Exeter Times, 1905-12-07, Page 8EWART'S ready for Christtnasi' The happiest and best of all s year we have made a special effort to secure suitable s for presents. You remember the legned about the 11 the early buyer will certainly get the best choice the best values. It's none too soon to select your no better place than right here, where quality and d in hand Our guarantee goes with every sale, your for the asking if goods are not satisfactory, fair ain't it. us to the test. y Persian Lamb Jacket, $;300 buy( out. Choicest Men's Natur- curl, a beauty. al Coon Coate, yes they are Beauties. , very nice, bright, glossy elan Lamb Jacket, Near Seal Fur Jacket, sicb lar and Reverses. ur Choicest Prime Cauad- Jacket, a beauty. ur Finest Black Bokaran is is a winner. Lovely Black Astrachan p not how cheap but how !p .Astrachan Jackets are anybody. utifut American Sable full length. .Great Leader, in Armer- .RuQs, full and bung. belle. r Empress American 'heat it, you can't. [-porcelain Dinner Set in Inge of green and pink, and decorated, beautiful ery suitable for presents 112,50. elaiu China Dinner Sets. ,pies of Hareland and looks and weal's as Pets, our Xmas. bar - 114.00 and $14,50, (tOUITS and some good 'Cheese with that rich Handmade Tenerifi Doylies, direct go goad together, we from the peasants on the Canary leap too. Islands, 20c and 30c. yo'��t' �farm produce, we want it, we will pay you big prices 41. No ! We are not in the combine, -A-^ STEWART SIS 00 for Lennine Yack Fur Coat, the best value any span can put on his back, wear proof, wind proof, and tear proof. We show nearly a hundred Men's Fur ('oats and every coat a decided bar- gain. $7.75 for a Swell Saskatchewan Robe, lined with red or green curl and in- terlined with real rubber. 50c. 75c and $1.00 for Hudson Bay, Pinto Shell, Cordoran and Mule Skin Mitts, water proof, scorch proof, great wearers. 50c. 75c and 81.00 for Men's Black and Fancy Silk Neck Mufflers. We show nearly one thousand differ- ent lines of Xmas. handkerchiefs, a lot of traveller's samples at about half price. We believe we show the finest lot of Fancy Parlor Lamps that has ever graced any Exeter store. they come direct to us from the makers in Pittsburg, 85c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.75 $2.25 and $2.51. Nearly a thousands yards of Pure Silk Ribbon, 5 inches wide, all colors, at the astounding price of 10e. S, CLOCKS, ►ELERY rRWEAR NINA SS AND TIES and complete " e. We feel ase you with the prices rself. ON, TU ADVERTISERS. Toe copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisemente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. T111'!tSI)A V, DEC. 7111„ 1903 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• •• • • • LOCALS I •••••••• ►••••••• See Mara's, London ad. on peso 4. Don't Lorcl Ilow•ey's Dru; %lore for Xmas presents. :1Irs. A. F. Malloy will trot; 'receive until after Christmas. ',Miss Ethel lbw left on Monday for Brandon, I.La.n., where yho will visit for some time. rs. W. a, was 11)0Tguest of+Mrs.,of Fowell onntelond y and Tuesday of ,this week. The G. T. R. intend epcnalina ale million deflate on a now dept and elevated crocks at Montreal. Prentice' o t�rlectur- erson astnonomiIondes w ill be common when skating Dr. and Airs. Malloy oarrivede3 in townowrsetntleTli in 'tlheirehome on Jernc) street. 