HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-12-21, Page 13oo<'oc0000000
me the door -Cell rang we
t• \\"hen the four:..
ging-rooni teeth V
ne.. Lane's chair,
Is Lure. "I ti i' e
ie Fence the •$
and Quirk Doctored for a Dozen
ears and Thought Ilia Case Incur-
ahlc---Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured Mime
Fortune Harbor, Kill„ Jan. 1.—
(Sperial) —Score of people in this
not t+enfenc but i neighborhood aro living proofs that
string, an in a lex Dodd's Kidney fills cur.: all Kidney
utiful fluffy black bidp.ehist
rear "'ell"'efurwishing fusOfTa3 i ase s from Among` the rnostl right's
es is that of lir. ltichurd
it, \,other•?" asked Greta!d lee gives the stury of it
mull Will and .10111111Yrel- j to the public as follows:
'yvttr: ! "1 suf Bred (or over twenty years
There's nothing on it to show tvho I
Joel as they weerere Irlc:ng the Iire•rt�
sent it,fat I mother st k ; and at intcrVnls V. as totally "aid"t .
i hurried to the doer. ears doctor's treatment, ] had made
from Lumbago and Kidney Disease,tett-table the postman came, and chin! o work. After ten or twelve years
up cry mind that ray eon,olaint was
Russian Soldiers Suffered Agonies
From Cold and
Mr. E. J. Dillon, in Harper's Week-
ly. thus describes some of the horrors
which attended the vier in atanchtiri•t:
"People who have nut witnessed the.
horrors of actual warfare --.end the
present campaign is in many respects
worse than the struggles of former
days—cannot realize the fate that
awaits the unfortunate men who ere.
thus contemned without appeal to die,
Death pure end simple would lee
IDrnt 01 -compaire'i with the destiny
score for thein.
THE F111ST DECIMATION.'From the day on which they take
their places in the railway cars Mel
ordeal continences. Cooped up lii:e
sardines in n lin Lox. they have ton 'A-
tte room, too little air, toe little fool,loo l:tlte exercise, tco little hent in win-
ter. too much in s'irniner. They are
"Here's n pa'kagt for you. 1 th<r. 1(4).;tyle. Reading of cures by net as rill off ns the cavalry liaises in
die one for me," she said. "The gel i Ladd's Kidney l'itls tempted nr,e to ill' wagons next their own. Fatigued,
dress's nre printed on boll[ of Peen, i tobut to my great surprise I had not ry them- 1 did so with little troth, cramped, oral:, e naelated, they are
land 1 can't matte out the postl::uk, coot i whir's I lhreu„ h Siberia, and dumped
yoU?" taken more than half a box before I a' ,orae little slrt_ion in Manchuria,
"No, 1 can't," said Mr. Lane,
relict, nnd atter the use of seven s let's no prenaralicns have been made
leokinrl closely et his package. Th e-1 or eight boxes, I was fully cured anti '0.' thecal. hungry and ihirsly, they
he smiled at Greta, who smiled back! have then to march for miles and miles
at him. (a new man.
in a slranrre nnd difficult country, they
Mr. Lane's package held a queer 01d , "Vevih Uortcl'y Kidney fills cured my ,
Lumbago and Kidney Disease. and,know not whither or wherefore. 1!
fold to l is rr n s t n word pf w tins
• c d to n1n wdh u
book, welch be was glad 1 I l h d one
ell le,Ai . tirr. tn's was a prtly Ince n, the
[,est of it is have stayed
cur- they nre decimated by n slanting hail
collar, 'ist the thing sire needed fee •
her new fimdny gown.
"Deer tae. what n mysterious morn -
Ing!" sail M'. Lane. as he started down
town. "1 hope we rnny find out shout
,. some of these presents before night.'
In the afternoon, just after Nan.,v
lied come home from schen!. there wes
a loud ring at the door -hell, nnd there
stood a Noy with n square pnckage ed-, instincts move along the leisurely ways
dressed to "Miss Tenney Lnne." She! of life. Anything like haste or "en
had to sign her name in the boy's honk. I pressenhcrht" is unknown to the eternal
to show she had received the pnekege.l laws that govern him. This chnructer-
When the wrapper was taken •off.i i.lic of his is evident in all his fictions
there wee. a ho of chocolates,—all1at nil Innes and under ell conceit able
Nancy's favorite kinds. --Cut no cart
to show who had sent. it.
