Exeter Times, 1905-12-21, Page 141 , i to.. ter. of course we busy and laid in ea 1 Sot showed up. the coo way out of the bore's our propositi • SAVE 8OME MONEY? Here's your tostue.r are overloaded with all kinds of furs. it happened local weather prophet who has always bas vs 7 SWOP, he came to us earls predicting a very ssveei ' kinds of faith in the old fellow. W. bustled Rs$ stock of all kinds of fun. The severe winger bas • are loaded.. Teel overloaded with fun. Only • at we know of. Down with the prices. Well 20 P R CENT. OFF Any Fur Garment in the BIG STOR E THIS 20 PER CBNT DIBCbJNT applies to all fu -Coats, Caps. CCol- lar.). huffs. Capel lora. Gau theta and fur lined caps. Wr have in stock about sr nty fur coats for men and women. Men's Coon Co'.ru. Mr..'s Corsican Lamb Coats. Men's Beaverized Coat. Yen's Swamp Wallaby Coate, Men's Brush Wallaby (;oats. Men's Rock Wallaby Coate. Men's Natural Australian Calf (}vxti. Men's Prussian Calf Coat., Men's Ter Lined Coats. all at 20 per cent below our regular dose price. Women's Persian Iamb Coats, Vt'cri4q's Coon Coats. Women's Bokaran Costa, Wouten's Astrachan Coats, Woolen's Near Seed r3osts, all m per cant. below our regular close price. Women's' Fur Lined Capes ani Men's Fur Collars at 20 pea cent. off. Yes, Fur Ruffs of all kinds. Fur Caps of all kinds. Fur Mitts and Gaunt beta all at 30 l,rr cent. off. And last but not least the best lot of Children's and Girl's Grey Persian Lamb Collars. Cap.rines and Caps that you'll see this season, all at the same IIIblg i/eduction of 20 per cent. off Come quick and maksour seteetions the caving will be all yours. the loss ours. but then we won't lie:. we haus Net dosed the beat year we have ever had. Fs►rm 1vnoduce ria.g just as goad as old .and we want all tt..► produce we nun wet. J. ., A - ST -+ W.A, RT Our Show Window a little SPO this week Take a look. is S. FITrON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. TAKE YOUR TIME When you are ready to look, we ate ready to show you. When you are ready to buy, we are ready to sell. Zf you are in a hurry, so will, we �� MADE TO ORDMR CLOTtUUNG blade with care, with style, to fit, to please. And at no time do you pay more than the lowest t�ible prices. W. INT. Z'Siaia 1Mwrolis ant Taller. Wanted,_.One hundred more young trten and wan - so, who are ambitious and eaterpris- ht to qualify in the alf#A6finjarir. TOAONTO, O21T. COR. YONGE ! ALEXANDER STI For the many posWons open to all those who are thoroughlypre- red to accept theta. pre- pared sit atontbe' routes in this Moans fora young man of right kind. an educational equip- alteat better than many trades or professions to money earning uowee Students admitted at any Nme,Circulars free. W. J. ELLIOTT, PrindpaL WINCHELSEA Mrs. Joe White and daughter Francis are the •guests of Mrs. White's sister. Miss Gertie Millar this week. Mears. Bloomfield and Coward tbs new merchants of Winebetses, bave not as yet taken possession. At s present two ot Mr. Jones' former 1 s Marks. Mr. Clark sod Mr. Wijatx, ore mausginr the bnainess. School is now in fell swing arida in our village. The boys are tbepe 1. their tavvrits sport football. TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual adv. tisamentr accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY, JAN. llth. 1906 LOCALS *NOON* 5NNN• Miss Jackson spent Monday in Landon. Mrs. Marchand, is visiting rela- tives elytives in Buffalo. Mr. Will Moneur spent Sunday with lie parents. Mrs. Reimer visited friends in London on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Roes, of Stratbroy, are visiting Mrs. Eacrett. Miss Katie Massifs lett Monday for a two weeks vacation. Mre .MeOollou;h was the guest of Mrs. John Pedlar Last week. Master Leon Treble is confined to his home through illness. A erpeaiai son; sermon was .jives in the