HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-12-21, Page 10SCHOOL JPPLIES bhool gooks School • also a lot of Stan eery always Fd AT �wnings e Exeter Times AR FOR JANUARY. 1906. .. 7 14 21 28 .. 1 8 16 22 29 .. 2 9 1e 2S 80 . 3 10 17 24 31 ... 4 11 18 26 ... 6121028 ... 6 18 20 27 DAY. JAN. 11th, 1906 r to inquiries from sever- ubr cribers, who are ebare- 1 he 'York County. Loan Oo. the following information tention t e Soo PIPING II BOVRIL Try it with a dash of Tomato Catsup Crediton The aeguler meeting of the liter- ary society ens held at tate home of Mr. and ➢ire. C. Bluett, on Fri- day evening last when an interesting pregnant was rendered by members ot the society. At the close of the program a pleasant and social time teas spent, it being the eighth anni- versary of Mr. end Mrs. Bluett's wedding day. Lunch wan served Mrs. Bluett and after wishing them many more yeara Ot happ:nees and prosperity, the gathering dispersed. The next •meetIee will be held et the berme of Dr. cold Mrs. Heist. The services 4n the Methodist church on Sunday evening took the form of •a covenant service. Rev. Mr. Andrews read the service and the congregation joined with him in repeating and renewing their cove- nant with Christ and the church. There was 1 lane wngregation and the special muaic by the choir was Treatly enjoyed. A number of our yours people 3 spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. John Keys. Mr. Keys treat- ed his guests to an oyster supper. Miss Katie Babb. of Goderich, is tiLe &guest 'cit Mrs :C. Ifo i t. Mr. Isaac Reed. a former Crediton boy, called on friends in our villa;e last week. It is some 20 years since Mr. Reed left Crediton and he was surprised at the rapid improvements that had taken plate since his last visit here. Mrs. Kuria and family. of Exeter, were the guests of Mrs. D. Link for a few days. Mins Inez Andrews. who has been attending the high school at Park- hill for some time, is now attending the Exeter bi;h school. Miss Minnie Andrews is on the sick List. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lawson. wli moved into town on Monday of thi week. will take up thein residence i he .house Mr. Lawson recently .sur based from the late Mrs. T. Fab er's estate. Mr. Lawson Intends penin; a jewelry store hero the advertise- n We in en- 0 k mete such repro, desire. directed the pone receipt of all slrerrelrnldera. In due uestions as lapses. re- f be dealt with by the tion to air parties la- bile It is not possible ormate:4a on these d shareholders de- ka to the 4Loon s to the Loan r':i prior to date now hold the There is rto uld be 'turned yrs have endorsed ents made by the knr the return of we receipts should the Bonk or other .lapt:n.. t he ,general ui.lrtor's receipt as mosasible for some editor to answer liti+lual shnrehol- e time of a tares atterhlin.r to the iatterIR requiring holders. however. iety as to their • .R 0 e n Mr. Geo. Lawson. whose weddio; notice apPeared in Last week's issue will with his bride move into the use vacated by his brother on a a short distance from here. Ada Hussey and Messrs. Car- ey and Mr. Beet Amey, of d, were the .guests of Mr. •G. Trevethick for a few ire. Rosina Finkbeiner is ,visit- ing with her daughter in flay for a few days. alis; Leah Hemmer returned to her home 'in Exeter on Friday evenin; last after spending a fete days with here . A tarty was held at Mr. John Whelhelm on Friday ni;ht and all reported a good time. Some of our boys have formed a olub+and have elected Mr. Bert Clark as president of the society. They have not yet decided where the first meetin; will be held. Mr. Omer Wolfe and Charles Fah. nee spent Sunday in Dashwood. Mr. David Baker has been en;1 r- ed 'as ,cobbler with Mr. Barney Brown. our genial alioe merchant. David began his duties on Monday morning. Mr. Psmuel Brown returned from Berlin on Friday last. Miss Martha Wentzel is on the sick list. Mr. Fred Harris returned home from Toronto .atter spending a few weeks with friends of that place. Revivi-tl services were commenced in the