Exeter Times, 1905-12-21, Page 3YOUNG FOLKS oo000000000b0 A SNAIL'S WAYS. Ono dny I Grund a snail in the woods. Ile was crawling on a mw log. Ills shell eus glossy and of .. light brunt' color. The snail, tree. was pule brottn. Ile looked soft, to; if ho had been [nude ,:ut ut jelly. lir bad a pair of horns thrust out from the (rout of his head, to warn turn at danger. When I picked up the shell `Jr. Snail quickly tucked himself out of sight inside. 1 took the shell ht,t..e in 'ley picket, and at night Ittict it on my table. In the morning it was gone. Looking about the room, 1 fowl! the email climbing up the wall, hal` way to the ceiling. 1 stood on a choir, touch( e1 Itinl gently on the head, and, in a fri-la, he drew into his shell, and it 'fell from the wall into lily heed. Then 1 took a large china dish, nee put in it a nice stone from tit; brook. Tho steno had little lice• es and hits of water weeds on it. I put water in the dish. 'Then I set the snail on the steno. Snails like cool, moist things. My snail at once emoie out to see his now hotne. le began to travel around it. at a great rate. Ile crept to the water on every side. I say that he ate the lichens. So I brou'nt a nice young lettuce leaf, wet it, and laid it on the stone. When the snail in his journey reached it, he touched It with his horns. Then he crept up- on the edge of the leaf. turned side- wise, and bet;t:n to eat fast. WAS SENT HOME a °°°4 ac' :..:•'c4 AS INGURABLE THEN JOS. BOONE POUND HEALTH IN DODD'S KIUNEV PILLS Ile was l'nahle to Work for Seven Years Before He Used the Great Cale adieu Kidney Remedy. Ile scented very hungry. He moved along the edge of the leaf, gnawing as he went. After he had eaten apiliabout a quarter of the way along the eat he turned and went back, still eating. So he kept on until ho ha.l cut a deep scallop. 'Then he went to another place .and ate out auoth.ir scallop. The children said he liked scall.ip- ed lettuce. I kept the leaf wet. At first. 1 thought the greedy little creature did nothing but eat. 1 found that I:o liked to play and Was fond of travee He would go to the edge of the •ta- ter, and, holding fast to the stone, would dip his head in for a drip':, or to get it wet When he did this, ho drew in his horns until they could not be sen 1. Then he tried to cross alto waterand to reach the side of the dish. He would cling fast by the hitt! part of his body, raise his head, and stretch himself as far as be coul1, and try to take hold of the dish. lie often fell short and tumbled into the water. Hut out he would cone and try again. When he succeeded, It,t would walk all around the rim of the dish. Ono night he came out, dropped to floor, crept over the carpet, t.p t�''"Ott��ver t t e. along the top. Naos and then tra%c tK eat the ra- t. There I now bonnet. lie tried tificfal leaves on the bo caught him in the morni Wherever he went he1f eflt thin trail like glue. 1 could folios his steps as you can those of a care s boy who forgets to wipe his feet. A WORD TO IM)YS. You are made to be kind, boys, generous and magnarlilnous. If there is a boy in school who lag a clubfoot, don't let him know you ever saw It. If there is a poor boy with ragged hest, don't talk rags in his he:er- 4 there is a lame boy, assign n r i n soma part of the game that doesn't require running. If there Is n dull one, help hint to learn his lesson. If there is a bright one, be not en- vious of him; for if one boy is proud of his talents and another is en em:is of them, there are two ggreat wrongs, and no more talent than before. It a larger or stronger boy has in- jured you, and is sorry for it, for- give him. All the school will sh.t.v by their conntenaltres how much bat- ter it is than to have a great fuss. Cottel'8 Cove, NIkI., Pee. 11.