Main street church Sunday even- ing. Mr. .and hire. A. Holland are spending a couple of weeks to Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. Bungle' Gidley, of Blyth, vialted this pare its Sunday last. Mrs. John Kerry and children. of Tilbury, are visiting Mrs. Norry's rather. Eli Snell. Miss Georgia Bonthron. of Toron- to. is visiting her aunt. Mrs. Collins, on James arteet. Mrs. Billings, who was oontined to her mom through rheumatism, is considerably better. Miss Marian tElston. of Parkhill, and MIss Dinah Elston of Fergus, are home tor the holidays, Miss Eethelta Sweet. milliner for a firm et Acton. is visiting relatives here during the holidays. Messrs. John Hunter and Geo. Horton have aeeepted the agency for the McCormiek Harvester Co. Mrs. MorLook visited her sister. Mra. Wright. of London. who is ser- iously ill. the forepart ot the week. Mrs. Goodison, of Sarnia, wbo has been visiting her mother. Mrs. D. Johns, returned home on Saturday Mies Mary Murray. who wan riot- ing ttriiende in Winjham. during' the holidays returned home an Thursday. Mr. Wm. Sweet. jr., intends mov- ing too tit. Catharines where he will no extensively into tenets() rumen;. Miss Lillie Willis. of (Marlette, Mich. who baa been visit:i:t friends in 51. town returned home on Batnrday 11 Mrs. Wm. Wilson, who bas been visiting her father, Mr. H. C. Hor- ne,. tett Mooday for her home in Petrolea. Masers. Pbplestone & Gardiner have taken possession of their new store in Blyth, formerly owned by McKinnon & Co. Sharman, the healer. was in Sea - forth last week. but aceordin; to re- ports. Iris visit was not as fruitful as hie Rivet one. 8peeiai eerviees are bein; held in the James street ebureh. Rev. G. W. Andrews. of Centralia. i5 conducting them this week . DR. OVENS, Eye and Ear Surgeon, will beet the Commereisl Hotel the first Friday at each month. Hours 1.30 p. m. toe p m. Glasses proper. ly fitted end diseases of eye, ear and nose treated. Next visit Friday January 5th. Dr. Dauer, Leaden, w111 be at the Matra! Rotel. Exeter. *it Thursday December lilt b. 1905. all day ter Eye. Ear. Ked sad Throat son - siltation. hies tested and plasm applied. TO OURS A GOLD IN ONE DAT Take Dually* Droste (taints* Tab - lats. A11 dr7aa1.te tefaad tbs mea - l1 it fells to etre. iR W. Groves .l iters is on cask hex. Ms. is ees.ed .. dot wet term. Esatrieo Steiabaels. of Zurich is loll Mrs. Fred Fisher. Mi Maud Hodgins. of Kingsville, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Itobt. M draifs. Miss Lulu Essery. of Crediton, was the guest of Mr. and Mra. W. ►C. Ruston this week. The emotion of officers of the Ste- phen & t,ntanne Agricultural society wigs held in the Town Hail yesterday. Miss Vella Miller. of Guelph. will address the Waeaaa's Institute in the Opera House Fre'c afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. 1 The weather mob has awakened (nom his Rip Van Winkle slumber, and is aurnishin; us with genuine winter weather. Mias Lyda Oke. of Toronto. ha■ been spending a few days with her bnother-iu-law, Mr. Joseph Ilawkin reeve of Usborne. - Mrs. Bert Ilean►an, . of Landon. who visited Mr. and Mrs. W. .1. Ilez.mu.n. during the holidays, lett for her lame on Boturday. Miss May Wood lett Thursday for London for n few weeks. While there she will consult a open/sled re- garding her throat. Mr. r.nd Mrs. Geo. Crawley. wbo spent a two week's pleasant visit in London. returned home on Wednes- day of Let week. Mia; L. Brimacombe, of Killarney. Man., is on a three months visit with her sister;. Mrs. Jas. Howard and Mra. Chas. Wilson. of . wn. Mrs. E. .L Spackman and daughter Miss Stella, left on Thursday last to visit London friends for a week be- fore ,going to their new home in To- ronto. The Misses Jaynes, of Oalaary. who spent the Christmas botidays with Miss Johns, returned to Whitby Col- , lege on Monday to resume their stud- ' Lea. Piano tor Male. -A new piano by first class l a.ker. Will take horse upon it ; must be Bound and not too old Easy terms for balance. Boz 20, St. Marys. According to the registrations re- ceived by the Clerk of Hay township there were during the year 1905, 75 births. 