1Queen Alexandra way 61 i ld last Thursday and (her nirthdayyearsavois. Licenses. colobrated by the usual heartiness throu;)lout .the kingdom. Canal Sale f of Centralia, Isis alotof choice Mill an; a ries tor sale. They are :all of choice stock, and anion; them are a lot of excellent sinters. to took, we 'u. it 11 to buy, we n in , SO will We I M fi Messrs. 8. Fitton and Well Johns one day Last week, while ,slrootin; bCo►>.sirabbits derab Ie %heal iinseen r moors, kete(1 at the rnill. Mr. Luther 1'erallale, who has been a rho Note heest for the past three tonahs, returned home on Thursday i3ht of last weck. Luther 1hink1 he West is alright. Messrs. 1). and 11. Itoavctiffe ,took the poultry show at Sea fort la, r. David B.owoliffe purchased a rst prize buff rock, paying a toilsome price. RDER Mr. 11. C. Ilrewcr, w Ir.) for a tuber of years h -is been m,,n:a;er 11,0 Clinton Ibranoti of ,the blot n9 Bank has ,resi;ned, Mr. Ilrewer 5 at one time mans;er of t ha eter branch. \T•o nu of so h style, to fit, w•a Ex 1■ VUGGVSS 111 (lie Northw•e,t sa q postal note for Y tb rjption. Your paper is anxiously 'l oke, for each week and on no account �woul I we be without it. it is ne•%ly, up• to -date end a household necessity 19 us." Dr. Central unote!, Exeter, on ►tbe December 28th, 1003, alt Gey 1 for Eye, Ear, Novo and Throat con- sultation. Eyes tested and glasses Supplied, DR. OVENS, London, Sur EYE' EAR. NOSE and THILOAT Flt, Glasses properly, Office, Commer- cial Boatel. Exeter,. Next visit 8at- 1 mrd ay, 1Y•cember 16:1). TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Itromo Quinine Tab. IPMe:1 lets, An druggists refund the moa- ey if ft falls to care, E. W. Grove's ( signature is on eaoh box. 25o. )or 1':+atray-Lost in Exeter, on nd;ay. November 27111. a black lie dog. Yellow rims aroun:l •.. Aniwere to the ame a tor. Suitable reward nwill he t-a'n. Leave word at Times Office. t is not necessary for us to heap queta on ourselves. Our sub- ibere are doing that for ue. In ewin; Lis �subs,eriptsoh to 1 be ars, one of our valued euk. __.• e.rs you pay more sol Bible prices. VW. 'amen xi; Pallor.I bou Per ret. Tin T. will. Our up-to-date pettily you eihle lime. •cure zoo 1 r more meet. eon- tho- our in - i'HE; EXETER '11M 8. DECEMBER 7th, 19O. Mr. .1. W. K. Van Nur town [his eek on buil hooey's Dru; Stere for Exelea Suutelhir Calendars, only 25e. hooey's Druz Store for perfumes, Sac ( 1'u dere and Toilet Articles. Messrs. Belcher and Ci•trk, of the Mols,ons Mink staff, spent Sundt in London. 11r.;s Al. t:l-t-,u, of I'ar Sunday kith her parent Mrs. it. (:)stun, lli s Edy h Caitlin ;ha ni. of Lon- don, spent Sunday the ;uc=t of 11r. and Mrs, G. Same -ell. The Lest assortment fire cent perfumes ever C. Lutz Drug Store. Tho best Nursery and Toilet f,ow- der in the market is Suprein:,. Sola at C. Lutz', Dru; Store. A )lndsottte cotendar to all Timms' ,uhsoriberi, 1Leir subscriptions for• 19 The river leas Trozeu over ,1') se v- era! places on friday and several of the youthful were out with tbeir skates. Mr. seal I11rs. Thomet, El .son an 1 family, of Centralia, ti ere the •;uest i of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. El- ston 01) Sunday. 111111 51WS111 ao�s. khill, spent s. Mr. awl of twenty offered at ivcn away w wa)- w ill psi 06. The cabinet at Ottawa on Friatty Last oonuuuted the sentence of helix Doyle, the Brantford murderer, to life imprisonment. We desire ow• advertisers (0 .ret copy for their changes to us not Tater than Monday afternoons aur- in; the holiday tieaSOn. 