Exeter Times, 1905-12-07, Page 5THE EXE1LR TIMES, DECEMBER ith 1903. ANTTHINC YOU WAN T IN LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, CEDAR POSTS, SASH, DOORS, FRAMES, TANKS, &c., YOU CAN HAVE at rock bottom prices at our yards and factory. STORM DOORS AND STOW1 SASH made to order on short notice. We manufacture poultry and apple boxes in large quantities, order early. WE FAY THE HIGHEST OF EVERY ::sells PRICE FOR SAW LOGS DESCRIPTION We are always prepared for CUSTOM SAWING. The RossTdv1or6o. Lt., Exeter. i++++++++++++++++++++++++. Tile Usborne and Ribber% Farmer's Mutual fire Imsur- once Gompanu IRON We have a num. ber of different kinds of Iron Fence Posts which we will sell cheap or will + take all kinds of scrap iron in ex. change. FENCE POSTS M.J&CKSON & SON I T Main -St. Exeter. t One door south of the Metropolitan Hotel. N++++++++++++++++++++++++ Grist Mill CREDITON We are prepared to do Gristing and Chopping cn shortest notice. We are making a splendid grade of Flour which is giv- ing excellent .atisfa('tion fry our Flour. H. Switzer' Y-MDIVAL JW. BROWNING, M. D.. M. C. • P. 8., Graduate Victoria Uni-' varsity. of5oe and realdenence. Dominion story, Exeter. DR. A. F. MALLOY, GRADUATE Toronto University. Former Swam Burgeon to Toronto Western Maples'. 8soceeeor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Night call at Mies. 8-17.03 DENTAL _ H. KINI'MAN. I. D.8. ANL DR. A. R. KINSMAN. L. D. 8.1). D. 8., Honor Or.duate of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extracted ,ed without or pais or Wafter eRreL Mks sal block. West side et Mata rs.et•' It zster D.A. ANDERSON, (0• D. S. L'0•11. DBINTIBT. Graduate of the Toronto Urnngiivvoerr�sity - et • wit College ers °� PaB8nneeo.st•gradnate of School of Prosthetic Dentistry (wit mention. .mow...ktse. Bridge mown Professionl V [lags sees. gold vulcanite all din n eatesale mannerpib possible. anaesthetic used for painless eztrao• sass door month of Carling 13rosstore fila er.Ost. riONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds M s s tare and village propertle. M townie*. OLADMAN k BTANBURY Hamsters Solicitors. Maio 84. Inner. DICKSON & CARLING, Vis, Solicitors, Notaries,Con co were pgsta emery, SolkitoN or the Nsaoohhoes Desk. Da Messy abloom. lowest ewes of Iatere& OV710E:-MAIN STREET, II:XCrER. L L CARLnre i v L. A. ntoareote SHORTHORNS FOlt SALE — The undtr.igned has for Rile on r pp18, f to -date othoroughbred n. Shorthorn bulls. They are of tee low set blocky type, dark red in color and of eboico breeding. The) are all cliz- Ible for r rsssonably. —lohn Elder. B a ns ll P. 0. 011 tiAI.l:.—'foo tote on Simms St. in the: villa;c of Exeter, ace In; the eolith l..nrt3 of Iota 41 and 42 on the berth aide of St msec street. 'These Iota are well located for auilaint purposes. For pirticu- lare apply to Andrew Itocl;<ert, Far- ouhar, or Gladman & Stanoury. ilnr• vilrtcrs, Exeter. Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. DIRECTORS_ President:—T. RYAN, DUBLIN. P. 0. Vice -Pres.: J. A. NoRRIs CROMARTY P. 0. F. MORLEY, WHAI.EN P. 0. W. H. PASSMORE, FARQUHAR P.O. Wu. ROY, BORNHOLM P. 0. J. L. RUSSELL, RU88SLDALE P. 0. AGENTS. J. CARMICHAEL, STAFFA. (',N T, A. DUNCAN FARQUHAR, ONT.• J. WILSON, FULLARTON, ONT. 1. 