HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-11-30, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES, NOVEMBER 30th 1905. MEND ire Jelly D) se Cream rritable skin, 'ace and Lips, f and all the of the skin ings tore EZ �TA$ANTEED. Times rEMBEIt, 1905 5 12 19 28 '( 8 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 8 15 22 29 0 16 23 30 10 17 24 ,1118 25 30t Is, 1905 BE MENT money for uildin; up an r town, where a very limited kings is ex - lain Cement eh she people ave contrib- of $100,000 to 1 of the con- tockholder in; stow n unfailll- whose prox- ir election, been 3 mh9- and 4t is to ext •meeting, nutes of the n such alio c 3y be • able In .of affairs Ind restore IS late y been • 3 are near 'n ••. zht, not ii chur- nfiiu pro - breath or tion of the of a real chow- %vho nly otic ,spring im the For us, .For the memos appoint - 11ity un - o town. Ives of he of- repa- hol d- m. far tin see tin; the rn the 1 'they given t %%it - 1 and id up of w t.e 0'1 n at Vail Of awl e fir.it bar and t. No in- t atilt ';L li suicide. The Surrounding News► \la.. :.col \1a:. Whedel" Intl _011 spent Sunday in S•aforlh returning a gain on Sunday night. The committee, appointed to pro- vide a program for Suns hii,c church Christmas night, are busy getting up the entertainment. This event :will he eagerly Iar.,ke,I forward to by u .great many a hu hive enjoyed themselves at Suiriliiiie in 111u pest. To each of our subscribers paid up to Jan. 07 we are ;giving a beautiful calendar. Renew at once. Do not let anybody inveigle you into taking another paper by claiming "It is just as good." The Times has all the news. A call at our public s.ol►o,l %%il1 convince anyone that the efficent teachers, 111r. blcl)ouz,ll and Miss Howard urs progressive in the build- ing up of (the youthful mind. 'Ili - daily studies of the boys and girl. aro thoroughly di;estedr'in tho clas- ses, and if any that ter its ton perplex- ing to any (pupil, specie' attention k given to the child unfit ho has ac- quired .t thorough knowledge of the subject. A literary society has been formed for the benefit of the trohol- ars and entertainments are riven reelay afternoons, the program con- sisting of debates, etc. These enter- tai'.tmonts are •,_ rcatly appreciated by the children and etre looked for - weird to with a great deal of -in- terest. The parents are cordially in- vited to attend. WINCIIELSI!A Items of Interest Here and There Furnished By Our Correspondents. CREDITON lo each of our subscribers paid up to Jan. 07 %we are ;giving a beautiful calendar. Renew at once. Do not let anybody inveigle you into taking another paper by claiming "It i9 just as -good." The Times has all .the news. \Panted. -10,000 pounds of poultry We wish to unnounee to Alter vublic that we are now taking in 'poultry and can handle 10,000 pounds for which we will sssy tfie Phi;11e.stt roars ket prices. We will also pay tho highest prices for clover, atsike, and timothy seed. See us before dis- posing of your seed. S. Brown. Cred- iton. Silver Wedding. - On Thursday evening' November 23rd, many- friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs, Hen- ry Either gathere:i at the home'do offer congratulations to She bride and .;roam of 25 years ago. Up- wards of 30 (friends were entertained by the couple. Congratulatory ad- dresses were given by Rev. Damm, Fred Eilber, ,Christopher j<v'ilber. Jacob IIaist and Joseph Hoist. Mr. and Mrs. Eilber were reciepients of several c beautiful presents as remem- brances of the .occasion from 'their friends. The Times joins Ile many friends in wishing, 'them many years of happiness and .mood fortune and that they will Jive) to celebrctto the golden anniversary of their •.wed- ding day. Young Bros. have (the contract for putting on the tnet•alic ceiling in )3o•nsenberry's new hotel at Grand Bend. • Mr. C. Illuet1 .and son, Evelyn, were in Forest der a ;fcww days on business. The regular meeting of the Liter- ary Society w•os held at the 'home of Mr. S. Brown on Friday evening last. Rev. Mr. Damm was chairman. The following interesting programme was well rendered.