HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-12-14, Page 3IIEALTII
sic I' -1t ),)M MEAL',
Although it is the function of she
physician to indicate the general na-
ture of the nuorishmetet to be given
to his pattens, the responsibility kir
th.; proper foediitg of the sick person
devolves almost entirely on the
nurse, and on her tact. and ju.lgmmut
the success of the treatment will
depend. Even wieits the food is cor-
rectly prepared, rti•dn attention to
the munnller of service is requisite in
order to make it tempting to the in-
During illness the things that na-
turally stiunfltite the appetite, such
as fresh air and exercise. are en-
tirely lacking, so that every pos-
sible means must be used to render
the idea of iuo,l as agreeable as pos-
sible. Chief among these is the care
of the mouth and tongue;. Unless
these are kept scrupulously clean by
the use of cleansing lotions, parti-
cles of fermenting fount arae retained,
and gine rise to mulch discomfort.
This is especially true of milk, the
adlahils(rntien of which should al -
Ways be followed yny a cleansing of
the tongue with some such prepara-
tion us a mixture of equal parts of
glycerin. lemon -juice and water ale
plied with a cotton swab.
Before bringing in the meal the
roots should have been put in order
tis mucic as possible, the patient's
hands and face sponged off, and the
bedclothes and pillows freshly ar-
ranged. The tray itself should be
decked with the prettiest china, the
whitest and freshest linen aid the
brightest silver the household
boasts. Very small portions only
should be set before a sick person,
for in this way u greater amount is
likely to be eaten than if the wet
appetite is appalled by the sigh? of
well-filled plates.
In giving liquids to pal ie s,,4 un-
able to sit up, the head should he
raised by slipping the hand under
the pillow, instead of directly under
the head, as in this way the posi-
tM-- tion is less constrained and swallow-
ing is easier. The conventional sick -
feeders with nozzles are usually dis-
liked by patients, and in most cases
fluids can be taken without much
effort through a bent glass tube or
from a tumbler only a third full.
Here again the patient should not
be presented writ's more than he is
likely to drink, as n sick person
feels a certain satisfaction in 10n1-
pletCly emptying his glass.
It is often a difficult question to
decide whether or not to wa,:en a
sleeping patient for food. In most
casesl )t
betterwait.but t is
1 to
a sufferer may be roused sufficiently
to take a few swallows, and yet be
able to drop off again and sleep nil
the more soundly for having rcreiv-
cd Ore nousishnent.
.cep in the sunlight; nothing
stetted or street grows or ripens
the darkness. -
void fear of all its varied forms
expression. It. is the greatest
guy of the human race.
void excesses of ail kinds; they
ire injurious. The long life meet
o n temperate, regular life.
Don't live to eat. but. east to live.
\luny- of our ills are due 10 over-
eating. to eating the wrong things.
end to irregular rating.
Dont allow yourself to think en
your birthday that you are tl year
older and so much nearer the end.
Never look on the dark side; take
sunny views of everything. A sunny
thought drives away the shadows.
Re 0 child; live simply and natur-
ally. and keep clear of entangling
ulliar.•es and complications of all
Cultivate the spirit of con-
tentment; all discontent and dissat-
isfaction bring age furrows pre-
maturely to the face.
Form a habit of throwing off be-
o-fore going to bed at night. all the
are.: and anxieties of the day -ev-
erything which can posl.ibly cause
mental wear and tear or deprive you
of rest.
Will Find a Certain Cure in the
Use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills.
lttlen41latism is a disease of the
blood. Lesery doctor now adlnity
this to be the fact. Doctors USO(1 ti•
think that rheumatism was brought
on by colds in the joints uud mus•
dee. Now they know that cold never
started the disease -cold only sets
the pains going. Rheumatism can
only tie cured by curing the bud
blood which manes it. Dr. Weenies'
Pink I'ills tile iass cures rheuuuttisoe
ber•ause they actually make new,
rich red blood, which drives out the
poisonous acids, loosens the 1•t iiienei1
aching ,joints awl muscles and r0•
stores the rheumatic sufferer to
health and happiness. Dr. %Villia,es'
1'ink Pills have cured rheumatic suf-
ferers, some of thein ellen they were
01111(.st hopeless et entice. Mr. T. Il.
