Exeter Times, 1905-12-07, Page 3• YOUNG FOLKS 800000000 0 0000 00000000 '1'111'% QUAitltl•:LSOa1E MONKEYS. It was Tommy's sixth birthday, and he wall having a birthday picnic in the park, aith half a dozen of his little friends. A picnic in the beaus i • ful perk was always a delight; aunt to -day there were favors, u birthday cake and other things belonging to parties, besides. 1V•henover the children tired of games, they went to watch the ani Mats a while. 'I'i,ere was a Heat's (leu built of great stones, with a pole in the middle for the bears to climb; and there were wolves, foxes, wild -cats and a great many other animals, besides the owls and herons, the cranes, and storks. The dee •, buffalo and ()strict4,s hail little parka of years ago" says Miss Chaput, "1i with a member of tho Irish House of of their own, fenced in with iron Was an almost continuous suffers'• I Corrunons named D'i•:sterre and kill - netting; and the prairie dogs were and became so weak I could hardly his opponent. happy in their queer rowel tempt go about. I suffered from freequent ( Ano+,her fatal duel Ras that in burrowing out of sight in the soft and prolonged spells of dizziness, I Which Lord Cainelfard, enc of the earth, or sitting %3 gravely on their had frightful headaches, and u1V!mest confirmed duelists of his day hind legs to stare back at the child- stomach was completely out of order. nail a ratan who had the death of ren. The least exertion would leave mac more than one fellow creature on his lint the place of all others whish worn out and breathless, and I did hands, was killed by Mr. Best. )loth the children enjoyed most was ,t not appear to have a drop of good { weer, excellent shots, and one of the largo pavilion on which the parrots blood in my body. I consultee! a twm pistols used was supposed to he and monkeys lived. here at one side doctor, who told mme the trouble was general debility, but his treatment. be slightly more perfect than the Were parrots of all kinds and) sizes, other. A piece of money was tossed with beautiful, brilliant plumage did not help me a partici 'To curl' up to decide the choicer. Rest won, and loud, harsh voices. In the centre to the trouble mynerves gave N'rv, of the room was a circular tank islmand I often pltssed sleepless nights. , and in the results Lord Cnmelford which were a great any fishes, At this stage a friend advisee me (tell mortally wounded. Whose hacks the children could touch,to try ])r. Williams' Pink fills, and The last duel fought in Ireland Was as they serol swimming by. The fish -I got a few boxes. The first hene'it', hetweeu a Mayor of Sligo and a I noticed from the use of the pills li ember of the legal profession. but es Wero not at all afraid. And last of all -monkeys! They al- was an improved appetite, and Hie honors were declared easy, for no - way's kept those to the last did tat seemed to bring couch relief. I con- ways takingtheuntilhad illsI children; for they were the most P usedrC six boxes,�. whenI was fully. c tunny of all. Was ever anything more comical than It cage of monkeys swinging from perch to perch, play- ing tricks, climbing up the sides of their cage, chattering, scolding, eat- ing and looking around anxiously with their wrinkled faces, like very active little ()Id men! Tummy had just slipped a peanut Into the outstretched hand of one of the monkeys, when a larger one ��swung himself head downward by his tail. snatched the peanut, and scam- pered up the side of the cage. Tho smaller monkey raced after hive scolding angrily; and a fierce quarrel began. In the excitement, the pen - nut was dropped, and a third mon- key, hunting through the sawdust for something good to cat, found and ate it. smacking his lips with graft enjoyment The quarreling grew louder and louder. Tommy tried to stop it by offering a whole handful of peanuts; but the monkeys were too angry to notice hint. So he dropped the pea- nuts on the floor of the cage mu! turned away. And when they looked back from the door of the pavilion, the children saw the two monkeys still quarreling on the high shelf. and the third calmly eating the nuts, tur•oieg his head from side to side with quick, comical glances. "Weren't they silly to quarrel over + n little thing like that?" said Tom- my. ESCAPED ARREST IN COFFIN. "Of