Exeter Times, 1905-12-21, Page 8• r at purses rough the big store as often as you wish you'll ways welcome. lc, Usotul Xmas. Linos tach- $10.50 for a Swell, Long, Sable Neck se- Refl. fine fall fur, they are beauties. 0.00 and $12 W for three great • American Sable and ha - Neck Ruff, these ate 1s •- for you. 7.50 for a lovely rauge able Neck Rubs, just s presents. Grey Pers'an Lamb Cape ,.arm collars and stowelle, they all nt thein. the rage for Xmas, useful as s not only appeal to the eye but are easy to reach Yes -you'll en - a Department. mine &well old it sem:- s, that ties ing o see Our assortment of Fancy Lamps is great. direct from the maker in Pittsburg to ourselves, no profit but the maker's and a very email per centage for ourselves, the bargain is all yours:. .r- . o x. Miss Mario Daltry. Toronto.is visiting her aunt. Mrs. J. Esa=er� Our beautiful calendars are 4 iing like hot cakes. Com' in, pay 'our subscription and get ore. :$r. 11. 1". Belcher left Satu' Y tar : six weeks' vi -1t with ha. ants at Alameda, California. If the tl:rmomo'cr registers degrees above zero, what will 1 ister when it is liwic: as c• We have a choice line of new present Glassware. Looks as well as real cut glass at about a tenth of the price, the price ranges from 5c to 25c. Our line of fine Tcilet Sets can't be beat, every set a bargain. A new lot of Tinted and Stippled Sets -just in. v.. FOR XMAS. s, Figs and Dates. Yes, we have oran- by the bag and candies by the barrel, cheap we are selling them. Come and 't forget to bring the children. DECEMBER list, 1905 RISTIM BftR(iF1IN' CAR L I N G B WISH YOU ALL Xmas. tints - Ladies' plain Lawn Hdkfs with neat }inch hem special 5c Ladies' Lawn Iidkfs with fancy open stitch bor- der, a leader - for 5c 50 doz. Ladies' Iidkfs., tine quality lawn, some lace edges, others ham- med and embroidered worth in regular 15c selling Ci: lOc or 3 for 25c Ladies' Lawn Iidkfs., trimmed with lace and insertion. others neatly embroidered with hem or lace edges. fine as- sortment, - 15e to tic Ladies' Silk Hdkfs.. trim- med with lace and in- sertion. correct for Christmas Gifts, 35c to 50c Ladies' Silk Hdkfs, plain or initials, } or inch heat, special at 25c Melt's Linen Hdkfs., fine pure linen, } inch hem, plain or neatly initial- ed, at 25c Men's Silk lidkfs., plain or initialed, 1 or inch hem, 35c to 50c A lot o1 Chrisrtus a vi ' are expected Saturday. Sa iu the names of those who as,' 'isi►ins you. Saturday was an exceptionally fine day. dry, clear pot not too cold. The merchants so. „At a brisk nu -.1114..++. Mr. Wur!Trout, of St. Catharines is vi•4?tin; Mrs. Jas. Atkisonn and Mrs. Thomas Sweet. The Middle of the Toad wa tLc safest place for pedestrians on Mon- day oaring to the nlippery Gond;tion of the sidewalks. found. -On Excler Fair Grounds, :at fair day, a shawl. Owner can have sante by calling at this office and paying for this notice. We hate Leen rushed .this week twilit suhscribern paying- up and gel-. tin; 0 calendar. We have lots left, but they are going fast. I'osts for Sale. -A number of ce- dar posts for role at 20 cents each per car run. Jones & Clark, Win- chelsea, or Station Agent, Exeter. Hiss Bettie Es.ery, of *den, who has been visiting the .past' two weeks in Oshawa and Whitby hat returned to Toronto ,to spend Christmas holi- days. Canaries for Sale -Mr. \V. II. Milli of Centralia, has a lot of choice can- aries for sale. They are all ofr choice stock, and amen; them are a lot o[ excellent singers. ,piss Marie Dallry, of Toronto, vi;i'ed with Mr 3. Monroe on Thurs d.,r last. She also visited-everal friends in and around Exeter during the week. 