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YEAR—No: 1,684
dware and Seed Store
o for Builders and those intending to build
�quit. r t o get Cheap Hardware as we carry a full
line of
Nails, `Paints, Oils, Glass &c.
In Cements we carry the two leading Brands
of Canada
National and Star
We also make a specialty of Eavetroughing as
we have a machine to make all our own Troughs
and can give you firstclass material. Try us and
you will be conuinced.
• i man during the present year. The
• honor which has been conferred upon
• upon us as the representatives of
this begird also imposes 'great re-
=slr:;isibiLitics and I feel that I can
rely on each of you giving Incas
your bhairman, that support and
assistance which is necessary to pro-
mote the best interests of the mun-
beip'tlity. You are nil new and un-
=• tried members of this board :Ind the
citizens expect us to use our utmost
endeavors to try to et some new
industries brought to this toren to
= g•ivo employment to labor. There is
no doubt that we will make noise • takes in transacting the business of
the town, but it is said tho man that
makes no mistakes makes nothing
else. A number of important ques-
tions are expected to require your
i aa.reful attention during the Fear.
among ot her t liners (111.1 supply of
water to etotne of our factories.
Iferctofore there 11:a sbeen ro sys-
tem adapted whereby they could
make any estimate of the amount of
water being consumed. and when the
collector wont .around to collect the
rates there was dispute and dissatis-
faction on every hand. I would re-
oomnend that you take the matter
up et your earliest convenience and
try to ascertain if possible the actual
taost of supplying the water, and I
understand that each of the compan=
ies •concerned are wilLin; to put 'in
meters it our figures are satisfactory,
and when wo set the price alio' to
it 'no matter what people have to
say about it.
ltoadmakin;.—The next - item I
wish to call your attention to is the
making of our roads or streets. The
List 'few years the ;ravel put on
our streets was only money thrown
away. It is put on in the fall and
scraped up and drown away in tho
sprin„ and I strongly advise tho
usiis of crushed stone and I would nr xt meetutg. The council W-119
ask your deliberations as to whether unanimous in the opinion that it
it would be better for a town to 'sur- would be ,mere in the Interests of
chase a stone crusher of its own ur
give name person a contrnct suf-
(icntly lane to warrant them
brin;in; one to town .
You will also be asked to consider
the advisability of conferring with
the G.T.R. otfioials to see on what
terms we can oet there to run e
spur of their line down to tIto centre
of the town and thus save the town
a large expense in keeping up the
atreets f•or tlic long haul of heavy
The Cemetery.—It seems to me
gentlemen that the expenses of the
cemetery corn be great ly reduced
witlaut deteriorating it s leouty in
any way.
There aro a number of industries
which I think we txtn ..Tet to locate
here by holdii; out some induce-
ments to them and I consider it ad-
visable to hold out snob inducements
which I will make known plainly to
you When the proper time cones.
Town !tall Debt.—This year the
debenture.% of the Town lull fall due
rind (you will be called upon to pro -
fide for thein. They amount to some
130,7;00. I find that we hove already
laid some ¢0000 in iatterest on this
Town 1u11 and not one dollar in
l.rineip:tl. In the yen 1896 I hal
EXETER COUNCIL that Mr, Joseph Semlecr bt: reappoint-
. ed cletrk. ;lir. Fuko ontended tb,'It
he considered Mr. Senior had filled
The members of the new council the duties or the office consoientious,
ly and well and for those retsons
held their :first meeting in the noun- made a motion for his reappointment
cit chamber Wednesday evening of 1'he amendment texts seconded by i ver don Jan. 1st a brown Re-
week and starice! in on t'?,eir (kunoillor 't'ible, tricrli dog, answers to tho name of
"l'urLic." Any information of his arduous duties with a detorrninatiorl Council/_. Creech desired that his tvhereab. outs trill be gladly reoeiced
to show the people of Exeter that nation he put on roow'd. Councillor by Abe \V.alker, Crediton.
