Exeter Times, 1905-12-21, Page 1P6--1907
A4•uet corrected our label
a your label read 19013
it should and does not
rad we will help ri;ht It.
the matter now.
:AI gry-THUtD Yz&s—No 1684
T ihrdware and Seed Store
j place for Builders and those intending to 'mild
1 go to get Cheap Hardware as we carry a full
/ of
Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass &c.
In Cements we carry the two leading Brands
of Canada
National and Star
We also make a specialty of Eavetroughing as
tvemachine to make all our own
Cn a foe conuinced.
1 ,
showin In Stock Weare g to -day
the choicest line ever
shown in Exeter. We
make this statement with-
out any qualification what-
whole • ,
h ',and Shorts
till"'Si i 'heat Chop
Coat( oat<
dice, Ilcar t''Centralia Elevators
R. S. O ;factory. Bring in
"MY tius'p -and load home "°5
barn's 1.
nt all dee y . Centrali a
The 'I',
Out. -
Tt :;lj RS
1.1E f.it buyers.
e the
,l ear them out. "'ey! e
Sr.as we can. so that they
year out sooner than they
Lia Because. if they do, you'll
somewhere else for your
And no one could blame
much money ought to buy
antes worth. And Suit worth
their mess of fabric—style in
the `pish• -looks — dressyness —
the th of service.
d a place as there is within
n , get all this and not pay too
n, W. Johns.
ti: nt Black and Blue
''stings for $15.00
kio and Si8.00.
are •. JOHNS
or 11..
whet. Merchant Tailor
ing t
kidney. Real Estate
" fact, 1 lige, Limited.
Dns of
as St., London
1'heY a''' a farm t hat you want
make the ,e for our terms of eel -
111r3. ''i We have the moat
• Fear or 'hat' of :tdvertinin; and
• 1.11ne ► crty in O:tnnckt. Do you
without Y a farm or business
try 11' any part of Ontarictf
,gar list. We have some
As to Our Styles
They compirse the Soli-
taire, Twin, 3 -stone, 5 -
Stone, Cluster and Mar-
As to the Stones
Almost every conciiv•
able combination of the
Diamond` Pearl, Ruby,
Emerald, Sapphire. Opal,
As to the Prices.
Nothing closer, as we
buy our stones direct.
Call and see our new lines of
Silverware, Clocks, ctc, They
simply swell, and the most suited
for Xmas gifts.
Watchmaker, Jeweler. Optician.
P. S.—Our holiday catalogue is now
ready. Anyone wishing one kindly
drop us a post card and we will be
pleased to mail you one.
v.. -r
North-west Land Agents.
Selected Wild and Improved Lands,
In some of the best parts of the
It will be worth your while seeing its
before purchasing.
Office opposite Central Hotel
INailway System I STRATFORD., ONT.
" This is one of the best Com-
mercial and Shorthand Schools
in the Dominica. Our courses
are thorough and practical.
Many Business Colleges employ
our graduates as teachers. All
our graduates get good positions
Write for our free catalogue.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principals
r"" W—Between all stations
- col.l in Canada. also to De -
..num troit and Port Huron,
Mich Niagara Falls,
Suspension Bridge,
and Buffalo, N. Y.
Good going December
23, 21 and 25, Return•
ing until December
20; also good going
December 30 and 31
and January 1. Valid
returning until Jan.
2, 1000.
Good going December
22, 23, 21 and 25 : also
on December 29, '30, 31
and J^nuary 1. Valid
returninguntil Janu-
ary3, .
fr uE
Noe -
A Christ mos tree rntcrtaintncnt
under I M' auspices 'of St. I'aul's
church Sunday school, Kitklon, will
I be held in the Aberdeen . 11:111 on
if(16 Ftid,ty evenint. '22nd inst. The
ern{ra11uue will consist of carols,
• tickets and infnrtnation call on dolt..(:!Ii.irtttI I, exrr(• 4I-, dialer.