Ev'antelieal char:1i on Mon- day evening. There was a ;cod at- tendance and much interest taken in the service. Mr. Holtahsner of Blyth. was in the villare this Meek tnki.nt orders Our element Week machines The fleet council meeting for 1900 lets11 on Monday last when the nevorounoil were sworn in and other IeLsiness tr.ansaeted. Metiers. E. Feist and B. Bross it. the newly appointed ushers in the Evan- elieal church were in their place. Sundny. Their assistants are sirs. Geo. H. Uoltzmann and B. wn, jr. many friends of Mr. Abe Wal - ll be pleased to learn that he ng rapid progress towards . being able to sit up nearly and to stand with some as- Trevethick, the new issuer, althou;h csrriage shop, •,'- to devote to the re matrimoni- t A Horse on Somebody. — A few sights azo a fellow emulating the wild crud %%coley west. rode into town cowboy sytle, but with a nag that has seen better days, and havia; a desire to vacate for more congenial climes and to use the term of the tout, lilted a horse belonging to Mr. Lamport and turned his own equine loose to wander at will. The animal found its way into the barnyard of of Mr. Virtu, Sims. It was turned over to the pound master. Joseph Edwards, in whose possession it now is and %Wese claimed very soon will be sold. Mr. Lamport found his horse a few days afterwards near Brineley, w.bere the bronco buster had discarded it for another. He was more successful in getting his horse back than he was his rooster. Mr. Wm. Lewis has gain been ap- pointed sanitary inspector for the Township of Stephen. Mr. Lewis makes a good officer. CHAMBERLAIN'S sCOUGII • REM- EDY THE BEST MADE "In xny ;.pinion Chamberlain's Cou;h Remedy is the beat made for colds." says Mrs. Cora Walker of Porterville, California. There is no doubt about its being the best. No other will cure .a cold HO quick- ly. No other is eo sure .1 preven- tive of ,pneumonia. No other cq so pleasant and safe to take. These are good Treasons why it should be preferred to any other. The fact is that few ,people are satisfied with any other after having once used this remedy. For sale in Exeter by W. S. Howey. BAYFI1 LD Mr. Jos. Thomson has his grist and tour mill about completed and will be running in full bktet before lotto. This is an institution which has been muoli needed In this vicinity and will be sure to .give good eatisfactron. Wm. Mustard has moved bis shanty to Mr. John Stewart's bush along the river and has started sev- eral men cuttinr ceder and other timber tLere. Mr. J.as. Campbell has his new reale demo about completed and will move in before long. The directors of tbe IAayfiela Cem- etery Oa hold their annual meeting on Monday Jan. 15th at 2 o'clock p. m. shanp for the purpose of eleetine directors &nil officers for the +preseht year. Mr. Mockery. of St. Marys. is visitkr; at the biros of harry Dreb- mann this week. Meagre. Alex and Chas. Ferguson having spent the summer saili.n; Ort American "steamers returned home last week Ifinr the winter. Mr. John Geminhardt and wife of Detroit, ere visiting triends to town at present. Miss G,nace Galbraith. of Chice•3o, nurse in one of t he I.ir.cst hospitals in that oity. is visiii:n; at her home here at /present and returns to her duties on Friday of thin week. The new ncouneel held their first meeting on Monday at 11 o'clock a. m. The :following offs were appointed: ii. W. Erwin, rk: Robt. McMurray. constable, Chas. Tippet,' assessor; John Falconer avid A. F.. Erwin, Auditors ; Thos. Cameron, truint officer, end Dr. Stanbury, medical health officer. Mr. Dave Gardiner, of Clinton, is renewing old acquaintances in town this ace:.'