HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-12-14, Page 11
ve just corrected our Label
•- )or. our label read 1906
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and we will help right it.
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We print
.fire you a
ter colum
you pay for
C tN•N•• ••••NNt,N• N•NN•NNHNNNN••$•
Little L1 nodware and
Seed Store
;tll;tgt gear 3 place for Builders and those intending to build
Id go to get Cheap Hardware as we carry a full
We --',"-!‘z.- of
••. ` „. T. HAWKINS & SON
Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass &c.
In Centents we carry the two leading Brands
of Canada
National and Star
We also make a specialty of Eavetrougbing as
we have a machine to make all our own Troughs
and can give you firstclass material. Try us and
you will be conuinced.
Ik. not 1
your I.1 g'.
drugzi,t are., ..H11.414••••411••••••••••••••41041•410••••414••••••••••••••410
Jr. Leaving. -A. Britnell, 87; N.
Mussell, 67; Mary Murray, 66; .M.
Pfaff, 62 ; E. McPherson, 61; 31.
Jones, 51; D. Dipping, 57; .1. Arm-
strong, 50; W. Triebner, 48; F.
Clegg, 46; JL Knight, 45; 11, Work-
man, 29.
Jr. Matriculation. -\W. Kni;1st, 53
per cent ; V. /Sanders. 51; R. Farmer
47 ; E. Senior, 43; A. Goin„ 42; C.
Stoneman, 35 ; E. iDetvia, 31; H. Gar-
diner, 30; 11. rail-, 21; T. C:.rling,
20; L Davis 11. Na on roil, 21;
doily aver:1;o 23.
L. C. FLEMING. Teacher.
D. Stoneman, 83 per cent ; G.
Thomson, 78; E. Taylor, 74; T. San-
• ders, 66; E. Goetz, 63; M..1sawkins,
58 ; C. Fisher, 56 ; A. May, 55 ; 1t.
Geiger, 54 ; W. Daym:tn, 51; E. Wil-
lis, 41; ,B. Sh'ere 44; 13. Martin, 41;
M. Johns, 40; F. Foss, 39; L. Martin,
36; D. Rendlc, 34; M. Bobicr, 32; L.
Coul tis, 30; 3. Rowe, 27; G. Dick, 25;
E. Goin;, 19; J. Walker, 7; L. Hem-
mer, 4. Not on roll 25; ;average 23.
Regular Class. - Ilonors, Irene
llandford, 84 ner cent ; Lloyd Godwin
80; Louis Birncy, 78; Lizzie Saunders
77; Lilian Amos, 76; Letitia Jlullhol-
land, 73; Katie Dollins`, 73. Pass,
Flossie Sweet, 69; Alice Davis. 68;
Lilic H,odgert, 68; Clarence eliners,
87; Kathleen Stewart, 63; Ella May
Down, 63; Norman 1iod;crt, 62;
Anna Dow, 61; Bertha Mack, 56;
/Minnie Amey, 55; Winifred Huston,
i 54; Beatrice Leowey, 53; Douglas
Godwin, 52; Milocn Farmer, 49;
Charlie Dunsford, 40; Douglas
Stewart, 35. No. on eroll 45; aver-
age attendance 43.
Oommcr.:,ial class.- Honors, Ilu;h
McKay, 88 per cent ; May .Quante,
85; Bessie Welsh. 83; Jessie Camer-
on, 82; Alice Howard. 78; Allan Mo -
Curdy, 76; Bert Luxton, 75; Dora
Wert, 70; Edith McKay, 70. Pass
able McTo girt, 69; Edna Bissett
68; Bertha Snell. 66; Willie Russell,
65; Emily Fee, 65; Mary Meek, 63;
Earl Spackman, 59; Mitchell Wil-
lis. 56; Oliver Fee, 56; Maude Petty
48; Milton Ortwcin. 48.
A.F. CIIiDLEY, Teacher.
Jr. 1V. -Alonzo Heywood, 7 2 per
oent. No. on roll 44; daily :average.
1'. E. McLEAN, Teacher.