'f his has ben a bu=y week\ in the llt_s1udc its ' are taking schools. tleirin urd- tw inter examinations. School closes t o-ntori ow: for the holidays. Miss Anna Marlin sans :11 dhe an- niversary services of the Flippen Presbyterian church ell Sunday. She .also look part in the program at t he entertainment on Monday evening. Joe Bennett, the Brantford Indian, who last July murdered Betsy Ja- cobs, :an Indian woman, wit hattacd at 111:1ntford Friday morning. He walked oer.fcctly steady 10 t ho scaf- fold, proclaiming his innocenit+. ('lus1lila s Serwic•:. - A rtwei.tt Christmas service wwJI tee befit i.s the 1'. ivi! t Alentor•ia1 etiu''ch on Christ- ina. tt. '•rninac „t c••!c' wn o'clock. There t.itt �. a c!araetion of the ar ti•f���ratryalso h n°clock service.iservice. grnest Mason, of Grand Bend, who v. ..s arrested in London last week 011 0 charge of stealing clover 'weed horn Geo. Sln•r•ritt, was before P. M. hunter, of Goderich, .alar.ed with the theft. Mason was committed far t t i:c I. 11 is officdally announced altar .an invcsliga him into the York County Loan affairs will he instituted by the Government at the earliest pos. sible moment. 'l'here aro a numaer n Exeter, who are shareholder and :Ire anxiously availing alio out- come of I he muddle. We have been asked what: kind of weather we will have for Christmas. \W0 are not in the forrcastinl husi- taes;, but have looked up 41110 differ- ent almanacs and !lick 4' forer.istts, tut as they all vary we .11re info in sayilz there will Ie! 'hail, snow or midnight before morning. m produce, its just as good as cash. VTEWART' ith rices es. Mk, we Its, we ill we UP et xperi- tnalter mend - that • It .ind vis : Mr. cxas, tnber- ease s can vert er TO ADVERTISERS. Tae copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisemento accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. TIU'IISDAY, DEC. 21st., 1903 +.♦♦•••♦♦+NNNNN•+HN t LOCALS 1 *MOON r'e i the , Sarnwweil. who has been use lime, returned as Elston and colt Frank Charles, Lauisanna, are ; relative -1 in town. irs. Broderick and little daughter Pigeon. Mich., is visiting( Mrs. Broderick's mother, Mrs. Kidd. Dix Cold Cure and Week's Break up a Cold, the best 'in 11r-• market. Sold at C. Lutz's Druz ,tore. 11 you want anything for Christ- mas mad the i,.tr ..jns offered by the merchants in the Times. Mrs. Fowell and Miss (:ora Vowel' leave this week for Li.lowel where they will visit friends for .a week. If your Xmas visitors catch cold give them hooey's "Curr. -A -Cold" eapsuh•s. Cure a cold in one day. Miss Nina ('.iHinz who i5 tattier :t special course of study .in music in Toronto, is expected Lorne to -day. Aliss Louisa :ill CC t, who has been in 1he Northwest during the pads! two years has returned 10 Exeter. A tenowwned minister says batch• clor men ;and women are a men 100 to society. Girls just show- t 1• t•► your sweethearts. Atr. T. If. Carlini 4 -turned Fri.l ty from Guelph where h. al tend••al she winter stock show. Ir. (*.• i-1 1 d the tile a&urc of nit, ;.r. • ' he. l;aw &- nor General, Lord '0. Mrs. Godwin ,v11 :111.4 'la..d,y' f nm Kingsville NV kelt She IN :190 f 1110 nn recount of ,the death .•r, Jrtcob \Wi;le. our local sports had a Crediton on Saturday sir friends drove hack .h. Our Credit on cor- )orts the affair. Ir --'has, Genes at secrc'- Andrew's tyros herhoarl, ndni •sex_ 'war herin,t of men of 1 ho Triwi11 Memorial eon rrcgation 111 the school hall last Friday eveninzl Skating enlhw,i,,s who are look- ing fora r)tttt • in the wcther are damned to disappointment as the weather 111 tit r.Iw4 Christmas %teal her will he toot mild .fort a glide on the ice. 1)11. OVENS, Eye and Ear Surgeon, will be at tin• Commercial hotel the first Friday of each month. flour, 2.30 11. m. to A p. tn. Glasses proper- ly fitted and disMYe1 of eye, car and now. treated. Next visit Friday January 5t11. Dr. Butler. London. will he at the Central Hotel. Exeter, on Thursday December 2$t it, 1905, all day f. e, Bar, Nose and Throat con- e ion. Byes tested and glasses pplled. TO CURE