course, though, it was Olean in the big one to snatch the peanut away." "But it the little one had kept his temper, he'd have been lots better off," said Doris "Ile needn't have BLOODLESS GIRLS. I ENGLISHMEN IN DUELS. i Find New Health Through the Use Famous Men Who Fought With of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Swords or Pistols. When you see a young girl pale The Earl of Kinsberley's much dis- aud ailing and wasting away, u.i :cussed challenge to Col. Sapwell is a know that budding womanhood' is. remainder 1 hat though the clays of making new dorm -Inds upon ht'r blood duelling are considered to have pa,:s- ed in England the fighting spirit after which she health, teres. Monti, will still break out on occasfoua, after month •her health, her strength,: the London Express. her very life, is being drained away. Not so very lung ago Mr. Winston Ne food and no care can do any1 good. Common medicine cannot nave•Churchi'll was challenged to an eit- her from broken health and a hope' -'counter a I'uutrance by an irate less decline. New blood is the one constituent at Oldham. One he:ti- thing that can make her a health✓, tates to think what would have holt-- cheerful, rosy -checked girl. And Dr. pened had Mr. Churchill had lei<ure Williams' fink 1“:is actually make enough to resume his martial role. new blood with every dose. That is I Lord Beaconsfield once challenged the whole secret of how they' have ! O'Conin II to a duel, but the famous saved thousands of polo, ane&mtic statesman found himself bound over girls from an early grave. Miss to keep the peace In a police court Alice Chaput, nge.l 17 years, living instead of departing across the at 475 St. Timothy() street, Mon- Channel to blow out the brains of treat, gives strong proof of Dr. Wil-, his political opponent. liauis' Pink fills to cure. "A couple o'Coiinell himself fought a duel stored to health, and I have not had a day's illness since. I cannot praise tion sounded Fe terrible in the eara Dr. Williams' Pink Pills enough for of the eminent statesman that he the great good they have .done 111e." sent his seconds tc Mr. '1'teney. A pale anaemic person needs only The two met at S o'clock one Sun - ono thing -new blood. Dr. Williams' day morning at Putney Heath, not Pink Pills do one thing only -tine far from the Kingston road, fired make new blood. That is all the ' two shots at each other and then do, but they (10 it well. They don't'returned home quite well for break - act on the bowels. They don't both- fast. er with mere symptoms. They won't j Chnrles .Tames Fox, Pitt's brilli- cure any disease that isn't caused or -t ant rival, n to make iginally from bad blood. But 3311 n some scat observe took occasion s on the Dr. Williams' !'ink fills replace bad powder sud bh\teOtlke blood with good blood they so t):.) and })romptlyppliereceyiV'(tIe a chalarlenge straight at the root and cause of all from \ir. Adam,. 1.'o•: accepted, the common diseases aches, backaches, ieney trouble, nose was wounded. "Adams.': he is liver complaint, biliousness, indige•s-, reported to have said on that la - tion, anaemia neuralgia, sciatica, locomotor ataxia and the special se.- llien table occasion, "1 do believe you'd have killed me if you hadn't thing happened. with "ob- structing t •lr'cllit 'Tierney charged Mr. r. r v • coun- try," •.ins t he defences of the o struct 6 try," and that oratorical observe - like headaches, sic!e- duel was fought, and the slates - k' cret troubles that every woman knows but that none of then like to talk about., even to • their doctors. But you rnust have the genuine pi'ls or you can't be cured, and the gen- uine always have the full nu►ne, "Dr Williams' Pink fills for Pale Pe.)- First English Periodical Firm to plc," oil the Wrapper around the bog. in Canada. Sold by all tnedicine dealers or sent The latest, and according to all direct by mail at 50 cents n box or accounts, the best of any publica- tion that Sir Alfred llarnlsw'orth has ever had anything to do with, has leen selected as the first publi- cation of that famous publishing house to be printed and published in Canada. At the same moment that the announcement is made in England that the 1Inrnlswort11 peri- odicals are paying 40 per cent. di - A strange ar1(1 somewhat gruesome eidetic! this year, is nla(10 public the used Oovernmeut powder." + •`HAPMS'WGI TH SELE.EgLICATO't," six boxes for $2.50 by writing the Dr. Williams' Mcili(•ieo Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Strange and Gruesome Device Re- sorted to by Swindler. been impolite, even if the big one device, by which a man nalu.