"O-ohl 1 kno-owl" cried Nnncy; nnd
then she hugged the box and sold no-
thing more:
At four o'clock came n furious pest
of the hell. ns if somebody could i -it
wall n minute! 'I'l:ere was the delivery
wagon from the great toy -shop at I1•e i of dust or fly speck, 51:111 mar Them.
e lS n n
the St .. o d a man n t.
n t
door, and t His sociis beautifullynn(fcd are stitched
with Iwo hilt. queerly -sinned bundles.) to perfectinn, his pantaloons, big enough
One wns nd,iressed 10 "Master \\'itlhanl I for a flrobdingnag, are padded. quilled
Lane." and the other to "Master John and ironed until they come forth look -
Lane." Ing like some mysterious fabric of pot.
Will's bundle proved to be the new. fished marble, his jacket likewise and his
e_at 5o1
eves ft
Dress is the Greatest Ambition of His
The Korean Is alcove everything else
a man of the drawing room 00(1 all his
circumstances. Being a drawing roorn
gentleman, dress is the great ambition
of hi, life. From the shoes of his feet
to the topknot on the lop of his head
he is ordered so us to be seen and ad-
mired of Wren.
His shoes during this year of mourn-
ing must he spollescly white. Nn Mein
of bullets. w-hieli seemingly c'1(10 from
nowhere. They cannot reply, fur (here
f: no indication of the enemy's posi-
tion. , The Eskimos r ui a rractte/illy
the same kind of meat as is eaten by
the dogs, so before, leaving the vil-
lage largo quantities of seal and wal-
rus meat must be prepared for the
journey. Commander Peary, accus-
tomed to such food as is found in
temperate clitnatas, must take some
of it with him, but ho will depend
tnainly on the fat and nil of rho
sea mammals already mentioned.
When the sledges are loaded with
the food and the outfit of the party,
which of course will include instru-
ments for scientific observation, the
dogs which carry them on the march
will have need of stout harnesses,
and they will have them. The har-
nesses will be the work of the Es-
kimos. who slake theta very cleverly
of thongs cut from the skins of
arctic anlrnais, with toggles of
ivory which servo the same purpose
as the buckles 011 our horse har-
If the expedition is successful a fair
share of the glory will be given to
tho helpful Eskimos and the fnithlul
dogs, for it is belies('
tlier with arctic exploration that tho
man with the most dogs suet the
best native help is the one Who even-
tually will fly his country s flag front
the north pole.
Wash pcloths
and linoktums with
warm . Vvater and
Sunlight Soap, rinse clein and wipe
dry. The colors will be preserved
and the surface unharmed.
Common soaps fade the colors and
injure the surface. Sunlight Soap cleats, freshens and preserves
-r oilcloths and linoleums,
Sunlight Soap washes clothes white without injury to the most
delicate fabrics, or to the hands, for it contains nothin3 that can
injure either clothes or hands.
Sunlight Soap is better
than other soaps. but is best
when usei in the Sunlight
way (fo'-ow directions).
Equally good with hard
or soft water.
"After that baptisms of fire the real
horrors of war begin. Marches under
a scorching Stitt until the boots drip
orf in shreds, The feet nre swollen and
htceraled, the tongue is parched and
black. and the brain swimming with
incipient madness. Or else it is win-
ter. when the toes, the ears, the nose,
and it may be the checks, are finet-
bitten and dsne red forever, end wh.'n
every snow -heap exerts n weird fascin-
ation over the jaded and drowsy r'e-
dier, who often flings himself sur•ep tt-
tionrsly upon one and enters upon his
long and last sleep.
"But hunger and thh•st are the two
nice -inspiring demons of wear whose
victims are more to be pitied even
than Ugtnlino in his hunger tower. 1
have heart of soldiers who, to quench,
their niaddening thirst as they lay
wounded on the millet-flclds of Man•'
drank human blond. I could
medial -dent t0 ' engine. nt overcoat and wristlet_:. char ,
hurl inukcd with longing Nut only has he it headband. a top- back foneeds t the warere, t toe sctheir me vnativeho nv l -I
Johnny's wns a Magic lantern outfit,
vehicle made him give a loud whoop •)f
r delight.
