HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-12-14, Page 8HE EXETER 'i1MES. DECEMBER 14th, 1105 AS ! RUS1I! , are you ? Our advice is, shop early in the day and avoid the great rash that is sure to re never in better snape for good old Santa uitable presents for old and young for fat purses Come and take a look through the big store w to see Come as often as you wish you'll , you are always wcicoine . amble, Usulul Xmas. bions for Men's detach- $18.50 for a Swell, Long, Sable Neck bey are very use- Ruff. fine full fur, they are beauties. ble for Xinas. fn's Fur Caps, in , Near Seal, Beau - Lamb. Men's Fur Coats. •and beet assort - shown. e Silk and Wool st Protectors, we e beat line in the $9.00, $10.00 and $12 00 for three great leaders in American Sable and Isa- bella Sable Neck Ruff, these are a money maker for you. 15 00 $8.50 and $7.50 for a lovely range of American Sable Neck Ruffs, just swell for Xmas presents. Children's Grey Persian Lamb Cape storm collars and rtowelle, they all want them. D CROCKERY all the rage for Xmas, useful as .1. Our selections not only appeal to the eye but for the prices arc easy to reach Yes -you'll en - in our China Department. 00 for Germine ;hey make swell Ruts .50 for beautiful ave patterns, gold the finest semi- innee Sete, that re to the set, -the alert gold tracing ;mad, ask to see Our assortment of Fancy Iaunps is great, direct from the maker in Pittsburg to ourselves, no profit but the maker's and a very small per centage for ourselves, the bargain is all yours. Xmas one week from Monday. Mr. J. P. Nola, of Toronto, was in tc.wn Sunday. Mr. Will Cook, of llensall visited relatives lee° on Sunday. eir•s. Gymer, of London, if visiting Mr. :ind M1 E. A 1'ollick. Miss Eva Godwin returned home from Barnet on 'Tuesday evening. Mrs. Morlock Ind dau.htor 3Iary are visiting Mts. \\ right in Loudon. l'reperatiuns are being made for s dance .:t lteeervil:e in the near fu- n ore. Mr. T. 11. Carling lett yo.terday te. •s1 tend the poultry show at Guelph. The Misses Beaver, of Crediton, were the guests of Mrs. Mantle on Suud iy. Mr. Gecr•,o hurt. of Detroit. was the guest of his aunt. Mee George 8ameell a few days last suck. Mr. Wilbur Rowe, son of John Reese, of I1:1y, left this week (or Tor- onto where he will 'study telegraphy leentd.-On Exeter Fair Grounds, on fair day, a shawl. Owner can have ,sone by calling at this office end paying for this notice. Posts for Sale. -A number of ce- dar posts for 'Kilo at 20 cents each per car run. Jones & Clark, Win• censer, or Station Aeent, Exeter. Canaric' for Sale -Mr. W. H. Mill; of Centralia, has a lot of choice can- aries for ale. They a I e all of choice stock, and ninon; them are a lot of excellent singers. ND. Roemer, who was working for Mr. it. E. Pickard at' Frobisher. Ilan. during tee past summer has return- ed home and will remain in Exeter for the %sinter. We have a choice line of new resent It is ; o bad that Tailor ltesce, Glassware. Looks as well as real ss llo is old and en thed boys. re• cut glass at about a tenth of the main unmolested by the boys. He has fpr several years oxen obis Zed price, the price ranges from 5c to 25c. to sloe. his front door steps in the woodshed to Seep the }model/Its from breaking then. We are sorry to say ithati Mr. 1). Mack's cldc•ct(.iu. lit. r has a en obliged to leave 11ro 11i -z1► school on account of i11 health. 'This is a dis- appointment to i.ot11 truant and • dauzlrlcr an arraterement s had been Houle for her ,to attend Rusine,e Cot - It ee in Toronto at the nese year. Passengers and people awaiting the incoming of the eveiene drains are ,rc'Itly annoyed each evening by ,t gang of boys who snake a h.:tbit of making all the noise they can in the waiting room. It, is expcotcd n Grand Trunk detective will make Exeter a visit for .the purpose of prosecuting the boys. The sale of fancy work in 'l he Tri - vitt Memorial church school hall last Thursday afternoon and evcn- inz was larsgely attended and izre;stly exceeded the expectations of the la- dies in charge. Tht y are entitled to praise for the manner in whiz!' everything was !