Exeter Times, 1905-12-07, Page 7blt\TIIE HUMAN AND
�� 1�It stoat+ tho path loading from tho vlr-
D 1;ia a sl,ring (l;ihoa) outer sd rho ctrl
here 11 ryas a couunun a[ght to ecu
Golden Pathway to Eternal Faroe Is
Faithfulness in God.
hath done what she could.'heaven consists of the hots deeds of
follow tho gtenL
ti • Gospel shall bo those tiho f
throughout •h at in every earthly
t,1 that she hath tun 1 out every festal
• sitour shires and
walking board,
el b
4yEiy.� ����►ia lllc
little she dal but hots touch I 1 nc} who so desires to unite
o eecheever this thowhole :eternal doer of all.
,,.thtd b done !hero ►s dwelling lit
also 1.1 I
odd. moving about shall be spoken of for a memorial
of `temp;,, �lki14! iu
l•. --Mark xiw., 8-`
1 ol}lces, (101• wise is unse.�u and eter-
llow !tt u our
rin, n
was really done. One simple net, tlivls \lith that tv1icpt is holy. that
ti oh vast and complex results, an life and happiness nliY be forever
unnanxrl tvuulnn doing u simple decd sure, as this !woman of Bethany, by
-flat t. re of
lo 1,Vrr:'r rr
iso ere
'Ft' lirn"ACnE.
TI OR t9ZZIiitSa.
LE F69 E111tti1Sll'vSS.
FOR St.LLr:W Vk1i1.
(FOR Ti:Ccc elute I
Gzr•.:::vr. v,s,,,n, _fit ,..*_.�_
sx: n*s-
E. SICK l•ti:.eeOQ.Ci':E.
The Kind That Stick.
The Kind That Turn To
The Kind That End In
of kindness for the lord of glory,
started h+leresta (.1 eternal import-
ance. Jesus was enjoying the hos-
pitality of :`inion nt a social Imes! tea. "11'heresoewer this l.ospe
behind our turd and brrt orld,
in his house ohm this olllan 1:111110he preached throughout the hall
oke an ala- ,.his also the!. she hath done
ken of fur a memorial of
a simple deed of fait ti ,
united het destiny witli ll is so that
in alt time she could not bo forgot-
baster box and poured its contents
of ointment of spikenard upon his
head. It was an act of devotion on
her part, which she aid for Ills sake,
but Ile, having his divinity stirred
within 11(+n, announced her faithful-
ness and fugue in these words: •'Shu
i hath done what she could tettitit
wheresoever this gospel shall
tt'ho 0 l anand
it powers,
ler ata+nlarel clot po\vder.
preached throughout the t For fruit ices, take a pint of ripe ounce of cloves, ono tables[
that she hath dole heaven
aro to Ilia. The airs of juice oto salt,
ono of fruit. Thin withpono
world. this also aro pro rats, rnthcr than fruit, six uut:ces of caster sugar,
the t,yntce lot
tattlespoanfi of pepper,
spoken of for a memorial u[ if the fruit is very Pound
shall be sp per capita. un•L of sweet cider. one cup of
her." She brought to the attention 1 'of a lemon. 1 Ulilld rho fruit \villi gun -
and one cup of Mader*(400U wine.
SHE DPI) WIIAT SHE COULD, 1 through a tine bait jS1t
of rho whole world, a great force, c l ply with ono pent Mix n b
that of faithful service \which is to but she did it in league with the d freeze. ° (oak two and o
run everywhere doing divine duty. eternal God; so siteagsuddenly became
The operator who, nt this end s the nameless, famous suint of Iloly
this 1101 where the finger
«lea is l I11(10avur. Sho was an apostle of
seen nod who, with finger cleft and Good News -a missionary of eternal
reedy, sends the message into tho truth.
electric veins of a great system, can- j ltt a great battle n soldier lay
not tell what that message con do, wounded 0 and fever s soldi at the
where it. will go and what lasting routs of a great tree in the rear e
impressions it Indy nlnk0. It is his too battle !lite. '!'coapt: the hullo- soon.