:entitle Caledonia. Ont., sues: -"Por
a number of years I was badly trou-
bled with rheurnatisut, and wits s.•
('rippled I could scarcely do any
work. 1 tried (suite 8 number of
medicines, but they did not help me.
Then I saw Dr. Williams' fink fills
advertised as a cure for this trouble,
and got n supply. After I bad taken
a few boxes f saw they were helping
1110, 1411(1 1 continued taking 1114. pills
throughout the winter, and am now
completely cued. 1 have since wort: -
ed out of doors in cold weather with-
out a coat, and did not feel even a
twinge of the trouble."
11 you are suffering from any dis-
ease due to bail brood or disordered
nerves, Dr. Williams' fink ('ills will
cure you, because they make 11ew
rich blood, which goes right to the
root of the disettse and drives it
from 'the system. That is why 1)r.
Williams' Pink Pills cure such trou-
bles as anaemia, Indigestion, palni-
tatien of the heart, iieurelgia, head-
aches and backaches, kidney and
liver troubles, St. Vitus Dance, par-
alysis, and the special secret ail-
ments of girlhood and womanhood.
But only the genuine pills can do
this and these always have the full
name "ear. Williams' fink Pills for
Pale People." on the wrapper around
each box. Sold by Medicine dealers
everywhere, or sent by netts at 50
cents n box or six boxes for S2.51)
by writing. the Dr. Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Health i» ►•enlly a habit -that of
Beteg right. If we get into the
right hetet of living we shall have
little trouble in keeping ourst•Ites in
good emolition, phye icalty and men-
Onr,' Food habits are established
the benefits derived front there will
ei,'e 50 de' gl tell that their, will
pe no temptation to fall back int o
the old habits. Get into the habit
.,f breathing properly. it is just as
easy to breathe deeply n4. not. Ex-
pend the lungs and fill then[ fill of
air an often during the day as you
think of it.
But ROeil physical habits are not
an. The 11)011181 14(41,1(5 Inuit be
regulated. If you are in the habit
o4. tnleing 8180111 et cry ;1tle, ill,
pain or eche. stop it at once, and
folk health first, ad. Speak kindly
of 0 • body, thi1.1. that every or-
gan is In perket meter, doing its
work naturally. Don't think that
you hoer to tell !towel d_,- every
times your bend aches, or your heart
pn,pitalee. or your stomach refn.ee
148 durst reline horrid food you have
forced upon it. 'There are r. , many
oilier things to talk about.
moor (to l'at'e wile. after exam-
ining; Pat, who bud been run (town
by nil .tat0)-"\1adfm. i fear your
I,urltand is dead."
Pat (f('eh1y)-" %o. I amlt't lead
fat's 11ife-"lilm.h. Pat, the een+le-
man knoll8 1,rltcr than you.'.
in Java there ire an orchid all the
Guale.a of whlcll c.'cil at once, a`: If
by the stroke of a wand, and th s
also all wither together,
I'hc estate of the Countess of War-
wick. in Essex, possesses a nlOSt
unique feature. In one part of the
grounds is whatis known as the
"Shakespeare Border." This include
every dower. shrub, and vegetable
mentioned i1) the works of Shakes-
peare. The collection comprises over
two hundred species, time every speci-
men is labelled, not only with its
botanic name, but also with the
quotation from the play i1) which it
is )nenttone(l. altogether it is a
quite unique reproduction of the gar-
den and floral history of the six-
teenth century. 'Chis extensive col-
lection does out include either the
forget -ams -not. the holly -hock, the
fox -glove, or the lily-of-(h,'-vallev;
for students of Shakespeare will look
in vain for mention of these favorite
flowers to the whole of his works.