"I know! I knew!" cried the boys to-
glether. Then they stopped and looked
At s1x o'clock all the Lanes, Nig and
little. were in lite parlor, wailing f:rr
something. Anyboiiv could have told
that from the way they listened Wh"n-
ever a carriage went past, and !hewn)?
Johan rapt running to the window to
pu e the, shade'. self that perhaps he end not suspect- our eyes to commit n heinous ohne' able rose." 'Ms bloom is white in net TormentingCetd that tna.te you wretch-
[ ere tame from the kitchen n most cite His chance come to him at. a All the lull( was done by evil gllnnces' the shade and red in the sun:fg±ht. }Mtttw�m rnvheoDmroirhrcut 10. (.ttaxe`' an a t�e
tleious alar of hot hlscuRs and gin -'picture -gallery, gallery, whore his painting, i can't say haw, but we undere food At night or In a dark roam this s.,lmlraWu rceiudy is tree from opium. 'fake 1t lu
ger:head and coffee nnd several other "Helen of Troy," was 011 exhibition. each ether ptrfcclly'. And then—then curiosity of the rose family is a flame•
things, and just Then the bell rang }(e joined a group of ladles who tv.' did if.' pure, waxy white blossom. When f
agialnt were standing before it just In limo "1 break oft the gruesome narrative transferred to the open air the trans- I Duly Visitor: "That new girl of yours
Isnot and a hat on his tread, but he buys 'nee invalided, and whose experience
41 pair of spectacles and adds theta to Isis has Metes even still more horrible 'W'e:
ntready overcharged hentlgear, fled thus lav helpless in the fields like_. children,;
rigged, with n ring on his finger and a covered by the millet grass. My lig
wvtc es stiff ns a beard. \Ve were (lerle-
ll h angry. 1 ke wolves --human wolves.
\\'e would have eaten refuse had thee'e
hecu env at hand. But there oyes no-
thing. Every now and then we cast
The late Lord Leighton, president turnery looks at our dead comrades,
of the Royal academy, once heti a and then we gnzed at each other. \\'e
chanco to learn something about him- spoke with our eyes. \\'e agreed with
a 1 nethe en I to nuke
fun it his lined, n tore t
his way through this troubled world,
"Come, now," said niainzua, who
had taken the children for a walk
through the 'Loo, "let's go horse and
see papa."
"oh, no." protested Fls'e, "let's
see these other monkey's first."
28 Years of Vile Catarrh.— Chris. O.
it►own, journalist of Duluth, Minn..
writes: "I have been a sufferer from
Throat and Nasal Catarrh for over 20
years, during which time my head has
leen stropped up and my condition truly
miserable. Within 15 minutes after us-
ing; Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder 1
obtained relief. Three bottles have al-
most, if not entirely, cured ire." 50c.-73
Winkle: "After nil, the first year of
( e ' - most unhappy,cl to t
teeniest h(, is the n
you think?" Tod: "Oh, yell It hikes
about that lime for a elan to learn lrmv
to conceal things frons his wife."
Its Powelr (grows with Age.— flow
many medicine" loudly blaroeed ns pa-
nncees for alt hu)uan ills have come and
ono cisco alit
'1'hoi. ' )•.electric 011
as are mit upon the market? Tel
remains, doing more gond to hurnauity
than ninny a preparation more highly
valued and extruding its virtues wider
and wider and in a larger cl+'lo every
year. 1t Is the medicine of the mass-
d by those fa 1 t
The Chinese. Japanese, and Siam-
ese aro peculiarly skilful at botani-
cal feats. One of their wonderful ac-
hievements is known as the "change -
"Do you think that music is of any
practical benefit in life?" "Weis,'
answered Miss Cayenne, "judging from
the photngrnphs of emir nt violinists, it
must keep the heir from falling out."
"It's the bundle auntyr('TIM the to hear ono of the number say:
trines together. as they gathered round ••It is a horrid picture, simply Kur-
a dear little old indy, and tried to kiss rid:,
r all at once.
cthat was the way the "bun 110
)p always conte.
For many weeks Fred hhd been
looking for his birthday. He had been
;remised a party; he was to be eight
!r f years old and felt himself a very hap -
p big troy,
t kngth the long -looked -for day
, and Fred's guests began to torr
•c with their many birthday wishes
One of Fred's playmntes, Inc Fong,
ho lived et the other end of the block,
nd who had very little money, ca ne
inning up the steps with his bright,
folly little fare just beaming. As he
shook hands he gave Fred a package.