duty to send the message. Flo with ing by, orderlies twerp flying hillier I A simple way to remote grass
our deeds that we start ngoingleda and thither. and all around lay the stains is to sp,ea(1 butter on then
the world. 'Their greatness depen dead and dying in the field hospital.. and lay tho article in the hot min-
asso much on who the sender is i'Coo ttcak and wounded to caro any shine. Cold water, a tablespoonful
as on what he fs, and lop se 100011 loner for life, this faithful soldier of ammonia and some soap will take
on whirl ho [s as on the great sysl (longer
up and was about to die. out machine grease where other
tem and development of eternal 1i:u only craved a drink of !cater to ofnans would notlio colors ti a answer on account
truth. quench his consuming thirst.Grass cut while the dew is spill up -
Suddenly there came t b -f an con' 'on it is an excellent thin; in place
g0nt1� faced and of tea leaves to use when sweeping
• • r •
ho s1
Deeds. not dollars, are far reach-
ing and eternal. These, the thief
cannot steal. '!'hese. tho cloth can-
not destroy. God does not always
ask for uniform rents for our talents
water carriers pas.ilig in and out int
this gate. Ii
Gate of Ephrainb -SO calk,! because
tho road passing through this sato
to the north of the city led into ti•:
territory of Ephraim. 'l'ho "browd
places" of the respective gates were
the open spares of ground just inside
the wall at these pOtl.ts.
17. Since (ho days of Jeshua ileo
sun of Nun . .. had not the chlldr'
of Israel done so -Tho statement (1005
out mean. of course, that the Feast acquire n proper !!afar before the
of `1'uber(,acles had nut been kept by l
the Jews at. all during all then) b!blending oiitseason certain rich luscious
the t• Ilt1
((. tl
el' tstanding ' n
rather du
bet lei stall b
'cars,n{ • by 5 4
requirements of tho tow relating to � can be obtained only
the observance of the feast had not.' lengtfter they have b
mixes andt of time
l0llthouseoife who could
141414414444444-444 41
S-tlt-H-' 4"t'•1••S••lt•i+f-3 f't.,}.4-ice
Many sweetmeats for t hristtuas
should bo prepared now in order to
been carried out.
18. Solemn assembly --Or. "(•losing have her feasts as they were in yo (Wryer famines, more cuuitort, n high
festival," AS 1110 tenrginal reading lit olden time" must begin at least a
!Month ahead of holithly season.
er standard of living. less disease ante
premature death.
T -55f '47
A small minority of the Russluu
peasants may appree•inte the impor-
tance of constitutional and pedal:etl
reform and the vital connection be-
tween it and economic improvement.
A peasant union exists in Russia,
and it has held a congress and in-
durstel the constitutional programme
of the itttelleetunla and tho car
workmen. 'Pito overwhelming major-
ity, however, of the underfed au.!
overworked moujiks caro little for
freedom, and, us 'Culstoy
never \•et
ies of reiterating, have but one Woe
and aro conscious of but one nem/ -
more land. More !told means to then.!
the Revised N'crsi0n translates.
For a fuller explanation of the
feast of '1'nhcrnacles anti its nigitill-
Among Xmas holiday sweets,
mince pies take first place. The
ceuce, the student is referred to the, filling for these is put together i
Pentateuch references given in tree stone crocks and allowed to remain
nolo on verso 1'1 above. untouched at lettst two weeks. It
--+--gains an added 'lever :hc longer it
USEFUI, HINTS. stands. Ilere ore two capital re-
cipes procured from old-fashioned
No. 1.-Fivo pounds of chopped
bre(. two pints of chopped suet, too
pints of chopped sour apples, t
To relieve tender feet add a table-
spoonful each of borax, spirits of
ammonia, alcohol, witch hazel and
camphor to a foot -tub of not water,
and soak tho to d of sugar, cue yuan of too pages appears to have convinced IL ALL DRUGGISTS -ONE DULA*
therein. Dry and dust with talcum
Of tato there have been disterbittg
symptoms of a renewal on an alarm-
ing scale of agrarian disorders. At
first rho povernnlent intended to do•
fer the whole problem of peasant re-
lief and agricultural improvement
until 1110 meeting of the national
dottntn, but the unrest in the t•il'
Petritation a
action of the heart aro
to a thin, watery con
blood. The heart a
refuse to perform their p
for want of support. Pa
or (tn:ealic people sh(
" Psvet11xs " anti avo
treelike. "P8l'i.1IINE ' to
1 11 system,
� C the .
blood, tones 1. n
the: heart action and rest(
ity. All weak people sh
a bottle handy in case (
heart troubles.
of for ten minutes
1tC9 pounds o .