(.igen up :ofd con- dur•I•.e. The proceed; amounted to over ::75 more then the expenses. Our line of fine Tcilet Sete can't be beat, every set a bargain. A new lot of Tinted and Stippled Sets -just in. ECIAL FOR XMAS Oranges, Figs and Dates. Yes, we have oran • ds, nuts by the bag and candies by the barrel, 'sed how cheap we are selling them. Come and and don't forget to bring the children. its of farm produce, ite just as good as cash. CKS, AR A AND S complete We feel ou with prices censes. ok, we uy, we will we ER le, to fit, pay more prices. TU ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisement►+ accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. T1 f t r ItSDAY, DEC. 15th 1905 •••••••••••••••••••••••• = LOCALS •••••••• ►••••••• Uun't go by Howey's Uruo 'tore for Xmas presents. Perfumes. a fine .assortment, at C. Lutz's Drug store. The Christmas shoppers are busy eettina in 'the Xtnas supplies. Tho store windows aro dressed ssith lots of Xmas. Goods pleasing' to the Vee. The most cleeanf toilet powder tnade is Suprema. Sold at C. Lutz's Urue Stow. If you want •Anything for Christ- mas resad UPC isirgains offered by the Merchants in f he Times. Owing to indisposition Counnillor Armstrong was unable 10 attend the council meeting Friday night. If your Xmas visitors catch cold give them Ilowcy's "Cure -A -Cold" capsules. Cure a cold in one day. Mr. 1i. E. Belcher, of the Molson's Bank staff, leaves on Saturday for a six weeks' ►•fee with hs :parents in California. Conte in and caee our Xmas pre• scuts, will he turd to we you whether you buy or not. 11owey'a drug stole. Mi. T. 11. Caen/1st on Monday ship- ped Rks 1Lelrl oultryair of texli bitionrred uatht Guelph which opened on Monday and will continue until the 15th. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Oke, of Kings- ville, wished M r. and Mrs. \V T. Atclteson, of the 'e ,• n• day. lona'( frien ti, sec hint end enjo. Part IP, ill tcuditt ft !Inlaid 1(•11(1 Ravi - n•, • .1 in another column 1 • • from 10 to 20 per .tr 1 t..• . 'f of iogula• prions • r tLe neat e0 days. oath or credit. Coln nr0Ilion 'services were held in the Ca yen 1'resbyteri..sn church last Sunday end were well attended. On Friday evening tiro preparatory ser- vices were conduoled by Bev. h r- quhart, of Kipper. John Piper, 1 he Lucan const silo anwho was arrested a few days ,a td on a chlir.e of assault preferred :by a Mrs. Phillips, was acquitted on Thursday last. The ssomen contra • dieted herself in many instance.. Messrs. Rowe & Atkinson announ- ces that they wilt compete w'.iti1 any Iverson in the County, lot t in; you be the judge as foquality and work- manship and moderation in charges on any kind of furniture`- ret.a•irine or ordered work required. Dr. iialler, London, will be at the Central Rotel, Exeter. on Thursday december 28111, 1905, all day for Eye, Ear. Nom and Throat con- sultation. Eyes tested and glasses supplied. DR. OVENS, London, Bur;eon, EYE, EAR. NOSE and THROAT.Fits IGlasses properly. Office, Commer- dal hotel. Exeter,. Next visit Sat- urday, December 15th. ' TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY ITake Laxative promo Quinine Tab- lets. Ali druggists refund the mor- Ie if it fails to etre, E. W. Grove's sipmature is en seek box. !fie. 6608 Our to -date lfy you time. zoos more meet. son- he - Mr. F:ank 1\11I_i,l, who made a trip to the old reentry, returned home eN eduesday of last week. Mr. lsni;ht w:Is greatly iplea-cd with In' trip and speaks highly of the :treat- ment accorded (lint by the people of E11;land whom ho met. Ile visited Exeter. I:ne., London and other places. The sights to be scan irl London arc wonderful and wince the Boer war any person frorn Canada ie welcomed with open arms. Messrs. Popp les tone & Ga rdiner, who are liavinz an extensive clearing out :sale of their stock .of needs, base purchased the old established and well knnsen business of McKin- non & Co., of }Myth. Tliey will take possession on January 1st. Itoth of the gentlemen are enterprising and hustling business