Fred quickly unrolled it, and there vine
just (5:11' cent's worth of candy. Frei
looked at it; In a seeend his face' close!-
' el
low l -
el and his eyes showed he was dicao-
f • But ferltinately lits trother stood t y,
and said so brightly 1(1.1 quickly: "Well,
Rile Is very kind; Joe has spent all his
money to give you es lertl -h y gift."
Fred Then said, '"Thank you, J(ie; you
• knew wllnt 1 like."
Amf,ftg the last to cnntn wns Fred's
�grrandesdlicr. She: had wondered end
Fhnug;ht, ngain and again, what ;he
Could tato Fred. Like a good many drank. 1' ditf 1 h t t)o- A hand::ome illustrated trenttoe, 'Iv-
grandunothere. she had very little mon- ••I wan nlso grievously' afflicted! couie clever in splicing; the Lancs of Ing full •iasrr;lltion c: 1thcunenti'-rn nnd
e to :pend, so s'.+•' finally conclud dl wish headacheA and indigestion," she• nrctie animals to form the frame- 1'nrnlysls, with. Inatruet Dna for a coin-
ihn mos
den n t
ou caro K
h )e
I 1
, we Id e-
,. oe•: their summer r. t u,cue. In uu r r
, ti c theft' 'net r• , 1 tr n
run fint1 c •r work I t c ,ear
'v .a her mvn says, 'which I licensee srtti heel were: o enc
Win P
cold give y � r
r. It was n very beautiful ane; likewise largely due to the coffee I • homes, and for other purpn:-.'s, and commended by the tl itvot ry and enders-
} tl serer seen her use any ether, drank. tiIX months ago I quit its have likewise attained great skill In et,-uctla')1,4)011 nes.writtm)hby11\F. 11
eel heel g't'°,i :mother knew 11 wn very use altogether nnd beg=an to drink sewing together skins of animals to •cu•,, s gentleman Who has matte a
Incl'!) more hnndsomn that[ any she Itostutn Fond ('office, with the rat i- cover this frnmew irk. I study of there nlr•care�. The t„•'duce i,
'v a grndunt,' of ten Ui ivrroity of
mull Loy' nem. She heoght n Com- lying result. that my headaches have ') hese :Anal! bouts, ot• kainks, aroi Nurtrhurg. tins postal to -day hurl
111(.11 cup end saucer fur herself, nnd wears -eared, my digestion has herrn decked over all except n smell hole, you 44111 reretce the hook Ree• by ret
wrap ted tl 1 her own 1(0 1'lMl anturn —Address. The Veen Drug Co., 24
I I restored and I have not had 0 recur- in which t.hr, hunter pits, where thoi brag t+t, 4%eat. Tc•onto
tl4(V0 the packngge, to him. renes of chills nnd fever for store' covering is made to fit Lis body
"I'm sorry, but it's mine!" Lord
Leighton exclaimed, Involuntarily.
"You don't mean to say you've
bought the thing?” questioned the
same lady.
"N i I --painted it," the artist
numbly replied.
f he critical Indy was momentarily
abashed; then she said, easily:
"Oh, you mustn't mind what I
"No, indeed, you mustn't," an-
other began, earnestly. "She only
said what everybody else is eaylnl"
"Is this building fireproof?" asked the.
man with the sample case as he stepped
into the elevator.
"Net ter Lank ngents an' peddlers;
replied the elevator boy.
MALARiA 7 7 7
Cenernlly That Is Not the Trouble.
Persons with a susceptibility to
malarial infbrences should beware of
coffee, tvhIch has a tendency to load
up tho liver with bile
here. it was poeunnntly realistic.
Every detail burned itself Into the souls
of the invalid's artless hearers. They
saw the whole sickening picture rise
un in all its ghnstliness before their
eyes. It filled then; with horror."
Commander Peary Expects Aesistance
From Ibe Esiltimos.
In the most northern human settle-
ment in the world, on the western
formation itnmcdontely commences—, seems very nice and quiet." Mistress of
the time of the entire change of the the House: "Yes, thr's very quiet. She
flower from white to red depending doesn't even disturb the dust when she's
on the degree of sunlight. and warmth cicunhng the room."
