HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-12-21, Page 9Home 144444 -1144444 ECCED RECIPES. In making • custard the whiles of!TH1./ Ss S. LLSSO `t nllt r. the eggs aro not a uteessuty dient. Use the yolks to thicken the Jadai milk. in rho proportiou of ono yolk to a cup 0f milk. The whites of the reetetNAT,'to el, LF."SOIN, utlkt eggs way then be used as u garnish fur the top of the custard. flee fed; IAN. I. 1'o improve grtrn peas which havo Lesson 11. The fuse Menrind Ic,us• boccie old and dry place two or Golden Text. Prov, '2.26• three large lumps of sugar in the was ter in which they aro to bo cooked. thea quite cookod, tako tho saute Note. -"Che text of the revised v,. pan off tho fire, and let the peas .. rued as a basis for these WI before them - the in the • %toter •for •Lvu tainulea to remain tie - may be made from veriest • Studies. pen... 008 rec vat before straining. •f anysort. burnt these into Glatt Tidings to the Jews. -'Than Lents, front the. Iran.. tubo was al - '1'u el gloves lay them out on a b 1(,n� g' add cooked potato, carrots, clean table or board, and ilib a MIX.' of Nazareth ryas of n truth Ills ready platting tho cath ut the new• a little union. Cover all with u looked1 Il• and eagerly ex ti 8 Mss• flit ceunat, and serve dirvwUy "el tura of finely powdered fuller's -earth sigh of the Ilebrv)yt le, the $'•u of and alum in equal quantities. Brush, David ? • b est ir.dQile.'tit .1te Soviou :Kin olesrael ho, !teem b 1 on' and sprinkle tho gloves with delft., , 1 ;;ti riaC-A0eguea should be set Ut. brun and whiting. Ltal1.!)� ti(ft,l'`tlioe-1 ' the burden, though Khly_ jiiu aro usonil for; fellow -countrymen, who (first evangelist's mesa an ngin this way. fellow -countrymen, w ed on Jesus for his work's A good tiro extinguisher can bei ee(ltf for Iho slrengit niu LESSON Wolil) STUDIES. t. 1:' ah, which •usanda . t couie forth r in tslael. d shay,fekd .f Jehovah, in .( Jcitolruit his titlebeni-lit ac• rmtihuii baited ibe .�. mans'. ituH$$1t3. TUN$ uv . iiia Cea$T1rAT1N. all TAI,LAw $Intl. t�, { Iron TlnnCOMPI. IOP CBJlRk SICK HEADACHE. Every flour Delayed IN* IN CURING ACOLD �� IS DANGEROUS. Von have einem hear) people say: "Its only a sold, a trifling cough," but rainy a life history would read different if, on the first appearance of a cough. it had been rowelled with DR. WOOD'S NOR- WAY PINE SYRUP. It is a pleasant, safe and effectual remedy. that may k0 corfideutly rclie�.t noon eu a rpeoifio for Coughs and Colds of all kinds, Coarseness, More Throat, Puns 1n Che: t, Asthma. Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Quinsy, a•,tl all am- , terns of dal Throat nod f.unr'. Mrs Stephen E. S!:ong, R^rstick, writes: "I have used Dr. 1'inodll 'orway Syrup for Asthma, and have fo d ft to t.e a s !vin •k relief. We always ,t 9' fine t and medicine. Y would not Le ni!l,out a :,uailje of it is the Louse.,, s.. Th•. Woods Norway Pine Syl up is put up in a yellow wrapper. 'Puce Pine rets is the trade +2., rr i atall dealers. price n.. the .nary 4 ltefu.e suestitutss. D•emend Dr. Woutes and get it. A WOMAN'S BACK iS THE MAINSPRING OF HEI(PHYSICAL c� G The Slightest Baek- �S 1• ache, if Neglected, Is Liable to Cause Years of Terrible Suffering. No woman can bo str'u►g and healthy unless the kidney' aro weft, and regular in thuir action. When the kidneys aro ill, the whole body is ill, fur the poisons which the hides tt.glit to have frlte ud out of lett in the sytem. c,•uuttituhun is naturally to kit ley (11sceso tlean a at 1s tore, a wornen'9 work hc holo life is ono con - omen have yon heard says my back aches!' Do you know ackacho is ono of the first signs of elliltrouble? It is, and+;limed Io at - to iunnedietoly. Other symptoms went thirst, seanty, thick, cloudy colored urine, burning sensation 'nattng, fjequent urination, puff - he eye., swelling of the feet and the eyes, eta tine specks before t y , proms if not taken in tune and ., twig copse years of terrible e suffering. Alt th•�9lt! m m+. and k aey K - tale in fat these discaaop may Inn cure by use of 'S KIDNEY Pli.IS DOAK • m, water and allowed to soak tyfour hours