`ei fact th;,ta number of the Hurrns- was " Baker, charged the other day with worth men line.* conunenced publish- "! guess mamma's right," laughed' fraud, succeeded in once evading ar- ing from the .lanes Building in To- Itniph, as they stopped again tc rest, and a second time in dodging ronto. Mr. Murray is in charge of watch the gentle prairie dogs. "she a summon)), was described at the operations and he describes the says it never pays; to quarrel. Oh, !Vest Ilam Police Court, London 1Jarnislvorth Self -Educator as being slid you see that little fellow go Lnglan(1. really the most remarkable publi(•a- dowvn out of sight in that hole!"-- On one occasion, when "wititc•'1." Canadian Churchman. Baker wets understood to be at an undertaker's shop at Manor !'ark. and the officers of the court Went there to apprehend hime But he could not he found, though the plea( was thoroughly searched. On trestles in the shop was a cot• fin, in which the police were inform- ed there lay a body. In the presenia of the talkers the coffin wits screwed up end taken away to, as Nes inti- mated, a public Mortuary. A (lay or so later it tens discoVor- ed thatthe: supposed dead moot in thts coffin was to other Chau Mr Raker, whose friends had collaborat- ed aith hint in this way of evading u rrest . On the second occasion a judgment summons was to be served. This time It woman rtt the house said that. Mr. linker was very ill and could not bo seen. When the officers nest. celled blinds were all down, and they were told that the defendant bud died that morning. 'I'Iu•n 0311110 a coffin, and the "body" was again removed. After each of these adventures lir. Baker started business in another half hour more, and the clock 800)11 part Of London. 10 move more slowly than usual. fir has now been sent for How 1 hate this everlasting prac- the charge of fraud. tieing! I wish there were nu such ♦'-' things as pianos in the world!" MISERABLE NI(;IITs. "Why, Ellen." said tmanunn. wit) hail just entered the roots. "A yeer nen you Were coaxing papa to buy soli n piano. Are you growing tired of it no soon?" The little girls face flushed. "I did not know it sans such hard work, mamma; and I can't scar to stay in the house n whole hour this bright morning, just (Irutnining nt exercises. 1 would like to Eley pretty pieces. ' "You must he patient. dar," nn swered her mother. "The pret•y pieces will (1000 by and by. 'Think 1 • delightful it mill be by and by to entertain fits h he conies EOR FA'1711:It'S SAKi;. flow ninny of you girls play the piano or organ? Now is the time to learn to play, dear girls, while. you ere quite young. You see, girls, we, steed not wait until we are big to feel we are doing something. Girls might learn to play when quite young, as it goes better and Peens.;easier, aur told they are more patie.tt with the trying exercises. 'Think of the pleasure you (.1111 give yourself iu the home by spending an hour or more at the piano; and the pleasu r of the other members of the fnfamily.As father and mother sit about thetable, tired and weary, how soothing to them to listen to sweet strains of music! Try to please papa, my Ut- ile cousins, who is home s() little, and who, by his hard work, Makes it possible for you to enjoy these priv- ileges. Help hila pass the cveniu�;s pleasantly. Ellen sat at the piano, prnrticing. Never did the clock seem to tick so slowly. "0, dear!" she sighed. "A whole the trial on Nothing so demoralizes; nn infant and enslaves the parents as to take a cross or wnkefnl baby from the bed mid walk him up and down the floor during the night. TheThebaby cries because it is not well -general- ly beenuse• its stomach Is sour, its little solve Is congested and its skin hot and feverish. Relieve this and baby hill sleep soundly all night, growing stronger and better every day. .lust what mothers need to keep hnhv healthy and make him hither when . sleep soundly is Dairy's Own Tablets. hone tired from the office. You knee. how he IoveR music; so keep up pais., ttvhich cure all stomach. bowel and courage, little daughter, ter flatlet's teething troubles and 111118 promote snk0.nal urn! hien11h-giving sleep. Mrs. The words lingered in the chi' is Win. 11"1111", i►aere, (ht t., says: "My. nernory. bahv was troubled with sour stout- -For father's snke," she would ray n(11 nnel was constipated most of the to herself when the hours seemed time, and was always cross and long. and love gases her pntieneo. restless. 