-I'iono Solo, Miss Attie Holtzman; Iteading, Miss Ella Link ; Focal Solo, ?Miss Ella Heave Piano Solo, Mrs. C. illuet1 ; Mee ins, Miss Myrtle Clarke ; Vona Solo, Dr. llaigt ; Piano Solo, M herb Eilber. Upon the conclusio of the above numbers, the ulebato o Resolve that Canada would be bette as an Indcpendant state than s1 is at present. Mr. C. llluett and M P.Banes for the affirmative and M A. Amos, Mr. Ira Brown end M II. Eilber for the negative. The judges were Rev. Mr. Damm. Dr. Hoist and Mr. Geo. Hirtzet. t Tho decision was ,given in favor of the A i V C art esadc The next meeting will be held next Friday .at tho home of Mr. Walter Clark, when a paper on -Oliver Twist" by .Mr. Robinson and a paper on II. M. Stanley by Miss Stella Anderson will be liven. The ladies of the Foreign -Mission- ary y oca ly ;ave Ilhe program it the Epworth Lea pie on Monday even- ing. .\1r. B. Baker, of London, awns in town for a few days on business. Mr. Norman (leaver who has been working in Pigeon Mich., returned home on Friday night last. Mr. Fred Wein, who has been lin the London hospital for treatment, home Saturday- greatly improved. Mr. Albert Morlock ,,,who has been on i he sick list for the past few days is .ze:ting around again. Mr. and Mrs. Chas .Fahner /eft this week for Killarney, Manitoba, where they will make their future home. The best wishes or their many friends go wit them for n safe journey and a prosperous and useful life in (their new horse. Mrs. Prcetcr arid her sister-in-law Miss t'reeter, of Zurich, visited Mra. 8. ltrown on Sunday. Mr. C. %wwicker has a beautiful showing of the ,latest stylea in 1sats and bonnets in his millinery ,rooms. This department is under the ..able in na zement of Miss Colvin Mr. %wwicker is desirous of reducing him stock of pails before CLristtn:as. Bar- gains %will be riven. 7'h'• following' prices a re ,,ring Mr. If. Silber is Lavin•; tho 'inter- ior .of his office repainted an reno- vated. The boys of 'Crediton are ;always 011 the lookout for some enjoyment and always take advantage of every 'op- portunity that ptresents , itself. whether it be .a wcddirtz, garden party or church social, and ,while the hand has been invited' Ito hake part in these functions it. (has rte• cline(' on amount of not having a drummer. Now things have ellen-get' we have one and a dandy one too, Mr. Marney- Brown, our genial shoo merchant, without whom •all these gatherings would be rather dull. Ile had his first spnacti:;e one :Wigle last week and if reports are true his fame as a drummer has been es- tablished. ' t WHAT CAUSES SNORING When asleep, people !that snore breathe ill rough 11./3 men irat cad of the rsatitrils which are choked with catarrh. Just use "Ca.tarrhrs zona" before retiring and you'll quickly cure the morin; habit. Ily dots Toys t y ng the cause of catarrh and healing the membranes. Catarrho- zone makes n oomplete cure in every case ;,it cleans tlhe nostrils, stops the discharge and prevents dropping in the throat in a few minutes. Noth- ing' so pleasant or certain Jo Cure snoring, catarrh or colds as Catarrh- oaore-that's worth remembering. IIENSALi. To each of our subscribers paid up to Jan. 07 we are ;giving a beautiful calendar. Renew- at once. Do not let anybody inveigle you into taking another paper by elaimirtg "It is just as goad." The Times has all tIte news. Mr. Jas. Bonthnon has sold his splendid harm on Itho 3r0 ooncessioa of tiny, to Mr. Jas. Ross. of Stanley, for t ho sunt of $6,400. This farm contains 100 acres, is .within a mile r; and a half of lit/Mall, hag ou it ,zoo's d- buildings. and is one of the best 1 farms in the (township. Mr. Bon - r. throe retains possession until spring n when himself and Mrs. Bonthnon will n retire from the more aotivo duties ✓ of life ba enjoy a well earned rest. le It is over 40 years since they nettled r. on this farm and their .industry and r. good management now enable them r. to retire on a competency. They