8. GILFILLAN, LUCAS, ONT B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors THOMAS CAMERON, CONVEY- ancer. wills drawn, money to loan on real et -tate, also Licensed Aucttcneer for the counties tot Hurcn and Perth. Charges moderate. Orders left at the 1 nits or at my residence, Farquhcr nth rcce(veircniptatten tion. fONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited 'etyma rinds for invert ant upon farm or village troperty at lows% ales of interest. DICKSON & CARLING Exeter SEWING MACHINES At Bargain Prices. We are offering a 5 drawer, drop head, guaranteed sewing machine for $21.00 Satisfac- tion guaranteed. In Pianos we still keep up our record.g High grads pianos at prices other dealere ask you for inferior goods. Come and see us we will interest you sure. S. MARTIN & SON CHILLS PROVE: FATAL if warmth and circulation aro not promptly restored, chills ,result in fatal pneumonia. This necessitates k cxiog Nervilitte on hand. . Taken in hoe water •it breaks up a chill in two meet' ,• M. ilv rill/bin z freely over three at and chest it prevents colds. No liniment so stronz. so tpenetrat so swift to kill pain and anflamma- tion. Nearly fifty years record has proved the value of I'olson's Nervi - line. You should ;et a bottle to- day. 1.11CAN John Piper, who was arrested on . (-hero. ut assaull preferred by Mrs. Phillips had his 111(liminnry ,hrrorinz .1 t Lcaulnn on Thue s.iny last. Ile .s :as committed for dried :It 1het De- oensh: r ee-eions,, n e sitehilc ho is out on !sail. AN EMERGENCY MEDICINE For sprains, bruises, turns. 'colds Ind similar injuniei. Ihere is ,not bin; ao ,rood as (Chamberk.in's Train B:lltn. 1t soothes 111e wound tend not anly tiles instant relief °frorn pain. but oatesrs htc parts rte halal in :about one third the 'Lime !required by the us - tit! treatment. For sale tin Exeter by \V. 8. llowcy. If you, your semis or relatirc.r snfTcrwith Fits, Epilepsy, S:. Vitus' Dance., er Filling Sickness, write for a tial bottle and valuable treatise on such diseases to Tats Li:tat(r Co.. 1)q hire. Strcvt, \V., Toronto, Canada. All druggi.•ts seller can obtain f r you LEIBIQ'SFITCURE CAIL IBTIOR id Yea NM AA. Bears the The lia t Sipndars et CASTORIA Tho Hind You Have Always Bought, and which has beeft in use for over 30 years, has borne the signatnre elf and has been made under his per. soleal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a, harmless substitute for Castor OU, Pare. gorse, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. I` contains neither Opitun, Morphine nor other Narcotics substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TM[ CaNT.ua COM mei,. TV .Y119YT .T.[tT. Nes vomit ern. THE TOWN'S INTERESTS To the Editor of the Titres. Dear Sir:—Much has been said on thisis qucstion and 'well=c'd eachch writer su33ssting some new andd good ideas. The former writari have •sono fully into the mitten of what our town needs. They have shown 'that our reaurroment s are well taken care of in the educational mercantile. professional and tradinz lima. Now I think we are all agreed that we 'teed manufacturing indus- tries. The vital question :s, to my mind, whose move is it :next. In this undoubtedly there will be a wide difference of opinion, whether it is the duty of the town to hold out an inducement, or the promoter to lay his proposition before the Coun- cil and afterwards 'the people. 11is- tory has bold us that many proposi- tions have been laid before our Coun- cils for their1r oonsideration t atd n P proval, how many .have carried, %Mr.s they all had,' \Ve roust consider the multiplicity of detail that the pro• motor finds it necessary to • wade throttele rcquirinz months of hard work and involving the expenditure of L•ar;n suets of money before he can mature a proposition up to a point where he feels safe and justi- fied in acceptin; an offer Iron the town and embarking with his own capital. After iie 111A •;ono to all this exl•enso and labor it would tnaan an additional bass Ito recede. Thus we find that promoters of merit :lo ':ot extend to uq the ,pleasure of turnin; them down even though it stay be from indifference. short- 9Ihlr oe • or scepticism. Our position is ithis, we •ae n town cannot g.o where we like. the tnnnu- faclurcr can, and usually