1 gave hint llnby's 1)wn "For father's sake," dwelt with her 'tablets and found them n complete ns the chillies of sweet bells ant stleees8 and Would not he without blessed her. them." You can get. ilaby's Own 11'hen our f.tsk are long nn.I 'fasters from any druggist, or by weary. let uv whi'por to ourselves, 1111111 rat :t1, cents a box by writing "For Christ's sake " Life's oxer- the Dr. ISM Mins' Medicine Co., cise8 lire often herd anal long; but by Brockville, tent. and by they ai11 Leconte for us the hrnsenly harmonies nhuve. 'show who believe al! they hear generally tell all they know. Lift. is 'hor't at best -and perhaps that is the best thing that can ire said about 11. tion of its kind ever attempted. He says that every possible subject up- on which a man or woman can need information is included within its pages, being a practical guide to all professions And trades with the last word upon all arts and sciences in n(f(lition to leaching six languages, shorthand, typewriting and all the practical details of everyday life at hone, school or at. work. The pub- lication will be sold in semi-monthly parts for fifteen cents each. costing altogether lays than eight dollars. BUBBLES. Time clock. ('arts of speech -"Ladies and tlemen." With some people Idle overworked. The molev(al man docs have the true ring. Would you call the stingy pugilist close fisted? Tongues run, so n w•n;;on's tongue is part of the running gear. The wheel of fortune somet Imes goes wrung even for the wheel- wright. iti n war of words the combatants simply shoot off their mouths it's more than n crook can do keep himself straight. 111 thinking he fools others n often show's what n fool he is. The hangman doesn't seem to mnnv admirers on the string. A skarn tit of drunkenness look like the teal thing. Masa eyes are not always drinking in the beauties of the scene. A little difference in opinion be- tween two friends often makes a big difference. To n woman nobody In tnIk to is a situation of unspeakable misery. An invoice some merchants know little about -the voice of ronscicnco. Except for their noses there are people who cannot he snubbed TO MAKF. A BAROMETEIt. honored -the grandfather's words gen- are not always to man have may for IT WAS NOT A FAITH CURE DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CUBIEJ MRS. ADAMS' BRIGHT DISEASE. She Did Not Believe in Them, but To -day She is Strong and Well. Coiling -woad, tint:, Nov. 27 (Special). -Mrs. Thos. Attains, who moved here about two years ago from Murk's Falls, is one of the many Canadians who once had Bright's Disease and are now strung and well. Like all the others she was cured by Dodd's Kidney 1911s. "I was eight months an invalid," says Mrs. Adams, "soul no one can tell what 1 suffered. My doctor said 1 hadltright's 1►L east and Sciatica, but I got no relief from anything he gave tee. At lust a friend of my husband induced rue to give Dodd's Kidney ]'ills a trial. 1 had no faith in them, for 1 thought I never would get better, but after taking three boxes of them I wus able to (10 my' work. I have had good health ever since I used Dodd's Kid- ney fills " ANKLETS OF GOLD. English Women Use Ancient Sym- bols of Slavery. '171e anklet, after hundreds of years. has returned to favor in London, and is to grace the slender ankle of the belle of to -day. The modern anklet resembles tete plain gold band first worn as asig.) of bondage. Being a slave no more, woman, as is her habit, is only too glad to play with the symbol of slavery, provided the symbol is be- coming. '!'herefore, the anklet. graces the foot of the girl who wants to he just a little more than inertly up-to- date. Oriental anklets are much in (le- man(1, and in many instances these aro supplied with a hinge sad clan, and slip round the foot easily. Some of the new