HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-12-14, Page 41 E EXETER TIME :, DECEMBER 14th 1805. AT DISCOUNT SALE at Zwicker's, Crediton Choice Furs composed of Canadian Coon. Coats, Wallabys, China Dog, Bulgarian Lamb, Russian Calf, &c. In Ladies' Furs we have a fine line of some with Sable Collars and Reveers, nice bright glossy curl, also Electric Seal, Astrachan, Persian Lamb and GreyLamb Caps and from $20 to $35. $3,000 Stock of Readymade Clothing all cut in price. 10 per cent discount allowed on Ruffs. Good purchases through December month. Solicited.Pee C. ZWICKER. Crediton, Ontario. DDS Y at very DS y Sets, rushes, imbs Brushes, gar Cases s and Etc. :k before 'resents. igs re nes CREDITON To each of our subscribers paid up to Jan. 07 we are „ivin; a beautiful calendar. Renew at once. Do not let anybody inveigle you info taking another paper by claiming "It is just' as good." The Times has all the news. ws. Xmas Groceries at Zwicker's. In another column will be found an advctisement for tenders wanted for the erection of a four roomed school to take the place of our al- ready overcrowded. rickety old build in;. Crediton takes pride in iti-ed- itcational facilities and much praise is duo the present teaching staff, Mr. Blurt t. Miss Farrosv and Miss Kienzle. Mr. Claude liluett, the successful principal of the Crediton public school, has for tho past two yours been pursuing. the honor Course in Modern Languages in Queen's university, Kingston, as an extra -mural student. At the Sep- tember examinations he wrote on MR. c. ILuicrr ER, 1905. history, English and German. under 7 21 31 Rev. Geo. D. Damm, B. D. the pre - 25 sidin; examiner for Queen's for this district and succeeded in pasain; 27 creditably. Last year he passed in 26 French, En;lis}i science and Math - emetics. lie is now zealously pur- 30 suing the studies of tho second year but does not allow his school: work to Buffer. as evidence of which we mention the fact that alt the candi- dates he prepared for entrance to high school, were successful at the examination last summer. Besides this he is the moving spirit in the Crediton Literary Society, an organ- ization that is doing. much to devel- op the young people along literary end inusioal line,. May his persever- ance and ambition servo to inspire others to follow his example. Miss Martha Wind who has been on the sick list iv improving.. Messrs. W. Finkbeiner and Bert Clark were in London on business on Thursday. Tho Christmas tree entertainment in connection with the Evan;elical Sunday school of this 'place will bo held on Christmas eve. A good pro - ;ram is being prepared. A number of our citizens attend- ed the anniversary services held in James street Methodist church, Exe- tee ter on Sunday. ry See the finest line of handpainted was China just opened for Xin is al %wicker's. k Uis3 Francis Ktel:ar, of Kingston n• is the ,guest of .Miss i:stt•Ita Andrews, A very large congregation ,;rceted ilev. S. 11. Kucchtcl on Sunday cvcn- T in{ last. Ile ten-fehcd very accept- ably. His text was "The Blessed Man" as found in Ihe first Psalm. The literary sccicly was held at I he home of Mr. J. 11. Iloltxm:ann East tveck. Mr. Boltzmann made a very able chairman :and •t very in- lereslin; program was rendered. The next meeting still be held at the residence of Mr. 11. heavers on Fri- day of this week when there will be a debate on •'Resolved that the inventions of the present century were superior In Ilto•c of the past." Mis•. 'runner, Miss. 11. )leaver ,and Dr. llaist for he :affirmative: ,hiss Far- ren•, alis hienzle and M r. Iiluctt for the nt_ative. The debate prom- ises to Ise :tn inlerestin; one, and should not I s missed by a inemtxr of the society. { Iluy yoitr Christmas groceries -11 7.tt icker'.s. clean and fresh. Messrs. fount tiros, have I he contract of !H:•t 1 in; in is furnace for Mr. Pearce, of Whisky. • S. Brost Ws for Xmss . oods, ad in sant her column. Misses Loth an l Mary Youn; are vis:li11t at the It int_ of 11r. Wen. Ni t toot t's, in Illy. Our h and which is tixlkin; .a !von- t epo-t 11 ion for themselves have changed their place' of practise trom the : w11 Mall 10 the fire h.t11 :and will now practise t e ire a week inst.