11'►iat is nicer for a X cant than a bottle of port ain(Y pucka;es 25 cents to y's Dru; store. .Ebony hair brushes, othes brushes, hat brushes tushes and others •too num entice. Jlowcy's Dru; Ste Posts for Sale. -A number it posts for tale at 20 cel r car run. Jones & Clar elsea, or Station A;enl, E Mr. Bert Flynn, who bas •ay for tha past year, r ay! on Monday eVenin; aafte different party of the Nor hot ithe benefit of reader away from down we nus gh at a bountiful supply of th ul has arrived ,here. The tard and ee ,are enjoyiu; ex hat it pays do advertise nstrated by the .fact that aman, hardware dealer, a Meeks a;o, advertised eat e at ;really reduced prices. k he had sold every one of d el Ib d: pe ch mai ;are - ane, in $8. How• ary sets velvet crows to re. • of ev- es each k, Win. xetet. aw ho to aro 1 la: of is 1 sic T mo Ile of sal wee been °turned r a trip 1 hweet. s who b 'state, e bcau- groun3 cel len t is de - W. J. couple ea for Last them. It is expected the ;hare)iolders in the York County Loan which in- tends merging with the Dominion Permanent Loan Company will .,et dollar for dollar. There are a num- ber of people in Exeter who hold stock in the York County Loan Com- pany. 11 on are a subscriber to the TIMES, and we know you enjoy 1 'ads: - its columns ‘'1* you are, just show it to your fa i('nds who, do not take it an,) they t. ill bo pleased to take advents;(: of our ;enerous. of- fer, the Times, and a beautiful cal- endar thrown in as ;owl measure for all subscribers paid up to Jan- uary 1, 1907. • Woma meeting Institute. ; of thesocietyTw� as heldhe inthe town hall on Friday, Dec. 1st. As previously announced 'the work of "presents and cooking suitable for Christmas" was fully and profitably ;one into and many useful points hrou;le out. The president, bliss Rails. was elected detente to the Central association at Guelph. A committee composed of the officers was appointed to snake a selection of books for 'the tee! of elle members for the corrin; year. Mr. W. W. Tamen received word on lionday that at tic maznificcnt ;Tr►t's furnishinz store at Palmer- ston, Irelonzine to his brother, J. 11, Tainan, eels completely destroyer) by fire, also other business places in the settle buildine. Mr. Taman places his lose at $2,000 insurance, butroi he $Loss 9 of ttt lac Christmas tmsfe will fait heavily on him. Ile had peel received a [arse oonsiznm('nt of zoods .for the Christ• mas trade and •t bow were deet roe -ed. Mr. Tainan lias •secured other guar• ter, and will continue business at once. I Mr. IVO! Murray, of Detroit, ac - j compenied by his mother; Mrs. Mur- ray, of Pontiac, Mich, spent Thurs- day last with Mr. Jest. ,Murray, Mrs, Murray was on her way to Varna, to visit her :notber, Mrs, 1Vanfess, of that place. The latter allltou;h at the advanced :a;e of 92 years has always boot, in the enjoytnenti of perfect health but is now the vic- tim er en>plo!'eaofly.lr. J. 1'. -cis. Will altoss inas a rrthe mercantile trade and now holds a very Jucra five position with a whole. sale millinery house in the City of the Straits. Mr. J. Bloomfield, of Stratton], and Thos. Coward, of tilx►rne, have formed a partnership under the name of Coward & Ilfoomfief .1 and have purchoscd tl business at Win- clrelx:1 conducted by Jones & Clark for :a number of s •ars, Mr. Coward Bradenjoys t enjps�,ran aas '•.cellcntoreptile tient and has lira con-idence of his V:1‘1. number of ncyuainlancee. Mr. illcotnfield et a man who hes 1.u1 considerable experience en the husi r1e55, twine at present nnansieer or ;r Bra tie & Co. branch store ata Therf- ford. The new 131111 a ill assume charge (>11 January 1, 11051. To Our Subscril►ere. - Now ( lint the +K'ason for ;tools [beer and h:appi- nee, is drawinz near, would it not be a ?radon.