. The Ar�:ulturtl Society hold their +antral meetin; on Monday. Jan. 10 to cleat officers for the present year Mr. Ed. Baker and wife. of Owen Sound. steest New Yeirs visiting friends sin town. The your;'folks held a social hop in the Town Hall on New Year's tri;ht when a pleasant time teas The teameetin; held by the ,tidies aid on Wednesday evening Last was poorly attended on :recount of the wet, stormy night. A good program was given, proceeds $21.00. Mr. ltoht. Ilkley left on Friday last to attend the ilusiness rolleje at London for the winter months. bS uehon, of Durham, is visit - it in inter, Mrs. (Dr.) ,Woods in town An nereeabvemnct of tie be►wtts without any unpleasant if - feet is produced by O.. ' s Stomas► an elLiver scale in 'Exeter by W owey. .mow Scrofula lb vary ONO � ,WIWI "�'es hr Bat .1sIt�iiw 1�''a sad Woe TIMES, JANUARY llth 1906. ZURICH Mr. John Lere;oo4 and his mother root North Dakota are visiting rola- Ives in this eeetion. Mrs. (Rev.) Daum and sister. Mrs. Eidt. of Crediton, called on friends in the village • on Friday. The annual meeting of he mem- bers of •Say Townsb'• ' or Munni Fire u - pasty was held in the 1b n Hall, on Tuesday. Mrs. -Samuel Lerner, of the 14th eon. spent the p+st week. visiting her parents, Mr. amid Mrs. M@flick. Mr. Cornet 8►einbarch, rat Beatortb. spent a dew days here this week re- newing acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. J. Preeter and fam- ily spent New Years with relatives and triends in Berson. Rev. W. J. Yager spent s few days in Moronto, Berlin and Hamburg this week. aVhilt in Toronto he took advantage ot the opportunity of hearin; the rarest evan;;eliats. Dr. Torry and Mr. Alexander in Massey Ball. who 'acre eonduotine very suc- cessful meetings in that nsty. Mr. and,Mrs. Dan Eichel• and Miss Pie Eioher, of Elkton. Mich. ,aro visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity at present. Miss Clara Ilochannan. of Toron- to, spent the holidays with her par- ents bene. Miss Beatrice Steinbach, of Sea- 1 forth, who has been visiting in the village the past week, left Saturday for Exeter. Mr. John Torrance, of Clinton, tbe newly appointed License Inspector for south Huron, made his fiiat of- ficial Dalt on the local 'hotels on Wednesday. Mu. Stersie, of Galt, spent the holidays with his cousins, the Mc• Bride 'basally. STOMACH TROUBLES AND CON- ' STIPATION. • "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets aro the 'gest thin; for stom- ach troubles a►nd constipation 1 have ever Wald," says J. R. Cullman, a dru;;ist of Potterville, Mich. They are easy to take and always give sat- isfaction. I tell my cuvtotners to try them and if not esatiafactory to come back and got their ¢coney!' For sale in Exeter by W. S. Howey. TIIMORS cONpEREI MIN M UTNN AM INI Ya td flower -et Lydia It. Doak beats Visetabie Compound la tate Coos at We. Panels Ds Ilbx. One • ' tri et Lirdis Pinkhaat a V the conquering o womsa's .. ea - mays Tumor. The growth of a tumor is moldy that &squeakily its presence bn taesgesled aaUl it is far advate n& /'OR O VSR 81XTY t Xd1t8 An Ow Ana Wau.-T&rt+w E v..—Mrs Vreil Ric over 4 s*s by esBtdtomasi s hildrenp weer It eeati►et the �oswith tie arid. auaje al! poli cures alar' aide the hast aired for Diarrhea. Ia pleated to the taste. Solibl to evert banal e( taw; world. e1 asster a e. Its due be enealoslable. He etre take Ma. Window's Seething ayrspaas ask ter no eke kind. 11 ENSALL Miss Whiteside&, who has been teochin; in tbe West with very much success. during the past year, or so, returned home Itast week to spend the winter. She intends returoine in the sprint. Mr. Mrasrvyat Brown, who holds a ,;sood position en Toronto. spent New Years with this pairents. Mr. Panty Reyeaids;is lite from the west: Mrs. {Dr.) Fer;uson tha�. been 'spending the past week with aniends in Blyth. Miss Jessie ,Elder. of '>Itrrrie, for- s -eerily et llensail, visited friends hero. Miss M. McGregor, of London, is visiitbn3 her mister. Mrs. Todd - Hr. John Murr,+y, of Dundas, and Mr. nand Hrs. Thos. Murrey, of Owen Sound. were 'here visiting their fath- er Mr. Jos. Murray. Mr. JTUhn Oh ismoin. wife and Little daughter, of London were hero last week visiting Mr. Chapman's pat- ents. Mass Ilessie Urquhart returned to Toronto hist week to Tresume her studies. Miss Mottle Ellis, who wise +home f•r.