Exeter Times, 1905-12-21, Page 11s PAY OUR PAIGE FO We are always THE EZEZ LR TIMES, JAN UAitXllth1906. The Hand That Wards Off Coughs, colds, Grip And Resiores Nervous, Dyspeptic Catarrh Wrecks. ANT POSTS, SASH, and factory. SASH cture poultry and early. SOF EVERY DESCRIPTION TSB Ross-TaWOrGO LUL Ei6lar. Tisa Usborne and'fibbert Farmers Mutual Fire lnsur- anc,e Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. DIRECTORS. Preside/At—T. RYAN, DUBLIN. P. 0. Vice -Pres.:— J. A. Nom's CRONARTY P. O. F. IdORL.SY. WHALSN P. 0. W.H. PAaaxoRL, FARQUHARP.O. Wm. ROY, BORKBOLet P. 0. J. L. Rvs11111,1.. RusinumAI.s P. O. AGENTS. I. CAILVICnssL, OTAFPA, On T A. DUNCAN FAaQUUAR, O2'r, J. Wneoi ,FuLLAR'rox. Orr. J. 8. OII.vu.LAiv, Lvcsx, Onr B. W. F. BEAVERS. Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. GLADMAN A. STANBURY. sotioitore IRON FENCE POSTS r ^•r. We have a num- ber of different ds of Iron Fence u>�sts which we will sell cheap or will take all kinds of scrap iron in ex- change. M.JACKSON & SON Maid -St. Exeter. One door south of the �etropolit:tn Hotel. 4414444+ (irrifit Min OREDITON We are prepared to do ting and Chopping en st notice. e are making a splendid 4e of Flour which is giv- eicellent satisfaction our Flour. Switzer MEDICAL W. BRO W NINU. Y. D.. M. C. • P. S., Graduate Victoria Uni-' ty. calm aalreaitimeme. DMdaica R. A. F. MALLOY, GRADUATE Toronto University. Former Bargees to Tomato Western Hosptttl. seer to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Night mil at 8 17.Otl DISTAL r �I. Dir. A. NR. Y__p•MIN L. DR. A. R. �itv�e��` A S. D. D. e.. Hower graduate el T•reste Uslveritl, Dualist. Tooth textracted without polo or Atess's omt ed sd• oOfilmof Ma MWpm Omsk' lizeter D.A• ANDERSON, (II. a 1.1.111. DIINTIEST. EsaCat ions of D.otaltO Ue=s s*�+wasrslta h boson Aim Peat ssaM et with Prosthetic Dentistry (with nest Mows to the Dental Pretfesdo to tido � al- toMidmol ot• smooamoromfor Valsleet =use - me door door mita of Corms lsro'sdery riONEY�Te TO LOAN. Wo have a s to sad waxings m1 get bf w:ma tic1JDMAN a WTANSURT llatrprasw su.siieu . Mats ei. =thee. KSON a CARLING, i�st.is sve��� t>M s Titla >re[Mss Y -r Weems m Moved rams et fattwM 0/111111 p -MAOI Iffa>falt a. aL a m taltsar.o 111*. CIMMi P08 SALE: -That excellent form in Uw.wrne town+hip, the pro- serty of the late John Blotchierd, Neg.. coin; tbe East MIt of bete ID and 30. n 100 wares well on.�eon t welt fenced ..J drained.-Gladman & Stnn.)ury, 11Seter, Solicitors for Executor. JAItM FOR SALF:.-That excellent farm 1.0t 11, ('one's'ion 11. Me< Myrse, eonnistin; all 154 teres. well in 10 acne 11.14'. tbooree;hly drained. in a bigh stet* of cent. Freon home eel five roomy itehen aood cellar.ee good sesditlea. � Ii res et elalpls. WWII sad elm b. Clore to schooa, church and sof tion. Apply to W. G. hardy. sky P. O. THOMAS CAMERON. CONVEY - sneer. wills drawn. money to loan on real estate. also Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Huron and Perth. Charges oderate. Orders lett at the Times er at my r eBid eta', Farquhar will receive ytonpt atten tion. HONEY TO LOAN W• have anitmltod hivedvat• and for hiveda1 t uses farm er vMasmeets et towel DICKSON & CARLIN Rader ft ?IflNO FOR fl NEW YEAR GIFT Will interest and please every mem- ber of the family, so instead of divid- ing the presents, buy a piano which