-ad of once a week as heretofore. Tile utetuLtrs should make it tt point to attend ',runtime as often ns possible. it w ill be rem^Inhered 111::1 last summer 11; hail ;r number of cn- z'tgement.' t:' fill from outside places anti made quite :a realisation for themselves. Now it is 't tzootl way to spend the evenints and i' boys t the Int (of [ prate isin3 they c y will st:on '.te Ihe results and Credi- I on may Insist of Navin{ n band sec- ond In mule in the county. iust r!Wised hind -:anal)• d-.•:esetI- d Toilet Fells anal 3 'ergo (nock of pi sty Rinner setts at %wicker's. It^v. .1• W. Andrews and & u trier, Estee 1, I ,id a vie! to Parkhill. on onlay. rorkin; )W It . L from y ser - Exeter w days ddy. of ments wood, 1ley. l mar - r. ar- r. \V. urn, last tineir re nd ch rst r- eei 1111 and r - me w- its ed ro- els ays on - t he . S. For Xmas ?oodi don't forget 11. Own ,sec ad. in another column. is, tete eirhneider, of Detroit, has been visitint friends in n during the mixt (ow week 4. for her home this is eek. Mr, John Gaiser is in the villa;c visiting his sister and brothers. Miss Fiukbeinei and Hiss Calfas. of Dashwood. are visitins friends in The Misses Either, of Zurich, are the:guest-3 of Miss Martha Wentzel. Mr. and Mrs. harry Fahner en- tained a number of their friends on Friday evening. Mrs. Martin, of Zurich, silent Sat- urday with her sister. Mrs. Chris. Fahner. Dr. llaist spent Thursday in Lon- don. *See S. Brown's ad for Christmas goods. Mr. Wm. Wentzel was in London on business last Friday. Mrs. Eli Sweet i3 quite 111 at pres- ent. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. S. Brown and daughter Della spent Thursday in London. Mr. Ed. Wurm arrived home on Thursday front Spokane. Wash. .While .there ho had the misfortune to break some bones in his hand.. Mrs. Geo. Mantle. of Exeter. ail- ed on some friends in town on Wed- nesday -last. Messrs Fred Young and I. Brown stint Sunday with friends in Zur- icb. ;$4 friends. Messrs. Art Zwicker and Evcret 1'' .told visited in Exeter on 8u1131) ZU11!CIl Mr. J. J. ,Sterner was in Toronto and other eastern cities for a few days last week on an extensive buy - in; tour. Miss Mina Doan spent Sunday at her home here. The new smoke stack for the (lour mill arrived on Thursday and has since been placed in position. It is made of heavier material than the last one, and is larger in size. Mrs. J. Stacey, and Miss Ross, of Bengali, _[trent Sunday last in 'the village the guests of Mts. Jake Mer- ner. Don't miss the opportunity to hear the "Black Knight" in the Town Hall, Friday evcnin. , Dec. l6th. IIe will please you, rouse you, and do yougood. Miss Ella Bennie returned hone from Dashwood Thursday evening. Miss Frye of i'lansville, and Mr. Fra Brown. of Crediton. were guests of Mr. and Airs. .1. ['reeler on Sun - thy last. Miss Clare Walper who has had charge of the millinery department its J. 1'recler's store returned home 1 his week. Dir. Willis 1'owcll was in the vil- la;c Tutcsday in 111e interest of his business. Miss iiclma Koehler, of Centralia stent Saturday evening and Sun- day at her horse here. Mr. Jas. Swan, of liruccfield, wa3 a visitor in 1he villa;e Sunday last. Mr. F. Wit mei- and daughter. Ad - :lie, spent Thursday in London. The '•Mack Kni, hl" is a phenom- enal orator, ori final humorous, clo- nucnt. slronz, convincing, roof. Ile sure and attend and bring your friends, Friday evening, December 15th. Der. Osc:1r Kliegs, who it1wnt the surruner in Manitoba returned home Friday evening. Miss Lydia Koehler, who 'spent the past t se0 months in Toronto ar- rived home Friday evening. I)r. Norman 1). Buchanan is visit - ins friends in To: -onto ant Belleville this wc••k. A (number of 1110 your; people dr,-.ve to the Lome of Mr. Millman, on I he 1411r con. and spent a pleas- ritil evening will* Mr. Will Jarrett. who intend,' ic:n•in; in a few week art :attend Business Colle-ge in Toron- to. Mr. and M rs. Marlin \Varus, of lite itronxon Line. Illy, celebrated their silver wedding. 