— (Spechel.)—Tl.e days of miracle~ are past, but the cure of Joseph Boone of this place almost ranks with sen- sational curs of the earlier ages. .1a. Poone had been ailing for eight years, seven of which he was unabl: to work from the effects of Backache and Kidney ('.anplaint. Ile was all aches and pains. Ile was treated by several doctors. and after seven months in the hospi- tal was sent home as incurable. It. was there that reading of cures in tl o newspapers led hin, to use Doll's Kidney fills. It took twenty-one boxes to core him, but to -day he is strong and well and hard at word: lobster fishing. People here havo learned that if all the elements are combining to the el ettse is of the Kidn,.ys 0r from ntuke him wretched, that everybo ly the Kidneys, Dodd's Kidney Pills will. cure it. WONDROUS LAKES. One Blows `Yud Rubbles Like , Another Hee The "Ilunle of the lint Devils" is an island of tire situated in the centre of n huge lake of boiling hard and slim/ in .lava. (tastes arise fromh lower depths and form en - HEALTH A FIT OF TIIE BLUES. Ifall the time when people say they have the "blues," all tune~ nee., is to go out and get a breath of fresh air. People who have "blues" stay in huust•s too ninth; they don't exercise enough, told they eat too 'mace. Tee body is clogged with a stll'p1118 of food, the lungs are vitinted with bad air, and the whole machinery of tht body is working at low gage. The. motor wheels of the machinery drag and run heavily. This pits steal condition is reflected upon the mental faculties, and they become torpid and sluapes 1, aet•l everything takes on a depressed, "blue" leak. All the little worries troubles and perplexities are moge:- fied, and the world stents a dismal. desolate place, indeed, and the pour "blue" person 18 enveloped in u fog of misery and despair. lie thil,ks the whole world is topsy-turvy and OLD 1101111V HORSE AC.ttN. Cyrlope of One Hundred years Ago to be Itenewcd. The lastest fashion In cycling is a "cyclopetle" for ladies, says the Lon- don Daily Mirror. This takes us back to the day's of the Begetter,. when the "first gentleman of Europe' is just. as mean as he feels. And yet all ilia while this whole world -Rill of misery is centred rig tt within himself. People everywhere are going to and fro about their f 1- fnirs, with sympathy in their hearts and kindliness in their eyes. The world is running over with joy aV'l the people in it are not as tend '13 they seem. What the "blue" individual ncle.(s is to get outdoors and absorb SOMI of the happiness that' is going to waste. ile or she has been absorb - blandly squandered millions at ing all sorts of indigestible food and Brighton, and his friends nnnls.'.I vitiated air, until the hods has re - themselves by "hobby -horsing" along belled. \4hnt ho ucr(18 to do is tit let up a little on eating, skit) n meal or two, take ' a long, brisk we"; walk, breathe in great draughts of porn oxygen, drink plenty of water. the front. The "cylopode," incleed, is exactly the old "hobby -horse" with improve- ments. True, it is fitted with 'melt- mtatic tires, springs and ball -bearings, This will help to eliminate •n • and is a feather -weight compared I poison from the body, that has been with the hideous combination of; making things "blue." The nunchi,t- cny will commence to run easier, the wheels will quit dragging and bes,ia to run merrily round and roma humming a little tune that will wood and iron which our greet grandfathers disported. But the main "hobby -horse" features are ro- inc(1 'There aro no pedals, the machine quiet the fretted nerves. The t g - being propelled either by thrusting will clear away, and the mind will the feet against the groom'. or by become