will be a lasting proof of your gener- osity and goodwill to your family. Orn Pianos are of the highest excel- lence and prices and terms are tme to please von. We also have a beautiful line of Xmas stationery at very easy prices. Call and see us anda us wishen s Merry ]luta. and present you with a beautiful calendar. Se MARTIN & SON FARM FOR SALE. It not sold privately on or before 5th of February, 1906, there will be sold by Public Auction with the chat- tels on THURSDAY, FEBURARY 220d, woe —on— the premises, that excellent farm property, consisting of lots 17 and 18, concession 13, Township of Usborne, containing 120 acres, 10 of which is maple bush, tbe balance is all cleared and in a high state of cultivation with 15 acre. of fall wheat in and fall plow- ing all done. On the premises there is a good frame house, two bank terns with all the latest improve- ments. Thie property will he sold in one lot or separetety to suit purchaser for terms and particulars apply to (cKO, RUTHERFORD. on the prem- ises, Birkton, or to THOMAS (CAM- ERON. Farquhar. Anctioneer for Perth and Huron. �inion •CET MORE ViM 1 If Too are tired. nervous. sleepless. have .he:uktehea ►nil lanzrc.ttr, tvou need Ur. Q!:tmilton's l'iUe : they t'ine the stomach. assist digest:on, brace you up at once. Taken at night, you're well by moraine. Sick- ness ani tired feeling disappear in- stantly. Vim. spirks. happy health Ball the lolls of life comes to evrrr one that uses Dr. Hamilton's No medicine so eatitrtaetory. Get Dr. Iltm,lton'e Pills to -day. 25c. pen hon at all dealers. tfyea. leer Wends *relatives w#etwIth Fits, t . Si. Vit Dance, or Falling Sickliest, fora trio bottle and valuable treatise oft each di+ea,es•to Tits Immo Co.. 179 King Street. W., Toronto, Caguas. All dri gids sell se sea obtain dor you 1.IIBIO'SEITOURE CASTOR IA The Hind You Have Always Bought, and which has betas in use for over 30 years, baa borne the signature et and has been made under his peer• sonal supervision since its infancy. ardet/E--"N°.,-4441, Allow no one to deceive you in thla. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health oe Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare., Boric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It rellevee Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panaceas—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. tis •awr..a 0111418 Panto TV .w.a►t •rwsat, war yeas war. NO. 3, STEPHEN. Diamond Dyes The ;following is o correct report of the standing of the 'pupils of S. S. No. 3, Stephen, for the month of December. The names are in order' of merit. Sr. IV. -Thomas Penhale.� Cecelia Ford. Hilda Pressoator, Fred Deaver, Ralph Willis, Harry Trieb- ser, Barry PGrsone. Sr. III. -Earl Parsons, Gladys Dearing,;Edwin' Teichner, Sherman Willis. May San- ders. Jr. III. - Florence . Beaman' Preston llearca•.;, Johnny Willis. Fred 1 Presvoator, George Hicks. Sr. If.- Adl Willis, Gordon Sanders, Florence Teichner. Aluler Wills, Chester Parsons. .1r. 11. -Wilfred Stsaoton Olive Presraator, Gordon Pend:elle. Past IL -Garfield Stanlake. Sr, I - Merle Willis, Iterie 1'aretans, Chartio Teichner. Jr. I. -Lela &Indere, Gor- don Ilea :ran. Verna Presse tar. To - .31 : o - .i1: evemne attendance 29. 