farmers'
The meetings of the Soutlt Muton
Farnterti 11180101e itt Elie Exeter
it I! ,Il on Friday last were well
attlended, The ,gathering itt the af-
terneon w39 composed principally of
farmers from the surrounding coun-
try and soati1 ; room was at a prem-
ium on account of the lar a number
President 11. Horton lone.' the
meeting, and after a hearty welcome
to those ithered, lin called upon
Mr. Berber, of Crosshill, for :in ad-
dress on "Breeding and feedim_; of
beef cattle." Mr. Barber is a young
man full of energy end front tho
way he handled Itis subject shows
the_ as a practical fanner. he is a
success at raising cattle. Ile said, all
feeding is preparateen for the blood.
Ile 'went extensively into the dif-
ferent breeds of cattle. and pointed
out the kind, his experience had
shown him, were. the most profitable
as beef cattle. Some cattle, Mr. Bar-
ber stated, put the fat on their in-
sides instead of where it should be.
In speaking of Jerseys, While they
are reco;sized us hood milkers, a 3
farmer, w•lt° kept a Jersey steer fur
two years did not know his business.
Pointing to a ch:u`t of a bovine, Mr
showed that the meets of the upper
portion of the carcass were the most
valuable and that a breeder should
raise 'animals showing parallel lines
from front to beck, with long broad
table back, the greater the width the
better, with well sprung ribs. Three
Important points were .given, keep
animals of good .constitution, capac-
ity for food and early maturity.
There is a demand jor younger
meats and an animal should not be
kept over :10 months. To get good
beef cattle Mr. Barber guards .gains
et criossin; dairy cattle such aft Jer-
sey and Dut pant ar the crossing of
dairy and beef cattle, as ,good results,
Ito eontetwicd were not forthcoming.
The 'Lest crass is invariably the
hest. Ile adv'000tcd the sticking to
ane lino of breeding. The best oen-
eral purpose Grade cattle, according
his ,judgment is the Dur'ha'm Short-
horn .
The first n.onths feedins should be
done with cares and a quick chane
does not preduce good results. He
gives his beef cattle a run of rape
before putting them in the stables,
and sells his Battle when they are
fat. Oattle should Fre ;given kind and
•gond° treatment, the stable kept
clean and well ventilated, much de -
pendia; an the feeder as the food
,given. Theyshould. •not bo dis-
turbed too often. Mr. Barber _gave
in detail the toads he .;Ives his ani-
mals, and the amounts at different
periods, 'contending that it was not
profitable to keep on animal over 30
months, as tit dost tnor'e after then
to 'food them than the amount of
flesh put an. In his experience ho
to fin-
a reprofitable
s 'found sit more
an 'animal in the stable than in
the field. His ,cattle are fed togae a
day and aro allowed out for teeter
canoe a day 'for' a short exorcise.
Stables should be whitewashed twice
a year In avoid vermin.
The tie -hoe -nine of cattle was dis-
cussed, Mr'. Barber claiming that
dealer's paid more for dehorned cat-
tle. The time for' dehornin; should
be when the danger of flies are
past. A Lively discussion was entered
into between the speaker' and the
audience, after the address. during
which a number. of excellent ideas
were oiven by a number of those
present. of their experience in fecd-
in;t, watering etc.
Mr. Barber was followed by Mr.
Mason. who spoke 011 t ht. n einton-
ance of soil fertility. Mr. Mason
complimented the faYmers of this
section 'for their excellent farms,
stating that it was quite evident
that they had paid close attention to
soil feet Rey. The countries that
have looked after this essential part
of ,faun Libor are t he foremost t o -
day. The itennan Empire centuries
ago looked after these matters close.
ly lett afterwards becoming indif-
ferent. to the productiveness of the
soil, paid little attention to it and
as Mr ,Masson claimed was ono of rho
'reasons 'for its downfall. Souno
oountries which have been cultivated
for hundreds of years are largo pro-
ducers, owing to the proper manner
in which the soil is looked after and
for'tilized. New York slate which
for yetre e. is the most productive
wheat 'pr'otttcing state in the [inion
does not now pr educe half as much,
for the reason the farmers took oft
all theycould o
back. The western states are fol-
lowing into the sttno t ut and Mr.
Mason was very much alarmed lest
the Northwest of Canada would fol-
low likewise, for lack of fertilos.
Green manure according to Mr.
