HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-12-07, Page 6Ai SEBRSTAPOOL
the Mutineers to the Order
to Surrender.
%1I. 13 krrix.
from St. Petersburg
'liter of Murine has rt -
rant from Sebastopol
the Black Sea Vert,
led the cruiser Otrhu-
on her to surrender.
;juadrun, which ler:
Cross of St. Andre s
ling, responded by
;nal to engage. Tits
then received orde►s
'unarm), but the 1)r•
sides with the ma -
to obey orders, un'1
ns instead upon the
n the Southern bat-
ly. Half the town
els, sank the anx:I-
iepet, while the Pot
A) torpedo boats trent
elm the II•ngsbat Ire
he North fort, storm -
tint of the bayonet.
1, who tans in com-
mutinous ships, w.1;
ed, and on ascertain -
mutineers derided to
ch they Cid at 5
houst) nil I1101 ver.•
ted dtlri(1g 1ho fight:
of Murine haw receit-
cunfirnattion of the
mutineers have sur -
the Slovo, the nut -
'es began the attack.
ntil :1 o'clock in tie!
reply to the demands
which included the
Constituent Asseut
'diate realization of
iced in the imperial
Ot. Schmidt opened
y front ten vessels.
touknin replied from
tips, and lien. Baron
{kie from the south -
with tho coast artil-
.111e118 sailors 1iS(I(
nc•itinc guns upon
nfant ry.
Store says, lasted
arter hours. The
a heroic struggle
too heavys awl
off, bat tere(' to
sank with the
d a transport,
ho was mortally
reel the 1inous
tout incus sailors
own thole flags to
ostock Regiments.
hat tate conspiracy
utiey, (went on lin-
e officers, and that
Itirileti. the Alin -
aro preparing to flee on sighting
those vessels. As to the actual hap-
penings at Sebastopol the people of
Odessa are ignorant, but rumors of
all kinds are afloat.
Bulgaria ai.3 Roumania Likely to
Fight Turkey.
A London despatch trays: -While in
official circles it is admitted that
the powers do not expect the Sult•e:1 can new corn is steady at 51 to
to yield as the result of the occurs- 514c for No. 3 yellow on track, 'Po-
tion 411 Mitylene. it was state) oln ronto.
Thursday that pians for the next Iluckwhea:-Prices nominal at 52
step had not been definitely arming- 54c uuthos..
cd, the other powers awaiting the Flour -Ninety per cent. patents.
llritish proposals. for export, quoted at 53.10 to 53.15
The Foreign Office states that the in Moyers racks, at outside points;
ib•itish (Covernnieat hoes not know do., in 1)1)15., 53.40 to 53.50. Mani -
exactly the extent of the coercion tolm-Nu. 1 patents, 54.60 to $4. -
which the tither powers tire willing 80; No. 2 patents. 54.31) to 54.40,
to employ, but 0. is certain that and strong bakers' 5.1.20 on track
none of the powers is willing to re- Toronto.
sort to actual warfare in order to Millfeel-At outside points bran 18
enforce the demands for the tinan• quoted at 513 to 513.50, and shorts
tial control of Macedonia.
view of the situation minks et sacks10i0 to 517 no Manitoba at
it quite possible that demonstration
iti 511; to 517, and shorts «t
by occupation may proceed some $1 to 1 ►.
what indefinitely'
1710 present political situation in
the United Kingdom naturally in- Apples -Choice
creases tho reticence in ollk•ial circles 25 per hhl.. and
here, and as (treat Nritain is taking 51.75 to 52.25.
n lend, the movements of the (lesion- Beans --I fund-picke:tl, 51.75: prunes
-striding fleet may be delayed for $1.60 to :1.65.
some time pending the decision of honey -'Phe market is steady at 0
the Cabinet concerning its resignn- to 74e for strained, and 51.'O to 52
tion or the dissolution of Portia- per dozen combs.
meat. hops -15 to 16c per 11).
The (,overntnent has received ir,- Ilay-Car lots of No. 1 timothy
formation through Sofia that the are quoted at 88 to 58.50 on track
Macedonian Committee has issue=d here, and No. 2 at 56 to 50.50.
what is practically an ultimatum. Straw -Car lots quoted at 56 on
Unless the demonstration of the pow- track, Toronto.
ers shall be- carried to a successful Potatoes -Ontario stock, 00 to
issue, the revolutionaries arc Pre- 70c per bag, and . New Brunswick,
pared to announce that they intet::l 70 to 75e per bag on 1IOck,
to create a situation which will g,c
Poultry -Turkeys, fresh killed, l2
'Turkey and Bulgaria. I
certain to result in a war between
been preparing for eventualities since
It is well known that Bulgaria has
rho revolution of 1803.