1,111 'Thursday ttvenlnz. A ;real number were prevent and a most pleasant• even- ing was spent. Mr. and Mts. Paulin. of Dashwco•I, spent Thursday evening in fire vil lege, a1 Mr. S. Rtnnic's. Dir- O. 11. Elites. of Dashwood. visited :it 11.s Home on Sunday. The Missis Bennie pleasantly en- tertained a number of their friends on Monday evening Mr. Will \icLeol, Principal of Iite Public School, spell St2urdty and Sunday al his horse in Mayfield. Rheumatism r one of the Constitutional r1 leases. It manifests itself le local adios and inflamed jolts and stiff el mnscies.—but cion 1 cured local applications. it 11 constitutional Dl treatment the blood, and (e � i i,; coarse of the peat medicine Hood'sSarsaparilla which has permanently llENSALI. Manitoba Flour.—Two cars of high grade family flour just received .to meet the demands for /the Christmas holidays. For the next Iwo weeks 1 will stake a reduction of ten cents t b.•t; on purchases of five bags and over. Call soon at llensall Oatmeal Mills. Miss McEwan last (seek delivered to Mr. 1t. Cole 1011 turkeys for which she reoeived $16.2. Who can beat t hist Feed. -150 tons of oat feed for sate the tko next two weeks to make room. Parties wanting feed will find this feed better value than bran at far lass money. — D. Ur- quhart. Rev. Dr Medd preached in Grace Street Methodist church. St. Thomas Sunday last Mrs. Dodds, of Manitoba is visiting her sister, Mrs. G. lfotrkirk. A lar.;e number of eolitieilans were in the village on Tuesday' in atten- dance at the Conservative committee meeting. The sacrament of the Lord's sup- per will be observed in the Carmel church oil the 17th. Several fine dwellings will be et- ected in th esprin;, several of the contracts havins already been let. Mr. Robert Cameron, who was working in Manitoba during the past fall has returned hone and will re- main hero during the winter. PLUGTOWN Mrs. S. Manna and Mrs. J. Manua were the -gi sts of Mrs. Charles Ir- vine on Thursday of ktse week. Eo regret to learn that two of our your; people went to St. Marys ono day lost week and ,got !oat. had they fblloss-cif in the dineotdon the horses wanted to ;o they _would have oomo out all right. At last they come to the conolusion they, had hot- ter fot the torsos ;o where they liked, and finally the horses landed thorn borne safely. - Mrs. Robert Tidsbury and. family from high Bluff. Man., etre el he guests of Mns. W. FranCitt this week and ttlsa her brother Mr. Wilson Bell from IJraish Columbia. They ex- pect to spend ,their Chrittntns and New Years with friends and rela- tives here. W INCII I:iLSEA GRAND BEND (Intended for last week.) Mr. Harry Smith spent a couple of days last week on business. Mrs. Wm. Patterson and daughter Gladys returned last Saturday from a couple of weeks' visit with 'friends in fort Huron and Detroit. Miss Mills, of Stratford. has been engaged to teach alto soboe! hero for the cousin, year and Miss J. Mair, of Clinton, to 'levels No. S. S. 18, nos•tu• quett. Mr. and firs. E. Brenner .spent Saturday one Sunday with Mrs. J.t;o ILannen, of Shipka, Mr. Ed. \Vcldin, of Dashwood, who has been working. with Mr. 11. Smith, blacksmith for the post year, left for his home on Saturday. Mr. E. Molfard and Mist Mary Wolper were united in marriage I;tst Thursday. Mr. II. Boysenberry's fino three story new cement. (rick hotel is nearly completed. Mr, W. B. Oliver is head oarpentcr and a very 'a ssed job is