J. J. KNIGHT. ues, recitation's, marches. tableaux
Depot ticket agent. Rueter. and a patriotic exeretae entitled
• J. D. McDONALD "flritannia." Santa Clan. is expect.
t,psounogeragent. Toronto. rd to arrive in tame to distributeination proved other wive. Ile is new
the gifts. progressing favorably.
Miss Ruby Stewart, of Winnipeg.
Is visiting Miss Bettie Sweet.
Mrs• (ltev.) Martin visited her
daughter at Cromarty last week.
Miss Evelyn Gill, of Toledo, Ohio.,
is home spending a short vacation.
T. II. McCallum left Saturday on
•a business trip for London and Buf-
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Marton en-
t,rt tined a number of young people
on 'Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Guyutcr, of London, why. leis
been visiting Mr. and Mr3. E. A.
Foltick, returned home Tuesday.
Mr. F. W. Gladman was called to
I'4'terborough on Monday, .on ac-
count -of the serious illncsa rf ),i,i
Special services will be held in I he
churches next Sunday. Special mus -
is being prepared by the sevcra1
choirs for the ocoasion.
Mrs. Thos. Holloway of Clinton.
who has been visilang her daughter
Mrs. 1t. N. Rowe, for the' past month
returned home Wednesday morning'.
Mr. Frank Lutz, traveller for a
Mt ntreal firm stopped off .hero Mon-
day to spend the day with his par-
ents. lie had been as fat' west as
Mr. Fred Elliott, formerly of Exe-
ter, and now of Yorkton, N. W. T.,
arrived in town Tuesday •night and
will spend the holidays tvith his
mother, Mrs. II. V. Elliot.
Mrs. A. F. Malloy will 'receive for
the first' time since !ter marriage, on
Wednesday, Dec. 27th, from 4 to 7
p. nt. at the !residencq of Mrs. It. 11.
Collins, James street.
Main street church is do anticipa-
tion of intere-sttirtg services next. Sun-
day. The pastor will preach in the
morning on "The Angels Son?" and
in the evening the choir will rive a
Christmas song service.
Sparling -Morrison—At the resi-
dence of the bride's father on the
13th Inst, by the Rev. \V M Martin
B. D., Ernest A. Sperling, of Sea -
forth, and M•ir.rarot, eldest daughter
of Mr. Jas. Morrison, 91111 0011. }lib-
While Jack, the young son of N. 1).
Ilurdon, was walking in front of
Follick's store on Monday rnorninz
110 slipped on the walk, and falling
struck very heavily on the back of
his head. The young lad was able
to reach home, but it was found he
had sustained a slight concussion of
the brain. Medical attendance was
called and tho little chap, we are
pleased to state is getting along
The Royal Tempters of Tempeeance
held a very successful meeting in the
lecture roost of James street; church
on Monday evening. Rev. A. II. Go
ing, B. A., delivered an interesting,
and effective address. 'Tile reading3
of Miss McCallum and M154 Mci'her-
son, sero-zreatly appreciated and
the singing of Mies Gill, Miss Gid -
Icy, Miss Godwin, and Mr. Heywood
was loudly applauded. Rev. God-
win presided and the attendance w•a3
Williams—Slei.;hlholut — A very
pretty tveddinz took place at Fil-
lmore, Sask., \Wednesday, Dec. '20th,
when Thos. 4. Williams was married
to Miss Annie Sleight.holun, Mr.
Williams was a former res•:+lent of
Exeter, leaving lime :about three
years ago to take uta farming in the
Northwest. Ills latest departutc is
an assurance that he has leen suc-
cessful. His many friends here wish
them :t euacessful and happy
vr.y:tze through the rest of their
Lt conn( ct ins ", 111 the :1looit1:4llt
excursion on the steamer Greyhound,
at Golerich last summer, 4 h Cap-
tain of tate boat, on information laid
by insletctor Askwit 11. wtias fined for
senior liquor without a license. An
appeal was taken nn the .ground 111e
Dominion :and not the 'province load
jurisdiction over the inland waters.