before cooking. ue•ptust bo buil , t1' Will bo Lora babe. M 11. The house ---Not necessarily the fatal n sante in which the babe had ' been his Lorn, now doubtless some duys,.m t not )Iter, %leeks, ago. e, yet Frankincense end myrrh --Both res• their it u ggurus obtained from trees found [n A,bla, used for mcxlicinal purposes Ice -Take half a pint inado with very little trouble as fol- faith just such a selling forth of. life and for embalming, and very expen• lows: I'ut Lhreo pounds of salt Ina .and work in the light of the Old'Testa- rauberries►, a teacupful of stoned gullOn of water, and add to this ono b sive. raixula, tw r throe apples. peeled moot prophesies which In him found le. Another any -Possibly proceeding tt�u uud a halt pounds of sal ammoniac. their complete and onlyfulfillment. The and cored. 'Arid sugar to taste, and 1;utile this liquid, keep in various P south from Bethlehem, past Ilebroo cover with good short crust. Cooki � author's purpose being argumentative and through ldumfra eastward, or :o steadily till the troll is quite 0ione. places about fho house, so that whop rather then biographical, he doth not al- tht, northeast across Jordan, leaving For Spiced Milk. -Put one ounce a faro Is discovered it may Uo quickly ways in his narrative observe the ex- Jerusalem, to tho west.a. ext guished• nrl chmnolo cat order of t stick moa into one pint of g 1n • ' events for o s cc cun'a Cako can be easily and quickly, which the gospel of Mark 'is n Vetter old whisky, and macerate fur' a fort-) matte by boatingupthree o and st g. eggs nide. In addition to endeavoring. 10 night. shaking constantly• =ham cup of castor sugar till ver mill, b strain off the whisky into a clean; 1 B y , strengthen the faith of Jewish Chris - add gradually a cup of self-raising Lions in Jost's as the Messiah, he sought bottle. Take one or two tahlospoong This! flour, and pour into a welt-groasod also to enlarge tho vision of those for futs in half n pint of hot. milk, 'Phis and paper -luted tint tin. Bate till a whom he wrote by making plain that is a ;;'to remedy for a cold in its, g quickly the kingdom oslahlishcd by Christ oat light fawn color, then c nick! spread is very sustaining. � tyltll jatu and vol( it up. universal in scope, embracing all nn- opulur with children, Lemon cheesecake is made with six' tions and all peoples and thus abolish- ing all harrow Jewish limitations. Very early tradition uniformly ascribes the writing of the first gospel to Mot - thew, one of the less conspicuous of tho apostolic group. But the hook itself dnt not mention the name of its au- thor. and there are ninny nble and con- scientinu•s scholars who believe that this tradition in its earliest form means simply that the substance of the gospel n•essage, though probably not the form ci the narrative, is to be ascribed to the apostle whose name the gospel boars. 'There Lc, however, no positive early sta'.._anri Rico gruel iesp if made as folloos. -Aft. a tahlespoun fol of ground rico with ono pint of;eggs, quarter of a pound of butter, milk till perfectly smooth. Boil over; grated rind and juice of four lemons, la and one pound of granulated sugar. a slow fire with n little cinnamon! Melt the butter :lowly ill an enamel and nutmeg, 1 stirring cuutinunlly' 1 saucepan, add the lemon rind and When quite cooed, sweeten to taste,i r,rt, au itl last) the sugar. Stir and serve with a piece of butter lastly stirred into it. \ I we'.1 till the mixture boils, pour into u jar, and cover when cold. Cook Potato Ilagout -\lash three ounces, slowly, or It will burn. Lemon of cooked potatoes, flavor them with' cheesecake will keep a long than two ounces of chopped lean ham and an onion (parboiled and chopped),II half a teaspoonful of mixed herbs,I - pepper and salt. Mix two eggs with AN OLD-FASIIIONED PICKLE. the mixture. then lightly add tho lo,f for this contention, the problem of egg. Have rontly n pan of This recipe dates hack to tho time P hot fat, drop the mixture in by of Charles the Second. At that tithe! resolving itself rather into a question eessertspuontnls. Fry nicely, noel there was a thoroughfare called, (•' the interpretation of the rather mea - drain on thick paper be/ the fire. Pickled Egg Walk that led front the get data uvoilahle, \\'e at'e therefore Servo pile l high and garnished with city of London to Clerl.enwell, n jtrstilietl in assuming that the earliest choppedarsiey. northern district of tho dear old tradition concerning the authorship of Roast wood pigeons make a good town. 