HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-12-21, Page 5TSE EXETER TIMES, DECEMBER 21st 1905. 11TY'r$I11TC YOUiiQ AN '1 IN LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH. CEDAR POSTS, SASH, DOORS, FRAMES, TANKS, &c., YOU CAN HAVE at rock bottom prices at our yards and factory. STORM DOORS AND STORPI SASH made to order on short notice. We manufacture poultry and apple boxes in large quantities, order early. WR PAY THE OF EVERY CASH PRICEFORSAW LOOS DESCRIPTION We are always prepared for CUSTOM SAWING. the Ross-Taulor Go Ltd., Exeter. toe Osborne and Nlbbart IRON Farmers Mutual Fire lusur FENGE POSTS! We have a num= ber of different kinds of Iron Fence Posts which we will sell cheap or will take all kinds of 11 scrap iron in ex= t �► change. M.JACKSON & SON ;r Mein -St. Exeter. One door south of the IMetrorolitan Hotel. ..++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++ Grist Mill OREDITON aac>a Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. DIRECTORS_ President: -T. RYAN. DUBLIN. P. 0. Vice -Pres.:- J. A. NORRIS CROMARTY P. 0. F. MORLEY, WHALEN P. 0. W.H. PASSMORE, FARQUHAR P.O. Wu. ROY. BORNHOLM P. 0. J. L. RUSSELL, RU88ELDALE P. 0. AGENTS. J. CARMICHAEL, STAFFA. T A. DUNCAN FARQUHAR, ONT. J. WILSON, FULLARTON, ONT. 1. S. GILFILLAN, LUCAN, ONT B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. GLADMAN STANBURY, Solicitors' THOMAS CAMERON, CONVEY- ancer. wills drawn, money to loan on real ecaate. alio L:ctnttd du,ti(ncer for the counties Jof Aurin and Firth. Charges m cdesatc. oidor 1(•11 at the 11118 atiny r eeiderce, Fatquhi•t will sccelvt lit mpt attou tion. HONEY TO LOAN We have nolfmlt.d private funds for tnve.s onto upon term or ►usage rroperty at tower Mos of lotoreel. DICKSON & CARLING Exeter fl PlfiNO FOR fl XMfiS PRESENT Nye. are prepared to do Will interest and please ever3• : lem- Gristng and Chopping Cn ber of the fancily, so instead of divid- shortest notice. iog the presents, buy a piano which will be a lasting proof of your gener- We are making a splendid' osity and good%ill to your family. ale of Flour which is giv- I Our Pianos are of the highest excel- lence and prices and terms are sure to CUtIlent fatisfac1ion please you. �; We also have a beautiful 13 r i line of Xmas stationery illat very easy prices. { fry our Flou H. t► JW. BROWNING, M. D.. M. C. . P. 8.. Graduate Victoria Uni.' y. °Moe and residonence. Dominion story. Exeter. DR. A. F. MALLOY, GRADUATE Toronto University. Former Surgeon to Toronto Western Ho.pltc►1. ser to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Not tad at � .s• DENTAL H, K1Nt'MAN, L. D.S. AND DR. A. It. ILIN8MAN, 1. D. 8.D. D. f., Honor Oradoate of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth ext,sc•ed without pain or bad after streets. Oboe to Fan• eon's block. West sideot Mwtn ere.S. Raster D.A. ANDERSON s 0. D.RIN Graduate of the Toronto Coherent; s.. College of Dental sarteoos et with boson Aso Poot•Rgraat>•te of .shoot of Prosthetic Dentistry (with mesttoa. ni'mown to the Dental Protesetors .leis oboe. Bridge workcrowns. el• rum, gold sedvulcanite plates an dope in asateet anaesthetic used fo pat leas souse- door ole. A use- ops door math of Carling Pro's store nONEY TO LOAN. We base a large amount (1t private fond. to mon Oo farm and es at lowrats. tat�.a OLADMAN k BTANBURY Barristers Soiietton(. Main 8L Exeter. DICKSON & CARLiNG, Ipagelet=olicitore, Notaries,Uoeveyze�acers otters, Solicitors or the noisiest .tisk. lite. Mows to Leas at lowest rw1199 se teleran. p►RCR:-MAIN 8'rKJ I:T, KXWITH. s. a. Casino 111. a. 1. IR. DlCgaON Q t1URTUOlt'8 Fon SALE - The /►7 undersigned has for sale on Lot 16, Con. 2, Hay, a number of 'p -to -date thoroughbred Shorthorn belle. They are of the low set blocky type, dark red in color and of faboice breeding. They are all cliz- idle for registration. and will he sold iliaaonably. - John Elder. 