W. J. Ile. ono 11, in s0001Lclina the
their eoonfidotveo tial rot been mil- motion of Aft. Creech stated that, \1r. llaru.u• Greenwood, who was
placed. as it tw.ts t he intent:on to ask dor elected member of the British Par -
Reeve I}obior congratulated the optLelations tor the other offices, lie Lament, is a brother of tho editor
members and welcomed them to the thought the ,office of Clorkahip of the London Frec Press. Mr.
should he included in the list. Ile Greciwcod was a fellow student of
e'oun.cil• . stated the .members of the council
Gentlemen of the Council.—Allow board were all now men and erm-
ine to extend to you a cordial wel- sidered 'it their duty to make all
come to the Council boar dfar 1900 .appointments 'anew ea that the dif-
ferent s:vksr'cd ofLie'.tls would a
ame to the Council board for 1906 nreciate the fact that the represeu
and also con;ratulate you on your
election ,cls Council of the village of
Exeter, ond lassure you 0nt itue
that I consider it a ,great honor that
I am privilc_ed to azt as your Chair -
e print your bills 1
o we you a free ad in our rale r';
ter colmmne which is worth wh
you pay for your bills alone.
4....••..•N4NNNN•NN• N•N•N•N•NN•H•NNN
A Flying Start for 1906
Our AIM has always been to make JAN U.
Aft SALES compare favorably with other
maths of the year, so we will not complain
of the lack of snow or too much snow. We
Wish to be able to say that trade has been
good with us during the month of January.
So we desire to draw your attention to the
following leading lines in Dress Goods just
ipley's Pirle Finish
Chiffon Amazon
Chiffon Broadcloth
In all the leading shades.
Fancy Tweeds
f dow Checks, Plain and
cy Lnstres and Mohairs.
•Grey the Leading Color.
In Different Shades.
Our New Prints have
ed, also Chambrays,
hams and Fancy White
A Gentle Reminder
We are selling all our
Men's Fur Coats and Caps,
Ladies' Astrachan Jackets,
Ruffs, Caperines. &c., at a
discount of 25 per cent.
Toward & Bloomfield's
Winchelsea, Ontario.
mmences MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 1906.
Special cash prices for two weeks,
goods sold at rednced prices except for
bargains will prevail. throughout the en=
stock of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes,
kery, Glassware, Wall Papers
and Clothing.
Mr. J. G. Stanbut'y %thise attendin,
1 Toronto.
the,ui%•crsit et
The hockey match scheduled be-
tween London :and Goderirh on 'Tues-
day ni, hl at Godtsrich was called ore
Lives rslected by the people are the on account of lack a ice. A nuirlr's-
OTICs %%110 :OK; ltc•Id responsible for
of Exeter :rooters were disappointdil
the acts of commission and .omission as arrangements had been made to
of those ,appointed by them. Ile be-
lieves the in ely-in; an employee what Mi... 1. J. Knight very pleas -fitly
he is worth and 110 more. entertained it number of her lady
The ralpplitoativens ore to be in by friends to an afternoon musical.. at
the 17th. her home Tuesday. About th1 ty
Thf .motion of Mr. Creech was were present. Miss Lilla Johns c Od
c,lrried. .\1n•s. Colliers ;ave severtl very pit ts-
The natter of appointer; auditors in; instrumental :elections, w•`u!e
few the r.ontin; yeas teas the next glias Amey Johns in a very acceptelee
hin; 011 the pro;r:un. t1 r. C. Suet!'
manner, rendered vocal solos.
Sr., nominated nasmrtcd by tiro c Mr .\V, Rosedale, of Osborne, has
end Mr. W. D. Wei kes by tho reeve ., ban that is str1t(fe, tit; 'to cyte, lisp
Both appointments were. opproved.I'
the salary to bo $12 a year. u re4Ord for early hatching-. Set:-
The appointing of •a representative oral weeks ago elle disappeared and
an the Library hoard was laid over cru Christmas day brought forth
until the next meeting.. w• ere
chick. Eleven broken shells
stere 'found show,ino that the mat -
Messrs. 'F. W. G1:tdman and Dr. reply fowl had hatched every e33 -
Anderson were appointed as meal- The thicks are doing well.
bees of the cemetery board, th^ nmem.
her representing the Council to bo The weather n.an evidently ar-
appointed at a later date. rived at the conclusion that the open
Mr. S. Sanders a member of the weather wo have been enj)yirt, was
Board of health, rent in a written too muolr of a snap for us and that
resi,gn•Ition, and as he represented the cont and ice mon were becoming
the lower aid of the town, Mr. T. B. financially embarrassed front lack of
Carlin; was appointed to the tacan- trade. On M.oiulny ho gave us a
cy. drizzling rain, clinch was turned into
Councillor !teams❑ rose to an old fashioned blizzard on Tuesday.