'There was a tavern in this thegospel theis s correct-that orm t that i ,theat ) Miat- fns dish for a small party. Carefully ror'1 fnrnuns for its pickled eggs, and thew,n his aposmuntle, and that he wrote it !t is said that fife niel'ry tuonat'ch g cleanse some Yount; pigeons, then in subslanliully the form In which it dry them, with a cloth. Put n table- once stopped at the tuve:n and par- has come down to us. Concerning the spoonful of butter, add 51)010 chopped took of theca. data noel plane of the composition t f onion end parsley. season with pep- To 1 cit. vinegar allow ono tea- 11118hnt! 110 el moth n , composition if per and salt, inside each tried. Tie spoon black pepper, 1 teaspoon white gospel r P a thin rusher and tttu vine leaves pepper and boli oz. whole ginger well known, though the data available points bird and bruised. Moil the eggs for 13 min- le the years ('4.71) as the approximate over the breast o[ each time and to Palestine as (ho probable vcoldwater dipthem in etc. then foot m minutes i twenty-five c st' c! I for r,a t n y il Baste continually with clurifed drip-, carefully tuke oft the shells. drip-, ping. Serve milli bread sauco and, any. should be broken in handling do brown gravy. 1 not use them, as ono broken egg Jelly sauce for game and roast l would spoil all the rent. Arrange mutton. -Melt a quarter of a pint of,the eggs; with care in n sinall crock red currant, rowan. or grape idly inor in large open-mouthed bottles. a satlrepan, add l:salt an ounce of! Now put the pepper and ginger into butter: cut in small pieces. Let all the vinegar and when it boils, let it holt for one minute, one just before simmer gently for 10 minutes to oX. serving et.ir in a tablespoonful of tract the (laver of the spices, cover - sherry and the same quantity of ing the saucepan closely. Then while t hick brown gravy hot ;lour it over the eggs and when birth of Jesus which was to the 1�.u• torn Beef Dash. -Mince the cold tie down closely to exclude the birthing point of the new order be calcu- of l -sf finely and add an equal portion. nir. In one mouth the eggs will be ninon an error the made order l:xialtut- of cult) potatoes, chopped or mashed, ready for use. and co-laborers,eerror wit the (late of the uua and one small onion finely chopped. and his -1 placed thee(bi years t later Secson well with salt and pepper. than U should have been. Froin the Put into a large, clop frying -pan ,n n l;cspol narrative we know that Jesus p° of hotter the sic of hen's was horn shortly bolero the death cd 1ier•od the Great. Rut llcrod (licit in the year of Rome 750.751, which emote snoods to Iho year which we now des- ltmate as B.C. 4 to B. C. :I. hence Jesus was horn nt least as curly es B. C. 4: Il,ll allowing for some months t t clans° between the birth of Jesus and the slaughter of the babes ni f elhlelent Ity Herod, and ogain L•e- lween this event rind the (tenth of the long, (tering which time Joseph with Mary anti the young child sojourned :n Egypt (cont. Malt. 2. 1, 16. 191, the more probnhle elate become B. C. 5 to Il. C. 4. Herod the King ---Son of Anlipater, governor of iduumma (I:dornl. the terri• 1.