HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-11-30, Page 8'i'HE EXETER 11.1M68. NOV EMBER 30tb,1905. RWART'S dy for Christmas? The happiest and best of all ear we have made a special effort to secure suitable for pre:e:lts. You remember the legned about the the early buyer will certainly get the best choice the best values. It's none too soon to select your o better place than right here, where quality and in hand Our guarantee goes with every sale, your Or the asking if goods are not satisfactory, fair ain't it. I to the test. Per.ian Lamub Jacket, ire, a beauty. y nice, bright., glossy 1.amb Jacket. r Seal Fur Jacket, rich ind Reverses, 'hoicest Prime Caned - tet, a beauty. Finest Black Bokaran a winner. vely Black Astrachan It how cheap but how Astrachan Jackets are rbody. utiful American Sable it length. reat Leader, in Anu•r- tutfe, full and limy;, [belle. Empress American iat it, you can't. orcetain Dinner S:.t in rs of green and pink, id decorated, beautiful y suitable for presents L50. sin China 'Teeter Sets. les of Haveland and looks and wears as [,e ts, our Xmas. bar- .(Y) and 811.50. IUITS a.i.t some good Iheese with that rich to good together, we lap too. $4S 00 buys taut Cho`cest Mena Natur- al Coon Coats. yes they are Beauties. $18 90 for Leonine Yack Fur Coat, the hest value any man can put on his back, wear proof, wind proof, silt tear proof. We show nearly a hundred Men's Fur Coats and every coat a decided bar- gain. $7.75 for a Swell Saskatchewan Robe, Heed with red or green curl and in- terlined with real rubber. 511.. 75c and $1.110 for Hudson Bay, Pinto Shall, Cordoran and Mule Skin Mitts, water proof, scorch proof. great wearers. 50e. 75c and $1.00 for Men's Black and Fancy Silk Neck Mufflers. We show nearly one thousand differ- ent lines of Xmas. Handkerchiefs, a lot of traveller's samples at about half price. We believe we show the finest lot of Fancy Parlor Lamps that has ever graced any Exeter store, they conic direct to us frotu the makers in Pittsburg, Sive $1.00, $1.25, $1.75 $2.25 and $2.50. Nearly a thousands yards of Pure Silk Ribbon, 5 inches wide, all colors, at the astounding price of 10c. Handmade Tenerift Doylies, direct from the peasants on the Canary Islands, 20c and 30c. your farm produce, we want it, we will pay you big prices I. No I We are not in the combine. .A.- STEWART; 'S, CLOCKS, rELERY RWEAR NINA SS AND TIES and complete e. We feel se you with the prices rself. ON, Licenses. y to look, we t you. y to buy, we , so will we ORDER with style, to fit, do you pay more possible prices. Daman Tailor. Jae 11 uGGcSS AL 1. ONT. you will, Our ate up -les -date 111 qualify you ibk tinge. euro tori r more n meet. n ton - t ho - our 111 in- fer at Incipele: TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestdsement.s accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY, NOV. Il001, 19115 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ►••••••• i LOCALS ••••N•1 See Marc's, London ad. on pato 4. Three svecks from next Monday is Christmas. Anniversary services in the SI lin street chute!' next Sunday. Miss .Tennis Murray has accepted position with Joseph S-en'or. Sfessrs. O. Southcott and W. New- comb.' were in London on Stonday. Miss Lela Ccclper, of London, was visiting friends in town over Sundry. Mr. Joseph Ilawdcn, of ..London, spent Sunday in Exeter with his parents. miss Stargiret Ilontlinon, of lien - sill, visited her aunt, Mrs. Collins, on Sunday. 