An accord having been reached be-
tween Bulgaria and Roumania con-
cerning M(tccdonia, these two (lovert:-
mients are now prepared to try con-
clusions with 'Turkey should the ne-
cessity of such action arise.
Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheeses
and Other Dairy Produce
at Honte and Abroad.
Toronto, 1►c:. 5. - Wheal at - The
market for lh.tar O geode• continues
quiet. No. 2 white ((t0lte;1 outside
at 711e, and No. 2 reit and mixed at
714c outside. No. 2 goose, 74 to
75c outside. Mani( 0111I, Nu. 1 Iutrtl
steady at frolic, Ciorgian Itay pints;
No. 1 N0rth,•I1, at 85ie, and No. 2
Northern at et3ae.
Oats -Prices quotes) at 35 to 30c
for No. 2 at outside points.
Barley -\o. 2 quoted at 51 to 52e
and No. :3 at 47 to 48c at outsitl-j
Pea:; -\o. 2 quoted at 75 to 76c
at outside points.
Corn-('trntttdilut is dull, with prices
nominal at about. 48e west. Aimee -
stock, $:1 to 53. -
inferior fatalities,
Mackenzie Fc Mann's I ake Super-
ior Link.
A Sault. Ste. Marie despatch sass-
:1ys--it is said that Mackenzie & Man ,.
the railway promoters, contemplate
ho was at Sebasto- as one of lite links in their scheme
go. suct
speed transcontinental nuts- for a line the pinc-
w-aitt•d until they 'fig 011 Lake Superior of n fleet of
the support of the ice -breaking car ferries. The idea is
twin, 11otwe•tel', rel• to keep navigation open during the
to the mutineers winter months between Port Arthur
and Ilatchawuning Bay, the latter a
splendid harbor on Lake Superior.
about thirty miles from the Soo.
Thus tho company would have an
almost direct line from Edmonton
to Ottawa, for ill connection with
the proposition to place the car ferry
service on Lake Superior is that of
taking over the rights of the Mani-
toulin & North Shore Railway.
which was one of the Clergue
The M. & N. S. Railway right of
sway is between Sudbury 81141 Searen-
mont, on the main line of the 'Al-
goma Central Railway, tt short dis-
tance north of the Soo. Erie i
Searelimout it line would be built in
to Ilntchitw•nning gray.
It 114 stated that a fleet of car
ferries could be placed in commis-
tee days the nor -
They se11t del -
vetoers requesting
54 there would he
skiug the inhabi-
the city. 'l'hev
Is with instruc-
%mks who Were
tuge of the sit -
nlly sang the
to ',rote that
thee,. who re -
Sl. Petersburg
ning indication
ec•t ion in the
to regimens
Emperor. was shun on Lake Superior at one-tenth
Tsnrs'koe-Selo of (what it would cost to build n
railway lino around the north shore
er of soldiers
w ('uirassiers
hissers of the
(lined riflemen
Si Of petitions.
the use of
Gots are those
ly selected by
the Emperor
y have been
loyal to the
torn t0 pieces
ty. like the
XVi. Their
ugh not for
ow the Ieav'et.
g, even with-
Imperi:el I'nrk
to almost
1. Petersburg,
erect that the
been at t nek,•d,
1►akr• had been
fending itiut. but
y a heather of
age 1)t 'rsarskue-
S i►}S.\J(MI:1:.
St . 1'et4rsburr;
say that. ott•-
g nttitnd.•• the
0 been deprive -I
numitiun. The
vgorod have Leen
meet iegg. 'The
sheets of the (lis-
at Vnronesh
form theft. duties.
Minsk have re -
the oath. if esti•
-"S e \ •
Nearly half a Milli .n l'tere Than
I his Time Last Year.
An Ottawa titspntch suss: -The
Customs reve4noe of the Itt►lnlni se
vwn8 nearly a half a million more
for the month of November than for
the sante period last. year. (1 411ectt•;h
were $:3,790,171. or 5132,204 over
November, 19114; for the five months
the revenue w'o8 518,106,:ton, or
51 ,26'_,207 over the same period
Inst yea r.
Brown Block on Main Street De-
A Winnipeg despatch says: --I'..•
Brown Block, Main Street, was 41••
stroyed by lire shortly before tool -
night. on Wednesday, the total 1,1
being about *150,04'0. The bei:otiose
which was ow nod be the M. -
Brown. of Winnipeg. twits vttlne•l 1)t
5.14',4))0. The principal biscuit kt ere \l!1+:nrn,•.•. \\1.., nee. ... -- \\1101)1
Gilbert. Itidout and Co.. carpet 4 r ; e' it \ 1 \.rrlhern. so lo $7e: Nee
500.14e111, insurance $10,111111: Admen 2 \ n !11411 14:,14 io 114.9 : NI/1y. "%e', liar•
enol Morrison. boote noel shoes, $10,. ley - No. ? :r'., uuple 37 to'.1' . nye._
000; Porter's china hall, 520,04')). \.,. 1. 09e. e i to Shy, 4P, c biol.