lasses:, two ounces of cinnamon, ono would 1 dangerous. The
_•. r.. i
Ive a cold the chance to settle ptl
ut on the fir.! sign of it go to your
t a bottle of
the sugar, rut 11 together and scald.
sieve; mix gra(uaone-half
of custard or creams, an ree .c • No. ..-
Each morning before breakfaItt pounds of beef (this should make
take a glass of hot water, in tthich itwo quarts when chopped), four
has been squeezed rho juice of a quarts chopped apples, 0440 pint of
lemon or orange. '1'110 lemon juice i currants, which have be►lotthor-
whitens the skin. and add the sante oughly cleansed, one quart
quantity of beaten whito lemon juice nnd the `of egg ^us sine stoned just boforo using, one
' " cup- of chopped citron, tour cups oI
brown sugar, two cups of urolasses,
one cup of chopped suet, 1 nutmeg
grated, ono tablespoonful of salt,
two tablespoonfuls of cinnamon,
ono -half tablespoonful of cloves,
two or three cups of cider that has
been boiled down. Place in nn
earthen vowel and keep In a cool
place. '!'his quantity will make
twelve pies.
Of next consideration to the mince
pies is the plum pudding. To be
most. delicious this should be cooked
that we are not held personally re- (named heroine. a"1'ou aro thirsty," tt It prevents tho dust from
\t omen
hs, Colds, nroucbitie, Sore sponsiblefor the ee reformation
form lt(c(1 thank- ;6114' Said, "I will get you 44 drink."
or any whole world.t away and soup returned
.eitrect, Toronto. writes: s acting, l ro- • she gave to the suffering
cat pt .
and l
[- n K
rising and gives the carpet a Ucaui in a cloth pudding bag n the Chest, ltoar�ene,+.
fully fresh appearance. After sweep-
1from tt nail for three or four weeks
he 'Throat or Lungs. Aire. Gou- fol that we have the privilege of :She went in * all the furniture should bo first `in a dark place. An old English r�
moot "1 t in es which
dectl9 of daily with a few sp`iontutl ring sol<lier. It ing, 1 with ( clamp cloth, then pop- dim is this:
you for the wonderful rood Dr. duty, tho forces «bleb in (.o( s p dusted
with n dry Ono. Soak six ounces of stale bread -
ay Pine Syrup has done for fol L t'idencu command the powers o hath indene 10 fiho I was n'ethim ery little,
anti he reached luirilL led stwet. s0tco for flavoring
crumbs in a cup of hot milk, and nl-
(t two children. It u a wonderful spiritual world. ' 1 kept taw! h
is no hear and seething to a die . what she could" is the story of
cough. We are never without a bottle every victorious life.
cakes ns follows: oCryo ounces n each
that delay tvou t to r DR. T. A. SLOCUM. ti
imperial manifesto to the peasants 179 King Gt. W., Toroni
is an effort to stem the rising title _`
of revolt, enc! for the sake of Russia lever press, using bollini
olid progress it is to be hoped that the ogress, on, 1'110 pr
it may meet with substantial succese.
the house." t And 11)19 0omos in the tinily round
accept a ,ub�tifuto for Dr. hood's i of service.. We shall !:now this when
Pine Syrup. It i• put up in a yellow wt understand how closely connect-
, three pine Leer+ the trade marl. and ed are the human and Divine.
cent, et all dcate•-e. The mon who uses his money only
with reference to self docs not rea-
lize the highest rate of interest,
though 'he may get the most !lint
con be had in the money 'narnete.
f..I' there is a higher batik than
earth's treasure -house to which the
deed 'nest cornu for payment, long Is open 10 nil. halt to it, nt• dry, go over it with a flannel cloth
after th.t Earth's
he es been only taw -hest i ! man(toflithe company
ttoryitand e t it11 i clipped in the glue water. 1t will
spent.. of the
tnl ulook as nice e.-9 note, and present a
[;tstit'e of the lu11tenly price which !twill lead you to hnpphtess n►►d hard surface.
is set upon all things. '!'Ito coin of !heaven
• Of course you have a cheap whiek-
-- -- '--- broom that you keep in a droner or
book corresponding probably to our wrapped in (11(1141) cloth, from which •lute tho puddit:g 10 8«011 hetero ly
q� (� �`1 you get the strews for testing calces ing the bag. Hail seven hours.