1'ERCY 8. BANES. Teacher. MEETING OF HURON .COUNTY COUNCIL The council of the County of Hu- ron will meet in the council chamber in the town of Goderioh on Tuesday the 23rd clay of January at 3 o'olock P. an. All accounts :a ainet the county must he placed with the Clerk be- fore this date. Dated Jan. 10th, 1906. W. LANE, Clerk. ARB MADS iN CANADA. They ars built in a Canadian foundry -by Canadian workums- fos Canadian lTbheean planned and constructed • Canalises—who know the tads of the Omeadisa climate. made in Canada, there is no no excessive freight Y-tothpepw materials -beet new improve- "Yta- kaodsom..t designs--wwbe you bey a Peninsular Range. Came in -sad Id es explain hast why wweethhiink the Casa TenleseLrbest Ra is M you. is Local Asset : H. SPACIKMAN aommilL Annual Meeting Tho thirtieth annual meeting of the I.Rri ant & Hibeert Mutual Fire Insurance Co. will to held in the Public hull, Farquhar, Iran MONDAY. FII11tUARY 5th r lir sour of one o'clock p. m. The jusin.,i will ootu►;st of elec- tion of two Direot.ora, Mears. Thos. Ry:in end Francis Morley nein; the directors whose term of oIfion ex- pires, nut who are ell;ible tor re- ekxetion: rceeivirti the Director* end Secretary', annual report. Auditor r' r•p.:►rt ;and any other internist that rn.cht ne in the interest; cif the Company. THOS. RYAN R. W. F. BEAVERS 1'reeident. Secy.-Trear. Have Saved Money and Proved Blessings to Millions of Homes. DIAMOND DYES Ore hummers kind (11 ON TOP t Our Canadian warners will kindly hew in mind that week. adulterated and nitat: xs ;wick.a;e dyes are still mold by some detlera, who care little for the comfort. profit :and success of .our wives, mothers acrd daughters. If you would have home dye.iai3 done successfully and profitably, in- sist upr'n .hlvirer the DIAMONi) DYES. Never be induced to accept w•,:irthlcsa dyes at any price. The erne dyes will surely ruin your tr:rnde OS well as your ;oode. DIAMOND DYES dor twenty-five yearn the ifnvoritee of ouur women, .re Mad by all pr•ozreesive and busy dru;,zisis .:and r -ere -+II -acre-keetrr:; in ,Canada. Colorado, California. Portland and Yellowstone Park. Specially eon- dueted excursions are being arrang- ed via. the Grand Trunk Railway System in charge of experienced conductor. All expenses Lnoluded. To leave Toronto early in July. and August. Rate is not expected to be over $160.00 from Toronto. Do not join any other party before con- sulting E. M. Bowler. 201 Beverley Ht., Toronto. FARMERS' INSTITUTE MEETINGS. A .mentin3 0( the South lluron Far -mere' institute will be held In Labe Exeter Town Hall, on Friday, January 12tth, 1908. Addrteatea will oe given by Mr. T. H. Mason, Streaffordville,. The tuo- jedt far the afternoon wilt ins "tllain- tainnrwe of Boil fertility". For the •vakking eneeotin;, the eu4jeet will 'Jet "Chen;in3 eordlt ne of azrieul- ture en Ontario." Mr. Rairbour, of Cro,lben, will at - so give nddre•ant. In the afternoon he will take for his .ttajeot "Breed- ing jand Feedlot lied Cottle." Itt t he evening, "Farrmere' Sone." Mr. R. D. McLean will also addrer. the ;afforest -wan tneotin;, end at Brum- field no Satut,ay, Jan.. Lith, 1906, addr'eaaos will ire Riven by Mewva Mason nod Barbour on 't Fre esme sub- jeate no nt t he Exeter 'meeting. The afternoon aeetiog will be ed- dteeted ay Mersr.e. T. 13. /Carting, Exeter. J. T. Alliston. Theme, Rand. A hely erpeeker will aloe nddrrse <be meetings mod ebbe iodise ere rear. dially ;nettled to otter. Tire aft . • . n tweet eommenee a.1 2 Ment 'Minna `L;1/ff.1”11 /i ,ort "Dank, the rscsrsa Gr¢ o ids. claiming a million viclis as or Isom gibs effc'istrey of Forma fa quickly relieving lhts malady and its slaw -offs* has Ace" ass talk oft continsrrt."