HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-12-21, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES, DECEMBER 21st 1905.
at Zwicker's, Crediton
Choice Furs composed of Canadian CoonCoats, Wallabys, China Dog, Bulgarian Lamb, Russian Calf, &c. In Ladies' Furs we have a fine line of
►, some with Sable Collars and Reveers, nice bright glossy curl, also Electric Seal, Astrachan, Persian Lamb and Grey Lamb Caps and Ruffs. Good
from $20 to $35. $3,000 Stock of Readymade Clothing all cut in price. 10 per cent discount allowed on purchases through December month.
polkaed. C. ZWICKER, Crediton, Ontario.
at very
ry Sets,
gar Cases
:s and
l:k before
1 13
R, 1905.
24 31
.l heir
3 will
Rev. C.
d 7. p.
ho fol-
d Mr,.
• ,Liss
r re-
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O (' T
fo and
, heal(
Is and
y its
CItEDITON Mr. Wesley Wolfe i; hostlerin; at
Mr. August Hill's for a few weeks.
Mich., is visiting relatives here.
Quite a number from hero at
tended the supper which was hep
at Centralia Methodist church o
Monday Jast.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Fahncr and M
and Mrs. W. ll:tist ,of Mersey, Mich
.are visitinx friends in ills vicinity,
Try Finkteiner's for your Nina
candies and orange+.
Mr. \William En it:ind spent Satur
day ;eel Sunday at London.
BIr. Vert Clerk is busy paint in
Tom Law MI/ n•s i1ucc at present.
Miss Lizzie feel:.einer. of Lon
don attended the funeral of he
uncle, Mr. Henry Finkbeincr .►n
Saturday last.
Dl r. Jacob 1lnl l z►nann and Mr
Wesley A. Finkbeincr .are having tw
glass signs in front of their build
Ings which %sill add -greatly, to 1 hei
Rev. J. A. Smith, of Berlin. is i
town visiting his mother. Mrs. Oes
t reicher.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fahner of Rees
City, Mich., are visiting Mrs. -Fah
ner's parents and other rela;t.ives.
Mr. and Mrs. Gebauer. of Elkton
Mich.. are vi.sitine relatives and
friends here. It is some eleven year
since they left Crediton.
Mr. -and Mrs. Heist, of Mersey
Mich., are visitors in .town.
Mr. Martin, of Manitoba, id via-
itine his mother, Mrs. Chas. Either.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brown spent.
Sunday in Zurich i.he guest ' of Mr.
and Mrs. Pricier.
Mr. .and Mrs. John Young, who at
one time run a cattily store In
Crediiton, but some time n;o moved
to Grand Bend, passed through here
last week. Mrs. Young was re
turning home fs•orn Victori i liospi
Lal. London, where she had been for
the past. few months owing to e
bruise she received on one of her
leen and which resulted in her los-
Inz n foot. Her many friends Byrn.
palhhizc with her and hopo she will
soon regain tier usual health.
Iluy your Christmas groceries nt
Zuiaker's, clean and fresh.
The annual Xmas. entertainment
;ivcn by 1lie Sunday school and
choir of be Evangelical church \will
be held on Sunday evetlinr. Dec. 241 h,
committees ou pregnant decorations
and supplies are busy, and indica( i.:31131
paint to an unusually successful
and inspiring •occasion. There will
he no admission but a collec0:on
%%ill be -taken up.
The literary society held their re; -
:tutor meeting On Friday F•vo,tio; of
List week a1 the home of Mr. harry
Ilea vers. Mi. Rollinson seas chair-
man and a splendid program was
rendered which seas foilowed by 1
debate on "Resolved that the in-
venti tn.a of the 19th •century are
aupetior to those of ;previous years."
Miss,•. Turner and Beaver %Lor ,Cho
affirmative and Miss Farnow, Miss
Kienzle and Mr. C. Itinetl for the
negative. The judges were Me ;ars,
Ilc:ver. llr.okenshire and Rollin:on,
and decision was given in favor of
Ilse ifrlrntalhe. Thi: meet in; on Fri -
d iy-, Jan. 511i, 1906, will tie held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bluetit.
Rev. Mr. 1l:imtn will give a lecture
and elis, Lulu E'--ery a riper t•ti
Clitisl►nas glories •ind Miss Colvin
a (.aper on David ('opperfield.
S. Brown for Xin is !oat', ^•1 iu
nc►ther column.