% act on your pearl to remember Uhe publisher by remitlinz payrnenl for the arrears to your pe - per. Very few, if any, appreciate he fact that n ►rewap leer delirere 1 to you coats us about whet we re- ceive for it. We have 11) pay clah for I sae paper, Iva les ;and poste ;e, but still there are .One who wail several tears before payinz their sub. script ions, and in n ;real many in- stances when billed ask the post- master to return the paper "res Need." i)o not for lel l hal each paid up Fah-eriber to the Times T„ Dee. 31.1. 1000, ,rets re bea ut i f u l calender free. Buy Choice Fruits ;I for your Christ- !� mas cake. We buy the choicest selected fruits, so I� take no chances but -let us fill your Christmas fruit order. • Finest selected Valencia raisins. Finest California Seeded Raisins. Finest Cleaned Patras Currants. Finest Mixed Peels Finest large Shelled Almonds Finest Grenoble Shelled Walnuts Pure Spices all at Lowest Prices Wool Blankets Fino Pure all wool white 13iankete, ex- et'llent quality, made from long staple wool. [Thoroughly scoured, free from greese, finely napped fast colored barders. Size 50x 74 price $2,75 Size (18x14$ price $4.25 Size6lxS2 price 3.25 Size 08x88 price 5.00 Comforters ed can blic�lComfortse assorted colors H and art of designs fancy stitched patterne, price $2.65. Underwear Another big snap in Men's Lrderwear Shirts and Drawers, heavy weight guaran- teed all wool, fine ribbed, sateen facings, worth $1, selling at 75e each, Men's heavy Scotch Wool tXnierwear, guaranteed 0nshrinkabte, pure wool, all sizes, worth 75e selling at (J0c. make, wellffleeced, lined cs se flung, Bar. new all sizes prices 35e to 50c. ne k f ' and Under- wear, woo/.ouniioon sand fleece misses' lineddi n grey, white, black and red, price 2.5 to $1.00 Slippers and Shoes Woman's Felt Slipper with heavy felt soles In brown and black very warm and comfortable, sizes 3 to 7, price 90e. 1Von)an's Felt Shoes and Gaiters with or without leather foxing, flannel lined, sizes 3 to 7, price $1.25 and $1.50. • II SNELL & ROWE Market Report. -The following is ,rust a suu the report of Exeter markets, cor- not send or oft for ir1 who is rected up to Dec. ith. your boy or ;id is Wheat 75 to 78 conesoar' bushel. away from Lome ,rho Times for one Barley, 43 to 45 cents year. It was appreciated and per bushel. only coaly a dollar. I'ca-g, 60 lo 65 cents a bushel, Shorts, $20 per ton, Bran, $16 per ton. Feed Flour, $1.25 per cwt. Flour. $2.25 per owt. Butter, 20 eenta a pound. E3es. 20 cents per dozen. Oniotls, 60c. per bushel. Clover need $5 to $6 a bus. Chicken, younz, 8c. per lb. Ducks, 9 cents per Ib. Owl, $6.75 a ton. hogs, $5.25, live weight, !foes, $7.00 dressed, Ila!', $7 per don. Potatoes, 75 cents per Ira z, Geese, 9 cents a ib. Turkeys, 14 cents a lb Dried Apples 6 cents Miss Lila Howard, who has been working in London, returned Lorne Monday niebt, .Tud;e holt of Goderich, was in town Tuesday presiding at Ithe: vision Court. Air. fink, of L;,ntlon, one of the finest soloists ,gin C;nhu(L:t who Ran; at the anniver'sar'y services at Main street CORN Haying purchased a car of corn we are in a position to supply our cue. towers with corn. We will exchange corn for oats, Flour One of dealers to whom we had ( shipped two tons of Star .'lonr a few idays before sent in his order as fol- tows: - B '05 �Gentlemen.