men and will no doubt stake good in myth. \1'hite we are sorry to lose Messrs. Poplr• el one and Gardiner, we wish Aileen eeery,Ruccess in their new departure. That "Chief" ilissc'.tt carets hit sal- ary- of $375 a year, beeidcs the $10 paid hies for 11ct.inr as truant' officer may be jbitned from Iho uunlbei of duties he Ire)to preform. Ile is town constable, street commissioner, lookint after the cleaning 1114 •grad- in; of the tstronls, inspector oC .s.ide- walk construction, keeps drab on the electric lights when burnin,r, sani- tary inspector, lax collector, for which lee uvea a $5090 bond, serves or posts all notices, Icoks after the town tank, runs 'the gasoline en Zinc a1 the river at intervals, collects poll taxes and looks out for eauinee for which he also collect i taxe9. !tee. and Mrs. Godwin received :1 message on ,Monday of 1he (Ictiath (►f Mrs. Godwin's father, which oe- cured nt Kinesvillc on Saturday. The deceased had :lane out ho decd his horses and while leonine over a barrel to get some feed, he drop- ped dead. Mr. Wi;Ie wes 82 years of nee. lie was -the father oft twelve children. Rev. and Mrs. Godwin left on the evening train Monday fo attend the funeral which took iplaco Tuesday afternoon. Tlt•' many friends extend their :sympathy to Mrs. Galvin in leer sad bereave- ment. Messrs. II:mele t & McDonnell, horse importers, returned Friday from a purchasit z trip do England and Scotland breleine ssith them nine of the :rime horses Io (,e 'se- cured. Seven of dicta are Clydes the remainder beim Suffolks. They are as fine .a lot of Boren•; as ever im- ported by this 'firm. One of the Clydes was a winner at the recent exhibit -eon at Glas;ow. 1'he Suffolk are the first of (Ix' 4srcrd bronghl to this section. itolh the animal= have well -formed round h.arrele, clean lirnl,ed and hove spick I,eauefully ehapeal necks. 'They aro ahuu1 the tsize of 1 h Clyde. and 1410 greatly ad- mired by horsemen. The .trip over was devoid of ;my accident and the 'tnint.aIs arrived here sitt►r►ut even a scratch and ds not al•os any j I I ef- fects of t11e•,ir lone journey. Mr. McDonnell purchased a 'female Scotch Collie, a winner of the first pugs at Iho Glass w doe show. The ermine is nine months old, rind lies a pedigree a foot lone. it ie now nn char re of .T.tck Thompson. fh.• ren• sal mins;ee of Il.ssden tt Mclean. Hell's stables. lack thinks se much of it that Ire 4clizhts in tellinj of it+ ;ood points. 6filtISTM118 This v A Xmas. Ndkls• Xmas• McGkwear Xmas. linens For the next week we are going Ladies' plain Lawn Hdkfe One of the finest and ..inrunBleached Table largest range of Ladies' Line°, t1K inches wide, some very special bargains in Furs anQ Fancy Silk Collars we lovely patterns, special • for Christmas shown Suit- Flneat,lube Linen, full coats. This will be a chance for you for Chslatmasgifls. bleached, beautiful Special tot at lac quality, as inches wide. one CHEAP. We are going to make Special lot at 33o swell patterns, prices Special lot at sec 75c and $1.00 hula• with neat }inch bean special5c Ladles' Lawn Hdkfe with fancy open stitch bor- der, a leader - for 5c 50 doz. Ladies' Hdkfe., fine quality lawn, some lace edges, others ham- med and embroidered worth in regular 15c selling a: 10c or 3 for 25c Ladies' Lawn Hdkfe.. trimmed with lace and insertion, others neatly embroidered with hem or lace edges, fine as- sortment, - 15c to 25c Ladies' Silk Hdkfe., trim- med with lace and in- sertion, correct for Christmas Gifts, 35e to 50c Ladies' Silk Hdkfe., plain or initials, } ora inch hem, special at 25c Men's Linen Hdkfe., fine pure linen, } inch hem, plain or neatly initial- ed, at 25c Men's Silk Hdkfs., plain or initialed, } or } inch hem, 35c to 50c Men's Neckwear In Four in Hands, Flow- ing Ends, Shield Knots, Bows & Strings, beaut- iful patterns, rich col- orings, everything that is new and up-to-date. We have it. 25c to 50c Ladles' Belts 25 doz. Ladies' Silk Belts, colors -Navy, Brown, Green, White, Black, made of Pure Silk Taf- feta, nicely trimmed, worth 50c selling at a price 25c Val Laces 2a pieces Val