;t point of order to asccr_ The merchants had a very unlTrofit-
ta.in it the Board of Ifealth has any able day, the shoppers preferring the
authority to take steps towards abat- warm fireside to the strenuous
in; tyuch nuisclnces as oaused the weather out of doors.
stench which permeated the atmos- tiT;t jor Layborn, D. S. A. leaden,
phero in the down town district for of 'Military District No. 1, was in
several day's during the last fall. It y
so he was desirous of having a board Exeter Monday nicht, and in corn -
that would look otter such matters 11:0)Y with Lieut. W. J. Heiman,
The appointment of pound -keepers
• an inspection of the arms and
was one of the 'natters to ho dealt ammunition of the local company.
with. Mr. Jacobi, the present cus- Major Layborn stated that the Mil-
itia of the pound at the north end ilia Department (0 1'KOme time past
of the town w is reappointed stale, have been y ,'mng os
the :wool:lam'nt of this lower end seams for tbusrinsport (ooltir Tuihlitraes and
ry ser-
deferred until the next meet- vice to be called upon in Unice of
inso that the council members °:ttiorutl emit';ency. Wagons and a
rwttld tied someone %who his suitable minute description of the horses are
quarters and is milling to scrtc incl will be inspected once
The appaintin nt of a medical a year by a staff officer of rho "dis-
hnalth offtoer •%was Laid over unti!< i.rict. If the iniltet tcra proses sat-
isfactory, $:}, equivalent to one day's
se.r%ice pay, is paid. The leerses must
b ._f good proportions, weirtena. not
less than 1,200 lbs. and upwards,
serviceable and slot too old. Two
hundred wagons arc required to be
enrolled in No. 1 military district.
and these apportioned :Ind selected
from different parts of the respeo-
live counties waked,' the different
re gltnettts are Kit u:1t01, 57' 1ltany It:t g-
uns bein.1 detailed as re;'ment ai
transtxv't ro (<tch corps.
the town to pay a physician n rea-
sonable salary to look after the ills
of 'indigents and of epideunic oases
than to have an overflow of doctor's
bills at the end of the year.
Samuel Sanders, Sr., John Gill and
W. J. Bissett were appointed fence -
viewers for the municipality.
The water teeter business with
which the former council became
en(an_Ied 0:1111e up before the board.
The cost of pumping Was ,gorse into
thorouthly. The measurements of
the town tanks were taken aown,
multiplied bock words, upwtards and
downwards, squared, cubed and di-
vided half a dozen way's, the final
result bbeir.f that about 15 cants per
thous Ind ,r,illons would he about
the. right floury. 1lowever the mat-
ter will not be decided until the atcxt
The town [lock, twh:rh has been
acting badly of late owing to the
weather. ra.ute in for its share oC at-
tention. The ocenicillors all agreed
that the ,clo^k WAS not at all times
;1 proper .zuicl•tnee for those it hose
intentiens were to retire or iriso
e Irly, hut that if glass covet in es
could the sheared for its faces, the
works aright take a notion to he -
love themselves. Estimates will be
the honor of bring sleeve of this vtI- asked for es to the cost os the touch
Lege •and my council looked forward desired coverings.
to the maturity of these debentures The matter of a grant to the Chi:-
hinand provided a sinking fund for the dren's Free hospit tl t•. is deferred.
wine and passed a by-law that one councillor Enke recommended that
null on the dollar should be set aside the .council be divided into commit -
c debentures '1 d tmembers
a i n alit th c[ t
firm that time c I tees, so tlrtt t1M diffrT n
1 n we
to - day ;rent cn e c n per-
t d t< d, e• r ut1 t
Itsmateti n y would have eel- 1 I
Ince the sum <.[ +4,004 to our credit, forth and thus avoid confusion. The
I(.tc1.n4 still $1900 whet) you will be (1rmntittecs will ire appointed later
asked to provide for in some men- c,n, is %till also the aItev for the
ner or other. In conclusion i wish meetinrs of the crane:!.