•ry south of the Den11 Sen where da .11 Ili(' de-1'0111anIs to Esau; fmin(ler of the Iiirodi:.n fancily and dvnnet y, and kttotvn later ns Iferi(I the (went. soon 1factor of the revenue in order to after Syria find Palestine became purl impose fresh taxation 10 an extent, of the Bottum etupir•e, at the time • f which could not Ito jastifted by the the invasion of Asia by Pompey the actual necessities of the Empire. Great. nee idtnntenn family become 1DEiD AND 'J'Ol3AC('O 1►l'TIEs. I.lonlinent in Palestine affairs. ht 13. A good deal of violent criHcistn Is (:. :17 'hurl. Auto-te, the friend and directed against 1he proposed 1n- at'Nig r of ,Itili«s Caesar, placed ro`i crease }it the def i, :v on beer and to - eft Iho tin one nf Judea. JoseplI1(upt 'tree nn•l these art Mee (11 consuutP- enunmerales eight whirs of Bend. and be i.; known to have had Iwo others; tion are being discussed as if thou he had eight sons and six daughters, were practically necessaries of life A cr(tea, unserupuluus, and ninhilious for the German working classes. Tho 11 throne, he ievrrthclets proposed duties are ids(' criticized They act directly on the kidney), and tnrko them strung and healthy. �. Mrs. Mery Galley, Auburn, N.R., critet:- For over four ntorttht 1 was troubled with a isrue baek and was unable to turn in bed without help. I wax induce' by a friend to try lesas's Kidney Pills. After wring two- thi rde of n hot n.y back ass M well as ever." Pri:•o 5!) ocelot per boo or three boxes for $1.135 at all dealers, nr sent dire•'t on re. coipt of pri: e. Tho Duan Kiduuy Pill Co., Tozoute, Oat.. 411t, MILBURN'& LAXA-LIVER PILLS FINANCES OF GEMINI IDE STATE TREASURY 1S IN A %EltY. st.. BAD WAY. But Industries are Prosperous --- tine - cession Duties are Too Low. The economic situation in Germany continues decidedly mixed. While it is truo that the Government itself is iq a barb way and has been obliged to resort almost to extremities to raise money for necessary expenses, it. is also truo that industrial Ger- mane has been making giant strides. The situation briefly stated .Is about this: The Government itself in prac- tically bankrupt., but industrially along certutt lines- tho Germans aro making as much, or more, progress than any other nation in the world. It is difficult to anulyzo a situation like this. About all that can be done is to give specific instances and al- lot students to draw their own (10- ductions. For instnnee, the English Board of the Buenos; Ayres Great Southern itnilway Company, who have recently placed orders for 100 locomotlt•es, aro having 20 of the number built in Germany. The secre- tary of the company states that the rice quoted by the German dent is 25 per cent. lower than that of any composition. flet Oa t - c its c quicker • deny - Verse ,f uu r do i l English firm, and that y t Verse 1. When Jesus was born -Our i ery can be obtained. The firm is ono present system of chronology, accord- (,j )high standing, and there have int: to which we number years forward been previous sa isfactory dealings and backward from the birth of Christ with his company. Lord, our 1 yearof , (A.D., Anno Domini, CONDEMN 'CIII' RL DC FT and ILC., before Christ), dales back only to the middle of the sixth cen- tury, about which time a Boman abbot, Dionysins F,xigutis, Is reputed to have Lt -en instrumental in inaugurating the systent. But in taxing the date of the Taken promptly and falthfue hoc rding to dlrise-' tions will not only Invariably prevent Consumption but will never fall to cure any of these lesser diseases which are always the forerunners of • Consumption. Cottssc'oy. Dray sots, 1904 It affords me pleasure to speak of the merits et Psycbine, which 1 found to be a marvelous tonic wed tissue builder. I was takes down with a bad cold.• d which settled on my lusts. Is tact, 1 believe I was never free from colds for swathe previous, sad tried many of the common cure-alls and cheap nostrums you ase advertised, but obtained no relief. 1. had then learned that such remedies are merely palliative and not curative preparations. Friends advised 1 sycbine,and after taking several bottles I became sound and strong again. Scores of my friends have been saved much suffering with Psychlne, and I voluntarily give pe for theepublitatioa of this statement. 