1-s.. eve deer for vii:case of chick- ens prepared by C. Lilt z. it will cure t hem. S1iss Val 1k' rollick, who visited in St. Ma s ry for n few necks returned home Saturday last. Dr. Edmunds, of St. Thomas. was the guest of his uncle, David S1 ills, a few (lays last week. Mrs. Crocker, of t i. Marys, who visited leer sister,Sfrs. I). ,Johns alur- in z t he past month has returned home. Messrs. Ilawdcti & McDonald who recent ly made a purchasin z 1 rip 1 0 the old country :eft a few days ago with several horses•, Mr. Ed. Treble on Fri•tay last made a shipment of sleighs to l'olerboro for t he stove company which op(•r- ::te.I Caere some w(rks azo. Mr. and Mrs. T. N. North0olli ant child, of si r:Il ford, were the zuesl of Sl r s. Nor t hrot is parents, Mr. •a n d Airs. Aldsworth, Sunday last, Mr. W. G. Itis+oft has purchased a beautiful nl3teITt-7l fetal of bLrek hor•s for his livery from ,lotus Decher, of Iiay, ads•. ;i hI.ick horse from Stilt ilis•krett, (.f Crediton. Messrs. Treble anal Baker, who re- cently bought out Geo. Cratvlev's livery, are having the shingle rrof of Iho buildivt rcplaeed with tin. V. G. itisset t has had his warehouse, covered w it It a metallic roofin3. it is likely A hat Felix Hoyle, of 1)r ilitford, under sentence of death, i11 escape t ,gallows. Ile has been 7' commended ho mercy by the judz4', who tried his ease, and it is likely the judo's report will be arced upon by the minister of Justine. Mr. Ilazlewc(xi, junior pastor of the Elirnville Methodist circuit Ircok charge of the services in thn James street church Sunday morning Tait. Stirs LiJla 3ohes ret 01rnett horse Friday after spending sever -11 w(tk= visiting her work in Aurora :1u.l friends in Teemed°. Dr. Butler, London. will be at the Central Bole!, Exeter, on Thursday December 28th, 1905. :all day for Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat con- sultation, Eyes tested and glasses supplied. DR. OVENS, London, Surgeon, EYE, EAR, NOBS and THROAT,Fits Glasse/ properly. Office. Commer• tial Hotel. Exeter.. Neat skit Sat- urday, Dcocrnbcr 16th. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative 1lromo Quinine Tab - All druggists refund tits mos- ey if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on cash bee. Vie. biro. rd. tor,je Brook is visaitin3 friends in London this week. Mr. J. A. Stewart entertained the employee-4of his store to an oyst_•r d-ly l sutiperast. and social evening on Turs- The fire department boys cera out for a practice run on Thursday i:igiat Th" T" en;in' v. :as put in workia, order in a short time, the 11.4utts Lein; very t<atisfavtory. Canatic_; for Sale -Mr. W. 11. Mill of Centralia, has a lot of choice can- ariev for sale. They ate :1l1 of choioe stock, and among thein ;are a let of excellent singers. 11 a cloth such a+ is used JIG? .1usl- in; anal clemb!.1l4 i, dampened .aad laid over he 'registers, 01011 1) fur- nace is tn•6n.r r,llaken, the :111)0)ya:act, of dust flying over the rooms will be obviated. Sunday last the services in ►ho dif ferent churches t1 fou;Lout )artada were devoted t.1 the temperance ca .... In diel,.r:al churches (ser- mons 47pp nopr•ia tc t0 1h: occasion Mere delivered. Tho merchants desire u; to in - furls those peoparin; joultry for m:ark:et to discontinue sc-i1<tin,g the LOW!.While it rives a clearer ap- IrC'lrancc poultry (h us :treat ed arc hard to dispose of to city dealers. Sir. W. C. Huston announces 1hat )v has secured the oerviccs of Hari y Gidlcy as foreman of hisrepair de- partment.51r. Gidley has had con- siderable experience ;and i; without doubt the best in this Lin(% in he county. At the tltenticth annual meeli7L tai 11e 1lurlon PresbyterianWomen'sForeign Slissionury Society held at Scafor,th last *.veck, the treasurer's report showed that the Exeter church had raised $36 for .abs ex- pense fund. There died at Staffs on Nov. 18th RobertWebb, at I he advanced a z0 of 80 3 -ears. Mr. Webb was a miller by trade and at enc time was employed in the grist )hill al Exctcr /north. c-v:.::,t by William Fenwick, and which was destroyed by fire a num- b'r of years ago.Mr. John Wood, who for Um past two yoars has been an able .repre- sentative of the 'Counr.i1, has si .- r+stied his intention of refusing a nomination for that or any other eatinioi(• 71 office. lir. Wood Jaas served the town faithfully in the discharge of this duties and desires to thank the citizens for the hon- ors conferredon hint in Lhe past. Mr. J. Pollock, of Yorkton, N. W. T., who vis.ited dais brother-in-law, John McMahon, for a couple of weeks returned home Saturday. Ile. took with him a mixed .00rload of hor es and cattle. Lor his farm: Mr. Pollock is lour) in his prairet of the Noel hw'•st. Some few'years a go he wont .taut there with very dittll and now •0' .0s cotrsider:.lilt of t world's ;cods. Rev. a:..1 Airs. Gve:• c left on Mon- day for ( hat ham, :•wing 10 the hrn Sunday .ofMrs. Going's father, \V771. Ifarrlil, at 1112 advancc1 ;lee of 82 ye trs. Mr. flamil way :a :1i;hly respected resi•tent of Kent county, having lived there for :a great many years. 