In the Divisional Court •at Toronto, •already "have their portion" or know
on Friday morning the convictio. of what to exlcrt. ltenekied squalls
Captain Thomas hieikkli'm by thelof e• -Ind and snow will wait many
Police Mori)tr-Ite of (:oder:ch, w:15 `;<'c�1ons on aril touching 2711I, 28th
Council met in the Town hall per
salt of Reeve on Deo. 151h. Abscad
Reeve ilissett.
On motion of J. Mute, tsecondcd •r•
Wood, Councillor Armstrong poi ub
chairman. field on
The minutes of meeting
Dec. 8th, were read and approved.
Mr. E. Christie on holed)( or 1 be
Agricultural Society ask; (o have the
lazes gin trees' ,ground rcluuded. Ou
motion of J. Muir ,seconded by .f•
Wood that the request bo granted.
.1. Muir—J. Wood—Tree discussion
It. Brown Bros., account for taxes
delivered at the cemetery bo defer-
red until nest meeting,—Carried.
The following errors made In dog
assessment were corrected and
amounts refunded;—Rev. \V, M. Mar-
tin. :11.011 ; Mrs. \Van. Tapp. $1.00;
A. R. Kinsman, $1.00; Mr. !!arrows,
$1.00; John Welsh, $1,00; ,Albert
Ford, $1.00; 11. Spackkmau, $1.00;
1Vm. llaskkim3, $1.00; Frank Jones,
$2.00; I)r. Browning. $1.00. Passed
in emotion of J. Wood seconded Its
3. Muir and carried.
The following accounts were pass-
ed and orders drawn on the Trea-s•
ttr.'r for the same:—J. N. Howard,
acct. for lumber, $8.96 ; Itosi & Tay-
lor Co., Ltd., lumber acct. to ditto
$11.1:3; Bess & Taylor Co. Ild, cem-
etery ac., $9.45; Robl ; N. Treiale,
wood, $12 ; Geo. Ford. 'gravel, $4.25
Fred Gillespie, freight and cartage,
$13.54; W. J. ileaman, ::oft roal,
$28.10; T. Hawkins & Son, oc. $I.70;
11. Spackman. ac. $4; Jas. Demi;,
part payment of Salary, $12; Sato.
Sweet, labor, $1.75; Bowden $ Sweet
for lumber, $ 1; Thos. Ii:Irtnotl,
wood. $5.62 ; ; Carling pros., ac. per
Brimacombe, $15.10 ; Carling tiros..
per cemetery, $5.30; Thos. Ilrima-
eotltbe ac. labor, :2.50; Wellington
Neil, ac. per cemetery, $1.75; W. J.
Bissett. postage, $2.00; W. J. Bisset t
ao. salary, $31.25; John Ford, part
salary cemetery, $27; Dr. Browning
M. 11. 0. $5; J. Senior, secu Board
of health $5; J. Senior. postage,
$1.07.8. Buckingham, rent for stable
$1; U. Braund, rent for engine room
$2.00. Passed on motion of J. Wood
seg. J. Muir.—Carried.
:Roved by J. Wood, FCC. :ay John
Muir, that the offer of A. I'ukc for
Local Intprovements Debentures of
$1725, being tin; highest bo accepted.
Moved by J. Muir, gee. by J. Wood
that Mrs. Sutton's taxes for 1905 be
Moved by J. Wood, set. J. Muir,
Mot the band be „ranted $25.
Moved by J. Muir, pee. W. II. Leto
cat, that the clerk be authorized
to secure a suitable book- .for insert-
ing the town bylaws.—Carried.
Council adjourned ur.:il the call
of the reeve.
J. SENIOR, Clerk.
Mr. J. A. Gregory. of Batticford,
is visiting his parents dute.nr the
The central day of 'the J)ecentber
Solst ice• falls within t hi 4 period, on
the 21st, •:ntd !the rezular Vulcan
storm period is central on 4 h 2211d.
The moon is in °per.:._ee on the 23rd.
a1 two moon oa the 25th. and at
extreme declination south on tho 26.