active, alert and buoya'tt, "punt -poling" with a walking stick and the dark, deep blue will begin to or alpenstock. The seat Is eery low. lighten into a pale blue, and then a so that the. most clumsy rider can little pink tint will creep in. and hardly fall off. and of course. barely finally everything in it will tic rose any instruction is required. You can color. and the whole world, anal get ud quite n fair speed on the everybody in it will be beautiful and machine—ten miles an hour being good once more. about the limit. Yes, tho world is all right. The But who, it may be asked. would trouble is all within your own little care to use a cyclopedc when ordin- self. You have overfed the body, ur ary bicycles are faster and ISM given it bad air or deprived it of its trouble? One idem is that the newt needed rest. You may be sure when machine will give more vigorous fin.1 you feel "blue" you have done some - healthy exercise than the ordinary thing or - nmitt.ed to do sonmethi•rg bicycle affords. Another is that eft- that was required to keep your bolls/ erly' holies may he attracted by Its in perfect working order. One ought absolute safety. Resides, the price— four guineas—is very low. 'Iho first lady's machine has been built to the order of a distinguished customer, anal in a generation whir 1 worships h�/•lth and is always look ing for si new form of exercise it has a c1 unto of becoming quite a rage. The chief obstacle is ridicule. dies have the net of looking gracn- ci 'under most unpromising circum- stances, baa ten miles an hour on e. cyclopedc will bo rather a severe test of this faculty. TUB WIFE AS MANAGER. "You can rely upon it," said n keen husineas man, that the man whose wife is managing his salary for hitn is prosperous. When 1 ser a man that I happen to know hand all his ea i aiinge over to his wife, I set him down ns getting along well. Ile has atartwl on the right road to get rich, for in nine cases out of ten he is saving something. And a fact which he is opt to overlook is that if he only spends a little less then he makes, he Is bound to get rich. A woman who manage~ hex hpsband's salary ei11 help him to do this near- ly every' time, as women are meaner than men. Some igen find it impos- sible to save money, and a man hits got to spend less than he tnakes be- fore he yen begin to get along. The man whose wife is enough of a Coat. forth. These may appear to ho u•l•� neer to help hitn get to this po nt by taking care of his money for him fol, owing to their ability to rein) •ve may consider himself fortunate." a certain amount of coloring matter and floating materials, but as usually f A BRAIN WORKER. to feel ashamed to say ho hes the "blues," for it is really an ndmiss,t n that he has been mistreating his body. So, 11 you ever get the "bluets," don't tell anyone. but go outdoors and run and walk and breathe until you get rid of thein. HOUSEHOLD FILTERS. The fact that intestinal diseases, such as typhoid fever, cholera, dv- sentcre, diarrhoea, and so forth ate commonly transmitted through con- t.aminated water makes it seem ad- visable to print a word of warning regarding the use of domestic water - filters. Th most efficient method of urif, Thep ing contaminated water -supplies on a largo scale is by means of sand filter -bels in which the water perco- lates very slowly through a 'neer 0f find sand several feet in thickness. ('sties that have Installed such plants report a great improvement in their health statistics. Knowledge of the danger to be apprehended from aha water -supply has become so wide- spread. however, that domestic filters intended to be used by the individual householder have conte into general Use. These are of numerous varieties and employ many