• the holid•+yr, returned to Har- rrrw rust week. The Misses Smillie, teachers have returned to their duties -after spend- ing the h'olid'ays here. M•sn::'ire of Muss hell. — A very pretty %sedans; was solemnised on Monday, Ja.r.uary 1st, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .iohn Hell, oL relay, near Hensoll. when their daughter, Miss M'a•ngaret Doiz, was united in maruim;e to Mr. A. 1'. Ketohen. B, So. A., editor .of the Northwest Far- mer, Winniper. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Srnith, M. A.. of lfens.'•ll. assisted by itev. C. B. Urquhart. II. A., of Kippen. The wedding ntn,noh was played by Miss A. Bell, ,cousin of the bride. The m•id of honor tens Miss Anne Pell, dauxhter sof Mr. Robert Aell of 8eallarth. The beide who wars ;iven atrly by Ther father was prettily 'awned Tin silk 'ohiitfon over cream taffeta. leer travelling dress was a beautiful hlne broadcloth. The Lit• its In aid ot honor wore a white or- ;attdie ism] eavr•nipd a beauitful )nn- nuet +af 'roses The esteem in which the bride was held ons evidenced by the numerous Turd noetly presents which she received. The groom's rift to the bride was a hc+ndsome brooch with a crescent of !marls and his present to the maid of honor was a aotd brlrcelpt. Mr. and Mrs. Kctchen deft ..n the evening train for Winnipeg Their many friends unite tin eeeh'rnx the happy rauple 1 'mensure '!f streccss neater even than that which the ;room by his industry, perseveronce end ability, his neon in the past. Ri.1N,V11.1.R Mr. Alden Johns hes left tor Lon - d•►n w1wre he intends taking as bu'si- nr.ss acorea. The newly elected officers of the ('F.esen Friend. Lodzc were duly •in- atalled last Friday night. One of the sons of Mr. John Our• Wish Thad the eni•fnrtune to dill off a bed and •have his 'fe; b n. Rev. Robt. flis+ks, of Wind • r, who .?as been visit'ne his pore .leit on Monday for 1'niert. Ont., a he was united in merrinee T. to fee 1 eitht, of that n e wee J►erformed 8o -called " waaded•g port'" rasy come from its early Magee. or the of f� Mit ssse. saierneeprofuse down eahe WS. the ovaries n and If you have mysteries' gaintys• ars indicatives of inikaninalien or dirt. iacement, don't wait for time te sen - Arm fmrgo through Ike horrorsf ofears sal t{mom Lydia IL Coat- pound t sway begin Its nee. �ve you her advies t:e•�f al. will [t yon wW writs her &boat yswnsTf. Your lettv twat be seen by women only. DIM=the senega I ve bed w at 2 w to Mir Iagoeths'�'cs,.inell,.se _ eat ami slitele v sad wtmM ! hart & tnis&r vetetmflrlrsam "after I read ase d peer adse% beim Y 4l t' drs 1:141 mai and las sass I haus ns o� now. It beside* b �e lits around Dace mo, and -I sa �� re well.”—Amide D. Fox, 7 Obeisant Bradford Dashwood With stork t:+kin,' about over we are. note ready to talk "iia ;e Wire Fence" to our many customers. Re- member their ie only one "heat and experience in this neighborhood concedes that the Pa;e wire fence ha it. For sale by E. P. Paulin, We had a nice fall of the beautiful Tuesday morning, n very little more would 'make ;good elei•ehin;. Mise Murry Nadir;cr and :aster. Mrs. Natanile, Who •have been viaitirtrT their Z,curenta, Mr. and Mrs. Godfried Nodi3er. of this plaice, left Monday morning. Miss Marry going to IDs - trait and Mrs, Normile to &aiame- xno. Mich. Miss Lizsie Ronnie, of Ziw,oh, es posting the books at the Hardware. 11[r. Godfried Nadager lost a val. uable m Mohs cow, through nailoh fever Tuesday morning. A1nc14e Rutledge is at home at present. Mr. and Mra. Ed. Resta.myor. Bronson Line, had their home brightened Wednesday east by the arrival of a yours; non. Congratula- tions. Mir. Chas. Lindonficld, or' Exeter. and Miss Grtshrrm, of Goderioh. spent Bandag in tbe village. On Tuesday aaizht about 10.30 o'clock fire broke out in the house Gadtried Nadi;er, and by the time tbe ah.rnn shad been given. it had tuned 'considerable headway. Tie bucket Imirede did efficient work and in a short time had the UM under control, but not before con- siderable (lama 4e had been done. Do rot despair of curing your sick headache wbon you can so easily ob- tain Carter's Little Liver Pills. They will effect a prompt and perman- ent cure. Their action is