It also ero<°c:r the celrot int equator,
going lo south declination. ..n the
19111.• All these foots combined inch-
oate that from about tho 19(11
to the 26th will bring -a period of
prolonged winter storm=. The cri-'+s
of this period limy 1:c looked for on
and touching 1 Iturchy, Sunday and
Me 1411v. the 23rd. 24tH and 25111.
1 hose cloys violent win/er
ins rad blizzards will .he ;mew-
ing and advrancin • down .frotn the
11ort est, meshed lout hon rd and
eastward by ;1 ru•hi11, high► barom-
eter, high northwesterly dales :Ind
:I great cold ways. By the evening
of the. 2S1h, Christmas ))ay, jho
movement of storms, and the choir -
Cs naturally fnllowint them will be
clI',arly defined,, and r-are•fnl watchers
in all extremes of 41111 country will
suit wined.
11 is noI expected that Mr. Hugh
Sparkman, of Exeter, will have :any
opposition for the posit ion or Warden
for the Calmly next year. Mr.
Spackman has been a painstaking
official and his efforts have leen
go' II ly appreciated by his cnlleguc4
and the Gael that he has been a
racer for a nnmlrer of years ma -
1es hits to the office. Ile is :a
,ung n►an, full of vigor, ty<•II ac-
quainted with ice ditties of the of-
fice and Si(' besp1 al: for hint et =uc.
useful term of I he head of oar
enonly .rt 1f lire.
The hand of the Omnipotent has
(Ken heavily hid on Mos families of
three of our ministers durint t1:'
pall 3 W month.. Only a few weeks
aro, \1'n,. Janai<•-on, father of Mrs.
(Rev.) Martin, pas:cd to his last re-
ward. A couple 01 works 1.11rr 1he
fallyr of Mts. (11<•'-.) Going also re-
ceived his la:, call, and only last:
week Mrs. (Rev) t;o11IV111 received
ward of the sndd4'rt do al h of liar
f ether, Jacob 1Vi.le, al I1ingsville.
All !lace of the deer as^d gentlemen
hel rear bed an ode 'tired al ;•1111
wear highly respected.
M• ser J. 1,. 11. Dirks.,n Ir:'i \V. G.
11::0•V t I . is 310 were injured .in a run-
away accident while rt•turniui frons
the: (r,,,.crvativ' meeting at Hen -
sal!, are still suffering front the
injuries they rtrceivnd. alt. I) ck -on
on 11ond:ty went to London •'r► un-
IiI r;o :111 5rays —m1'10;0i0n to as-
certain if theoulder rap was
broken. 1t•'4'V'• 1 'well i'. still rem
fined to his hots' -e. 1t w3*, 411ou41il
at first That he had suffered so
very, internal injfr'es but en ex.anl•
We pri
give you
ter col
you t
21st, 1905,
I presentation and Ad-
/ dress.
Mr. Samuel Poplestonn Pre-
sented With Smoking Set.
'1'O 01 It swise1tIIIEIIS
i.ives of editor . ','uwino 11
1101)1.41 Inil -land lit 114' chance,
The more 5.). a ori: w" 1.• Iv1' behind
Iiig,t"r patches in coo. pints.
011 our Mousers once , o stylsh
No11 :.1:• s11 ipe. of varied hoc,
,11l I cc.aus4' suu'cribcas tarry
And don'I pay us what i, due.
Then lel them le up and doing,
Fiend your mite, looket•er small,
Or when the winds of tripler hit ui
\\'c F11:1 11 have nn pants at .111.
Tisa Emma '1'•.trl spent hand a)
with her sister, Mrs. Win. Kirk, o'
Kir'kt<n• made .(nr
fret.:lt'arliOrls ..1•(l teirll
the ercolit'n of a acts church this
gamin r summer. The haulin r of the
material Ills already started.
Miss 11ary Ilrcoks spent Sunday
n Ib'• 10th con.