,� k S. `r L ti ®� i cnnoutccC y_. 1'r of the Pentateuch.
j� LJ• IJ ?L•�3 I Disthtctly--1'r,hubly referring to
and custards. '!'here is nothing Plum Pudding Nu. 2. -One pound
Lhe cl0arnes9 of utterance• though ; seed -
et dis usling than to see a wo- of dried baker's bread, crumbled;
I I'iT RNATI0NP.L LT=;S0`3, the wort! may be also rendered as ir. man break a straw from the broom ono pound of chopped suet. half a
j the :tier l;in u[ the Revised Version, she hey just swept the kitchen floor pound 0f citron, one pound ot 1. n 1' 1
ANDEvery (lay in the \reel: and
every week in rho year men,
TIRED!women and chil.lrcu tool all
OUT oval tip and tttecl out.
The strain of busiaoss, the
cares of home and social life
and tho task of study cause terrible suffer-
ing from heart and nerve troubles. Tho
ef.rrts put forth to keep up to the modern
"high preeetwo" node of life in this age
:i !rears oat the strongest system,
r shatters the nerves and weakens the heart.
low it to stand and cool. When cold
of elutes, cinnamon, mace, nutmeg, I
Tho reduction of the Land redemp-
tion tax impose:! ttt the limo of
emancipation, and the promise of
total sespension of it within two
Sears, may bo more important on
paper thnn in reality, but the exten-
sion of the operations of tho pea't-
ante' bank, whereby "vast tracts of
crown nil private land" will gradu-
ally pass into the possession of ties
village communes, is a groat blese-
ing. The peasants have never buea
able to pay tho full amount of their
heavy bund, but the p
slow one and the olives
stored 0n hand for steno
are lima likely to forme
an !uterine guiltily of ell
It Is estlnutted that th
8.000 or 4,000 of such
presses in use in bpuid
tient thee. '1110 pe nu11
maine(1 was formerly u1�
or as Colthustible, be
generally sold and au,rf
from it by an hotel)
Some of the largo pr44r11
necessity of working!
scale and commenced
largo cylinder presses
nulls, which gate an In
(nems, end the government has larger' iluunlity, its o'ell as i
ly given ftp something it could not of.,tgt to litho rcntnindcr
hope to get in any vaso. In Profps- oil process, the oil 1„
sot' Miiyoukov's words, rho peasant
extraction in largo
"accumulates arrears upon arrears, or tin tanks and is
not because ho will not but because sonlo cases the alr 1
ho cannot lois," and official figures oil by means of a
which is 1)11100(1 en t
show that the arrears have risen to inferior grades of o
44 per cent of the total assessed. soap manufacture.
for his departing life enc ep Christmas lak 14
hold of it till medical aid come and The peasant bank has done mucic
-he was nursed back to health and elle ounce of ginger, and throe a
hetanlo a great preacher
ccs of sugar. '!'hese ingredients the yolks of three eggs hentcn t0 a , goof[. Its credit facilities have on- of hotter to a creami
afterward nem g cream, one-half pound o[ raisins ;ailed the communes to increase the+'r lously cut
u,d itniclorsl
of the gospel o[ Christ. should bo all finely po«clere(i, mise'!! seeded just before using, one -halt + Iol(lings since 1853 by about 10 ; anti dropped She wns,tte,ll, and passed thrice throuE'h a •water to soften. Ad
Sho did Whitt she could. • t pound of currants, two ounces of per cont. T'hero is an ahundanco of I powdered sugar and
d(1 one-half pound of brown sugar,
then and there the exponent
f di-
vine providence.
the events of that. (lay with eternal
things of the future cued groat will
he her reward.
This golden path\t'nr to the eternal
[alae through faithfulness to trod,
fine !vire sieve. Store in small ane- citron chopped, one-half pound of 1 I light. Now unix in
tight tins for use. suet chopped fine and salted. The I land to bo acquired, and the (fuel- ,
When linoleum beginsso loco its0(1 fruit should be well dredger! in flour I tion is ono of means, of cheap credlt. (ped together and at
freshnass it may bo restored and before adding tel the brend. Now 1 No details of tho government's 1 of pastry flour. As i
scheme are given, but anything that ingredients aro peril
tondo to last ns lung again by nmix in two ounces of lemon peel, stir in one-half t+
ing n little glue in a pint of hot lone -half a firmed nutmeg, one glass cloves, ono grated 11
6will materially increase Lhc arca of
havetold applying a. At. night d iof brandy or wine and two oun_•0s spoonful of cinnan u
hn\e lhn linoneum washed clean and ! of sweet almonds chopped tine. !:eat peasant holdings will be welcolned by
haul Russians '
for, as the; fol of allspice, the
u • - tint of unfcrnu•ntt, d
to astiff froth. !'our into a pod-�oaethc•r one poun
diol; bag tt'hicb line been previously crisis is at bottom an ag'.''•• ural t
crisis. Reform Must begin with n- pound of current
A::nldrrl and dredged with (lour. Al- riculture. The government has take.) stoned raisins, one -
n step In tho right direction, and the :peel, (in.:optiI1 -'•I• ,
(henna will undoubtedly tako severel ai
inure at the earliest opportunity.