different substances as the filtering medium, such as charcoal, sand, mineral wool, un- glazed clay or porcelain, ane so the Must Reveille Kind of Food Thal Now - which bubbles in the atcky inml. which grow and Increnso until they attain a diameter of rive or sir feet. Istles Broin. "I 43111 n literary man w•11050 ner- Theee bubbles are often carried sl.y- wards by the wind, where theI cons energy is n great port of mV y Iinul stock In trifle, nnrl ordinarily l ly burst with n loud explosion. have tittle patience with hrenkfast Tile biggest snow glee ons stet, by c Sir Martin Conway. who explore(] the foods end the extravagant claims Karakoram runge of mountains in made of t!•ent. But I cannot with- hold ith- h l 1acknowledgment of the d debt 1801. From the sununit of Maslen. Pass, which he traver+erl for the first time on record. he looker) upcln n vast level lake of snow. over :don square miles in areal. surrounded by Innumerable giant peaks. l'he Sea of lee. near Chnnaouni, in Savoy. Se-it/crime'. is inure like ,t fake of snow tha( nnsthing else. The ince of the ice is broken op by lar hent, and this ntinllte fissuring Rives 11 the appearance of 'umv, and it Is often nth a akin for such by t our - bits. wrrrld washe trliscoverette 1ynke Ilerrtu'I'htor {'rut.•ri unsetisf,fetort'. till 1 reacho•i ng (lrIPrNut ' And then the {problem (mull find stinking well. enough air oddeen in Iceland, who .. christened Ill ons solved. will be taken up to restore the pnln• the i nfii'tj tr It gtrrtrhrs from the (irap Nuts ragreel it} p lability. 'The bottles may then bo to be coot Ei �►��oGHT .,0AP Clothes washed by Sunlight Soap are cleaner and whiter than if washed in any other way. Chemicals in soap may remove the din but always injure the f.. bric. Sun:;ght Soap will net injure \the most dainty lace or the hands that use it. becaus:. it is absolutely pure and contains no injurious chemicals. Sunlight Soap should always b.: used as directed. No boiling cr hard runing is necessary. Sunlight Soap is better than other soap, b it is bet when used in the Sun'.nht way. Equally good wish hard cr soft water '" 000 prWARD will be paid .l%`/ v to nay IMrdolt alto prones th-.t sunlight So:.p contains any in)'nrinne chemicals or any form el a.:ulteratiuu, V 41 Air r59 Lever Brothers limited, Toronto This is old and threadbare advice. But it ie just as good to follow to- day as it was n century ago. Many physical ills and bleu's and blemishes on the countenance are due to over -eating, to eating damaging food, or eating irregularly. Don't hunt for dark sides of you: life. Remain on the sunny side when- ever you can do so without neglect- ing those who ere dear to you. Ile as happy as you can while mak- ing others happy'. Iltese simple rules are helps in pet- petuating health and beauty. FOR FAMILY AFFECTION. The %t hich charity. town of Chantilly, Flan -e, Is generally associated wit:I Mme. Mortier '8 des Noye gape to the town in 1878 600 fr., and decreed that the divtdenis from this suet when invested should be MOItNIN(: TALE. ,dobby—"Mother, tell Inc a fairer story.' • Mother—"I can't. Co es!: your father what detaired (hint dowe- tuwe so late lust night; that will Le one." Unl'd and soft stand Holloway's fectuul every time. once and be happy corns cannot with - Corti Cure: it 1s el - (:es a bottle at ]licks --My wife She`s nlwuys got a and every Idhi'' in "t'o has thine, but place." is very methodical. place for everything its place." \Vicks - 1 earn never find the Like Heart Strings.— "II is conception of to measure nay great sufferings from heart disease. For -years 1 endured ninlost conslnnt cutting and tearing pains about my heart, and matt Tearing the not within the applied as a reward for tilinl • piety.' men~ a time would have welcomed The conditions are that caudldat s death.lir. Agnew's Cure for the heart must no Frenchwomen, maids or wi- has worked a veritable ndt'acle."