31 deaths and 33 ma.rria;es in the township. Mr. Wilbur Cudmore, who has been in Crystal City, Man.. for the past few years. returned home last week on .a visit and has been 'stricken down with a severe attack of ery- sipelas. Mis. biennia; and Miss Mannia3. of Bownranvi.11e. are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart. Wed- nesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Stewart entertained a number ql their friends in honor of their visitors. . Mrs. Richard Pickard and Wise Jeanie. leave this week for Brantford to visit Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Verity. bebre the departure of Ve-ity to Australia. where he intends I.v renesio for seven! months. Mr. Verity will leave csa Monday. The 'newly elected council took tot► oath of office at the Town .Hall, Moadsy morning and edjeuroed to meet Wedoseday eveslisag, when they will outline their work for the *m- in; year. Rev. Martin opened the meeting with prayer. Mr. Arthur Warier;, nrtadusjt ot A. H. Lofft & Co.. Bt. Maryse has been made manager of the dry Goode department of Jones & Clark. Mr. Waring lads had leonaiderebte ex- perience in dealing with the public• and comes hi;hly .reeonmeaded. Oouoduetor McKenzie has been ate pointed successor to Ur. John Quirk who tor tears bad charge of one of the passenger trains on the L. H. & B. division of the G. T. IL Conduc- tor McKenzie formerly rasa on one of the branebes out of Toronto. Hicks-lA'igbt.-A very pretty wed- ding was celebrated at Union. near Bt. Thomas. on Tuesday. when Rev. R. Iiicke, of Windsor. was married to Miss Haight. Mr. Hicks spent a few days of last week visiting his parents in Elimville and Mende in Exeter. One of our esteemed anbeeriber■ the other dty, in speaking of the auction safes of tam stock bald Bur- in; the .past fall, said he had attend- ed several said noticed that those who lad 'advertised the list of ar- t4cles to be mold in the newspapers bad the adost suoeessfut plc.. The first curling match we as- sume. ever played in Ewer was played at the rink Saturday night. The management of the rink bas secured six ;pairs of stones. and a friendly 'game was scheduled. Th. rinks were skipped by Messrs. Muir and Hurdon, resulting in favor of the former by a score of 18 to 14. Mr. W. C. Huston, who for lite past Rive years hos been enrryin; on a furniture and undertaking estab- lishment in Exeter, on Monday dis- posed or his business to Rowe & Atkinson. Mr. Huston has not yet decided what he will engage in. He has bed several flattering offers and it is possible he will fro to the Northwest or New Ontario. Joseph Pbiltips, p esldent of the York County Loan :.red Savin;s Corn- rany wase arrested in Toronto about 5 o'eloek Monday afternoon. The ar. rest ens made by 1 .ronto detectives end &stowed upon instructions to Crown Attorney Curry by Hon. Mr. Foy. the Attorney -General. The Mt• ter's deeis& n to order seeh action was tbe result of findings set forth in the interim report o9 Mr. W. I1. Criose, who made an investigation for the Government of the affairs of tbe company. The information on which the wnrront for the arrest was issued alleges that the a.oeused conspired with others, whose names are unknown. "by deceit, falsehood and fraudulent means, to defraud the public." Mr. Phillips was re- leased on $5,000 bail. Notice. i desire to have ..1i MEP est. tied up by the moth d January on aeennlnt of ksving town. I will on at the tomer office of Mr. B. 8. O'Neil, until them date. Thew are- ments mutt hely Oe wetted. E. J. SPACEMAN. 