First the petals take (m a kind of
washed or faded blue calor, end Holloway's Corn Cure destroys all
rapidly thane to a faint blush of 1,(1,.,„1.,.,-1 carne nnd wart:!, root and
p' g w'ho, then wonlrl endure they"
pink. 'Ibe pink gradually deepens fu with such a cheap and effectual remedy
hue until the lily-white rose of an ; within reach?
hour before is as red as the reddest His \foRler: "What err you moping
penny that ever bloomer!. about the home; for, 'Tummy? Why
Tested by Time.—in hie luntle-rete don't you go over and play with Charley
brnted Pills 11r. Parmelee has given to Pinafore?" Tommy: ''Cause I played
with Charley Pinafore yesterday, and
don't s'pose he's well enough yet."
60 Specialists on the Case.— In the or-
dtnnry run of medical practice a great-
er timber 1414111 this have treated cases
of chronic dyspepsia and have failed 14t
01)00- Mit 1)r. Von Stan's Pineapple
Tab)cie (ti0 In a box et 3.) cents cost)
Tawe Made the cure. giving relief in one
day. Th05e 141110 "specialists'' have
ptoten their real merit. ---72
the world one of the most unique alert'.
shore of Greenland, live the little eines offerer) to the public in late year..
people on whom Commander Robert Prepare', to meet the want for a pin
E. Peary relies for assistance in his which could lx taken without nausert,
nnd that would purge without porn
endeavor to reach the north pole. it bey met at requirement, in that di-
p use not
They have assisted hien on former rection, and it Is in general u
expeditions, and they will not fail only beeline of then two qualltie:i but
because 1t 1s known to posecss nitera-
hint now, for he has their confidence, nye and curative powers which pence
and the Eskimos are faithful to it in the front rank ei medicines.
their friends. In his present attempt
Commander Peary will make this vil-
Ingo his starting point. • Its inhab.-
ltauts, therefore, aro of particular
When tho explorer's ship reaches
the village, these people will corse
paddling out among the lee -Ilea to
greet him, in frail little kaiaks,
made by stretching the sk1nq of arc-
tic animals over a light framework
made of bones lashed together. In
A lady writes from Denver that she this northern country there are no
senores, for Yearn from chills nnd trees, so there is no wood out of
fever which at last she learned wero which to make boot"; but the Menlo
mainly produced by the coffee she' have conquered the severity of their
surrounding ion on'. ant have
HIS f.1171.1i JEST.
fife -Jigger - -"I wonder if Mats realty le
Thtngnmbob-"Don't know, but 1f Sa-
turn is I'll bel the politicians own it."
McJ igger• -" Ttltnk 5(.?"
'1•hingunlbol ---"Certainly; can't you see
the rings?"
Their complete home cure. Post
free to readers of thin paper.
For limited period only.
Itis grandmother kiss's' hint 1141 than three month'. 1 have Its dupla sightly. in ronoesillett •el of thin tight
eight times, end then kiss's'
hurriedly that it was 1'ostunr that brought cue 1i1 it is said that no Eskimo can
unrlid his prirkngo Cain you ;jtns4 ho.v they relief, for I have 415(01 p0 meth- turn his kaiak runlplcti•1y over in the
Fttvl looked 11:i4 tithe? 1lis smile once cine while 11118 improvement has been water nnd right it nt sin' rinse on the srelirlco'r of notate.
more diseppcnterl, and his face, mato going un." lit was really relief; For trnct•Ilirlgt nnd moving from "Take the familiar illustration of
latah moll any wnt�l.i e.�uld soy il, from congestion of the liver' caused! 5illnt;e to village it large hunt mach.
Iild tio',v di.4.tpp.riuted he was. he entire.)