Sr. 1I1, -Percy Godwin, 75 per cent
Pearl Johns, 74; Lily Rowe, 74 ; Mary
Davis, 72; Ida Welsh, 71. Jr. 111. -
l1. --
Lillian Boyle and Clair Wood equal
72 per cent ; Willie Ferguson, 72;
Raymond Dcarin;, 71. No. on roll
46; average 41.
11. E. \VALROND, Teacher.
Senior 1i.-Jauxs Walker, 69 per
cent ; Willie Ford, 88; ,Irene Hardy,
81; Oliver 1 err, 80; Lotti! Delve_
78; Willie Ilan, 76; Fred Shad -
dock, 75 ; Olive Dearing. 73. 31iddte
11. -Madeline Collins. 95 per cent ;
Ituss<'l1 J3.slkw-ill, 81: Eddie Anderson
79 ; Lcon Treble, 77; Gladys Delve,
73; Ftorry Dintx•y, 72: Viola Itowc,
71; Miller Host on, 70. Junior 11.--
13ruce Walker, 81; May Ilrirna-
combe, 74 ; (PCJ r Anderson. 71. No.
on roll 54; average 50.
A. E. MAILTIN, Teacher.
Jr. Ii.-3Lar;uerite Gardiner, 91;
Linden Harvey-. 90; Nellie Jones, 88;
Jean Seldoo. 86; A; les Mcliay, 85:
Blanche Quante, 84; Muriel Jong,
80; Jo't' rollick, 75; !feta Itow•c, 75.
Sr. l't. 11. -Willie Kydd, 85; Nor-
man flocks). 77; Stanley Johns, 75;
Labelle IIand( ord, 71 ; Gordon
Richardson, 70. No. on Toll 39; av-
erage attend trace 31.
Pi� 11 in Stock
It cares
n and Shorts
Throat, Pains J Wheat Chop
t►tlxtioa of j
.haw. 442 C=a ,ser ,end Centralia Elevators
Dish to tha.
Wood's Nor 'f S satisfactory, Bring in
hushaal L r grain and load home
me.licin. • feed.
treof it i~
wrappt ,er. Centralia.
=MONO" _
You are Suit buyers. We make the
Belts- you wear them nut. We make
them as wall as we can. so that they
Will not wear out sooner than they
ought. Because, if they do, you'll
Likely go somewhere else for our
next Suit. And no one could blame
i you. So much money ought to buy
X so much Suit worth. And Suit worth
Is fashionableness of fabric -style in
tut -fit -finish -looks - dressyness -
'and length of service.
•As good a place as there is within
"Biles to get all this and not pay to°
m'•_h is `V. Johns.
Elegant Black and Blue
Suitings for $15.00
and $18.00.
We have been appointed sell
ing agents for the Regina Precis
sion Watches. We have a com-
plete stock of them. Anyone
contemplating purchasing a
watch will make no mistake by
calling on us. We will explain
the fine quality of this celebrated
We have reason to be proud of
our fine stock of rings. We have
the finest display in this county
and at prices so low which do not
fail to tempt anyone.
t'Merchant Tailor
Western Real Estate
Exchange, Limited.
78 Dundas St., London
.. -Hatt you a farm that you want
w„ Write for our terms of scl-
with r.• : see rtJ. \We 1,•is the alert
flee d,• a method of adveertieinz and
die -1,1- t property in Canada. Do you
,serve to buy a farm or business
Watchmaker, Jeweler, Optician.
P. S. -Our holiday catalogue is now
ready. Anyone wishing one kindly
drop us a post card and we will be
pleased to nail you one.
The fallowing is t he report to the
Sr. and Jr. department of 8. S. No.
1, Stephen for the month of Novem-
ber, baud on .good conduct and gen-
eral prodieiency.
Sr. Department. - Sr. V. -Samuel
McCoy. 764 ; Enos. Windsor, .697:
Vernon Wilson. Jr. V. - !tarok'
Duplan, 640; Willie Sims, Wilfred
Iiodsina. Sr. IV. -Margery Hcpourn
1316; Gifford Hogarth, 1306; Archie
Robinson. 1292; Czar Wilson, 1128;
Gordon Wilson, 999; Fronk Mitchell
976; Murray Elliott, 863; Gladys Es.
eery, 849; Lily Robinson. 793; Joseph
White, 779. Jr, IV.-Ilazol Hicks
1230; Eddie Sims, 997 ; Morvan El-
ston, 954 ; Austin 4)uplan, 915. Sr.