0. W. MORRISON. Ps.ychine For safe at druggist hasn Limited, 1i9 K sample bottle persons living request. (Pronounced Si -keen.) all drug stores, $1.00 per bottle. if your 't Psyclline in stock call at Dr. Slocum, ing street, west, Toronto, and a large will bo given you free as a test. To outside of Toronto a sample mailed IN THE RUSSIAN TERROR AN EYE-WITNF.SS TELLS OF TIER EXPERIENCES. An English Governess who fleeto Fly For Her Lite to Escape Rioters. After adventures recalling tho days of the French "Terror," Miss Webster, nn ta:glish governess, has escaped from tile heart of Russia, and is now resid• leg in Ealing Englund. Iter story i andpillage e eterror 6 �•' scenes P t► s the sc n_ L n h g Ill.: horrors of Jew-b:tiling, and the ruthless savagery of the Black lion - died vividly before English eyes, says t the London Mail weeks v t cc .r eve hail been Webster h. "ss \\cb t r MI It. Is noteworthythat while tho nn- with the family of I)r. S--, tthottt ten miles front Krolevvez. t► 'i'clternig(iv, nouncemcnt of the proposed great "Otto, of the most dnnge:ous govafn- ineronsu in the, expenditure en the meats of European Musset," when her navy was receit•en with e•ct;v little ttvubies began. adverse criticism, except no was to On lite first alarm Dr. S '8 ftutl- have been expected from the Social fly and it11s Webster lett their hoose 1lemocrn s, the new budget of 1111- On that of a Russian► priest• Ills em- porial talintion was in many quarters, lige, however, tuns so crowded «'ills condemned before it has been explain- other refugees that Miss Webster de cd to the Reichstag by its author, Bided 10 ,go track to Ur. S---oe-'e 1101150. Itnron von Stengel, Secretary y. 1• , her surprise, Dr. S--- and Iho chit- in for the imperial Trensut;v. dren also returned d Ilio next day, but in Clerical and !tactical journals unite n slate of iner.•ased nlnext• tt cun,plaiuinp; that 220 to 230 57tl- "At 1 p. nt.," Miss Webster writes. lion marks -$55,000,000 1)po,(►00 to G57.- ' 1 tn. ed mc. to (timer. Just 50n fled from f fieali laxation are do- ns we were. sitting Acton n Jewish Ind mantled tom the Empire without any cameOleY flying into the room calling upon nnr(]uate eou•iderution of the m:ntural it- to run for our lives, ns n bona of 1111(1 probable• biereaso in the Imperial be( hundred rioters end left iirolewez revenues front exir:ting sources, and. seme.tinte ago. hound for the doctor's abovo all, from the working of tho house. A friendly peasant had passed nets tariff. It is true that tho in- teem, and Cad Curried "out (o warn IIS. creased revenue from Customs udder The babies, who -were asleep, had to to Ole new cvnitnttt•cinl treaties will not rudely awaI:cubit, and hurried into gar- will uppetctithh. in the ctrl Mulles ntenls u( some sort, \lr.3. S --was till at least a year hence, since there (rnuliC, will have been unusually largo On- NO'rlll\G COULD BE POUND; .. present •n a IT with r tinder ofn st L t1 i , rt, he ports for 1limiting 1servants and nurses v. t r , (, t, I s.ew to avoiding the Increased believed du- sn;nll shoes and goloshes mitt •g f r I t. s. Elul. it 1a, quarters t tholes, Govern- crn11s. in various quarters that the (.Quern- • „ . err, arab half a cupful of milk. 11 hen TIPS FOlt len\iF SIL\f,"GRS. 1110:444 are hot 1t1t in the beef and '- potatoes, stir thoroighly, and as Practical Hints on How 10 Obtain stun as the mixt:,re is hot place it Easy Shave. on a yen hot dish and serve. Salt beef should be used. and an tom/elem. breakfast dish results. Stufed ('nbbage.-('Icanse, soak and boil a lnrge, firm heed of cab- bage until tender. Scrape out the in- side, leaving enough for a solid outer wall. With the scraped cabbage mix a cup. cf litho broad crumbs, a little sett. popper and celery sect and ono i Beat this small Inion cut tine. up with a teaspoonful of butter and three eggs. bill tho cabbage with the stuffing, do around it a .trip of cloth and bake until brown. are mild, sure and safe, and aro a perfect regulator of tho system. They gently urloek the s.''reticns, close swat, all effete and waste mettor from the system, and give tone and vitality to the whole intestinal tract, curing Cousti;u• tied, Siek Headache, Bilioutnees, Dyrpep• sin, Coated Tongue, Foul Breath, Jaen. dice, Heartburn, at td \\'aper Braili. '.firs. R. S. Ogden, Wooclst„ck, :Cll., writes: "My husband end myself hare wad NM - burn's WeMthink weLirer tls fur a cannot do without r of yeaIlene. biey are the only pills we ever oe 2S eeate oe Ave bottles for 11.01, or direct on rw'Mpt ofpries. Ce•. Lis►ited, Tarda Raked Dianh.