A COLD IN DNB DAY Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tab- ts, All druggists refund the moa- t it fails to ogre. E. W. Grove's taro is oa easb box. 25o. Men's Neckwear Xmas. Neckware One of the finest and largest range of Ladies Fancy Silk Collars we have ever shown eu't- for Christmas gifts. Special lot at 25c Special lot at. 35c Special lot at 50c In Four in Hands, Flow- ing Ends, Shield Knots, Bowe & Strings, beaut- iful patterns, rich col- orings, everything that is new and up-to-date. We have it. 25c to 50c You nften lead of a man barrow• ins a paper and muting; with dire soeidents etc. as a resets. A few days ago a Hain I.or•ro'.Yird 'rho Times from a wish' or and liked rat so well he hiked into town and sub- scribed for a year, and got, ons ('1 our beautiful calendars into the bargain. If you want to klifies if the wt'in• ter will IMI an open oils or not!, ex- amine the breast bona of your •tur- key on Christmas. if wyott are i&tun- tc enou.;h to have one, and if it is blonde and not discolored it is 11 sure sign of an open winter, but if dark, inclined to Lc blue, a hard wintl'r 15 before. urs. General indust tial prosperity shines reflected as in a mirror in ti.' Flare windows of Exeter mer- chants. Not for many year hats the acknowledgment that Christmas i9 urinz 1,4011 so general in all tines of business. The merchants have 111x(10 their show windows literally towers of beauty and are showing their lest and most expensive goods. 31r. A. Q. Botier has just . omplet- ed :In up-to•(l:Ile Work yard .'or the :accummod ation of farmers who have Irons for vile. The huildinis is 24 feet by 30 feet Ind is filled with scales and his own private chute for loading the hogs. Farmers shin; hogs in the future wilt not have to p ay for the wwci;Ling as Ivo under- stand Mr. nobler does not iitn end making any charges. A few days ago while Mr. Wm. \\'estc91t was visiting his son-in-law E. Shepton, he tttade a misstep and walked over the edge of .the veran- dah, lapin1 heavily on the ,lroand. Ile found that he was seriously in- jured around the shoulder and Dr. Ilymituan was salted. An cxamtna- lion was showed that Mr. West - enit la ad broken his collar' bone. A speedy recovery is the wish of all his friends. +++++++++.14+++++++++++++++ Tfavtnz disposed of my bushes.. tq Messrs. .1. G. Jones & Co., who take posseselon January I, it wiJI bre nett eKatry to cleat' our doors on Tuesday Dec. 26111. until January 1st. to corn- 11kte stork taking. We desire to thank our customers for 'their uiosi liberal 1.atnnn.rJr in the past ansl wmild solicit the same to my nuc: E. J. SPACEMAN. +++++++++++++++++++++++++f Ladles' Belts 25 doz. Ladies' Silk Belts. colors -Navy. Brown, Green, white, Black, trade of Pure Silk Taf- feta, nicely trimmed, worth 50c selling at price 25c Val Laces 25 pieces Val Laces. neat patterns, fine quality, sone as high as 7c. a yd, all selling oft at 4c Babi Ribbons Xmas. Linens Fine Full Bleached Table Linen, 68 inches wide. lovely patterns, special 50c a yard Finest Table Linen, full bleached, beautiful quality, 08 inches wide. swell patterns, prices 75c and 51,00 In Moire, Satin, Taffeta, all colors. selling at - 2 yards for 5c Special lot of Taffeta Silk Ribbons, in all colors, correct for fancy work, worth 8c, selling off at 5c Chiffon Pleating, in black and white, 4 inches wide, at 25c a yd Silk Ruching, in white, black, at 10c a yard Chiffon Frilling, in black, white, at 20c a yard Table Napkins All sizes and all quali- ties, very special values at $1.50. $1.75 and $2.00 Men Towels Pure Linen Hack 'rowels with fringe also Fine Damask Towels with fancy open stitch and long knotted fringe Special lot at lac Special lot at 25c Special lot at 35c We are also showing a full collection of Doy- lies, Tray Cloths, Side- board Scarfs, Centre Pieces, Pillow Shaine, at very