'1'1:]%I'l I 1 N 'I'ROU ULI':.
Teething is generally accompanied
by nervousness, irritability and
stomach disorder:;, which may len:1
to serious consequences if not prompt-
ly treated. Baby's Own Tablets is
the best medicine in the world for
teething children. They alloy the in-
flammation in the tender swoollen
gums, correct the disordered stom-
ach, and help the teeth through pain-
lessly. Urs. T. Nutt, Raymond,
Ont., says: "My baby suffered terra
bly %%bile teething, but as soon as 1
beget, giving; hint Baby's Own 'Tab-
lets he improved in every way and is
now 0 bright healthy child." 'I'h.,
'russets also cure colic, constipation,
diarrhoea, indigestion, simple fevers
011(1 destroy worms. They are guar-
anteed to contain not one particle of
opiate or harmful drugs, end ;nay be
given with equally good results to
the new born baby or the well grown
child. Sold by all druggists or sent.
by mail at 25 cents n box by writ-
ing the Dr. Williams' elediriue ('o.,
Brockville, Ont.
Man Marries Two Rich Women
and Spends Fortune.
11'. the arrest of a man named
inrde who opened a n,arl•iage agency
nt. Paris, Chimer, and lis niece. Mlle,
Doers (14. 1.8nrc1, an extraordinary
Elephunts, Lions, Deer, Gigantic
Without ever drinking
Baboons and Little Apes in
The Earl of Warwick, his broths'•,
Capt. (:1001110, and Col. Putti,;•in
have eturti.8I from London for Ugan-
da for a big gatne shooting expelt-
ttun. which will be of several anonthf'
This is by 1)o measle the first ex-
perience the Earl will have heel with
big game shooting, for ho has
brought down tigers in India, and
has shot the "grizzly" on the Rocky
Mountains. Cups. Greville is one of
the best shots of the day, while Col.
Puttison is a big game hunter of re -
It is to the latter that the ar-
rangements of the expedition have
Leen entrusted, and in explaini.I f
theta before starling: he laughed et
the idea that the perils which he and
his congluniuns were going to face
would he very dreadful or that the
harslips +(0111(1 be over great.
":\s a [natter of fact." he sai.i,
"eve shall take things as comfortably
as we call. Trots Mombassa we
shall go up to Nairobi, which is as
far as the rail will take us.
..Seven years ago when 1 tens there,
Nairobi was simply 11 patch of desert
land, now it is a city with 10,481)0 in-
habitants. and there are u number of
white officials.
"We shall use Nairobi as our head-
quarters, and make various expedi-
tious from there.
"Some of the country in, of course,
penetrable thicket, hut we shall avoid
this and make for the hills and plains
which are really beautiful, and liter-
ally alive with big game of all kinds
Nowhere on earth, indeed,_ can so
1uuc11 big gauze be found.
"There are herds of elephants.
plenty of lions, giraffes, endless deur.
and gigantic baboons that wander
about, followed by an attendant
army of small monkeys, whorl they
es(aet MN.,
11815 MOT111RS1IMIT(D.
10 ..1 ~Immo[ nn wen 111..
1.4 •a.►CO.ran,a.141 'Iwo N
CM,trla(l-n .,I.AO{rl0 O.
Tea is to die Without knowing the full joy of 1.1\'1A'
SATISFACTION of sipping it hot cup of this FR At. R.\N
drink ?
in size a ata me ]Sesser Temea. =a1mate Rib
auteoe'ttD TO Marotta PUnCNA
TO A•)051 8150180 cause 105
M T.
by the dealer
from whom
Jou buy Sun•
light Soap if
you Sao any
cause for
Sunlight Soap is better
than other soaps, but is
best when uged in the
Sunlight way.
reward will
be paid to any
l:ecaon w k•
prove. that
Ben lig h l6oap
contains say
chemicals or
any bum et
Equally good with hard or soft water.