--'1'hes. (10558, either born or domiciled fe: lliclts, i'el•lh, Ont.— 59 five years in the town. The prize is awarded for high character, and for "1'hr; discord teas something fierce," loco, favor, and affection shown in, said Porem, in speaking of an nnlateur the family. 'Phis year's prize ha i 'concert. "Why, the music was so loud been given to Mlle. Kaufmann, a that 1 actually could not brut myself seamstress, who for twenty years has t(hlk." "Ileal delightful!" exclaimedt elMiss made the wants of her infirm mother (;offing• Iter first care. 810,000 A YEAR FOR ONE ROOM. 'Iho widening of Piccadilly, London, has been the means of showing tie' anti ort too cattle ranee, often �a. enormous value of land in the centre the services of it veterinary surgeon. In of London, the suns paid by the Lon - which, injuries to stock and In cases of roo don County Council for n small amen, nod pains it can lie used with good ef- which, of course, was built upon, tccl. _` working out et i91 a square tout alis. McfneT—"'I'IIis paper says that. This is believed to he the record, mice are attracted by music: ,rut L throwing rubbish into the dust -bin. but as it included compensation for don't believe it," \1eDull—"Why "Yes." snnppt•d Jones, "a bath!" not?'' Mrs. McTulT—"Ret•ause I 110V- --- Ono trial of Atother Graves' Wnrm Ex- er see any mice around when I pl•ty tcrminaler will couvhue you that It the piano." MclufT--"Well, that's has no equal as a worm medicine. Buy nu excuse for doubting the paper's a bottlo and trop if It does not please )•ort. It to (food for Man nod Beast —Not only 14 Or. Thomas' Eelcetrir 041 of incomparable value in the household. 1 stockman will and farmer and 6 u n 1 r butInc f 1 ft very ree%Iccable In 1 h Farm yard THE BEST 0 make mistakes unintentionally. But Ylno one IN amerommommilmilmar ONLY ONE BEST Tf A. BLUE RIE Pedlar's Oshawa' STEEL S� (;iba:ti 'ed ger p aimed. \t..t dor;th:o ani ecou•.mical coverinC f'r Roofit Restdenee-, IIoueee, (tarns, I:Ievatort, �ttr. s. Ch .aches, Poult y tau, 1 .icier t, tay ail siU last loai): tial arty °the: o,ra iu_t. ('heap,: than ' *,lift'. No ex::eaoned nleeri.•try. A hos nor an 1 snip t are the •nay tool, remlhtnleuel high grate stool. Ais) Co rug'tre Iran, Painted or Oahu tel belie, tang. Ace ed and Embossed Cedinie. V Crim eJ t oalinR• linotlt�tgg, .iidi.ig and Ceilintfs in all grader. Th •.1 lands of bui:ttmys through covered with urs sheet )feta! (4:0.13, making thew FI 1E, WITER AND LIGHTNING PROOF Rend iu y'.nr ordor for as many squares (.vile feet) as you molte�tn cave building. Tito vary sett tooaag for this clamite. We can au;rply Lave Ti t.orrxgatcd or 1 Ilia kr and, tomtit cior . apes, Sh es' E'buws, -ppik. w'o amt the 1a'gee, eseeeru of tho kiwi under the British flag. Fotablisli 'nye 'test 3'til9.w-A Write T3 Day for Catalogue \.110. Ks 14 R and free Rs i �ia �1:331.IlEs \. �XIC)3E M6NTREAL, 1)8!. O'TAIMA, Onr. TORCNTO 087. 757 Orals 81- 423 Susaax at. I 60 Tense a: WRITE YOUR NEAREST OFFICE. HEAD OFFSCE AN) WOR.IS, - O$IIAWA, ONTARI LARGEST ARSENIC MINE. What is said to be the largest nr- senle mine in the world, turning out 70 tolls a month, is situated in Floyd County, Virginia, seventeen utiles from Christianburg. the near- est railway station. Th -re Is No more cab Ablate skin trouble than Salt luteum. It Roulet 'mtit 11 :;:u:efor yuan, tett w'eaver's Cerrito makes •hart work of it. Ata.. 1.tso w'eaver's Syrup 10 insure permanent cure. Magistrate—"So you admit havi'in• been engaged In making coutlterGlit money?" Prisoner—"Yes, your worship. You see, the supply of the LADIES' and MKN'g genuine article is so very short." COATS. everethies in Bargain Lis' mailed free. Dept. Kt Picton Practical 1 FARM For 7, FARM Pal D. H. BAST FYN MAN tt3r•7 3lCiao's s. ..One Short Puff Clears the (lead. Does your head ache? Have you pains re+0+ .