add the white
well together, and, the last thing, all thong
of the eggs recognize, ize the Russian economic Juice 01 testi lent
I DEC. 10.
Les ;on XI, Reading and Obey
the Law. Golden Text, Link
i Note -The Word Studies of this
• lesson ore baser% on the Itevised Ver -
1 Intervening Ewcnte.-in the rernain-
1 Mg verses of chapter 4. Immediately
s nTete ling the lesson passage for last
Sunday. end ie chapters 5 and (1,
aro recordedd other difficulties which
Nehemiah en00ttn1er1 1 III his work at
' tet
Thonnande find life a burden and ethers .I
an early grave. Tho strain on the system
causee nervousness, palpitation of the heart,
nervuna prostration, sleeplessness, faint
and dizzy spells, skip beats, weak and
ir,regulnr pulse, smothering and sinking
spells, etc. The blo(sl becomes weak and
watery and evcolu,tlly causes decline.
art and Nerve I the
Jerusalem. which
tic a ti to
the cause for which fin had lett his
position of honor at the Persian
court, this illustrluua governor !wise-
ly thwarterd every plot and pito! the
coluhilyd enemies u( J udnl► set un
are indicated for cell die os e.' arising from ftsllt to stop the work of the rebuil(t-
a weak and debilitated condition of the Ing the city anti its walls. until tin -
heart or of the nerve centres. Mrs. Thea.
us! •
completion of (110 strong defense rllof
the city brought once more to the
hearts of the long -discouraged inhab-
itants the se'ns(4 of security. and watt
this returned all their former mittens --
al pride, and enthusittenl• At (hie
mint have rerummcudcd them u J I hointediih(sthe irrulhert Ilnnheni,lcras gei`t.
neighi,ora anti (tuella. 1
;ttilburn's Ior $ and Nerve Pills 60 ets. , that tr' o(4 (00(1811Jerusalem 01 ((144 popul tt population ordered
• ', It dealers, or The be
per box or 3 for $L_: , 11(tken, that (lin record of g iienlogic9
r. MilburnCo•, Limited, Toronto, Ont. , bight be corrected to dote -"Aad my
Ilied put into me heart to gather to
gethor the nobles, and the rulers, (114(1
th ight be recto
I 1 1 I•< yah lath
Suffered Terrible Agony
Ia11, Keldon, (hit., writes : " For the 1
three years I have leen troubled
oneness and heart failure, and
s failed to give oto any relief. I
t last to give Milburn's iIcart and
ills a trial, end 1 would not now
without them if they oost twice as
emelt. I
"with un interpretation,' in whichwith, and cleaning (7) it by Brewing cd rei�in6, ono po n( ,
case Lilo following clause. and they it between her lingers, put it into n currants, eight eggs, one large cof-
gavo the sense, would bo in oppoei- delicate cute. Cleanliness in little fee cup of brown sugar, ono grated
lion with the word "distinctly." things is (mile as important as in nutmeg, one large tahlespoonful of
'!'hey uudcratood-'1.145 900)4)0 wh i groat things. cinnamon, two teaspoonfuls of
list erne!. Unless you live in an npnrtntent cloves. one teaspoonful of salt. ano-
n,'!'his (lay is hal}-It ons holy with all tho rooms' on ono floor, half pint of flour, one-fourth pint of
both bemuse of being the first ;day of hove a handy outfit both upstairs black coffee. (toll the bread and
the new month, ur new moon, and
and down, 10 save steps and pa- moisten with a little (roiling water.
Cover tight, until the bread is soft.