Alason has given as good results as
that whle a was allowedacl to rot,
idea of allowing m
inure to
that the
still pre -
;> Oleg for mon
lhs .li l
stand in 1 cs
wails, allhou;h etp('1intcnts have
proven that a ton of ;sten manure
;ave as good results as a ton of
the decayed matter. Cut straw Was
,i decided advanta;c, absorbing the
Liquids. The liquid manure is the
)hoot valuable. There aro. a number
of different blots as to its applica-
tion to the laid, circutnstoneses alter-
ine cases. For teem section which is
ro low of water. ho
not subject to overflow
suggested healing it out ,nil sprotd-
in; on lite (.Inst in ii►t' winter, thus
mavine consider;rble -time in the
spring, when a farmer's busy rxwso:n
commences. M r. M':Isom retake ex -
1, tnslively about the nitrates, phos-
phates and potash in the earth, eiw-
10; i11(ias as ac. what atnount or fer-
tility the dilfertnt ttair•s t<ok from
the soil. ile advised a syslrm of to
ration, wilt a plou;hin; under of a
crop of clover every four or five
ye' irs.
Mr. 1t. B. Mcl.e.in, of Tuekertmith,
,.1,•. !is one of the best eluippe'l
f . • •ws in Huron, ,rive an address on
tin• systemmatic wiy c.i denz
f irnt Work. Everythin,r should
Igo dune nee tlytrod well,
+' rt ilia loos anti;ht and
they will alwteys remember. instill
inte them the value of hoscrdy and
intrelity :vett 1 hs•', rmceess is Amro
Th I eevcninz nieeti t was tar,peiy
attended, the a«ties. trine al-
'nt d a a
%%hich %sere histttictive.:tial wl►:01t 11e
would be pitesc•ly to publish. but
owing to lick of space aro unable.
Mr, T. 13. (;_trlin; .aced as chairmau
of the evening tweeting and filial
the 'position very acceptably.
Im nOnnection tsilh the Farmers'
Institute the \Vutucris Institute held
an afternoon merlin; in the Opera
House. The chair was occupied by
the President of the boa:t1 institute,
Miss halls. Mrs. Vernon gave a
well received recitation, besides
which an interesting iddeess was
given by Mies Mill:lr, or Guelph.
Miss 'Ilillar's sultject was "Our
Schools." '1'1►is :steely& is ono that
is -new in Instituto work, yet one
of 1_reat importance and one that the
Institutes in the future %vial have)
more to say about.
Quoting 51r. L. 11. Bailey, of Corn-
ell University "Ones t raiseine for
the work of life it bosun in the
home and fostered in the scl1001.:
This training is the result of a di-
rect and conscious effort on the
part of the parent and teacher, com-
bined with the indirect -result of
the surroundi►I;s in. which the child
is 'placed. The surroundings aro
atone potent than we think, and they
usually rrtc;lectut." Miss . •Millar
urged upon a greater co-operation
between horse and 'school and hoped l
that tit' mothers would take%st
greater interest in that ulnae w1tcrc
tate children worn spending so
large a part of their time.
It is important that the 'teacher's
influence L:: sound, forceful and ef-
fective, anis the ragllt kind of teacher
cannot ire hid for a low weary. It
is no economy to s:Ivo on a teacher's
salary, yet this mistake is some-
times made, especially in rural
ahe school 1 a"c> it
S kurt of t o
found that inspectors, doctors and
Leachers • meed that it was a great
mistake to send a child to school too
The iutrc duction of such sub -
t carie
• l training, ego tt
jects as manna ,
science and tenure study twos spoken
of. and nta'ny of the benefits were
shown 'forth
••••••••••♦♦♦♦N♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ •N♦♦♦♦♦♦••♦♦♦N♦♦♦♦♦y
We are in a position to
make it to your interest to
sec our new 1go6 lines of
Crockery, China, Glass-
ware, Lamps, Etc. We
can please you in any o
your wants and yot1.-P-e
always sure of getting the
best value'tor your money
in the city.
IDINNER SETS We are carrying a beantiful new line of
whereby you can buy a set or any part of one. Everyone we show
2 is Al quality (Guaranteed not to Craze). The decorations are
works of art and the shapes are the best of the potter's skill,
' sets, including '•Twelve Stock Patterns"
Always a great variety to choose from,
' We keep up to the mark in shape, design and
i: TEA SETSSplendid assortment of 40 and 44 piece sets in
2 ♦ ' English, Austrian and french China and Decorated
♦ Porcelain.
LAMPS, The largest variety of all kinds of lamps in Ontario,
♦Parlor, Hall, Hanging, Sewing, Reading and all styles
2 TiGlass Lamps.
i Z WEDDING GIFTS,We show a beautiful line of appropri-
ate goods for this purpose, A selection
• made here always pleases. Why? Because its new, suitable and
t2 good and cur prices are reasonable.
IFANCY CHINA,Always eontething new to sho.v in Ibis
line and such an assortment of good useful
♦ table articles yon will not find elsewhere. We invite yott to come
2 d
an see.