—N. Y.7otwrual. 1T • ass) --.r / 4' ...,/�. 1 IEE A DEMON grip has ed L mewed the ooantry, leaving behind .cores of physical wrecks. Viatica' of catarrh of the bead, catarrh of tax throat,' catarrh of the lung., catarrh of the stomach, estarrh of the kidneys, catarrh of the pelvic organs, are to be counted by hundreds of thou- sands.' Grip is epidemic catarrh, and sows the seed of chronic catarrh within the This is •9 tree that few grip sufferers an abiis to make s complete recovery e aW they have old Peron. Nerd is the history of medicine has a atmsdy revolved suds unqualified and Mitversal eulogies ss Parana. Afyon do not datin prompt and .ant.- alts from the from of Psalms, fs N ttesonce to Dr. Sartsaa, a statmeent of your ewe, be will T41/W1 to airs yon bis valuable ad - La Grippe Victims Restored by Pc-ru-na. Miss Alicia Newell, 8 Stanley street, Montreal, Can., charter member Societe Fr attest' Bion fafsanoo, writes: "We hada siege of la grippe in the family and 1, as well se some of my Mends, was s victim of the malady. "Throe bottles of Peruna assisted m• to complete recovery, and some of my friends regained their health by eves lees. "Ls grippe, ass rale, leaves one de- bilitated and nervone, but I noticed FII every case where Perna* was need, the recovery was not only complete, bat the medicine seemed to infuse new life and vigor." -Alicia Newell. PreaMastLa Pharmacia itas�.s Pe-routs.tosis • Mr. J. A. Coyer, President La Phu. - made Latonlnas, IOP Bt. Dude area, Montreal, oases wales: I can highly recommend your in- estimable preparation, Peruna, to all those who softer from the bad after- effects of la grippe. "Two bottles of Parana have brought to me a compleee cars of that *Menses, and it has acted as the best tonic for the system that I have ever esperieneed." -4. A. (coyer. Prostrated With Gr11Fd1 red by Pa -11 -aa. Miss J. A. McGibbin, 1971 Wtlllem' street, London, Ont., writes: "I was prostrated with the grip lad winter and it left me with a amen bran- chlal, affection and catarrh of the lazy!* s "The doctor's prescriptions seemed powerless sad I was going from bed is worarttsial tesla tied to try Pima. 'I Pooh four beaks sad dta that re - mond the complantt. foetbsille WeidesPerusa id for 1110.14--J. 11OW PNEUMONIA STARTS You catch a little cold to-tety. by to -morrow it tans rc-vhed the throat next dray the lungs are effected and you wish you had used "Cotarrho- zone which kills colds in five min- utes. In the first pl.ce Catarrho- zone root•hes the irritated,' mem- branes and relieves nor;cstion,-then it cuts out the Ode -4m and destroys the .;errns. It enables the blood to retain a natural supply of oxygen, lana; -f ;)d rad vilcslity. In tiny cnu;h, bronchitis or lung affection ;zat,r:r,rnleed to positively turo. Decline ctaiy subst it ate far "Catarrh - ozone." 