to say a few woods in regard to our The council tl dcoune the t'abl'e to
town officers. if the present of- attend the nle,Ie jrt. 1:•1:' bre, to
[leers have proved good and faithful for arises to his feet, when dis-
eervioo 1 would recommend that they cussing any queatir.n, so flint be tray
be re-engaged, as lay own experience be heard in any t titionO'l,'0 oftt the Ilirty
is the1)c longer1)a mak is in my em- The newspapers 417 ' to have a tattle
ploys, sand the
it knots about ney set aside ,for the, r represent at it. as
business and th, ty I tc.lnt it done, while attending the meet ill :a.
but as soon as he thinks he owns
the business and cotnmences to die- ; The following accounts we ie i is,
then I draw 1Ite line. Now `ed and eiders drawn on the (10 444
.e 11(1(0)431) you are all good men un- 1 firer (:.r.tlie same :.1. Gri!I. suppose,
tried and 1 would ask you to ,c- I $5.10: It. N. Creenh. 1). it. 0.. $2.011;
spec! the ('hair and cues you have Jas. \Vicekcs• 1). 11. 0, and bexrt1),
any motion to nitke or anything toI81.00: A. G. Iyer. 1). R. O. 82.110: G.
sty 1 Heald ask jou to rise elo yourI I1. Bisset t..1). 1t. O..$ 2 : iii 11 Hand -
;14111 by so doing you will makeford,ford, tooth, $2 : .1mA. ('obbledi.:k.
better debates and any visitors ehell 1 booth. $2: Tunes office, printing bai-
t' .1
tices 4'1.:.1
may Ihr• present can hell what is lots, $7.011. 000141:1
zoinr on Anil ace that the business of and statement etc, $12.40: Mieticit,11
the town is conducted o;..:n and ' Wo:'d, eleot.ictn sttt•plica and debett• are of Dallu Oecurance.
above IsrlrI l would alae rr taro [n: ins, *0.50; :hos. cy,
The Presbytery Of Huron met in
Willis church, Clinton, on the 10th
Inst, Dr. S1eltar t, Mn'It'r it or, pre-
sidirrg. The Revels. .1. ('. Robertson,
Sabbath School Secret cry of 'Toronto,
and Joseph Elliott, of Gielcrieh, }w-
ino present. were asked to sit as
corresponding ntetnbet's. Session re -
cod+ were examined and attested as
correct. Grants towards Auement.
veil can_rcgalinnv were passed, the
amounts to be the Pante as fast year.
A catnntunieation from the Presby-
tery of M tittunl re a summer
:•^11001 in hrhalf of Sibbath school
work twos ac+r.e.iwcd ctnil the Presby-
tery decided to co-operate in the
ma(tcr. The (101511rer, }rev. Mr.
Shaw reported that there was a bal-
ance in the Presbytery fund of $32.
The auditors hating e'.1111ned the
treasurer's balks, the Presbytery
-,dnp1ed the report. lire. Tho%. 1)t-
widson 'gave a brief summary of his
report on Sabbath Schwalm, which
showed an ieereasc in the number of
scholars for the past year and an
inrreese in the e(.ntributioni n( the
several schools. lice. .1. C. Robert-
•r,n, of Toronto, :if terw'ards addressed
tIt, Presbytery ^1111 ((berg interest•',!
i11 83111410t sc tools retarding .reef-
er attentia•1 to the teinhcr's train-
ing work and the rntnmitt'.ng to
memory of t'erel•tnre and the Shorter
(atechis,n •1nd tom, then diplomas
granted by the G••r'er.tl Assembly for
the same. The Presbytery' e.sseil :t
les4,l11110n 1)1114(141! ,Tr. Robert Fele
f •r )Ia rsen•Ilent .idds, •111:rec1 idi-
jenrtvd to meet :Iznin in CI)ntnn nn
\T Melt et h.