•I % 11,16,. \I'nc.. Iter, 5 - - \\ heat
DYNAMI 1 F EYPLOI)Eb. • is \ I \„rlllrrn, S2 -Lei N.., 2
N . Ie :11. s k •: Ir .. stir; May. 8:)%e,
1)o., light 2.75
Do , cows 2.75
Butchers', picked 4.10
11o., choice • 3.90
111,., light 3.30
110., hulls 2.00
Canners 1.50
Stockers, choice 3.25
1)o., cot 1uuon 2.00
Du., bulls 2.25
11'aty feeders 3.50
Short -keeps ... ... ,,,,,, 3.75
Milch cows, choice ,..40.00
llti., 0ewunun "8.00
Sheep, export, ewes ... 4.00
Do., bucks 3.00
1)o., culls 3.00
Ltuuhs, per eat. ...S.00
Calves. each 2.18)
Hogs, selects 6.00
Do., lights and tuts 5.75
4.3 )
4.1 1
Escaped Front Her Cage on the Hecate Eepluslons fit Delimit Inter
Steamship "'ensues. Cuusit ti Havoc. •• UAPPEI1INGS FROM ALL OVER
2..25 A despatch from New York says:- A despatch from Windsor says: Heavy Ziil: GLOBE,
GLOBE,- 0• A story of thrilling adventure at sea, blasting in the / Detroit River at the
Telegraphic Briefs From 4:1•1? CWS3.53 reminiscent of the episode in Victor Limekiln Crossing has been detractive
. -., llugu's Ninety-thr0r," in which of all varieties of Iles, and has dl;lu11 and Other Countries of Ito -
2.4 Cannon breaks from its lashings on a ed the run of lite white lisle hundreds
3.(iu ship tltld plunges madly user the deck, of fish conte to the surface after every
3.85 in a storm, was brought into pars blast, and large numbers are picked up
50.00 on 'ltiuesduy by the Iluuthurg-Ameri- along the sltores. Fisheries Inspector
373 00 can freighter Pallauzu. Thu tale is I'urke will l)rObably uutku speciport.
al ref-
4.oe one of a powerful lioness, which ctYuc'e lu this in itis annual re
3.50 frenzied by a storm, got loose from •-♦
3.50 its cageand terrorized tho whole 1311A)1101,01111 \1OTtIII1.
5.0% cress unlit it wus corner4'd and els. -
10.01) tangles) in the meshes of u net. 111iss Anna Hall's Airfield of Itelietinj
Lured on Oyster Boats and Final-
ly Murdered.
A Thiladelphia despatch suss: -1t
was discovered on Wednesday after-
noon that upward of five hundre.t
immigrants within the last four
years have hetet kidnapped) and ser.(
to torture on the oyster bouts in
Chesapeake Buy, and many of theist
arc believed to have tact their death
on these beats. The full report of
this discovery will unearth a tale of
crime that 111)8 110 equal in the story
of shaghning. C.rtuin pulicemea
are believed to bo party to t}ursu
crimes, and evidence, expected within
a week, will show, it is said.
that they winked at, connived nu'!
shared in the graft. There is little
doubt now that the bodies found in
Winnipeg's population -new 80,00)
-has Ouumled 111 t(1) scars
'lite reveuuu from succession dull es
this year already totals $500.000.
A ruling of tho Attorney -General
prevents the issue of marriage licens-
e; to non-residents.
%Viten three (lays out the I'ttllan•r.,t t;utferiath h'alt's total assessment is 51,138..
was overtaken by a furious slurvl,• A despatch from Cintinnatti says: 703, an increase of ower a million
Thu freight liner bobbed like a cork, Alis Aorta Vali, who recently attracted sitico the last assessment.
and the cages on the upper deck,
by advocating; at it "II*
l'ttnadlt trill exhibit 1)t the
the animals had been placed wielplua enmventh,n Itiot persons banal exhibition tit beris`.t,
for fresh air, tugged tit their lash- hopelessly sick or suffering be chloro• New G.aluud, to November, 1908.
ings• formed, wanted l0 practise her (booty Thu %%'innipey; (Irnir. Exchange has
The lioness showed the greatest on her own mother, according to testi- forwarded samples of wheal to the
terror. She roared every time 0 many Given on 'Thursday at a hearing !coding exchanges of the world.