The value of flowers, pictures, eta 1 2 ♦ WE PREPAY express or freight charges on all purc bases of
in the school roach cannot be esti- j • $10.00 or over.
mated, and the influence of swept is Z•••♦•♦•••••••••••••♦•♦•••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦•♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦N♦
for good. ♦•••••••♦•••••••••••••••••••♦•♦•••••••••••••••••••••
Besides s1 faking of sitmple means
that would add to the comfort of
the pupils, the subject of the school
grounds was dwelt upon and how
they might be made beauty spots by
the VIantin; of trees and flowers.
Trading horses and watches and
drawing ,gravel are the order of rho
day lore.
Edward Avery's store is doing a
l;Ir.re 'business on a cheap scale, ev-
erything down' in price and up in
Mr. George Millson spent Monday
with 'friends in Kirktort.
Jess Jacn
was itt London try-
to secure a position last week.
Miss Ethel Millson spent Tuesday
with 'friends at Zion.
Mr. Newton'Millson [ills a promin-
ant 'position with the Orchestra at
Mr. 'Harry Sutherby has enza;ed
with Mr. Chas. Hooper for tht sum-
mer. We welcome him amongst us
Beira �ihe Kind You lirale Alin Wit
Mrs. Wright, nee Miss Horne, still
continues low.
Mins Edn t Davidson, of London,
visited Mis, \Vtti, I3owurin a few
days this week.
Mr. W. W. Taman spetTt :t few
days Lite past week with his brother
in Piltncreton.
Mi*s M. 'E, Ifrotwn, who left Wed•
nesday for Detroit. was presented
with et tante Ironic photo of the
Presbyterian choir, of uit.ch she was
a valued member.
The many ;friends of Mr. and Mrs.
J. T. Mon; a n will be seemed to lea r n
of the death of their infant eon.
Charlie. Bishop, who dittxl on Wcd•
nesday, Jan. 17th. The little fellow
contracted a cold whish developed
into 'p'neunwnia. D1rw. Montan 'be-
eline ill :It the same time midis con-
fined to ler room.
The annual nt(ie•tinr of the (elven
wascid on
'a 'church h
! roses Gertn hu
h c
Monday coveter. The followint of-
ficials wore selected:-11e'ird of Dian -
agement, W. 1). Weekes, 1). 1'. Mc-
Innes, 3. G. St snbury, re-elected;
See'y-tress, Jos. Senior, re-elected:
Auditors, J. A. K. NicL:oil, I)r. Amos
Ushers, A. E. ilodzort, W. II. Mon -
cur, J. A. Stewart, .t. imtece ,i::kelt.
Jetties T CniCrt nt
l sev-
eral of her friends at Luncheon u
Tuesd iy et-citinz. Amon; those pre-
osin were 51r. and 51rs. N. 1). Mir -
don. Mr. and eira, Jos. Cobhledicle,
Dlr. and eire, A. Q. 'loftier and
Mr. .t ad 51 rs. Geo. Di s nt le. Mr.
Tont cheered the hearts of those pre-
��by . •c a cr'n o of his old
nt I r l 1 A the
time eon Is.
ito r� _ ec
, t.
n; l'itt•s. Dru,'t'at3 are authorized
to refund money if Pazo Ointment
fails to elite in 6 to 11 d tym. 50c.
To get relief from indigestion, 141-
iousness, constipation or torpid liver
without disturbing the stomach or
purging the Low els, take a few dose,
of Carter's Little Liver fills they
,. ill piens+ you.
Do not despair of curing your sick
headache 11 lien you can so easily ob-
tain Carter's Little Liver Pills. Th'y
will effect a prompt and perman-
ent cure. Their action is mild and
Moil(:AD,--LI I'shernt' on \Vethree-
.1 ty, .1 in. 17th, 1000, (111a r lie ltiehop,
inf tet ft:►n of Mr. :,rad Mrs. J, '1'.
ad;aT > 2AS..
w TM I You Nal Alin Snit
AUns. Brown, of McPagzcrt, Assa.,
visited her eistor, Mra. Gilford Cope-
land. part of last week.
While running a turnip puiper on
Monday jest Mr. Hiram Copeland had
two 'fingers of his left head badly
The marriage of Miss Emma Tow!
to Mr. Luther Switzer, of Men., took
p&Ice on Wednesday, Jan. 17.
The brick dor the new church is
all on the church premises.
Mr. John Brook is recovering slow-
ly after this •recent fall on tho ice.
Mr. Wan. Sinclair is busy ercotin;
driving \ 1c
a n u :fled for Mr .sicE
r a .