falls into open arms. Let us extend our hand to the promoter of an industry. Lot tho Council at .onoo take tho srccexes cry steps' to have a by-law submit' - ted to the (ratepayers ctothin; the incomin; Council with 'power to ;rant n loan of a certain percentnze of the capital snocesetry to •finance the i!etluatry. The loin to cover 0 period of ten years 4% i.11out interest. Then elect a Council 'that will ad- vance :.s %tell as safcg.utrd the in- terests of the town. This will sive every nalepayer that is able to mea- sure up to •the stan,Iard, an oppor- tunity to step up and take the prize. 1 would sus;est that the Council also be empowered to exercise sonar latitude in adjusting °lin details to meet the requirements of the case. My object in suzzcsting t his course is to brin; tho manufacturer and the town lozether. Heretofore wheel the manufacturer was here with all his plane matured and ready to ne- gotiate a deal, the Council found themselves with tl.e eunabcusonne task of suhmil(tin; it to the people before ciosine a contract. Thi) ted- ious delay, and unrert linty of re- sults, has checked the final step that would bring slant the desired resutt9. In Coneiu-ion ' 0111(1 4 y, pine our interest+ in the Lando of the Coun• cit, clothe thein •wide litiltide, st in 1 by 1 heir decisions, slid eneoura;n then[ in this way to do their best. Five inlellizeent men should be able 10 handle any proposition t the best interests of sail ooncerned, that may come before !them. Thnnkin; you for your valuable space 1 am very .truly yours. 8I'CCESA s These unhappy persons who suffer from nervouaneas and dyspepsia should use Carter's Little Nerve i'llte. which are tnade expressly for sleeplea•, nervous dyspeptic, suffer- ers. l'rice 25e. To Cure a Cold in One Day scra•cmP Tile• Laxative Bronx) Quinine Tablets. MLA. a �. a�"ery SIM �iu kolaKIM M ill Pert 12 io■tbe. This signature, / •/ (DEATH OF MRS (REV.) BALL The funeral of the late Eliza Cud - more. wife of Rev. .1. Ball, who diad at Tilbury, Dec.a first,!trek place from her brothers residence, I. sL'ua- more's, Sunday last. Mrs. Bali was born in the village of Morton. Dev- onshire. Etta -land. Oct. 16. 1853 and came to this country when 11 0,cLlr1 of a;o.eettlin; in the viilclin of Exe- ter. She was converted in ccirly life under the tnini.'%tenin; of Itev. (1. 1:1'01- w•ell in revival 'serv.:ce held in the village of Elimville. On Ata;. 29, 1876 she w•as tlxarr✓ad to her now sor- rowinz hueb'Ind, and started at once for Prince Edward island where for 8 years She 'proved a helpmate to her buelyind. At the time of Ilse );110 union of the Met heli .t bosket'e she with her husband returned to On- tario anal were Motioned in Ilen3a11 then followed Woodford, Erin, Ful- lerton. Al'tw•ood, Killion. V1'-heally, and Tilbury. The Itemised wai °lowly hien I i feel with 'the \V 0111e1'4 Missionary F.' ciely, I leo Indies Aial the \V. C. T. U. and often noted as presdedent of the name. Seven years oxo hor tw•o cans (lied within fif- teen weeks of each .other. She 4111 their loss keenly and it told on her nervous system. Ton months apt she was nervon:dy prostrated from which she parti<(Ily reCOVO ed, hilt disease fa=7tened upon hIer and al• thouzh six medical doctors were'con- sulted she gradually went down un- til calm as an infant aza,i to sleep she pas'ed on to her 'heavenly' theme. Iter Run set As sells lane mor ; star That 'Roca not down steltind I ie darker.cd West, Ilb But fades away in the di,;let • of heaven. The deceased was prized and love:I in all her fields of tattoo Meoauso of her slirline chrialian cletraoter. She nobly Mood by her hermanl un all his work. net home w•.44 always open to ulinislere and friends. seise w•an a devoted and lovin, wife. a careful and 'ovine