1I#IL ALE OF FU $60.00 30,00 28.00 2S o0 So 0o Women's 45.00 35.00 3o 00 0o Men's Men's " .s ur Coats . 4. 25.00 64•' 22.00 di a 114di20.00 N u u 42.00 ... 46 id 38.00 44 .. ,. 29.50 44 .. .. 25.00 i. .. 6roo 5'00 4 ., 4.00 4.00 .. .. 300 15.00 H " 12.00 13.00 " .. .. 0 9•0 10.00 Si .. " 7.50 900 .. .. .. 6.5o 7.50 14 44 5.75 6.00 .. .. 00 15.00 .. .. 11.50 12.00 it is _ ., 9.75 10.00 8.00 " .4 6.0o " „ for ., ,. ., 4' Caps " Rubs 14 Women's ./ .. u Cam nes i" " .. " " '1 12.00 8.00 6.00 Child's " Grey Lamb " Grey Lamb ,. „ ,. it ,. ., Pt 8.00 6.00 3.75 9.00 6.00 4.50 These Furs are all First Class AN this Season's Buying Come and Cet an Easy Choice S1N'EI..21.6 & ROWE Market Report. -The following is the report of Exeter markets. cor- rected up to Jan. llth. Wheat 75 to 78 outs per bushel. Barley, 43 to 45 cents per bushel. Peau. 60 to 65 Dents a °umbel. Oats. 32 to 33 eenta. Shorts, $18 to $20. Bran, $16 per ton. Feed Flour. *1.25 per .wt. Flour, $2.25 per ewt. Butter, 20 cents a pound. Eggs 22n. a dos. Onions. 60c. per bushel. Clover seed $5 to $6 a bun. Chicken. young. 8e. per lb. Ducks, 10 cents a lb. Geese, 10 cents a Ib. Turkeys, 12 to 14 own! a Hoes. lire, $6 a cwt. Hors, dressed $8 a ewt. O..1, $6.75 a ban. 174y. $7 per ►ton. Potatoes, s, 75 Beate per te4. reaed Apples 4 Mate . lb, 4 Ladies ahould use Medicinal Jelly as a delicate application to hands and Mace. sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. Feed Improved English Stock Food to fatten stock, beet and cheapest on the market. sold by C. Lute, Exeter. itt. Melvitle Howey and C. W. Moneta returned is their studies at Toronto College of Phaymacy )sat week. Rev. Locke. formerly of Exeter. wbo was prevented through illness from taking up his charge at Kin- cardine, preached bin first sermon there on Deo. 30th. The Goderioh Star has panned the 47th milestone of its career. The &age 4s one of our most valued ex. *hafting. and we wish it tbe contin- ued prosperity it has enjoyed in the past. In Last week's issue we stated that an indpient fire started et the Lome of John Hunter, caused by the coil - in; paper becoming united by the pipe leading to the furxaaee. This was a mistake. The fire was caused by the accumulation of loot in the chimney setting afire and burning the Viper. The furnace ie a new one and Mr. Ilunter says it is in excel- lent workinr; order. Wornane' institute. - The regular meeting of the Woman's Institute was held in the Town Hall, on Fria day. Jan. 5th. This meatier; was ex- ceptionally well attended. The Pres- ident. Mies Halls. gave a very ex- haustive retort et the preseedines of the convention held at Guelph. which shows a very rapid growth during the poet year. The report =leen in minute detail by Mias Halls at the meeting but is hers aivea in concise Corm. The fourthannual eonventbc of the Woman's Institute was held at Guelph on Dec. 13th sod 14th. The attendance was much in advance or former years, ever three hundred delegates registered, and large numbers attended who were not delegates. The work all over the I'rovinee ie .irt ' a liourisbine condition. Note the following ins- ures: membership for the year 194/4. 5.433. for the year 1905. 8.000; meet- ings held in 1904, 06e. is 10116. 1.415. Addresses were delivered by Presi- dent G. C. Creelman,8nperioteadent G. A. Putman. Hon. Nelson Monteith, Minister of Agriculture for Ontario. and Dr. J. W. !Robertson. The lady speakers were Mins Laura hoes, Guelph. subject 'The womanly sphere of woman" Dr. Hetes Mo- Murehie. of Toronto. en "Patent Medicines." showing the fraud and+ evil .resulting from their nee. A resolution was panned nsking the Government to investigate and take action In the matter. Dr. Aunts /lakes, of Aylmer. gave an address and * number Of instructive papers were read by prominent institute workers throQugh