Mfrs. 11. Sweitzer entertained the
lass of the R. T. I). C. on "(411104-
(4(11111! last. A very elca:ant
ur e ,. =pent by taw younir 1 i-
) See the finest line of handputinted
1 china just opened for Xmas at
t %wicker'+.
; Mr. F. W. Baker ,of Crediton East
t has returned from the Northwest
e after visiting Percy Maker and Jere-
miah Redman ,who are now resi-
dents of that resourceful country.
Mr. Baker is greatly impressed \with
Y what he saw while there, and intends
going out again as moan as spring
, arrives.
See 8. Brown's ad for Christmas
- specials.
d Death of Henry Finkb finer. —The
n sudden death of Henry Finkbeiner
on Thursday. Dec. 14th, came as •t
r. shock to his many relatives and
friends. Ho was a lar,;e robust man
and apparently in the best! of health
s• althouzh throubled with asthma at
times. " On Wednesday . he was
around the village as Usual and en-
joyed himself with company in the
3 evening. Towards morning he was
seized with a fit of cou;hin and
- arose from his bed and (Sat in a chair
✓ While retching he burst a blood' ves-
eel, this causing his death. The de-
ceased was 48 years of age, and lea-
• vas a wife to mourn. Ilar•-
o ry, as he was oalled by Lhasa whu
- knew him, was well liked and being
✓ a hale fellow, well met. his death
is regretted. Besides his widow,
n four brothers survive him. The fun•
• et al was held Saturday Illi the Cred•
iton cemeiery and was largely at -
1 tended.
Magistrates' (bur.(.—It is not often
our quiet and peaceful .bur; haat the
1 disquuictin; experience of a session
of the Magistrates' court, but euoh
a was the oase on Saturday last when
Squires Lewis and Weurth sat in
,t judgment on a charge of theft; laid
by one citizen of our rtes,;blearing
town of Exeter against 'another. It
That at 'theme parties were try-
ing to make -a dell in which a horse
a huzgy, vome bermes and sundry
aruoles figured and as usual the
modern "golden rule" was being fol-
lowed of "Do the other stenos or he
will do you." To the onlooker it
arecrued as iI the complainant hadn't
• much to cry about and so the
worthy squires appeared 10 view it
for they doelare1 that they could
find no CrIlle :cc d0 warn -Mil a coni-
mttal for theft -and so thsc)►ar'3ed the
accused \wit h:,ut askin.t luau do put
in his defence. In tact. Lawyer Stan -
bury, •of Exeter, who defended (ho
accused, so aeorcled the prosecutor
em the cross-examination that he
made his man appear nn angst in
comparison. The coals were paid by
the prorecutor and he •red urned to
Exeter a cooter if a poorer man.
To each of our subscribers paid up
to Jan. 07 we are :3ivin3 a beautifu
calendar. Renew at once. Do no
let anybody inveigle you into takin
another paper by claiming "It is jus
es ;Doti." Tho Times has fill tit
Xmas Groceries et Zwioker's.
Mr. Chas. refiner Spent Sunda
with friends in Dashwood.
Mr John Fahncr, of flowerd City
It late.
. If
ad -
Ik anis O'ilrien :Mended the
11 of the late Militia Reitan,
Mr. Chi.. '/,wicker spent Tuc'd ty
in London on lousiness.
Mr. Elmer Gower ripen( Sunday
vie -utile; in Exeter.
iiia Colvin. who has leen 4nzlead
as milliner with Mr. C. %wicker for
the past scoot) leaves thie week for
her home in ilrusoils.
Jus( received hlndiomely decor.i:-
••d Toilet Setts and a inter.) stock or
pretty Dinner sots at %%wicker's.
Fli•i l .:tc %wiekcr leaves for her
home ;t1 Londe,' on *emir.' iy.
Miss Sit il, Smith, of f.Ortdon, I-
visit'ii in 1->eit for :1 few days. Mi-'
Smith expects In Ieavc shortly fur
Pittsbur r, Penn.
Mrs. (1)re 11ais1 has returned from
t pleasant visit with dr'cnd. in To-
For Xmas :Odds don't Cori:ct 8.
ilrown. Ste ad in another column.
Mr. and Mr& John Clark were
%f'ir'm friends in St. Marys over
Siad , \ .
Liltla Miss Leuretti lloltzntann
;ave it bitth(lay party on SI-turd:iv
list. 81t^. plcdaantly eteertair.d
number •ef lh'r lit I tr (mends.