)I.wtir arssetso.t! 1Llsntt.d. Toronto
Draconic Sentence Imposed on
Two Soldiers.
A th•aconic sentence has been pass-
ed by a court-martial sitting at Cob•
lend, Germany, on two riflemen, who,
dressed in civilian clothes, the better
to avoid recogniti,n, had slipped out
of their quarters and, tinder cover of
darkness, gone to a village restaur-
ant , where they knew would find a
certain non-commissioned °dicer,
against whom they bore a grudge.
Seeing hint sitting inside, they threw
a stoneware pitcher and a piece of
wood through the window at hint,
though without doing any injury.
"Our prospects? Well, that is hard The court-martial found the emus -
to say. '!'here is a large element of cd guilty of participation in a mill-
il:luck inante 1 ling. Night after tory revolt, and sentenced one to six
night one may one lions roaring all years' ilnprtsonment and degradation
around the. cuing, and yet not sec and the other to live years' hard
one for weeks together. 1 have labor. expulsion from the army ani
known Jaen go in search of lions for litre years loss of 1111 civil rights. No
months, fold never catch sight. of one. allowance 1411s made for the eleven
On the other hand, one may bag at mouths ,he men had been in custody
coo le in the course of an afternoon. awaiting trial." \s we reckon about twenty pew-
j' eit sentence has crestal great nQ
ler5 to each of its, tee shall number tonishlnwlt, and in comet:eed wit~
all told about sixty. I dare say w•o the clemency so froquentle shown by
COtll't S-Indl't in l l0 non-commissioned
officers proved guilty of treating pri-
vates with gross bl•utaility.
may find our wary to spots where no
white man has ever yet been, and
conte across many of the numerous
native tribes. I suppose that alto-
gether we shall be away five months.
Deaths by Burning in London At-
tracts Attention.
The British Home Office Outhoriliee
are collecting statistics as to the
number of deaths caused by the wear-
ing of flannelette clothing, with a
view to legislation on the subject.
l%'ynnc Baxter, East London cOroe-
cr. made this anmouncment. at an in-
quest concerning the death of Dora
%olio, the wife of an artist. She wits
combing her hair in front of the pre
when her flannelette dressing gown
was set alight, and she died from her
The coroner, after mentioning tae
official action which wits being lakes,
commented on the peril arising from
the wearing of flannelette, and slid
the number of fatal cases seemed to
be on the increase.
A ,iluilnr 0881440 of death teas also
investigated by the Preston coroner,
a child, three years old, dying owing
to injuries received by her 11(nnelet
night dress catching lire.
"There is not an atone of flannel in
IlanneIette," remarked the coroner.
"Flannelette is merely a name, anal
the material is all cotton. It is a
good deal more dangerous than time
nel or ordinary cotton cloth."
It Is as Dangerous as the Tobacco
or Whisky Heart.
"Coffer heat" is common to many
coffee users end is liable to send the
owner to his or her long house if the
drug in eersisted in. You can run
30 or 40 yards and find out if your
matrimonial swinrllc hue I,e41 heart is 1roublal. A lady who woe
brought to light.once a victimof the "coffee heart"
lie succeeded in marrying u wunman writes from Oregon:
witli Y15,llln, but in it few months "I have been a lalitual user of
ho had r.penl her stoney and desertr.i coffee all 1)1y life and have suffered
her. 'Ise woman did not prosecute
very' much in recent years (rout slit-
1.0 runtenttd herself w•it11 011• 1)Ir/lt" W1110h 1 because eatished were
mining a divorce. directly- due to the poison in the bey.