mild and satire!, FARQUHAR Mr. Thos. C.cmeron is preparing to build a new barn next summer. Mr. J. E. McNicol, our blacksmith, has placed a shoein; rack cn his shop. The Fore.ttcrs will hold their an- nual oyster supper for the members of Court Star and their wives on Friday evenin;. Jan. 12th, at 0.30 p. rn. All the members are cordially invited to, nttcnd and enjoy a Foci- lble avenin;. The Fn,uth pluton Farmers insti- 1 rte purpose holding a meeting here during February. The auction wile of cattle and horses on Friday last held by Mr. C. E. hackney NOIR a successful one prices of cows going as hiah as $50.00, while yearling colts brow;ht the lrandwrxne sum of $155, two year olds going for 8182. and three year olds as high es $200. Messrs. T. (lcrneron and J. White were the auctioneers. The stock were all ot a high 'clues end were a credit to the huver 1. well as the seller. I11 Ittt Friday, 1)e•'emtxr 2nd. MaJeolm M.•l.r.n. •a well koese resident p1 (kiderich tagged !sway t the ad• tcrrn'cd -. tp .•.f tOn ve s, 7 ame ma s and 12 days. At t ime ot ?►is death be was Ibe st 'man Tin init. nnd t.nssihl Huron antes - DINNER SETS eve acre carryinsua beautiful new line of Including 'TwelStock Patterns" whereby you can buy ae et or any part of one. Everyone we show is Al quality (Guaranteed not to Orme). The decorations aro works of art and the shapes are the beet of the potter's •kW. TOILET SETS, Always a elreatto choose from. We keep up to the mark in shape, design and TEA SETS, Splendid assortment of 40 and 44 piece sets in English. Austrian and French China and Decoeated Porcelain. LAMPS, lhel�oe. Hanging. of all kinds of lamps in Ontario. of Gla Lamps. ging. Sewing. Beading and all styles WEDDING GIFTS, We show a beautiful line of aPtwopri- r ogler has pleases, Wa for this an sure of getting alue for your n the City. purpose A made here always TT Because it• new. imitable sad good and our prima are r•mooa6le. FANCY CHINA Alwaystta• and such an something new to shorn in We table articles yon will not find elsewhere. Wo Writ* you toou o come and see. LONDON GROOKFRY GO. s69 0 ;1oM: WE PREPAY express or freight charges on all purchases of 1610.00 or over. 1•tlr•••N TRADE MARK 0. Maple Leaf Rubbers are made only from the best "Para" rubber. Made to fit every style and shape of men's shoes, ladies' shoes and shoes for the little ones. In ladies' shapes they arc neat, light, perfect fitting and lasting. Insist on the "Maple Leaf" Brand — it's` on ev, rubber. y. Sold by all dealers. 1/ ��/CCENTRALL STRATFORD. ONT. Do you want a good position in the Commercial World? The surest and shortest road is via this school. We give a course of training that is not surpassed by any Business College in Can- ada. Weigle. individual instruc- tion therefore you may enter at any time Write for free cata- logue and get fail particulars. W. J. ELLIOTP. ci D. A. McLACELAN. } ii>a• • •Nh••N•• UORNEY. — In Usborne. Saturday. Dec. 6th. tbe wife of Robert Harr• ney. of a son. ALDWOItTN. — To Mr. and Mrs. Ohara Aldworth, on Dee. 27tb. sun. HARVEY.— In Usborne. Jontaary 1 1906, the ear of Charles Harvey. 1 daauzhter. ELLWOIITIiY.— in ilsborne J.sn.4 1906, the wife of Henry Ellw•or- thy. a daughter. FRAIL-N.—In Sault Ste Merin, Jan. and. 1900, t he wife of bur. C., 11. Fnly.nc. ,nee Miss Lila McCord. of s dnnuhter. MANNING.—in London. Dee. a•tb. 1005, the wife of Wilbur N. Kan - tying of twins, daughters. MAltR1ED LINDRNYIELD_ GR la Now in Stocic Bran and Shorts and Wheat Chop At Exeter and Centralia Elevators Prices satisfactory. Bring in your grain , and lard home .15 with feed. 4 J. 6Ol1DUDI6K SUIT BELLED'" You are Suit buyers. We stake the Salta— you wear them oat. W mala thew as well as we can. so that tb wiW not wear out sooner than tb ora ti Because, if they do. y�e��Et 1�nesMt Saint. somewhere one could lse for blaslie/ you• So much money onngb�t to is much Suit worth. And Suit ith-siooablener of fabric -4;1;Z W tlel•b looks drrssynsas —• and Isoogtgooih of service. Miles tempt ailthl es aand�net pay tai• ..els Is W. Jahns.