boin; done. Mr. Jim Ili;hstead, who is on the police force in London. is- spending e few days bore with Mr. R. Hamil- ton. Mr. Joseph Gill has moved into the village where he has bought a house on Ontario .street. Mr. Joint Clark and Mr. L. Ravclle have also moved into threir new )[blues. Mr. Frank Geromett hasmoved into Mr. Ilea man's house, being em- ployed with [Seaman to look .after bis deer park. Mr. Shelton had 'the misfortune to loose a valuable horse last ;week. Messrs. Hamilton Bros. had the misfortune -to punt Lure a hole in their stunner "Scolia" while trying to take out of the 'river. Mr. Dave Mer riot is house ss is burned to the ground Friday after- noon with all its contents. The funeral of ,th elate Mr. Thos. Hayter was largely attended here on Tuesday. et• For any naso of nervousness. sleep- lessness, weak stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Liver Pills. Relief is sure. The only nerve medicine in market. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ; 1 Gt1RISTMflS . BND HOLIDflY GIFTS 1 2 LONDON GROGKSRY GOMPRNY'S 1mm6nsc DisvIaij Yon no doubt are coming to London to do your Christ- mas Shopping and you want to know before you start where Is the best place to come to. We can safely say if you come here you will be entirely satisfied. Our Stock e,,- d ' = is New, it is Large, it is Well alllir RIGHT- Assorted, the Prices are Right JAPANESE CHINA, entirely Hand Painted, Ric h Color- ings, Thin China, no China Shows, such a wealth of Decoration and Pattern, comes in such a splendid assortment of—Berry Sets, Salad Dishes, Cups st Saucers, Celery Trays, Biscuit Jars, Fern T Dishes, Bon Bons, Spoon Trays, Sweet Meats and Bread itButter Plates, Cake Platss, Etc. ROYAL PRUSSIAN CHINA' Richand inShapesDecorations iI• , - iety of Dainty Table Pieces, in rich and ornamental designs. 2 • DINNER SETS,• Are you thinking of making your wife or • mother a present of a nice new set. Come • and See our unmense display of splendid new sets, which includes 12 Stock Patterns, make up your own set, huv what you need, costs you no more and you get an excellent quality of goods. iTOILET SETS,Splendid new line of sets, any one will deco- rate your room and help to make things 2 cheerful. JARDINERES,This makes a splendid Christmas Gift. such a variety to choose from, all colors, shapes and patterns, prices from I5c up. We Have an Excellent Stock, which is sure to please you, if you do not see this assortment you will miss it. LONDON GROGKlRY G0. S . „ ntoo. • • WE PREPAY express or freight charges on all purchases of • 4 $10.00 or over. • •••••••N•••••••••••••• ••••••••••N•••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••N•• ••••••N•••••••••••••••••• Dlr. and Mrs. ; 1e. Crory and Make Your Christmas a Merry family were the guests o[ 31r. and One Airs. Thompson, o[ the Thames Flood on Sunday hast . Mrs. Russell, of Bellwood, is vis/ iting her sister, Mrs. C. Washburn. WOO DBAM Mr. Wilson Black, of Lucian, was a visitor in town last (week. The Miseee Lee and McCully, of Downie spent part of last' week with friends in th cvilla;e. Miss Mary Neal, at the time of wri1in , is very low and little hopes ;sr eenler•tained for her recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Celix Johnstone left on Wednesday for their home in Sas• katoon, Mon., and the best, wishes of their tnany friends to tvitlt (them. Mr. John Sawyer is all smilers—its <a M. Wm. Sinclair i3 recovering very slowly. Mr. and Mrs. ,Dunse•ilh, of et. Marys, spent Sunday with friends in the villa;e. Mies M. Duffield, of Granton, :spent last week with her friend \hiss Eturua Tow•l. Mr, and eIrs. G. Copeland and family slant Sunday in St. Marys with Mr. and Mrs. John Copeland. Mins Emnnma Towl Sundayed under the telrenlal roof. At the monthly sleeting of L. O. L. No. 492, on Dec. 7th, the follow- ing officers were elected ,for the ensuing year: W. M., A, 11. Creighton D. M., Vt . shier • Chip., W. Walker ; Rec. Sec., W. \\'yon ; Fin. See., \V. Switzer ; Treasurer, J. Stewart ; Dir. ('A rem'. W. sawyer ; Lt•ct., .1. 