Vlard then succeeded in finding n erage. Such n8 torpid liver and hull -
second wife in a young woman with gestion, which in turn made my corn -
$1 5,000. When lie had obtained the )lexlon blolch31 and muddy.
money he deserlee his wife, who, lien "'Then 1)1V heart b(rittn aIA•ctc.1.
the first, did not prosecute hint, het 11 w0111,1 hent most rapidly just af-
obtninrd n divorce. ter I drank grey coffee, and go l(•low
\'lord g•rontptl31 begann snares int normal as the coffeeelect wore oft.
u [sant victim. but meanwhilea Sometimes my pulse would go ns
souse Mall, the well -tel -du \'i.cuung high 41 18 bents to the n ' to. Me
Emanuel 114. V11101011(40114., applied 1., 1181103' w,01'4 greatly nlarmet at my
bin agency for it wife. Vein! imnu•g• condition sad at last mother pet-
intreehlced his niece a, u 008v seeded Ise to begin the (ISe Of Tors
wealthy young Indy, and the e•,,. tum fool 1'oRee.
count became enamored of her. 1 •1 gave an the old coffee entirely
and ahooluteta ,
marriage wa1 arranged. ones Vi led sant made 1'osturn
mdse.• f the % recant to hand hind env sole table heterng.• Thin. was 11
Rl(1,01811 and j.•weh•y fir the. '.01140 of Months ago. awl all my ills, the i1)•
>Fi.u1)u. I digestion, inactive liver and rickets
)h•fore the wedding 4701dl1 take place,' heart action. have passed lawny, and
hoe ever. certain information con-; 111Ycomplexion hus become clear and
cerning the gel „nine to the ears of1 natural. The lmpro'00umt set in
ih' Viscount, and he broke off the eery- soon after I made the change,
tit tuns eskei for the return of • just ns Soon as the coffee poison had
his nlo(le} . lendingtoobtain this.
time to work out. of my system.
he applied to the pollee, and V (:.8. 1 "My husband has also been grelt't'
and his niece were arreet,•,4 1)11 benrhltenl by th.• use. of Postural, and
churgte8 of fraud and conspiracy to We feud that a simple brenkfnet with
Postern, is as satisfying and more
strengthening than the old heavier
Meal we used to have with the other
kind of coffee " Nellie glteti by
Postum Co.. Battle Creek, Mich.
There'll n tease's. Pend the little
book, "The Itond to We114Il1r," in
First Burgeon-Ifays you anted
yam. man?
Second Surgeon -No. but I've sav-
ed hie appearlia.
They Brought Back His Strength
When he Could Neither Rest nor
Winnipeg, titan., Dec. 4. -(Specials.
-Mr. lien ltnITert y, the welt -known
C.P.R. engineer, whose home is at
175 Maple Street, is one Winnipeg
(man who swears by Dodd's Kidney
.'Long hours on the engine an 1 the
mental strain broke doer my ...in-
stitution." Mr. itanerty says. "My
back gate out entirely. '3'•1-'itee,
Sharp, tutting( pains followed nue
another. till 1 felt 1 was being sliced
away piecemeal. i w'o111(1 coins in
tired to death from n run. My s•►!(•
desire would be to get rest and
sleep. and they were the very 1 1111,'5
1 could not get. Finally 1 hu 1 to
lay off work.
"Then 1 started to take !)nest's
Kidney I'iills, and the first night after
using thele 1 slept Soundly. h1 three
day's' 1 threw away the brit 1 have
worn for years. Dodd'S Kidney fills
cured due."
- •
Teacher -What element in huger is
necessary to the human body?
Pupil -So sill.
Angel Child -"Aunt Daisy, what
is meant by 'a fictitious character'?"
_Aunt Daisy -"'Phut steads one that
is made up, clear."
Angel Child -"Oh, yes! Then you're
a fictitious character, aren't you,
au n -tie?"
N a dor bites you don't be scared. Bathe the
weasel with c,l.l water and cover it with a doth
on which Wearer's Cerate has been freely
apt bila The ('irate relieves the pain caused by
tat sting of lugeete.
get n Business 111• Shorthand education
nothing will pay you so well, rind rlo
awheel can do so well for you ns tete
ahrdlu hl•dh1 hrdlu shrdiu hrdlu 11rd1
old successful Canada Business Col-
lege of Hamilton. \\'e an plate 21N)
of our geminates in good situations
during the incoming year. \\'e did
1l this year find can do it again. 'This
is the old reliable College of (:anndn,
established 44 yenrs; 26 years under
present principal. Over 3,000 gradu-
alea 111 successful business life. 'Illy
it. Write
R. E. (A1.1.11:11E11. Principal.
C. It. College. lituoillen, Ont.
1. \I. 1. \, Buildings.