111. -John ltosarlh, 1086; .Iva Esscry
859• Malv,tn (:alfas, 858; ,'Maxwell
nav,11.11n. 713; Jo to \V1:i'e 01 : Ross
\Vallis, 384 ; Norman Meesman.
M. 13OTTEICILL, Teacher.
Jr Department. -Jr. lip. - Earle
Callfas, 1028 ; Elynsc:r Wil:9n, 993:
Ella Baker, 913 ; harry \Windsor, 1332;
Roy Callfci:, 688; Hubert White, 564;
Willie Alexander, Edna .Davey, nos
sicDavey. Sr. ll,-1'red E,se.ry, 1001,
freed England. 773; Anthony White
688; Fred 1".iirli:ill, 408. Jr. 11. -
Murvan 0callfas 1081; Everett Call-
fas, 1043. Lower Jr. 1I. -Vera Motz
967 01 holia Mot z, 933 ; Madeleine
Il:tist, 894 ; .M !lean En sIvid, 849:
819; Willie Baker, 709. Pt. Ii, -Vic-
tor Ho -gar -do 860; Mabel Elliott,
563 ; Ethel Itowden, 550; Ilutert
Neil, 537 ; Eddie Alex:ander, Ralph
Wallis. Pt. I. -Arthur Robinson, El-
mer Wilson, Albert Hackney. Geor.c
MAl'DE I'OIITER, Teacher.
Tho Lollowin; is the report of S.
S. No. 2. Stephen for November. V.
Class, Roy Hill, 75 per cent. Sr, JV
Olive King, 77; Laura Sims, 76; Her-
bert Mitchell, 71: Stewart Mit-
chell. 71; Clayton Situs, 58 ; Everett
Sims, 53. Jr. 1Vlloryl Hill, 75;
Mary Chamber., 64. Jr. 111. -Lillian
Stahls, 70; Matilda Edward,, 66;
Eli Sims, 66; James Carroll, 57. Sr.
IL -Sidney Smart. 68. Jr. II.- Viola
Cornish, 71; Irvin; Stahls, 64; An-
drew Flanagan, 57. l't. I. Sr. -Gert-
rude King. 79 ; Elizabeth Sims. 64.
Pt. I, .l r. -Myrtle Sims, 78.
0. M. TURNER, Teacher.
The follottiu; is a correct report'
of the standing of the pupils of S.
S. No. .3, Stephen. for the months
October and November The names
are in order of merit. Sr. IV, -
Thomas Pcnbuale, Fred nearer, Ralph
Willis, Cecelia Ford, Ilarry Teichner,
Hilda Preszoator, Ilarry Parsons.
Sr. i11. -Gladys Ikar:ns, Edwin
Teichner, Earl Parsons. Sherman
Willis. May Sanders. Jr. IID.-FIor-
ence Meesman, Preston Dearing, Frcd
l'reszcator, Johnny Willis, Gcor_e
Hicks; Earle Shapton unclassified.
Sr. II. -Ada Willis, Gordon Sanders,
Florence Tricbner, Chester Par-
sons, Alymer Willis. Jr. Ii.- Wil-
frid Shapton, Olive J'reszeator, Mar-
Tha itazsltaw, (;erilort 1'enhalc. Sr.
Port 11. -Garfield Stanlake. Sr. I't, e
I. -Merle Millis. Itc_ie Parsons,
Charlie Tricbner. .1r. 1't. I. - Leta
Sanders, Gordon )seaman, Verna
I're.szcator, Johnny ll.t;,haw, Verde
Box. Total number on roil 37 ; ov-
erage attend ince 2J.
i'EiRCW S. BANES, Teaeber.
The folioteir._ is a co: rect report
of the standing of the ,pupil, of S.