1 of the seine metrrials is used.,I'hls the sting of n wasp." 11 rt said. n'
I through n micros -
But his mother. like all mother.:. ^f• • "My daughter has been are great compared with the finest ne,odl(t.
lenhnl'p•'nc'd 10 the right pinrx nt theas umiak. Iloats of this general style, Win." ('‘ninined
it W '. DWI 4'tirl. "Why, fee elms- coffee drinker ns Iennd for years e
1 terrible k 1 i h
SI;F'!.ItM) '1'O JIAA'l- IDM CORNi'R-
11te teiulier term discovrsing to the
detail, aro cops' the sting is still sharp, smooth
atttct., with su rind nc cs, but duf)ruseb slightly ut e
doyoucuts ascan to sate Fred
Ihie which often lasted for n week at n found along the entire arctic coast of and polished. while the needle np-
hfnl pup ;mil „Inc". that yrnt nl• time. Mho le a bra' worker and) America, t+h,d escn en the Siberian Pears blunt an.l rough.
se yher.;elf°" c'xcessic•' npptication brit
uIthl side, where 1•:sklmos have colonised ''It Is f•:1 with eVerythin,•. The
Mother held Frel Anel}. soy• th,, lit -tidal -hes lief I,eghto t,) affect her , t'te1 recent tlmPs I works of nature lire elifrnitely super -
memory most seriotrtly. She found
no help in meellcine1 and the doctor
within compel I ' . y for to thistle of art. i'ry hewwo
In hie Plash for the pole L'ornman-
der Peary will not use thee° boats. may, we cannot lmprnvo on hotline"
_.., "It isn't 50 with my twee, teach -
ill to give (Leta to lied. for
in, that he may ale nys u • •
girnndnMlher' frankly edvisc,l het to quit coffee' IID will travel on the fee -cal- ..
re forgot his g�rnn,lntother'. 1 er," Enid n little gtt4 w the class.
g e said this, ensiling, but with and use F'ostum. a I northtvnrtl from northern (steer+land$ ".Why, how le that, N,e]lic? ' ho
great (cars in her eyes. "For more than •four months she by means of dogs and eledgee. • 1 askel
ways tememl•ered this birth- has not hal n hcad.►cho--her mental' Tho sledges will be practicallyel '''Urn" actors land"R'ie 01'0511-
ltamo as thon(s in use 1n Labrador,' 1 ' gen duct0ra
no' I,.'causn of his party. or on 5'-
t of els gifts, hit becauce ho end
hold to ratite gifts. He framed
Leat •_•�.�-
fncultiea have grown[ more active and
rigorous nnd her memory hes been
or druits or
Alaska and Siberia. The dogs nro eyed, sso salt .
great husky fellows, and ono of the,' fixed my eyes all r
Aifaculties which tido - explorer isl -- -
comes to the horse FRESH and PURE as when it left the PLANTATION to ba
manufactured with SPECIAL CARE and CI.OSELY SEALED In
pound and halt pound lead pockets.
Only one best tea. Blue Ribbon's it.
Pedlar's Steel Siding and Shingles
..r' -
.1,VUt4. Ju✓..,u...,0u
..;41 JDv✓a,.J1t ar a,JV,
,0 ,, , •♦iV VVOVUV•
1111 /1111111..11.1111,'—
••"� 1 ear \
alarm •`J\
r •'qre:.... , irkmamma\
�♦ � 4I VII l.,
• Jam. I —_ ••••••-.0104
46/.' YV./.I�VVV co
.•VVe.♦:V ,�,-a:e'-' I tea•\•V..:V. U.S.,' 1. u
V,� l
115 1111•Milrgin
(galvanised or p.inted red on both eider. Mast dura hie and ecnnnmleal covering for Reefing
or biding air kcaiuence4, houses, Darns. Elevators, Storrs. Churches. Poultry tlousea
Cribs. etc. Easier to lay and will last lunger than any other covering. Cheaper (hao wood
shi •s or slate. No experience necessary. A hammer and snips are the only tool requir-
ed. -d
ug d steel. Also Corrugated Iron,
Palated er
411 It is 95 inches
Iota high grade tee gM
in sheets ed inches long. Weeded ani Embossed Ceilings. Crimped Reefing. aeon
dodges of Rooting, dining and Ceilings is aD grades. Tbou.r ods of buildings through He
D. niaiuo are covered with our Sheet Metal Clouds, making them
Rend in your order for as many squares (10:10 feet) as you require to e:)ver your new or 014
buildi.'g. The very ben roofing Or this climate. We cal supply Bove Trento, all sizes.
Corrugated ur Plata hound, i;oaduer.r Pawns, Shoes' Mews, y Ikrs. Toles.
All goods shipped day after vaster is received. We aro the largest women of the
kind uuder the British flag Established 1164.