will likely come ars Hensall (td reside. A ;rand literary and musical en- tertainment and fowl supper under the auspices of the Canadian Order of Foresters, 1 res Uers, was held in Ohs lodge room on Friday evening last. There was a very targe atlertda•nco •of the brethren, a000mpanicd by their wives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Taylor were in Lucan recently visiting their (laughter. fires. Taylor . Miss Ethel Murdock hag accepted a situation as (hook keeper with n London firm and deft hero on. Mon• day last to cnzaze in hon duties. Miss Jennie Murray returned home last week from Dundas, where she had 1 been visisinz her brother. r John. The fortnightly meeting under the auspices of the Young i'eople's so• ciety of Carmel church was held in the basement of the ohurch ort Mon- day eve ole last . The attendance was very fair and an intetestin; de- bate formed the program for the evening. Miss Macdiarntid, of Lowe former- ly of Dundas, spent part of hast wweck and t his with iter cousin, 'Dr. Mac- diarmid of this village. \1'e are pleased oto see 'that Mr. It. Cudmore, contractor, is •recovering nicely from his recent tioeident, cou- pled with :an .Ifter illness. and 13 ;O• in; about again. Mr. Jas. Stewart was in Guderich last wweek visit in r 'relatives. A debate was 110111 in the Metlocli41 church Friday eveninz under the auspices of the Woman's Christian Temperance• I'nion, in wvhich Mr. Win. Johr:st,on, of liippon, 1)r. Sel- t•:,ry and 1)r. Ferguson, of llensoll. .and Mr. John Rowwcliffe, of .t'sbornc, trr>k part. The subject was" Teen tee -once ,and Ie;illation Connoted tlee re%%1th." paid here for Butter 20c. ;errs 20e. alsike $4 to $5 a bushel ;Timothy $l to $1.40; reel .clover 1115.75 'to $6.50. A very pleasant ;and (•njeyable evening was spent by •t number of our young (people at the homeof sI r. l r:t.k '1.sylor on Tuesday last. Miss Emma Snider, of ik'troit, is wisitieg :at the home of Mr. John Tre•ity. Bev. Mr. Damns, who hos ),ren preaching •I series of-errnons on Div iv` Healing, prc iched the last of the series on Sunday evening. The services were well attendee! and much ir:'ter•est taken in the sermons. wliss Martha \\'ent:eel has returned from Zurich where tike Isis (born vis- iting for a few days, Mr. :arm! Mts. W. :McMurray and child of Mi'a-uri, aro visiting Mrs. McMurray. Mrs. A. Brown end family ore vi;atinz ti:•r parents. Mr. and Mrs. 1;. Gaiser, Mr. Fact Jones ,gond \Pm. ilender- v•>n, r.f London, were in 4he. villa re calling c•n friends this week. Mr. Wm. 11 deer his returned from Manitoba where he has spent (11e past f:'w tnonahs. Rev. G. W. Ai...lr.•wv ant family of ('entralil, called on his brother, Hey. J. W. Anclrews on Saturd►y. A quiet weddil: z was solenlniae•t at the Methodist. parsonase tor week w hen Mr. Jas. Flinn. •u1 i Mi-- Jin' Ann Scott were united in m.u-- ci e. The ceremony was performed by Item. \1 r. An•I,.'we Th' t'ri le. - aid was Mitis II'Iy►:n a sister •cwf ,ih^ ;room, while_ the ,zroom was •a,',i:•t• .1 by Mr. Forrest, of Parkhill. The invitations arc out for 1 he marriaxe of Mist \'ictorit M.Iy :1 re drown. daughter of R^v. 3..W. An draws to Mr, 3. Wesley Boyce, on Wednesday, l)rc. GIle, at 12 o'clock noon, Mr. John %ref?", of )lensall, spent toy days with telltivcs in the vil- THOSE ANNOYING iBLACKi1l:ADS External -.pplicallens will never remove pima!'••• or blackheads. Only by stimulating eirculatk,n and puri- fying' the blood c in it I;c done. For quick sure release .from these pests use Ferrezore : it .drives all humors from Ile Irked, snakes the skin healthy, (dell's up 11e syetens, Witlt Ilse pure null it:sus bkaod mad., by I'ernozor:'e it's imposeiblc to surf( r from any skin sibs' ere. You'll have 1 Frnoath deli thtf111 skin Leal( by and Ir.