S. No. 4, Stephen, for the month of
November. N ,fines are In order of
merit.. V. -Elgin Amy. Sr. IV. -
\Vi!bur Morlork. Sylx Il.a Morlock,
Gladys Ke'tk. !delft Schwarz. Wil-
lie Preazoalor, Lucille Schwarz, Min-
nie Kestk. Nellie Amy. F,tht•1 Kee
tle. Menace Either. Jr. I\-.- 1.^nae
Morlock, )Larry Schwarz, Ede in
Wein. Herbert Wein. Sr.' 111.-Arvr
Ilaokkcnshirr, Alvin Cornish. Leon-
ard Schroder, Clarence Either, !toi-
1 i:1,SIE A. McCALLUM, Teacher. j Iola Smith. Herbert Kraft, Oscar
Jr. 11. -Alma Mack, 92; Florence : Emerton Schroeder, Clinton Itro•.t11,
(ROOM VIII. Cornish. Jr. iii.-\\'illae Schw-irz,
- Rowe, 91; Robbie Fleming, 89; fist- Miidrer, kturnpp, Motel C-.xwo,tl,,
E• ELLIOTT & CO. feel Day, 85; Lily Collingwood, 84: Mervin Brokenshire. Sr. it. -Gurdon
{ Mabel Knot fn; Eddie Welsh, and Cornish, Otto Brew. n. Jr. 11. -Lulu
ild and Improved Lands, Meissel, 72. 4r. 1't. 11. -Anna Dell, Emerson Ilona!'•.. .1r, Pt. 11.-lidr73
North-west Land Aents \\r
Selected \� neon cereal 7
3f n teal 9; Beatrice Kestk Clara \Nein tie l't: 11
80: Fanny Hoes. 71 • Maud llicks, Am
y. Clmtr.n 11or!)rk. F:rnersr.11
FOR BALE 70. Jr. 1't. 11.-Jrey Ferguson. 72, Wein. Sr. 1't. 1.-l1' Either, Joseph
in Wilbur \1itc11c11 71. No. on roll 37 8cfswsrs. .lcvet,h Itroken+hire, L
some of the hest parte of the vino Smit h. llere.n Cox wort h, Ed 1
,vera -;c attendance 32.
dieCornish. .\t•�r.
GEORGE W. i..\\\•SON. Teacher.
"property in any part of Ontariodl L. M. JEl'Iii:1.L, Teacher. age attenrDrice tO.
fiend for our het. We have some I It will he worth your while seeing us _
bar vine. before purchasing. CREDITON SC11001, ItEPORT
- Office opposite Central Hotel t The folloeing is a report of ('rd-
pi . it.art Public School for Nov. 75 ,c r
EXETER. ONTARIO. cent of th t•na irks are .required for
honors, CO for peas.. N. arms in erde.r
of merit.
Railway sr:t.m
oinz December 911i. to lDec-
Kil[� E ccmber 15th.
ian; until Mond ay December
annul! %tinter fair is noted
excellent exhibits of i.rc
-. etc.
i\ rflcetinz of the Exeter High
school Seicntif,c ,nd Literary 8o-
rre•ty was held on Friday Dec. 8th,
the purpose of .'kci nz officers for
the new term and to consider whit
is to he done with the surplus mon-
ey in the Treasury. The late. fare -i -
dent Thomas Carling, filled the chair.
The following officer` were sleeted:
Alice Howard, i'reeident : Frank
('leg;. Vice president : !;ern. Work-
man, seerctnrv; Ilarry Gardiner.
treasurer; Thomas Carlin!, Glee
club leader : Miss Miry Merrey,
critic. Willie Knight, journalist :
Victor Sander., question drawer:
Miss FI;e�ie Foss. P ani_+t : Elmore
s=enior, fit' Etta Davi•, Geo. 1)�ck.
1 u Miss and Pct!.
Dias _an 11!. \ . o
Ii nor+, Fdna
Pack. Pa Ger tic short. Garnet
S i-eitzer. IW.-Ilonors, )'earl G.'iser
pass, Fetifi Hill. Sr. 11i.- }Honors,
Elsie Gasser and L;Ilian Fnkbeiner
Aleda I'inkbeine•r. 1''ss.
Clara Hot:srnuur, Harry Trick, !'earl
Hart, Matilda O-streeicher.
fief 11
Ti." fcltotein: - the November
monthly retort of S. S. N. 14, St en -
ley. N :nso• are in order of moot.