1 DUNLOP DETACHABLE BICYCLE TIRES Your own two hands and a pair of these tires and your bicycle is ready for the road. Every pair guaranteed for a year. The OiIop Tire U. t.MlNe VTign r r� CENTRALIA Miss Maud Porter hes resumed her duties sae teacher after spending the holidays in CLisaton. The Ladies Aid of the Centralia Methodist ohurch 'purpose 15oldin4 their anniversary of the re -opening of the church next Sunday and Monday, Jam. 14th and 15th. On Sunday the Rev. Manning. of Clinton wilt preach at 10.30 in the uuoenin;, and seven o'c'ock in the evening. On Monday everr•nz an oyster supper will be served in the haseme.nt of the church, after ash:ch a .rand con- cert will be ziven. Meiss Leon's Wilson left on Mon• day dor London atter s 'month's v aeration at her house here. Miss Hcnessy, of Luoan, is the ttient of ;her +-inter, Mrs. Wesley Hudgins. Mr. Walter :Sava'3e, of Grey, visited at Mr. Georze Essery'a Jost %coke Miss Irene Curtin left on Tuesday for Stratford where aetse will re- sume her studies of the convent, af- ter s pleaatnt holiday with her par..nts here. Mr. Luther licks visited Wends in Greditrn'last Sunray. Mr. Gus. Coughlin is confined to his bed tirrou;ll an attack of rheu- matism. Wo hope for his speedy re• oovery. Mr. herb Ford, of Exeter, was the tamed of Miss ('or:a Windsor on Sunday . Miss Fanta Abbott, of Muskoka, is the truest of her sister, Mews lda Abbot t. Mr. Thomas Abbott died at his home in Kincardine on Friday morn- ing, Jart. 5th. The deceased was a restiet:te•l resident .. ,f t . ' . •. n as number sof Orrnre 11.• k. ; t the store opnd 'postoffice Doti. run byMr. Kathie* and Mr. O'Brien. The Yu• ;mains were bion;ht to Centralia on Saturday. the funereal taking place foam the residence of his son -in -tow Mr. Samuel 'Davis, on Sunday et 2 o'clock to the Nursery cemetery, and wenn ta'e;ely attended. Ile was sevon ty three ye.aars oC ale. Ile loaves to aspen his Iona. a wife, three sons end six dsugbtere !REDUCED A 11 Mr. Gus. 'E. Pembroke, • in :a lues ' . .sled a' 1 -••l ne. dispena.1 .. a nceum:.tiem sant t. -..,o. No person can v il.lvout Nerviline. Useful teru•al and external pain. bottle.; 2:0. at all dealers. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of John'*,Y 1 Illatchford late of the town- OOP pf Ushorrsc in the Coun of limon. Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant 11. 8. 0., 1897. chap. 129, that ' creditors and others having e ' .;aitot the estate of the said lll..tchfortl, who died on or a ^� the 24th day of December, 1905, aro required on or before the 1st d. of February, 1908, to send by ' poet prepaid or deliver to Masers. Gladman At Stanbnry, of the YUUeIe of Exeter, Solicitors Ice tbt Pse, . ecutor of the maid deeeaasiC tMIS christian and surnames. add and deneriptioni, the full rt ars of t heir claim., the , of their accounts and the .a tarso the securities, If any. held by t i And further take notice that such last mentioned data tbo Executor will proceed to tribute the assets of the deeellwi among the parties entitled tbetelfla having regard only to the el which they shall thea beve tll:MO • and that the meld Exeellteite will not bo liable for the sato SIMS or any part tbereot to say !tow or persons of whew slabs Sebe shall not have bees reeive44l1IISSrlIk t at the tints d sub distT (MADMAN & STAIIauaT. Solieitera ter .aid Eateattar Dated at Enter this lath dap - of January. ""fid" ois (lneorpasM/ by Aft of Pasllsessat CAPITAL PAID UP •••• •••? RESERVE FUND ••• •••• •••• ilrssebae t• O.toeta. Qu•MA Altawta lI:XSTetR tame every lawful Day trend N a. u. fres R s. Pa wast '119 .