mother, nankin; her home one of the leasee :snit drap- picsl. ShC lea ve4 hshil:41 10 mourn !heir 10x4, a lookout' :end J!tree elan;liters Edith, Lillian and Flossie who are all laborers in !1leo Master's cause, and who ane lookin; forwar 1 10 a happy re -union in 11,e levee Thal remeiI,'th. COl1GIiElts, HAWKERS. BPiTTERB Public expectoration is n;tient (t,, common law, a;airlst the laws of hesllh also. When the thruot tick- les, thit's I Ito :(ime you need 'Cu. tarrhozone" : it soothes away the ire sitation, cuts out 'the phle;m need loosens t he t i;h1 frena;. You'll quickly cute that rntareh :ins! tt to trouble ebb Calirrhozone. It po'.i• lively prevents new atl.acks and.cur- (1 catarrh forever and for all .111113 to snide. Don't take our word for it, try Calarrhozone yourself. Once used you'll be •delithtad with its plcasmnl and helpful influence. HAYFIELD Miss Lizzie Cameron. vhn has been visitin; Mrs. Jennings, of Kinaa- ville. the past tnorfth. returned home last heck. Whet mithl hay" been a very set - ions accident o -carred on Saturday last when Lorne Kinz. son of Wil- liam Kinz, wan /shot in dies lee above the knee. He handed a rifle to a conlpaniott and in home unaccoull. able %say it was; discharzed. Mrs. Morin and child of lieniniller tisited nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'I hos. Sanderson las tweck. Mrs. W. G. Johnston and two chaldron of MiICston4, (tisk., nrrivcd in the villa;o last week and expect to spend the •winter here with lir 1 ' ( 141 s, .'.I r. and M r +. F.a;leson. Dr. .1. A. V. Armstran; w•as in t m. re on Tuesday and left in the af- t.'t noon for Tara where he has por- ch' .a'rl the practise of ilr. Wilson and look loserec•ion Der. 1st. citizens of Tar t will find hirer .1 st. • fol 1•l:ysician and an honorable citi- sen. CENTRALIA lt: t•. J. Green. of Clinton, prtache.l 1wet vete y ittteie,.:I111.4 sermons 011 \Iissiunary eco: k on Sunsety. The anniversary of the Cenbr:alta M4't hodi.t Sunday school will be held on Sunday end Monday. Decem- ber 17111 and 18111. On Sunday the Rev. H. McTavish, of Grant an, will preach in ruin; and evening a:,:11 al • *to address the Sunday school in the afternoon. On Monday cvcniaz it supper will be rsorve.l in the base- ment of the church. atter which a choice program will 1,^ et4Cn. Mist Ida Abbott 'and Miss Eveline Simpson salts <1 duet on Sun:1:1y evenin4 which was much appr4''wlted by all. Rev. Mr. and Mry. Andrews and (lauiht('r Miss Brownie Andrews, et- tende l the weddin. of Mr. Andrew:;' niece at Crediton on Wednesday. Mr. Claronca Faster 311.11 5111 Lon Fencer of Granton, visited -it Alr. James llandforrl's on Stand ty. Messrs Parson tent Davis shippe 1 a ear load of turkeys last week all 1 intend shipping' another catloa 1 this week. ('roe date for 'List* week) Special services are .txal held in tha !1e1hottest church. ltev, groin. of James street Mothedist church. Exeter. conducted the services last week and Rev. Godwin, of ,tho Main street church is Raking oh<tr;c of them this week. Miss Ethel Murdock, who has ,been back -keeper for Mr. Thomas Willis for the past °Year left last week. She has accepted a position with the lleintznran Piano Co.. in London. Her many friends here with her every succe93. Mr. Willis has en;aced 111 i."4:4 Koeh- ler. of Zurich, (Lc.r book-keeper. Mr. Thomas Esse.ry lets rented Mr. itichard Sando's house and will itako pos eosion in January. Mrs. Richard hicks returned horse last week after a pleineant visit .with her data btcr•, \1rs. ltert Vail, sof Newberry. The well known strengthening. properties of iron combined with other tonics and a moat perfect nor - vine, aro found in Cartcels Iron Pills which strengthen the nerves and body. and 'Improve tho blood and complexion. red u In another