Laces, neat patterns, fine quality, some as high as 7c a yd, all selling off at 4c Baby Ribbons In Moire, Satin, Taffeta, all colors, selling at 2 yards for 5c Special lot of Taffeta Silk Ribbons, in all colors, correct for fancy work, worth 8c, selling off at 5c Chiffon Pleating, in black and white, 4 Inches wide, at 25c a yd Silk Ruching, in white, black, at 1Oc a yard Chiffon Frilling, in black, white, at 20c a yard Table Napkins All sizes and all quali- ties, very special values at $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 Linen Towels Pure Linen Hack Towels with fringe also Fine Damask Towels with fancy open stitch and long knotted fringe Special lot at 15c Special lot at 25c Special lot at 35c We are also showing a full collection of Doy- lies, Tray Cloths, Side- board Scarfs, Centre Pieces, Pillow Shame, at very interesting prices, Gushion Tops 100 Tapestra Cushion Covera, the very latest and most serviceable cushion top you can buy, very suitable for Christmas Presents, your choice for 25c Apron Lawns with Tucks and Embroidery, 40 ins. wide. price. 25c, 35c and 40:: 606 Golored silks tor 386 1000 yards Fine Tamaline Silk, beautiful quality, rich finish, colors -pale blue, pink, champagne, cream, well worth 60c a yard. Our Big Christmas Bargain Price 38c. 8N'E . I Sz ROW E • Market Report. -Thr following is the report of Exeter markets, cor- rected up to Doc. 7111. Wheat 75 lo 78 cents per bushel. Itarley, 43 to 45 cents per bushel. Peas. 60 to 65 cents a ousbcl. Shorts, $20 per ton. Rran, $18 pct. ton. Feed Flour, $1.25 per cwt. Flour, $2.25 per cwt. Ilutter, 20 cents a pound. Eges. 20 centrs per dozen. Onions, 60c. per bushel. Clover seed $5 to $6 a bus. Chicken, young, 8c. per Ib. Ducks, 9 cents per Ib. Coal, $ 6.75 a ton. 11oes, $5.25, lice weight. Hoes, $7.00 dressed. Hay, $7 per 'ton. Potatoes, 75 cents per bag. Geese, 9 cents a 1b. Turkcv, 14 cents a Ib. Dried Apples 6 cents a 10. The old way to cure a cold The New Way take Howey's "Cure a Cold" Capsules Only 25 cents a box. COIN Haying purchased a car of corn we are in a position to supply our cus- tomers with corn. We will exchange corn for oats. Sex; our window display of per- Flour fumes Sa turday. Irowey's I)rue store. One of dealers to whom we had The hour for Municipal nomina- shipped two tons of Star ,'lour a few i tions is rapidly drawing near, fiuti days before sent in his order ea fol- the pot has not yet commenced to lover' boil so far as 1110 seepirantis:for coup- B - Nov. 23,'05 clllors arc concerned. For Reeve it Gentlemen.- Pleasese se send me another is quite likely 41 four cornered fight tenor your flour, all in 93 lb. sacks will 1,e on, Reeve and oblige, yours truly, BX �T [3R B R`A NGt'i sur ct t, lis Le- y vett, A. Q. Dottier, and John T. C --- Taylor tminz the probable P.8•-Yonrflnurgivctperfeeteatie- JOSEPH SNELL, GLADMAN & STANBL� e•lndidates . The prcmnt n1010- faction. J.C. -- byre of 11ic• omitted have signified If you want a flour that "gives per - their intentions of refusing the bon - ore for another year and we are un- rect.atiefactlon" use Able to find any Ilereone with the S ..ice a�Ro proper look aftlions who are ter•sem•, ••ate•WE WANT TO ions to look after the town's inter We are making a specialty of this este for 1 he cumin! year. The not h brand. end of the town strays expecte a representation on the board and Such 10,000bushelS wheat Hien as Td Ii. be been and Thomas CIIE34L\Handford lesiva Ix14' eliz Z:sted. ce wanted•OU I lower portion (here is 14n abundance of :rood tit l In rhthat from. • HARVEY BROS• in.; be h uv 1,i that :C meet. ALL OUR FURS Jng should be held and several :mod Merchant Millers men fxs asked do :tilos their manes t.. zo before the public, thus :14- EXETER, ONTARIO. Burin; the to theme- of :savableher Wren OHIV3 LddI6' F to represent thorn :1t the head of ^^-- -- � ur Godtsour nluninibe offerors. The nomin-t1URftflfl FOR XMfls °tions will be hold on Dec.. 23. LANG-WYCKOFF -- The time 2 at 3 i ;)) to clear at '� i .00 each ; skins guff dcnce of Airs. s, 11's•ckot(, of 609 York at 325.00 