1'y occupation the deceased followed ith� pursuit, of 1170 d farmer all several year,/ azo retired to Chatham. Sirs. IIami l still survives and is ladle and heady for her rdvanccd years. The travelling public will learn with regret that Conductor ,John Quirk. of the London, Iluron & Bruce, has tendered his resignation, to take effect as soon as he can 110 relieved. Mr. Quirk has been in railroad service for 40 yews, and lately has suffered considerably with rheumatism, which is enrs c' teefor hint laking the titer he (foes. Ilav• in; been in all other branches of the Grand Trunk, he is well known by the travelling public, and no more jovial, courteous and competent con- ductor exhis(s. Ile will carry with hire the good e fishes of everybody. He has n comfortable home at Wing- hatn, where he will continue to re- side. There seems to be considerable did- satisfaction i/-satisfaotion in Exeter over the night service riven by the telephone com- panies, 4 4,e doctor,. sand vcleririorics Irvin; the loudest kickers. Whilethere are not enough Bell subscrib- ers here to !guarantee an all night.service, nor did the company 0pera1 • int in the !rural districts offer to est:ablish an all might service when organizing, still it would be of great t.t.t..'(it if service mere givert , 04 twenty-four hours in the day. it would also be of great benefit to the f linters, %who knowing 111.11 Exeter tool., be reached •tat any lour, they could a1 tiny lime of the niz)tt pro - rote assislonce in case of fuses.. The (1 t lines ate o'r*tel here at at he sone exchange andclose at 9 p. til. every day except Sunday, when the office is closed. The only way out of 111e difficulty would be to air - ran .re wi 11 the companies to estab- lish an all 40211 1 gel circ, and t here is el doubt if it coul1 be ,gotten, the a)mpany would be able to secure (iron 111 subscribers to warrant :in extension of the se vice. Malloy-Townsenel-A very ploas- inz social event •to.,k place \Vestrlct- d lye Nov. 29114 sat a neo p. nt. at the home of 51r. Thos, Townsend, 171 Western Avenue, Toronto Junction,e hen his eldest d•luzliter, Annie Louise, 0.1s married r•, 1)r. A. F. S1.aliny, of Exeter, the ceremony be- ing performed by Rev. Dr. IlazIe- '1o•rn1. The home was beautifully de- coraterf with fernns and palms. The bride looked charming in nn exqui- site iron of bistro silk over taffcl l silk and veil, 0lrryinz a shower bou- quet of w bite ttt1,e.. leer going away suit wa+ of navy blue )Jl401dcl0l It with hal t.o match. The bride assisted byh^r mister, Miss Ethel d Tnwiesen.l, town4in muesine silk, while 1)r. W, 11. ('!.rke, of \\'innipez, assist -•,1 elle gr0Clu1. After the verss many oas performed 111^ brida1 petty sat down to refreshments ferve,l en buffet. The gifts ptesenterl to the Sean; couple wear handsome 01141numerous. After receivin,t the con- zritntations of their many friends Ur. and Mrs. Malloy I(ft for Exeter where a rawly furnished Lome is await.in; them. Buy Choice Fruits +, Wool BlanketilBaradi 115 Foy ThiS We Mfor your Christ - mas cake. We buy the choicest selected fruits, so take no chances but let us fill your Christmas fruit order. Finest selected Valencia raisins. Finest California Seeded Raisins. Finest Cleaned Patras Currants. Finest Mixed Peels Finest large Shelled Almonds Finest Grenoble Shelled Walnuts Pure Sole's all at Lo:vest Prices Fine Pure all wool white BianLets, ex- cellent quality, made from long staple wool. Thoroughly scoured, free from greese, finely nspped fast colored borders. Size 56:74 price $2.75 Size 68:81 price $4.25 Size W:82 price 3.25 Size 68x88 price 5.00 Comforters Itevereible Comforts made of art print- ed cambric, assorted