Sr. \'.-A. M. Johnston. Mary John
slon, ids Dinsdalc Jr. V. - I.dain
G^mine!!, Elearrrtr Tloe1'1. Sr. IV. -
.lc.in Grassick, Norman Jones. Jr.iV.-F:tea Jar, et, M. y. Fisher.
.1.irr' 1. 111.-J.anctt Lo?.anm
, .Taes
Gernmcil, Ada Meltcath. tt•. 11. --
Arther Jerre", Lola iIaihntll, Walter
Mcnrolb, Jr. I1._At-an F'i+herr. 11••1'.
herr Kell, fe-eend 1'.arr.-Ann-a M.
D,tiston 11. 1n.crnied t 1.- pied. First Telef.-Pi 11 at heel!, A.
Honor.. Pearl Treitz. Pass Nelson Mt''•furtric. W. Melketth. The best
Hill, Harry 81angnus, Gcorze Beaver st+el!ere in th cmonrhly spelling
.1r. 111.-1l-•ror., Lulu Gaiscr. Pass mottles Isere: V, A. nt. .lohnstem :
Greif 1 ljis's-:t. Edwin Fahncr, 11, et IV, Etta 1,arrret . 111,1a'. Ge-tntnell :
\Wentxel. .ir. 11. - Honer.. Et.lyn Sr. iI. 1.•111 It.atheell: Jr. 11. Allan
Bluctt, Lulu Hcdelen, Lulu 1).tnnt. FnM'r.
Vase. Emmanuel Beaver, Mutely W. II. .TOIINSTOX, Teacher.
11oltzmlen. A \�.-i'aes. Gert rode
Gucntlrer Re., f'd1-r'Treitz. A IV - Palpi'atrnn cf the 1 cart, ner-
Honors,mond Enzli=h. 1'a :'
lie Winer, Alonzn Redden.MiSS FARROW. Te 'cher.
D,vi•.inn i. -Sr. II. -Ilene. Qu. en•
la }le•elzia•. Florien 11.11. Pass, Mel-
vin Drown, We•Ilington 11 •set Mervin
Winer, Willie Motz. Fd th Mete. eon.
fart II.-l'os+. Gorden li^ncdict.
Frank Kins. llerlert !grown. 11 111
iioo. 11arrin:ron Fink/peter. Pea.
Verna 11111, Irene\Veefe. A 11. -
I'thors+. Po' hi Kinn, Enlatcry Gar -
ger. Cc' tie Erb. P.. s• C'lhra O'-
an A,n (. rter. A I. -1' •ea
Lam )hr-'. 1..verzne 11e'4lurr ty
51ild i Garen t he r.
Ileso Mi s F woks Fos?. M
Do not f it to Rte it. \lis Lilian Amon pt ezram teen
int:)ircct lice to Guelph ria Grand Damp Rcudle. metier. With such a
o• teak from all direction..
• •pre tickets frau
lasT J. J. KNIGHT,
be! Depot ticket aieat, Exeter.
it ..'`Ct passenger agent. Toronto.
Owe tea- --�---
etests-so or
Do .tot
capable stet( of officers the 1110 1,
are sure they will have eomc fine
meetings for the neer term. There
is about A.5 in the treasury at pre-
sent and the society thnuzht it
would 1'e Letter to 1.110 the matter'
of dispnsinz of phi• money oyer till
the new term.
!ears the 1111111 TN We INV
rousnese, tremblings, nervous head-
ache. cold hands and feet. pain in the
back and other forms o! weakness
are relieved by Carter's Iron rills
made specially for the blood nerves
, and complexion.
Por Iafaats lad Cbiidrea.
1M Kw YN Nan Always guilt
Bears the
Esau" Of
Anniversary Services.
The anniversary services of the
James Street Methodi,t church were
held List Sunday, and those who at -
ed e;pectin4 to hear good preaching
and singing had-theeir expectations
more than gratified. The large edi-
fice was comfortably filled at the
uroruin; service and ,tn 1he cveninz
every available space was taken, and
chairs and benches hail to 1'o brought
from the Sunday school room to ac-
commodate the overflow. The ser-
vices were conducted by the Rev. J.
1V. Graham, of the First alethodisl
church, London, and een of Rev.