Lt the streets of Every City
flccidents to L116 and Limbs
commend that each of the council I'bor, .f300; Geo. Cudrno:••. iln•..
hoe a stn ill table •,f 1115 own as 1 1 $2.01: \int. 11:bmacombe, 1,i,or, $2.'(I;
the Clerk and myself trill use the amounting to $53.15. Passed 00
1 1t :e t tbit. mot ion of W..1. lie 'mon, r.e'.oroled te-
The first neater to be taken upon, F.d. Trclrle.
the (,'exk's order sheet hitt Ile' ;tp•'
i0intil•2 of the ri.ffoient offers for
the ;vies. The r plxs;i b!' c es
was C A STO R I A
Olerk wan rho (lint to b^ ons:,:crcd.
(k»tr.Ounr Creech :novrd that the j Accident & Surety Company
Clerk odterlise Jor opp!icants for For Infants and Children.
the IraqiKtns ee (;r. Tr cele nt The Kind You Nara Almon Bought
Strccl Gommir•%iotrer, and Caretaker '■
of t hr cemetery 1n•1 t ru int
:.ffreer, :nd tenders for bell
rinrin:, printing, et e 1ic(orc
the motion was seconded, Coun-,
eviller Enke offered an astendmcn
Protect Your Family by Se-
curing a Policy from
Bears the
attire of
A Canadian Co:1°ern.
The Golden West
1116 oi GolUdil OflportoffltIBs,
General Selling Agent. for C. P. R. Lands.
We have a number of Beautiful Sections of C. P. R. Land, which we are
offering at C. P. R. prices. These lands are situated on the new branches of
the Canadian Pacific Railway and are bound to advance in price. Now is the
time to make your selection. $.4z7.00 down secures you a good 32o acres.
We are also offering 25 Improved and Unimproved Farms, all conveni-
ently situated to Railway Stations, prices range from $10 to $23 per acre, if
you contemplate removing to the West, see us, we have the farm to suit you
A man and his wife to take charge of a large farm in
the West, good wages to the right people. . -:
Also good farmer to work a large farm on shares,
would require to have about $3000.00 capital. This is
a grand opportunity for a good man,
It is estimated that one hundred and fifty thousand Americans will emi-
grate to the Canadian North West during the coming season. The Ameri-
cans know a good thing when they see it.
Are You Going to Have a Share
of the best wheat land in creation ? If so, move quick. Prices will be much
higher in the spring.
Information regarding the various lands we are offering will be cheerfnlly
given. Write, or see us personally.
General Selling Agent for C. P. R. Lands.
Office at Residence, — — Exeter, Ont.
Reductions in Furniture
Having purchased the stock of W. C. Huston and in order to
reduce the same before removing it to our warerooms we will offer
for the next two weeks, the entire stock of furniture, comprising
Kitchen, Diningroom, Bedroom, Drawingroom and Hall Furniture.
Also many odd pieces and rockers at a great reduction.
Call and see the many bargains we are offering
Furniture Dealers and Funeral directors, Exeter, Ontario.
can't be trifled with. If you don't stop
them at. once, your life may pay the
penalty of your neglect.
should be applied. Tell us your symp-
toms and we will prescribe the proper
remedy. It's a good idea to have them
on hand. Take our advice and lay in
a supply of planters and liniments.
Western Real Esta to
Exchange, Limited.
W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B.
Chemist and Optician.
Phone 50. EXETER., ONTARIO. 1
78 Dundas St., London
Have you a farm that you want
to sollf Write for our terms ot eel-
lin3 property. We have the most
complete method of advertising and
sell -in.; property in Canada. Do you
want to buy a farm or business
property in any part of Ontario?
Send for uur list. \Ve have some
bar gain,
North-west Land Agents*
Selected Wild and Improved Lands
In some of the best parts of the
It will be worth your while seeing us
before purchasing.
We give purchasers until first of June
to select their lands.
Office opposite Central Hotel
We need the room and money.
Regular Prices $3'2.00 now $28 00.
1 Second llrind Beater $ 9.00.
1 s u r l `;VRN $20.00.
2 " Wood Cooks $4-$6.
All kinds of Furnace, Tin and Galvanized
iron Work Promptly Attended to.
in all its Branches at Reasonable Prices.