♦i0tij0+D4 ever your eyes? Is the breath offensive? FAR These are certain symptoms of Catarrh. Ur Catarrhal Powder will RAW FURS Agnew s cure most stubborn cases in teams 1 'trusty short lime. If you've }uul Ca- tarrh a week it's n sure cure. if it's e( fitly years' stranding id's just as ef- fective. 50 cents. --57 "Is there anything you don't nand that. I might take?" asked the rag - and -bond nein, watching Jones disturbance It cannot be compare(' With the prices paid in C ornhPl, which is the highest -rented spot on earth, a single room having been let recently for 810,000 a year. statement. Bedridden 15 Years.—"It anybody Where Doctors do Agree!—Physicians Young hu to yound noto wife) bringDion t wants n written guarantee from "al nu longer consider it catering to I telegraph to to your mother withort Young Wife—"I "I 1 eonally ns 10 mywonderful tura t•of _ y g o— Ie quuck,ry" In recommending in pent- know. 'that's whist she wants to see from rheumatism . by South Ainel'ienn mice so meritorious a remedy for hall you about. Shu rend the tt•1(grain!" lihcumnllc Cure I will Le the {(ladd.'st g(.slion, Dyspepsia and Nervousness n:; woman In the world to give It, says South American Neriine. They rca- Mrs. John ilcnu►uont, of Elora. "1 ha.l fine thnt it is n step in advnn,;e in flied - taking Soap Is better tDaa otter soaps, despah't'd of recovery up to the time of kal science nn'1 a sure and permanent Det ie bee wbea need is tie $anliglt way. hiking Ibis wonderful remedy. It Dur- curd for diseases of the stomach. It )euy 8 .n1ight Ioep and fellow ilreettcna. ed completely." -58 will cure you. --00 First Actor—Manly a time my poor Grntifted hostess—"So glad you like the n !s<rctgcive man who nitin%s cid father implored me not to become my tarts; I nlw'ays think that small cakes taste better Than large ones. If is the slri' that make,( these line tarts seem so appetizing." Horrified Epicure —"Gond gracious! You don't say you put size into them?" Avo'dINR Winter colds is difficult: cueing theta is n ,t hard If yon t.ttnr Allen's Luny ,shim. Aegis when the oo1J 14 young and n .t w.tlt until It settles on the lungs, for tit.:r. even with Allewb Lung Itatsate, onetime relief will be slower. Miss Prism—"Don't let your deg bite etnployed they fall far short of the Inc. little boy." Lillie iloy--"Ile. went neeessnry degree of efficiency, and 1.11e. tna'anr." Miss I'ristn— "1lttt he is showing his teeth." Boy (with pride) - "1;(rtainly he is. mn'nnl: and if you it., -I as gond teeth as he has you'd show 'CM 100." may even be directly a source of lidd- ed longer apart from the false :tease of security they inspire. fatless such filters are very fre- quently token, apart rind thoroughly cleansed, hn tel'in ore apt to lot`s A Sure oro ikn0wn totae� r Ite urLI d Thin tltl'ongh frc• 1'., and even to malt("ly Infuenro on the liver nn.l kl'licye• n' - in too filter itself. so that nlln•I't'1• storing them 1.) crfui healthful n.tian. Induc- of germs in the water that is draw's ing pertrev reviler flow hof the h a ans eecretiornel44 nod off may actually be increased inetead power to perform thele runt' hole. Thr•. of diminished. valuable ingl.alienls color Into the com- position of ('ar,0'n:e'e t'eget.ble Pilin and serve to render then, the ngrreohle and salutary medicine they are. 