Gatumn will be found a communication by "Success' in which ice brings forward several new su;rCtttOns for inducements :to be offered towards incrc asin; the in- dustries of our .town. Ills 1)1o11;bt( :u•e well put 3rld arc entitled to (hos;ht ful consideration. W leile this a Citation for ,new industries is going On it may be an opporl'uno : time to speak a . an industry thet flourished here for years but aL ales prasc.nt time is trot 1)pera(44 very extensively. We refer to she Woolen mill. 11 we remember eorrcctly there vas a proposition before the Board e.f Trude Lest •:prit►z, and ahs woolen tnill matter di -cues el in every phase ooncX'ivablc, but at the Last u,oetin; the neater dnoppc'1, and thea hoard edjousrIett mine die. 'At that meeting. a report on the valua- tion of the plank was banded .in to the hoard, but whether from utter. for motives or .not. the .report s•a3 able !towards rd 9 thennyt hire; but favor, Ii woolen mill. We understand Mr. Muir offered the builditte. engine, boiler. looms, and cverythi►1; elle for $2,500 and offered to tako some of (he amount do stock beside') .ziv- in; (hose interested any information he has with regard to Beta manufac. lure of the !goods. It might Ito ask- ed, if Mr. Muir has such a ';col thing, why don't the hang on do it* Chat is easily explained. and lit is not because the machinery iippld and worn out. but .because Mr. Muir bit went all the days of his life, since he was ten wears of a;o in the man- utaoturo of woolen roods and he floes not propose at this timo of his I'ie t oI let tnc'l% c9 cares !fall 1 f oc heavy on Isis already eilvcry head. We have rot been subsidized by Mr. Muir 10 say •anythin; re: ardin'g hie mill : ;or has Iv' ever suggested our saying onylhin.t about it. We took it ul►on ourselves, and in company with a couple of tzentlCrnen, who are in a position to give a fair valu- ation on machinery, real estate, etc., we asked permission of Mr. Muir to ao Ihnouzh his building and found that he ewe -tee treat hie maohinery as old iron end ready for the junk pile, but he this narc.fully covered ftp all that is no: in use :end the expos- ed portions of the machinery rare masted with tallow 4o prevent rued. We are sum Mr. Muir will extend t10 same oourfess. others who ate interested and we . s. sure Char any- one who will stake the trouble to visit his cstabtiahment will ooncur with us in the Htatcmenl that the price :asked is very' low. and if the machir.4'ry and buildin; ,head to be purchaser) new woul;l Mktg more than four times what is asked. To I,e sure !there is snare up-tlo-d:ste machinery than that owned by Mr. Muir, but 444• ere sae sin ' sayirlt there are a number of 441)4)14111 mills in Canada with a far infenior equip- ment thnit are gxlyinz han.leeoute re - tarns on the investments. Mr. Muir informed us t lral he had (wet looms capable of turning 'out 7 to !1 pairs of blankets tier slay each, a machine for 1 urninz out worsted goals, an- other for makinz Pboetint of wool and cotton: several knitting mn• chines Lesidbs 5 cardinz machines lo^ proptr:n; the weer, dozother with other n►achinC, used in the mann, faottire of woolen smolt.. Mr. Muir has made money at the ibusin(•e1 anal for the reaeon3 elated above sloe.' not keep it running do its full capacity. it is an excellent opper:unity for some oris 4o /invest some ,01 a heir aer- ialist cash and if our boar!% of trade could be zotten together again rind ley aside soma of the petty differ• t ot...e l which characterize their meetinzs and ;et down to husines., some scheme mi.rl,t be formulated w•her•+eby the wo•►Irn mill could t.e taken over and put in a•ative opera - 1 inn. SALE RFGiSTF.R Clearing : de of farm Stock, im- plements and household Furniture, on lot 17, Con. F, Town•hir of Cs - borne, on Tueasiay, Dee. 19, 1905, at 12 o'clock .harp. THOS. ('OW 51(1) Proprietor, THOS. CAMIERON. Aur- tioner, for Huron and Perth. Locals, .