Mi"e Vert. Cooper. of I:Iimville,
ors 1h" guest of her cousin, Miss
Blanch Hills on Sunday Last.
11r. ,loran Camtn Sundayed in the
Wedding hells will he Din;in;
the near fdtnre.
Por Infants and Children.
TMS Mod You Hate Allays Isnjt
Bears the
giguattsre of
I. O. O. M.
F. Banquet G.
The visit of Grand !Mater lileoett
of Listowel, and District Deputy
Grind Master Frazer, of Ilruccfield
to the Exeter Lodge No. 67,'.
on Tuesday night brought forth
many plMsures for these who at-
tended. At the lodge room tato work
of the initiatory degree was exempli•
fled by the degree 'team of the lodge
and six new members admitted into
the initiatory. After the work had
been finished Grand Master 'Hewett
spoke in zlowing terms of the work
and assured the lodge that it w•as
the 1.cst he had ever ,ten. 1). G. M.
Frazer, also spoke :admirably of the
work done by the Exeter Lodge.
While the degree work was going
on Caterer, W. J. Statham, was pil-
ing up the tables .in ahc opera house
with good things for the banquet,
which was to follow and about mid-
night about ninety meniocrs adj-
journcd to the banquet room. After
doing justice to the delicacies a pro-
gram of toasts were carried out.
Mr. It. N. Creech actin; as toast
master, which position he filled very
acceptably. The first toast was to
the King and was responded by sing-
ing "God Save the King", • The
Grand Lodge of Ontario" was re-
sponded to by G. M. Bless -cit. Mr.
tllewett ;ave a very interesting his-
tory of the order, statin; :attest
was orgd 86 ye:,a , in
Ilalliumore, :lid.anize, has now• overrs 15000-
000 members, 20,000 c.! whom were
admitted during the past year and
has paid out this yeoe over $4,000,000
in sick benefits. Ile congratulated
the lodge on Tering the banner lodge
of Ontario, being at .the tamed of the
list in securing new members. "The
District Lodges" was responded to
by D. G. M. Fraser. Mr. E. J.
Spackman, 1.'ast Grand Patriarch, re-
sponded to the "Sovereign Grand
Lodge." Mr. J. G. Stanbury .toasted
our own lodge and the "ladies" were
represented by Messrs. Tatman and
11insuaa to Before the ladies were re-
sponded lo Bro. S. A. 1'ople;tone
was presented with an address and a
smoking, outfit by the lodge. Mr.
1'oplestonc has for a number of
years teen closely identified avi.th
the order, holding nearly all the
various offices at its disposal
Ilia departure the first of the
you. foo Blyth, where he will, with
his present partner, Mr. Gardiner,
continue in the mercantile business,
was the reason for rho remembrance
from the lodge.
The banquet carred :gamut Lay()
clock with the singing, of 'the Na.
lional Anthem.
Dear Brother Poplesto0"; -- Boat-
ing that you are 500n to leave us,
we deem it both right and proper
at this time when nearly :all the
members of our Lodge are assem-
bled together to express our deep re-
gret at loosing you as an active
member and to express our sincere
appreciation of your untiring efforts
to promote the best interests of our
Order. Our Lodge has ,grown in a
short time from a member:hip of
forty-seven to far past the hundred
mark and we regard .this as
due to your zeal in working yourself
maid in stirring, up others to work.
We cannot let you leave us without
exprrs=ins our admiration for your
genial disposition, ever :'dive in out
debates, fitht1ng for your views will,
a grin) dutcrnainal;on until the past
trench was carried and yet aaceptin:f
defeat, when :it rare times such
views were not arcrpted, with such
;race and good fellowship that en-
deared you to u: all.
In wishing you success in your new
field of labor tic ask you to take
wills you this small token os a re-
minder of our esteem and ns in the
quiet hours you enjoy it, we trust
that you will be with us in mind if
n'sI in body.
Again wishing you .and your part-
ner a large and bountiful measure
of happfiness and prosperity, we re-
main, Yours fraternally.