Write for free samples sed Catalogue of our Oshaws Shingle. Write today.
s$REs 3P3031:1=ar.3ER. 31P'OR701'"L11,
757 flints t- 423 Sums at. •e Venae fit 75 Leonhard et. OW reader ea'Osr tike
"Come, now,' said mamma, who had
taken the children for a walk through
the Zoo, "let's go home rind see papa."
"Oh, no," protested Elsie, "let's see
these other monkeys first."
"is 11. True," n'ked the caller, "that
your heslaind ordered 1)r•. Smoother out
of the huuo•e?" "Yes. i'oor Jack had
leen carrying the baby all night and
every night for n week, and was nm
down to a thrend. 1 called the dolor.
nnd he told Jack that he must lake more
exercise." —
Scsljlht leap is Tetter tans ether eeapf,
bet is bat when used is the gastight way.
Say Isabel% loop sad fellow Crestless.
ss a dis-
love 1.
believe That
tl Lu
She' --Yes; but thank goodness, it 1=
ntte 11ed We ('run hate more than once.
llturh eirire-s nnd .lekresa to children
I, rta5ed by worms. Stother t:ru4es'
Worm 1•:xtcrmtnntor gicce relief by re•
moving the rause. Clive it a trinl and
be esu': inced.
"G,•nllemen of the jury," queries' the
clerk of the court, "have you fully
agreed to disltgrec?" "\V' have."
answered the (oilman. "'1 he lawyers
have bungled the case up so That we
don't knew any more about it than they
4V"' AfacuINa co..
For years they had been the hest of
Iriends, but a moment's nbsent-mind,'J-
ness made thein deadly end irreconcil-
able enemies. it was Mrs. 1(nwkins's
fault. Mrs. Brumley had been 111 for a
month, nnd wns telling her friend all
114)111 il. "Yes, Mrs. 11atvkins," she
said, "1 was very i11. They were afraid
of my losing toy mind." "011. and did
you, Mrs. Brumley?" asked Mrs. 1iiw•-
kins, with cordial interest. net was
We make the Enr.oltetic Stateweat that
•• The n A f." Month d Planter will do more to
'relieve mantles, lame back, lumbago and kindred
troubles than any other plaster. 21,. tins and 51
pet. roll. AU druggists
Mrs, Hix: "Mrs. June strikes me as
thing entirely ton ma.seuline far n
woman." Mrs. Dix: "Yes, indeed.
\Vhy, every time she has an ache cr
pain she makes as much fuss about it
Lis a marl would."
Have 1'011 Edema?---H'VP you any
skin disease or eruptions? Are you
st:bject to chafing or scalding? Dr. Ag-
r.•'.v's Ointment prevents and eures any
and all of these, and Cum' itching,
Bleeding and Blind tiles besides. One
al.plicntic n brings relief in ten minutes,
nisi crises easier in three to six nights.
35 cents.-- 71
George (nervously): "I',) 11kc ever so
much to marry yuu, Kitty. Cut 1 41001
know how to propose." Kitty (prompt-
ly and practieelly): "That's all right,
George. You've lInished Yell' Ere; new
go to papa."
tihfln more prrvnleat in winter, when
sudden changes in the weather try the
strongest constitutions. colds and
coughs and ailments of the throat may
come in any season. At the first
sight of r1.•rangeluent urn li ckir,'s Anti-
Consumptl4e Syrup. Instant relief will
be 4xperieue"d, and use of the medicine
until the cold disappears w111 protect
the lungs from attn. k. For anyone
with throat or chest wcnttncss it can-
not be surpassed.
sect. br Best 1Se ed ea ba Mss sloes M
0+0+0 +0+Cf+ + 0 4 0f+0+ 0t+0+
'My dear. don't you Intend to incite
Mr, and Mrs. Green to your party'"
1 r • tial n
1 rlt v
Mr.Biller. r.
•Is • e
, krl
"Wily e•!, my dc.0 . They nn' gnarl
friends of ours." "What if they nre:' 1
ern going 10 1115 He Mr. net Mrs.
Frown." "Well, rdlfl't Vn11 invite the
Greens ns %W4"" "Why, Jelin Hiller.
you .hack me with yo't Viae. Frown
nnd Green in my parlor together! Why,
next you'll be asking me to wear bete
and )cline. I d(•cltlle you m..n have no
ilea whatever of lierulony."