-Settle the ham in cold water over night. Remove it from the water and cover the part that is not coyest with skin with a pnstu of emeolhly-mixed Cour and water, Inking care ant it is of s'cfticient thickness to keep in all tlto malt juice. Hako in a moderato oven, al- lowing twenty-five minutes to every pound. Remove the chsin1 and .s'iin (OKI cover with brea.lcrunths. Put i„ the over. until it becomes a guld- en brown. LSEV1'1. liUNT3. !trothere:I-pee 1 articles should bo cleaned with whiting and cold water. Soap discolors them. Krep flowers fre• It by placing a entail piece of camphor of n pinch of SOU. iu the water in %%inch they stood. A curt nin which has n hole in it cnn he mended in the following man - 'tier: Cut n piece; from nn old cur- tain n little larger th I hole. li the edges in coley starch, n ire lute and the I ninnlellyd war, veto:red by the r penntied pontic' -a t nt ni in it of r[ U a ( I twine. 1 the or ant resorting • ia,use knife soon vouchsafed these tarn In guWe Indorlly mender] .i ng ne I� ruriosily to many vistlors, and ns, lin ret first to Jrr►tsnC'nt and then In I r drink front (• 'i i o f to 1 f( t'•to elhl ht t t !n the handle tt•• yds fall ut ru:(in I :'.•n their cu9l I t ICO tauter tt B pad brietelest. bleat. the shank of . ► beer a tons' appropriate to It. (n''1-110 simplieily of the narralit. at this the knife. fond t'.hile very hot prose tit' same room there hung n pair of ',(•int is eharacterislic or nil New Tr::- it into the handle, holding it in (dace 11. ens, upon which all strangers for- lament passages in which IuirneIea are until firmly set. ru;'rly were sworn. memljnnrd. J1. esw'ttx and t.'trpenl ire shoul,l ;l. ill: oras troubled-- llero(1's reign never he placed on a stove in order �- -�♦ ' had been much disturbed by plots and to melt the wax. Accidents frequent- ir,(p lgn t, r,nt' ns he grew' alcor he he• he result from thio Cut the wax in- i Going through the tennis of n large cauul doubly suspicious and foar'ful le.ti an Only experience can teach the art i'f snaring. Unfortunately the; coarct to many so late in life that by the tint , they have learnt to shave much unne •• es:ary agony has been endured. T.r nhlain an easy shave, the first needs• si!•v is In wash the face in soap ao l cold water. and dry' the sten thoroughly immediately before applying the Irtntter Is lathered.nn1 , � the [ue l Then. e u r., t+ n 7 e.i. I I the Becher the talker is. the easier w•lil P1 the shave. The razor is the thins. however, that require, the most al. trillion. Remember, it is not a smomh blade, ns the unscientific imagine. Lot e One Saw. ae anyone who troubles It ;ince it under a strong enough tangni- fyfear•gla•cs can ascertain lo. himsntf. Such l:eine; the rase, it is insufficient !o take it over the face. II should b! moved in n swaying manner, either from toe to heel, or heel to toe. ns le' sr eclat beard operated on may (tertian 1. 1 ho;e In doubt should try both ways. and n second's experience of each will show which. Is preferable. The blade should 1•e held neerly flat to 1110 fe:••' Iecntlse 11 1y tnon) effncinns int this On- sllion, and is lees likely to clnntnee the skin. If the skin is drawn a't tigh'I' as possible will' the left ham!. the hairs will be tercet' nut and razed nl a low- er level than otherwise. fill: GTll T RED to Shakespeare's Twelfth Night nir 1 oby Belch urges Sir Andrew Ague - cheek to pen n challenge, and to pot it many lies m- will lie in Rio trig enough for the bed of Ware." Ties than ever, 1 thought that having sigll� me carrying a bag some of them were rifler tae. 1 ran for dear life, and creep- ing through a hoie In the palings which separated the grotmds from the woods, I found thyself out of sight of the house. but. almost KNEE-DEEP iN A BOO. "dere 1 waited trembling for half a hour, not' daring to move out of - shelter. afforded by the trees. 