James Graham, former pastor of the
Jaynes street church, Exeter. Rev.
Russell, who conducted the services
In the ,Mairi strut church the pre-
vious S:.bbatle in rpcakin; of Rev..1. W. Graham said all giants were
not dead, and as. a proicher Rev.
Graham is one of the fiver giants of
the present day ;end those who heard
the rev. zentleulan preach are in
accord with Mr. Russell's state-
ment. Mr. Graham is a youn; man
but is endowed with such vigor and
force of character that he es classed
ninon; the beet preachers of Canada.
The easy ,tyle in which he addresses
Ids audience and the excellent'
thoughts of his .,ext give Leen the
closest attention of his bearers. lie
has a pathos tt-hich is endearing and
his visit )leers. will ba long rcmetn,
be:ed. Mr. C. J. Pink, the. tenor
soloist, Of London, whe made teucL
a favorable impression by hie ring -
in; in the Main street church, was
engaged for the occasion and gained
for himself further appreciation of
the Exeter people by his excel,
lent renditions. The choir had pre-
pared special music and it may bo
said it woe of the superior order and
was a big factor in the success of
the service;. 'The collection amount-
ed to 8230. Rev. Going filled Rev.
Graham's pulpit during the day in
A meeting .of those interested in
curling met at Iti.e parlors of the
Central }hotel last Thursday even-
ing;, N. D. Hurdon was elected chair-
man and J. J. Whits, secretary, pro -
tem. Mr. Fred Bowden esta,ted that
tho rink ooued be secured Tuesday
and Thursday evenings and every
afternoon except Saturday for 815
or $50 for the reason. A committee
was 'appointed to sin about the ren•
tat or purchase of stoner, and upon
their report, if tfavor;,ble, a commit-
tee will :secure memoers. It iv in-
tended 1roldinz another meeting
shortly when trermanent officers will
coo cleated.
The Council met in the Town )Ia11
Friday c%enin_ last. All tnemimrs
were present except Councillor Arm-
strong. The minutes of 1},e t
preview meetings were read and
with a few alterations passed and
si;ncr. ny the reeve.
Mr. L. i1. Dickson was pre.ent
tbitlt the electric li,zht contract, giv-
in; Mr. Snell .i ten years' franchise.
The rontraet was rend anis appror-
and i; a very hinter]; onc. 1f Mr.
Sell lives up to its agreements 11e
ale sure of good lights for ten years
at team.
A communication from the secre-
tary of the fire Underwriters As-
sociation 1113 reed. The 1stter .u;-
;csted that this fire apperatus be
carefully !coked of c•r .and kept in
good condition, that acater in the
hailer of the engine be kept from
(.ecus; and that fuel Le on hiu,l
:t alt lim(5.
A by-law for the issuing of des
be•ntures to the zranolithic pave -1
.sent constructed during the ye.tr
was read the requir'd number of
times and passed. Bids for the pur-
chase wilt be op.cnod nn Friday-.
The Street Commissioner and Coun-
cillor Wood were appcintcd t., Dur•
chase a stove for tb.' market. Ono
teas secured on Feturdty suitable
for the purpose. for e3.7511,,
The foliowin: accoun's etre pas: -
cd and orders drawn on alto Trras-
urer for the same: Or. 1!. K. Hynd-
rm,n, attendance on Mrs. A. I3clback
eP2A0; Do. attend ince on Wm.
I;rim:acarnb' and family 836.25; ISc11
Telephone Co., ball t'-trly vent,
remetcry, $12.L0:Ed, Tisble, oc. to
Oct. N, $1.05: .1. T. \Vestedt, meals
for tramp, 50c.: Thos. Hartnett, la-
lex- and tile, $2.F0: liawden h Sweet.
h11on tenth, less 10 per cent, $594.09
T. Ilawkin. & San for library, $8.04
Amhresc Cottle, sore for duntpin4
.round. 83.00; Thos. Creech, nal. on
zeas.! •er.,$46.07: Thcs. Snell. labor
*1.25: (:co. Cudmore, 'o., el.50: 14.
Vinson, rlot►tit'.r rhenna y Toe ti Hall
751.: tilunicit.tl Wd, T
1,11 tc. 1!'111, ?1.47: orlTimS1.e•: 1't;.homas ac.