Our most ril me 'ellen,4 have 1 hr
ow•s of their storm veru taste
0ot•raled with the artod
tmai. You will field in the
trrnptir:•t arli:10t
nts. while inside
n d n l a r; c aa -
cheer. a-
IU88 L )ALii
The annual Christmas tree and en-
tertainment of iloy's church Sun•
day school will he held on Friday
evening when a choice program will
be rendered by l hs churl a 3.sisted
by .rood lo^al talent. A chrisimas
tree and entertainment in conneclio.t
%with the Sunday school an-
niver'try of Mt. Plea;ant.
church %will be held Tuesday evening
Dec. 26111, A chs, o programme will
be rendered by 1 he reboot assisted
by Tisa Veal°, of Kirkton, and Mr.
Woodley of Fullerton. Addresses
sill he .riven by the paste:. lacy. Mr.
Knowles, and •Iter. John Veale of
Kirk ton.
Un ii1urdayhat while Sandy Cole
and Murk Clar • were cutting wood
in the former's bush, Mark Clark
slipped and fell backward on top of
*flint* wood inflicting au ugly wound
on 1he back of his head, 2 inch!)
lone. which rendered him uncon-
<Lireo far ne ti iy 4140 hours •:40 l.y
the timely as.i.s:ancc •crf Dr. Proud•
(clot. the wound w:14 :iItelr(kd 10 :111(1
at time of writing Is is doing rhhcely.
John 1'ark wee on Abe jury last
week a 1 St ra 1 ford.
Oliver Barris, Nclaen ileal and
%Vatter Mnrtyu •tri• busy 11au1itl;
zr:lv"l and sand prep 'eatery 10
buildine the coning 'summer. The
two former are erecting houses and
the latter a new barn.
John Mor.r,r,i, Sr., Ikea rottgllt at
fine property in Mitchell which lie
N%111 take [.:lctse.nion of shortly.
My friend, look here 1 you know
bow weak and nervous your wife is
and you know that Carter's Iron
Pills will relieve her, now why not
be fair about it any buy her a lox?
die -
of Hoyt he s greaL-
est. curative and
ae the world has ever
known. It. Is an a8 -round
anedidne,extdng its un -
Muddled fry ParifY•
vitalising and enriching
LM blood Olk which the
health and strength ofeyery
aha de -
Accept a beti-
.* Hoofth but b-
at, as having Mod's
To -Morrow is nomination day, hut
yet we are . 1 unable to ;find any
person who is desirous of opposite;
any member of the present( Council.
The board es it now stands is com-
posed of enereatic, painstaking and
competent sten, who are always at-
tentive to the duties of their office.
The construction of the present
E liniville drain is under M heir super-
vision, and while all kinds of invec-
tives at first %sere 'hurled at the
members for pausing the j,y-law
many pre now strop; supporters of
the present counciI. Regarding -this
matter it maybe said that the Coun-
cil was presented with a petition,
which was signed by a sufficient
number of names so (beagle! council
was oampxrlled to go ahead %vitt' the
work, whether they desired Ito or
not. One of tho ratepayers who was
a stroll; opponent of elm !scheme at
first. in spcak.in; of elle .uertter,
said the. benefits'lo bo derived by
hint next year will mora eleart com-
pensate hits for the 1cosb to hien. As
the present council is well ac:puaint-
ed with the work, it is the best
thin; for all concerned Id have Them
return and look after the work they
have so faithfully -3uperviead ,luring
the past yeti-.
Fifteen cement bridges hive been
built to rephtoe the old (rickety wood-
en struotures which were a menace
to the -township. sonic of %vhicit were
in a dangerous condition, and al-
ways ncccaeilated considerable ex-
penditure of nonny to k(xp in re-
pairs. The council is to be com-
mended for their excellent work,
and they should be returned.
At best they are unpleasant, often
useless. You have some disccuse o[
the nose throat or lungs. Doctor's
would call it bronchitis, stet bine or
catarrh. The common root of -these
diseaose is ;germ or microbe irritation
—Catarrhozone not only ,des4royt
disease .rerms, it sloes more, sit heaths
diseased and infl%amvd (issue. The
disease is not only cured but its re-
turn is forever prevented by ueiq;
Cat trrhozone which is splcndial also
colds, coughs and irritable throat.
Remember you inhale Catarrhozone
—Nature's own cure—use no other
but Cal:trrhozone—it's the best ca -1
The anniversary ;services were held
in the Centralia Methodist church on
Sunday rind Monday. On Sunday
the Rev. 1i. Me Tavislipreached two
bri;ht and inspiring !crntona to
laj.gc conoro;ations. On Monday
cvcnin; an expellant pprogramme was
given consisting of dialo;urs,. tao-
leaus, recitations and solos, llenr:all
quartette; \was present and favored
us twilh •c%eral choice selections.