Add Ole well beaten (ore, sugar null
flour, then the spices, watt and fruit
dredged with [lour. Lost of all add
also because it twits the cloy set al fleece. Ilctce n tvurl:hnskot on each
in the low for the feast of trumpets! floor, with scissors, bl+trh anti white
(romp. lnlruductory Not to. 1 thread, thimble and buttons; then
The people dept• when 1. hey hear(
the words of the law -Humiliated at in another basket. or a box have a
the thought of the greatnese of their hammer, screwdriver, pliers.ctws. course the
nhorrsi L 1411(1 ccoffee.
(tart pop to for two
sin and negligence ill not having kept:tacks
a toter {tad and a couple Pittsburg !'porn Pudding. - Two
the law ill the pas!. t
10. 1•:(tt the fat., and drink the: of � w•t1 ib well envious the scuts of the
sweet, and send portit o6 unto 111in
for whom nothing Is prepared -Munro �}
have thought that Ezra diel not con- IiONEYMOON IN TIBET.
sciously choose this sacred feast flay
for the reading of the Tato; but his
evident familiarity with the rtvluiro-
Imenls of the law with regard to su::I
feasts maker it se•ent probable that
his choice of the day and season elite' whit started on their honeymoon trip
u conscious choice (cunni,. [tent, 1(i, i noel one len:, ruuuful of baking port- salt and soda solution,
I g
In cases
( hon shalt rejoice d tli from Pekin and through traveled
unexplotrd der. Put into n large bowl, the a(- creel u different
holiie1141. substances a case -
1'1: And L i hu le and the b
tends, thou, and thy von, and thv tins seceded, the currentswashed
ul Ihv manservant, mil trncls of that mysterious hind, have ,icked, the suet chopper! very cd to the both 80 us to gave n spa"--
1hy maidservant,
and arrived safety nt Darjeeling, cablea'and [ 1 int !payor to the olives. ial,a or
the maritime.. a nth tho Levitt., mei the London 1Sxprr:ss Calcutta corro-t- !fine, the citron, orange nod lemon nearly ripe the olives are but o
the sojourner. thatha the. e within
4 th 1 pc9rl ehupped fine. the sugar. brandy, in demand rip and are not consumed ,,e
the widow, ore withpl tl(', lunidrnt• 9 and lastly the cream.
!'heir adventurous junrnoyinf-s !have wine and eggs; g a Inrgo et.tent. f 1 ve •pit
gales"). been full of dangers olid exciting it: - ,Add tho flour sifted with the !akin , y to
1'or the i..,v o[ .ieho\uh is 5'0"+' (idents. an account of which tho powder. theinsalt
lnit tt(1 thhrr.bfeai- 1
{ strength -The word "etrength" epos, cout:L is preparing for publication. crunul,t. and g
110 lrnnslnted also "sUuni;huld•" 11v 4
The count oho was ntlachcd to the in well-bnttercd tnnlffs ur bowie. set
tho "joy of .1t'hown!► ' it+ tnetaut the French legation at Pekin. traveled in { ht pnu of boiling water that reach-
, rho !+ides of the
cups of raisins, two cups of cur-
rant 9, two cllp9 of suet, one-half cup
ut ctlnwn(18 blanched and clopperl
tine, Iwo 0ups of flour, two ctups ut
grated stale breadarumbs, one-half
cup of citron. orange and lepton
peel and one-half
with a half cup
thoroughly o'itit
tho cake. !eine
with reased pal
«lard \with tho mu%
moderato oven for,
creasing the heat
Preparing Green Olives for the Itt,tcr Fur a int
Market in Spain. If this redpo shout
The olive industry in Sapin is i,t• 1e Ill last . :1s a reel
creating in imipor•tance within late the holiday seasO
Years. mainly owing t.o OW e1100(111
Which nave been trade to use intpr ie-
et1 processes su its to compete suc-
cessfully !with the Italian industry'.
Ono of the leading branches of the
olive trade is the preparation of
great olives. 'this is curried out en
a large NCalo at. Marcclonit, There 's
It largo internal consumption of the
olives. enol besides, the annual ex-
ports now reach 7.000 tons, Thu
olives are put up in bottles or kegs.
To carry out the picking process (113
olives aro well vaned. us only thee.)
vhf show no faults Can he kept.