13en.ait P. 0._ FAlt M Volt NA1.1 •-Thal reerl'cn' farms l.ot II. coure. ion 11, Mc- Qillivra+y, conoistin; of I.!0 nevelt, well flrnoed in 10 acre tfield', thouronuhly tits drairnd, in a high wtata of culti- pltion. Frame house of five rooms with kit: hen. zoo! cell sr. barns in .00d condition, good watt r, W ash. • acres sschool,`ch and elm church and bosh. Clo=e to to pont office. Apply to W. G. hardy, Minsky I'. O. Call and see ns' and let us wish you a Merry Xmab and present you with a beautiful calendar. S. MARTIN & SON THE KEY TIiAT UNLOCKS THE DOOR TO LONG LIVING Tie men of eighty-five and ninety years of size are not the rot tool well fe.l, but thin, sgxIre men who live on a slender dict. He uv careful an he s111!, how:srr, a man .hast middle 1 oes will occasionally tot leo much or of some orticle of food not suited to his constitution. ant will need a slog of Chcinthcrksin's S1oinnch and Liver Tablets to ele(uase and invig- orate his stomach and rerulatc his liver and benvels. \Vhen this iq done •t 1,114 is no mason why the rivera ;o man should not Jive to old ire. For eik in Exeter by W. B. ilosvcy. F.111Q111A11 The ((allots 111 is 1 he report of the examination held in Thames Road :school in the month of Novem- ber. Sr. IV. -Total 700, Atmer Stew- art, 588; Floosie Clow ird, 551; Jen- nie Monteith. 533; Walter McNicol, 520: Willie Kay, 495; Foster Bray. 1:11; Myrtle llunkitt, 367. Jr. Tot al 680. Bert (frown, 295; John Turnbull. 255 ; Sr. 111. -Total 680 ; EI list Ilunkin, 530: May Darch, 492; (;a encs Passmore. 468. Jr. 111. -To - 1:11 200, Meryl Snell, 299; Tcreset Coward. 268; Kenneth McNicol, x147. Sr. 11. -Total 400, (bur ,:•y Brown, :533: Malts Tnrnhu11, 331; Chriotie •y. 32.2: Yi:'t: llunkin, :107: l.ind- ,%• Pollen, 298: IAds \Vc(tlake, 286; taint Ilo,lsert, 286; Charlie Allmon 281; Willi;' .1(• f i rey, 24R. .1. A. HAMILTON. Teacher. Ifyoo, your rricn.ls or relatives suffer with Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vita;' Rance, er Falling Sickness, write for t• ail bottle aol valuable treatise on such d :easc; t.► Tun ioist() Co.. 179 Kin; Street, \:e., Toronto, Canada. All druggists sell or can obtain 1. r you LEIBIG'S FITCURE CASTOR IA The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has bees in use for over 30 years, has borne the slgnatrtre of and has been made under his per- sonul supervision since its infancy. • Allow no one to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Chikirea-Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare. gorle, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substatteo. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Dlarrhaea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It ttsyiluilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Penisesar-Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You gage Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. n.c ..a ce,reauv, ar r P.C. Venn c,TY. FOR OVER SIXTY EARS AN OLD ♦ten WILL•TRrar. RaMZDY -1t1r8 Winalow's Soothing Syrup 'has been used for over sixtyears by millions of mothers for their children while teething with perfect success. 