1 c distinctly hear the regular blows c hatches and heavy clubs as the hcu;o was demolished. • "As 1 was sinking deeper and deeper n It determined to chance u the bo i d cicr •d and ran across the open space which s(•peraled the garden from the woods. With difficulty I got across. After walking several hours, I urri'.ed at the t (11 'u m (�.1 from as l e le t 1 n a and little vm 1 1, . b U e v✓oods the seven -font -six-inch giant of a priest met my view. Fie and ills \tile made up a sofa for inc in the sit - ling -room, end 1 spent u second sleep - le..; night without undressing, listening In the cr:es and shoats ns the pillaging find rioting went 00. "In the !morning 1 went over fo house. ns all the violent had disc ell. The hon..ee was small, but furnished. \Vltat had not lien st had peen destroyed ill the most dial eel manner. The beautiful glass an china were reduced to powder." Threatened again, but nevee actual- ly molested. Miss Webster an(I 1)r. S ---- and his family, with Ih0' assistance of the priest, succeeded in gelling away by train to Kieff, where after four days' anxious wailing, the. British Coltst11 pro- cured 6,►• the plucky E cverncse a passlt 11. and a lick aunt is taking- udvluttngo of the pen- 7o makle matters worse, n blinding sent, uncertainty with regard to this snow storm !►ad come on find the wand was eltterly cold. After doing what 1 could 1 hurried 00 my own thing:. and was raring oAL o( the house when 1 suddenly r ntet►1111rre4enty bag. As no- thing could be. seen (if the rioters, I thought 1 had time, and ran back for it. "But it was too late. The rioters had approached the house by another route ,and to my horror I saw' that the gang. hcode(1 by two mounted police, had al - lowly surroundetl the house on two sides, find that reheat to the priest's house was cut off. The third side was a cul-de-sac. lending Inc stables, so that my only way to escape lay by the gurdcn and thence to the woods. The sateg', yells of the rioters as they surruuhde(1 the house. the shouts of the mounted police, us they urged theta on, pointing with theft batons to the !tense, tho furious clanging of lite church bells, which were being wrung ]•o sott:e of them to summon the viling- er, near by to help in the gird. can net% I%I'n(ll um 1r - s'euts Wryer fo have indulged ut t•ehgl• from the point. of view of the brew - ons persecution. 8111 on din..•r lit occa- ing in(Ctstree %%bleb, con, rary to sons proved hnteolf a {;end Iriend •.t semi-official statements, Is shown to the epee. 1114 Ihfe• ons serrGhnded by havo been seriously handicapped by lot stl.cpi,•ion:, and intrigues, and recent taxation in the Palatitene, a 1' district which tens tatien by tho nee doUCUrge :ee:•:muhl; fur the inCrras• et' Cl•Uc1Iy, 1:. tv'll as for Ilse fear and send -official writers as a typical ex- miset'y of Itis old age. ample of the nbilit.y of the brewing wise !lien-rR'ek, Magi. a title giten industry to hrarl4)'y•vier riI,urihots tht t sd b the t ) t(: learned men. prieels, anti phy,h:ialls is antic apo c y of the ['Prelims noel 1hd,ylmninns. who h that it the price were also versed In astrology, sno tsay init, and in the hnierprclnlion c Government scheme In '1' he forgotten. 1 \tns {Intnlyzevl with IR tis n of heti be raised In North Germanyf; enorm sheet of paper, although the sheet were %% 11 - the beer -drinker will become a spirit- it1 1'. ns 1 r,'alize,l f.n the lint time what than t u o • , t p l drinker. At the same time it is na- n riot' in Iltlssin aright nmean. .loon o%ure Shuketnls tell, 1114', vans il wander in dreams:. In Jer. aa.•9, 13 nergnl.•hnret l,trnl that those who from one point 1 t'an t•t.unel the house In Ih^ ! a"k i .r 1 d1 i Wart'. s line, and still exists in; rr. a Lthe 11 of the kin{ '' chief on, ato futl•vtety o[ 11fint all, aril 1 I t^ 1 • •interested in • ,another1 1. 'rw t r tle .. , nra rn l ,• t r. f r . n)t lu h i , e 'e e ul ,u m ( hi [rut f . 0 I 1 o t! 1 ( t_ r' r r 11 I the N. Inc 11`9 high and given . sevencel six 1 I el ) f l �• 1 s b , vu .I, mn a beer • beerfect \at•r i( m i f b H. -1Y \k , ul, r c n %Y„ t '. Ptile ( { I t Int 1 hlh I.ern • w• ie men tt.. . n t d the m r., three Ih That ! 