interesting nrices, Cushion Tops 100 Tapestra Cushion Covers, the very latest and most serviceable cushion top you can buy, very suitable for Christmas Presents, your choice for 23e Apron Lawns with Tucks and Embroidery, 40 ins. wide. prices 25c, 35c and 40c 60G Golorai Sili s tor 386 1000 yards Fine Tamaline Silk, beautiful quality, rich finish, colors -pale blue, pink, champagne, cream, well worth 60c a yard. Our Big Christmas Bargain Price 38c. NEZ,L $z ROWM A MERRY CIIgISTM: And while looking for your Xmas. Gifts, don't that we have a very nice lot to choose from. FOR THE LADIES Fancy Hilndkerchiefs Plain Handkerchiefs Fancy Collars Fancy Shawls Silk Waists Pillow Shams Dresser Covers Gloves and Mitts Market Report. -The following Is the report of Exeter markets, cor- rected up to Dec. 21st. Wheat 75 to 78 cents per bushel. Barley. 43 to 45 cents per bushel. I'ca-s, GO to 65 cents a 'ouslrol. Shorts, $20 per ton. Ilran, $16 per ton. Feed Flour, $1.25 per cwt. Flour, $2.25 per cwt. Butter, 20 cents a pound. E3gs 22c. a doz. Onions. 60c. per bushel. Clover seed $4 to $6 a bus. Chicken, youn:, 8c. per lb. Ducks, 10 cents a !b. Geese, 10 cents a 1b. Turkeys. 12 to 14 vont Doss, live, $6 a cwt. Hass, dressed a;8 a cwt. Coal, $6.75 a tan. Ilay, $7 per Ston. Potatoes, 75 cents per Dried Apple- 6 cents a -6-- See our window display of per- fumes Saturday. llowey's Diu; store. Miss Lilt'' Willis, of A1:Irletic, Mich., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Royle. Miss Bene Drab's and Mis, \1.Srnie Amy left Tuesday for 0 month'; vis it with friends in Elora and other points. December 25 war not celebrated as the birthday of Christ until A. D. 337, w hen Sl. Cyril, bishop of Jeru- salem, rbtaincd authority from Pope Julian 1. to ..I.pnini a comm!s4,Cla r„o determine, if possible, the exact date of Christ'; nativity. This resulted in the eastern and weste.ru divisions of the Christian church accepting De- cember 25 as the date. Previous .to Ibis time Christmas had l.e^rt a mov- able feel. By fire eastern branches of the church it was celebrated in April or May, while days in January or el her atolls hs. wets. observed in I he western part of Europe. The passenger train which arrives her,' about 11.45 11141 wit h a slight .accident :a utile. and 0 quarter north of 'Merton Saturday morning. The train had reached the lop of ;a lots; trade, wlietr a rod on 111^ en,rine broke, throwing the tender off the track, but not derailing the locomo- tive or the cars. Fortunately the (rain 0.:15 nlovit 4 410WIy at the time. 0154•. I ht+ crns*•(1u••nc(•. Ini%III Itat•c leen serious. Prompt action by the enzinecr brought the engine So 'r standstill in a very shall distance. Passengers for ilie hart h e PI II 1rans- ferred In another t rain. and passc'n- zt•rs 00 1 he smut 11-1a11inl acconrtno(1.1• 1 ion, which was 11010 111- 4 he scene of the accident, were hrouzht to Lon- don nn a special From present indications it look.; a. 111011;11 the councillor;' reals will zo al egziti.r, lin !for 'the office of Reeve the prospects for a goo(1• bat- tle is rcrt:tin. 'I'h;• prrseut Reeve. W. G. Bisset 1, w ill :1110w hiss n:,mc 10 10 before 111e public, W. 11. Lcvt 11, who has served ars councillor dur- ing the past. year i 1 also an aspirant. John Taylor, :a former ulcrnis'r of 1 hr I:;.ird, his I .-.