Weak and Pate Women f •uti•hty keep this
way when by the use of "t'errorim." the beef
lone., they c.,old very quietly recover their health
and strength. Try IL
This Is the season of the year when you
need to use eery precaution with your
O meek. By the ore of our
t 8": O 3K TONIC
O and other remedial you have the best
guarantee of health to your ',tuck.
Valuable Advice Free
O Vee it and become your own veterinary T
See DUNDAS 'T., TORONTO, oe r.
+0+0+0+0+0+04 0+0N0+0+
Generator Wanted.
Direct current generator, 110 voila, 2
or 4 pole. multipolar preferred, 6(10
lights, trust be in Iirst-class condition.
73 Adelaide St., Toronto.
"Ali!" remarked Mr. De Robinsnti,
"sty wife Is a great collector of curiosi-
ties." "indeed!" replied his friend.
"Ilas she i,een at that long?" "OIs, bless
you, yes; for years." "Before she rgma;-
ried you?" "Oh, yes."
Seestchlag M 'Wish I it only stake• a troll
matter worse. Weaver's Grate allays the pada.,
F.leans Use skin el eruptions and other aorss;l
Noy not buy &bottle to -day[
PATH 1:Tfc 'STILE 1)Ub.T,1(.
Some of the lnh•'n wnrnen have n
very pathetic teleto (1. et hen nn 1n•
dials girl dies her i ,.1 tes often cnb-
stitntee n doll for the Inst little
one. She tells the empty cradle with
feathers arranged In the forst of w
child. and cnrrics this about as she
(1141 her child, crooning to it and
caressing R. Sometimes, 1net•'ad of
doing this. Min ties the clothes, toys,
and other articles belonging to the
little one end, fnetening then[ to tho
eredle bonrr1, carries It, as she ori-
ginally did her child. The Olfhways
cell these "unlucky dolls," because
they represent the [lead; but the In -
"Doctor, 1 went to thank you for your
valuable medicine." "It helped you, did
147" asked the doctor, very much pieased.
"It helped me wonderfully." "How
many bottles did you And it necessary
to take?" "011, 1 didn't take any of it.
My uncle took one bottle, nnd I cm I►lA
sole heir."
Rhettmalism alit Sureumt. to Routh
American Rh.mnlnlle Cure beersuee 11
gees right to the scat of the trouble nnd
removers the cause. Many so-called
cures tilt deaden pain tentperer'ly
only, to have It return again with dou-
bled violence. Not an with this great
remedy. it eradicates from tete system
the last vestige of the disease and it'
cures are permanent. -71
"I've got n teething martin.(' Lore,"
begets the inventor. The 0(14 fled
i0(1 (4 at him in the cold, ralenl,:Gn
manner common to capitalists, and
nnswered:—"Well, 1f I were you, I'd nin
straight hc.nte and use IL" That night
the anarchist Land received another
application fur menlbershtp.
r. n
f t
it is
a Liver t --limey a v ha w.IT
man ho, to co
tet n 1 with
r,ts that sec 11
e n a (lamas -hi r
hate their +f In 1
which li a delicate ergo! J,articularly
tusteptlr,In to the distort nn -es that
come from 1'regulnr habit.. or lark . r
cure in .sting end drinkil.g. This so•
counts for the great roal.y li,er rrgn-
Intors now preoor,l en the attention al
suac,ers (if thesu there Is none super-
ior to i'alnielee•s Vegetable fibs.
operation thour•h g'r,ile I: eftertive, sr/
the most delicate ran 1160 thein.
Ply pasting r► let of miser mete
tho eteli1 ,t photographic record has
been senile of the natation of time
required In ixinkinc the eye. It hiss
been found that n wink requires one-
third of a so ouch
Dear Mother
'Your little ones are • constant cafe ill
Fall sed Winder weedier. Th,yy 8.111
catch cold. Doris kao•+ absut SF,iloh'e
Coersmptien Cure, the Lees Tali, e►
whet i1 hes donator os 1w> ? 11 is ie.
tw l s $.a enly r-1..st,1 unwell for a
drssiss ei the a4 ppyes is children.
Jess and g. staiint
Warm or your motley
a is 25e. per 11o111..