'Smother' the child. softens the game, allays all pain ones wind colla and is the beet remedy tor Diarrheas. It le pleasant to the taste. Bold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 neote&bottle. IU_yalne is incalculable, Be sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing 8yrupand ask for no other kind.. IBO1tN Exeter, Pee. 17th. the wife of Joseph Yelloty. of :t son. SIIEEIIE.-In St. Tho tern. on Sunday Ike. 10th. the wife of Aquilla Sheere of a dau;liter. THE OLDEST COUNTRY IN THE NEW WORLD' Everyhotly is (Atkin; about the high-class special excursion which the Grand Trunk Railway system aro organizing •for Mexico, and which will leave Montreal 9.00 a. m.. Janu• :try 29111. 1906, in rgscial Pullman care on the •-International Limited." These cars will be attached to the private train that will 110 occupied throughout the tour at Chicago the following. morning. All expense; iu eluded in rate. Tour will land about forty days, and will cover the most interestinz pot'tions of the "oldest couuntry in the Now World." Ap- ply lo any Grand Trunk! agent or to J. D. McDonald, (inion Station, To- ronto, for all ir•fcsrnutlion, deacri4a- live matter, rotes, etc. NOMINATION NOTICE Township of Usborne. A meeting for the purpose of nom- inating a Reeve and four Councillors to serve in the municipality for the year 1000, will be held at tbe Town ship Hall, Eliroville, on FRIDAY, DECEMBER '12nd, 1905 at. the hour of one o'clock in the after- noon. if more than the required number of candidates are nominated polls will be held on Monday the first day of January. 1606, as follows:- Div. 1. Township Hall, Rlimville, Sidiie Andrew, D. R. 0. ; Div 2. Lot 0, N. T. R., J. W. Horney, D. R. 0.: Div. 3, Lot 2, Con. 10, Matthew ' Routley. D. R. 0. ; Div. 4. Public Hall, Farqu- har, A. Duncan, D. R. 0. Said polls to be open from 0 a. m. to 5 p. in. F. MORLEY. Clerk. Whalen. December 0th, 1905. • DO YOU WONT fl POSITION ? All Schools are not %like, and eepec- ielly in helping atuccnta to positions. Do not overlook this point. ELLIOTT • t!� k TORONTO, ONT. COR. YONOE A ALEXANDER STS ('atinot supply the demand made upon by business then. Why ? Because our reputation for high- grade work is well known and we protect this reputation. This is a school of the highest standing. 1Vintcr tenni opens January 2nd, Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. IIFNSAI.I. The service• in St. Paul's church on Sunday next. 24111 Dec.. will be at 7 o'clock in the eveniuo wh^-n there will lee a celebration of the Holy Communions. Manitoba Flour. -Two cars of hi;l. ;rade family flour just received to meet the demands for .the Christmas holidays. For the next 1we weeks 1 will make a reduction of len cents a ba; on purchases of five bags and over. Call scan at Ilen:all Oatmeal Shits. We aro pksaaed to learn that Mr. Thais. Welsh, Mr. .1:in:es Cox worth and Air• Robert Curlsuors:. ncli intend erootin; firlo brick dwetlin;s in the spr'inz soul will have some of the in:Oct-i11 on the ground •l his winter. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, of Exeter, stere in the villa.;e last week visit- ing their ►c'!ztbivess. Mr. Henry Jacobi. of near Chisel- hurst, has been in Oho village for the past week or so •aseia1in» Mr. W. J. Miller in ;citing cutters ,:Ind'slei;114 ready for shipment to tho west. Feed. -150 torts of oat feels for 's31e the tko next two weeks to make town. Parties wanting. fold will find this feed better value titan bran at far less money. - D. Ur- qubart. The sacrament o! tha Lord's supper was dispensed in Carmel church on feibbath morning.. Dec. 171 h. and the pzcptratory service on the Friday 'afternoon previous at 2.30 svgs con- ducted by Rev. Mr, firkin, uf Sea- forth. ea- fortlr. Mr. and Mrs. Spool, of Ilc•Igrave, were in the villa;e last( week visit- inZ their relatives. Mrs. and Miss Alc.Al!islc r, of this vitt : ay. and also Mr. :end Mrs. C. M•,Allieter, of the 11)5; 11ship of Hay. Our tato germ st ill regret .t o horn of the death of Mr. ,Jelin Ellis, who tt•:s :.ne of 1ti p:o +:rt srasidttrlty of nor village. and who Was m•irried some 23 year s3;to to blies Christiana Itonthronl, third dauzhier of the Isle ,laurel; Ilant le on, of Ito d;erville. Good Ilorses•-'i'lee ly.,..'s whist Mr. T. .1. (terry t'cw:nlly purchas- ed in the old country, love •arris•cd a I his stable her' in a ha best of condition. They ate a V-te 110^kint It.1 of horses and show br.edin; and quota y. 'There are. five Clydeeolale 81 'Mons one Shin^ olall:on arid Isco h'fl:l'lI1:N C011\C11. 'rho Council of -the Township 4f 1 Stephe'u tact its tho Town hall. Clod- ! iron. on Friday tba tat It of lkec:"1111r:r at 1 p. w., All members were pre- sent. Tho minutes of the last meet- ing aero read and adopted. Anteraon-1'inkbeincr - that Got- 1lob Brown. Collector 1&x0..1, it here- by instructed and authorized to continue the levy and colic ..:0:1 <•: the unpaid taxes in the manner and with the t,.wer provided by lits for the general levy and collection of tuxes. -Carried. Andersson -Webb - 1 bi t Ily •': ss No. - of - loin; a by-law to pro- vide for the tepair:n; :and improving. the Mud Creek Drain and its exten- ,s, beint read lite ,first time, he uriona►vissirn:lily o. -Carr:od• Anderson-Finkbeiner - that the Clerk have the fly -law •re Mud Creek f)r:sin and its extensions sprinted In- cluding. 1 he notices merlrtioned in o'oli•on 22 of The Municipal Draillooe Act, as provisionally passed thin day 'n.1 served. or cause :to be scrv: d oq alt bcs an mentioned in r:crid (sec- tion '_'._Carried. Ind, • .7)1I --Yearly-- that pursuant to Section 61 of the Jlunicipal Drain - :toe Act, the Clerk shall sorve or rause 4o be served on the peeves of the Townships of 111y and McGilli- vray. copies of plans, • arofilo and ro- port of enforcer re -Mud- Creek Drain anal its extensions. -Carried Orders to tho amount of $1443.47 were Passed. An itemized statement will appear in the Treasurer's report. The council adjourned sini die. HENRY EMBER, Clerk. MOORESVILLE -- Mr Million Abbott has disposed ..r his farm, lot 1(I con. 4. niddutpli.,, t.. Mr. Thottrns Dickens for the sum of $5,300. Mr. Abbott IVO •t aken up his residence in \Vinnipex- Mr. Richard Roy -croft, of Granton, hanzht 11re 1:.r•nl lately occupied 0), Mr Ilnock, on the 10th concession Oirldulph. and Mr. T. Shiddolck. 