P05, $61.60; Advocate l't 1. ae. 1905.
$49.94: 8am1. St -Intake & Sen. ne.
per lumber, cemetery, 834.13 ; : 11. F.
Ilusten, Secy. Public Literary, zr.int,
1100.40: 3rneuntint to $979.93:
The Council tc 111 meet a ren t hes
(Thursday) rccrain:.
The folloi inz is th ereiost of 8.
5. No. 6 ('borne, dor the month of 'r
N',s.'mTFee, N:atnes in order of merit.
V ('!.its. -Olive ilcrryl.iII. Willie El-
ford, Almc n s Ikywood. Sr. IV. -
L'ur,a r;,.dholt, othc11, Ileywooil,�
c. e -
weed, NelNell,lle•yeesel. Alma .John..
Sr. Ill. -Hubert Jens. Fella Ve.al.
Elia Wr.shhurn. Jr. !seem. -.1r.
Jr. 11.-Emm111
Minnie Tatt.et. L"tli• (;o4Trolt, fear!
Guhr. Sr. 11. -John Brock. Anaold
Clarke and Jennie Cami.t''lla Heyered. Pt. 11(11.%1J -1.111(11.%1J -1.i HE
AlterCreery. Sr. 1't. 1. -Ire* Creels
Hardwick Cornish. Die Cornish. Jr.
ie. 1.-?1a�• CIa'k•'.
WiNONA HOWARD. Teeehers.
ton Cl�:r k Jr. iV .- LIIa
The Golden
TH6 LaoO of 6oIcn Opp
General Selling Agent. for C. P.
We have a number of Beautiful Sections of C. P. R.
offering at C. P, R. prices. These lands are situated on 1
the Canadian Pacific Railway and are bound to advance
time to make voter selection, *437.00 down secures yo
\Ve are also offering as Improved and Unimproved
ently situated to Railway Stations, prices range from $11
you contemplate removing to the Nest, see ue, we have I
W fi N T E,DA man and his wife to take char
the West, good wages to the righ
Also good farmer to work a la
would require to have about $300
a grand opportunity fora goad man,
It is estimated that one hundred and fifty thousand
grate to the Canadian North West, during the coming
cane know a good thing when they see it.
Are You Going to have
of the best wheat land in creation 8 if so, move quick.
higher in the cpring.
Information regarding the various lands we are °He
given. Write, or see us personally.
General Selling Agent for C. P. R. Liu
Office at Residence,
Having bought very heavy this season, we
loaded with all kinds of iurniture and in order
to less than half, we have decided to give a stra
to 20% off, on all lines, for the next thirty days.
you knot, the amount of money you intend to
this season. Just figure it out and then come
goods and find out the number of DOLLARS
making your purchase from us.
For Instan
WE will sell you a three piece Bedroom Suite,
Oak or Mahogany finish with a British Bevel
which you cannot duplicate elsewhere less than
maple, 48in., Golden Oak finish, double sha
which you cannot duplicate for less than $lo.
in comparison.
We also do all kinds of Ordered Work
neatness and despatch at ;.cry moderate price
The Leading Houde Furnishers acd Fu
There may be no to - morrow: Chi'i
How will your family
fare if you are the
next victim of
Provide for Near Future
Iby getting a Policy from
Accident S Surety C•3mpnny
A Canadian Con^,ern.
W. JOHNS, Agent, Exeter.
Useful, Styli
goods and at
price', In q
( week we ope
Crockery we
Try a you
' large supply
ed goods.
Strictly 0
. ,,f
"`•f :>. Z We have
- most suita
Xmas that
Fancy Scizrtorta ....... .... tic to 75c
Boy's Pocket Knives 5c to 45e
(gent's Pen Knives 15c to SOt
Ladies' Pen Knives.... 2k to 75c
Men's Pen Knives...... . .. 2"w to 77?c
Nut Cracker and Picks 35c
Razor Straps Zic to 75c
Guaranteed Razors 311.1 to $1.5f)
sk Ryer?
6Oc to 02.
Air Rifles
Carvers io peke
Carvers is eels
('owl Oil
And St