'There ate few piths so enective es they In their action. A PRACTICAL KING. King Victor Emmanuel of ltnly is not a ploy king or a figurehead. it the stories that come from time to time tell truly of hie act.v- ity. ,lis foreign minister. ray's n writer In Iawlie's Weekly. asked hint to sign n decree for enlarging the force of the foreign oilier*. The king promisee' to think the matter over. The next morning ire set out. on foot alone to visit the office. Arriv- ing ing nt nine o'clock, he found 3,0 one there but n solitary idle clerk "What are the horn's of this office"" asked the king. "Frons eight till twelve," was the reply. And when may i exPeet to see your collengues?" "They generally turn up ab0.1' eleen." "Very well. Tell your chief when be comes that I havo been here." Then his majesty sent for the min- ister, and suggeetel thnt instead of asking for more clerks he should mean it his bueiness to see that those already employed did their Don't live to eat. Eat to live. duty. of my th,1t 1 owe to Grape -1 nts food, There Is but one safe way for the "I discovered long ago that the consumer to deal with a doubt fel very bulkiness et the ordinary dict water -supply. 1f enough suspicion waft not calculated to give one a attaches to the waster to make the clear head, the power of sust.nlned, use of n filter seem desirable, tho accurate thinking. 1 always fe'L conditions aro such that half -Way hrnve- and sluggish in mind tie well menqurc's are out of place, and only ' absolute sterilization can Ite consid- aq holly nflrr eat ing the or(,innr, erect. Every drop of such water in- tnenl, which di, r*lte(1 the l,lood f''' tended for tnhle use should be thot- the brain t0 the digest i'e (tppnrntus. "1 Irird (mals easy of tlig,'.�tion, oughly belled. The flat taste of wa- led. found them menially .!n e11.nt. to ter treated in this way is due to the nutriment. 1 ON perimetttet nit.h fact that the dissolved nir is expel,- , from it by the heat, but by pinc- ni eny hrent ;,tit. foods and they, ton• i it in bottles only throe-quarte's le dl '• w r.r' 53 1 m•' er- ntnrgin of the mighty glat. tt which (telly from the beginning, snt4fyinq placed in the refrigerator morin the western sits• of the \'e'riof my hnncr'r and supplying the nntri- ed. for of course the ice is just ns Jokull, and the glacier water et meat that eo tunny other prepared likely to he hart as the water, and which it is composed is of n pure foods lock. there Is no use in purifying the was- ter if ditty ice is to be put into it.- • Louth's Companion. IiF:.41;1'll HI�'l;t. milky -while color. enroll A similar 'eke. but on n scale. is situated nlrnut thirty mi{ from 'Fiiurnrge, in New ?.enlnnd. • SN 'Nell. "Yoe tnen eoMpinin ',I eve; film," elle %vas shying, "hut we we softie. 111 Alienee." "I suppose you In sefkrr in pen lake eel ninth yticnsurc In sell':. l se es had not been using it very long before 1 found that I was turn:ne mit nn unusual qunntity and quality of work Continued use has demon - Waite' to my. entire ratigfncti.an that Crepe -Nuts fond contains nil the ele- ments nem:ed by the brain nntl nev- e' lillle frons system, of the herr) working ttranlen, public writer." Name given by neatens Co., ,tattle ('reek, Mich. silence. There's a reaeon. hens) the little lull(;' he book, "The Hood to Wells idle," to packages. Get plenty of sunlight. Nothing benuliMl or sweet grows or ripens In the darkness. Avoid exeeeses of all keds. 'Che-' injure the grind nnl body. The long and benntiful and whole- some life is qu.jlif,ed by constant t emperance. 6 an actor." Second Actor—Don't %ior- w;tnts to take tiih,gs into his own , hn:Ms is 'lever satisfied unless he ry, old man—you didn't.' taking the things that don't belong to him. When In town. bay "Tho P k r." Menthol Itsthe be 004 simplest thin l itt iigl� sea Bili ,only YOC1c MIEN OR CANADA AND tot tate. YOUNG WOMEN TOO. se well, and iao able n Nosiness or Shorthand education successful Ivan is the one whn is minting will pay you se to persuade others to accept him schoc.l can do so well for you as the ht his Orin iatuntion• ell successful Canada flusiness Col- Thcy %take the 'Torpid l;nereies.