anklets are the tiniest gold bands inscribed With an- cient charms, said to defend the wearer from all diseases and from evil of every kind. Other anklets are made of precious stones strung together. These ar., W0111 under the stoCl:fel;, and scarce- ly 1y stow through, so fine and small aro thee. Phoenician glass or beaten go'n anklets carved in hieroglyphics are very popular, and will probably be hotel) at winter dances. A Great Comb'nation "perroyim" the beat Intik is. 14 sh„uid be taken by all inralidi, i y ab telt , are rim down or out ut suits. It builds up, gives new life. 111:F0IIEIIANi). ilorly-Whisky is said to be a good antidote for snake bites, isn't it? ..tck-I don't know. 1 lin'1 it .10 excellent prevent ive. A Soothing Oil-1'0throw oil upon the troablei waters menus to subdue to colonic:0 the most holster/los sea. '1'0 apply lir. Thomas' Ecicctric Oil to the troubled body when it is rucked with pain 11.031(18 speedy subjugation of the most refractory elements. It. cures Iain. henfs bruises, takes the fire from burns. and as a general household medi- cine is useful in many ailments. It is worth much. Customer -"Not long ago I carne in here and bought a porous plaster to help me gait rid of the 1 bago." Clerk -"Yes, sir. 11hnt can I do for you now?" Customer -"I want something now to hell) me get rid of the plaster. 1. Ilia Prelldant a Slave to Catarrh. - D. T. Sample, president of Sample's instalment Company, Wa-hington, Pa., a rjtes: "got years I was afflicted with Chronic Catarrh. Menu -- dies end treatment, by specialists only gave ale temporary relict until 1 was induced to use Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. It gave almost instant relief. (ii0 cents. -49. First lawyer -"It ':rents to me you let that lest witness down pret- ty easily in your cross-esn•uina- 1 ion." Second Lawyer -"1 had to. ile is my tailor, and 1 owe him n big bill." Malty Thanks are dee tram the proprietors of Weever'sOerale to Mends silo, have written t., tell of the 1e:ace's g•o) w.,n1 in curing scrofulous humors, scald hose) and other skin diseases {life (as they are preparing for church) --"i amt sorry to have to say it, but 1 never know yon to agree with Inc in anythin 1." Ilushnnd (stnIpeling with n huttonlcss shirt) -"Volt ere mistaken, Inv deer; there is one contemn of yours that 1 cheerfully acquiesce in." \1'ift•-"in- deeil! And what is theft, pray?" husband--•"Ilint Women's work is never clone " They Are a Powerful Nervine.-lly8- pc1.81n causes derangement of the nerv- ous system. and nervous debility once engendered la diftkOlt to dent with. There are many testimonials as to the efficacy of Panne:ee's Vegetable !'ills ie treating this disorder. allowing that they neser fail to produce, g 1 r.s,i Is. By giving proper toile to the digestive organs. they restore equilibrium to the pert. centres. A HANDSOME SOUVENIR. The Grand Trunk 'Railway System have issued n beautiful set of phi- ing cards which contain fifty-two views of scones (.n their lines, re - A simple barometer that can be produced in half -tone engravings -en made for one'8 self, and whim Illlstrctiun on the face of each crud. though old, may be now to some, is The stock of ((Inch the cards aro made ns follows: Two drachms of camphor, half drachm of pure salt• pet re. half drachm of muriate of am- monia. and two ounces of pracf spirits. in a glass tube or narru'e phial, will make a very good weath' er guide. In dry weather the Pohl - tion will remain clear. On the ap prom h of change. minute stars will rise up in the liquid. while stormy weather will be indicated by the very disturbed condition of the chenicul combination, made is the best that can be obtain- ed for the purpose, prepared by (a waterproof process by the well known English firm of Goodall & tions, Lon- don. The backs coctain n hnndsotno design beautifully lithographed in eight colors. The cards have gol.I edges and are neatly boxed. '111.y are for snip by news neent$ on (:rend Trunk truing, and nt the news stands find make an intere"ting souvenir net only for one's hone but to send to distant friends. $5.000 REWARD will be paid to any person who proles that Sunlight Soap contains any injurious chemicals or any forst ul adulteration. Sunlight Soap is a perfect cleaner and will not injure anything. Best for all household pur- poses, Sunlight Soap's super- iority is most conspicuous in the washing of clothes. Common soaps destroy the painted or varnished surfaces of wocdwork and take the color out of clothes. Even the daintier linen cr lace, cr the rive;t delicate colors may be safely washed with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (fellow direc- tions). Equally good wish hard or loft water. Yc.:r money refunded by des dealer from vixen y;•.: L•-ty Sunlight Soap if ycu find any causc:�r complaint. Lever Lrclhers Li:nittd. Tcr)nto 1 EXTERNALLY. 