colors and designs fancy et itched patterns, price $2.65. Underwear Another big snap in Men's Underwear Shirts and Drawers, heavy weight guaran- teed all wool, tine ribbed, sateen facings. worth $1, selling at 75., each. Men's heavy Scotch Wool Un lerwear, guaranteed unshrinkable, pure wool, all sizes, worth 75c selling at 60c. Boys' fleeced lined Underwear. new make, well fleeced, close fitting, all sizes prices 35c to 50c. Fine stock of ladies' and misses' Under- wear, all wool. union and fleece lined in grey, white, black and red, price 25 to $1.00, Slippers and Shoes Woman's Felt Slipper with heavy felt soles in brown and black very warm and comfortable, sizes 3 to 7, price floc. Woman's Felt Shoes and Gaiters with or without leather foxing. flannel lined, sizes 3 to 7, price $1.25 and $1.50. SNELL & ROWE Market Report. -The following is the report of Exeter markets, cor- rected up to Nov. 30th. Wheat 75 to 78 bents flet' bushel. Barley, 43 to 45 cents per bushel. Peas, CO 4o 65 cents a oushel, Shorts, $20 per ton. Bran, $16 per ton. Feed Flour, $1.25 per cwt. Flour, $2.25 per cwt. Rutter. 20 cents a pound. Egos, 20 cents per dozen. Dried Apples 5 1-2 cents per Ib. Onions, 60c. per bushel. Clover seed $5 to $6 a bus. Chicken, youns, 8c. per Ib. Duck-, 9 cents per Ib. Geese, 8 cents per lb. Turkeys, 130 per lb. Coll, $6.75 a bon. 1Io;s, $5.25, live weight. Ito;s, $7.00 dressed. Ilay, $7 per ,ton. I'otar.oes, 75 cents Per bag. James Piper, the Inman constable, who shot and seriously wounded Win. Hodgins, will be tried next month on 0 charge of shooting with intent to do grievous bodily harm. Anniversary services will be held In the James strict 5!e' 110 (151 church on Dec, 10th at 10.30 .1. m. end 7 p. tn. Th:: Rev. G. W. Graham, H. A., We a:e making a specialty of of the First Methodist ohuroh, Lon- brand• don, will conduct lthe services. Spe- cial utus,c ,will lis furnished by the choir. A free will offisring is to be taken at both services in aid c.f the trustee funds. Old 13orcas (urged Loos on us Fri- day night last and ;are noticO to our people that it won about time 1he coal pile .stood )li.;h and that flannels end overcoats were handy. The wind rustdin; dowel the ,streets made woolen very careful :about their skirls tins' the men anchor their hats to i 11 10 ('ars, :1t l ,r0neraI- IY .111ings appca-ed a+ is Exeter was trying 10 1.1(•ol Chienza's Ulpll- lali0l* as a "Windy City." The wirul tossed the electric li.zhd wires around, 01141 it looked as if Charlie Snell was at Home •ot 1114 01,1 hick; with his I:eW machinery. Just a suggestion for Xmas, -Why not send your boy or girl who is away from home the. Times for one year. It will be appreciated anal only coats a dollar. CORN Having purchased a car of corn we are in a position to supply our cus- tomers with corn. We will exchange corn for oats. Flour One of dealers to whom we had shipped two tons of Star Flonr a few days before sent in his order as fol- lowe:- 11----, Nov. 23,'05 Gentlemen.- Please send me another ton of your flour, all in 98 lb. sacks and oblige, yours truly, J. C -- P .S. -Your flour gives perfect satis- faction, If you want a flour that "gives per- fect satisfaction" use STA it I oaks us f � I t he Onfctri(A Govern- ment or.rn- ment intends putting a stop too Americans iroinz ho Windsor :dna 4(1tint married. \\'indsalr leis for a 10(74 time been 1111(4 "Gn,lnl Green" of Canada. i1 is estimated that over 1001) couples trot married there every year, the .4r00tor portion of thein coming nv.10 4I)0 Anl(+rionn cs1d0 '1'h:: different issuers of rnarriaz0 licv'nse+ have r0111(1OGI9 7,1111 the ministers and there is an much, com- pilation in their :litre as with U,n inerchantq. I'ublishinz of the ti- e.'rrse and possibly 0 short residence in Canada only be demanded, PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TO(•RM TO MEXICO Bandied by lb' 11 Campbell, the author of the Only Reliable Guide to SI:•xico, and Sl.u►.aser American Tourist Association, ate Grin; a•• - ranged 10 ,to v1, til•• Groot Trunk Railway 8',stenl. (':+rticulars 7111 be ,announced later. Mr. Campbell has hid f5 years' t•x(1('rirnce in Mcxiaul Hours, and 1hey iare Ibe only ones thark positively take in all the intcrl7stin. poets, and are not cuverevl by any other parties. Ills own f l inion e:lr "Q11:*I1t- zintccotu•a1zin," :mil open lop On• servation car "Chililitli,'' a re The largest 0n41 finest in the y:•rid. FARRQIJIIA1R Ik►averss 110(:4. nr.