•ouliful cornplexio l by thing Ferrozore-• nd you'll feel im- uIrrsly better as v ell. Fifty rents buy's a box contdeininx fifty cleoco• late (-toted tablet+ al lily drug shore. Scrofula letoughveryhygotter a= sdi air,hupure water, ars amoug Its causes. It is called "the soli for tubercles. and where it. h allowed to remain tubercu- losis or consumption k pretty sure to tae root. Hood's Sarsaparilla Removes !,rave at sarotklla. Gat !"IoOj's. for lestlesontsb of ',mortals gree MM kr look on &retitle. No. 1. C. I. flood Cs.. Lewri. Mme KIRKTON To each of our subscribers paid up to Jan. 07 we ore :giving. a beautiful calendar. Renew at once. Do net let anybody inveigle you into taking another paper by claiming "It is just as good." The Times has nll the news. Mrs. James Kent, and son George returned last Thursday from Brit isi, Columbi:t where they spent a couple months. Dr. Campbell, who recently pur chased the practise of Dr. Ferguson is very touch (pleased with the condi deuce that is being placo3 in hie by ,the residents of Kirkton and vi cinity. Dr. Campbell is a man of wide experience, and although but about 31 year's of age, has voyaged 110 the Orient. !twice in the eapacaty as ship surgeon. After (graduating from the Toronto University he was 119030 surgeon at one of ,tho Toronto hospitals for some time, and later was surgeon for the Comedian Copper Company. About three yeerie ago he Left for London, England, taking up special medical studies and while there was made a member of the London Royal College of Surgeons. trim was offered Lo position as sur- geon on a British moil steamer ply- ing through the Medi.torrcann.-tn to the Orient and exec p t ed. Tea Dr. has a developed taste far amateur phototrc1phy and. los a ,longe num- ber of photos ns souvenirs of his ex- tensive tnavels. The mill mats closed .clown a few days last week for repairs. A loose crank pin on •Mho engine was the cause of the ttroublc, and while LW) was being repaired, Mr. IIazlewood made extet:.vive oileraaions to the boiler fourotation and hire bed. Op- erations were resumed Saturday and the mill is .now- 1unuiat.; overtime to keep up with (rho demands.Sh r & Marshall's new barn is now under headway. That few days of pleasant weather was what the .farmers greatly -de- sired to harvest their crop of roods. Rev. Veale, the Methodist prtor here, is . guise damili•ir wish thio rec- tion of the country. ;thirty-threeyears -a;° he was stationed at the Elimville appointment ;and about fif- teen years ago had charge of Oho Creditchurch. Mrs. Jas. Moore, of Ifawksville sp^al par of dart week tin (the vi- oi:tity ;Intl villa;o vi!JJing friend). Mns•�.r• t. Percy and Everett Doupe r relttred home •on Sat urtloy Last af- ter spanding the .past three months in Manieoh:I. They r.w., "prl Loving' had a zo••(1 lints and like .tho coun- try. Mr. Dou.l:as Wardla%V, Who has been in 1 be employ of \I r. St, Donis!for the last .1w•, year; left on Bun day list for Mitclwll (nom which point he started on Monday with, a car -load of export .eal tic for Liver= pool for Mr. Thos. Reale. Mr. Alfred Miller while in the net of getting into the mow during the threshinz at Mr. Win. lionises, Ices his hold on a beam and fell back on to the Scl.aritor and from 'thence to Ile, flog striking his head agninst a post rendering him unconscious for a time. Ile is 'nig !y t ecovcrin; from the effects. Mr. Hugh Snaith, of St. Marys, made a pleasant call on old time friends rn Friday Last. Some of the .your; mete ant boys of I he not thberhoo•l serer.] Mr. N. 3. Fletcher on Monday evening eat her d^monstrat ive and noisily. Turkeys found t w aran:tint plac:'1 and plat;ies found high raids. THOUSANDSflirt or CONSTIPA- TION No nontlilion causes •:o m:uwy in- curable diseases as Const ip•al ion. 14 not only prevents ohs kidneys front elimir,atinz.the pcOoaoui ,1 I.5 ,5, bug c.au.^s anaemia, ;(omac1 trouble au•I inti re scion. Why won't you u•. • Ur. Hamilton's Pili, and rot cured? This ex✓rllcnt remedy restores 1101/1/11 b, mel action in one night. Thous- ands say so. Your system will be pure and clean, you'll be free trestle lie tdaches, no more soar !vontach- is short you'll hlos jow•ial spirits an.l perfect ;cod h. Dr. Bamilton's fills aro sold every'. hero, 25z. •a box.Get the ;onuine. I i'IiF; DI'1:11.