'rrarnp-i lived on water once for six months. Lally -Well, I must say you don't look It. '!'ramp -i lister lite a sailor. Allen's Lung Balsam. in which there is no opium. core: s -,re thr.,at ao4 kora Incus aA it allays the infl.lrnnvati•, an 1 ride )roll of the 10110 att that st.,pa up the air Pas sag.n. 25e., 10e., Shed b.,ttlus. YOU CAN"!' '1'1:LL. Life is not always what it scans, for there's many et silver Watch on the end of n gold chain. Mild In Their Action-i'31rn1-loel'e t'egetabk Pak- are very mild in 1, cir action. They do not -cause gripping in the stomach or cause di11Ilrb(utres there as 110 ninny pilin 110. Therefore, lbc most delicate can take them without fear 0! uuplcnsaut results. They car too. be n110011ietered to children with- out Imposing the penalties which fol- low the use of pills not so carefully. prepared. 1i111 UNSEEMLY Y 1'l:ltVERSITY. Mrs. Ilunks-1 wish you wouldn't be so positive. '!'here are two sides to every question. Old Bunts (m•Mh n roar) -Well, that's nn reason svhy you should al- ways he on the wrong side! "My Heart was Thumping my Life out" le the way Mrs. IL 11. Wright, of nn,cksille, Ont., describes her eulferings from smothering, gutters Ing and palpitati,,n. After trying m►ny remo.lie- witlr.nt benefit, Pis is ttl..•i of 1)r. Aguew's Cure for the fleas redored her M health. The first dose gate almost innt.u,t relief, and in a day aut. Poring ceased alt.,gether.--Sl ld1(11C. "1 'sleet," snid little Tommy nfter a study hour in his nature class, "that flowers (•hootup because th y have pistils inside of '0111." Give 1(olloway's Corn Cure a trial it rsniovei ten corns from one pair of feet without any pain. What it bas done once it will do again. When n fellow has discovered that nil his loos8• change has filtered through n hole in his 11oesers pock- et, it is nearly impo!:sible to gel hien to accept the scientific proposition that nothing is ever lost. A Pleasant Surprise For tea drinkers is to give them a hot, steaming cu? o TEA inst. ad of the ordinary kind. They'll no'the di enough. then nothing will do there but Blue RibLon TRY 11C9EC11 i rn 1,.A-321371 s HOW TO RAISE M Easily and Quiokiy for Your e10 S+OCIE(Y, SCHOOL, �a ^d 84 ony other purpose. Bea uph e 810ee,e due 1 or r, 10thur(ane fol ha, 11ate and we sill repn,due:e together, In twae.af.ul halt 4r1T ♦Lr llBCS Ta4e8, 841,1 01t4411r, 1>'t* 1110hs i`a es5s, allotorc.•rascorte.t; n=, -a, etc. lat&exact a dlr br.c:.u[c1, balaUn e eoureutls. Yourself sa4 te:l:uw • .a Vuk ki7 reel at no exit. ILL? E30.00, SENO US $20.00 any 1 „~,,, 110 yovf lrrorIRrn 1) 48341/1, but 113.4 at :ante O otter. 1803)srt`a1 irtararteed. Oro n.ntplr sad 31.,.,1 R*`...,)(nuey",UOtntoo, 3,1-. Ad.L•tloealetu11t . 110 d• arlck, at ad.ert`.`,g r:,. txrrt•-.n:.+. tb•., e. WISCONSIN PATO. CO.. Dep.205. MANITOM f Remington Typewriter NEW 111()1)CLS NOW RCAD Y I'.rnry model of Su:ninxtr1 'Typewriter 1:a. been a ''wets. '!'hero never was a Ro•minc�t�n f.tilu•e. Till? NEW MolE7ct repre'ent the aura n-ol sub,tance,,f a/1 Romingt-m eccceta- 'u years of experience in type& Titer building. We will he cl,a.i t, have you call at our 1 cr .u:d Geo l6+ note Its clod or send for i:;u•t.-e«a.i boo:. lot de.cribiug the new f.,rtt •.etc ,. Remi,i ton Typ-nvrit r Co. 331.0ciai10 `t. E. Toronto, Canada AND EVERY 3IIGi;h. 'I'ody-"Jenne tells me young ttoodby proposed to her last night." \ iola-"1 don't think I know him. is lire well off?" 'l'udy-"Ile certain- ly is. She refused hien." " Regular PraoItioner-No Rosult."