1 'I'h,► F s s( tort. so t l i rv•ful use of finely i len Vt' nine tache h h l \!ag . stn i1 1 reproach the Government with tee. A few dro,es leelve people can lie eolith in it, i,. number. find that they were kings, is l) rpet not iltg d,n :ng• n pruneeriod of lin- el l'i:. ' 'I t n»' di,tr:ny, 1 �avv a I,cac. ielite,'i 't"1 hurrying up from this end. The sail of \water will; Beautifully cntvetl it is n splendid site •i. furniture. rlolin ' rrutn ury-c1c;u,sing with- men of antiquet 6 I the day's of Queen Eliza% •1h. '1 his itis e.owlet-1 d bed is naturally- t) object 'f mere tradition resting on very meager fo(a iutt. un l w 2. (lis star -A supernatural phenom- to rthuvingit and cover with tureen- (to. itnl with some n►edieal sludenle, ,t conte. usurper or pretender should rob .. will • . vn doctrr w -n+ giving tow rc• ds throne. 11.: kur:q' abs.+ cf dissolve and form it:to n jelly. itt;r1•:s on 0008 cns°. When 11/y Orrived the expectation of the Jews concealing Doti the bunds with dry Sall. oiler fit n lad on «'Inlet n new arrive! 1+ay, the. �1r niah w'ho was to 1•C Ihelr King. having had t them in water for a pt•u(ewe stopped and said: "From the All Jertr. al'nt .\II who hear,% of 1114' 1 b �ttt eyed and in (miry of the wise men, suf- fering from. i 1 . q '1, (•;'t,riillly (hoQe! in aulhnrtly' whose po- 'Alton. like Blot of the king. was appar• sally endangered. An example of hy. prrb•tl• , 4, Chief I'ri t fretful In the who therein (emitter v tine in n few hours the wax 1 wet l:nov him on ••n .th of t e' afterwards Hittite them and utile dry. 11 this i, (10110 (l:.ile alter the housework et finished it wilt keep' the hands s, th. :lean and while. I• en oft(1,t loses Its% fro.'hnevs, though. :teal wnillgiently soiled to re - tow wet �1g. It is n gond plan to lay i'. :,, for n week in 1 Issue - paper • n heavy weight, • mimeo nature of the Illtleaj Ill, prttie'Itt le suf- n cam . ty usin The powers of d(duetiott. telt ye4 nil ntottt t(t0 nnlure of hie oeeupnlb n." Turning In Urn part' nt Ili` observed, "You ore a "Y tauai'iml, ar,• you nal' ira, sir," re. Wiest the waterer. ".And you piny n v.1111 inetrumen1, 1 "111 tee." "Yee. sir. 1 tin." 'Tile, PI 1 thoui,,t1 so; Chet per. talons C1.twing does nt',re injmry to the ,..mow„ tt,a B.ar "til�s�8rlf alit. 1 and scribes --Men ,row Sct(plutra, nn.l ;hl be expected to : r, prop11cy concern- ■ dnointc•(1, that 14. Ws Iv members SUFFE ) a' who find life a burden. can be 1Mreeeth restored by the use of Milburn'11 Heart and Ne He Pills. The present generation of women have more than their share of some it is nervousness and pslpl others weak, diary and fainting others there is a general tolls Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pill server.. strengthen the heart and mercer sad regular• create new red pusrk,. ar.d impart that penes of the spirits that is the result of and physical vigor. M•,. i). 0. Donoghue, Oriria, Oat " l'or over a year I was troubled with nes. and heart trouble. I decided to burn's Heart and Nerve Pills t. trill, using fir, a bees 1 found I was content the toft D always recommendra my Price :A ecru per I,ns or three los all (boars or The T. libelers nnrial stress thole bounties n ,t :eine )t'. Iteconttl mere deafenit,g loreeto.Ont. th • inforrat of the landed rincarr, are, ` neutrally paid to the ntiveiIt of seals - 60 nr 60 mllliott marks (S1 2.500.000 or et.,0(t0,000) to the diet niers. ('r)\tt'.\ltED W1.('11 1:N(; The Socialists also comp* t• • the In•opo. •d iumpet•ial dent„,,,es ore not 1) oily enough nst,CAZ. And they nl' :ngland with a 110111 1 (II •4. 1300 the o - Mit lee }Meld 350, '0 los $57,000,1'4)1)) 1 ht•y onto in (ler- many, with n population of 4t).000, - 0p4, to yield et least 25 tnllllon [narks ($62,5ter.000) and not a pnllry 72,004),00(, marts •($tft,. 00(1.000) . lits i,I'rt 1,K .1l'i.M1'. s.t.Tit q'r ' I wunder 11 Mars really is int bitetl?" '1'tliti n 1hul -- 'Ilan l know, hitt it Salm- err '11 bet the politicians .,wa it." can't K&K K&'K •K<<K • K K• ARE YOU A ORISON IL1pUlo eel ed Lata Ment ? • • Nervous °foie" .. Ile fntawe r, l'1tOU A DS of efts tarts bats tergee 0powe Tb yNMt arisotftire ?blit ott*Ht 5. gree. Qr& K f et disease heeled the the vices of to be •*ceases are