San -
wave combed over and hurled her- over the contestee) will of Mrs. Altireey Al r. William Mackenzie is slat,'.% to
self at the bars. A big wave MIMI? Hall, Miss Hall's mother. Mrs. Sint_ havo raised IIi,0(10,000 in London
dashed against the cage and over- Coe, a witness, said, she had frequently for further construction of the Can -
turned it. Tho beast got out and adinn Northern. \
rushed down t he slippery deck, reel-
ing and plunging as the ship ducked
and rose. The seamen thsl, with the
animal in pursuit. She rushed at
them, but, unable to keep a straight
course, failed to do any harm.
The then fled below. When her
roars showed that she was near the
stern some seamen, with John Os-
terman, who had charge of the an-
imals, dodged up the companionway
and formed in line with long spears
They bore down on the lioness and
gradually forced her into a corner.
the Delaware from um, to time, mat Now and theft she would attempt to
designated by Coroners' juries as spring past the outstretched weapons
"found drowned," were those of urea but the sting of the steel sent her
A big net, such as is used in In,Elt
actually murdet•(.•d on oyster boats.
to snare wild animals, was placed on
the spears. It was then pushed over
the crouching beast, and, under Os-
terman's guidance, so twisted that
the lioness bec 1 helpless. She was
dragged gingerly to the cage, and
once again inside her prison was
bound with ropes.
Bones of a Man's Foot Found in
Northern Ontario Woods.
A Sault Ste, Marie, Ont., despatch
says: -A shoe found twenty miles
north of hero In the woods, (which
contained the skeleton of n maul
foot, has been brought to this city.
No other sign of the body was left.
It is believed to be part of the re•
plains of sono explorer who went
into the woods nearly a century ago,
ns the oldest settlers say they can-
not remember when that kind of
shoe was manufactured, although
to 13c per 111.; ducks and geese, f) they can remember one or two par" -
to 11c per lb.; rand chickens, 8 to
i►c per Ib., live chickens, 5c to 7c
per lit.
'I'iil: 1)AllL\' \lAI(hl•:TS.
;es that wore the;a when they twee'
boys. The sole is of wooed. fastened
to the uppers with (wire. An iron
rim runs around the sole and heel.
nutter -him' roils are jobbing: at JEERED PRINCESS LOUISE
21 to 22c; large rolls at 20 to 21c: tuts,
good to choice, 19 to 21e, and infcrie+re Hooting Mob Insults Daughter of
17 to 18c; creamery prints sell al 2.1 l0 Eritain's King.
25c, and solids at 23 to 23%c.
Eggs -Pickled are selling at 20 to 21c
per dozen in case lots; cold storage at
23c, nand new laid nominal at 28 to
30c per dozen.
Cheese -Large cheese 12%c, and
twins, 13c per Ib. .. ....
Dressed hogs in ear lots are quoted 1)t
87.15 lo 87.25. Bacon. long clear, 11 to
11%c. per lb. in ease lots; mess pork
$18: short cut 821.50.
Cured Meats -Hams, light to medium,
13 to 13,'lc; do.. heavy. i:'_e: rolls l li%c;
shoulders, 10'/.,c; baths. 15 to 15%;
breakfast rolls, lie to lit?.
Lard 'Pierces, hese; tubs, loge; pails,
.\ London despatch says:-P.dgei1 uu
by the Social Uentocratic Federation,
the uncn•ptuy'ed mustered in strong -
force around the Church Army tent,,
off the Strand on \tc.hesduy and
jeeresl and hooted the 1'; incess 1toyal,
the Princess Loui>..•. IrucheSs of Fife
Marquis Ito Has Completed His
Mission to Corea..
A despatch front Seoul, Corea,
say's: -Marquis Ito oras received in a
farewell audience on Tuesday by the
Emperor. • Ile left on Wednesday on
n special train for Pusan, his dint•
cult task of placating rho P:mperor
of Corea having been accomplished.
British Minister Jordan and former
('hind of Customs .1. \I. McLenvy
Brown also had a farewell audience
with the Emperor on Wednesday.
American Minister Morgan cuu►atur:-
cated with the foreign (rakers . an•
Pouncing his withdrawal from Corea
Bad stating that Consul-(leneral Pad-
dock would have charge of Auteric.t11
Japanese gendarmes or police are
guarding the imperial Palace and the
residences of the Cabinet Ministers to
prevent any attack (11)011 them by
objectors to the new .1opnncso-Cor-
elde'est daughter of i.ine.. Edward, 01(11 agreement. The Emperor has
who performed the c, r:u„ny of 01101- been urged to repudiate the. agree-
ing the tents which were prescut.•d anent and cause.the assnsSinntion of
by the King and endowed with S,i.- the Cabinet Ministers who signed it.