\1rs. \Vin. Taylor, of Zion. i• spenelin.r a few days in town vsitia; relatives and frion•1s. firs. W. C. Huai on test Tuesday evening entertains1 the tasty leach- ers of the ambits ; • .' in honor tat Miss Irwin. Grand Master It: : I. O.• O. 1., L1110w•el, is exists : hero on the 19th to pay the li:. ter lodge in of- [ici::l visit. A hnn•act will be :_ivcn hien in the opera Louse. Thos. Coward, of (-shortie, has sold his farm to John Duncan. of the name township. Mr. Cow'e'd in'tcit l- toin,t into t mercantile busines. at 'tVinchcIsel. All persona 'vivify accounts az•lin• st the Municipal4Cour►ci1 kindly bawl the sante to It ho Clerk before t1e next meeting of Idle Connell, I)ee. 8th, 1905.—J. Seniot, Clerk. bIrs. Marshall. wbo spent several months tvith Ler sister. Mrs. T. Shapton, returned to Forest 1'hurs- e:ay accompanied by Miss E. Simplon who visited at Forest a few bays. Ws 11. Levett ashipped a carload nI poultry yee+kerday to Vancouver, B. • C., aloe a carload of evaporated ap- ples to WinItiprl and a carload of dried :apples to Germany. The oar - toed of turkeys was the lareesf ever shipped out of Exeter. W I\CHELSEA Mrs. S. H.1 nna, of Kirk Lon, w•a3 the sued of Mrs. Wm. emery on Friday of Inst week. Mr. Goulding (nom Muskoka, is vision; his son, Mr. D•tvid Gouldiu;. Mr. Milton Clark who has been in the west for some time is home He is again back with Mr. J. G. Jones of this villa;e. Mrs. W. Francis, of I'lu;town, %vat the ;nest of Mrs. E. Heywood on' day last week. A number from around here at- tended the fowl supper at Woodhull on Monday evenin; last. Mr. \Ven. Creery and family •were the ,nests of .M r. \Vm. llanns, of Kirkt•on on Sunday last. ber. Russell. of Ilellwoo4 i.3 visit- ine with Mrs. Waehourn. DIVISION COtjltT. 1 ivi ••1111 Court'4 els in the was held 1 Town Ball, Monday. Ilia honor Judge holt, of Goslericli, presidia; The docket was small only three caseshem; presented. The first catx ivas that of Stewart vs. Hatter, an :tot ion entered by the plaintiff for the payment for ;odds purchased. By consent of bolts par. ties the case was settled by the pay- ment of $19and costs. Madman & Starcbury for plaintiff and Dickson & Carlisle for defendant. Another case was Samuel San- ders vs. Jabez Stacey. The plaintiff had Fold Stacey a blower, .takin; a note in payment. The notion was a suit to compel payment of 1 ho note. TI,' defendant contended that the blower 41:41 r:ot as ;uar:utleed by Sanders and that loss of dime, infer- ior work done by the machine. etc.. More than offset the value of the note. Judemont for plaintiff. Disk. son & Carlin; for plaintiff, Madman 4Ctthury for deft. . "1'lia case of 1toss & Taylor Co. vs. Hy. Brown and wife, etas an action to fcrce payoren( 'or lumber furnish cd. Jud;ment was given in (Ivor of plaintiff n;:Bust henry Brown lot full amount of claim and costs area a;ainst Mrs. Brown for $5, without costs. Gladmau & Slanbury for pltfs, and Dickson & Carlin; for Mrs. Brown. Brown was trot rCpre;Cnt- ed. GOSIIEN LINE Mr. Vert I'rcazcator soave a (lanes on Friday eveninz last. There were a large number present and In en- joyable time was 'spent by call. e ♦ Wm. M whinn y this 's week brooking. in We young rlriver.spe Mr. Henry Smith seriously in- jured his knee on Mionday last by !teppin; in a hole. Miss Bertha Bastard, who has boo,* ill for some •time past 'is now reoov• eriny. A large number from here attend. ed the Council meetin; hold in Crest - icon on Monday, they heir; inter• ested in Mud Creek drain. Mr. J. P. Bastard slmnt. Sunday in Dashwood with frien:is. NOMINATION NOTICE Township of Usborne. A meeting tor the purpose of nom- inating a Reeve and four Councillors to serve in the municipality for the year 101)6, will be held at the Town- ship Hall, Elimville, on FRIDAY, DECEMBER =ad, 1905 at the hour of one o'clock in the after- noon. If more than the required number of candidates are nominated polls will be held on Monday the first day of January. 