• hrty in; die -se 1 poultry. Wrn, iir:ly is huulinz material for his 1,n hnu s n hien Ill intends to build next 4'11111111er- Afr. D. A, S1cNirnl and 5. Dune an have returned froth 51 inilnb•*. Aliso Jean it:alfour, who his ls'cn visit.inz Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sic - Gill, left for her home at \Volesley, J1:111., last week. this 10,000 bushels wheat wanted. HARVEY BROS. Merchant Millers EXETER, ONTARIO, .4 is we.... wmpatee awmii. sea ....EINIIIiimmaimpswillIMM FLOUR, FEED AND GROCERIES In addition to a full stock of Flour. Feed and Groceries, we have on hand some first class Timothy Seed, the best to be had. We have also a supply of the cheapest and best Stock Food. Produce taken in Exchange. S. HARDY & SON C e. - t.,, ,, r 1.1i1: '\\'i1A1' To GiVE' QUESTION confronts you :again. II's Christmas tine' :'1.•1 you want to .give only appropriate. There are plenty -•` nice things, but ;immi; then all nothin; is more appreciated 'ban PINE 1 I:IliiTMES, TOILET Miss SusieSieellyllvillc', of Reiman, is \\r ETC. vvi4i1ins ),'r M, Stis. J. E. Ste- \\r love a firer Assortment 0f these fool: :and all other :,rticles for presents.' SI r. G(•orge Inky is spending :e 100in tl,(' drnz line. We arr sure to days with his uncle, Mr. John Ilsley, satisfy Yon and only ask that you Le re, tonic in and see for yourself. Thr ;nn:i,.+ have all In,•n tint in W. S. HI OWE Phm. B. `old st 011:1 411. Chemist and Optician, Exeter, Ont LLSVEGETABLE SICILIAN Hair Renewer Always restores color to gray hair, all the dark, rich color it used to have. The hair stops falling, grows lone and heavy, and all dandruff dfas ,, An el - ntdressin ' . a�.'"> For the next week we are going to giv some very special bargains in Furs and Over- coats. This will be a chance for you to get one CHEAP. We are going to make them hum. FURS Ladies' Dog Coats, good curl, nice and glossy 30 and $35. Ladies' Greenland Seal Coats, the best coat on the market, we are the sole sellers, $45. Ladies' Neck Ruffs, Beauties at 3, 5, and $7 ; Better at 10, 12, and $20. Men's Dog Coats, we sell the best, at $20 Men's Calf Coats, we have them for 25 and $28 Men's Black Curl Coats, for only $12.5o Children's Grey Lamb Furs, Best Quality, EXamil • FUR C ATS- In 1)og, Persian Lamb, Seal and Be. OVERCOATS For a good stylish Gents or Little Gents Overcoat, don't have to pass us. We have them of the very 1 design and newest patterns at low prices -Men's atc. to, $t3 -Boy's at 3, 4, 5 and $6. A few odd lint Overcoats suitable for working coats for 2 and $3. A few more of those Hose at 15c per pr. C.ARIJING- EROS_ i•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••% XMA gall RNITURE C C tO $5 00. When you are making an Xmas. Present nothing is more suitable than a nice piece of Furniture. W, C, HUSTON, Funeral Director. •NN•NNNN••NNN••4 ♦•••••NNN••N••N•••N• SAVING 15 A HABIT One of the most profitable, habits you can form, start now. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. INTEREST PAID 4 Times a Year. . Sovereign Bank of Canal OREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICK, HET BXBTER BRfiNGI1 r JOSEPH SNELL, GLADMAN & STANBtII MANAGER, SOLICITORS. r. - BIG CUT ON PRICES OF OVI3RCOA i ALL OUR OVERCOATS MUST $10.00 and $12.00 Overcoats for $8:_ 9.00 ff ff 7 8.00 ff if 7.50 `f ff ni 6.00 ff ff 5.50 ff ff 3.75 ff ff &c., &c., &c., &c. We do not want one overcoat left JANUARY 1st., 1906. 25 per cent off on all our Men's and B Suits. COME TO US FOR CLOTHING. All Accounts due us mush paid by DECEMBER 1st, 19 TERMS: --Produce or Cash. NO GOODS GIVEN ON APPROBATION. NO GOODS TAKEN BOCK MTER PIP Poplestone & Gardi One door north of Post Office. 4 -