Miss White itras closed her dress -
Makin; sthop and is spending her
holidays at her hotno in St. Marys.
Mr. C. ,E. Hackney, of the Thames
Road will have another sale CT hor-
ses attd cattle About Jan. 31st, For
particulars Seo bills.
Mr. Blatchford and family of 1)a-
eotah arrived in the village last
Mr. T. J. Berry's two little boys
had a bad attack of illness last week.
Both are now out of danger.
Mrs. 'Dick, of Thornberry, return•
ed Ihotno on Monday. She came to
attend the funo'-al of her father, the
fate \Vm. (llaptn tn.
Mr. and Mes, Miners wero
to pert with their youngest boy last
week. Ile died very suddenly.
The foundry is crowded with work
at present reel more corning in all
the time.
The special services in the Meth-
odist ahurcli love been well attended
and ;erectly enjoyed by all.
)lensalt's hockey team went down
fore the London boys, score 10 to
1. 'fry again 'boys.
Mr. (D. Otentelon, Mr. G. Smalla-
combe, Mr. Ily. ('ook, Mrs. Coleman,
Willie Shepherd kind °therm are more
or less inc'apaeitated for work
through illness, 'chiefly of lo ,grippe
Lode) option is still a live issue
here. More 'About it later.
A few 'nights ago when Mr. John
Vern wits visitrrt; at a neighbors,
some 'miscreants of boys smashed
several windows ,in his now house. •
and doing other dome gee Mr. Iters
is on the trunk of these 'boys tend
intends 'prosecuting,
Is the liver. Small wonder that liver
trouble makes you so miserabie.
indi es i
on headache,
of de. a•symptoms are constipation, dizzin
pression and lack of appetite.
There is but one sure cure, --Dr.
Hamilton's Pills. In every case they
are successful. By relying on 'Dr.
nonillion's Pills you are sure of strong
vitality, nourishing blood, bright ch-
eery spirits. No longer will you suff-
er from disordered liver or kidneys,
The marvel of this medicine is that ib
keeps you well --prevents and ward*
off sicknesa of every kind, 25e. per
box everywhere.
The Ilenitill team was easy for the
Seventh Itegimlent in the iettermed•
kite series, boimz defeated by 10 td 1.
The (game tris listless from start ter
finish and t dllotrt any features.
The 'game between Seti(orth and
Clinton pLayetl Friday night rcaulted
in favor of CI.'nton the score beiegI
5 to 2.
They fairly agonize your life, Some-
thing powerful and penetrating 1i
needed, Doctors know of nothing W
swift, to releive as Nerveline, a strong
penetrating liniment made to cure just
such pains ne yours. Nerveline !every
concentrated, about four times more
powerful than ordinary liniments, Iu
the worst cases Poison's nervllide le
extraordinarily good, All muscular
pain flees before it. Nearly fifty year.
in Ilse -a good recommendation, surely.
Do you want A good position
in the Commercial World? The
A c O isvia
surest ! shortest road
this er
h00I. Wegive A
of1 surpassed
trainingthat is not aur a
by an`yp`•Business College in Can-
ada. We give individual instruc-
tion thetefrere you may enter at
any time, Write for free cata-
logue and get full particulsre.
W. 3, ELLIOTT, principR1
Hollow Cement Build-
ing Blocks of differ-
ent designs and W. JOHN'S
sizes. Merchant Tailor
You are Suit buyers. We make the
Suite- you wear them em ou
y We make
them as well a
can so thath
t ey
will not wear out sooner than they
ought. Because, it they do, you'll
likely go somewhere else for your
next, Suit. And no one could blame
you. So much money ought to buy
so much Suit worth. And Suit wortbi
onableness of fabric -style i
cut -fit -finish --looks - dressyness
and length of service.
As good a place as there ie within
miles to get all this and not pay too
much is W. Johns.
Elegant Black and Blue
Suitings for $15.00
and $18.00.
Cement Fence Posts
Cement Chimneys
rO11.OVRit81XTY 1i&1(s
Winslow a Soothing Syrup hsa been seril
ovd,r ditty eon by tnil.ions of rnotbs u for their
children while teethInee with perfects
It soothe, the child, softens the Items, alhallegla
Single and double flue; abso- pain cares wand colic, sntiIt the best t'.1>t.dll
for �faRAtsa. It to pleasrant to the tMts. 8Wi
lately fire proof. by druggists In every part of the world, fns
mote a bottle. itsuritine le incatlenlabl.. Be
Stock always on hand; Prices reason- euro ansi take Mrs WinaIow ,, 13ootbtes
arra.. sad ask for so otter k1n�
P. WHITLOCK & SON y°trn� cattle at Ce tr