Rev. D1 r, A1cTavislt (4190 reavo an ad-
dress on Monday evonin3 which w•as
much apprec:,.led by all.
Mr. A. It:uusay, of Exeter, was
1 u .•
1 S
C t
6f i•3s
Al ��r.
• rr+en on Sund iy.
Miss Clara Fiddle'', who has spent
the past three month, in Michi;an
returned home on Monday ovonin z.
Mr. Mac. Curtain who has spent
the summer in Moose Jaw, A'sa.,
returned home taut wank.
Mr. Jim Query, of Medical Cot-
le3e. Toronto, is spending tho Christ-
mas holidays with friends here.
Toronto, Dee. 18. — Tho National
Trust has arranged to take posse= -
Won on Monday of the offices of the
York Loan in Sydney, Ilalifax, St.
John. N. R., Montreal, Ottawa, Ham-
ilton. London, Winnipeg, and Van-
couver through their own officers
and correspondents. All theca of-
ficers have been notified 'ny wire of
the liquidation. and requested to
announce in the newspapers that no
further payments be made to a;ents.
Printed notices have been sunt out
to 500 agents of elm York Loan rloti-
'fyin; them also of the liquidation,
and that their employment bas ter-
minated. They are asked to remit
balances in their hands, their collec-
tion books, stock rezister., lapse
resistors and all other documents
and papers belonging to tho company
They are also respectfully requested
as old crnployes to c xpediate the
closing out of their accounts and
otter matters.
N...••e••••••••••.....•.. •••••••••••••e••••••••••*
1 •••N•N ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••'
Will please you and make
it easy for you to do your
shopping, Our display is the
largest in the city, our assort-
ment is the most complete in
the city. Our stock is new,
our prices are right. quality
of goods is of the best. That
should be an inducement for
you to come here and see for
yourself .
FANCY CHINA, and ornamental table pieces found any -
In the biggest and beet range of useful
where in Ontario, in Japanese China, (hand painted), Royal
Strauss China, Austrian China, English China, French China,
Irish Belleek China, English Royal Devon. The finest line of
beautiful decorated tablewear made. Come in splendid variety of
useful table pieces.
CHINA TEA_ SETS Fine assortment to choose from 40
t Austrian China.
' and 44 pieces. in English, French and
• tive. Give you pleasure when you use them,
DINNER SETS, That will make -the Dining Room attrac-
and wear you well. The leading makes carried as well as12 STOCK PATTERNS, quality Al, prices from $3.00 up.
TOILET SETS'and Colorings.
Goodvariety in new Decorations, Prints
FANCY LAMPS, Nothing like our display and variety
shown anywhere, Hanging, Hall. Parlor.
Reading, Sewing and Glass Lamps.
COME, SEE OUR TABLES Goods laid outat different
prices to help you shop:-10c.15c, 25c, 35c, 50e. 75e, $1.00. $1.25, $1.50, full of good useful goods
that will please you.
— . --
Awoman %she Is weak nervous and •LONDON GRUGKftftY GO 169 pN.sdlets
sleepless, and who has cold hands
and feet, cannot feel and aet like a . tit., ll�sndon.
well person. Carter'a Iron Pills WE PREPAY express or freight charges on all /purchases o
equalize the circulation, remove ner- $10.00 or over.
vousness, and give strength and •••NN••NNN N y
B g NN•.NN!•N••••NN •NN••••••
•••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• *ONION***
` -- Make Your Christmas a Merry One
The _Presbyterian Xmas entertain-
ment will hal bald in 1112 town hall
on Christmas nicht. A gra 1 pro -
;ram will Le given by local talent.
Mr. Percy Ili_gart, of Toronto, is
sI.endin4 Xmas holidays at this home
Mr. Dave Gardiner, of Clinton,
who spent the summer in Manitoba,
called on friend+ in town on Mon.
day rust.
Mr. T. A. St in ton was In Clinton on
Monday on business.
Mr. Itattert Elliota, our (own car-
penle•r, is buildinr an ice house for
Gconeo Moura•, the butcher, this
N. Wm. 1)ows011 and wife of
Blake spent Sunday last in town.
Vickie Bros., of Stephen, vi.eited
friend's its town thin teeck.
Nomination for ceurcid anit trus-
Beautiful Holiday Goods
Now is the time to make your selections. Our stock is now complete in Desirable Gifts for Everyone.