A barrister maned Ruske 40118 thing,
n ease in i.imerick before Chief Baron
O'Grady. alien. in the course of the
lawyer's speech. an nee began In hr•ny
loudly outside (he court -room. the win•
dnw rd which opened on a pasture.
"Wait a minute," said 1114' Chip( Ilnr.
on. "One nl n time. Mr. itushe. if you
The l'nrt•ister I.01'srnlly 111(41 at good
('hand' to retort. Whet* ('Grady was
charging file jure the 11,• again began
to bray, this 111110 111 a greater distance
from the ernlrt-runs) window.
"1 lel your Lordship'. pardon," said
Rushes. "\1ay 1 eek you to repent your
last words? 'there. Is such an echo here
I did not 11ui11 1„1(•11 y..ur 1:1,1 Sera•
Brighton tet04e. this v041r ', .1,3 •d a
profit of nhnut £'1,2('4', whirs w.1!
pass Into the curpuratiun treasury.
Teacher -Willie, what animal is
web footed?
Willie -Tho spider.
tadl's w (tear.
As Joss 41.+011
3Pit3E13E1 Mel
0.nJ lea your nun• soJ1Jn... aa4 lleu ..11 rer•If 1-•s• 01
[.sats= 12 Rings and It Telalb'.. ,Our 1105 patteesai
Ther ars teas .4,144117 •nagual.a .n aul ,.r.. 1)•J •wbUM1
kisedA.- ••,iwd Lae*: .t4.. They ars ty(5cu and tM4itar 1.1,a.
Ise, sod never ta,msh.
580 (h• 44 .(81)41.1 at a Gents .act. leaking /1.44 &Kto4Nhu,
.• rill nen) 70v at oma. as . .ar1. a Na4e.11aat LAYS:
lmn, or other Presentee! HIgh-class J.wsu.ry, .h, � le•e
001.0 a CO., No. 2, The water Herm, tllalaatst•s massa%
Easily and Quickly for '
t• -•Or Ullpto�alnny other laxly efas) P
lk chorea sad
WW1 urpO..•
r, in brut
• 4441144 ALrallta TILA(ed. WALL nLaIQCWO. eltir
` ^ yALA. all of one or assorted; ,tame., etc. lett.
- beautiful, .1.510 souvenirs. Your,&i and
... qulckl7 sell atter each.
EEEP 830.00, $EMD US 820,00 -zap
•'' 10 YO[[T trerlt[D n! 445Ta8fnnensamDl
- ceder. FatfaraMle'ts9aranbad-
1t.iry,11one7"((144-, 51001 pre.. AddIConaiW
5848103 a* advertising souvenir+, 1 .r marc(+
WIu'CON61N 8iFO. CO.. Wr1.206. M4
MA'r1'E1t 01•' SHAPE.
"What have you in the shape of
cucumbers?" asked the woulcgbe cus-
tomer, as he entered the grocery.
"Nothing hut bananas, sir," an-
swered the new clerk.
Help your children to grow strong
and robust ,children
counteracting anything
that causes ill -health. One great cause
of disease in children is worsts. Re-
move them with Mother (:raves' Worm
Exterminator. 1t never fails.