Adventurous Journey in Unknown peel, eight eggs, ono cup of `ugar , d11 They
tw error p placed
i► for
►-9 renaw�l
Lands. one-half cup of (1(44nl, one hal f )
i nd his wife,
each of sherry and brandy, a large `frequently. '!'hen they aro placed in
1944• Count. (le Lesdn n n ch (,f salt., some prated nutntrq n brine bath, whic•h consists
aro conn
1, the uxtrncliut► o o i sritet: "Last sprites t
this 11116 been cnrric•d Out herelufore a, t,otito failed me, t felt
by n primitive process. i•:act 8nretl deck efail was tired
cultivator extracted his own oil by a ; vele headaches, c 1 saw C
press which leo hired, gr ncrally tmttk. i recommended word fol just e►1
ing Payment. in oil or farm pen- I 1 sot two bottles of i
ducts. '1 ho Olives were ground up 111 1excellentis b oft mod'
a horse mill before pressing. '1(i' ! nacho as 4 Think that
ground Ullyl•A were Own put in J. I wonderful nitrite or Ts
Feel As Thot>q
As Though It �1
As Though a M
Flying Out
Horrible Sicked!
Then You IIa1
will afford relief f
whether rick. nerve
cures bilious. It c by
Mr. Samuel J. /MA
0 A rZ
( u
''1• I n direct ileo west mild he rear h•, 1 ea hal[ Y f
the people. that ry m joy of the prop e n c . +
oned by l,en(alo[,y. And I found the un th t t 1 a lie did not enter tnoltly anti strum liver hours. 'Turn
book of the genealogy of 1,hem that1 l;l. '('he ItOn(Is of anthers' houso3 ',t the sntof lits, but tondo o (!cruor• c+tit un tlish0s carefully.
This will
5). t ke two Inc puddings
or several
than Jehovah's joy in the people. : nor
•. * . t )1t ( ei , fns
`carne up nt the first" t^(h. and then started soothe
1110 account of this enrollment ,.i t►., all alio pe'r(de,
the priests, and the' One of the most 1141.001 cling rt•!tuttA.emaller ones When needed they
11 t f t1 people and a list of 1,(•viles-The cleleention whicwhich I•wrz� [ the journey i9 the count's disco+- tltuul(1 be n,tet►n1e11 fur two hour
onrn men a :e e►ctl <m the second day
the heads eit (entities is girt') n in chop' to leant still more concerning t le 1
ery of the source of the Ynnkt's- ;eking tore that rho wetter dors nut
tele 7. 'this ether dune. the . the
t kintig, penetrate th0 pudding.
tL tweed fugeth,r unto l'7/1'n. Ili";Iii ivsen(ltttvtwm'entotstlw nnt(14111 111 it lin was accoutre -oiled by servalt•i Some delicious cakes to lie mode
and priest. and requested t0' 1 note for Cbristtnns are the follow-
,,! ^x1 1 . 'rorl(•il once more in the bo• I: i civil, religious, anti social lice. 1
......,o«h9 have in
)!him Mg:-
at t -,i,, e , -,, . might I 14. '!'hey found written in the law 'Ct,o sounds 0f
a -it is not unlikely n
elf coli Inls'of the rivers me ound6 butler, worked
1 inlet/01y nt n not ; t Jehovah huff comma 1'td explore(• were 1 port ut which i
n In" .itho\Ith. 1Ioty the ,some time on the linin., 114"t*pounds
i u• ,et tie ' ngnir Pee- u- It d 10 subsist for Iw•o rends of r(
rho weals of ptalttl', Mr. M. A. Atoln0la, 1)"111 + 1 (1
or i)rv:Ps Xi years t ',.re prontl,lpy rt 4:444) 0 frith Ili• ' by tto�e4-The passages to in th gtanlo they shot. 'rho countess, teho ret binnrhrel anti rh„1'1'wl almonds
Bride. N.3., has f teisl► of the I•ropb, ::nil chose for ehc !!leach ttbich relate to the !'cast of t
erre icily font rain acms t of the readier,' of the law 'Tabernacles in tete seventh month are is an American, had an attack of; end en pounds of sieve citron. It
to srri the
red terrible airily from rain acmes est dery of the seventh th, Ute following: l:xwl 2:1. i<t; Lev.