01 McGillivray, has purchased a farm on the 10111 eon. of Landow to., from Mr. Ernest Charlton. There died .711 Friday last Mr. William Thompson, of McGillivray township, in the ninety first year of his azr. Mr. Thompson was one of tbe pioneers of McGillivray, and Ly his industry and management ire provided each of his four -tons with •( zcod 100 macre! farm. Ile Wa3 well respected in the community in which he lived. Mr- Erny Williams, of Ciandebuye, has lotto -tied home from Muskoka, briuying Into fire doer. Ile say1 deer aro irol so ,plentiful a3 they were a few years a;o- Mr. Katiklyn and Adam Nell hats returned from the stcs'er11 states where they have been for i 11 past few car - six w'. 'k3 mang. sale of •I In,1ds of ' hcopki. Mr. 'noon -n is (follies, of Iteldulpls. now 1n Lis ninety 'second Year can leo found workint every day J11 hies work shop making stands and Ia1,104' stud other articles of furniture. We understand Mr. Ckollins helped to snake King's Goorge's coffin before Queen Victoria was crowned Queen of England. Ile has been a resident 'auto, of ccs son 1 Il'ddel th on r for ills 27 last c sixty-five .yi.u•s t PURGATIVES ABE DANGEROUS They •gripe, cause burning puns and make the constipated condition even worse. I'hy;ici.tne say the ideal laxative is Dr. Hamilton's fills of Mandrake and Butternut ; they are exceedingly mild, composed only of health -giving vozetahlo extracts. Dr. Hamilton's fills re.¢tore rezul•ir movement of t!.e lotsels, r•tren;then the stomaols and purify the blood. For conslipation, sick head:rotic, bil- liousnesa and disordered digestion no medicirt:• on earth makes ouch re- markable cures as Dr. Hamilton's l'ills. Try a 25c. lox yourself. The following is front (the. Norlli British Arriculturtlist and refers t;1 one of the Clyde's recently itnporl- cd by llawden ec McDonnell: "Ifs th- Itc ys. d CI 'cada Ic or Canada Colt f C 1a - r. Messrs. H:Iwden & McDonnell, Exe- ter. Canada, have oil closed from Mr. 1). Riddell, Blackball, Paisley, the zrandly bred black .three-year- old colt King's Fashion. Thi.a colt, which was bred by Mr. Riddell, is of Ih: most illustrious lineage. Ilio sir Carthusian, the !ire of many prize -winters, includinz the first prize yearling filly at tho Btranr:►er :'nd Newton-St••sta•; Shows tills year was zot h the •.nau4 1)trnley• Prince ofVales' hors(! Cistlereaole Cly(leods'41 fillies- \\'t: trust Mr. owof the ;rand breeding D3rntey Derry still 1( :1 at: :(�:••ul stile Aire, Susie, which stun for Lord ; this lit :.s he lsa. 1x •11 with PC". ' Londonderry innumerable first prize+ shiprncnts. at 1 he Ica dint show s, loci uding he Catrll►fiil;-' "Royil, the Border 1 'n:ou and others. Kin; F'ashion's darn wall Rose of Fashion, who c cit w:a4 the 1:1700 horse l'rince of Fashion, the sire of the ch .titpion mare !tette of Fashion. and whoa' dant staff .luhnnnis by Gallant Primo. the sire of the "Royal" :ind •'llithland" champion lfolyrood, and many others of squall renown. Kin;'s Fashion is therefore maznificicntly toed horse, ;rein; that he has the blood of so many >f the epoch -in :kin; vire: of till' breed in his veins. Ile is also a cred- it to his p.i.trician lir:ciao, for he it. a hi; stylish sound colt, of the very' best quality, with fine flat, ivory-; like hones, nice springy pasterns, and capital feet. Ile has also 3 !plendid( cat ri-i., '. and Sloss s ;rcat .safety of ; action. ile is a rare 40041 110r 4^, emphatically of the right kind tot worthily su(btin the reputation of the hired in any country. Ilia new owners may be cordially eontrltOat • cd on assurino a hotse of such lis• tintuished pedigree and