- Please send Nov.e not another tonof your flour, all in 98 !b. sacks and oblige, yours truly, P.S.-Yonrtiour J. C--- fact oS. gives perfect setts- J.O. If you want a flour that "gives per- fect satisfaction" use Btr.i�. E e are making a specialty of this 11 ay so 'accepts,bly has 1 brand. been serII viced sing (,t tree endives- { 10,000 bushels nary service o[ James stress church, wheat Sunday the 10th inst. Don't tail to hear hire. It was expected 'the newly ;tpl,oin- HARVEY • 1' ted J. .'s would qualify before Jud et. holt on 'his visit :to ,lixetet Hl BROS. Tuesday, but none Of them were Merchant Millers sworn in. 1t is understood the ,;en- tlemen who have acted tx t,ore -have EXETER, ONTARIO received notices that t. hey are to con- tinul, unlit such Iti,ijei :14 they !re- ceive word to eurr•cnded their office. -s, Our town clock was out of bu.inese I for :a week. Twenty-five dollars a year is pails for its care. 110( Wt. sU11- 1O,r the pa fly lookin; a11cr it can- not deur)te an !ILA (11110 (hurls; 1Lr. winter months; applyin4 r,c;toralives other to its frocen hands: Why does II lit GROGERCouncil Trot •et a zlays 0 of ;erne lovt•riuz f eco wanted AND FEED IES .tett avoid I be , of the r In addition to a full 'trouble, and tt bile A! et t k discs'merle •at Weld! t f We have ea hand some first A Good m0 erect a load Somerville. Turkey's lmto eMr..olW, W III. 1'o be lead. Il. Lovett this wo^l:, in:- whioh the received $73.00, i we have arse a of The anniversary services of I he the cheapest and besteStock J:anii,i sI rent church will be. held acxl Sunday. Rev. .blot W Graham� FoOd. are at it levo eleolrie lir;bl.h plrace:I of Flour, Feed and u s Groceries, in front of each face, so d lr:at the Groceries, hour can be i. z i Load of Turkeys, -- Lir, class Timothy Seed, the best of Lundnn, train; in cl : will hair 111.^ r;('' oro of Produce taken In'Exchan0e one o[ the most who al lend u hr;e 71►cr f listenint to s able • speakers ran Ceete (la Yreetty. While S HARDY & SON 1(e hn9 •.--- - - itev, Graham proven 1, y • )hir9 a !•(1011: man, 1 s sincerity and opt at- tention'lo his work, that he i4 en- titled :o the 11ixh position int rca;- --- lou% work that 'he holds eo-day, ile M the gran. olio by in:, znificenli work, took hold of the Montreal church a few years a;o, when it wag deeply in iteht, fettled it out of HA indebte,L,>t•e4:and placed it on a sound toot irtr Many Exelorites %%ell re- raeruber the reverend ,xentleman as Graham,h1 wo 31.ationed here asames for of Gel James street ohuret'. elpecial music iti even prepared by the choir. CU1tf.IN(; A meetiti of threw interested in Curtin. will be held in the parlors of the Central hotel this (Thursdey) eveninz at 8.30, II is desired that every -hod!' Le pi05091,'tnrl those front the country who delizht in playinz the old Scottish a;ame :no cordially, iuriled. if you are under the 4m - pression 1 her t he Esme belongs entirely 10 the Scotch, for;et it. it is easy to learn and any te.r.on :an ;et aequainted with the zarria in one nirht. We are assured of the loan of atones (for a time, by the ilea I sa I club. Besides drivin; away perfumes, W(• had them and the cares of .business life, ail. is 1 1 Brant you to first see them and then 2'11110 yell dill becorne enthusiast ie buy them, .