\.`•i i !MONOCLE is publishing all isailable informa- tio•t that r,l••,ul1 rr• I: ono 11:oete.fK- h,:t,lers of the Nitiot:•il Portland Ce- ra: •9r Co. itea.l it •an.! keep pasted. 1 doiL•or a year. t•ifly rents for :ax r.tonl hs. 8ubseribo to -day. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Sigeetnro Dears the /7Y ,' R.. _ JOYS OF MATERNITY i A WAI't ZEST MOPES REALIZE( Mre. Potts Tells How Women Should Prepare for Motherhood The darkest days of husband and wife are when they Como to look for- ward to childless and lonely old age. Many s wife has found herself inca- pable of motherhood owing to a dis- placement of the womb or lack of strength in the generative organs. Mrs: Polls Frequant backache and distressing pains, ,otnpanied by offensive dis- charges and generally by irregular and scanty menstruation indicate a dis- placement or nerve degeneration of the womb and surrounding organs. The question that troubles women is how can a woman who has some fe- male trouble bear healthy children? Mrs. Anna Potts, of 510 Park Avenue, Hot Springs, Ark., writes : My Dear firs. Pfnkham:- ' Daring the early part of my married life I was delicate e in heath ; both my husband and I were very anxious for a child to bless our home, bat I had two miscarriages and could not carry a child to maturity. A ne bbor who had bean cured by Lydia E. Pin 's Vefstsble Compound advised me to try t. I ddld so and soon felt that I was growing strooget, my headaehes.and backaches left me, iI had no more bearing -down pains, and felt like a new woman. Within a year I became the mother of a stronf, healthy�r child, the joy of our home. Lydia E. Pia)t• byrl'r _Vegetable Compound is certainly a rwho wants to dy, become co edad motherm wish every would tryr man Actual sterility in woman is very rare. If any woman thinks she is ster- ile, let her try Lydia E. Pinkham'f Vegetable Compound and write to Mrs. Plnkham, Lynn, Masa, Her advice is free to expectant or wonld-be mothers. HAYFIELD '1'0 each of our sulscrihers told up to Jan. 07 owe are giving a beautiful calendar. (tenter at once. Do t:ot let anybody inveigle you into takia; another paper by claiming "It is just as good." The Times has all the news. O tt Sunday ,next it is expected itev. Professor ilurge-s will administer the sucr:uucnt in Trinity churoh. Mr. J. E. Tom. of Godcrich, I'cblio school inspector, visited our solool last week. The Misses Ihurt►sides of Varna. are visiting' -their sister. Mrs. Eddie Itcid a t present. Mr. Mason and Miss McBrien. of Clint WI spent Sunday in the village. Mr. Murdock Boos.. who is• lishin� at Port Frank, spent- Sunday al' his home . Itev. McNeil cxchanzed pulpitis with the Itev, Shaw•, of Ezmorelvillc, last Sunday. The annual meeting of 1 he Boy - field branch ilible society will be held in the Methodist Church ab 7.31) on Friday evening. Addresses w i11 bo ,riven hy rhe Itevs. Steadman and McNoi 1. Atr. Robert Bailey, who Etas (nen on=o zea on the (aovernm(ntt /survey bolt, the RiyfietI, the past .summer, his returned home. WILLN YOU HAVE A BAD COLD l'ou want a remedy (hat will not only give you quick relief but effect a pormaneftt cure. You want a remedy that will re- lieve the lungs and keep expectora- tion easy. You want a remedy • that will counteract any tcndaacy toward pncurnan,a. V011 want a remedy 11111 i+ pleas- ant and soft to take. Chamberlain's Cough e.nedy meeHw all of these requirements ttnol for the .speedy and permanent cure of l•ad colds stands without a peer. For sale in Exeter by W. 8. Ii•,wcy. f'RYIC" Silver -Plated Ware Wearing quality should be the chief consideration in selecting silver-plated tableware -and then comes beauty in design. Plato from Diamond IlalIs own factory prac- tically equals solid silver in its effect, both as to durability and artistic merit. For $3.00 we will send prepaid one dozen tea- spoons in n favored Old English pattern. IYRIL. BROS. LIMITED 134.138 YONOR ST. TORONTO • OMT. . _ - •••N••N•NNN•••••N•N •••••••••••••••••••••••••••N ••N•••NN••••• FCIIPISTI'1AS SH AT THE PING LONDON GROGKERY GO., 169 Dunda . St.. London. Christmas Giving brings more pleasure to the giv- er than to the one receiv- ing the gift, but it is sometimes very perplex- ing to choose something that will be within one's) price and at the sante time please the person you wish to give it to. We make that part of it easy for you. let. Our Stock is so large and well assorted you are not limited to a few articles to choose from. 2nd. Our Stock is all new. Your time is not taken up trying to buy something that will please you. 3rd. Our Stock is all bought direct from the makers of the goods and our prices are as low as it is possible to find, in fact, taking into consideration, quality of ware, our prices are lower for good goods than other Crockery Stores ask for inferior quality. Everything we • sell you is what we say it is, if not, you may return it to us and get I• your money back, Come in, and Look over Our Tables. • 1Oc Tablets, 16e Tables and 215c Tables -Filled with good useful articles in China, Etc. 213e Tables SOc. Tables and 111.00 Tabtes- Immense assortment of Useful and Ornamental Fancy China, Art Tableware, every piece of excellent value and sure to be appreci- ated. $1.213 Tables and $1.60 Tables -Every piece on these Tables are beautiful in design and finish and make beautiful gifts Z Imllense variety of Fancy China of' all makes -Tea Se` ' Hiner Sets, Toilet Sets, Lamps, everything in l• Cre''i 'y. COME AND SEE US. • : LONDON GROGKERY GO 169 Dundas • . St., London. • WE tPREPAY express or freight charges on alt) -shr ^ice 2 *ADO or over.„.„,01-,‘-'" eta a -,a}b 014 : ••••••••••••••••••N••• NN•# 'I. •••••••••••••••••••••••N•••• MARA'S Phone 1684. 134 Dundas Street and Carling Street, Opposite Market Lane, Former Sereaton Premises. I ON"IDOrT, ONTARIO EVEitirruI11TG NEW Tremendous Slaughter For Next 7 Days! DEEP CUTTING WILL TELL. Flannelette Remnants, heavy weight, 32 inches wide, in stripes, light and dark patterns; reg. 8-c, for yd. 50 Children's and Misses' Ribbed Vests, winter weight fit girls from 2 years up to 12; reg. 15 & 20c for each 10e White Lambskin Blankets, large size, heavy quality, white only ; regular 90c, for pair . , . , 690 Grey Union Blankets, size 54 in. by 72 in. fancy borders, Al quality; reg. $1.50. To clear, pair $1.00 Linen Crash Toweling, red borders, 18 incises wide, regular 9c, for, yard 64o Worsted Yarn Hose, seamless, wear like iron, sizes 61- to 10; regular arc, for, pair 25c MEN, BE ON HAND EARLY. Men's Wool Fleece Underwear, guaranteed not to knot in washing, sizes 36 to 44 ; reg. 60, for, each 42c - Men's Blue and White Overalls, bib or plaits, sizes 34 to 44 ; regular 55e, for, pair 390 Misses' and Girls' Winter .rackets, Al trimmed ; fit girls from 6 to 12 ; regular $3.50, for $1.92• Grey Eiderdown, for Bath Robes and Dressing Sacques, 54 inches wide ; regular ;tae, for, yar50e Boys' School Suits with pleat, sizes 24 to 29 ; regular $2.00, for ........$1.471 Mail Orders Especially Attended to. THE 110LSONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855) • • • • $3,000.000.00 $3,00000000 1A Branches to Ontario. Quctee. Alberta Ilritlsh Columbia and Mtnitobit RESERVE FUND • EXETER BRANCH Open every lawful Day from 10 A. M. to 3 r. st. except Patients, le' A. r. to 1 P. at. Partners' Sale Notew cashed or collected. Forma supplied seelleatlon. Mt FIR en all points In the Dominion, Greet Mita Ina Un• stud State., bought and atoll at lowest ratan of exchange. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits o $1.00 ant upwards received. interest com- pounded half ;valley, and 90(1M to princiral June Stith and December *1.t. 1)e• AdIts ltectir1.o bled and hiaheat current rates of Interest allowed, 4 ..14ou Advances made to (sinners etock dealers and business men at lowest rater and on most fat create teres. Agresti at Miele? for Dom. Derma's,. Dlokl3on d1 Carling, ilothcitorr. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• D. HURDON, Massager. NN•••N •