individual --�-- YOP AI(E AILING' Not quite sick, be: tooled of am- bition to stork - f• id it hard to think clear:y. Not ill ct:ou;h to think of dying.. bur 11:.u: enough for life to to pretty dull. There Is a remedy -Fe marmot - t h :1 quickly lifts that holt dead lectin.. Gracious but 1'(•rr•azone mak(s you feel (good; it sharpens the defeat appetite, makes it keen as a razor, 156 ell Ferroz:>ne makes lot s of it 'Iv- s!ch tmuris$ !: k r•.d Ilia sit tl- izes 1 h(• %thole body. You'll Iso won- derfully (tuirkenert, immensely sirl•nttl.ened, feel h' :r:y and vi;- orous after usint Fer1ozone. Buoy- ant !loath, surplus vizor and re- serve crier ry all r,•11i. from .1hi areal re''t•.r s1 ive. Fifty cent 4 buys a box of fifty .1 shletn at all de,slers. SEXBMiT11 \Cilhur hose los .lone to Toronto to kxtrn tele!roph operotin,t and .1 am^s Northcott intends ;oir.g at the be4inning of the New Year to Getting* teddies intend•' o:.:no n nese fence across the front of his farm f1(x1 t.prirlg and hi.• Ilse old roils' removed. 4 TItAlNF.f IIACK AND SiDE "11V;110 tvnrkinz in r r.aw• mill writes C. E. Kenney from 011 lays, "1 'trained my hick and side -ea ae- John Ihancztn had a Pick horse verely i had to ;o vo !,ed. Every , host week. morn•nt canned me torture. 1 tried Messrs. Geor;e U'Briv,t Ind \Cil- different ails and liniment+, but !ion Nti- ITientl ore evr►ecl(•d home sv•asn'f helped until 1 tool Nerviline. from the Northwest for the winter. Even the first appitcatsou A3 44! 1911- sider3hle relief. In three days I was 3 zaln at work. Other men in the mill use Nervitine with t remen• dolens trenefit 1oo•" An honeAt record of nearly fifty year+ haft established the value elf I'olron's Nerviline. Ne 7.1 IHell Mr. :h FOAL of l'arkhill, iteds Is 1i'a•uds in ;ho &lt•i ut.1.y and Sunday. firs. J. Kellcrur snit, of Dashwood,. t. -:ted her roister, Mrs. C. Fr:(z, ons Saturday. Sly. IO•nty lei11.er, .` . 1'. 1'., of 1 Crediton, was iu tu...1 Last ?Monday 1 afternoon altcl.d.. : the ;nuetino of the ditcot.ors of . it Ray Township 1 Farmer's Mutual Fire Insurance Cl►., of which organization be is the of- ficient secretary. Mr. Ed. Snell. writ strut 'the past Om: years in the %test arrived l:.tn on Saturday last and will reut.:in for rr►me tints visaing his pucn;s and DI r. and .lies. Slcgiem't:1 of Ilcnsa1! spent Sunday oilh thele rtautht:•r. Mrs. T. leetly- Mr. John Schafer, of Parkhill, vis- ited with friends in iitwn on Wed- nesday Jost. The Lcture by (lector "The Illaok Ifni;ht." lost Friday evcittito was t1 e i succei3. tie is : :•ousin ora - ear and enter.: Oiled his le:r e14 fur (>n:' hour :ucd a half, Wit II his suhjeel •''111.' sorra- of his •":sly Everybody should attend the band o:►noer1, Ikc. 2911), in :t Iva ins.11 ball - A ;,::od pro;r:uu hiss loon prepared Mr. Mc1,'. d the comedian. will as- sist M.r. John Celoger. ut irear Brandon. 1413))., 1,1 visaing relatives :std friends in the vie. nity :t: present. Mr- J. \V. Orttsein and family spent Sunday with :Ilei. Oelw•ein'y parents, 51r. end Mrs. \Va000s, Mr. Iteunisycr and son. and 51rs. fliabley, sof Elkton. Mich.. oro visit - in; at Mr. I1. M:tgels, Miss Gasho, of ICilriran;11, M!ch., i9 visions for a few etoks with eel - root friends i:- ard around the viltae, Mr. Geor;c Ilc.adlc and hh Sather of Auburn, visited friends hers: for 4 lets days lata tweet:. Mr. John !lei(!. of loeury, visit• 4 et