1006, as follows:- Div. 1, Township Hall, Elimville, Sidney Andrew, D. R. 0. ; Div 2, Lot 0, N. T. R., J. W. Horney, D. R. O. ; Div. 3, Lot 2Con. 10, Matthew Routley, D. R. 0. ; Div. 1, Public Hall, Farqu- har. A. Duncan, U. R. 0. said polls to be open from i) a. m. toy, p. m. F. MOItLEY. Clerk. Whalen, December Oth, 1905. GRAND TRUNK 1' WAY O(fere a ethic of M011 St/baii(tin; bo Adopte.l (Ji Colat City. The recent use of (lined.4 by lar;e loo interests are e9sc)nt i st beou;ht about Much nista, 'tot only cin Cot pees but in journals other countries, and to omission and to over. jection of this nature Trunk Pacific ate tit of Canada :18 oppor1 su4;eati0ns and su11111 the Pacific (Jol.4t City up tit the nen iiinus of coal inental Railway. in view they have dee prize of $250.00 cash ft %till in every way be and suitable. This one on oppor tunity e their "thinkir1 cap," in an open contest name, incidentally 1, handsome prize, a naminz a city whose the evolution of a n•^ nda's twentieth vent► The only conditions contest are as follows No bale not 1) 1)2 ret( syllables or a.;nt:tin t letters and to be pu preferably ,significant umbia, and not to other names of toe offices row existing it 1' st' paper tot .tar; by len inches, anal WI one side of it he paper Saab competitor allc Ihrea names, on span mune to appear on. ca Accoutp:utiny each t article of not 1,093 •the nor more than throe 1 explanatory of the I:it Name of competitor, Office Address, to rem, tom •of sheet. Nunes Io be forty, Pacific Coast Terra Grand Trunk Pacific tre:iI, Canada. ('4)11) pOt 11 hal will c. December fif teens 11, fl Bred and five. As 9(1511 :IS Cotnpetl decided, and ►•nmc riot of successful oonapetil pounced Ihew eli thues daily .e - c l p In case the .name selected by more 1 It tor, then 1Ite exp% will be just red on t decision rendered rc a TUE SOURCE 0 1truns haq d in blood and we,k ner down, nerves ret ;ic torture follows meal applications to Ihorouehly cure;- he strengthened blood. \Vh:ut can equal creases the appetite dance of rich Ilfc- plies nuerimcnt and sal for uornout ner completely cures n root and branch o kills. Aheolule su Stop suffcrin r—fif rozono. Fifty cho lets in :I box at a' Debentur Tinders will noon of Denson purchase of $17. ment debentur Exeter, repnyab n1 " s 1 en nual rn to lm interest. FOR ov>RR An Orn AND W W inslow''sSoothing over sixty years children while pain, soothes the • . (� nia�as& h forDrrh by druggists in ev 3enta &bottle. Its sure and take Byrrnpend ask for DO YOU wit All Schools a Tally in helping Do not ov TORO COR. YONOE Cannot 911 pl upon by bu Ilecause our grade work 1s protect this re .chool of the b Winter tern[ o' Catalogue free. Tei 13 1'1OLSONS W. (furor' rated by Act of Parliament 1855) CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • • • • • S3 RESERVE FUND • • • • • • • • - - S3'' t:9 Thanche.In Ontario, Quebec, Alterte Rtltish Colunsble EXETER BRANCH Open every Lawful Day from 10 A. M. to 3 r. 111. except Saturdi Fesrntern' elle Notes cashed or collected. On epplicetlon. i1RAt. 'Ts cn all points In the Dominion, (ted States, bought and ,.old at lowest rates of exchange MAV I NOM DEPARTM Deposits 0 ei.0O ani upwards pounded hall tottery, and added to principal Jnne posits Receipts also fanned and highest current rete Advances made to farmers stock deal lowest rates and on most fasorable terms. Agent Dickson Qc Carlen ,solicitors. N. NN•••