the Dominion end discussion oil' the sante. Arrange- ments were made for holding a pub- lic meeting M the Opere House. Pie- ter, on Friday Jeue lttb at 1.30 o'eloek at which Mrs. Bella Millet. of Guelph. will address the meeting. All are .cordially invited to attend. CLYDESDALE STOCK FOOD 1Oa BALM HT PETER FRAYNE, Barna. A BOLGER. Braun. J. POWELL. Barran./ A . SCRUTON, HaxsALL.l A. CHARM/WORTH & Soar, Zvaloa. J PREETER. Zu tl t. JONES A ULARK. WINCRILaa A. The old way to care a odd The New Way tak e Howey's "Cure a Cold" Capsules Only $ cents a box. PAHTIOIJ LAN PEOPLE vsB "Princess" FLOUR for Pastry AND STAR'' FLOUR for Bread. VARVE YBROS. Merchant Millers EXETER, ONTARIO. READY FOR THE NEW YEAR We wits lo infanta you that we have a floe stock of groceries for New Year use. The Mincemeat The Pudding The Cake 4 Ib. of relishes for rbc. T lb: of eager for $1.00 Currants. drained peel. shelled a1• .belled walnuts. raw sugar amticortine stock of CandE for Xmas. We have also a full reapply of flour on hated aad have tires kinds for you to hated from. Give us a call sod you will Gad it the cheapest place in town. S. HARDY & SON Don't Monkey with that Cough use HOWEY'S Cherry Cordial Only Zeta a Bottle. STOC c3l1 KING We are now b ick Taking prepared to give y , e extra bail Winter Goods. Dol, et these I 3 1 1 3 2 4 2 2 only $25 Men's D only *22 Men's Do only $38 Ladies' Curl only $7 Persian Lamb i data for =t7. ;w►� for .vats 'fo only $5 Persian Latut Caps only $5 o" Caps only $7 Ne_ only $8 Neck Ruff for for for for .60 $ 3.25 $ 3.24 4.5t' $ 6.00 All other Winter goods at Stock Takia rices Overcoats at your own price. CARIJrNC-I- BP OS.e wpm YORK GOUNTY LOAN and Sonless Company. Sharcilokiers' dilO Deposilors' Certificates and Passbooks will be received at all branches of the SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA All necessary payments and trarlskrs of money naade free of charge. CREDiTON, HASMWOOD. ZURICH!. MENSALL, EXITIR JOSEPH KNELL. Manager. GLADMAN i STANBUET. &Helton. CUPID WINS OUT Lindenfieid - Graham - A very pretty church wedding boas cere- brated at Goderieh, yesterday. (Wed- nesday) mornio•; at six o'clock by Rev. Fr. MeRae when Miss Gertr.de F. Graham. daughter of Edward Graham, of Goderiob, was married to Mr. Chas. tLindenlield head clerk Cor Mr. J. A. Stewart Exeter. The bride wan gowned in a military tailor made suit of broad cloth. After the services were over and amidst the coo ratulatier+.a lot their friends and the usual shower of rice sod old shoes. Mr. and Mrs. Lindenhield boarded the early traio ter a trip to Detroit and either points. Upon their return to Exe- ter they will reside on Huron street. The mater friends of the young cou- ple extend their beet wishes dor a tan;, happy and prosperous future. PATENTS tN4ates/aaR, NO NEW YEAR BfiR6fi1NS 25c Fancy Embroidered or Plain Silk Hdkfs. for 21e 35c Fancy Embroidered or Plain Silk Hdkfs. for 25c 50c Fancy Embroidered or Plain Silk Hdkfs. for 40c. 750 Fancy Embroidered or Plain Silk Hdkfs. for 60o 25c Ladies' Farcy Silk Dollars for 20o 35c and 40o Ladies' FancySilk Collars for 05c 50o Ladies' Fancy Sik Collars for 40o lac Ladies' Fancy Silk Collars for 410o 25c and 35c Fanny Cups and Saucers only loo Two Dinner Sets, 97 pieces, to be sold to the first oustomer, cheap Fanu LffiU Gamb6 t1dts AT AWAY DOWN PRICE 5c Fancy White Handkerchiefs for 4o 10c Fancy White Handkerchiefs for do 121c Fancy White Handkerchiefs for 10c 16c Fatcy White Handkerchiefs for 12e 20c Facey White Hand'ohiefs for 15 & 160 25o Fancy White Handkerchiefs for 210 350 Fancy White Handkerchiefs for 25e Bargains in Furs We will sell our Fur Coats, Caperines, Stoles, !toffs and Fur Caps and all Fur Goods at (creat Discounts. TERMS: -Produce or cask. NaMortu a urs. t)Mina wt PH MIa. Poplestone Gardiner (ine door north of Post Moe. 1