BOOKS—In all the newest bindings LEATHER GOODS — Hand Bags,
and by the best writers. Portfolios, Billfolds, Purees, Cigar
Caren and Music Rolls.
STATIONERY — In Fancy Boxes,
Writing Sets and Fountain Pens.
CHINA — Japanese, Prussian, OH
Greek, English, German and Bo-
hemian Glassware.
Gents' Manicures, Military Brush-
es, Collars and Cuffs, Gloves and
Handkerchiefs, Work Boxes.
BURNT WOOD — Collar and Cult
Boxes, Handkerch ief and Neck.
tie Boxes.
gines. Tools. Air Guns, Autos,
4 Arks, Acrobats, Blocks, Games.
Dolls, Doll Carriage. Sleigh:s, Bonk.
fog Horses, Christmas Cards, Cal-
endars and Booklets.
Charlton's Fair, - Exeter
Inca on Friday of t ht t week. At pre-
sent the cleotion talk it quiet.
Mr. Wm. S111.1(•r on returft:(1 t13c
week front Moose Jaw, where lie
stent the .3unt►ner.
Mr. Rani Moore bas about leerily
Men ell£,i gid cuffing %% owl and ex-
tee:is to have a thousand cord of
wood ready for market in a months
Mr. and Mrs. aVoodsworth, of
T::ronto, ate visiting at the rectory
this %week.
The fishermen are c31chinz Force
nice hauls of herring dist wcekk.
Mr. Wm. Joe att, who has bt-en
under the 1)r.'s care for tievera1
week's with an acres? on the jaw it
improving rapidly.
Mr. Dick 1'rck, 41,4 after 4(1uninz
Crediton'stone, months k, the wail retur►ud Corner
home Inst work.
in Store.
',1es•ir.s. Math. Wtn. 1%'hiddou,
lin.y takiiir mthey intend ater far a
1 A Greeting to our Friends and Customers
lees evapor:i1or whi 11
hnil.Frank Itlzgut is %stir.;t FZ next t.umtni•r.
Mr. OUR CREED—The best goods and lowest price are what count
Xmas Specials at
I Ilil,l.•r't 'it (.resent.
Mr. ( (Ior. Itros n, a 1:.> has been
residin; in London, corner of Itidout
end 1'icxi(ti1!y streets i+ spendin; the
holi,l.ys under the (.;trental roof.
Mies Arm ;tido Francis, of Cron•
well, Mieh., is vi.'titin; iter' aunt Mos.
L. hazels ood.
Mister Osoar ik•tine1t, who hap
been vi.irinr friends in Michigan re-
turned hems; It.t we••k.
Mr. Relit. '.i,-Dnnald, Sr., w ho is
ever ninety yobs 0 1
j his h(.ine to vi;it Mr. I). McNicoll,
w hO is ill. slid back a distance of
five mil^,. \I r. Mci)onald 14 very
active for a man of his year,
1)r. Carr, o' Kirkton, i ;c Fever.'
c Ills to our sill . _ Bora lis: wing;.
loan tk.eery lM 1(itld Yat H>Itt liltnn BPO
What We Claim
1Ve have deveted much time stuffy.
ing how to sntiefy the wants of nur
cu•tornsrs and now with nur facilities
we are able to meet any would•be
competitors prices who undertakes to
undersell es. We claim that $1,000 of
our money %rill buy as many goods as
$1.0011 of our competitors. We rat ry
as large and as well asset ted stat k of
goods as there is in town and sell low•
er than ever before and therefore
would advise our many cnetomers to
do their purchasing early and avail
themselves of thetpecialtles which as
oiler for Xmas. Owing to confined
space we can rely enumerate a few a
worth for $ l .00
Dress Goods
Consists of an assortment which we
have neer shown before. To see
then( will convince you.
Our Furs
Never before did we have as good a
sale in fur as this season. We have
an assortment that will suityou. In
men's and Ladies' Furs we are offering
special inducements for the Xmas
Ready Made Clothing
A stock which will suit you. We
have Rreally increased our stock in
this line and are giving some specials.
We believe in giving One Dollars
China, Crockery and
An elegant assortment to choose front
just opened up this week Toys and
Xmas Gifts, good assortment, all new
Our stock is cnmpletl and fresh,
Daily shipments constantly arriving
needless to say that nur trainee are sue
good as elsewh are, we meet all rut
Kindly bring in your Poultry, Dried
Apples and other produce for which
we pay highest prices. We also btr�
Bed Clover, Aleike and Timothy seed.
Cell on us before you se11.