1't. fever '9(v't. whllr erussulg an immense lie well to pound the almonds in a
suffered the !
kidneys. I. I ulte w� d 1 could not stoop ,int. places; hitherto untouched be
1"'rcriniu nurrtnr, n small qunnttly
consulted and lied several t doctors •i .lit tins sacred from olden i limo n6 1 Illi, 1 Nom. JIl 1 •l -:IR; pout. • de opeans were visited.� +tt n time, ad'ling ruse water ow a': -
e 100
The count is returning to chino : tcnn}I,v to !.rep them from In, omintg
t me. but t++uldget norelief. On the advice
a tiny eif xoletntt rest. "n nx•Inorita la, 15. 191(• particular command- !oily. Atter Mixing in the A site with
(vend, 1 remedy
(Do able of your ).an valuable.: Vocal ion:. t�kitoa 1 as the feast 1 trentrettn ni holly (i of . Lev. 2;ere. reterrell to is gitrl 0s ofI forth j count s ret ntic service. r smear noel tthee. ro one lasing
;urpris mSnd &tight Ki.;ne-r f*iiatelnd to i trtnu 1.19. , 1:•. Palm In•anrhee. and bran th
1 immediately Ott 1' `' g1ANs(111 t.( 1'�eanlrr, two („•lasses tet
., ir,e and ddiaet . a. And they rend -'Thaw 1 thick trees -Compare Lev. 2e.. 1 1
r, Inm417fnr,n[bsn'shidnelrl•illsbata tors! OPTIMISTIC VIEW. Ie.«ret htnndy or grope juicy. n stuall
o,et.hri• with Ezra himself. 1,11,, fruit of goodly trete+, branches of 1 sweet Iy let nonce roll one 1ea�MMUll
al for any form of kidney 'memo.. 1 chosctt I,�• !'.zrn nu•nt lulls! in vert •v 1 ..And 3r shell Ink } o0 on the I .t•J
Kidney $ I2 . aro !net'pr. perprocure.'
lie: of i 4 and 7,i"alm trees. i[ul linking powder. hake tour hours,
for b1.2S. Can be pr on e•I ie all li it is set Moll roodiito 81)11111 verso groilee1 tcre's, and willows ofthe termite; otnnd Myer istltlyingt1y inches.lls that tour 41% k in a tool oven at first and
will be revved direct Co.. rtcri; : of i rr the. t..• 1,r w'.tether' yo shall rejoice before Jehovah yule tiho-Olt, he'll pr'bnlrly live glli:o Herring i the hint en at fir. When
t Doan iiiE:(ty Yill CTomnro, • of perp•!(•, x eed oltrCI -
0u think so?
r,l,l, plot in a tin box and neat
nor olds reed nt n '1 •tr, each in 1' 10.i`'1he water gate -.lust south of w ille--Whyt1 doy years yr
traw.ubatltuts b:» Its torn. ( tightly.
p' a"IbiaaIn the book, in tho law hf plod -A `the temple lnclosttrti so called 1>• 81ts-lIs'r w wetuUy troll.
'Q l �` a leo t i Mumµ that they m 1 t Darjeeling. Imp, rel t *1k0 1
r •r
� �'� r of ill K !lint 1• zrn himself
chop act t + (l 11hnu crossing eineAnyar, too p
VI. t1 well as by 1(1040 r0-I.htblisltcd' directed !hair attention to thatohlrh
Q P 7 . tele l: ,they new discovered. countered all the hclonKin„s of the laf;ethrr. Adel tree peulu+s of
�i '� E 1,r 414(1(404 "n , 4481 441)11 the !arry : s o;••.i 4.14• Ilrrdgtnl .
On tcroaat of its !srrlblo effects, deerf disease Is ealkd the 1:1a1
It rely lei 0111110 1itrid14ry 0? cO(raO(514 50 whtic 1411)4711)1553
tee disese, It it a etlrto to permit it to remain 1e. the (testers. 1'
itself in len fore, of Stretuta, CCr.Ce.la, ttloamatIC p)'.0(. stiff of
itc'atne eof tile (tete, eruptions or LI..tr'.tea. tttoore In tuc -Hoath Or
tore throat, fatting out of titir,Also'dered stomach. eel a gen
tree system. If 701t haro any of thesesyinetreal don't eeetect
oo time to lo,-. 1Jewere of "old lege" ereahneet-heeer•1
beware of Quec',(s an Fakir*. (!Cora rJF.4V MOTHO
1, guaranteed taevre this disease. never to retool. flank '
Oar trralt:tent It not In jurloa. is nay weir. but , cacbts t
and (lissomly..
The t tend bxcmos pureoison Imre tee �end"enriched the
del r
reel punted and the t:atle+tl feet. prep(u.t�ai anew ter tW
efe. C , t Uo0 Curet, .IZrITLDD Ute NO
Cousu;tVat Fres. Q:a;lion Blank tot 1)sote T
OM. ■leihlgU Av.. sod Walley OS.