—Ma- !roe of Hamilton. We can plane 2f0O chime~ not ptotert•y serer.4".i enrl left til our gerath[nteS ili good situations to run Itself. very 80011 shows, fn,.lt. In duiitl' the inetrlllitl [,:1r. \\C dirt fls working. It 1.• the snne with mho is g y" 11Ittret150 organs. t;nrrgulntrd (.01,1 11 this year and can do It again. 'Ibis time to time they are likely t" become i, the old reliable (:,illege. of (:,nolo, torpid lull throw the whole ,.~stern out established 41 eats; (i ears tinder 01 e, tr. i'arinele0'e vegetable 1 ills years; y were muad0 to 1(101 8(1(11 rags. 'rhry present prinr:ipal. Over 3,(iIt) grndu- restore to the ball the nag ing facilely - tees. and bring Into order all parts of the uhechanism. ales in successful business life. 'Pry it. Write R. E. GALLAGHER. Principal, C. 11. College, Ilanlillen, Ont. Y. 11. C. A. Buildings. Mr. l:rumpps—"I'd just liko to know what good all these cookines schoe,l lessons are doing 0ln' daugh- ter." Mrs. (1.—"Everything she "Well," said the Indy '0f the house cooks she brings home." "Yes; and dubiously, "I would do so with none of the fancily will touch 'en pleasure, but. the lust time 1 obliged NATURr'S F11!M'1' LAW. "1f y nu please," announced the grimy little person. who had just rapped at. the door. "soother wants to know if you w111 kindly lend her your preserving -kettle?" and the things aro just thrown away.'• No, they ore not. She gives them to tramps." "Ugh! What gout) dors that dol" "We aro getting rid of the ttan,ps." A delft of gratitude is generally the hardest, kind to collect. your mother she preserved it so effec- tively that I haven't u.'en it since." A look of extreme hauteur passed over the maiden's countennnee. "Very well," sire said. "There's no need to be nasty nbont it. The old thine; ens full of bol l when ee, borrowed it, nod mother` wouldn't havo troubled to ask you swain, nn'e we scrod you bringing home a new un." ♦ 'Ibis is the seas need 4 to ung eve 1 stock. ay the us 777..•rrr 810 and other re:ecsdies guarantee of health Valuable 1 L1 it and bec•.rue ♦ snrgeaw. Th. VITitRINARY N 684 DONDAM A'1� 4 0+0f04-*f�Ei Ti11:\ 'i'Til DINERS 'I'IVIT1tE1). to a restaurant recently a gentle- man left his wife for a fete moments to chat with an acquaintance at 111' other liable. arid awhile he wee thele his friend persuaded him to partake of some lamb. Under n nrieappr.hnnelon the wait- er removed the lnmh before he hod eaten it, w•itereepon he exclaimed, "Unodeees, %there is my teeth?" 1114. wife, overhearing the gn.•mt fon, engwercil in a rlcnr %nice, "stere 1 am, dnrlirg.' A m'ir, 1,1.10n'ot•to. like a less hr's the reel thing. AIS MI':NT Biggs—So the emitted your h plimentary, eh? Diggs—I shoutC too l was cut oy Sudden transit. era temperature.: tfn In a drnugt tution of light t fruitful enures of ant cough so p6 weak longs. ArnO for Womble' dm0 is none better i! eumptive `tyrue. convinced. Price IIusbnnd (notel you think, love, It would (;roil the "Ah! you are ret fish and thought) found any vimcr Hushand—" Wcll, tains down." Success In 1.1,1(4 you ore oat of ' Ferret im." 1tb t 3.11 mulleins dealers. Gregson (In n I've left my put Fisher—"Oh honest wife." You cannot be Shiloh's Tonic, ass c dbtescs of the Dot tried it. gmraatee K. 1i00 nothing. ,hat's fair. Try Shiloh kat cored stoat clastinalecass to say that it wil 1luca1 of Lung believe tl,i, we Shiloh has hid excess for thing aver/ possible MA Us LANA m who have Mi. Ar esd titer era, h - SF.ibl►. **bats, Fees