•n asked to run far llac office and wilr Ix,9sibly con- sent. A. Q. Bottler, the 11.isa on' to enter, has had considerable exper- ience 10 Muit cipaI a (fairs. Tho above ore. tlis only 01145 es haw` yet heard of, ill1.ough t he rromina- ti0ns lo -morrow may brill.4 forth others. You ran take your choice 1'heq a arc all sood then, oapalle. and experien.cd, and we have Nu► doubt 1 h it %•hick ever 000 is elks.1 e.11 h0 will work lo the test interests of the town. a lb. ha,3. Ib. The old way to cure a cold The New NV ay take II w y's "Cure a Cold" Capsules Only 25 cents a box. Wish our custom�e,� MERRY CHRISTMAIS and a HAPPY FOR THE GE. Dress Gloves Neck Ties Suspenders Neck Scarfs Way Mufflers Billy Hand .T'a. Linen H Fancy Sod` And more good gifts we have nq Fancy China & ASV ::.1>rNTd WAtt?SOMti IN APP=ARANtri MADE ISsj • CANADIANS We have the largest and best assorj goods in Exeter. FANCY LAMP from. Prices from 25c'to $5.00. Han El , to $5.00. Fancy China of every descri colors of fancy Plates, Fruit Dishes, , It will pay'you to see them. t,, hrillgCo. CARDI3STG lit,y.gC a NEW YEAR HARVEY BROS. Merchant Millers EXETER, ONTARIO. fHURRflfl FOR XMflS We wish to inform you that we have a fine stock of groceries for Xmas use. The Mincemeat The Pudding The Cake 4 lb. of raisins for 2.ic. 20 lb: of sugar for $1.00 Currants. drained peel, shelled al - monde. shelled walnuts, raw sugar and a fine stock of Candy for Xmas. We have also a fall supply of flour on hand and have three kinds for you to choose from. Give tis a call and you will find it the cheapest place In town, e► S. HARDY & SON - 4 Don't Monkey with that Cough u s e HOWEY'S Cherry Cordial Only cts aflottle. • Sugar-coated, easy to take, ars s mild in action. They cure constipation, biliousness, sick -headache. t .irI i Want y«tr f1Istache or mid BUCKINGHA!'S DYE abed 1f ewi er rkk Mact? Use von mot asrwew.s L R fire YouSeflfflflu♦q UANCN M011011 awe ". For Small Amounts Use a SOVEREIGN BANK MONEY ORDF } • -A S Payable anywhere. No Blanks to fill out Receipts given to pu l ATTIRE. Issued at the following rates. SS and under 3c Over iso and up to $3o� Iv ,, cumulation! Over iS and up to $5o Drafts issued Over at be t0 ond up rates. to M1ssr'y. Remittances made to all points by Cable or Telegrap revelt,ltons have Bills of Exchange sold on all Foreign Co,t3 t1e' Brighton, CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENt`gsuiprc warren is E,XEITBRfiNGN2000. •1115, and diol ,JOSEPH SNELL, GLADMAN & STANB fle laed' he v :ts that to MANAGER, SOLICITORS. l:ly. respected ' spent at his native :e in tiro o r,upied .4. Fowey cd { XMAS. FURNIT 1••••••••••••••••••••••••4•••••••• CENTRE TABLES -From 75c ROCKERS --From $1.25 t t• as. more suitable than a nice piece W, C. 11(1 to hold 8110a . a -but don' I, Ih.tt ng people. 5R6fUNS F0 XMftY 25c Fancy Embroidered o Hdkfs. 35e Fancy Embroidered o Hdkfs 50c Fancy Embroidered o r. »%Hdkfs. 75c Fancy Embroidered oi'r \, -sin Silk Hdkfs. 25c Ladies' Farcy Silk Collars for 35c and 40c Ladies' Fancy Silk Collars for 50e Ladies' Fancy Silk Collars for 75c Ladies' Fancy Silk Collars for for ry ermy adding for profits. for , fot�!BATOR 25c and 35c Fancy Cups and Saucers only Two Dinner Sets, 97 pieces, to be sold to first customer, cheap 2 4 6 FdIIbU LIM & 6a�br16 N AT AWAY DOWN PRICE fsl Eget 120 Eggs I, O Eggs -re II TO MOM.] In 5c Fancy White Handkerchiefs for dto make mot (y,rt hero ns,at(h- tried foto, ,lo 1Oe Fancy White Handkerchiefs for 8fw1o A,t. ,hatrlornrd 121c Fancy White Handkerchiefs for 1 its the hu.iaea 1 Wroth'', and 15c Farcy White Handkerchiefs for 1 :114117, 20c Fancy White Hand'chiefs for 15 & 1 'Pell,'ce0dnctnl, .rhu-rrc.sfor rho 25c Fancy White Handkerchiefs for 2 al sated. Prs-men and wo• 35c Fahey White Handkerchiefs for ' +�a 1'ntt.a : t4tP.-- ttos that 17 i. pro't• , .he Chatham loco• Bargains in Fur '^d lRrsotrrtahon. nn bambnx nl.ont lhoronghlyt. rd, ♦ Ce t principles. th.i We will sell our Fur oats, Caperiuesto „cies 0!Isble, a,nd Fur Caps and all Fur Goods at Great Disco 504 nrM11.r 1. in ('001,1 sassier -A '.n taachlno In tkelr ,'w will whip yore the render, trclaht pro Until After , eat. I ll,,ts%'P4 1 .M1<14 t .cy Dot. of ( Moto D.C., Montreal, 614 and Fl TERMS: -Produce or Cash. 10 0000$ GIVEN 01 APPROBATION, N0 60003 MEI BAC Pople stone & Gar One door north of Post Office. CANADs