000 from Queen Alexandra's fund to
house and feel great numbers of rho HERE'S A REA▪ L HUSBAND.
unemployed, who are to chop lire- --
wood for this relief. Shouts of Risked Death Rather Than Disap-
"Iteligious Sweaters," and "Cur is point His Wife.
their charity," greet(s1 the Princess, A despatch from Vancouver, ILC.,
811(1 the crowds became 80 boisterous
suss: -In order not to break his
promise to his wife George ICe:•ee•
faced death many tithes in the bleat.,
snowy wastes of the arctic that ss-
paratu Fairbanks from Dawson. fie
tramped alone from the Alaska gold
camp to the capital of the Canadian
Yukon. without even snowshoes. Ile
that large numbers of police had to
BUSINESS Al' \((1\'1'1{1: J,. ho summoned to disperse theta.
\lolttt'eal, Dee. 5 --- The market for ----
g;rnin shams no ehrurge 10-d;ty, prices ESCAPE TUBERCULIN TEST
being steady. Prices of oats lore slit
39eec tot• No 2 Ontario, store, 38% to "
38'/,e for No. 3, and 37% to 38e for No.
Rule Relaxed for Canadian Cattle
4. Manitoba hurley was sternly 1)t 48e
linek for No. 3, and 46%c for No. 4.
Hour -84.10 for strong bakers', and
1.'N) for pnleuls per bbl., in bags; On-
tario millers are busy, prices being, pat-
ents. 51.55 to $1.71) per bbl; straight
riellets being :31,tN) Io 82.00, find extra, and swine for exhibition purposes at
Utiles being 81.65 to $1,75. Feel -- Ou- the International 1.114' since leeeli i-
tario bran. in hulk, 815 to 515.541; sheds tion at. Chicago flee. 10 to 2:3. The
in hags, $:0 to $20.51); Manitoba bran, order exempts Canadian cattle froze,
i11 bags, 41t; to $17; hotly 819 to 820. the tuberculin lest, provided tit.•!
lhty No. 1 8,:s1 (0 5) per ton 4)1111114'h; p are accompanied by n certificate from
No.57.50 to $8; cl0ter. 841 to 511.50; 8 Canadian official veterinarian, stet -
clover, mixed, $6.75 to 87.25. Polnloes-- in . then( to he free from disease, and
New, In bags of 80 lbs.. 5:1 to 550; in bags that all such cattle not sold in 1ltl
of 90 Its., dal to 70e. honey - White United States are to be returned hol-
dover. In omits, 13 to 1ic per 1 -Ib. see -
for Chicago Show.
walked over the ice of the Yukon nounces that the output for St.
A Washington, P.('., elesp)alch saw:,: 'neer nail escaped death so many Lawrence ports this year was 4,00')
-The United States Secretary of times during the trip that he scarce. tuns more than lnt:t. year.
Agrtcullurc on Wednesday issued an ly realizes the danger he has come The seven elevators et Yorkton,
amended order providing for the inn- through. 11." bit Fairbanks with Sask., aro full, although of :100,000
iodation of ('anldinn crottle, sheep. two bundles cif newspapers and to bushels capacity. Farmers are draw -
these he owes his life. 11'ith thein ills grain 11431110 again,
he was able to start fires quickly, The 011)' of Ottawa has been
withoutthem he would have frozen awarded by the Ontario Covera.
to death. The trip ons made solely. menu two-thirds of the 5.10,000 col -
because Itis (wife ens at. Dawson ex- Iect. d in liquor fines.
pt•cting him on the last steamer he- The Canadian 1.ocottotiv'e Works
fore navigation closed. Ito missed Kingston, has asked the Council ll
that boat and, therefore, set out on submit a by-law proposing an ex•
foot. emption of 20 years for the Indus-
* - try.
Fifty-eight horses afflicted with
glanders have 10111 killed at Peach -
land, B. C. Nearly all the working
houses in the town have been de-
Bather than go to prison for
eighteen months for theft, Hugh
Nicholls, of Montreal, will seerve ten
years in the penitentinry at his own
request and learn n trade.
Peter Jtltekensie, manager of the
Hudson's Ilay Company, has return-
ed to Montreal froth n visit to
1.ntun(lur where he found furs easy
14) procure and fish to be plentiful.
The gold watch given by (fon. C.
S. 1Ivnian for the. Lond:mer having
the greatest number of children 8t
Go, Old Boys' re -union there. has
heard Miss Hell beg the attending phy-
sician to lel her administer chloro-
form to end her mother's suffering, say-
ing that death was inevitable and it was
cruelty to prolong her life. The doctor
refused, saying: "You -are a thousand
years ahead of your time."
1'. E. Island Railway a Sufferer to Ex-
tent of $60,000.