'lits value of all kinds of 11811 land-
ed in England and Wales in. 13111' year
is over $35,000,000. and the number
of men and boys employed over 40 -
Little hut Searching. -- Dr. Von --
Stan's Pineapple Tablets are not big beliosainto t. Plod. A plaster.yual to "The
IIaUSCOIis doses that contain injurious D • Menthol. Nor side ache nnthang equals it.
drugs or narcotics -they are the pure >n yard roll cuts 7 plasters. Malted o1) receipt of
6 5 I price. -Lies tl.awrenco Cu., Montreal.
vegetable pepsin - the medicinal ex -t
tract froth this luscious heel, and the I All mien have an inherent ability
tablets are prepared to as palatable to make mistakes.
forts as the fruit itself. They cure in-
digestion. 60 in n box, 35 cents. -56
Competition is the life of tratle
from the viewpoint of the buyer
Many inherit weak lungs. and aa dia.
ease usually assails the weakest point,
these persons are continually exposed
to attacks of cold and pulmonary dis-
turbances. 1'he speedy use of Sickle's
Anti- Consumptive Syrup will bo found
a preventive and a protection. strength-
ening thu organs so that they are not
so hable to derangement front exposure
or abrupt atmospheric changes. 'tickle's
Syrup Is client) and good.
310')' TET.
Cushier (coughing) -Pardon tae, I
didn't catch your last name.
Ethel (blushing) -1 haven't caught
it yet, myself.
A roan often makes ellowa rices for
his wife, het not tllwnys in the form
of a weekly stipend.
A Quick Recovery from Peyer and all slck-
ne.s it always the ease when " Varnish'," the
beet tonic 1. used. 1t 811114s, it strengthens, it
gives new life. Try it.
Willie -"Father, what's n spend-
thrift?" 1'athel•-"A Iran who
spends u great deal of money fool-
ishly." Willie -"Then is a man who
lends mu,ney foolishly a 1111(i1hrift?"
You cannot be happy while you have
corns. 'Then do not delay in getting a
bottle of Holloway's Corn Cure. It
uuycs all kinds of corns without
pain. 1"ailure with it is unknown.
When the cooking -school graduates
casts her bread upon the waters she
hopes it will return to her in the
shape of u wedding cake.
Their complete home cure. Post
free to readers of this paper.
For limited period only.
A handsome illustrated treatise• sly -
Ing full dr:.cr:olAann (' hhcumatism and
Paralysis, witlr instructions for a com-
plete home cure, describing the most
aucce•i••.ful treatment In the world. re-
tommeudrd by the Ministry and endors-
ed by medical men. This highly In.
structi%e book was written by W 11.
Veno, a gent:emen who has made. •
study of those dle•ealell Th* preface in
by • grad wile of the t'rltversity of
Wurtrbarg Mend pietas to -day and
you will recetse the hook free by rM
filen.-Adders• . The Veno Drug Co., 21
Klug St , 11•e.t, Tetunto
MAK IV: 1)1' 1'(l){
Mrs. 'noway -You cal•'t imagine
bort convenient 1 find it to 'have a
telephone in the house. I don't sect
how we ever maling(•d to get along
without it.
ller ilusbantl-1'4.'•. 1 can imagine,
without any trouble• how conveni-
ent you find it. i tried nine times to
call vote up to -day. nod 1•t01;v time
you were busy talking to somebody
It's the !net draw
bunk :termini..
that breaks the
Baby Humors. - Dr. Agnew's Oint-
ment soothes, quiets, end effects quick
and effective cures in all skin eruptions
common to baby during teething time.
It is harmless to the hair in cases of
Scald Head, and cu►•es Eczema, Salt
Rheum and all skin Diseases of older
people. 35 cents. 55
In the palm of the hand there are
2,5(10 pores to the square inch. If
these pores were united end to (tel
they would measure about live miles.
The Luxury of a sound throat and robust lung.
1s most keenly enj:.ted by peuple who, having
suffered from a 'little cold, you know,- Irate
been rescued from nicer) and danger by Allen's
Lung Balsam.
When yon writ„ to a assn read
your letter over carefully, then mail
it, when you write• to tt woman read
It over threes tial..•, then burn it.
A Cure for Ilheunlatism.-Thr le tru-
sion of uric acid into the blood %.•1..01.1
is a fruitful cause of rheumatic pains
This Irregularity 111 owing to a derang-
ed and unhealthy condition of the liver.