•ter. and will help drive :away that ennui that hanzs Iso heavily ,over us HOWEY, Phm. B. for the want of winger sport 1. W. S. Chemist and Optician, Exeter, Ont A (GOOD TREE is a limas tree well filled with Xmas presents, Santa Claus knows that and Usefulce a arrar he tiiclesarealwats on ysmoataccept- able. XMAS AT A DRUG STORE like ours means a tine display of fancy boxes, hand mirrors, comb and brush seta, toilet articles, toilet tn soaps, and i •A Ayer'a 'ills. Ayer's Pills. era 1 S Ayer's Pills, Keep saying this over and overin. The best laxative. °' aha • Want your moustache or beard BU KiNGt a bee' bis or rick Hack? Use rran wise 1ltltr.twn' eN .a 3 DYE ..o4 a a ,.111114 i Bargains Foy This For the next week we are golf some very special bargains in Fur coats. This will be a chance for 3 one CHEAP. We are going to hum. FURS Ladies' Dog Coats, good curl, nice and gloa• Ladies' Greenland Seal Coats, the best coa' we are the sold sellers, $45. Ladies' Neck Ruffs, Beauties at 3, 5, and $'; 12, and $20. Men's Dog Coats, we sell the best, at $20 Men's Calf Coats, we have them for 25 and Men's Black Curl Coats, for only $12.50 Children's Gley Lamb Furs, Best Quality, Exalt. FUR 0 kPS- In Dog, Persian Lamb, Seat and Et OVERCOATS For a good stylish Gents or Little Gents Overc don't have to pass us. We have then[ of the yr design and newest patterns at Iow prices -Men's to, $t3 --Boy's at 3, 4, 5 and $6. A few 0(1 Overcoats suitable for working coats for 2 and $ A few more of those Hose at 15c per CAR2,.II 1\T GI- 13R0�. ••••••41'••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••N F[JRNITU J XMAS CENTRE TABLES -From 75c to $ = ROCKERS --From $I.25 to $9.0. When you are making an Xmas. Present more suitable than a nice piece of Furnitfi W, C, FIUSTO, Funeral 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••4•••••••••••••••••4 ••••••••••••••••••••••N•••••••••••••••••4 MIIMMIngsimeig THE BEST XMAS GIFT To give your children is a Deposit Book in SOVEREIGN'. BANK OF CANAD'' No Better way of teaching them business habits exists deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, It' INTEREST PAID 4 TIMES A YEAR. CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, IIENSALL BXBTBR BRfiNO1-j JOSEPH SNELL, GLADMAN & STANBURY, MANAGER, SOLICITORS. t. - WE WANT TO Yt: CLEAR. OUT ALL .OUR FURS Oniy 3 Ladle' For Goats LdHTI 2 at $35.00 to clear at .$25.00 each ; skins guaranteed. 1 at $25.00 to clear at $20.00 each ; skins guaranteed. $4.50 Nutria Fur Caps to clear at $3.50. $3.50 Nutria Fur Caps to clear at $2.75. $3.75 131k. Astrachan Caps to clear at $2.75 $2.50 Blk. Astrachan C.tl)3 to clear at $2.00 ; one ons, $2.75 Children's Grey Lamb Caps to clear at $2,25 $4.00 Electric Seal Caps to clear at $3.00 - $7.00 Blk. Persian Lamp Caps to clear at $ 5.00 ; 1 only, $15.00 Caperines to clear at $11.00 $12.00 Caperines to clear at $9.50 $7.60 Caperines to clear at $13.00 $5.00 Caperino4 to clear at $4.00 All our Ruffs, Boas, Stoles, &c. must go our Reduced Price. Don't forget our 25 per cent. discoun Overcoats, Suits and all clothing. Men's Silk and Sateen Mufflers $1.00 for 75c for hoc ; 50c for 40c• Xmas Ties 50c for 40c ; 25c for 20c, TERMS:• -Produce or Cash. NO GOODS G>OEN ON APPROBATION. NO GOODS TEN BACK Af 1fR PPM Poplestone & Gardi One door north of Post Office.