A despatch from Charlottetown, 1'. E.
1., says: Fire in the Prince Edward Is-
land liailw'n., yards on Wednesday
London City Council decided to
take a vote of the people in January
next on the question of reducing the
liquor license.
An old .4 of 2,000 bags of flour is
being shipped to Japan from the
Luke of the Woods twill at Portage
la I'rairie.
Guelph Council have employed
Prof. Hazen, of New York, to report
on improvements and extensions to
the water service.
The contract with the Ilueknall
Company for a steamship serene to
night destroyol the car shop and black- New Y.calanel was approved by filo
smith shop, with almost all the con- Cabinet at Ottawa.
tents, including passenger coach, box
car, hanger patterns, tools, etc. The toss
will be over 860,000. A large number
of 11100 wiII he thrown out of employ-
ment. The round house and the freight
shed being threatened, the engines and GREAT, BRITAIN.
freight were re'novod. 1leavy rain aid- ,
cd the firemen in extinguishing the
lite Atncricnu Radiator Company
is establishing a factory at Hun„
The Dominion liner Kensington
has arrived tet llalifax to take
aboard seven hundred troops of tho
Imperial garrison.
_4. England.
The Marquis of Downshire hes
agreed to sell his Irish estate to his
Contributions for Queen Alexan-
dra's fund for the unemployed i•)
Loudon amount to 5400,000.
lion. .Joseph Chamberlain in a
speech at Bristol urged 0 union of
the British race throughout tho
In n speech at liudmlin, Cornwall,
on Saturday, Lord Itosebery repudi-
ated a policy of lloluc rule for Ire-
I1. is understood in political circles
in (:real Britain that I'rernier Bal-
four will shortly place itis resignation
in the hands of the King.
LiKI: '1'111 KI.ONDIKi:.
Great Excitement in Cold Fields on
Straits of Magellan.
A despatch from Santiago de Chile,
says: Great excitement prevails in the
gold fields• bordering on the Straits of
Magellan. Many companies have been
formed, and there has been a great open-
ing of the held and washeries. The ter-
ritory is said to be a second Klondike.
T ,
Oy'mca and Tom) Will Gel the Order of
A despatch fre11 London say's: King
Edward has (104''k'd to confer the Order
of Merit on b:,tll Field Marshal °yenta
ant! Admiral 'Togo.
1'.\1101.E S):STE\1 A SUCCESS.
Dominion Officer Says Men Iteleased
Are Doing g %V(!I.
A despnlcli from Ottawa says: Mr. W.
P. Archibald, Dominion Parole 011leer,
arrived in the city on 'Thursday, after
visiting Toronto and itnporlant points
in Wetdertl Ontario, He reports that
the paroled sten are doing exceptional-
ly well. Next week Mr. Archibald
That insurance officials travel free
on railroads was brought out at the
investigation in New York.
Altogether $60,000 has been sent
from Chicago to New York towards
the fund for the persecutetl Russian
The Presbyterian Board of Mis-
sions will make no claim for indem-
nity in connection with the death of
the five missionaries in China.
Au action has been brought against
The fire at tiro Overholt distillery
leave on nn extended lour to the East- I at Broadford, Cum;ellsville, Pa., re -
ern Provinces, visiting Dorchester Penf- salted in loss of 51,600,000. it is
lentiary. In 1Iolifn\ and St. John, N. estimated that 18,000 barrels of
11., Mr. Archibald w01 address several (whiskey were destroyed, on w'hi,t1
meetings on the (subject of Canadian the Government loses a prospective
criminology. tax of $1.10 a gallon, amounting to
(lalnnoque is agitated because of 5891,000 In all.
the refusal of the Council to submit -�--
a local option by -gate,
The ('anndian Northern Ilailwr.y Daughter of One of His Captains
Co. have ordered ten locomotives is Still Living.
front the Kingston Locomotive %%'arks
to be delivered next year. A daughter of the hearer of tho
11110 Dominion Cord Company an- de.'pntches to England giving Lord
Collingwood's account of 'Trafalgar
is still alive. Miss Jane I.a 1'enoti-
ere lives in L.iskeard, Cornwall, and
is in her ninety-second year, while
the only daugkter of C7lptain I'eno-
tiere's eldest son, Miss La I'enotiere,
lives in Clifton. (loth are members
of the Navy League.
Captain La .Penotiere, when he
was a young hien, happened to be te
passenger on board n ship !which al-
so c•onveexel Lord C'ollingwood. An
order rens given on deck to the than
nt. the wheel, mill he saw, it carried
out, the ship would be on the reeks.
ile instantly gave another order,
rind saved the ship. Lord Coiling -
wood Gig -inked hien, end snid, "if
ever 1 have the opportunity, 1 will
do vote n service." A 0 er 1.Le a •-
ti at 'i'rafnlgar he sent for him,
end reminded him of hes promise,
adding, "Now take these despatches
to Englund; you will re,•elte 8500
and your commander's commission.