Anyone sable':t (0 this painful affection
Will find a remedy In 1 arnmelee's Vege-
table fills. Their action upon the
kidney's in pronounced and most benefi-
cial and by restoring healthy action,
they correct Impurities in the bMoo.I.
A bee that works only by night is
to be found in the jungles of Indite.
It is an unusually large insect, the
combs being often 0(t. long 1>.v 4ft
wide. -�
Bright's Disease • - Insidious! de(•ep.
lite! rrlenlless! bac foiled 111111(18,'(15, of
trials by medical science to stem the tide
of its ravages -- told not until South
A►nerirnn Kidney Curr proved beyond
doubt Its power to turn back the lido.
was there tl gleam of :me thing but de
spoil' for the victim of this dread form
of kidney disease. -54
"Mr. Oeeply," said 1lie hostess,
t>11R NANI
77 =sum Masi
LAI)1E8' 4'114 MBN'S 1
COAT$. everything In
(ya. 8. de.. I srf eth b
We are eppofutlug
in every town or sills
the .ale of our remed
O 111114 horses, ('attl
♦ Poultry, Young Culp
.11 Y.....
Our Free Ad%ice
sill lntorest you.
dies and nearest
can know taw IUD
animals are sub)
v ■
.The ■Ti
will 4.e often
4380 pages.
enlarged wlti
Gazetteer, and
ar,. edited by
II. 8. Com
w.1.t r . (•n1
•+•ala Karats/
Wets fee
O. a 0. M
"A- nd ye
struggling w
r(1 steak of
the cook -la
t hely Say
The World
and pains
:nails, and
multitude of
"non's you oblige us with one more but in the le
sung?" "Olt, really!" replied the liggerrc In tak
eminent vocalist. "the hour et late. PI'uu,(11 ices
rnu,e nl a un
lin afraid my singing %till disturu Ac which w0
the neighbors." "Net et- ind that, and ( has
%f markable de
They've gut n dog whose huwliug
di..turbs 4114' nt night."
Impurities In the lglood.-When the
action of the kidneys becomes impaired.
impurities In the blood are almost sure se%01113-three
to fellow, and general doran(Femend of nitre in (:4.r
the 'system ensu':•.. Parmelee'', Vcge•
table 'isle will regulate the kidneys. An
that they will maintain healthy action ise Stour
sad prevent the contplicatione which
ccilaaily come when there In derange-
ment of these delicate orga.,s. As a
restorative these Pil1e aro in the first
In 1•'lalnce,
mune than
It sometineet happens that a 1neck
and Iu%41v gi '1 1;41.4400e a ' 11•enuous
Ssaligkt Soap le Dotter [ban Ober soaps,
bot is beet vbea used is :be Sunbelt way.
Say Saalielt Soap sad follow 4Ynetiens.
"I understood you to any," rota -
clawed the home -seeker, "that the
house ails n brownstone front.'•
"Oh, no," replied the slick real-
estate man, "i mert•ly said it was 'a
brown front.' " •
"Iluh! We nothing but pliist•r
"True, bill -4.r -it's all hand
S'F11E31(OU5 IN'I'1' tt I EW.
V. 0 h a look of inti nee sadness on
Lis tare the 31011110 man limped into
the pn.rlor.
"Well." gn.TIed the anxious maid,
"%that did pope say?"
Words cannot repress it." enswer-
e,i the youth. as he leirri •(Ily crawl-
ed into his overcoat, -but 111,, ergu-
&8ent date. 0n.. a (14111.
St(,Ulle•II is 11
the slanip01
woe." A 11
feel digest
mcnns slron
-strong 110
dilation. rich
South Amer'
keeps the slam
Sealskin sh
In l.atra(lor.
Sledges 1 riot
the rough i
for the feet
Your Lode
F sad
emelt cold.
what R
so be Ike
&mete of
kis a
take. k