11. McElre, ; Com. \lett. E. A. Copeland 1t. Wade, W. Sinclair, Jr„ M. lIreth- our, J. Skinnar; Tv ler, Wilbert Wynn. 81iAlt0N Mise Fier( tire Reynold ; of Exeter 1.1.0111 a fest days last creek with friends :v. Jars. Jrv.eph J)•anitre) had :e ter, successful uuiltin. lee last \', : d- eaday afternoon. Mr. Joseph Amy sold 1 learn of tolls last week to Mr. sis rrow• of arra. for a good fi4ut.•. .Its. is uite a sixenl:u or. Mist Nora Bros n stent Sunday let with bliss Mildred l:ilttet. eh.. and '.lIN. \W i!1 Jtawhinney, of to Goshen Line visited Alt• ottd rn. Al. Amy on Sunday. 11:•s. T. .1. Amy spcntt a few days last week with Le 1' •is'er, Miss 11. tn3, or Exeter. Mr. Samuel ilrokcnshire Mill con- nuea quina JI!. Mr. am! 'Mr .. 'Clean • Trevetluck Cr.dilotl,spent ;Sand } r.i 1, thea ot6 r, Mrs. Jane Kestle. Mr. ;and Mrs. M. Amy vi•Ited Mr d Airs. Elijah Jo:y, of 1•:x l.•r, on ueaday t.( hast week. Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Foster are torn. rtably nettled on their darns on the ke rung. 11 of at cared thousands of asses. it ier Nstilaoti0Y remarkable cow 1 MN for look ea 1lbe aa_ Mae, No. T. to GLhoedCe.. &i,., ! 11 Beautiful Holiday Goods Now is the time to make your selections. Our stock is now complete in Desirable Gifts for Everyone. BOOKS—In all the newest bindings and by the best writers. STATIONERY — In Fancy Boxes, Writing Sets and Fountain Pens. CHINA — Japanese, Yrueuian, Oli Greek. English, German and Bo- hemian Glassware. Charlton's LEATHER GOODS — Hand flags,- Portfolios, ags,Portfolios, Billfolds, Purses, Cigar Cares and Music Rolls. TRAVELLING CASES—Ladies' and Gents' Manicures, Military Brush- es, Collars and Cuffs, Gloves and Handkerchief's, Work Boxes. Fair, BURNT WOOD — Collar and Cue Boxes, Handkerchief and Neck. tie Boxes. - MECHANICAL TOYS— Steam En. groes, Tools. Air Guns, Antos, Arks. Acrobats, Blocks, Games. Dolls, Doll Carriages. Sleighs, Ro#. ing Horses. Christmas Cards, Cal- endars and Booklets. Exeter. Xmas Specials at BROWN'S Crediton's Corner Store. A Greeting to our Friends and Customers I OUR CREED—Tne best goods What We Claim We have devt,ted much time study. leg how to satisfy the wants of nut customers and now with our facilities we are able to rued any would-be competitors prices who undertakes to undersell its. We claim that $1,000 of our money will buy as many good& as $1.1N0t4 our competitors. We carry as isrgo and As well nitsorted stock of gond, AA there is in town and sell Imv• er than ever !afore and theref.-re tt void advise our many customers to do their purchasing early And avail titentselves of IL•t'rpecinit,es which we utter for Xrnne. Owing to confined spore we can only enumerate a few is few. and lowest price are what count. We believe in giving One Dollars worth for $ f .00 Dress Goods Consists o' an assortment which we have never shown before. To see then( will convince you. Our Furs Never before did we have as good a sale in fur as this season. \\'e have an assortment that will shit you. in men's rued Ladies' Furs sve are offering special inducements for the Xmas trade. Ready Made Clothing A eteck width will suit you. We have greatly increased our stock in this line and are giving some specials. S. BROWN,_/ rc • China, Crockery and Glassware An elegant assortment to choose fres* just opened tip this week Toys and Xmas Gifts, good aFsorttnent, all neer goods. Groceries Our stock is cempletl and fresh. Daily shipments constantly arriving needless to say that our values are nus► good as elsewti ire, we meet all cut. prices. Kindly bring in your Poultry, Dried Apples and other produce for which we pay highest prices. We also= Ked Clover. Alsake and Timothy Cell on us before you sell. Crediton.