Mr. J. A. Williams Sunday. Mr. Milford Faust, who los Even attendinz colic!;: of Naperville, ill., a u •11 ion ht. ssor- •u1(1 w di.I tti''to ed to �ivxs ie i Iii Lt ti's South. Ea uc.d• int cip:tli collies; at ions t he saver (>t of Ilio p b^ V:1 in sac quires note; sarisall s•a l ua l io lite as There c the uw.er rolls as 3 ;reside fact it f Iht eta under to (he :assess (•ssors hat law and its cosh have not however, e0sors per•ty as 1 We to; .rrest tl ,:live vale lei p3lioieo be made and Nose ter, tyles fort of Sr The let in Exeter arrived home Friday even no to which the spend the holidays with his parent 1 for $84,61 here. 92 t•trre'el Mr. William Lemon, of London. $306.225. agent Saturday and Sunday under 72 parcel the p:lrentel roof. $287,950, Miss Lily Faint .s ten the sok list this week. We st•.h tier a speedy recovery. Alto. Eidt, of Sehcrntnz. M,ich., ar- rived Friday evcti.n; to spend a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ort. of 1111• liroteson Line. Miss Mot bilda Bloomy left la It week lo-- Pet ••nil where slit: still $9,120. spend Its. s iritec' $47,700, Mr. ,1 lee• 1 'leo el has ranted into 190. T1 th' 1.'t shish .1- I',coler has bad fixed up in t he loot hero part of t vii:•r3c. Mr. Ed. Vinton s,'Inrtwil front \V, sbin'tl ,•s l- :•ri.`.(try ',:•:i Baalur 11). to Isere le fr s !,ern for the past five to .tit hs. Ile tee -1 tt; h an ncaidont For s al:..ut Iwo ec •k... a on %% Jiro :sa ::a:.lnt and si in (Octinz a 1.I•13• s'.,it •Irr>usr! and •o mod h d 11►e rniaftrlun: to break two 1t soothe bones in his ri. hl hold which Hexa- 3ives in sit teed his loy•ns <'11. The hand is cause• now cnt•,au•d it i :t41cr pari,, thin Mr. llcnry Randall is able -to be 11a1 W. araround<:uin :'zrca h'.; f :II LomeLomeb Y \ tveek s A Chr .Inla•t 'Tree i•• :wino hold in C lie Evan;elical church w1 Saturday. evenin z. T Mr. lovi let lek has •returned from :idve t he worst, w 11...n Ire hits rgrttt _ t he -� A plan few mont Its a =sin: in; -,n t Ira chan1. hat vest Colds. t.a rcel8,10 sed $382,1 er:unit h, is esHed t - shor ns', :!00, os - 750: Illyl $23,250, field 1 del lit u,t ,. the grss(ti5 AN El 40 a lS sP CO .A. Bear, tie Its l isd Yoe Has Ilia Le el saws of Solid GoId Cuff f Links =$5.50= Strength, quite as much as tasteful design, Is re- quired of one's cuff links. Thosc from Diamond Nall possess both.qualitles. IQ s lid old, the prices rdt Qfrom 4 t0 $ . Opo qf LM Most noteworthy p*lr' sells f!tS 5 TbbgqleaMof*du bbell pilfer° that permits the engraving of monogram -for which no ekt charge is made. Diamond II catalogue is gi on request. RYR1E BROS. �LIMIiTED� 134-138 TOROE 5T. TORONTO • ONT. rush dell entire; had to m •arts'. t)t Ti You hr Of t is t \\' hen da A nd Itut f That la Ilse \Vice seer N:,t'. 31st a of the (list F the T Januar I'. )f. 1 I1 11 ,nd S^ tin o Ten s•ooni( Dere: •i tned I, • see :,,'fire. !� r:.1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••1 THE noI.SON (Incorporated 1 y Act of P - CAPITAL PAID UP • RESERVE FUND • • • • • • (• 11 Hrnnrhr in ()nurlo, Vitt tee, Alt. cs _ TN hi Yoe is A Rem w Bought _S � �k+s� et EXETER '►pen reser"- 1ntrful Tons fmrn 10 A. ti. roar. Fnrsncreo' flan w % errs cm. the appt'rr.'Ion . !WA! lA,,ro 1.. lis hr.l 5,..,s'-, is. flea ,•n• fitAv1i41(1» e) Lreporite. a I04.00 Mundrd 1.151 )100:1 r, and ..,:deet 11+.•1'0 i:w• pt.. 11,0 he 0'd and Advesncets made 1" lowest rate and on Dickson & C