- 1' Annie ('. ('hest:uct, of Whitby, was for n. uthsa rheuttutic sictim, but South American l;heumatic Cure changed tlio son from "deipair" t„ " joy." She says: " I suRorci untold misery horn rhetnnatiim---ah.ctors' medicine.: did the no -sl-two bottles of South American Ithenmatle Coro cured me -relief two hours after the first dust. -Su A n game's idea of frankness is to have some man tell. her how nice lie thillkn 8110 18. Often what appear to be the most trivial occurrence of life prove to be the most momentous. litany are dis- posed to regard n cold as a slight thing. deserving of little consideration, and ibis neglect often results in most serous ailments entailing yams of suf- fering. Wit out colds and coughs with !Sickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup, the recognized remedy for all affections of the throat 311111 lungs "Blusher is the most bashful elan I ever knew." "flow on earth, then slid .he come to get married?" "Ile was too bashful to refuse." Did you notice Ott nl.l man ilmning along a day or en, agof Weil, if ho will put mi his hack "The i) A• 1." Menthol Platter, In a week ho will walk as straight as any oust NOT Y 1:'r, Torril n 1 'feller -They ain't n -gain' to hang me, 0 re dee? No, out now. Bettor without a Stomach than with one that's gut a constant "hurt" to it. 'Ur. Von Stan's Pine- apple Tablets stimulate the diges- tive *gat's. Let. one enjoy the (tvog things of life and leave no bad c - fects corny there with you in your vest pocket -(i0 in box, eta cents. -48 "Mr. Menton says he never spoke n harsh word to his wife." "l'es " remarked n lady, "Mut was that due to kindne-s or caul' n? That'a what I should like tiff mw." fanlight Soap is better Asa ether soaps, trot is beet wiles seed is the Ssalig)t way. Buy Saalight dotty and follow directions. rolit!H K IN 1:'S I'ROpIii:CY. Apropos of the present disorders in Russia, the 5fauchestel- "Gunrd- inn" recalls the prophetic utterance Of one of the most brilliant of Rus- sian poets -Alexander I'ouchkine. Fur his bold talk he was banished to the southern provinces: 'think ' a," he said, "to dazzle for ever 1i .ace heavy -eyed, drowsy multitudes by the splendor of the Czar's crowns Error. 'that splen- dor will facie, and just, too, at a time when it will be most needed. These sixty millions of swinish serfs sleep still, you say! True; but they will awake! Not certainly in our tirne, nor perhaps in that of our children. but nw(tk0 they will: and when that moment com s the I•:nt- per"r's sceptre will he a child's play- thing; his divine right n jest; the supremacy of Russia n vanished dream! Ile warned, and let the work that trust be done be timely set about. The artily, cis vee set'? Pooh! On the day I speak of the extinguishers will be on fire, too." This suns uttered more than three- quarters of a century net). enol it note looks ns if time were 10 fere it proof. If you succeed in getting your lead above the crowd-cxpest to have it bit. O I C's, 2 months old, highest -priced strain. 0 shipped. CROSSROA1 1'lattsburg, N. Y. FFOlt SALT;- FIR1 fifty -acre fruit fan mile from city limit. falls. D. Cult, South IAT ANTED-Il1:I.1AB1 to do machine kti at honk; $7 to 3110 per earned; wool, etc., fur distance no hindrance.. • Oculars address the Po Ong Co., Dept. I1, Oril Free to L A HANDSOME STI Send no looney. Siinp address to COUNTY SUI'1'I C ht 3 Practical Every FARM AC Fee 75o, FARM PUB. 1(ot CHENILLE CU sod ell ►Inds ..[ !route Iter LACE CURTAINS mil write to int shout RalTlall AL:MUCCI YYEINC D. H. BASTE FUR MtAIIUF 77 3Stiaagg Mass L.tDIES'aud MEN'S FU (`uA'1' 1. Everything in Fu RAW FURS (01-311 • pU NAFT t1ACH11'CE HiurioLT 317+*+O+*+0+ FARM We am appllntin 111 ovary town or vii the Salo of our route 'Ofully flare... (:att 41l 'nitry, Young Col disease. ♦ Our Free Advlc• to; will interest you. ♦ dies mai neare.t ieq c.ut know Oen mush + auim Os are subject *The VETERINARY ti t6543 DUNHAM Hr. ♦3fi+3Cf♦-30E♦3CE♦ Nettie "A ry the ratan Nh for her." Neil - he is n good hu orcnsiotl to tea once." 1'icnsnnt alt syr as a worm medic tiler rte. tee Wort Greatest worn, d TIME Ibirroughs-Bay wee n 1line whe• share your Inst Itichley-'I'hat:s got down to it For 33 Y Sh1 's C Tock. Las this, together Illy! It1 &iy Lt bet proof cf the Shiloh as a oras far clAsea)es el the Toole who Faro ke without eyed u .boald wild with a d.ca t (1'1 loa„ What you paid for tlas Cured r.} the Cv r,140. Cods ad ts1 yea. "Les ' e 1 Irl. -i coal 11.4 - Wise aryl ma. Lire= Tr, 411111‘.Jww. s a