to clear at $20.00 each ; skins ork street, was the scene of an in- We wish to inform you that we pia Iereatinz event at 4.30 Wednesdayhave a fine stock of groceries for afternonn of last week, when Mrs. Xmas use. Wyckoff's soupiest daughter. Miss The Mincemeat Evelyn, heramc the bride of Mr. Robert S. Lane, merchant, of To- The Pudding ronlo, formerly of Exeter. The+ The Cake ceremse ony as tee -formed by 1110 Rev. E. 1t. Lanceley, pastor of the Dun• 4 Ib. of raisins for 25c. d:te street Met boli. t church. in the 20 lb: of sugar for $1.00 Currants. drained peel, shelled al - monds, shelled walnuts. raw sugar and a tine stock of Candy for Xmas. We have also a full supply of flour on hand and have three kinds for you to choose from. FURS Ladies' Dog Coats, good curl, nice and glossy 3o Ladies' Greenland Seal Coats, the best coat on thi we are the solo sellers, $45. Ladies' Neck Ruffs, Beauties at 3, 5, and $7 ; Bet 12, and $20. Men's Dog Coats, we sell the best, at $20 Men's Calf Coats, we have them for 25 and $28 Men's Black Curl Coats, for only $12.5o Children's Grey Lamb Furs, Best Quality, Exam' FUR C .PS- In Dog, Persian Latnb, Seal and Bea OVERCOATS For a good stylish Gents or Little Gents Overcoa don't have to pass us. We have them of the very design and newest patterns at low prices -Men's at 10, $13 -Boy's at 3, 4, 5 and $6. A few odd I Overcoats suitable for working coats tor 2 and $3. A few more of those Hose at >i5c per CAR1.1I1\TC-1•' BRC ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• XMAS. FUQNITU CENTRE TABLES -From 75c to $h o'' ROCKERS -From $1.25 to $9.00 When you are making an Xmas. Present nothing more suitable than a nice piece of Furniture. W, C, H USTOT Funere ••••••••••••••••••N••••4•••••••••••••••• MI THE BEST XMAS OIF To give your children is a Deposit Boot: sovEREjGr� SANK OF CANADA; No Better way of teaching them business habits exi deposits of $1.00 and upwards reco -C INTEREST PAID 4 TIMES "YEA CREDITON, DASH WOOD, ZURICH, HEN MANAGER, SOLiCITORS. NIEL presence of a company, which in- cluded only the immediate relatives of I he bride and errootn. The. Louse was tastefully decorate,) for the Oc- casion will) palms. The bride, who was given away by her brother, 1)r. A. .1. Wyckoff, 11 el as bridesmaid, Miss Fanny Donald, while Mr. Peter Wyckoff, brother of the bride, was Give us a call and you will find it .croom owl n. The Is eliding rn arch the cheapest piece in town. 55'9e played by 511 ss 1,1111,11) .lackvon. of Exeter. At I he conclusion re • the ceremony a dainty wedd111z S HARDY & SON breakfast was eel sett, afterh whic• 51r. and Mrs. Lanz left on the G. T. It. Flyer for Toronto, arta lion- trcal where th:y remained for a slier! lime. On t he 11114 they sailed Don't Monkey from linli[.ax, on the Virginian, and will spend le Ihrcr months 'multi:, with that Cough Enrol,' before 1akin7 up their home ;cls inmany &:r7 Shaw atrenToronto. The h1 u s e HOWEY'S ids teoeised spyy handsome ;if 1 l including a t.olid silver service from her hr of hers, and a seal eack from Cherry Cordial 1140 o e Brom. Only ' ' cte a Bottle. 4 VEGETABLE SICILIAN l Hair Renewer A MO -class sss preparation for the hair. Kees the hair soft and Ily and olP�iaat the ends. r ru rz'�restres color to rbur. a ''' $4.50 Nutria Fur Caps to clear at $3.50. 3.:0 Nutria Fur Caps to clear at 32.75. 33.75 Blk. Astrachan Caps torclear at $2.75 2.50 Blk. Astrachan Cape to clear at $2.00• ; 2.75 Children's Grey Lamb Caps to clear at $ 4.00 Electric Seal Caps to clear at $3.00 $7.00 Blk. Persian Lamp Caps to clear at $5.00 : 15.00 Caperines to clear at $11.00 $12.00 Caperines to clear at $9.50 $7.50 Caperines to clear at $(3.00 $5.00 Capella.; to clear at $4.00 All our Ruffs, Boas, Stoles, &c. must go our Reduced Price. Don't forget our 25 per cent. discou Overcoats, Suits and all clothing. Men's Silk and Sateen Mufflers $1.00 f, 75c for 60c ; 50c for 40c. Xmas Ties 50c for 40c ; 25c for 20c. TERMS: --Produce or Cash. 10 GOODS GIVEN 01 APPR0BAMI01. NO GOODS iAKEN BACK 1:1ER PYiN Poplestone & Gardine One floor north of Post Office.