Now 1 have kept my mead."
'I'he.ug1i hearing n French name,
('apinin 1.a I'enotiere's father and
grandfather booth served in the Eng-
lish navy. Ills eldest aeil youngest
sons were both in the navy, rind he
himself wont to sea when only tine
years old. under the protection of
hi' rather, Lieutenant Frederick La
PCI14.t i• re. in 1 760.
lion; extract, 734 to &'; buckwheat. 5►%
5j<, to 6c. Provisions - Meaty Cannel.
inn short en! verk, 821; light short rut,
518 to $10; .\tlu'rlcnn short cul 819; Am-
erican cul clear fat bucks. R1A.5) to 820;
re -
compound lard, 0%l0 70; Canadian0 :\ 'Tokio despatch says: -The re-
pure 1111)1 11 to 11%e; kettle rendered,seindm)ent of martial law and the re-
strictions to 121,:ham., 12 in 164'; heronPRISON FOR VOTING TWICE strictons placed upon the 11l'rtlos
14e; fresh killed nhalloit drese'el h • ., of the press have been passed by the
5•y.25 10 s;4.:}11: mite, 8311,2", l0 86.50 no‘. Lnw- Reaches Some of the Crooks Privy Council anti will be proton:•
tlusliately to Canada at the close •.f
the ,•,r ,r it inn. Such cattle sol,' CHINA AND JAPAN.
her.. 1+111 he subject to this test.
111 eeiere lts are to be trade three*. Vital Items in the Negotiations
t o Ihe e•.posit ion grounds. Amicably Settled.
eel lots. Ess, - Straight stx'k, 20 to in tLe New York Elections. gated within a few tines. The vital
21c; Nn. 1 candled, 20e, Buttes - A New York despatch ';,tvs:-Thr.'' items of the 'leg(otintions bet wen
Choicest creamery, 23% to 23%e: en- then were sentence,! Io prison M. ('hills and Japan have been nnticnbl.r'
der grades. 22% to 23e; dairy, 19 11) 20e. 1V'dnewduy for illegal voting In the 84)11.1
Cheese - Ontario, 12,'i to (2!„e; Quebec recent. New York city and count v --'----♦
1l'5 to I:e. elections. Albert Farrar and 'Mon,-' ST. LAWRENCE DISASTERS.
as McCall were each sentenced to the --
1'Nfl'1•.1) Sreeri . \I%Ili; ETs. penitentinry for one year, trod Barth- Mr. Prefontaine, in London, Hears
\htmesimlis, slims. 1).', . 5. \\ heat olonteW Wallas.' tree sentenced to Uee. Many Complaints.
closed: •- Ihe.. sI 1•. 811,0 • soss \" 1 Elmira ltefurinntorv. A11 were con;.\ despatchbeen awarded to Mts. Geo. Lewis.
(corn London e1) el
ctrl " 1 Ituarel of
hard, fi3r; No. 1 Soother!), 8.i' e; \.I. ' fisted for vuthlvotingsoice. shyTho ('ustomhave decided
Ilan. Ilnytuotel Prefonlnitio. (.411111-s
Northern. 1011!.(1, rlratl• Fir..l rat- Samuel he Ellenbogen. the Cit Jinn \iinist.•r tit \Imine, is Interview., that linoleum patters', printed or
$4.711 to $4.80; second d0,. 8E50 to Mat -shod, who was cootietel 0.1 ; stamped on pates. locomotives 1pro-
n •lit 1dnlirtlty r• rill tl l'
et.1;0: 'wet clears $3.6:r to $:1,75• secerlLI , 'I'uevsday of perjury in connect ion 1 tot e' t , ,e gene Igt the
nn belled by elect deity and 8lutu('s 1111 1
dian n.lwul rt'srrve Scheme. Illy Ir
Joe 832,45 to $2,55 Bran - In ball:. with registration frauds in the reset' ',talc,. it. {.rtndon 1s ((!ring( an opt 1( statnettee stint! be dutiable at three
511.511. elections was sentenced to not mor, Per :cut.