Signed on behalf of Exeter Lod ;F
No. 67, L 0. 0. F., Exeter, Decem-
ber 19111, 1905, W, \V. Taman, J. G.
St.a11hury, B. Fuke, W. J. Beaman.
Commit tee.
A man's wife should always be
the same especially to her husband,
but if she is weak and nervous, and
uses Carter's Iron ('ills, she cannot
he, for they snake her "feel like a
different person." so they all say
and their husband' s:y so too.
i.r:ael Langford, of lliddulplt, de-
livered to Mr. 1'. Ilern, the other
d y, Sixty turkeys weighing 1113 lbs.
1C:1lizin. therefore $1211.40. \Whn
can brat this?
Mess's. illoonifield and Coward de-
sire to announce that the+ 31014' in
W111010:4,4 Is i11 1.41. c10.cd from Dee
26th to 29111, inclusive and will be
n1a1'd nn 5*11.iay, Dec. :10th I.y
thencnew fin,.11
1,1N1)SAV--\\'00It1—Thr ba•me of
51r. and Mrs. 1(1.35rl \1'rxn3 , w Is
the scene of a very pretty wedding
lestrnf.ay, (\Wednesd) afternoon,
tt brrl I heir dau;thtrr, ayAtir" 11., was
united in marriage to Mr. William L.
Lindy ay, of Clinton. The totem/any
Iwas performed Ly Rev. Elio Ater
Ili knot had been cried and cotiztat-
111oi'n►s offered, 1be wedding party
sat down to a stains w'dd111! diu-
ns• - Mr, and 11'1'. 1.11111.1y will re
side in Clint.►n and Iho well widucs
Iof soetybnd)- here DV 4 wllh them
their nes 110partOrr life.
The Golden
The La of OOIdCll ON
General Selling Agent. for C. P.
We have a number of Beautiful Sections of C. P. R
offering at C. P. R. prices. These lands are situated on
the Canadian Pacific Railway and are bound to advaoa
time to make your selection. 8437.00 down secures yi
We are also offering 2$5 Improved and Unimprovel
ently situated to Railway Stations. prices range from $
you contemplate removing to the West, see us, we have
A man and his wife to take ch
the West, good wages to the rig
Also good farmer to work al
would require to have about $30
a grand opportunity for a good man.
It is estimated that one hundred and fifty thousand
grate to the Canadian North Nest during the coming
cans know a good thing when they see it.
Are You Going to Have
of the best wheat land in creation ? If so, move quick.
higher in the spring.
Information regarding the various lands we are o8(
given. Write, or see us personally.
General Selling Agent for C. P. R. L
Office at Residence,
Having bought very heavy this season, w
loaded with all kinds of iurniture and in order
to less than half, we have decided to give a st
to 2o% off, on all lines, for the next thirty da
you kno w the amount of money you intend
this season. Just figure it out and then co
goods and find out the number of DOLLA
making your purchase from us.
For Instal'
WE will tell you a three piece Bedroom Suit
Oak or Mahogany finish with a British Bev
which you cannot duplicate elsewhere less than
maple, 48in . , Golden Oak finish, double sh
which you cannot duplicate for less than $ l0..
in comparison.
We also do all kinds of Ordered Wor
neatness and despatch at very moderate pri
The Leading House Furnishers and Ft
Is the Most to be Desired of
Accident & Surety Company
Will Bring You Contentment
as Nothing Else will
A Canadian Comern.
W. JOHNS, fluent, Exeter.
•:nd in fao
:) lbs.
1 Ib. m
A large
\Ve 1,1
We hav
most sus
,--•Th, — Xmas tha
Fancy Scizzory
Boy's Pocket Knives 5c to 15c
Gent's Pen Knives .15c to 50c
Ladies' Pen Knives 20c to 75c
Men's Pen Knives tic to 75c
Nut Cracker and Picks 35c
Razor Strap, 25c to 75e
Guaranteed Razors $1.00 to $1.50
25c to 75c Air Rifles...
Carvers In
Carvers in
Coal Oil