(unity to the (urenurst frlrntiv ..t'
than four years and six months. mid (•n1edu in honking. sh.!'pine; and • A convention is note in force le-
mit. less than two years in the State 1%%vo n the p,' ..( 'I'i of ranatla air}
other cununer4'ial concern.; t„ oe,•ss ,
prison. the post°nice of 'Trinidad for direct
111 Ihe Minister of tl,ume .u,'1 int4'rchntng. of closed parcels by
-'-♦ } Fisheries the 4et(re•mh• disappointment 11114)1 at a rate of sixteen cents per
TWO BURNED TO DEATH. j caused by the recent disasters in the
___ ;it. . I,nere•nce, especially the w•r(va•..1'wand'
Wonsan and Child Victims of t•:-_' of Ute Victorian noel Itnvnrian.
in AlPoma Reserve
Two Men Buried Thro'tg'.t Air andBuildings Sha.tel•ed, 1 I\ 1 1 ('I 1i \ltlil' '`t
A Qoci,.'e despatch Mays: --Over Hilt•
pounds of dynamite in a shed at St.
1tOnntn:'I exploded on %%''dnesdny af-
ternoon. the shock hurling twit men
through the nit, injuring; Guilt only
% despatch from Little l'urrr,,) ! _ .operations this (tinter. The Inter-
I'uron'•, 1l'O :1. -The feat ore at ttn8.• say's: -On \londny Inst n house Bores of Indian Girl Ft oat Asltorelcoloninl will handle an export trade
the llesleen Market to -day ails the occupier) iy stn Indian in West 11,1; (from that part.
advance of 25 cents in hogs, tthi_h Reserve ons limited to the grunnol.'
at Grand Marais, fiIichi;an. 1 (1 is likely two bylaws will he
was occtesiontd I.e. the keen cough.' 1- In 8 tits' 8181.1,«1 by children pla,vin• • .1 deep8tch iron► tithed eleruis.; setimitted to London electors In Jan -
lion among 'maim; houses and 1►v with matches. 'giro Indian and Itis i Mich.. says:-\ trail Kirch lark cut• tiers, one for 51.15,000 to build a t+c•
better conditonri in b:ngland• iiuville wife were wally, and an old tweetne, 1)e eontninieg tit.• skeletrev of 1)t. 11) - cored nater main from Springbank,
leve •1. snottily.-snottily.tv
snottily. hoet,'r, and shaking e• ei'v was brisk in 1114 hest grttdeS of was caring far three little chil•ire:.. than 011 has /01110 ashore 11,•111' 114-r• .te
1 nd n second for 5106.500 for aden-
o 1.. `-.!- - building along the south shorn done butchers' and feeders. which Were of. ()ee of theta t189 mpr;tnirs, end mol The hones rested on a licit blanket i tuned land at Sprireg;benk.
et. inlet- 1)8 far 8s St. .fur=eph 41e Levis. nl:•I f••r•'a in uurobers hrndequnt,• to sup. bele, nide to find ht -r way down. :and on 11.e wrists wore heats silt es At tit. ('atharines, on Saturday,
C 111"! l' ps far west es St. Nicholas. 011.1 pl.% 111e demand. tons sansei to death. \righhor•s res.: bracelet• Indians fishing along shot• -,'John hall tons rt.11ten.•ell to sirs
a 1 -'.':tkir.g; trirduws to molly. 'The (blot Athol"! were ns 1ollotta: turd those in the lower port of the buried Ihe skeleton and .q.rr•'4''ti.e�months' i:oprlsonnt•nt fur assaulting
r :•r 7 ,;•n ons heard in Quebec. The ex- Extort cattle ...53.75 51. house. but the Oa.r
(old woman wits !. belief that it was ret eelti.'t in• toe a puli:•e otflce(tering ering n desperate
foist 1a- 1•'-.•aon badly wrecked soap' of t( -e Ito., reed' ... •11.$ * tl
8.90 terribly burned that she Bled a fee canoe ir1 compliat0t' Witt some of struggle. Iio1f a dozen poliretnen
, and buildinss mcarby. 1)0 , io;la ... i1.00 3.25 hours afterwards, the religious rites. of the red moa. were unable to club the burly
The 111tlifai grail elevator. which
ham been idle since its building six
years ago, Is being gut ready for
TREES 1 V Itl:}tl.i N.
Three hundred streets In Berlin.
Cyrntnny. are 'tented 1witIt 41,01)0
tees, eahich represent a value of
Ij100,u00. The care of the munici-
pal parka and gardens requires 2:.1
gardeners and 700 assistants. male
and ;emelt., print-ig>nlly the linter.
--4 .---
Tho olepnr.ese tinny Is recruited by
conscription, but only twenty -fife of
the strongest aril healthi.st aro
picked out of every 100 men called
up for service. 'l'he remainder aro
sent into the reserve.
'%'hey challenged the neve to tie -
fine courtship.
"Courtship," Raid be, "weirdly
consists of a pair of '-uby lies
smothered with kisses."
"And marriage7"
"Oh, that Is more (18(11 a hag -
steak smothered with unions,"